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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12979
 - posted
A year ago my life had collapsed around me. I'd worked myself into exhaustion, my father died suddenly, and my relationships with my work collegues and loved ones were in turmoil. Little did I know at the time, out of my greatest despair was to come the greatest gift.

I'd been given a glimpse of a Great Secret - The Secret to life. The glimpse came in a hundred-year-old book, given to me by my daughter Hayley. I began tracing The Secret back through history. I couldn't believe all the people who knew this. They were the greatest people in history: Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, Einstein.

Incredulous, I asked, "Why doesn't everyone know this?". A burning desire to share The Secret with the world consumed me, and I began searching for people alive today who knew The Secret.

Thy mind, and over the following two months my film and television production team learned The Secret. It was imperative that every team member knew it, because without its knowledge, what we were about to attempt would be impossible.

We did not have a single teacher secured to film, but we knew The Secret, and so with utter faith I flew from Australia to the United States where the majority of teachers were based. Seven weeks later The Secret team had filmed fifty-five of the greatest teachers across the United States, with over 120 hours of film. With every step, with every breath, we used The Secret To create The Secret. We literally magnetized everything and everyone to us. Eight months later The Secret was released.

As the film swept the world, stories of miracles began to flood in: people wrote about healing from chronic pain, depression, and disease; walking for the first time after an accident; even recovering from a deathbed. We recieved thousands of accounts of The Secret being used to bring about large sums of money and unexpected checks in the mail. People have used The Secret to manifest their perfect homes, life partners, cars, jobs, and promotions, with many accounts of businesses being transformed within days of applying The Secret. There have been heart-warming stories of stressed relationships involving children being restored to harmony.

Some of the most magnificent stories we have received have come from children using The Secret to attract what they want, including high grades and friends. The Secret has inspired doctors to share the knowledge with their patients; universities and schools with their students; health clubs with their clients; church of all denominations and spiritual centers with their congregations. There are Secret parties being held in homes around the world, as people share the knowledge with loved ones and families. The Secret has been used to attract all manner of things -- from a specific feather to ten million dollars. All this has taken place in the few months since the release of the film.

My intention in creating The Secret was -and still is- that it will bring joy to billions around the world. The Secret team is experiencing the realization of that intention every day, as we receive thousands upon thousands of letters from people across the world, of all ages, all races, and all nationalities, expressing gratitude for the joy of The Secret. There isn't a single thing that you cannot do with this knowledge. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are, The Secret can give you whatever you want.

The Secret gives you anything you want: happiness, health and wealth.

You can have, do, or be anything you want.

We can have whatever it is that we choose. I don't care how big it is. What kind of a house do you want to live in? Do you want to be a millionaire? What kind of business do you want to have? Do you want more success? What do you really want?

This is the Great Secret of Life.

The leaders in the past who had The Secret wanted to keep the power and not share the power. They kept people ignorant of The Secret. People went to work, they did their job, they came home. They were on a treadmill with no power, because The Secret was kept in the few.

Throughout history there have been many who coveted the knowledge of The Secret, and there have been many who found a way of spreading this knowledge to the world.

I've seen many miracles take place in people's lives. Financial miracles, miracles of physical healing, mental healing, healing of relationships. All of this happened because of knowing how to apply The Secret.



You've probably been sitting wondering, "What is The Secret?" I'll tell you how I've come to understand it.

We all work with one infinite power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we don't even have any difficulty building spaceships, we can send people to the moon, and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.

Wherever you are - India, Australia, New Zealand, Stockholm, London, Toronto, Montreal or New York - we're all working with one power. One Law. It's attraction!

The Secret is the law of attraction!

Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.

"Every thought of yours is a real thing-a force."

The greatest teachers who have ever lived have told us that the law of attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe.

Poets such as William Shakespeare, Robert Browning, and William Blake delivered it in their poetry. Musicians such as Ludwig van Beethoven expressed it through their music. Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci depicted it in their paintings. Great thinkers including Socrates, Plato, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Pythagoras, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Victor Hugo shared it in their writings and teachings. Their names have been immortalized, and their legendary existence has survived centuries.

Religions, such as Hinduism, Hermetic traditions, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam and civilizations such as the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, delivered it through their writing and stories. Recorded throughout the ages in all its forms, the law can be found in ancient writings through all the centuries. It was recorded in stone in 3000 BC. Even though some coveted this knowledge, and indeed they did, it has alwasys been there for anyone to discover.

The law began at the beginning of time. It has always been and will always be.

It is the law that determines the complete order in the Universe, every moment of your life, and every single thing you experience in your life. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are, the law of attraction is forming your entire life experience, and this all-powerful law is doing that through your thoughts. You are the one who calls the law of attraction into action, and you do it through your thoughts.

In 1912 Charles Haanel described the law of attraction as "the greatest and the most infallible law upon which the entire system of creation depends."

Wise people have always known this. You can go right back to the ancient Babylonians. They've always known this. It's a small select group of people.

The ancient Babylonias and their great prosperity have been well documented by scholars. They are also known for creating one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Through their understanding and application of the laws of the Universe, they bacame one of the wealthiest races in history.

Why do you think that 1 percent of the population earns around 96 percent of all the money that's being earned? Do you think that's an accident? It's designed that way. They understand something. They understand The Secret, and now you are being introduced to The Secret.

People who have drawn wealth into their lives used The Secret, whether consciously or unconsciously. They think thoughts of abundance and wealth, and they do not allow any contradictory thoughts to take root in their minds. Their predominant thoughts are of wealth. They only know wealth, and nothing else exists in their minds. Whether they are aware of it or not, their predominant thoughts of wealth are what brought wealth to them. It is the law of attraction in action.

A perfect example to demonstrate The Secret and the law of attraction in action is this: You may know of people who acquired massive wealth, lost it all, and within a short time acquired massive wealth again. What happened in these cases, whether they knew it or not, is that their dominant thoughts were on wealth; that is how they acquired it in the first instance. Then they allowed fearful thoughts of losing the wealth to enter their minds, until those fearful thoughts of loss became their dominant thoughts. They tipped the scales from thinking thoughts of wealth to thinking thoughts of loss, and so they lost it all. Once they had lost it however, the fear of loss disappeared, and they tipped the scales back with dominant thoughts of wealth. And wealth returned.

The law responds to your thoughts, no matter what they may be.

Bob Doyle
The simplest way for me to look at the law of attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet, and I know that a magnet will attract to it

You are the most powerful magnet in the Universe! You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts.

Basically put, the law of attraction says that like attracks like. But we're really talking at a level of thought

The law of attraction says like attracts like, and so as you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you. Here are more examples you may have experienced of the law of attraction in your life:

Have you ever started to think about something you were not happy about, and the more you thought about it the worse it seemed?
That's because as you think one sustained thought, the law of attraction immediately brings more like thoughts to you. In a matter of minutes you have gotten so many like unhappy thoughts coming to you that the situation seems to be getting worse. The more you think about it, the more upset you get.

You may have experienced attracting like thoughts when you listened to a song, and then found that you couldn't get that song out of your head. The song just kept playing over and over in your mind. When you listened to that song, even though you may not have realized it, you gave your full attention and focus of thought to it. As you did that, you were powerfully attracting more like thoughts of that song, and so the law of attraction moved into action and delivered more thoughts of that song, over and over again.

Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want, and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe, and that's the law of attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.

Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes all the great thinhs, and all the things you consider not so great. Since you attract to you what you think about most, it is easy to see what your dominant thoughts have been on every subject of your life, because that is what you have experienced. Until now! Now you are learning The Secret, and with this knowledge, you can change everything.

If you see it in your mind, you're going to hold it in your hand

If you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life.

And that principle can be summed up in three simple words. Thoughts become things!

Through this most powerful law, your thoughts become the things in your life. Your thoughts become things! Say this over to yourself and let it seep into your consciousness and your awareness. Your thoughts become things!

What most people don't understand is that a thought has a frequency. We can measure a thought. And so if you're thinking that thought over and over and over again, if you're imagining in your mind having that brand new car, having the money that you need, building that company, finding your soul mate...if you're imagining what that looks like, you're emitting that frequency on a consistent basis.

Thoughts are sending out the magnetic signal that is drawing the parallel back to you.

"The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature."

Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think, those thoughts are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is You.

Think of it this way: we understand that a television station's transmission tower broadcasts via a frequency, which is transformed into pictures on your television. Most of us don't really understand how it works, but we know that each channel has a frequency, and when we tune into that frequency we see the pictures on our television. We choose the frequency by selecting the channel, and we receive the pictures broadcast on that channel. If we want to see different pictures on our television, we change the channel and tune into a new frequency.

You are a human transmission tower and you are more powerful than any television tower created on earth. You are the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe. Your transmission creates your life and it creates the world. The frequency you transmit reaches beyond cities, beyond countries, beyond the world. It reverberates throughout the entire Universe. And you are transmitting that frequency with your thoughts!

The pictures your receive from the transmission of your thoughts are not on a television screen in your living room, they are the pictures of your life! Your thoughts create the frequency, they attract like things on that frequency, and then they are broadcast back to you as your life pictures. If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing your thoughts.

The vibrations of mental forces are the finest and consequently the most powerful in existence

See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person.

As you think of yourself living in abundance, you are powerfully and consciously determining your life through the law of attraction. It's that easy. But then the most obvious question becomes, "Why isn't everybody living the life of their dreams?"

Here's the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don't want, and they're wondering why it shows up over and over again. The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don't want than what they do want. Listen to your thoughts, and listen to the words you are saying. The law is absolute and there are no mistakes.

An epidemic worse than any plague that humankind has ever seen been raging for centuries. It is the "don't want" epidemic. People keep this epidemic alive when they predominantly think, speak, act, and focus on what they "don't want." But this is the generation that will change history, because we are receiving the knowledge that can free us of this epidemic! It begins with you, and you can become a pioneer of this new thought movement by simply thinking and speaking about what you want.

The law of attraction doesn't care whether you perceive something to be good or bad, or whether you don't want "it or whether you do want it. It's responding to your thoughts. So if you're looking at a mountain of debt, feeling terrible about it, that's the signal you're putting out into the Universe. "I feel really bad because of all this debt I've got." You're just affirming it to yourself. You feel it on every level of your being. That's what you're going to get more of.

The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is impersonal and it does not see good things or bad things. It is impersonal and it does not see good things or bad things. It is receiving your thoughts and reflecting back to you those thoughts as your life experience. The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about. The law of attraction is really obedient. When you think of the things that you want, and you focus on them with all of your intention, then the law of attraction will give you exactly what you want, every time. When you focus on the things that you don't want - "I don't want to be late, I don't want to be late" - the law of attraction doesn't hear that you don't want it. It manifests the things that you're thinking of, and it's going to show up over and over and over again. The law of attraction is not biased to wants or don't wants. When you focus on something, no matter what it happens to be, you really are calling that into existence.

When you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you hold that focus, you are in that moment summoning what you want with the mightest power in the Universe. The law of attraction doesn't compute "don't" or "not" or "no," or any other words of negation. As you speak words of negation, this is what the law of attraction is receiving:

"I don't want to spill something on this outfit."
I want to spill something on this outfit and I want to spill more things."

"I don't want a bad haircut."
"I want bad haircuts"

"I don't want to be delayed."
"I want delays."

"I don't want that person to be rude to me."
I want that person and more people to be rude to me."

"I don't want the restaurant to give away our table."
[i]"I want restaurants to give away our tables."

"I don't want these shoes to hurt."
"I want shoes to hurt."

"I can't handle all this work."
"I want more work than I can handle."

"I don't want to catch the flu."
"I want the flu and I want to catch more things."

"I don't want to argue."
"I want more arguing"

"Don't speak to me like that."
"I want you to speak to me like that and I want other people to speal to me like that."

The law of attraction is giving you what you are thinking about - period!

The law of attraction is always working, whether you believe it or understand it or not.

The law of attraction is the law of creation. Quantum physicists tell us that the entire Universe emerged from thought! You create your life through your thoughts and the law of attraction, and every single person does the same. It doesn't just work if you know about it. It has always been working in your life and every other person's life throughout history. When you become aware of this great law, then you become aware of how incredibly powerful you are, to be able to THINK your life into existence.

It's working as much as you're thinking. Any time your thoughts are flowing, the law of attraction is working. When you're thinking about the past, the law of attraction's working. When you're thinking about the present or the future, the law of attraction is working. It's an ongoing process. You don't press pause, you don't press stop. It is forever in action, as your thoughts are.

Whether we realize it or not, we are thinking most of the time. If you are speaking or listening to someone, you are thinking. If you are reading the newspaper or watching television, you are thinking. When you recall memories from your past, you are thinking. When you are considering something in your future, you are thinking. When you are driving, you are thinking. When you are getting ready in the morning, you are thinking. For many of us, the only time we are not thinking is when we are asleep; however, the forces of attraction are still operating on our last thoughts as we fall asleep. Make your last thoughts before going to sleep good thoughts.

Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought, or a prolonged chronic way of thinking, they're in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts. What you are thinking now is creating your future life. You create your life with your thoughts. Because you are always thinking, you are always creating. What you think about the most or focus on the most, is what will appear as your life. Like all the laws of nature, there is utter perfection in this law. You create your life. Whatever you sow, you reap! Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant.

If you are complaining, the law of attraction will powerfully bring into your life more situations for you to complain about. If you are listening to someone else complain and focusing on that, sympathizing with them, agreeing with them, in that moment, you are attracting more situations to yourself to complain about.

The law is simply reflecting and giving back to you exactly what you are focusing on with your thoughts. With this powerful knowledge, you can completely change every circumstance and event in your entire life, by changing the way you think.

Bill Harris
Teacher and founder of Centerpointe Research Institute:

I had a student named Robert, who was taking an online course I have, part of which entails email access to me.

Robert was gay. He outlined all of the grim realities of his life in his emails to me. In his job, his coworkers ganged up on him. It was constantly stressful because of how nasty they were with him. When he walked down the street, he was accosted by homophobic people who wanted to abuse him in some way. He wanted to become a stand-up comedian, and when he did a stand-up comedy job, everybody heckled him about being gay. His whole life was one of unhappiness and misery, and it all focused around being attacked because he was gay.

I began to teach him that he was focusing on what he did not want. I directed him back to his email that he sent me and said, "Read it again. Look at all the things you do not want that you're telling me about. I can tell you're very passionate about this and when you focus on something with a lot of passion, it makes it happen even faster!"

Then he started taking this thing about focusing on what you want to heart, and he began really trying it. What happened within the next six to eight weeks was an absolute miracle. All the people in his office who had been harassing him either transferred to another department, quit working at the company, or started completely leaving him alone. He began to love his job. When he walked down the street, nobody harassed him anymore. They just weren't there. When he did his stand-up comedy routines he started getting standing ovations, and nobody was heckling him!

His whole life changed because he changed from focusing on what he did not want, what he was afraid of, what he wanted to avoid, to focusing on what he did want.

Robert's life changed because he changed his thoughts. He emitted a different frequency out into the Universe. The Universe must deliver the pictures of the new frequency, no matter how impossible the situation might seem. Robert's new thoughts became his new frequency, and the pictures of his entire life changed.

Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts, and you can change your life. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change!

You attract to you the predominant thoughts that you're holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious. That's the rub.

Whether you have been aware of your thoughts in the past or not, now you are becoming aware. Right now, with the knowledge of The Secret, you are waking up from a deep sleep and becoming aware! Aware of the knowledge, aware of the law, aware of the power you have through your thoughts.

If you look very carefully when it comes to The Secret, and the power of our mind and the power of our intention in our daily lives, it's all around us. All we have to do is open our eyes and look. You can see the law of attraction everywhere. You draw everything to yourself. The people, the job, the circumstances, the health, the wealth, the debt, the joy, the car that you drive, the community that you're in. And you've drawn them all to you, like a magnet. What you think about you bring about. Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.

This is a Universe of inclusion, not exclusion. Nothing is excluded from the law of attraction. Your life is a mirror of the dominant thoughts you think. All living things on this planet operate through the law of attraction. The difference with humans is that they have a mind that can discern. They can use their free will to choose their thoughts. They have the power to intentionally think and create their entire life with their mind.


"I'm not talking to you from the point of view of wishful thinking or imaginary craziness. I'm talking to you from a deeper, basic understanding. Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery. It says that you can't have a Universe without mind entering into it, and that the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived."

If you think about the analogy of being the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe, you will see the perfect correlation with Dr. Wolf's words. Your mind thinks thoughts and the pictures are broadcast back as your life experience. You not only create your life with your thoughts, but your thoughts add powerfully to the creation of the world. If you thought that you were insignificant and had no power in this world, think again. Your mind is actually shaping the world around you.

The amazing work and discoveries of the quantum physicists over the last eighty years has brought us to a greater understanding of the unfathomable power of the human mind to create. Their work parallels the words of the world's great minds, including Carnegie, Emerson, Shakespeare, Bacon, Krishnamurti, and Buddha.


"If you don't understand the law that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You may not understand electricity, and yet you enjoy the benefits of it. I don't know how it works. But I do know this: You can cook a man's dinner with electricity, and you can also cook the man!"

