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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4814
 - posted
Hello to all!
My name is Cristy... a 28 year old female from Denver, Colorado USA. I have been reading this website for a few days and wanted to say Hello! It seems that I myself have been caught up in an oh so familiar sounding internet relationship with an Egyptian man, (Ramy) and until now I've found no information or outlet to discuss this topic with anyone besides my friends here in the USA who all seem to have the same opinion... "It is a bad idea" or "He is only trying to use you for money/visa/etc.."
I've read through all the postings relating to this subject, and have learned a great deal. I would love to chat further with any ladies who have been through this before, or anyone that is willing to guide me in the right direction as far as learning more about this mans intentions, or proving his sincerity. Of course, him and I have discussed everything under the sun from religious beliefs, to marriage, to starting a family, to sexual outlooks, his past, my past... but after reading some of the postings here I realize this is a very common thing for Egyptian men to 'lure' foriegn women into believing anything they say! I was going to post the whole story of our our online 'relationship' here, but I realize this is a topic that has obviously been discussed a million times! If you guys dont mind, I would be more than happy to come back and post the details to get any feedback possible!
Have a great day! ... And again, I am very grateful to have found this site!

Feel free to email me at:


Member # 4379
 - posted
I sent you an email Cristy. Now, I could suggest you put all this guy's information on this site to see if someone recognizes him. Now there is an obvious problem with that is if he is truly interested in you because you would be invading his privacy. On the other hand, if you being scammed outweights that possibility then I say go ahead and post his info. Plus, if you have doubts already that means that you're probably right about this 'gigolo' What does everyone else think about this?

Originally posted by CristyUSA76:
Hello to all!
My name is Cristy... a 28 year old female from Denver, Colorado USA. I have been reading this website for a few days and wanted to say Hello! It seems that I myself have been caught up in an oh so familiar sounding internet relationship with an Egyptian man, (Ramy) and until now I've found no information or outlet to discuss this topic with anyone besides my friends here in the USA who all seem to have the same opinion... "It is a bad idea" or "He is only trying to use you for money/visa/etc.."
I've read through all the postings relating to this subject, and have learned a great deal. I would love to chat further with any ladies who have been through this before, or anyone that is willing to guide me in the right direction as far as learning more about this mans intentions, or proving his sincerity. Of course, him and I have discussed everything under the sun from religious beliefs, to marriage, to starting a family, to sexual outlooks, his past, my past... but after reading some of the postings here I realize this is a very common thing for Egyptian men to 'lure' foriegn women into believing anything they say! I was going to post the whole story of our our online 'relationship' here, but I realize this is a topic that has obviously been discussed a million times! If you guys dont mind, I would be more than happy to come back and post the details to get any feedback possible!
Have a great day! ... And again, I am very grateful to have found this site!

Feel free to email me at:


Member # 4668
 - posted
Cristy, I have sent you an email as well. The decision about putting information about your love interest on the public forum belongs to your conscience: it would be undoubtedly invasion of his privacy, but could also serve as a warning to other women who may be dealing with the same individual or it could be a source of information for you since we try to share out experiences here and simply help each other out...


Member # 4682
 - posted

A 28 year old woman, and you need to find love on the internet?????

Egyptian man or not this can be a dangerous thing in general, wouldn't you agree.

He could be Mr Right of course and you can be loosing if you don't see it through, but then again it is one of those risks you might feel you want to take.

You could of course be talking to a 16 year old spotty teanager as far as you know.

You should not have to fall in love with somebody over the internet anyway.


Member # 4522
 - posted
"but after reading some of the postings here I realize this is a very common thing for Egyptian men to 'lure' foriegn women into believing anything they say"

NO, it is not a VERY COMMON thing and please dont generalize on all egyptian men. I dont go and say "It is a VERY COMMON thing for foriegn women to be sults". It is just ladies that have bad experience that come and post their stories but others who had a successful releationships will not go and post their life story on forums.

Member # 3608
 - posted
please go to http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum1/HTML/001083.htmlo 'Janna loves Ramy '
wonder if its the same 'ramy'

[This message has been edited by gary (edited 23 July 2004).]

philand teresa
Member # 2726
 - posted
Quote from Gary 'Janna loves Ramy '
wonder if its the same 'ramy'

We read CristyUSA76 posting and wondered if she was Janna. The writing styles are so alike ???????


