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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 6838
 - posted
Just a hello basically to all those in the forum. Life has been kind of boring as of late but i am not quite sure how as i am always working or taking care of my children,or exercising for an hour and half every single day, not to mention trying to get it through a couple of very stubborn ex boyfriends heads that i am in a committed relationship now and that i do not want to be with them. Seems with all the drama i would be very entertained but halas i am bored and waiting as the days go by. I think every day I think about my next trip and make plans as to what i will buy to wear to please my man ( no not lingerie for those who think that way) but clothes that he will enjoy seeing me in no matter where we are. I just recieved my passport back as i had to have new pages added i had used up all of the passport in 2 years with my trips to egypt. I am agonizing over the fact that my trip has been postponed from january until mid february, only about 6 weeks later but seems an eternity as i have only been home about 12 weeks now and it is torture. I am sure it is the same for many that are doing this long distance thing.

Any way would love to hear from any of you just general talk or whatever, something to keep me occupied i guess.

And I should add this: God watch over all of the suffering people of the entire world and bring comfort to them.
Seems wrong somehow that the focus is now on the victims of the hurricane because i feel that while not all but most americans have been insensitive to the suffering caused in the wars across the world in iraq and afghanistan and palestine, we are suddenly so so compassionate over the victims of this storm. Did anyone ever stop to think that this storm was sent to usa for a reason?? To show us just a small taste of the suffering that is happening across the world in the nations we hardly think about, this kind of suffering, losing loved ones, starving, disease, no shelter... it happens daily to people across the world so while we should be supportive and sensitive to what happened here we should also pray for those that are not here that are suffering much worse as they have no one to help them.

Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by mysticheart:
Did anyone ever stop to think that this storm was sent to usa for a reason?? To show us just a small taste of the suffering that is happening across the world in the nations we hardly think about, this kind of suffering, losing loved ones, starving, disease, no shelter... it happens daily to people across the world so while we should be supportive and sensitive to what happened here we should also pray for those that are not here that are suffering much worse as they have no one to help them.

Hi mysticheart.

I don't normally think this way but I have to say I did think this too and wondered if this was God's wake up call to the U.S.A.

Hope your time passes, but you should not be wishing your life away like this.


Member # 8770
 - posted
I thought i should reply and say Cheer up!! Think of all the good things. Like strawberry ice cream and chocolate cake! If only life was that simple hey? What have we done to make things so complicated? It shouldnt be this hard should it? Maybe we all think too much. Lets stop thinking, analising and start living!
Member # 6453
 - posted
Hi Mysticheart,

I believe strongly God is very merciful and forgiving, and I do not believe at all, he would punish and let those suffer in that matter.

One situation is caused directly by free will of a man.

The other a "Natural Disaster".

If we think like that the Tsunami," what did they do to deserve that"??

I know my mother , when a severe tornado would hit years ago, especially a lot of the "old people" would believe, God was sending a message for people to bond together, so much fighting in the world.

At least many people are helping out bringing the homeless , and giving them shelter in their own home.

They are asking employers , to call in, they need jobs and homes.

Today our hospital trauma helicopter unit returned from the site, much worse than the pictures on Tv. They were stabilizing patients, and transporting them , and also medical personnel.

Some have been"black-coded" meaning patients that are beyond medical help at the make-shift triage, in other words close to death. If they were at a hopital immediately they possibly could have been saved. Really a tradgedy.

I think we shouldn't confuse one with the other, meaning this isn't a punishment, same as Tsunami victims.

We have to think positive and pray and go forward, help all.

Majority of americans do not agree, and are ashamed and embarrased by this administration.



Member # 6838
 - posted
Originally posted by Alana:
Hi Mysticheart,

I believe strongly God is very merciful and forgiving, and I do not believe at all, he would punish and let those suffer in that matter.

One situation is caused directly by free will of a man.

The other a "Natural Disaster".

If we think like that the Tsunami," what did they do to deserve that"??

I know my mother , when a severe tornado would hit years ago, especially a lot of the "old people" would believe, God was sending a message for people to bond together, so much fighting in the world.

At least many people are helping out bringing the homeless , and giving them shelter in their own home.

They are asking employers , to call in, they need jobs and homes.

Today our hospital trauma helicopter unit returned from the site, much worse than the pictures on Tv. They were stabilizing patients, and transporting them , and also medical personnel.