Oftentimes when people begin to understand the Great Secret, they become frightened of all the negative thoughts that they have. They need to be aware that it has been scientifically proven that an affirmative thought is hundred of times more powerful than a negative thought. That eliminates a degree of worry right there.

It really does take many negative thoughts and persistent negative thinking to bring something negative into your life. However, if you persist in thinking negative thoughts over a period of time, they will appear in your life. If you worry about having negative thoughts, you will attract more worrying about your negative thoughts, and multiply them at the same time. Decide right now that you are going to think only good thoughts. At the same time, proclaim to the Universe that all your good thoughts are powerful and that any negative thoughts are weak.

Thank God that there's a time delay, that all of your thoughts don't come true instantly. We'd be in trouble if they did. The element of time delay servers you. It allows you to reassess, to think about what you want, and to make a new choice. All of your power to create your life is available right now, because right now is when your are thinking. If you have had some thoughts that will not be beneficial when they manifest, then right now you can change your thinking. You can erase your previous thoughts by replacing them with good thoughts. Time serves you because you can think new thoughts and emit a new frequency, now!

You want to become aware of your thoughts and choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpting is you.

One way to master your mind is to learn to quiet your mind. It wasn't until I discovered The Secret that I realized how powerful meditation can be. Meditation quiets your mind, helps you control your thoughts, and revitalizes your body. The great news is that you don't have to set aside hours to meditate. Just three to ten minutes a day to begin with, can be incredibly powerful for gaining control over your thoughts. To become aware of your thoughts, you can also set the intention, "I am the master of my thoughts.". Say it often, meditate on it, and as you hold to that intention, by the law of attraction you must become that.

You are now receiving the knowledge that will enable you to create the most magnificent version of You. The possibility of that version of you already exists on the frequency of "the most magnificent version of You." Decide what you want to be, do, and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life.


* The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction.

* The law of attraction says like attracts like, so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.

* Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source - you.

* You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. If you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency by changing your thoughts

* Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.

* Your thoughts become things.

"We live in a universe in which are laws, just as there is a law of gravity. If you fall off a building it doesn't matter if you're a good person or a bad person, you're going to hit the ground."

The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial and impersonal as the law of gravity is. It is precise, and it is exact.

"Everything that surrounds you right now in your life, including the things you're complaining about, you've attracted. Now I know at first blush that's going to be something that you hate to hear. You're going to immediately say, "I didn't attract the car accident. I didn't attract this particular client who gives me a hard time. I didn't particularly attract the debt." And I'm here to be a little bit in your face and to say, yes you did attract it. This is one of the hardest concepts to get, but once you've accepted it, it's life transforming."

Often when people first hear this part of the Secret they recall events in history where masses of lives were lost, and they find it incomprehensible that so many people could have attracted themselves to the event. By the law of attraction, they had to be on the same frequency as the event. It doesn't necessarily mean they thought of that exact event, but the frequency of their thoughts matched the frequency of the event. If people believe they can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they have no control over outside circumstances, those thoughts of fear, separation, and powerlessness, if persistent, can attract them to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You have a choice right now. Do you want to believe that it's just the luck of the draw and bad things can happen to you at any time? Do you want to believe that you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time? That you have no control over circumstances?

Or do you want to believe and know that your life experience is in your hands and that only all good can come into your life because that is the way you think? You have a choice, and whatever you choose to think will become your life experience.

Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts.

"Most of us attract by default. We just think that we don't have any control over it. Our thoughts and feelings are on autopilot, and so everything is brought to us by default."

No one would ever deliberately attract anything unwanted. Without the knowledge of The Secret, it is easy to see how some unwanted things may have occured in your life or other people's lives. It simply came from a lack of awareness of the great creative power of our thoughts.

Now if this your first time to hear this, it may feel like, "Oh, I have to monitor my thoughts? This is going to be a lot of work." It will seem like that at first, but that's where the fun begins. The fun is that there are many shortcuts to The Secret, and you get to choose the shortcuts that work best for you. Read on, and you'll see how.

It's impossible to monitor every thought we have. Researchers tell us that we have about sixty thousand thoughts a day. Can you imagine how exhausted you'd feel trying to control all sixty thousand of those thoughts? Fortunately there's an easier way, and it's our feelings. Our feelings let us know what we're thinking.

The importance of feelings cannot be overstated. Your feelings are your greatest tool to help you create your life. Your thoughts are the primary cause of everything. Everything else you see and experience in this world is effect, and that includes your feelings. The cause is always your thoughts. The emotions are an incredible gift that we have to let us know what we're thinking.

Your feelings tell you very quickly what you're thinking. Think about when your feelings suddenly took a dive - maybe when you heard some bad news. That feeling in your stomach or solar plexus was instant. So your feelings are an immediate signal for you to know what you are thinking.

You want to become aware of how you're feeling, and get in tune with how you're feeling, because it is the fastest way for you to
know what you're thinking. You have two sets of feelings: good feelings and bad feelings. And you know the difference between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel bad. It's the depression, it's the anger, it's the resentment, it's the guilt. It's those feelings that don't make you feel empowered. Those are the bad feelings.

No one can tell you whether you are feeling good or bad, because you are the only one who knows how you're feeling at any time. If you're not sure how you're feeling. just ask yourself. "How am I feeling?" You can stop and ask this question often during the day, and as you do you will become more aware of how you're feeling. The most important thing for you to know is that it is impossible to feel bad and at the same time be having good thoughts. That would defy the law, because your thoughts cause your feelings. If you are feeling bad, it is because you are thinking thoughts that are making you feel bad.

Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on. When you are feeling bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things. The law of attraction must respond by broadcasting back to you more pictures of bad things and things that will make you feel bad. As you feel bad, and don't make any effort to change your thoughts and feel better, you are in effect saying, "Bring me more circumstances that will make me feel nad. Bring it on!"

The flipside to that is that you have good emotions and good feelings. You know when they come because they make you feek good. Excitement, joy, gratitude, love. Imagine if we could feel that way every day. When you celebrate the good feelings, you'll draw to you more good feelings, and things that make you feel good. It's really so simple. "What am I attracting right now?" Well, how do you feel? "I feel good." Well good, keep doing that.

It is impossible to feel good and at the same time be having negative thoughts. If you are feeling good, it is because you are thinking good thoughts. You see, you can have whatever you want in your life, no limits. But there's a catch: You have to feel good. And when you think about it, isn't that all you ever want? The law is indeed perfect.

If you're feeling good, then you're creating a future that's on track with your desires. If you're feeling baad, you're creating a future that's off track with your desires. As you go about your day, the law of attraction is working in every second. Everything we think and feel is creating our future. If you're worried or in fear, then you're bringing more of that into your life throughout the day.

When you are feeling good, you must be thinking good thoughts. So you are on track and you are emitting a powerful frequency that is attracting back to you more good things that will make you feel good. Seize those moments when you are feeling good, and milk them. Be aware that as you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.

Let's go one step further. What if your feelings are actually communication from the Universe to let you know what you're thinking?

"Our feelings are a feedback mechanism to us about whether we're on track or not, whether we're on course or off course."

Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything. So when you think a sustained thought it is immediately sent out into the Universe. That thought magnetically attaches itself to the like frequency, and then within seconds sends the reading of that frequency back to you through your feelings. Put another way, your feelings are communication back to you from the Universe, telling you what frequency you are currently on. Your feelings are your frequency feedback mechanism!

When you are feeling good feelings, it is communication back from the Universe saying, "You are thinking good thoughts." Likewise, when you are feeling bad, you are receiving communication back from the Universe saying, "You are thinking bad thoughts."

So when you are feeling bad it is communication from the Universe, and in effect it is saying, "Warning! Change thinking now. Negative frequency recording. Change frequency. Counting down to manifestation. Warning!"

The next time you are feeling bad or feeling any negative emotion, listen to the signal you are receiving from the Universe. In that moment you are blocking your own good from coming to you because you are on a negative frequency. Change your thoughts and think about something good, and when the good feelings start to come to you will know it was because You shifted yourself on to a new frequency, and the Universe has confirmed it with better feelings.

You're getting exactly what you're feeling about, not so much what you're thinking about. That's why people tend to spiral if they stub their toe getting out of bed. Their whole day goes like that. They have no clue that a simple shifting of their emotions can change their entire day - and life.

If you start out having a good day and you're in that particular happy feeling, as long as you don't allow something to change your mood, you're going to continue to attract, by the law of attraction, more situations and people that sustain that happy feeling.

We all have experienced those days or times when one thing after another goes wrong. The chain reaction began with one thought, whether you were aware of it or not. The one bad thought attracted more bad thoughts, the frequency locked in, and eventually something went wrong. Then as you reacted to that one thing going wrong, you attracted more things going wrong. Reactions just attract more of the same, and the chain reaction must keep occuring until you move yourself off that frequency by intentionally changing your thoughts.

You can shift your thoughts to what you want, receive confirmation through your feelings that you changed your frequency, and the law of attraction will grab hold of that new frequency and send it back to you as the new pictures of your life.

Now here is where you can harness your feelings and use them to turbo-charge what you want in your life. You can purposefully use your feelings to transmit an even more powerful frequency, by adding feeling to what you are wanting.

You can begin right now to feel healthy. You can begin to feel prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that's surrounding you, even if it's not there. And what will happen is the universe will correspond to the nature of your song. The universe will correspond to the nature of that inner feeling and manifest, because that's the way you feel.

So what are you feeling now? Take a few moments to think about how you fee. If you're not feeling as good as you'd like to, focus on feeling your feelings inside and purposefully lift them. As you focus intensely on your feelings, with the intention to lift yourself, you can powerfully elevate them. One way is to close your eyes (shutting out distractions), focus on your feelings inside, and smile for one minute. Your thoughts and your feelings create your life. It will always be that way. Guaranteed!

Just like the law of gravity, the law of attraction never splips up. You don't see pigs flying because the law of gravity made a mistake and forgot to apply gravity to pigs that day. Likewise, there are no exclusions to the law of attraction. If something came to you, you drew it, with prolonged thought. The law of attraction is precise.

It's hard to swallow, but when we begin to open ourselves up to that, the ramifications are awesome. It means that whatever thought has done in your life, it can be undone through a shift in your awareness. You have the power to change anything, because you are the one who chooses your thoughts and you are the one who feels your feelings. "You create your own universe as you go along." Winston Churchill

It's really important that you feel good, because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the Universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good, and are able to keep bringing you up higher and higher.

When you're feeling down, did you know that you can change it in an instant? Put on a beautiful piece of music, or start singing - that'll change your emotion. Or think of something beautiful. Think of a baby or somebody that you truly love, and dwell on it. Really keep that thought in your mind. Block everything out but that thought. I guarantee you'll start to feel good.

Make a list of some Secret Shifters to have up your sleeve. By Secret Shifters, I mean things that can change your feelings in a snap. It might be beautiful memories, future events, funny moments, nature, a person you love, your favorite music. Then if you find yourself angry or frustrated or not feeling good, turn to your Secret Shifters list and focus on one of them. Different things will shift you at different times, so if one doesn't work, go to another. It only takes a minute or two of changing focus to shift yourself and shift your frequency.


"The principle of feeling good applies to your family pets, for instance. Animals are wonderful, because they put you in a great emotional state. When you feel love for your pet, that great state of love will bring goodness into your life. And what a gift that is. It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction.

There is no greater power in the Universe than the power of love. The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. If you could wrap every thought in love, if you could love everything and everyone, your life would be transformed.

In fact, some of the great thinkers of the past referred to the law of attraction as the law of love. And if you think about it, you will understand why. If you think unkind thoughts about someone else, you will experience those unkind thoughts manifested.You cannot harm another with your thoughts, you only harm You. If you think thoughts of love, guess who receives the benefits - you! So if your predominant state is love, the law of attraction or the law of love responds with the mightest force because you are on the highest frequency possible. The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing.

The principle which gives the thought the dynamic power to correlate with its object, and therefore to master every adverse human experience, is the law of attraction, which is another name for love. This is an eternal and fundamental principle inherent in all things, in every system of philosophy, in every Religion and in every Science. There is no getting away from the law of love. It is feeling that imparts vitality to thought. Feeling is desire and desire is love. Though impregnated with love becomes invicible." Charles Haanel

"Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feelings, that's when you see how you create your own reality. That's where your freedom is, that's where all your power is."

Marci Shimoff shared a wonderful quote from the great Albert Einstein: "The most important question any human being can ask themselves is, 'Is this a friendly Universe?"

Knowing the law of attraction, the only answer to give is, "Yes, the Universe is friendly." Why? Because when you answer in this way, by the law of attraction you must experience that. Albert Einstein posed this powerful question because he knew The Secret.
He knew by asking the question it would force us to think and make a choice. He gave us a great opportunity, just by posing the question.

To take Einstein's intention even further, you can affirm and proclaim, "This is a magnificent Universe. The Universe is bringing all good things to me. The Universe is conspiring for me in all things. The Universe is supporting me in everything I do. The Universe meets all my needs immediately." Know that this is a friendly Universe!

"Since I learned The Secret and started applying it to my life, my life has truly become magical. I think the kind of life that everybody dreams of is one I live on a day-to-day basis. I live in a four-and-a-half-million-dollar mansion. I have a wife to die for. I get to vacation in all the fabulous spots of the world. I've climbed mountains. I've explored. I've been on safaris. And all this happened, and continues to happen, because of knowing how to apply The Secret."

Life can be absolutely phenomenal, and it should be, and it will be, when you start using The Secret.

This is your life, and it's been waiting for you to discover it! Up until now you may have been thinking that life is hard and a struggle, and so by the law of attraction you will have experienced life as hard and a struggle. Begin right now to shout to the universe, "Life is so easy! Life is so good! All good things come to me!"

There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that Truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer. You know that inherently because you feel awful when you are experiencing the lack of good things. All good things are your birthright! You are the creator of you, and the law of attraction is your magnificent tool to create whatever you want in life. Welcome to the magic of life, and magnificence of You!


* The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of gravity.

* Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts.

* To know what you're thinking, ask yourself how you are feeling. Emotions are valuable tools that instantly tell us what we are thinking.

* It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts.

* Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings teel you immediately what frequency you are on. When you feel bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things. When you feel good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.

* Secret Shifters, such as pleasant memories, nature, or your favorite music, can change your feelings and shift your frequency in an instant.

* The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing.

You are a creator, and there is an easy process to create using the law of attraction. The greatest teachers and avatars have shared the Creative Process through their wondrous work, in a myriad of forms. Some great teachers created stories to demonstrate how the Universe works. The wisdom contained in their stories has been handed down through the centuries and has become legendary. Many people living today do not realize that the essence of these stories is the very truth of life.


"If you think about Aladdin and his lamp, Aladdin picks up the lamp, dusts it off, and out pops the Genie. The Genie always says one thing:

"Your wish is my command!"

The story now goes that there are three wishes, but if you trace the story back to its origins there's absolutely no limit whatsoever to the wishes.

Think about that one.

Now, let's take this metaphor and apply it to your life. Remember Aladdin is the one who always asks for what he wants. Then you've got the Universe at large, which is the Genie. Traditions have called it so many things - your holy guardian angel, your higher self. We can put any label on it, and you choose the one that works bests for you, but every tradition has told us there's something bigger than us. And the Genie always says one thing:

"Your wish is my command!"

This wonderful story demonstrates how your whole life and everything in it has been created by You. The Genie has simply answered your every command. The Genie is the law of attraction, and it is always present and always listening to everything you think, speak, and act. The Genie assumes that everything you think about, you want! That everything you speak about, you want! That everything you act upon is what you want! You are the Master of the Universe, and the Genie is there to serve you. The Genie never questions your commands. You think it, and the Genie immediately begins to leverage the Universe, through people, circumstances, and events, to fulfill your wish.

The Creative Process used in The Secret, which was taken from the New Testament in the Bible, is an easy guideline for you to create what you want in three simple steps.

Step 1: Ask

The first step is to ask. Make a command to the Universe. Let the Universe know what you want. The Universe responds to your thoughts.

What do you really want? Sit down and write it out on a piece of paper. Write it in the present tense. You might begin by writing, "I am so happy and grateful now that.." And then explain how you want your life to be, in every area.

You get to choose what you want, but you must get clear about what you want. This is your work. If you're not clear, then the law of attraction cannot bring you what you want. You will be sending out a mixed frequency and you can only attract mixed results. For the first time in your life perhaps, work out what it is you really want. Now that you know you can have, be, or do anything, and there are no limits, what do you want?

Asking is the first step in the Creative Process, so make it a habit to ask. If you have to make a choice and you don't know which way to go, ask! You should never be stumped on anything in your life. Just ask!

This is really fun. It's like having the Universe as your catalogue. You flip through it and say, "I'd like to have this experience and I'd like to have that product and I'd like to have a person like that." It is You placing your order with the Universe. It's really that easy. You do not have to ask over and over again. Just ask once. It is exactly like placing an order from a catalogue. You only ever order something once. You don't place an order and then doubt the order has been received and so place the order again and then again and then again. You order once. It is the same with the Creative Process. Step one is simply your step to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.

