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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 15768
 - posted
You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,
You know me not for what's inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,
My body's not for your eyes to hold,
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mold,

I'm an individual, I'm no mans slave,
It's Allah's pleasure that I only crave,
I have a voice so I will be heard,
For in my heart I carry His word,

Hijab "O ye women, wrap close your cloak,
So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk",
Man doesn't tell me to dress this way,
It's a Law from God that I obey,

Oppressed is something I'm truly NOT,
For liberation is what I've got,
It was given to me many years ago,
With the right to prosper, the right to grow,

I can climb mountains or cross the seas,
Expand my mind in all degrees,
For God Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY,
When He sent Islam,
To You and Me!

Unknown author
Member # 15768
 - posted
Ya Allah.....

mujahid Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me Imaan and Victory
Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me strength to set us free
As we struggle on your path

Grant us Ya Allah.....
The eyes to see your light
And show us Ya Allah.....
What is wrong and what is right
As we walk along your path
Siratul Mustaqeem

mujahid Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me Imaan and Victory
Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me strength to set us free
As we struggle on your path

Help us Ya Allah.....
Spread this blessed Deen
And help us Ya Allah.....
Help the Muslimeen
And help us Ya Allah.....
Overcome the Mushrikeen

mujahid Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me Imaan and Victory
Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me strength to set us free
As we struggle on your path

Make us Ya Allah.....
Fighters for your Deen
And make us Ya Allah.....
Forever Mu'mineen
And do this Ya Allah.....
Despite the Kaafireen

mujahid Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me Imaan and Victory
Give me Ya Allah.....
Give me strength to set us free
As we struggle on your path
Uknown author ,
cannot find them .
Member # 15768
 - posted
I Worship My Lord
I wake before dawn.
No muadhin calls me,
No footsteps stir me,
Instead society spurns me,
Labels me and burns me.
But everyday,
I wake before dawn.

I wear my hijab.
No father threatens me,
No religious police warn me,
Instead society judges me
Mocks me and shuns me.
But everyday,
I wear my hijab.

I rear my children.
No family pressures me,
No work barriers limit me,
Instead society shames me,
Names me and blames me.
But everyday,
I rear my children.

I follow the Sunnah.
No culture defines me,
No history holds me,
Instead, society scolds me,
Re-makes and moulds me.
But every day,
I follow the Sunnah.

I strive for Paradise.
No teachers indoctrinate me,
No worldly hardships sedate me,
Instead society rejects me,
Tempts me and affects me.
But every day,
I strive for Paradise.

I worship my Lord.
No imam compels me,
No rules force my heart,
Instead, society fears me,
And dares not come near me.
But every day,
I worship my Lord.

Every day,
In every way,
Through hardship and strife
And the all-consuming,
O so fleeting,
Bitter sweetness of life,
I worship my Lord
Author: by Na'ima B. Robert
Member # 15768
 - posted
Desert Rose
I began my journey the day I was born.
My name told my destiny.
Yet, it remained hidden for me to discover.
I traveled a long time to get to this moment.
So many cactuses I stumbled over in the dark.
No star lighted my path-- I was not yet awake.
Naivety guided me into sandstorms that made wounds in my soul.
Ignorance blinded me as the cactus' thorns scratched me.
However, these wounds propelled me forward and kept me on
a certain path.
One day, when I looked ahead, I saw an oasis.
A mirage, I thought, so I slowly walked towards it-- expecting
to be fooled again.
When I reached the mirage, I found a rose.
I touched it and found it was no dream.
Entranced by this rose, I placed it in the vase of my heart.
As it took root, it became a part of me.
My blindness lifted, for I could see the true Light.
Faith rested in my heart.
My desert rose led me to this destiny.
When I stray-- its paper thorns remind me to come back to
the straight path.
Each day it continues growing, it strengthens my heart and
my soul.
I water it with my prayers, my charity, my fasting.
This rose is here to stay--
It guides me to an eternal Garden.
My thoughts, my goals, my actions are preparing my place in
that Garden.
That is where I will rest my roots--
As long as this rose remains in my heart.
Lena Winfrey Seder
Member # 15768
 - posted
Faithful star
Once I looked up to the sky
in the night and I saw
bright star sparkling there
in the darkness of the night
and I said who are you?
what are you doing over there
tell me please,
tell me who put you over there
she looked down at me
with a smile on her face
like a rose in the shadow of the bush
little one don't you know?
why it is that I am standing over here?
it is Allah who made me
and made you and the earth
then I said pretty one
tell me please tell me how
how to be just like you
very pure, very high, very nice
once again pretty face shined again
little one listen well
little one take good care
fear Allah every where
worship him night and day
then I said pretty face pray for me to Allah
I thank you pretty face
I love you for your care


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