Member # 4318
 - posted
Hi Cristy, I know Ramy! 32 years old, a boxer right? I have known him for about the past 6 months. And in that time he had me believing that he loved me so much and that I was going to be his wife. He is a thieve and so far has stolen $1600 from me before I woke up and realized what was happening. The first $1000 was for his mother's operation and the next $600 was for some trouble he claimed he got into and if he did not pay back the money he would go to jail for 3 years. And in the end he gave me the screen names he was usig to talk to about 10 other girls just like me. The name he uses for me on yahoo is ramyloveshannon and the other girls are ramylovesjackie, ramylovestamela and on and on. You know in his gladiator profile the picture that said Boxing magazine, the one you changed to say "forever your wife cristy", I made that for him. He still sends me messages everyday telling me that he loves me and wants me to be his wife. But 2 months ago after I found out who he really was, I met a wonderful egyptian man named Moamen and I will be going to Egypt on September 1st to meet him. If I see Ramy when I am there I will be sure to tell him that you love him right after I spit in his face!
Member # 4814
 - posted
Hi Shannon!
Yes, this is the same Ramy!!! Please email me as soon as you see this!
Thanks, Cristy

*you can also IM me at Yahoo!
screen name: cristy76usa

Member # 3567
 - posted

EGYPT SEARCH - once again a helpful internet site!!!!!

Member # 1702
 - posted
now that we know that it's the same ramy, are you still "IN LOVE?"
Member # 1702
 - posted
you're right, it does sound like janna.

[This message has been edited by arx (edited 12 August 2004).]

Member # 4814
 - posted
Hello from USA!
Here is the updated story...

No I am not still 'in love', by the way!!! I'm grateful that I found this website a month ago, and was able to prepare myself mentally (if only a bit) before I learned of any 'evidence' against Ramy! I also have made a great friend from this website, and she is actually the one who informed me of Shannons posting!

I just learned of this last night, and still have not yet figured out the best way to confront him about it. I'm sure many of these guys have a well thought out reaction when they get caught, and I really dont feel like hearing more lies at the moment! LOL... I have not shed a tear however, and I am mostly just ANGRY! Also just so completely shocked at the level and depth of the lies! It makes me sick, and I believe that these guys really ruin the reputation of other good men. I believe true love should not include having to research every freakin' detail of a mans 'secret' life!! I dont know if I will ever trust in any words that an Eyptian man will say again! But I'm still an eternal optimist and will try to keep an open mind! At this point, I'm starting to think internet 'relationships' are not the best way to go - even though I was never looking in the first place! Ramy did not find me in a chat room,... he just did a search, and unfortunately found my name! lol

To warn the other ladies... Ramy claims to live in Ismalia, but says he also has a flat in Hurghada. He claims to get online at a cyber cafe in Ismalia, but maybe he was lying about the city? Who knows?... (Ladies, if you want his full name please email me, or reply to this post) The main screen name he uses on Yahoo is: gladiator_rg1. As Shannon said, he claims to be a professional boxer and was married and divorced with a girl from Holland. Also as Shannon said, he asks for money to pay back someone that lent him the money for his mothers surgery. ($1600) He says he has a daughter in Holland and he has to send child support. He told me recently that he lost his flat in Ismalia and has no money to eat, no place to sleep, etc.. and needed money for basic survival. I sent him a total of $800 over 2 months... (and I also made myself a crazy huge cell phone bill of $250!) I'm glad I saw Shannons posting before any more money was lost!! (I wonder how much money these guys really make in a month?!)

He is the most smooth talking man you will ever talk to, and very handsome! ... Ladies beware! He talks to several girls and none of them have any knowledge of the others... He constantly tells a story of hardship and having no money. He claims he will pay it all back someday, and calls you his wife. Talks about your future together, asks you to go to Egypt, to get married,... he even asked me to think of names for our future children!!! He insists upon talking about love and will stay online with you so long that you can barely open your eyes cause you are so tired!! When I first found this website and all the doubts surfaced, I told him I just wanted to be friends, but he refused. He said it was going to be love or nothing! LOL - He wrote me countless long love letters, sent me love songs to listen to, etc... He claims to be muslim, but says he does not practice the religion... He can also make himself cry on cue, and I've seen it more than once,... claiming that he just feels so bad we are so far apart!