Step 2: Believe

Step two is believe. Believe that it's already yours. Have what I love to call unwavering faith. Believing in the unseen.

You must believe that you have received. You must know that what you want is yours the moment you ask. You must have complete and utter faith. If you had placed an order from a catalogue you would relax, know you are going to receive what you ordered, and get on with your life.

"See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don't fret and worry about them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possesion." Robert Collier (1885-1950)

In the moment you ask, and believe and know you already have it in the unseen, the entire Universe shifts to bring it into the seen. You must act, speak, and think, as though you are receiving it now. Why? The Universe is a mirror, and the law of attraction is mirroring back to you your dominant thoughts. So doesn't it make sense that you have to see yourself as receiving it? If your thoughts contain noticing you do not have it yet, you will continue to attract not having it yet. You must believe you have it already. You must believe you have received it. You have to emit the feeling frequency of having received it, to bring those pictures back as your life. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive.

When you book a vacation, order a brand new car, or buy a house, you know those things are yours. You wouldn't go and book another vacation for the same time, or purchase another car or house. If you won a lottery or received a large inheritance, even before you physically had the money, you know it is yours. That is the feeling of believing it is yours. That is the feeling of believing have it already. That is the feeling of believing you have received. Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events for you to receive.

How do you get yourself to a point of believing? Start make-believing. Be like a child, and make-believe. Act as if you have it already. As you make-believe, you will begin to believe you have received. The Genie is responding to your predominant thoughts all the time, not just in the moment you ask. That's why after you've asked, you must continue to believe and know. Have faith. Your belief that you have it, and undying faith, is your greatest power. When you believe you are receiving, get ready, and watch the magic begin!

"You can have what you want - if you know how to form the mold for it in your own thoughts. There is no dream that may not come true, if you but learn to use the Creative Force working through you. The methods that work for one will work for all. The key to power lies in using what you have...freely, fully...and thus opening wide your channels for more Creative Force to flow through you." Robert Collier

The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you.

Most of us have never allowed ourselves to want what we truly want, because we can't see how it's going to manifest.

If you do just a little research, it is going to become evident to you that anyone that ever accomplished anything, did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to it.

You don't need to know how it's going to come about. You don't need to know how the Universe will rearrange itself.

How it will happen, how how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you. When you are trying to work out how it will happen, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of faith - that you don't believe you have it already. You think you have to do it and you do not believe the Universe will do it for you. The how is not your part in the Creative Process. You don't know how, it will be shown to you. You will attract the way. Most of the time, when we don't see the things that we've requested, we get frustrated. We get disappointed. And we begin to become doubtful. The doubt brings about a feeling of disappointment. Take that doubt and shift it. Recognize that feeling and replace it with a feeling of unwavering faith. "I know that it's on its way."

Step 3: Receive

Step three, and the final step in the process, is to receive. Begin to feel wonderful about it. Feel the way you will feel once it arrives. Feel it now. And in this process it's important to feel good, to be happy, because when you're feeling good you're putting yourself in the frequency of what you want. This is a feeling Universe. If you just intellectually believe something, but you have no corresponding feeling underneath that, you don't necessarily have enough power to manifest what you want in your life. You have to feel it.

Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good. When you are feeling good, you are on the frequency of receiving. You are on the frequency of all good things coming to you, and you will receive what you have asked for. You wouldn't ask for anything unless it was going to make you feel good in the receiving of it, wouldn't you? So get yourself on the feel-good frequency, and you will receive.

A fast way to get yourself on that frequency is to say, "I am receiving now. I am receiving all the good in my life, now. I am receiving [fill in your desire] now." And feel it. Feel it as though you have received.

A dear friend of mine, Marcy, is one of the greatest manifestors I have seen, and she feels everything. She feels what it would feel like to have what she is asking for. She feels everything into existence. She doesn't get caught up in how, when, or where, she just feels it and it then manifests.

So feel good now.

When you turn that fantasy into a fact, you're in the position to build bigger and bigger fantasies. And that, my friend, is the Creative Process.

"Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matthew 21:22

"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24

The law of attraction, the study and practice of the law of attraction, is just figuring out what will help you generate the feelings of having it now. Go test drive that car. Go shop for that home. Get in the house. Do whatever you have to do to generate the feelings of having it now, and remember them. Whatever you can do to achieve that will help you to literally attract it. When you feel as though you have it now, and the feeling is so real that it is like you have it already, you are believing that you have received, and you will receive.

It could be you wake up and it's just there. It's manifested. Or, you might get some inspired idea of some action to take. You certainly shouldn't be saruying, "Well, I could do it this way, but man, I would hate that." You're not on the right track if that's the case. Action will sometimes be required, but if you're really doing it in line with what the Universe is trying to bring to you, it's going to feel joyous. You're going to feel so alive. Time will just stop. You could do it all day.

Action is a word that can imply "work" to some people, but inspired action will not feel like work at all. The difference between inspired action and action is this: Inspired action is when you are acting to receive. If you are inn action to try and make it happen, you have slipped backward. Inspired action is effortless, and it feels wonderful because you are on the frequency of receiving.

Imagine life as a fast-moving river. When you are acting to make something happen it will feel as if you are going against the current of the river. It will feel hard and like a struggle. When you are acting to receive from the Universe, you will feel as if you are flowing with the current of the river. It will feel effortless. That is the feeling of inspired action, and of being in the flow of the Universe and life.

Sometimes you will not even be aware you used "action" until after you've received, because the acting felt so good. You will then look back and see the wonder and matrix of how the Universe carried you to what you wanted, and also brought what you wanted to you. The Universe likes speed. Don't delay. Don't second guess. Don't doubt. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. That's your job. And that's all you have to do.

Trust your instincts. It's the Universe inspiring you. It's the Universe communicating with you on the receiving frequency. If you have an intuitive or instinctive feeling, follow it, and you will find that the Universe is magnetically moving you to receive what you asked for. You will attract everything that you require. If it's money you need you will attract it. If it's people you need you'll attract it. If it's a certain book you need you'll attract it. You've got to pay attention to what you're attracted to, because as you hold images of what you want, you're going to be attracted to things and they're going to be attracted to you. But it literally moves into physical reality with and through you. And it does that by law.

Remember that you are a magnet, attracting everything to you. When you have gotten clear in your mind about what you want, you have become a magnet to draw those things to you, and those things you want are magnetized to you in return. The more you practice and begin to see the law of attraction bringing things to you, the greater the magnet you will become, because you will add the power of faith, belief, and knowing.

You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made.

All you require is You, and your ability to think things into being. Everything that has been invented and created throughout the history of humankind began with one thought. From that one thought a way was made, and it manifested from the invisible into visible.

Think of a car driving through the night. The headlights only go a hundred to two hundred feet forward, and you can make it all the way from California to New York driving through the dark, because all you have to see is the next two hundred feet. And that's how life tends to unfold before us. If we just trust that the next two hundred feet will unfold after that, your life will keep unfolding. And it will eventually get you to the destination of whatever it is you truly want, because you want it.

Trust the Universe. Trust and believe and have faith. I truly had no idea how I was going to bring the knowledge of The Secret onto the movie screen. I just held to the outcome of the vision, I saw the outcome clearly in my mind, I felt it with all my might, and everything that we needed to create The Secret came to us.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step."
Martin Luther King (1926-1968)

The Secrey and Your Body

Let's look at using the Creative Process for those who feel they are overweight and who want to lose weight.

The first thing to know is that if you focus on losing weight, you will attract back having to lose more weight, so get "having to lose weight" out of your mind. It's the very reason why diets don't work. Because you are focused on losing weight, you must attract back continually having to lose weight.

The second thing to know is that the condition of being overweight was created through your thought to it. To put it in the most basic terms, if someone is overweight, it came from thinking "fat thoughts," whether that person was aware of it or not. A person cannot think "thin thoughts" and be fat. It completely defies the law of attraction.

Whether people have been told they have a slow thyroid, a slow metabolism, or their body size is hereditary, these are all disguises for thinking "fat thoughts." If you accept any of those conditions as applicable to you, and you believe it, it must become your experience, and you will continue to attract being overweight.

After I had my two daughters I was overweight, and I know it came from listening to and reading the messages that it is hard to lose weight after having a baby, and even harder after the second baby. I summoned exactly that to me with those "fat thoughts,"
and it became my experience. I really "beefed up," and the more I noticed how I had "beefed up," the more "beefing up" I attracted. With a small frame, I became a hefty 143 pounds, all because I was thinking "fat thoughts."

The most common thought that people hold, and I held it too, is that food was responsible for my weight gain. That is a belief that does not serve you, and in my mind now it is complete balderdash! Food is not responsible for putting on weight. It is your thought that food is responsible for putting on weight that actually has food put on weight. Remember, thoughts are primary cause of everything, and the rest is effects from those thoughts. Think perfect thoughts and the results must be perfect weight.

Let go of all those limiting thoughts. Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can.

The definition of the perfect weight is the weight that feels good for you. No one else's opinion counts. It is the weight that feels good for you. You most likely know of someone who is thin and eats like a horse, and they proudly declare, "I can eat whatever I want and I am always the perfect weight." And so the Genie of the Universe says, "Your wish is my command!"

To attract your perfect weight and body using the Creative Process, follow these steps:

Step 1: Ask

Get clear on the weight you want to be. Have a picture in your mind of what you will look like when you have become that perfect weight. Get pictures of yourself at your perfect weight, if you have them, and look at them often. If not, get pictures of the body you would like to have and look at those often.

Step 2: Believe

You must believe you will receive and that the perfect weight is yours already. You must imagine, pretend, act as if, make-believe, that the perfect weight is yours. You must see yourself as receiving that perfect weight.

Write out your perfect weight and place it over the readout of your scale, or don't weigh yourself at all. Do not contradict what you have asked for with your thoughts, words, and actions. Don't buy clothes at your current weight. Have faith and focus on the clothes you are going to buy. Attracting the perfect weight is the same as placing an order with the catalogue of the Universe. You look through the catalogue, choose the perfect weight, place your order, and then it is delivered to you.

Make it your intention to look for, admire, and inwardly praise people with your idea of perfect-weight bodies. Seek them out and
as you admire them and feel the feeling of that-you are summoning it to you. If you see people who are overweight, do not observe them, but immediately switch your mind to the picture of you in your perfect body and feel it.

Step 3: Receive

You must feel good. You must feel good about You. This is important, because you cannot attract your perfect weight if you feel bad about your body now. If you feel bad about your body, that is a powerful feeling, and you will continue to attract feeling bad about your body. You will never change your body if you are critical of it and find fault with it, and in fact you will attract more weight to you. Praise and bless every square inch of your body. Think about all the perfect things about You. As you think perfect thoughts, as you feel good about You, you are on the frequency of your perfect weight, and you are summoning perfection.

Wallace Wattles shares a wonderful tip about eating in one of his books. He recommends that when you eat, make sure you are entirely focused on the experience of chewing the food. Keep your mind present and experience the sensation of eating food and do not allow your mind to drift to other things. Be present in your body and enjoy all the sensations of chewing the food in your mouth and swallowing it. Try it the next time you are eating. When you are completely present as you eat, the flavor of the food is so intense and magnificent; when you let your mind drift, the flavor virtually disappears. I am convinced that if we can eat our food in the present, entirely focused on the pleasurable experience of eating, the food is assimilated into our bodies perfectly, and the result in our bodies must be perfection.

How Long Does It Take?


"Another thing people wonder about us, "How long will it take to manifest the car, the relationship, the money?" I don't have any rulebook that says it's going to take thirty minutes or three days or thirty days. It's more a matter of you being in alignment with the Universe itself.

Time is just an illusion. Einstein told us that. If this is the first time you have heard it, you may find it a hard concept to get your head around, because you see everything happening - one thing after the other. What quantum physicists and Einstein tell us is that everything is happening simultaneously. If you can understand that there is no time, and accept that concept, then you will see that whatever you want in the future already exists. If everything is happening at the one time, then the parallel version of you with what you want already exists!

It takes no time for the Universe to manifest what you want. Any time delay you experience is due to your delay in getting to the place of believing, knowing, and feeling that you already have it. It is you getting yourself on the frequency of what you want. When you are on that frequency, then what you want will appear.

Size is nothing to the Universe. It is more difficult to attract, on a scientific level, something that we consider huge to something that we consider infinitesimally small. The Universe does everything with zero effort. The grass doesn't strain to grow. It's effortless. It's just this great design. It's all about what's going on in your mind. It's about what we put in place, saying, "This is big, it's going to take some time." And, "This is small. I'll give it an hour." Those are our rules that we define. There are no rules according to the Universe. You provide the feelings of having it now; it will respond - whatever it is.

There is no time for the Universe and there is no size for the Universe. It is easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars. It is the same process, and the only reason why one may come faster and the other may take longer is because you thought that a million dollars was a lot of money and that one dollar was not very much.

Some people have an easier time with little things, and so we sometimes say start with something small, like a cup of coffee. Make it your intention to attract a cup of coffee today.

Hold an image of talking to an old friend that you haven't seen for a long time. Somehow or another somebody's going to start talking to you about that person. That person's going to phone you or you'll get a letter from her.

Starting with something small is an easy way to experience the law of attraction with your own eyes. Let me share a story with you of a young man who did exactly that. He watched The Secret and he decided to start with something small.

He created a picture of a feather in his mind, and he made sure this feather was unique. He created particular markings on the feather so he would know without any doubt that if he saw this feather, it had come to him through his intentional use of the law of attraction.

Two days later, he was about to walk into a high-rise building on a street in New York City. He said he did not know why but he just happened to look down. There at his feet, at the entrance to a high-rise building in New York City, was the feather! Not just any feather, but the exact feather he had imagined. It was identical to the picture he had created in his mind, with all of its unique markings. In that moment he knew, without a shred of doubt, that this was the law of attraction working in all its glory. He realized his amazing ability and power to attract something to himself through the power of his mind. With total faith, he has now moved onto creating much bigger things.


"People are amazed at how I line up parking spaces. I've done this right from when I first understood The Secret. I would visualize a parking space exactly where I wanted it, and 95 percent of the time it would be there for me and I would just pull straight in. Five percent of the time I'd have to wait just a minute or two, and the person would pull out and I'd pull in. I do that all the time."

Now you might understand why a person who says, "I always get parking spaces," gets them. Or why a person who says, "I am really lucky, I win things all the time," wins one thing after another, all the time. These people expect it. Begin to expect great things, and as you do, you will create your life in advance.

Create your Day in Advance

You can use the law of attraction to create your whole life in advance, right down to the next thing you are doing today. Prentice Mulford, a teacher whose writings share so many insights into the law of attraction and how to use it, demonstrates how important it is to think your day in advance.

"When you say to yourself, 'I am going to have a pleasant visit or a pleasant journey,' you are literally sending elements and forces ahead of your body that will arrange things to make your visit or journey pleasant. When before the visit or the journey or the shopping trip you are in a bad humor, or fearful or apprehensive of something unpleasant, you are sending unseen agencies ahead of you which will make some kind of unpleasantness. Our thoughts, or in other words, our state of mind, is ever at work 'fixing uo' things good or bad in advance." Prentice Mulford

Prentice Mulford wrote those words in the 1870s. What a pioneer! You can see clearly how important it is to think in advance every event in every day. You will no doubt have experienced the opposite of thinking your day in advance, and one of the repercussions of that is having to rush and hurry. If you are rushing or hurrying, know that those thoughts and actions are based in fear (fear of being late) and you are "fixing up" bad things ahead for you. As you continue to rush, you will attract one bad thing after another into your path. In addition to that, the law of attraction is "fixing up" more future circumstances that will cause you to rush and hurry. You must stop and move yourself off that frequency. Take a few moments and shift yourself, if you don't want to summon bad things to you.

Many people, particularly in Western societies, chase "time" and complain that they don't have enough time. Well, as someone says that they don't have enough time, so it must be the law of attraction. If you have been chasing your tail with thoughts of not having enough time, from now on declare emphatically, "I have more than enough time," and change your life.

You can also turn waiting into a powerful time to create your future life. Next time you are in a situation where you are waiting, seize that time and imagine having all the things you want. You can do this anywhere, anytime. Turn every life situation into a positive one! Make it a daily habit to determine every event in your life in advance, through your thoughts. Set the Universal forces ahead of you in everything you do and everywhere you go, by thinking the way you want it to go in advance. Then you are creating your life intentionally.

Secret Summaries

* Like Aladdin's Genie, the law of attraction grants our every command.

* The Creative Process helps you create what you want in three simple steps: ask, believe, and receive.

* Asking the Universe for what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked.

* Believing involves acting, speaking, and thinking as though you have already received what you've asked for. When you emit the frequency of having received it, the law of attraction moves people, events, and circumstances for you to receive.

* Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once your desire has manifested. Feeling good now puts you on the frequency of what you want.

* To lose weight, don't focus on "losing weight." Instead, focus on your perfect weight. Feel the feelings of your perfect weight, and you will summon it to you.

* It takes no time for the Universe to manifest what you want. It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars.