Some have been"black-coded" meaning patients that are beyond medical help at the make-shift triage, in other words close to death. If they were at a hopital immediately they possibly could have been saved. Really a tradgedy.

I think we shouldn't confuse one with the other, meaning this isn't a punishment, same as Tsunami victims.

We have to think positive and pray and go forward, help all.

Majority of americans do not agree, and are ashamed and embarrased by this administration.


I dont think of it as a punishment more of a lesson to be learned, yes many many innocent people suffered and were lost in this but i feel there was a message in it.

Member # 6453
 - posted

I have to disagree, most americans are not insensitive, to the suffering of the people overseas.

Most americans were against the invasion of Iraq.

Why would we not have compassion for the victims of the hurricane, they are innocent and due to a natural disaster!??

If there is a hidden message , "what is the message you feel the people from the Tsunami disaster should take with them?"

American people are good hearted people and
always doing for other nations, and it is time to take care of our own.

Member # 6453
 - posted

One last point: How can you compare suffering?

What if a natural disaster hit your state, should we not have compassion, or help you? Or leave you to die and suffer??

Member # 3864
 - posted
I think its really not so surprising anymore that when an American woman gets involved with a national whose country despises America she instantly loses pride in her nationality and even begins to hate her nationlity.

Even worse when she switches religions to please him.

Such a Davidian trait.

Member # 6838
 - posted
Originally posted by Alana:

One last point: How can you compare suffering?

What if a natural disaster hit your state, should we not have compassion, or help you? Or leave you to die and suffer??

No no, you are misunderstanding my meaning. Its ok im not quite sure how to put the words so that you understand what i mean really. I dont hate america its self sonomod but there are some things about it that i cant stand and that happened before i ever met anyone from out of the country. Of course we should have compassion, as i said i feel very badly for the people. I guess i am just surrounded at the moment by people that did support the war and that is hard to accept but its not only that, I see people from everywhere each day, i hear the conversations, and our media has concentrated on the loss of our troops which hey, they are people and they had families and they are gone, i feel badly for their families for the loss. But we see the coverage of the military losses for america, what about the innocent little children killed each day there? do they not deserve some recognition? but what really gets me.... since the hurricane all of a sudden that is the center of focus, its like the whole world stopped and nothing is more important or even as important.There is nothing more about what is happening in iraq really or palestine or afghanistan, only the hurricane. I have family in florida, my mother for one,2 of my brothers and i also have my best friend and 2 god daughters there that are 16 months and 2 months old the youngest of which came home from the hospital only 2 weeks ago as she was 16 weeks premature, so i feel for everyone, i pray so hard each time these hurricanes come cause i have alot of people that i know that live in these areas. Please dont take that wrong, i feel for the victims i cry every time i see the news of it, but there are still other things happening. We are helping those people and its about time because it should not have taken so long to get to them. I do not hate the people of america, i hold a select few in our government as responsible for certain things. As i hold a select few responsible for the attacks that were made on america and across the world, i never judge people or nations as a whole based on what a few do. As far as most being against the war, well i know alot that were but i also know alot that were not against it and bush managed to get re elected didnt he in spite of it all.
I think as i talk about this its more my meaning that sometimes we as americans see ourselves as immune to this kind of thing, we think oh it wont happen here thats what happens in other places... well this shows us that we are not immune and major destruction and disaster and suffering can come to anyone at any moment. We need to start focusing more on family and friends and living life instead of how much money do we make, what kind of house do we have, what car do we drive... not all of us are like that but so many are. Children left home alone while parents work, some have no choice but others do and they choose work over time with their children. Parents get old and we put them in old people homes instead of giving them care at home (if possible cause sometimes the medical problems are more than a person can handle) but for those who are simply old they have no reason to be put in those places..

And sonomod, if you are suggesting that i switched religions for a man, you are wrong, i am still christian i am thinking of converting but i have yet to make that final decision, i feel i have more to learn before i can consider myself muslim. He only introduced me into learning about it so that i may understand it more, he in no way suggests that i convert, he only answers questions that i come up with, other than that he doesnt mention religion and it was my idea to learn more when i found out that he was muslim.
I am sorry if i stepped on anyones toes in this that was not my intentions nor was it to seem uncaring about the happenings here. I hope and pray god watches over and helps all the people of the world who are innocent victims of anything.

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