If any of the ladies have any clever ideas of ways for me to confront him, do tell! Most might say to just never speak to him again, but I wont let this go without a confrontation! I'd like to tell him that I have been talking to another Egyptian man the whole time, and decided to be with the other man instead...(LOL) and pretend to beat him at his own game!... BUT that would just make me look bad, and thankfully I could never be like the horrible snake of a person that he is!

I think our major downfall in these situations (as women) is bearing our heart and soul to some guy on the internet! I have learned that just because he will stay online with you for 20 hours straight and listen to all you have to say... This is only us giving them the 'fuel for the fire'. Once they learn about us, our likes, dislikes, beliefs... Then they actually have something solid to work with, and they know which direction to take the lies in. i.e. I told Ramy I loved the ocean and I wanted to move to California to live near the Pacific. He then sends me countless beautiful pics of Hurghada explaining how we can live there, no problem... and how he even has a flat there, but of course he needs some money first to pay rent that he owes before he can go back there! LOL

Anyways,...It has been a crazy night for me, but thats my story thus far... I will be sure to post after I confront the situation!
Thanks to all the wonderful people from this board! You are great!

Denver, Colorado - USA

[This message has been edited by CristyUSA76 (edited 12 August 2004).]

Member # 3567
 - posted

Gosh, Cristy, thanks God you realized this big scam before getting further hurt emotion and moneywise.

Guess after all there's a lesson to be learned...... don't date through the internet. Its already hard enough to meet a person in real life and still don't have a clue what he's after.

Good luck for your future and don't forget the US has smart and good-looking guys too (I must know!!!! )

Member # 4442
 - posted
Con men are the same the world over.
These tricks are not exclusive to just Egyptians, or men for that matter
The internet is an easy way to "talk" to more people and widen the network of people they manage to con.
These people make a living out of deception and they are very good at what they do although i have to say that alarm bells would ring if any one on-line or in real life declared undying love for me within a week and then gave me a sob story about how they can't be with me as they need money for this, that,or they promised money for aunt Mary's next door neighbours golfish who needs a triple heart bypass
I guess that it is easy for me as i have never been in your situation and i am pretty tight fisted anyway, my kids have a hard enough job getting money out of me never mind a stranger trying it.
Try to get to know someone well before you start to talk about love and please DO NOT lend or give any money to anyone unless you can afford to lose it and don't expect it back.
It's a shame you can't all get together and visit ramy's internet cafe, can you imagine the look on his face if 20 plus women turned up asking for their money
He will keep on doing it because he is getting away with it.
I know it is not the same but a few years ago in Marmaris (turkey) i paid for some clothes in the market and checked the bag outside, The stall holder had changed the decent things i paid for and had bagged up a load of rubbish i wouldn't even use as dusters.
I went back in and asked for the goods that i had paid for, he tried to be smart and said no, big mistake on his part as i said "OK" "have it your way" and i stood outside his stall and told everyone going past "do not buy from here, he is a bad man,and a robber",
After 10 minutes he started shouting at me, so i shouted back and said "i will stay here for 2 weeks unless you give me what i paid for", What he didn't know was that i had come over from Rhodes on the ferry and was only in Marmaris for 4 hours
After another 5 or so minutes he gave in, told me i was crazy and gave me what i had paid for plus extra i demanded for the fact he had tried to rip me off in the first place.
I wish you good luck
Member # 1680
 - posted
Originally posted by CristyUSA76:
I believe true love should not include having to research every freakin' detail of a mans 'secret' life!!

I agree it shouldn't but how can you know you have picked a trustworthy man. I wish there was some tatto on their forehead. I have been so lucky with my Mahmoud but I know others here who I wouldn't trust to get me a can of pepsi. But that is not restricted to Egypt, men are bastards everywhere.

Jane Akshar UK Co-owner of www.flatsinluxor.co.uk Appartments and Tours in Luxor

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