* Starting with something small, like a cup of coffee or parking spaces, is an easy way to experience the law of attraction in action. Powerfully intend to attract something small. As you experience the power you have to attract, you will move on to creating much bigger things.

* Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.

A lot of people feel stuck or imprisoned or confined by their current circumstances. Whatever your circumstances right now, that is only your current reality, and current reality will begin to change as a result of beginning to use The Secret.

Your current reality or your current life is a result of the thoughts you have been thinking. All of that will totally change as you begin to change your thoughts and your feelings.

"That a man can change himself...and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought."

Christian Larson (1866-1954)

When you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thinking. Every time you look inside your mail expecting to see a bill, guess what - it'll be there. Each day you go out dreading the bill! You're never expecting anything great. You're thinking debt, you're expecting debt. So debt must show up so you won't think you're crazy. And every day you confirm your thought: Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Why? Because you expected debt to be there. So it showed up, because the law of attraction is always being obedient to your thoughts. Do yourself a favor - expect a check!

Expectation is a powerful attractive force, because it draws things to you. Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life. Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want. What do you expect now?

Most people look at their current state of affairs and they say, "This is who I am." That's not who you are. That's who you were. Let's say for istance that you don't have enough money in your bank account, or you don't have the relationship that you want, or your health and fitness aren't up to par. That's not who you are; that's the residual outcome of your past thoughts and actions. So we're constantly loving in this residual, if you will, of the thoughts and actions we've taken in the past. When you look at your current state of affairs and define yourself by that, then you doom yourself to have nothing more than the same in future.

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought." Buddha (563 BCE-483 BCE)

I would like to share a process with you that came from the great teacher Neville Goddard in a lecture he delivered in 1954, entitled "The Pruning Shears of Revision." This process has had a profound effect on my life. Neville recommends at the end of every day, before you go to sleep, to think through the events of the day. If any events or moments did not go the way you wanted, replay them in your mind in a way that thrills you. As you recreate those events in your mind exactly as you want, you are cleaning up your frequency from the day and you are emitting a new signal and frequency for tomorrow. You have intentionally created new pictures for your future. It is never too late to change the pictures.

The Powerful Process of Gratitude.

What can you do right now to begin to turn your life around? The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for. This shifts your energy and starts to shift your thinking. Whereas before this exercise you might be focusing on what you don't have, your complaints, and your problems, you go in a different direction when you do this exercise. You start to be grateful for all the things that you feel good about.

"If it is a new thought to you that gratitude brings your whole mind into closer harmony with the creative energies of the Universe, consider it well, and you will see that it is true. Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life."
Wallace Wattler (1860-1911)

Dr. John Gray, Phychologist, Author, and International Speaker

Every man knows that when his wife is appreciating him for the little things that he does, what does he want to do? He wants to do more. It's always about appreciation. It pulls things in. It attracts support.

Dr. John Demartini
"Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about"


Gratitude has been such a powerful exercise for me. Every morning I get up and say "Thank you." Every morning, when my feet hit the floor, "Thank you." And then I start running through what I'm grateful for, as I'm brushing my teeth and doing the things I do in the morning. And I'm not just thinking about them and doing some rote routine. I'm putting it out there and I'm feeling the feeling of gratitude.

The day we filmed James Ray sharing his powerful exercise of gratitude is one I will never forget. From that day on, I made Jame's process my life. Every morning, I do not get out of bed until I have felt the feelings of gratitude for this brand new day and all I am grateful for in my life. Then as I get out of bed, when one foot touches the ground I say, "Thank," and "you" as my second foot touches the ground. With each step I take on my way to the bathroom, I say "Thank you." I continue to say and feel "Thank you" as I am showering and getting ready. By the time I am ready for the day, I have said "Thank you" hundreds of times.

As I do this, I am powerfully creating my day and all that it will contain. I am setting my frequency for the day and intentionally declaring the way I want my day to go, rather than stumbling out of bed and letting the day take control of me. There is no more powerful way to begin your day than this. You are the creator of your life, and so begin by intentionally creating your day!

Gratitude was a fundamental part of the teachings of all the great avatars throughout history. In the book that changed my life, The Science of Getting Rich, written by Wallace Wattles in 1910, gratitude is its longest chapter. Every teacher featured in The Secret uses gratitude as part of his or her day. Most of them begin their day with thoughts and feelings of gratitude.

Joe Sugarman, a wonderful man and successful entrepreneur, watched the film The Secret and contacted me. He told me his favorite part was the gratitude process, and that his use of gratitude had contributed to all he had achieved in his life. With all the success Joe has attracted to himself, he continues to use gratitude every day, even for the smallest things. When he gets a parking space he always says and feels, "Thank you." Joe knows the power of gratitude and all it has brought to him, and so gratitude is his way of life.

With all that I have read and with all that I have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. If you only do one thing with the knowledge of The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life.

Dr. Joe Vitale

As soon as you start to feel different about what you already have, you will start to attract more of the good things. More of the things that you can be grateful for. You could look around and say, "Well, I don't have the car I want. I don't have the house I want. I don't have the spouse I want. I don't have the health I want." Whoah! Back up, back up! Those are all the things you don't want. Focus on what you already have that you're grateful for. And it might be that you have the eyes to read this. It might be the clothes that you have. Yes, you might prefer something else and you might get something else pretty soon, if you start feeling grateful for what you have

"Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude."

Wallace Wattler.

It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have. Why? Because the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are all negative emotions. Whether it is jealousy, resentment, dissatisfaction, or feelings of "not enough," those feelings cannot bring you what you want. They can only return to you more of what you do not want. Those negative emotions are blocking your own good coming to you. If you want a new car but you are not grateful for the car you have, that will be the dominant frequency you are sending out.

Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never-ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them. You will have locked into the frequency of gratitude and all good things will be yours.

"The daily practice of gratitude is one of the conduits by which your wealth will come to you." Wallace Wattler.

Lee Browner
Wealth Trainer and Specialist, Author, and Teacher

I think everybody goes through times when they say, "Thinks aren't working right," or, "Things are going bad." Once, when there were some things going on in my family, I found a rock, and I just sat holding it. I took this rock, I stuck it in my pocket, and I said, "Every time I touch this rock I'm going to think of something that I'm grateful for." So every morning when I get up in the morning, I pick it upp off the dresser, I put it in my pocket, and I go through the things that I'm grateful for. At night, what do I do? I empty my pocket, and there it is again.

I've had some amazing experiences with this idea. A guy from South Africa saw me drop it. He asked, "What is that?" I explained it to him, and he started calling it a gratitude rock. Two weeks later, I got an email from him, in South Africa. And he said, "My son is dying from a rare disease. It's a type of hepatitis. Would you send me three gratitude rocks?" They were just ordinary rocks I found off the street, so I said, "Sure." I had to make sure that the rocks were very special, so I went out to the stream, picked out the right rocks, and sent them off to him.

Four of five months later I get an email from him. He said, "My son's better, he's doing terrific." And he said, "But you need to know something. We've sold over a thousand rocks at ten dollars apiece as gratitude rocks, and we've raised all this money for charity. Thank you very much."

So it's very important to have an "attitude of gratitude."

The great scientist Albert Einstein revolutionized the way we view time, space, and gravity. From his poor background and poor beginnings, you would have thought it impossible for him to achieve all that he did. Einstein knew a great deal of The Secret, and he said, "Thank you" hundreds of times each day. He thanked all the great scientists who had preceded him for their contributions, which had enabled him to learn and achieve even more in his work, and eventually become one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived.

One of the most powerful uses of gratitude can be incorporated in the Creative Process to turbo-charge what you want. As Bob Proctor advised in the first step of the Creative Process, Ask, start by writing down what you want. "Begin each sentence with. I am so happy and grateful now that..."(and you fill in the rest.)

When you give thanks as though you have already received what you want, you are emitting a powerful signal to the Universe. That signal is saying that you have it already because you are feeling gratitude for it now. Now each morning before you get out of bed, make it a habit to feel the feelings of gratitude in advance for the great day ahead, as though it is done.

From the moment I discovered The Secret, and formulated the vision to share this knowledge with the world, I gave thanks every day for the film The Secret, which would bring joy to the world. I had no idea how we would bring this knowledge to the screen, but trusted that we would attract the way. I stayed focused and held to the outcome. I felt deep feelings of gratitude in advance. As that became my state of being, the floodgates opened and all the magic flowed into our lives. For the magnificent team of The Secret, and for me, our deep, heartfelt feelings of gratitude continue to this day. We have become a team that resonates gratitude with every moment, and it has become our way of life.

The Secret: 1st 20 minutes
Member # 14189
 - posted
I respect anyone that's going to read all that [Smile] .
Member # 14332
 - posted
That was one long post ,half an hour to read it properly for me i kept getting interupted ,i need another cup of tea .Is there a link to this or is this your own doing .
Member # 14224
 - posted
I too know the secret!! My hubby showed me this a few months ago.

It is indeed very interesting!!!

You can watch it on many internet sites i think i watched it on stage6.com.

Didn't read all your post though undercover (sorry) it is late and i am tired [Frown]

Take care all
Member # 14355
 - posted
Great post Undercover!! Haven't had the chance to get my hands on the book or see the film but this post hit the spot. Gratitude is key and has been an everlasting implement in my preserverance. I had no idea "The Secret" was something so simple and yet so complex. Thanx for the enlightenment!!
Member # 12979
 - posted
Gratitude attracts More of What you Desire

Gratitude does not need explanation, you know how to be grateful. But did you know that gratitude brings you more of what you appreciate? Gratitude speeds along the manifestation of your desires. Gratitude attracts what we desire. The universal law of attraction says that we will attract into our life the things we think about and focus on. When you are consciously aware of your blessings, and are grateful for them, you are focusing more clearly on what you do want in your life and are attracting more of those things into your life. Gratitude is a very powerful emotional energy that you must project in the course of manifesting
your desires.

When you find things that you appreciate and you use them as your point of focus, your world has to get better in every area of your life. Every time you flood your mind with appreciation or gratitude you attract more of what you desire. Look around you right now. What can you be grateful for? Get into the authentic feeling of true gratitude. Find something, anything, to be grateful for right now. When you are grateful, you’re in a high energy vibration that will attract more things to be grateful for and more good things will come to you magically, drawn in by your feelings of gratitude. The emotion of joy attracts conditions of joy.

Gratitude sends out the message that you already have what your desire. You must always at all times think in terms of already having the object of your desire in your physical reality. Along with those thoughts should be the feeling of the most intense gratitude for what you have already received from the universe. Gratitude makes the object of your desires a real, tangible aspect of your own reality, and the more real it is to you the sooner it will manifest into your personal experiential reality. Gratitude conveyed with genuine sincerity brings you more into harmony with the universe, and with it you become an even more natural creator of your desires. Those people who are completely aligned with the Universe, The Source, God are natural creators who live what seems to others like a charmed, magical life, instantly manifesting anything at all into their own reality. Such people are true Magicians, wizards and creators, and nothing is impossible to them.

Never take anything at all for granted. Always feel deeply grateful for everything that happens in your reality, regardless of whether you consciously attracted it or whether you perceive it to be positive or negative. In the grand scheme of things everything that manifests into your physical reality is directly for the benefit of your own personal evolution, and you should be most grateful for it whether you consciously
brought it into your own reality or not.
Watch how you respond to the little that you receive. Do you feel dissatisfied thinking that it’s nothing?
When you think of something as nothing, it becomes nothing and you attract more of nothing in your life.
But when you rejoice and give thanks as if the little were a big deal, it starts to become a big deal. When you give thanks for something, you bless it. It becomes better in quality and quantity until it builds up as a flood of abundance flowing into your life. Give thanks for everything.
Being deeply grateful also helps to ensure that you never convey the energy of dissatisfaction, which is a very negative energy, and therefore from a physical perspective a very destructive emotion. Dissatisfaction, ungratefulness or unhappiness will send the wrong energy into the universe, which will in turn react with reciprocating those negative emotions with more of the same. So whatever you feel dissatisfied, ungrateful or unhappy about will appear into your physical reality even stronger than ever,
creating a vortex of negative energy with corresponding negative effects. Negative emotion is only meant to compel you to take correct action to change the situation. It will only become worse if you only feel those emotions but do nothing about it or worse, take the wrong actions to make the situation worse off than before.

Conversely, those things that you feel extremely satisfied, grateful and happy about will create a much higher, positive vibration, attracting more of the same into your life. The universe always naturally moves in the direction of expansion and evolution, and never of contraction or destruction, so positive emotions are always much more powerful than negative emotions even though they are both energy with
corresponding effects. There is a difference between saying “I wish I had more” and “I wish to have
more.” The former comes from a state of unhappiness but the latter comes from a state of happiness,
while desiring more.
What you give thanks for multiplies. Bless the little and the little becomes a lot. What you appreciate,
appreciates in value. What are you are happy about flourishes. When you feel good, you would do things
that would produce positive results. The more good emotions you feel, the more positive actions you will
make and therefore create more happiness in your reality.
If you choose to use prayer to help create the things you most desire in your life, then you must pray in
the right way. A prayer that begs, pleads, wants, or wishes for things, will produce the experience of you
begging, pleading, wanting, or wishing for those things. Never beg or want for anything. This request is a
statement of lack which produces the experience of you wanting the thing you desire, not having it. The
most powerful prayer is a prayer of gratitude. Thank God in advance for those things you wish to create
because, in essence, they have already been created in thought.
The biggest key to creation is thankfulness in advance. To be grateful before, and for, the creation. It is
the sure sign of mastery. All masters know in advance that the deed has been done. To feel sincerely
grateful is to be in tune with the universe and with the truth that everything you truly desire is already
provided. An attitude of gratitude is the key to ultimate success. Why? Because the more grateful you feel
for what you have, the more the universe wants you to have. An attitude of gratitude opens the floodgate
for more to come into your life.
Giving thanks is the same as giving anything else. Do not give for the sake of getting. When you do so,
you will be giving with the vibration of lack instead of abundance. Do not give thanks in order to get
something. Be thankful because you are thankful. Be thankful because you know you already have what
you desire. What you want is already created in the nonphysical plane and therefore it cannot fail to come
through. It is the same as giving. You do not give in order to get. You give because you love. But give
knowing that you will receive more from other sources in order to give more. Be thankful knowing that you
will get more of what you are thankful for.
The most important and powerful emotion of all which is also the emotion behind all creation is love,
unconditional love. The more emotion you can infuse your conscious creation with, the more successful
you will be in manifesting it and sooner. Not only that, but if you can maintain these high states of
emotion, you will find your life will be “magically” and “miraculously” transformed. The natural state of the
universe is a constant flow of “Well-Being”. As humans, aspects of the divine, we can either allow the flow
of Well-Being, or deny and block it. Negative emotions are contractive and will block Well-Being. Positive
emotions, in particular unconditional love will open us up to the flow of abundance of the universe. When
you are in a state of gratitude, you are in a state of receiving God’s love.
The key is to be grateful before you have manifested your desire because from that from that space your
gratitude prayers bring in the energy which will soon materialize into your dreams and desires. The secret
to getting what you want is to totally appreciate this moment. When you are grateful for this moment, then
whatever is next for you will emerge out of this moment. You’ll be inspired to take action of some sort that
will lead you up. But the only way to get to the next level is to live in this moment with gratitude. Be and
feel grateful for everything. You will amaze yourself as you miraculously manifest more and more of what
you desire in your life.
Bless every experience. See the silver lining in everything. Blessing every event, even the so called bad
ones sends positive energy into the universe to recreate the negative experience into a positive one.
Why? Because by blessing a negative event, you are putting positive thoughts about the event into the
universe and positive thought energy creates positive outcomes. When you bless something, it’s effect on
you becomes good instead of evil. That is why it is good to bless your enemies.
When you focus on the good, it creates positive emotions in you which attract positive conditions in your life. Always believe that whatever is happening is actually a good thing, especially in the bigger scheme of
things. Rejoice continuously. Be grateful in advance for that which you choose to create, and bless
everything, and your life will truly be a blessing for you and for others.

The Power of Gratitude
Member # 12979
 - posted
"What you resist persists"

Anything we focus on we do create. So if we're really angry, for instance, at a war that's going on, or strife, or suffering, we're adding our energy to it. We're pushing ourselves, and that only creates resistance.

The reason that what you resist persists is because if you're resisting something, you're saying, "No, I don't want this thing, because it makes me feel this way - the way I am feeling right now." So you're putting out a really strong emotion of, "I really don't like this feeling," and then it comes racing toward you.

Resistance to anything is like trying to change the outside picture after they have been transmitted. It's a futile pursuit. You have to go within and emit a new signal with your thoughts and feelings to create the new pictures.

As you resist what has appeared, you are adding more energy and more power to those pictures you don't like, and you are bringing more of them at a furious rate. The event or circumstances can only get bigger, because that is the law of the Universe.


The anti-war movement creates more war. The anti-drug movement has actually created more drugs. Because we're focusing on what we don't want-drugs!


People believe that if we really want to eliminate something, focus on that. How much sense does it make for us to give the particular problem all of the energy, as opposed to focusing on trust, love, living in abundance, education, or peace?


Mother Teresa was brilliant. She said. "I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me." She knew. She understood The Secret. Look at what she manifested in the world.


