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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10502
 - posted
So, I read that moslems are supposed to pray or say something specific before they wash, use the bathroom, enter the bathroom, put their shoes, socks and clothes on, eat, walk, leave the home and many other things that I can't even remember.

If that is all true, do any moselems here really do all that?

Seems like a lot of wasted time.

Is that why that most of the arab world can not get up to the 21st century and still lives in the 4th or 5th century? Barely can get running water and make the electricity work all the time. It was off like every other day while I was here for at least 1 or 2 hours.

Seems they can't get past the whole day of praying for everything they do that there is no time left for work, family life or education outside of religion. That is why the arab world is still living in such poverty.

I came to Egypt for the 3rd time recently and years apart and still I see the same development. NONE

Still smelly, still dirty, still ignorance, still unorganization. Is it ever going to be better?
Member # 9410
 - posted
This is a very valid question.

Do you mean that Egyptians doon't seem to find the right balance between spiritual matters and practical things - or that they are stuck in some routine of believing that these "magical" (aka religious) words will eventually solve everything for them? Maybe they are just so "other-worldly" that they don't give a damn about this world?

I really don't know...
Member # 7096
 - posted
All these things you said takes less time from people than the time you took to write the above post.
Member # 10502
 - posted
Then why is the arab world so far behind than other countries?

I doubt very seriously that it takes them less time to do those things than my post cause I am a fast typist.

Originally posted by Rock:
All these things you said takes less time from people than the time you took to write the above post.

Member # 10499
 - posted
Originally posted by TaliaK:
So, I read that moslems are supposed to pray or say something specific before they wash, use the bathroom, enter the bathroom, put their shoes, socks and clothes on, eat, walk, leave the home and many other things that I can't even remember.

If that is all true, do any moselems here really do all that?

Seems like a lot of wasted time.

Is that why that most of the arab world can not get up to the 21st century and still lives in the 4th or 5th century? Barely can get running water and make the electricity work all the time. It was off like every other day while I was here for at least 1 or 2 hours.

Seems they can't get past the whole day of praying for everything they do that there is no time left for work, family life or education outside of religion. That is why the arab world is still living in such poverty.

I came to Egypt for the 3rd time recently and years apart and still I see the same development. NONE

Still smelly, still dirty, still ignorance, still unorganization. Is it ever going to be better?

Wow, thats really mean.

Now most Europeans didn't have time for bathing in the middle ages so they died of plague.

At the same time the plague wiped out far less people in Muslim dominated countries. This might explain why Muslim dominated countries were not in the dark ages when Europeans were. [Roll Eyes]

Now abdulations take must 2 minutes or less. I have seen it in person, it doesn't take much time. Then prayer takes less than 30 minutes in an entire day.

Fasting during Ramadan means that during this month these lunch hours and breaks are dedicated to work instead. So it evens itself out.

Now if Christians would take more time for prayer there wouldn't be so much corruption, illegal activity and stuff like child porn (which is legel in some parts of Europe) going on at such a rapid pace in Europe.

Now I have been informed and witnessed myself (have to switch seating arrangements in class, poor hygiene on an international student makes my eyes water and I get nausated), that Europeans need to spend more time washing *with soap* and less time pouring cologne down their pants.

I consider the Muslims come out ahead in Europe, in respects to personal hygiene and work performance. [Big Grin]
Member # 9410
 - posted
Where is child porn legal in Europe????

I think that you have misunderstood something now Sonomod
Member # 10031
 - posted
And we smell bad? What's this? And Americans are fat, stupid, and would kill their parents for money?? Nonsense.
Member # 10499
 - posted
Originally posted by Barbapapa:
And we smell bad? What's this? And Americans are fat, stupid, and would kill their parents for money?? Nonsense.

And what makes you think it doesn't happen in Europe?

But hey, your media doesn't exactly sensationalize this stuff like America does.

Euro media just pretends this stuff doesn't happen.
Member # 10499
 - posted
Originally posted by Anthropos:
Where is child porn legal in Europe????

I think that you have misunderstood something now Sonomod

One can't say legal, excuse me for that.

No there just isn't laws against it that stick in court. Nor is there any solid enforcement to track, deter or arrest these individuals.

Now if I list the countries with the worst track records then ES usernames will come to defend their country's reputation.

Kinda like Egyptians and other Arabs. Pretend it isn't there because it doesn't effect you personally.

Americans will attack a social problem and admit to social problems.

Now I suppose since our American FBI has been busting child pornographers world wide making hundreds of arrests within Europe that makes us intrusive b@stards.

Figures. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 9378
 - posted
You are asking 2 very different questions, I think.
The "special pray" you are talking about is not really a prayer. It doesn't involve making wudu or washing, or bowing in the floor.
The pray you are talking about is like words you say in your mind and heart.
Think of it like this, you can say, before you go out from your house, "in the name of the God." As in, what I do now, I do without leaving my faith behind.
So how can you say "bismallah" or even "elhamdolellah" and then go directly to screw someone over? Or go out to flirt with guys and make some plans for "gettin' it on" later?
Some may, but remembering the example of the Prophet, and the power and presence of your God before you act is something that can make your behaviors better.
In terms of the amount of time it takes, it is no different than uttering "God Bless You" when someone sneezes. Or if you sneeze you can utter "elhamdolellah."
It only seems like an undertaking because you didnt practise to do that, and you didn't grow up with those habits.

Your second question about the economic delay in moslem countries is a whole different can of beans.
TheWesternDebt2Islam aka Ki$$ aka K
Member # 7854
 - posted
Hey TaliaK

You obviously have not been around for long, nor have you been reading around before you post.

BEhind what?

ARe you saying that muslim are not moderniszed, or civilsed?

I have typed it enough time, but thanks to dalia she gave some pretty good links to save time.

Before you visit these link know that ISlam started over 1400 years ago.
And where was europe at this time?

Bearing this in mind see this, for starters:

moving on the the invetion islam gave you, like coffee, Dalia favourtie [Roll Eyes] do you like coffee:


and here is an old thread on ES, on the Politics board:

Oh and we must not 4get the classic modernationa and civilzation Islam brought to the present modern world...which is giving women rights...!
dont 4get ur debt to Islam

Originally posted by TaliaK:
Then why is the arab world so far behind than other countries?

I doubt very seriously that it takes them less time to do those things than my post cause I am a fast typist.

Originally posted by Rock:
All these things you said takes less time from people than the time you took to write the above post.


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