So if you're anti-war, be pro-peace instead. If you're anti-hunger, be pro-people having more than enough to eat. If you are anti-a-particular politician, be pro-his opponent. Often elections are tipped in favor of the person that the people are really against, because he's getting all the energy and all the focus.

Everything in this world began with one thought. The bigger things get bigger because more people give their thoughts to it after it has appeared. Then those thoughts and emotions keep that very event in our existence, and make it bigger. If we took our minds off it and focused instead on love, it could not exist. It would evaporate and disappear.

"Remember, and this is one of the most difficult as well as most wonderful statements to grasp. Remember that no matter what the difficulty is, no matter where it is, no matter who is affected, you have no patient but yourself; you have nothing to do but convince yourself of the truth which you desire to see manifested." Charles Haanel


It's OK to notice what you don't want, because it gives you contrast to say, "This is what I do want." But the fact is, the more you talk about what you don't want, or talk about how bad it is, read about that all the time, and then say how terrible it is-well, you're creating more of that.

You cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As you focus on the negative events of the world, you not only add to them, but you bring more negative things into your own life at the same time.

When the pictures have appeared of something you do not want, it is your cue to change your thinking and emit a new signal. If it is a world situation, you are not powerless. You have all the power. Focus on everybody being in joy. Focus on abundance of food. Give your powerful thoughts to what is wanted. You have the ability to give so much to the world by emitting feelings of love and well-being, despite what is happening around you.


Learn to become still, and to take your attention away from what you don't want, and all the emotional charge around it, and place the attention on what you wish to experience... Energy flows where attention goes.
Member # 12979
 - posted
When we look around us, even at our own bodies, what we see is the tip of the iceberg.

Think of this for a moment. Look at your hand. It looks solid, but it's really not. If you put it under a proper microscope, you'd see a mass of energy vibrating.

Everything is made up of the exact same thing, whether it's your hand, the ocean, or a star.

Everything is energy, and let me help you to understand that just a little bit. There's the Universe, our galaxy, our planet, and then individuals, and then inside of this body are organ systems, then cells, then molecules, and then atoms. And then there is energy. So there are a lot of levels to think about, but everything in the Universe is energy.

When I discovered The Secret, I wanted to know what science and physics understood in terms of this knowledge. What I found was absolutely amazing. One of the most exciting things about living in this time is that the discoveries of quantum physics and new science are in total harmony with the law of attraction, and with what all the great teachers have known throughout history.

I never studied science or physics at school, and yet when I read complex books on quantum physics I understood them perfectly because I wanted to understand them. The study of quantum physics helped me to have a deeper understanding of the law of attraction, on an energetic level. For many people, their belief is strengthened when they see the perfect correlation between the knowledge of The Secret and the theories of new science.

Let me explain how you are the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe. In simple terms, all energy vibrates at a frequency. Being energy, you also vibrate at a frequency, and what determines your frequency at any time is whatever you are thinking and feeling. All the things you want, are made of energy, and they are vibrating too. Everything is energy.

Here is the "wow" factor. When you think about what you want, and you emit that frequency, you cause the energy of what you want to vibrate at that frequency and you bring it to You! As you focus on what you want, you are changing the vibration of the atoms of that thing, and you are causing it to vibrate to You. The reason you are the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe is because you have been given the power to focus your energy through your thoughts and alter the vibrations of what you are focused on, which then magnetically draws it to you.

When you think about and feel those good things that you want, you have immediately tuned yourself to that frequency, which then causes the energy of all those things to vibrate to you, and they appear in your life. The law of attraction says that like attracts like. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want.

Human beings manage their own magnetizing energy, because no one outside of them can think or feel for them, and it is thoughts and feelings that create our frequencies.

Almost one hundred years ago, without the benefits of all the scientific discoveries of the last hundred years, Charles Haanel knew how the Universe operated:

"The Universal Mind is not only intelligence, but it is substance, and this substance is the attractive force which brings electrons together by the law of attraction so they form atoms; the atoms in turn are brought together by the same law and form molecules, molecules take objective forms and so we find that the law is the creative force behind every manifestation, not only of atoms, but of worlds, of the Universe, of everything of which the imagination can form any conception."

I don't care what city you're living in, you've got enough power in your body, potential power, to illuminate the whole city for nearly a week

"To become conscious of this power is to become a 'live wire.' The Universe is the 'live wire.' It carries power sufficient to meet every situation in the life of every individual. When the individual mind touches the Universal Mind, it receives all the power." Charles Haanel


Most people define themselves by this finite body, but you're not a finite body. Even under a microscope you're an energy field. What we know about energy is this: You go to quantum physicist and you say, "What creates the world?" And he or she will say, "Energy." Well, describe energy. "OK, it can never be created or destroyed, it always was, always has been, everything that ever existed always exists, it's moving into form, through form and out of form."

You go to a theologian and ask the question, "What created the Universe?" And he or she will say, "God." OK, describe God. "Always was and always has been, never can be created or destroyed, all that ever was, always will be, always moving into form, through form and out of form." You see, it's the same description, just different terminology.

So if you think you're this "meat suit" running around, think again. You're a spiritual being! You're an energy field, operating in a larger energy field.

How does all this makes you a spiritual being? For me, the answer to that question is one of the most magnificent parts of the teachings of The Secret.

You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy just changes form. And that means You! The true essence of You, the pure energy of You, has always been and always will be. You can never not be.

On a deep level, you know that. Can you imagine not being? Despite everything you have seen and experienced in your life, can you imagine not being? You cannot imagine it, because it is impossible. You are eternal energy.


Dr. Jack Hagelin

"Quantum mechanics confirms it. Quantum cosmology confirms it. That the Universe essentially emerges from thought and all of this matter around us is just precipitated thought. Ultimately we are the source of the Universe, and when we understand that power directly by experience, we can start to exercise our authority and begin to achieve more and more. Create anything. Know anything from within the field of our own consciousness, which ultimately is Universal consciousness that runs the Universe.

So depending upon how we use this power, positively or negatively, that's the kind of body in terms of health, that's the kind of environment we create. So we are the creators, not only of our own destiny, but ultimately we are the creators of Universal destiny. We are the creators of the Universe. So there's no limit, really, to human potential. It's the degree to which we recognize those deep dynamics and exercise them, the degree to which we harness our power. And that really has to do again with the level at which we think."

Some of the greatest teachers and avatars described the Universe in the same way as Dr. Hagelin, by saying that all that exists is the One Universal Mind, and there is nowhere that the One Mind is not. It exists in everything. The One Mind is all intelligence, all wisdom, and all perfection, and it is everything and everywhere at the same time. If everything is the One Universal Mind, and the whole of it exists everywhere, then it is all in You!

Let me help you understand what that means for you. It means that every possibility already exists. All knowledge, all discoveries, and all inventions of the future, are in the Universal Mind as possibilities, waiting for the human mind to draw them forth. Every creation and invention in history has also been drawn from the Universal Mind, whether the person consciously knew that or not.

How do you draw from it? You do it through your awareness of it, and by using your wonderful imagination. Look around you for needs waiting to be filled. Imagine if we had a great invention to do that. Look for the needs, and then imagine and think their fulfilment into being. You don't have to work out the discovery or the invention. The Supreme Mind holds that possibility. All you have to do is hold your mind on the end result and imagine filling the need, and you will call it into being. As you ask and feel and believe, you will receive. There is an unlimited supply of ideas waiting for you to tap into and bring forth. You hold everything in your consciousness.

"Divine Mind is the one and only reality."


We are all connected. We just don't see it. There isn't an "out there" and an "in here." Everything in the Universe is connected. It is just one energy field.

So whichever way you look at it, the result is still the same. We are One. We are all connected, and we are al part of the One Energy Field, or the One Supreme Mind, or the One Consciousness, or the One Creative Source. Call it whatever you want, but we are all One.

If you think about the law of attraction now, in terms of us all being One, you will see its absolute perfection.

You will understand why your negative thoughts about someone else will return to harm only You. We are One! You cannot be harmed unless you call harm into existence by emitting those negative thoughts and feelings. You have been given free will to choose, but when you think negative thoughts and have negative feelings, you are separating yourself from the One and All Good. Think about every negative emotion there is and you will discover that every one of them is based in fear. They come from thoughts of separation and from seeing yourself as separate from another.

Competition is an example of separation. First, when you have thoughts of competition, it is coming from a lack mentality, as you are saying there is a limited supply. You are saying there is not enough for everybody, so we have to compete and fight to get things. When you compete you can never win, even if you think you won. By the law of attraction, as you compete you will attract many people and circumstances to compete against You in every single aspect of your life, and in the end you will lose. We are all One, and so when you compete, you compete against You. You have to get competition out of your mind, and become a creative mind. Focus only on your dreams, yourvisions, and take all competition out of the equation.

The Universe is the Universal supply and supplier of everything. Everything comes from the Universe, and is delivered to you through people, circumstances, and events, by the law of attraction. Think of the law of attraction as the law of supply. Itis the law that enables you to draw from the infinite supply. When you emit the perfect frequency of what you want, the perfect people, circumstances, and events will be attracted to you and delivered!

It is not people who are giving you the things you desire. If you hold that false belief, you will experience lack, because you are looking at the outside world and people as the supply. The true supply is the invisible field, whether you call that the Universe, the Supreme Mind, God, Infinite Intelligence, or whatever else. Whenever you receive anything, remember that you attracted it to you by the law of attraction, and by being on the frequency and in harmony with the Universal Supply. The Universal Intelligence which pervades everything moved people, circumstances, and events to give that thing to you, because that is the law.


We often get distracted with this thing called our body and our physical being. That just holds your spirit. And your spirit is so big it fills a room. You are eternal life. You are God manifested in human form, made to perfection.


Spiritually we could say that we are the image and the likeness of God. We could say we are another way that the Universe is becoming conscious of itself. We could say that we are the infinite field of unfolding possibility. All of that would be true.

"Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable."

You are God in a physical body. You are spirit in the flesh. You are Eternal Life expressing itself as You. You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are all wisdom. You are all intelligence. You are perfection. You are magnificence. You are the creator, and you are creating the creation of You on this planet.


Every tradition has told you that you were created in the image and likeness of the creative source. That means that you have God potential and power to create your world, and you are.

Maybe you've created things to this point that are wonderful and worthy of you, and maybe you haven't. The question I'd ask you to consider is, "Are the results you have in your life what you really want? And are they worthy of you?" If they're not worthy of you, then wouldn't now be the right time to change those? Because you have the power to do that.

"All power is from within and therefore under our control."

You are not your past.


A lot of people like they're victims in life, and they'll often point to past events, perhaps growing up with an abusive parent or in a dysfunctional family. Most psychologists believe that about 85 percent of families are dysfunctional, so all of a sudden you're not so unique.

My parents were alcoholics. My dad abused me. My mother divorced him when I was six...I mean, that's almost everybody's story in some form or not. The real question is, what are you going to do now? What do you choose now? Because you can either keep focusing on that, or you can focus on what you want. And when people start focusing on what they want, what they don't want falls away, and what they want expands, and the other part disappears.

A person who sets his or her mind on the dark side of life, who lives over and over the misfortunes and disappointments of the past, prays for similar misfortunes and disappointments in the future. If you will see nothing but ill luck in the future, you are praying for such ill luck and will surely get it.

If you go back over your life and focus on the difficulties from the past, you are just bringing more difficult circumstances to You now. Let it all go, no matter what it is. Do it for you. If you hold a grudge or blame someone for something in the past, you are only harming You. You are the only one who can create the life you deserve. As you deliberately focus on what you want, as you begin to radiate good feelings, the law of attraction will respond. All you have to do is make a start, and as you do, you will unleash the magic.


You are the designer of your destiny. You are the author. You write the story. The pen is in your hand, and the oucome is whatever you choose.


The beautiful thing about the law of attraction is that you can begin where you are, and you can begin to think "real thinking," and you can begin to generate within yourself a feeling tone of harmony and happiness. The law will begin to respond to that.


And you can break yourself free from your hereditary patterns, cultural codes, social beliefs, and prove once and for all that the power within you is greater than the power within the world


You may be thinking, "Well, that's very nice, but I can't do that." Or, "She won't let me do that!" Or, "He'll never let me do that." Or, "I haven't got enough money to do that." Or, "I'm not strong enough to do that."Or,"I'm not rich enough to do that."Or,"I'm not,I'm not,I'm not,I'm not."

Every single "I'm not" is a creation!

It is a good idea to become aware when you say, "I'm not" and to think about what you are creating as you say it. A powerful insight shared by Dr.Wold has been equally documented by all the great teachers with the power of the words I am, When you say "I am," the words that follow are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be fact. You are stating it with certainty. And so immediately after you say, "I am tired" or "I am broke" or "I am sick" or "I am late" or "I am overweight" or "I am old," the Genie says, "Your wish is my command."

Knowing this, wouldn't be a good idea to begin to use the two most powerful words, I AM, to your advantage? How about, "I AM receiving every good thing. I AM happy. I AM abundant. I AM healthy. I AM love. I AM always on time. I AM eternal youth. I AM filled with energy every single day."

In his book The Master Key System, Charles Haanel claims that there is an affirmation that incorporates every single thing any human being can want, and that this affirmation will bring about harmonious conditions to all things. He adds, "The reason for this is because the affirmation is in strict accordance with the Truth, and when Truth appears every form of error or discord must necessarily disappear."

The affirmation is this: "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy."

If it sounds like work to drag what you want out of the invisible into the visible, try this shortcut: see what you want as absolute fact. This will manifest what you want with the speed of light. The second you ask, it is fact in the Universal spiritual field and that field is all that exists. When you conceive something in you mind, know it is a fact, and that there can be no question about its manifestation.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Leito:
I respect anyone that's going to read all that [Smile] .

Ditto that. [Wink]
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
What a long explaination but it is interesting to know.

I will copy - paste, print it out and read on my bed [Smile]
Politically Incorrect
Member # 14181
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by Leito:
I respect anyone that's going to read all that [Smile] .

Ditto that. [Wink]
I was tempted to cut and paste War and Peace as a response. [Razz]
Member # 13418
 - posted
Thank you Undercover. I have been wanting to buy the movie. Now I am thankful for having it. [Smile]
Member # 13695
 - posted
I have the book, and Cd's. I have read tons of books, and this one is really great.

The power of positive thinking can change your life. However, this book is pretty much a collection of all thoughts from other books, it's nothing new, but it's still great for those who want to change themselves, their cognition and how the Universe works.

I liked the saying "every possibility already exists" that REALLLY made me think because it tells me that everything I did so far in my life was purelly what I THOUGHT I wanted, not necessarily what I truly wanted.

For example if you chose a job that is not worthy - that's because you thought and attracted this type of job to yourself since you did not believe you can get any better.

I did not know that "every possibility already exists". I wasn't fouced on that. I was focused on "the opposite". I thought that "every possibility doesn't exist". But when they explained it in the book it made sense immediatelly.
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
..."When you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you hold that focus, you are in that moment summoning what you want with the mightest power in the Universe. The law of attraction doesn't compute "don't" or "not" or "no," or any other words of negation."...

So the summary is I must be sure what I want first and then think positive and believe that what I want will come true before my eyes, Am I right?

Maybe I will ask Undercover and lovingmylife to send me more about this article cause I'm really interested of it.

[Smile] Thanks for sharing.
Member # 12979
 - posted
Effectively applying the law of attraction

Law of Attraction - Having is about Being

We know from the Nature of All Reality and the Universal Construct that everything in the entire universe is pure energy, differing only in rate of vibration.

How does the Law of Attraction work? It works according to the principle of vibration. Everything vibrates and vibration is Energy. Energy attracts energy that is of the same rate of vibration. Energy attracts like Energy. Hence the statement, “All is energy and the energy you give out is the results you get”.

The Law of Attraction is you draw into your life whatever you focus on and emotionalize. You attract to you everything and anything you hold in your mind, whether wanted or unwanted. Simply by observing your reality is created.

To focus is to concentrate attention or energy. Attention is psychic energy. Psychic energy is living and conscious. Whatever you give psychic energy to, you are giving it mental life to exist. That is why the more you place your mind on something, the more it lives. The less you do, the less power it has to remain alive. When you do not pay attention to something, it ceases to exist over time.

The more we focus, the more attractive and stronger our vibration becomes, and the more quickly it manifests. To practice the Law of Attraction, simply put your attention and your positive emotions upon the essence of your dreams fulfilled, as if you already have them now! Be contented to wholly experience them in your mental world first.

The hebrew word for bless is kabad which is to give weight, to honor or to treat as important. The hebrew word for curse is qalal which is to make light of, to despise or to lightly esteem.

When you appreciate something, it appreciates in value. Bless the little and the little becomes alot. When you unappreciate something, it depreciates in value. Focus your mind and will on the positive and detach from the negative. What you focus and give attention to, you bless. What you neglect and withhold attention from, you curse.

When you acknowledge that God is the one at work in the good that you experience, you start experiencing his operations even more. What you appreciate becomes more significant. This is why
giving glory to God increases his glory over your life.

Everything is conscious, living energy. What you bless, you give mental life to and it grows and flourishes. You increase its existence. What you curse, you withhold mental life from and it withers and dies. You decrease its existence.

What you focus on you magnify. The more people there are to focus on something, the more it is
magnified. That explains why the more popular something is, the more it tends to flourish. This is the secret of marketing and promotion. Fortune normally follows fame. But the more people shun something, the more it fades away as a part of ordinary life.

The Law of Attraction attracts by creating and creates by attracting. It pulls what you focus on to you, or it pulls together the quantum field to manifest it for you. Focus collapses the wave function into particles and crystallizes the sea of infinite possibilities into something tangible and experiential.

The Law teaches the creative power of thought. This Law is one with the Law of cause and effect. It is this Law that establishes you as a Being made in the image and likeness of the Creator, with a Mind that possesses the same creative properties.

You attract into your experience that which you are in vibrational resonance with. Using the Law of Attraction to manifest what you desire is to put yourself in a state where you are in vibrational resonance with the object you intend to attract. You imagine the situation you desire as though it is already a reality and allow yourself to think the thoughts and feel the feelings related to it. The state of
vibrational resonance is the mindset and feeling of already having what you want.

Let’s say you want to pick up a new skill such as dancing. You may have started attending classes to
learn a particular dance style such as salsa, ballet, or jazz. But you just feel it in your heart and know it in your mind that you are already a great dancer. You have the talent naturally within you and learning it will be a piece of cake. It all becomes a flow and you are just expressing yourself in freedom. When you
watch famous dancers performing, you feel you’re like them, being able to move the way they move and are equally capable of doing their every step and more.

In NLP terms, you can call this modeling or neurological conditioning of your mental and emotional states to follow the patterns of success. But the psychospiritual connection is that, your inner world defines your outer world. You will find yourself being able to master the skill as if you had it all along within you. It is
the Law of Attraction at work bringing what you believe you already have to you, simply because you totally feel as though it has always been yours. The secret is that we have our circumstances because of the way we feel. How we feel is controlled by how we think.

Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Emotion also has the power to create what you want. Find within yourself what it will feel like to have, be, or do the thing you want and you will begin to manifest the thing you want. The energy in the emotion will work to pull you toward the thing you want while also pulling the thing you want toward you.

The greek word for grace is charis which is to give thanks. Grace is gratitude. Gratitude is the channel of receiving God’s grace. Gladness, contentment, joy, happiness and gratitude are the same. Notice that the people who keep winning alot are those that feel gleeful about and rejoice alot over their victories. People who rejoice and express their gladness about things the most often seem to be to most grace filled ones in life. What you give thanks for multiplies.

God is the joy giver, to give thanks is to express joy back to God for the joy he has given to you. The same energy that you give is the same energy that you’ll attract. Express joy to God and in return, you gain more joy. Seeing people express joy and appreciation about what you’ve given to them is all the thanks in the world you need from them, and it attracts more of those things from you. Being joyful, contented and happy attracts things that give you such emotions in your life. The key is to rejoice, to express your joy and gladness about something whenever you have the opportunity to do so and to express it immensely.

Feel the joy of having what you want, feel it right now and you will begin to pull it to you and you to it. The whole process of mental, spiritual and material wealth may be summed up in one word, gratitude. For you to have something, you must be in a mental and emotional state of having it.

If something is in your life but you feel as if you don’t have it or are lacking it, very soon that thing will slip away and you will lose it. For example, you have a great friendship with someone who brings joy and comfort to your life. But somehow you start having this negative idea that friendships don’t last for long and whatever good you experience tends to degenerate, then this thinking will generate a negative energy that will influence events to cause things to fall apart between the two of you.

On the contrary if you believe you have a great friendship with someone and that it is something that is a gift from heaven so you can never lose it because it is fated to be that way, then your mindset will cause things to remain that way and even when bad things happen that threaten to break the friendship apart, it will turn around magically as if that just can’t happen. Think of someone you know whom you’ve “unbefriended” countless of times in your life already and yet are still together with even now, and you know what I mean. That is the result of your beliefs or that person’s beliefs about the friendship.

Your thoughts and beliefs create a force that can break something apart even when all other forces are working to keep it together and can keep something together even when all other forces are trying to pull it apart. You can never lose something on the outside if you never lose it within you. Even if it’s taken from you, it will come back again or something even better will happen. You can never keep something on the outside if you have already lost it within you.
Even if you try every means to retain it, you will still only have an empty shell.

It is all about beingness. If you believe you are poor, no matter how much money you have, you will
always be a poor person. Because you have a poverty mentality. If you believe you are ugly, no matter what kind of clothes you wear or how much you try to enhance your appearance, you will still never be truly beautiful. That’s because your expressions will communicate that you are not really good looking enough, and so you’re trying too hard to appear beautiful.

Look at the world. No one who is truly beautiful think of themselves as ugly. No one who is truly rich think of themselves as poor. Complete beauty is both inner and outer beauty. Inner beauty is in the self-image. What you are is what you see you are.

Having is about being. To have confidence, be confident. To have understanding, be understanding. To have admiration, be admirable. What you have is always meant to be an expression of what you are, and not to define what you are. It is YOU that define what you are. What you have, is an expression of your beingness that results as a manifestation of your beliefs, and whether that manifestation has occurred or not, should not change your inner definition one bit.

Who you are inside creates the results you get outside. Once you change the way you are inside, the outer world changes. The energy you give out attracts and creates the results you get. Change your inner energy and you change your results.

Consciousness defines Being. To have something is to be in vibrational resonance with the energy of that thing with your being and precedingly, your consciousness. If you have a consciousness of lacking, you will be a person of lack and the energy of your beingness will attract more situations of not having into your life. If you have a consciousness of having, then your beingness will attract more situations of having
into your life.

What you embrace in your inner world creates what you experience in your outer reality. Once you take care of the inner, it will show results in the outer. When you get the lessons, you don’t need the experiences.

I think therefore I am. I am therefore I have.

People of the world tend to forget this simple truth of all things and that’s why they are chasing after all the forms and not realizing the essence.

Luke 19:26 “For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.”

Be what you want to attract. To attract the perfect partner, be the perfect partner. We often want our idea of the perfect partner to enter our lives and stay forever, yet we are not willing to do what it takes to be the “perfect” partner for someone else. We can prevent ourselves from painful experiences as well as the loss of precious time and energy if we begin by first working on ourselves.

Everything in your reality follows an internal to external design. Anything you want to add or subtract from your reality must first be added or subtracted from within yourself. One of the main goals in life is to search for that ultimate love, your soulmate. However, that soulmate will never appear if, first, you are not soulmates with yourself.

Like everything in the Universe, we are all beings of Energy, extensions of The Source Energy, always
attracting into our own individual realities similar Energy in complete accordance with the thoughts we vibrate. The entire Universe is Energy and all thoughts are Energy characterized by vibration.

Therefore you attract precisely the Energy of situations that are in harmony with the Energy of thoughts that you hold in your Mind, with which you are vibrating and projecting into the Universe. This same Law applies whether your thoughts are positive, negative or neutral, and the effects will be in precise accordance with those thoughts.

Higher Feelings Manifest your Desires More Freely

The secret of manifestation is that you do not attract your desires by what you think but by what you feel. Everything is vibration and you attract those things that you are in vibrational resonance with. Your vibration is your feeling. It is your feelings that attract your experiences. The more you experience the feeling of having what you want, the more you will have it. Higher vibrations and feelings is the medium by which your desires will manifest more freely. The more positive feelings you can experience about yourself and your desires, the easier and faster you’ll experience your desires spontaneously manifesting
into your world.

Emotions help you create reality. When you believe in something, love and cherish it, you can create it more freely. You have the power to manifest anything your heart desires! If there is anything you want to create more of, focus upon it.Whatever you turn your attention to, you will create. What we give out, we get back. The energy you give out is the results you get. Imagine what your life would be like if your mind could always be focused on thoughts that were filled with joy, peace, love, abundance and feeling successful! Whenever you feel good, you are in vibrational harmony with your desires.

Emotion is energy and energy attracts like energy according to the law of attraction. Your feelings create your reality. That is why it is important to choose listening to songs and music that causes you to feel the feelings you would feel in the state of experiencing your desires as reality. Instead of songs that causes you to feel otherwise because those feelings will very well attract those conditions into your life. The same
principle applies to the shows that you watch, the materials that you read and the things you talk about. Choose to engage in things that generate in you the feeling of experiencing what you want.

Of course you can allow yourself to experience every kind of feeling just for the experience of it. Listening to bittersweet or sad songs and watching heart breaking movies sometimes do help us to cherish the positive and happy things in life more. It is ok to engage in things that causes you to experience them some of the time. Just make sure that your dominant emotional experiences are in accordance to experiencing what you do desire.

Faith is a feeling and vibration. You cannot experience faith without the feeling of faith. When you really have faith about something, you must feel it. A person with a higher vibration will create their desires easily, freely and more effectively than someone who is experiencing a lower vibration. Our vibrations go up and down with our moods throughout the day. That is why it is important to be conscious of how we are feeling and keep choosing to feel positive. If you did nothing else but ask yourself, ‘How do I feel right now?’, and keep bringing yourself back into feeling good, everything else would fall into place.

The following feelings and attitudes emit a higher vibrational frequency that resonates with your desires and attract them freely. Happiness, joy, bliss, appreciation, gratitude, love, peace, admiration, certainty, confidence, faith, courage, hope, freedom and trust. The following feelings emit a lower vibrational frequency that attracts negative events and push your desires away. Condemnation, guilt, worry, disappointment, resentment, fear, insecurity, doubt, hesitation and sadness.

It is very difficult, almost impossible to achieve any type of success with negative feelings. You have to constantly fight and push. Nothing comes easily. And whatever you gain in that way won’t last. On the other hand, feelings of higher vibrations attract success almost effortlessly. Of course you still have got to do something. However you don’t have to force anything. You go with the flow and your intuition leads you to opportunities and people you might never have experienced or met.

The are three main states of vibration that you can resonate at. The lowest is the state of unhappiness. In this state you feel depressed, overwhelmed, bored, angry, heavy, helpless and so on. Your world is full of rain and darkness, and that is what you tend to create. The middle is the state of monotony. In this state, you operate on automatic pilot. You just do things because you should do them. You are like a robot that is following orders. The world appears to be pretty cloudy and boring. When you operate predominantly at this frequency, you tend to create more of the same old thing. The highest is the state of joy! At this frequency, you feel fully alive and on fire. You are excited about everything that comes your way, and you are in the flow. Your world is full of sunshine, and good cheer. You operate from inspiration, and desire. When you operate at this frequency, you naturally attract your heart’s desires.

You can control your feeling with your thought. Positive thought and feeling is high vibration. What you resonate, you will accumulate. You can still make progress even when your vibrations are low but it would not be as quick and easy as it would be when your vibrations are high. Keep your vibrations high to manifest what you want freely in life. Anything in motion will continue in motion, unless an opposing force emerges to neutralize it. Feeling positive emotions means you are allowing your desires to flow towards
you without resistance.

You can choose to be happy by choosing to think positive thoughts. Focus on what you are happy about. Imagine how you would feel if your desire is a reality now. Allow yourself to feel the excitement, exhilaration, joy, gratitude and happiness now. This feelings are what you remember when you’re intending your desired reality as they become your set point. Whenever you feel good or happy, you become a powerful magnet to rapidly attract your desire. Happiness is a choice, you can choose to be happy in any moment.

Whenever you think or do anything that causes you to feel even the slightest bit better than how you were feeling a moment ago, you will cancel out whatever negative energy you were generating before. Every moment is a new beginning and you can use it to create reality afresh and anew with full power always. When you think of something that you do not like, then in that moment think of something else that you are happy about to neutralize the negativity and turn it into positivity.

Sometimes negative feelings are a cause for action if they are valid. To deal with your feeling of fear, worry and doubt in the moment, simply think about what you are going to do about what you are thinking and then let go, or do it immediately if you can, so that your mind can rest on the issue.
Be happy and your situation will automatically change for the better.

Fear is low vibration and excitement is high vibration. Failure is low vibration and success is high vibration. Like vibrations attract, unlike ones repel. When you fear failure, you attract it towards you. When you fear success, you push it away. When you are excited about what you do, you become more likely to succeed and less likely to fail. The difference between fear and excitement is joy.

Your true desires are high vibration. When your emotional vibrations are high, you attract and manifest your true desires more freely. When your emotional vibrations are low, you attract and manifest things that you do not truly desire. Your true desires are the state of the source which is abundance, freedom, love, power, awareness and total success in everything. To be godlike.

Time is a factor that all manifestations of thought and feeling operate with in the physical plane of reality. When your vibrations are consistently high, your desires manifest more freely. The more enthused, excited, and emotionally charged you are about something and the better it feels, the faster you’ll see it
show up in our life. Higher vibrations are connected to divine life and they will attract all good things you divinely desire in your inner being. All things are spirit in form.

It is all about consistency and frequency of vibration. Higher rate of vibration means higher speed of motion of energy. Manifestation is energy moving into form. Things take longer time to manifest on the physical plane because it exist at a lower rate of vibration. That is why consistency of faith is more important while existing on Earth. Our thoughts manifest as things instantaneously on the mental plane first before manifesting correspondingly on the physical plane over a period of time. If you could allow yourself to experience higher feelings consecutively for a certain period of time, your world will be bound
to become a lot different than before in a much better way!

Vibrational Matching requires an Identity Shift

In the process of achieving your goals, you have to become more than what you are. Your self identity needs to expand to include those things you intend to manifest. If you identify with the person you will be when you achieve your goal, you will get there very quickly. Once you have shifted your identity, you simply make gradual changes in your persona to match the one you would adopt when you have fully achieved your goal.

You are a different person with your goal achieved compared to the person you are without it. It is not just taking the actions to get to your goal. There is a different way you think about yourself when you have achieved your goal. There is a different way you perceive reality. Without this personal inner shift in your self identity, all your actions will ultimately fail because your personality conflict will sabotage your success. When you change your identity to match the person you will be with your goal achieved, your
goal will manifest in your reality without fail.

The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a
vibrational pattern that does not match the vibration you desire. That is the only reason ever! You cannot desire something but predominantly focus on the absence of it, and yet expect to receive it, because the vibrational frequency of it’s absence and the vibrational frequency of it’s presence are very different
frequencies. Your desires and your beliefs must be a vibrational match in order to receive that which you desire. You need to have it in your being. You need to get it emotionally.

You have to be in a vibrational match with your desires and intentions in order to manifest them into reality. To be in a vibrational match with your desired reality means you have made an identity shift towards it. You identify yourself with it and therefore would do whatever it takes to be there now. You may take massive actions and work very hard for it but it will just flow because you already know how is it like to be there. If you were already the person who is experiencing your desired reality, you would find that anything else is totally unacceptable, because it is simply not you. Your identity forces and compels you to live your ideal right here, right now.

When people find themselves wanting to become millionaires they tend to look at where they are and spend most of the time making decision based on their present circumstances. Most of them keep saying, “I don’t have enough” or “I wish I could have more” or “I need to pay these bills” and so on. The challenge is pretty obvious, they like to achieve financial abundance coming from a scarcity mentality. If you need to look at where you are at, look at it once . Now keep your whole attention focused on the bigger picture.

The key to manifestation is the ability to shift awareness and hold focus. Keep your awareness more on where you want to go and less on where you are, and you will get there faster. You have to shift your awareness to your desired reality in order to draw it into manifestation. The key is to feel comfortable with thinking, talking and acting in a state where your desire is already a reality.

So to manifest millions, you must keep your energy and sight thinking in terms of bigger numbers. Keep your awareness so that thinking in terms of bigger numbers becomes a part of your life. Once you keep your attention in the right place, thinking in terms of bigger numbers, the universe will provide you with plenty of opportunity to ensure that you can attain whatever it is you desire to accomplish. All you need to do is recognized the opportunities and act upon them.

To attract wealth, you have to be wealthy. Your beliefs is your being in this world. You have to make the decision that you are wealth contrary to external physical evidence. Being wealth conscious magnetically attracts wealth into your life. You will attract wealth simply because of who you are. You have to shift your consciousness to be wealth by realizing that abundance is everywhere and you will experience the wealth that is yours.

Get comfortable with larger numbers and amounts. If you already identify with your desired reality, you would feel that the larger numbers and amounts are really normal. You will also feel that they are not really big and anything smaller is really small indeed. Think the way you would think and feel about numbers and amounts when you are already the person you want to become. You would find many of the things you think of as too much for you now are really nothing at all. You would also feel that using a certain amount of resources or energy in whatever form that you presently think as a lot is no big deal because you have a lot more in your reserves and inflowing as well.

Having the identity of being a millionaire already doesn’t mean you go and spend like crazy. That is not a good idea because someone with a millionaire mindset does not manage his finances unwisely and gets himself into debt. But a millionaire would be willing to invest more money into his business and spend more to increase his capacity of getting returns. You have to know how to resonate with your identity of being the person you will be in every way in order to live correctly as that person now.

Seeing whether someone’s identity is a vibrational match with his dreams and desires, is how you can tell whether such person is going to make it even if that person has not gotten the desired relationship, business or goal yet. You know that they are going to get it because they already have an identity shift towards the end result they want to achieve. Shift your identity and you will find yourself accelerating rapidly towards the desired reality you intend to manifest.

Will is Central Key to all Mental Phenomena

The future exists first in the imagination, then in the will, then in reality. Simply imagining something will not make it real. If you want to make your imagination reality, you have to use the will. The will is the central key to all mental phenomena. Everything is controlled by the will. The will is the core that holds all energy together. The will is the highest level of the mind and its ruling faculty.

The ruling faculty of mind is the ruling power of reality. Magic is the act of causing change in accordance with will. Will is directed by desire and liberated by belief. You must focus on your desire and you must will yourself to believe in getting it. Even though what you want has already been giving, you have to use the will to claim it as yours, so that negative forces cannot take it away from you.

Manifestation works best when you have a strong intent. Instead of only a want, it is more of a must. When you know something must happen, it will. When you want something to happen, it is still not a strong enough intention. “I want to do this.” is not as strong as “I must do this now.” It a small distinction that makes a big difference. Think to yourself “I can and I will.”

Manifestation involves the act of selecting from a pool of probable futures, a particular one to manifest. We cannot avoid our role as chooser-creators any more than we can avoid thinking. Intention is choice. To think about this rather than that, to give attention to this rather than that. The will is the faculty of choice. It is the decisions we make that shape our destiny.

Every time you change your desires, you are essentially starting all over again in the creation process. If you have been spending days or weeks putting your attention on a specific desire, picturing, thinking about it, and then you change your mind and want to create something else, all that energy you pushed out to create that past vision is now wasted and you must start all over again focusing on something new.

It is fine to review your dreams and goals, and change them from time to time if after awhile you find that you didn’t really want a particular dream or goal. Just try not to keep changing your mind. Most people don’t create much of anything because they either don’t know what they want, or they keep changing their mind about it. And when you keep changing your mind, you never stay with anything long enough to create it. You send out partial messages and get back a partial life. This is why it is important to get as clear as possible about what you really want, and then stick to it.

The key to mastery is to keep choosing the same thing. Stay with one thing. Don’t take your mind off of it. Keep focusing on it until it becomes a reality. A Master chooses something to manifest and doesn’t go on to something else until he or she has manifested it completely. If you choose to create something, stick with it. Choose it with all of your heart and soul. Be committed, persistent, and focused. Don’t take no for
an answer! Do not go on to something else until you have created your chosen dream or goal. If you want your life to calm down and bring you what you want, stop changing your mind so often.

Will is focused intent. You have to be fully intentional in order to manifest what you want. The problem with many of our intentions is that they are half hearted intentions. Half hearted intentions will only produce half hearted results from the universe. It is when we are fully intentional for something to happen that the universe would arrange the situations to allow us to experience our desires manifesting. The
universe reflects to us what we send out to it. When you commit yourself, that is when the universe commits to you. Synchronicities show up more powerfully and more spontaneously when we have synchronized our internal world by aligning our thoughts and feelings about something in one direction.

It’s been said that consecutively sustaining positive thought is the hardest work in the world. But it is also the key to mastering the world. To monitor your thoughts and keep them only on those things you desire will require constant, moment to moment, minute to minute attention, especially in the beginning, when you may be used to worrying or fearing. It is a day-to-day, hour-to-hour, moment-to-moment act of supreme consciousness. This is Conscious Creation. You are becoming aware for the first time of the many thoughts that govern your life. This is a real awakening.

The secret of success is to be able to hold all of our energies upon one point, to focus all of the scattered rays of the mind upon one place or thing. Use will power in concentrating your mind upon what you are doing at a given moment, and then turning to something else. Hold all of your powers with a firm hand. Great self-control and self-conquest gives one great power over others. He who has a firm will molds the world unto himself.

Inspired Action with Intent produces Results

It is not you action that creates what you want, but your intent. You actions only serve to bring your intent into manifestation. You can’t manifest what you did not create and actions create nothing. Action without intent will be counterproductive and will only serve to destroy. When you create what you want with thought, you will only need one tenth of the effort to achieve your desire.

Never try to force things to happen because you are afraid of what will happen if you don’t take a certain action. Instead, choose inspired action that moves you toward what you want, not away from what you don’t want. Inspired action always feels easy and effortless. Action taken out of fear, worry or doubt always feels forced and stressful. Acting on your intentions without trying to force things to happen will magnetize your desires by attracting people, places and opportunities into your into reality that you never would have even seen if you hadn’t done so.

You can reduce the need for action to a very minimum by allowing yourself to focus on what you desire until you feel the positive energy begin to move within you. This energy is not based on
doubt, fear, anxiety, worry or need. If you focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want, you will know when it is time to take action. When you do, it will be effortless. Doors open and the entire universe will conspire to assist you in your desire. Focus on your intent and do not take action until you feel positive emotion within you. In that moment you will know what to do. When you take action it will be the right thing at the
right time.

Many people end up frustrated and discouraged at their lack of results because they fail to connect
thought with personal action. They may think about what they want in the beginning and then go off to
work without a thought about their desires for the rest of the time. Or even worse, them may get caught up in the problems of the day and begin to doubt or fear not getting what they want. These thoughts then go to work to create the negative images that are being created throughout the day in their minds, which completely overpower any benefit from their earlier positive thoughts.

We must bring our dreams into our actions. Bring your thoughts, your dreams, your visions and think
about these things as you are taking action in your present environment. You must hold the vision of what you want in your mind and take action now. Don’t try to come up with some new, incredible scheme to get what you want. Most of the time the things you want will come from the actions you’ve been taking in your present situation. Bring your powerful thought energy into your actions in order to attract what you desire, through existing channels.

Every action can be made powerful and successful by holding your vision while doing it, and putting your whole purpose and faith in it. Most people fail by separating mental power from personal action. They use the power of mind at one place and time, and then they act at another place and time. So their actions are inefficient and unsuccessful. But if all power both mental and physical goes into every act, no matter how
ordinary, every act will be a success in itself. Every success opens the way to other success therefore your progress towards what you want as well as what you want towards you, will become increasingly rapid.

The things you desire can come to you indirectly through people related to your present work,
circumstances or your leisure activities. A miracle can come from anywhere, so always empower you actions and your life with the visions of what you desire, and do all that you can do each and every day. Let the vision of what you want empower you in everything you do. Think and act as if your desires are reality now. Focus on your intent in everything you do.

Rich people create what they want with thought and the right actions come along for them to step into
their desires. That is why every little thing that they do gets back so much and opportunities seem to fall upon them easily. Poor people create what they want with action while focusing on what they do not want. That is why they do so much only to get so little and life is such a struggle for them. The rich do most of their work mentally while the poor do most of their work physically. The rich know the secret that the universe is mental and everything is created by thought.

Taking Positive Action towards your Desires

Don’t hesitate to move on your ideas and respond to situations that calls for action in order to keep the momentum going. If you’re sitting waiting for something to happen, doing other “important” tasks rather than those that you know will produce the results you desire, you are wasting time and you are no closer to your desire. You may realize that you have waited for so many things in my life that never showed up!

Act on your desire in order to get to where you want to be. Waiting will not do it. The best men are not those who have waited for chances, but who have taken them, and made chance the servitor. It is better to act first and apologize later than to seek permission first. We often wait for the feeling to be right first, before we take the action we know will bring us satisfaction. The feeling of satisfaction only comes from accomplishment, not from pondering and procrastinating. Take immediate action, not out of fear or to force things to happen, but because the next action you take brings you one step closer to your desire and you will see tremendous results come into your life.

Sometimes opportunity knocks but sometimes you must knock. If you truly desire what is behind the door, you will knock until it opens. Sometimes you may even have to break down the door to get through to what you want. The difference between using the force out of power and using the force out of fear, doubt or worry, is that when you are powerful, you know what it is you are doing and are doing it powerfully. It doesn’t feel forced but liberating to you.

As soon as you know your desire, have asked for it, and are experiencing it in your mental world, you must then take steps towards it and allow the universe to manifest your desire into your physical reality. Although the universe will bring into your physical reality anything you ask for, it will accelerate the process greatly if your also take physical action towards your desires. This is does not of course mean that you physically have to go out there and do everything yourself. You simply have to take positive
steps in the direction of your desire which reinforces your claim that it already exist in your present reality.

The vibrations of your physical actions also firmly impress upon your subconscious mind your total commitment to realizing your desires. If you have your subconscious mind as well as your conscious mind influencing all the energy of reality in the direction of bringing the object of your desire into your physical reality, it will be much more powerful and your desires will manifest sooner as a result. Reality creation happens through metaphysical and physical means. Both intention and action are necessary for creating
what you want.

For example you wish to manifest a new house, you should take positive actions to physically go out and look for one. You do not have to worry about whether you can afford it or not, that would be a negative emotion resulting in the negative influence of energy. Anyway the realization of your house is not your concern, it is for God and the universe to take care of the manifestation of your desires into your reality. Manifestation is a balance of taking action and letting it happen. Perfect manifestation is a combination of
intention and detachment.

In the case of your new house, the very act of physically going out and looking for the house of your desires will not only project the positive energy of intent, but will also produce other emotions such as excitement and expectation all of which will add to the net effect of positive energy in realizing your desires. The more you physically take steps in the direction of your desire, the more positive emotion you will generate and the more you can integrate the object of your desire as part of your being. The more
powerful also will be the effect, and the sooner you will be able to realize it within your physical reality. That’s the reason to act as if your desire is reality.

Massive action results in massive manifestation. The more you want something the more focused you
must be in your actions towards getting it. The bigger and the more frequent the action you take, the better it is but take some sort of action you must. Never wait until tomorrow, because the next day you will defer until tomorrow again, and you will never take that important first action in the direction of your desires.

Gratitude attracts more of what you desire. Doubt is Main Cause of Failure in Anything

The biggest reason why we have bad experiences and failures in any area of life is doubt. We doubt
when we worry and fear. That is what causes all the failures in our work, marketing, business,
relationships, health and everything else. Do you know why? Because we become what we think about
most. All actions are effects and the only cause is thought. Worrying is using your imagination and
emotion to create something you do not want. Worry and fear is unbelief. Our beliefs create reality.
Unbelief is actually belief in the opposite of what we desire to create. When conflicting beliefs exist, we sabotage our reality creation. That is why we fail to manifest what we want.

Through the process of manifesting your desires, you may encounter situations where you still haven’t got what you wanted at a time you expect to get it, and you start to question and doubt that what you’re doing works. When you think “why isn’t this working yet” or “why hasn’t it happened yet”, you are moving away from your desire. When you have negative feelings of fear, worry or
doubt, all you have to do is stop in that moment and change your focus onto what you want. You must do it in that moment and not later.

Focus on what you desire only. Do not focus on your fear of not getting it. If you believe that something won’t work or doubt it, then you will push the things you want away from you. Some people try visualizing and affirming what they want for a moment but then they spend the rest of the time undoing their reality creation by worrying, doubting and focusing not yet having what they want. Your belief that you can’t have
what you really want will be created in your life as that thought energy goes to work to make sure you don’t get what you want.

The more you focus on what you want, the more the you move toward what you want and the thing you
want also moves toward you. When you are not thinking about what you want, the you are in neutral. However, if you start to fear not getting what you want, or start thinking about the opposite, then you start to move away. When you start worrying, fearing, doubting that you can have what you really want, then you put the you in “reverse” and move away from the things you most desire. You are not only moving away mentally but also physically when your thoughts of doubt cause you to take actions out of doubt.

Simply intend, believe and be grateful because you know it is being taken care of. Then leave it and move on to the next thing. This not only saves you from failure, but it frees you so much time to intend so many more things instead of spending hours worrying over that one thing. The reason why you experience confusion in life is because you think about what you want and then you think or feel something apart from it. This creates confusion in your mind which attracts more confusion into your reality.

Cast all your cares to the Lord for he cares for you. Do not have a care in the world. Detachment has been proven to work over and over. Worry and fear has been proven to destroy over and over. According to research done at Spindrift Foundation on the power of prayer, a “thy will be done” prayer gets more than twice as many results as a specific “give me this” prayer. That’s why it’s so important to end your request for anything you want with the words, “this or something better.”

You attract what you think about, so if you are always worrying about money, even though you wish to be wealthy, you will ultimately attract a lack of money into your like. However, if you are thinking about yourself enjoying grand wealth and affluence long enough, without conflicting thoughts of poverty or money worries, you will attract wealth into your life. The same goes for any area of you life. You have to focus on thinking about the presence rather than the absence of the thing you want.

Resistance stops the flow of energy. Resistance is the cause of stress. Resistance is like trying to drive with the brakes on. When you stop the flow of energy, you stop action, or you require tremendous amounts of energy to enable action. If you think of any goal you would like to achieve, you will notice certain feelings of resistance in your body. Worry, fear and doubt is resistance. Free of resistance, it is possible to accomplish great things with ease and effortlessness.

Don’t get discouraged if you start to doubt or worry from time to time. That is natural. You don’t have to think about what you want 100% of the time. If you think about what you want more than what you don’t want, you’ll get what you want. The question is degree. If 60% of the time you think about your desires, and 40% of the time you are in worry or fear, chances are you will eventually get what you desire. But if you think about what you desire 80% of the time and only go in fear 20% of the time, you get there much
faster and easier. The Law of Attraction always yields to you the essence of the balance of your thoughts.

Attraction minus Repulsion = Rate of Manifestation.

If you find yourself at times doubting or fearing. Just get yourself back on track by focusing on what you want, on what you desire, not on what you fear. Think about how it would be like if your desired situation already exist and start acting like it. Let go. Focus only on what you know and can, and leave the rest to the Source, God and the Universe. If you don’t, you only get in your own way. Let go and enjoy! Focus only on that which you can do. And the only thing you can effectively do is intend and enjoy Now. Focus on the Now, and you will start having inspiration instead of worries.

Law of Probability and Manifestation Success

You have no doubt in your mind that you create your experiences. The only doubt you may have is the extent to which you are in control of the creation of your own experiences. The law of probability is that the more possibilities and options you include, the lower the chances will be for a particular outcome to happen. The secret of success is focus, concentration, having a sense of certainty and clarity, and making a firm decision. Success is about narrowing down a field of possibilities in order to manifest a
single choice.

If you focus on one thing and one thing only, everything unlike it disappears and only that which the focus have been placed upon manifests. The challenge for most people is that they focus on what they desire but change their mind often. The reason why you change your mind is because you doubt if the choice you have in mind is the best one, or you doubt the outcome will be what you expect it to be.

If you had seven stones of different colors each in a box, the chances of you picking a particular color is one out of seven. If you had three stones, the chances would be one out of three. If there was only one stone, the probability would be a hundred percent. No matter what the circumstances are, you will always end up with that color because that is the only one in the box. Same with life. You will always end up with
the desire you want to manifest in your life if you focus only on that desire.

That being the case, what is it that keeps adding probabilities that gets in the way of manifesting a particular desire? Doubts. When you start doubting and changing your mind, you are adding more probabilities into the probability pool. When you alter focus towards other possible scenarios, you are adding more probabilities into the equation which lowers your chances of success. What fuels doubts? Advertisements, media, junk television and radio, spending time with the wrong people, etc. That is why is imperative that if you want to achieve single focus, you must feed your mind constantly with the kind of thoughts and influences that are supportive and congruent with whatever it is you intend to manifest.

You need to get clear about what you certainly want. Once you have clarity of intention, you must not change your mind until that which you want to create have manifested. You have to keep choosing the same thing so that you can stay with it long enough for it to be created. Decide and be firm in your decision. Believe only in the realization of your particular choice. Choose to focus only on your desired reality You should consider no other possibilities and options apart from the one you have chosen. The beauty of how the universe works is that you always end up receiving something far much better than what you have originally intended.

Look at your thoughts of problems. They are all memories or worries about something in future that has not even happened yet and can very well be avoided if only you stopped worrying. Fears and worries affect your reality timeline. If you want to land on your desired future timeline, you should stop worrying and focus on what you want.

Focus on where you are making money and not where you are losing it. Focus on areas where your
relationship is going well and not on where it isn’t. Of course you can think of the negative things in order to be aware and make positive changes, but your focus is still on what you want and are happy about. Even if you have ninety nine things that are not going well for you but you focus only on the one thing that is going well, the rest of the things will have to change.

Ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and
tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything from God. Whoever speaks unto a mountain to be removed and cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, he shall have what he says. Whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

A goal set with certainty is already accomplished, and because it is, all the miracles necessary for its manifestation are already set and will happen in good time as long as you do not get in the way. If you start wondering, doubting, worrying and fearing, you are getting in your own way.

There is a world of difference between “believing” and “knowing”. When you “know” the truth about
anything, there is no doubt. You have one hundred percent confidence. Trust that your intentions are
already a reality on the non-physical plane of consciousness, and that they must manifest in your physical reality if you do not hold any opposing thoughts. And then, act as if your intentions are reality, now.

Law of Detachment - Flowing with God

There is another Law in conscious creation of reality that is as equally important to understand as the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Detachment. It is this Law that gives the crucial distinction in utilizing the Law of Attraction successfully. The Law of Detachment is complimentary to the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Detachment says that in order to successfully attract something, you must be detached to the outcome. If you are attached, you project negative emotions of fear, doubt, or craving which actually attracts the opposite of your desire. You are operating from a position of worry, fear and doubt rather than serenity, trust and faith. Of course there are times when negative emotions are meant to be felt and acted upon, but your dominant emotions should be positive ones.

Let go and let God. Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is
based on resting in the complete grace of God and knowing that He is always working everything through you and together for your greatest good. To be detached is to realize that everything good is from God and nothing at all is from you. It is God doing it through you and the other elements in your reality so there’s nothing to hold on to as your own, all you have to do is to have the right beliefs and let God do it.

Ease and perfection of action depend entirely upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon the
consciousness. You have to take your conscious mind off it in order to let your subconscious mind take over. The pilot and the autopilot cannot control the plane at the same time. You have to let go in order to let God take over. To detach is to allow the universe to bring your desire into manifestation however way is best for you. When you are detached, your desires will manifest much faster.

To be attached means to be powerless because what you attach yourself to, you give your power to it.
When you look to outside sources to bring you fulfillment, you are giving your power away. When you are looking to something outside yourself for power and happiness, you are making something other than your true self your source. Detach knowing that whatever you detach from has no power over you, but you have complete power over it.

Attachment to anything will always create insecurity no matter how much of it you have. In fact, some of the people who have the most of what they want are the most insecure. Attachment to something makes you wonder if you will keep having it or if your may lose it. Insecurity causes unhappiness.

The search for security and certainty is actually an attachment to the known. There’s no evolution in that, absolutely none at all. And when there is no evolution, there is stagnation, entropy, disorder, and disintegration.

Uncertainty and the unknown is the field of all possibilities or pure potential. It is ever fresh, ever new, always open to the creation of new manifestations. It is the realm of pure creativity and freedom. When you are attached, your intention gets locked into a rigid mindset and you lose the fluidity, the flexibility, and the spontaneity inherent in the field of pure potential.

When you experience uncertainty, you are on the right path so don’t give it up. You don’t need to have a complete and rigid idea of what you’ll be doing next week or next year, because if you have a very clear idea of what’s going to happen and you get rigidly attached to it, then you shut out a whole range of possibilities. Realize that there is an infinite intelligence working alongside your own and it is the one that can bring you a better way or more worthwhile experience. All you have to do is state your intentions and desires and detach from the how and when they manifest.

Are there times when you want to work something out, but yet the more you try to work it out, the worse it gets? When God works, it is effortless. God arranges the situations for you when you are not in it, so that when you step in, you experience the blessings. It is so much better to depend on God than to depend on your own strength. Unless the Lord builds the house, they that labor do so in vain. What you can control, you should control. What you can’t control, you should let go and let God. When you trust God, everything
is under control.

God will never deny our request because whatever we want for ourselves we can manifest. But to
experience nonresistance and effortless accomplishment, we must surrender to the will of the Universe who only wants for us nothing but the best for we are the beloved children of the Creator who wants us to have it all. As Jesus reminds us, “it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

You may have the intention of going in a certain direction but between point A and point B there are infinite possibilities. With uncertainty factored in, you might change direction in any moment if you find a higher ideal, or something more worthwhile pursuing. You are also less likely to force solutions on problems, which enables you to stay alert to opportunities. One door seems closed, but there is another open. What you want can always come in another way. God never closes a door without opening another one, so we need to stay alert to see whatever new opportunities life presents us.

Imagine you found a job you’re looking for. It looks like the job you want, and it appears the odds are in your favor as you move from interview to interview within the office, yet at the last minute they choose to hire someone else. If you are detached then you trust that another opportunity, the right opportunity is on its way. However, if you are so attached to getting that job for whatever reason, you cause yourself lots of anxiety and stress if you don’t get it, which means you are looking for this job as an outside source to fulfill you on some level.

The Law of Detachment accelerates the whole process of evolution. When you understand this law, you don’t feel compelled to force solutions. When you force solutions on problems, you only create new problems. But when you wait patiently and in faith, the right solution will arise on its own. Confusion is the doorway to a new understanding. Order will emerge from the chaos.

We must have goals otherwise we are denying our inner desires, cutting ourselves off from growth and development. Goals inspire us to live, create and move forward. If we are not doing this, we are dying on the inside. We want to embrace desires and intentions but we just don’t want to cling to them. Of course, we all want to realize our goals and desires, however if realizing them is the source of our well-being, the source of our happiness or worthiness we will fail!

We have all heard of or know the classic stereotypes called overachievers who appear to have it all, the money, the fame, the status, only to be miserable on the inside. They’ve been setting and realizing goals all their lives, and are still miserable.

This is why detachment is so crucial. When you don’t have to have this thing in order to be well, or be happy, then you can let go and enjoy the process. Understand it is the process that is the joy, because the minute we realize our goal, we are going to be setting new goals. There is no realization of any goal that is going to be the completion of us, once we realize one goal we are going to keep moving forward, we are evolutionary beings. I am sure you have all experienced this. There is no way that the realization of goals is the source of our peace of mind or wholeness.

The purpose of life is growth. Life without progress becomes unbearable. It is the cycle of continuous progress that makes us happy. We are Energy Beings and energy is always in motion. To live is to keep moving and flowing. When we stop we die. Nothing rests, everything moves. Only at the highest rate of movement where God is flowing continually in us is there rest.

We learn from the law of attraction that all we experience is the result of what we feel. When we feel undesirable feelings, we attract undesirable experiences. Realize that when we feel undesirable feelings, it is because we are in a state of attachment to certain things that create those feelings. Break away from the attachment, stop worrying and bothering about it. Have not a care, act like it doesn’t matter and your feelings will be liberated to more positive ones of fun, joy and peace.

The truth about States in NLP is really all about being in or out of alignment with your Higher Self. When you are in alignment, you experience all your desired states such as happiness, confidence, freedom, joy, peace, fulfillment, empowerment. When you are not in alignment, you experience all your undesired states such as worry, fear, anxiety, uncertainty, weakness, frustration, depression and disempowerment. So in essence, there are only two states, a state of alignment and a state of misalignment.

The Higher Self is the divine and universal aspect of God in us. Paul says “in my flesh wells nothing
good”, but not “in my spirit”. Our spirit is the universal spirit of God. The image of God.

No one else can take the place of your center except two persons. Christ in you and you in Christ. Anyone else that is close the center of your heart can only be allowed to obit around the center and not placed in it. You are not to be attached to anyone or anything. To be in a state of non-attachment is to be like God. God is unattached to everything, he allows his creation to be free. If it wasn’t so, He wouldn’t
give anything free will.

Have not a care in the world. Be free spirited and carefree. Have fun, play the game. Remember there
are no rules and there are no limits. Just have the attitude of doing something and then seeing what happens. Be in a position where you have nothing to lose. We are beings of evolution. It doesn’t matter whether the past experience was good or not. Keep moving on to the next one.
Some of the best things you desire just seem to happen to you when you are in a total “I don’t give a damn” mode. And while it is happening, it is no big deal to you and it doesn’t matter. But you acknowledge the paradox of what’s going on in the situation, that you get what you want when you don’t really seem to want it.

Ever noticed that the things you desire always come to you when you least expect them? Like getting a date when don't really want it. At first your all into it then you give up and all over sudden you get dates out of nowhere. Everyone noticed or talked about this before. If your WANTING something you put force behind it but you can NOT force the universe/God/divine law to do anyting for you. It's impossible. It will be given to you, always. And that time is always once you were able to completely let it go. If your ready to die without it, then you will be ready to receive it. Here's a nice saying that puts it all together: "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you it's your's. If it doesn't it never was." - Earl Simmons

Be insistent yet detached. You focus on what you want, expecting it to happen and even when it didn’t happen, it doesn’t matter. Have a detached involvement. There is a fine line between caring in a detached way and being truly uncaring. Just like there is a fine line between perfect good and perfect evil. Because the opposite ends of a polarity spectrum are really just next to each other.

Detachment does not mean we feel nothing. Detachment is not apathy or indifference. Detachment feels freeing! When we are successfully detached from the outcome we feel like the Universe has our back, like all is well, like we can trust in our greater good, like we are absolutely certain that all that we desire is
already ours. It is essential to intentional creation to get into a feeling place of peaceful expectation that what we want is already at hand. As long as we are ‘attached’ we will continue to focus on the negative aspects of what we don’t want and the fears that come up as we doubt our ability to manifest.

Do not engage in something if it is the only option you feel you have. You are being attached. You will be disappointed and mentally shifted out of alignment with your center, if the thing you want to do is not available for one reason or another at the time you want to do it. Create several other good options to take on in place of it at the time as well before you choose to engage in it. When you go ahead and do it that manner, you will most likely get what you want because your energies are right.

Enlightenment is a state of non-attachment. It is the realization that all suffering is burning energy on the uncontrollable. To be unattached is emotional freedom and psychological stability. Keep you thoughts flowing. As long as there is flow, there is abundance. The moment you rest at any place, you stagnate and there is lack.

We are beings of evolution. When we accomplish goals, we set new goals. We either progress or regress, we never stand still. We feel like we are dying if we are not growing, and collapsing if we are not expanding. When you keep advancing, your intelligence and knowledge will be in effect. When you become attached, your intelligence and knowledge will be of no effect.

To be in grace is to live in the truth that all things flow from God through you and so there is nothing to cling on to as yours. To be under the law is to be enslaved by the yoke of bondage which is attachment. To be attached is to fall from grace because you are trying to hold on to emptiness and are no longer flowing. When you are attached, Christ your Higher Self is of no effect unto you. When you are detached, you acknowledge that you are using God’s power and not your own.

The more you are unattached, the more you allow God to flow in you and the more rapidly your desires will manifest because your Energy and vibrations are more aligned with the flow of God’s Energy and therefore that which you desire in your life.

It is an enlightened way of living your life. You have to let go and trust that life itself is taking you to the things you desire. As you let go and trust, you feel different, you radiate a different vibration to the world, and better things and experiences come to me. Again, the whole secret is in learning to simply let go.

Learn to follow the quiet voice within that speaks in feelings rather than words. Follow what you hear inside, rather than what others may be telling you to do. The universe itself will act to move you to what you want, and move what you want to you. All you have to do is let go, while acting on your inner prompts. Let go of fear, doubt, worry, disappointment, and any other negative emotion that might make you feel low.

Being unattached gives you the ability to drop whatever it is you are focusing upon at the moment and focus on something new. It makes you able to switch your concentration from one thing to another. It keeps your consciousness in flow and not fixed at any spot so it can be free and spontaneous in experiencing unfoldment.

Effectively applying the law of attraction requires both desire and acceptance. Practicing the law of detachment is how we can accept and expect what we desire. The two laws work harmoniously to support us in effectively applying the power of our minds and the universal laws of creation.

Every problem you experience in life is an opportunity for you to gain precious awareness that you do not already possess. A problem is an experience with a lesson to learn. The lesson contains the valuable awareness that will increase the sum total of your soul’s knowledge, that empowers you to a greater level of living and being. The key to learning the lesson is in perception and lateral thinking. Be flexible and
have an open mind. You will find the solution that you are happy with.

We are all instruments of God whether yielded or unyielded. When we are yielded, we are of more use
and become more powerful instruments and also enjoy the process with greater happiness. Do not care, just surrender yourself to the flow of God. It is flowing all the time and when you are ready, it will flow through you. When you are detached, you are trusting and surrendering to God. Anytime you are not detached, you are not trusting, not surrendering and not yielding to God.

The law of detachment explains why productivity increases when a person takes frequent breaks from
work. Being able to constantly walk away from what you are doing puts you in a state of rest and thereby able to continuously reconnect with the flow of God by keeping your energy in motion and your mind afresh. You may have stepped out from the flow for a while and feel lost and break in momentum, but the flow is always there and you can step back into it again and it will be perfect.
Member # 13695
 - posted
Originally posted by Angel Heart:
..."When you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you hold that focus, you are in that moment summoning what you want with the mightest power in the Universe. The law of attraction doesn't compute "don't" or "not" or "no," or any other words of negation."...

So the summary is I must be sure what I want first and then think positive and believe that what I want will come true before my eyes, Am I right?

Maybe I will ask Undercover and lovingmylife to send me more about this article cause I'm really interested of it.Thanks for sharing.

Hi Angel, I actually just posted what recently took place in my life in the topic "What I am grateful for today" and as you can see many great things took place just in very short time, and I did not mention all. and I am so grateful for everything! ( Thanks God for everything I just love it and I love it... )

The way How I do it, actually is described in the book and it DOES work. Since I got the book I changed so many things in my life or maybe in other words things came to me because I ATTRACTED THEM TO MYSELF.

I'll explain. [Smile]

Imagine that everything in the world is possible, that every possibility already exists and that in any moment all you want is there. Right? Now the thing is how will you get what you want? Well the book says, the Universe is giving to everyone WHAT THEY FOCUS ON.

So if you focus your thoughts on - oh I don't have enough - then Universe hears the Order and gives you "not enough".

Let's say you go to shopping and you see a nice dress, if you say "oh but I can't afford this, I have no money". Since you focus on NOT HAVING INSTEAD ON HAVING The Universe gives you "no money" because this is what you focused on.

If you focus on anti-war, you attract more war. You must focus on positives - on peace.

You must focus on "I have so much" than Universe gives you "so much" because this is what you focused on.

You get what you focus on.

What you need to do?

Place an order to the Universe as if this is a catalog and believe that what you ordered will arrive, and it will arrive. say 1 time and believe but you must focus on positives....only!

Say - I want love, instead I don't have love.
Say - Money comes easily and frequently to me, don't say - I don't have enough money.

Focus on what you have, not on what you don't have and you whole attitude will change, this change will cause everything you want to be ATTRACTED to you thus it will give you opportunities and you will get it. More you focus on positives more good things come your way. This is just one small part of so many things... but I think it does work... people are focusing on negative things thus they attract just more negatives.

I am not sure if everything posted here is actually from the book. Certain things I don't recognize, but you can get the book from the book store for maybe $15 only,or from the library for free, and also the great thing is to start writing down things you are grateful for every day or at least whenever you feel just focus on what you already have, and things will slowly start to change. You also must be able to feel excitment about things you get, and to "visualize".
Member # 12979
 - posted

Member # 12979
 - posted
Originally posted by Undercover:

Let's look at what Jesus, says regarding this law..

"Whatsoever things ye desire when ye pray, believe that you receive them and ye shall have them."

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Just like the example above, the faith results from a belief that began with a thought. Note that Jesus says Nothing will be impossible. He doesn't say except for this or that. He says Nothing will be impossible!

Here's another........

"Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

Her belief which began as a thought, stopped her suffering. He didn't say, "I have healed you", he said "Your Faith has healed you."

"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you."

All that is required is the faith, (belief) which begins as a thought.

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

The thought develops the belief. Although you can't yet see it, "thought correlates with it's object" to make it manifest in the physical.

"As a man thinketh, so is he"

Whatever your thoughts consist of manifest and create your reality.

When you change your thoughts, you will change your beliefs and you will change your entire world!

References from Buddha........

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world."

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."

"All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else."

A quote from the Kabbalah...

"Three are the dwellings of the sons and daughters of Man. Thought, feeling and body. When the three become one, you will say to this mountain "move" and the mountain will move." - The Kabbalah

We could reference hundreds, if not thousands of spiritual writings and quotes which support the Law of Attraction.

The important thing to understand is this. A Creative Force exists that attract thought (YOUR thought) vibrations together that are congruent with like vibrational frequencies to form into physical being, and determine your life experiences based on that which was originally thought.

In order to experience what you "perceive" to be the positive aspects of life, you must first harmonize your thought vibrations with the vibrations of that which you seek to attract.




Member # 12979
 - posted
There is another part of the Law of Attraction that is not explained very well. That is called the Law of Detachment.

The Law of Detachment basically says that in order to successfully attract something, you must let go of your attachment to the result. If you are attached, you project negative emotions of fear, doubt, or craving which actually attract the opposite of your desire. You are worrying that you won't receive it and since this is your thought, then this is what you will get. You are operating from a position of distress rather than confidence.

To practice the Law of Detachment, be willing to trust in the great universal order and timing. You cannot force the issue. You have to allow it to happen. Have you ever tried to train a puppy to come when called? You have to call or give the command, and then wait for the puppy to come to you. You may have to call several times, but the key is to wait for the puppy. If you get angry and yell and threaten usually the puppy will run away and leave a mess behind that you have to clean up. Giving you a lot more of what you did not want. Patience and allowing work much better and get the desired results.

Be willing to trust in the higher consciousness and let go of your intention. Realize that higher consciousness has what you truly want the most. Anything you want can be acquired through the Law of Attraction but you must also use detachment. Because detachment is based on knowing that the universe is always working everything through you for your greatest good.

Listen: Law of Detachment
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Member # 14401
 - posted
Simply great - gives one the will to live. [Smile]
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
If I miss my love, is that negative mood?

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