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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12156
 - posted
Experiment where a Muslim women in Hijab visits a bakery in Waco, TX. I'm very close to the person the experiment in based on, and it really breaks my heart. I'm amazed at how hate filled, and how misinformed people are about Islam. Honestly, it NEVER ceases to amaze me.

joueur ( Hocus Pocus)
Member # 14353
 - posted
36 Verily, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, and so will they continue to spend it; but in the end it will become an anguish for them. Then they will be overcomed. And those who disbelieve will be gathered unto Hell.
37 In order that Allah may distinguish the wicked (disbelievers, polytheists and doers of evil deeds) from the good (believers of Islamic Monotheism and doers of righteous deeds), and put the wicked (disbelievers, polytheists and doers of evil deeds) one on another, heap them together and cast them into Hell. Those! it is they who are the losers.
38 Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning).
Member # 14410
 - posted
Truly depressing, and downright sick mentalities with racist tendencies that continue to prevail in America.

What a shame.
Member # 14842
 - posted
ABC pushes Islamic victimhood. The perpetrator of this hostility was an actor. The victim was an actor. The whole incident was trumped-up, rendering the significance of the reactions suspect to say the least. ABC could not, you see, count on a veiled Muslim woman encountering hostility anywhere in this U.S.- otherwise, they could have simply sent her into a few stores and filmed the uncanned reaction. So they had to create an "Islamophobic" store clerk as well, to guarantee the outcome they wanted.

Then they highlight the negative reactions with nary a hint that the Muslim community in the U.S. might have the power to change such boorish and hostile reactions- by being more transparent, by being more honest, by being more specific and forthright in opposing the jihad ideology- if it indeed does. Obnoxiousness is obnoxiousness, but when people turn on the news and see rage and threats of murder over cartoons, and terrorist act after terrorist act committed in the name of Islam, they aren't blind. They shouldn't react by verbally abusing some random Muslim woman in a store, but the idea that all this is some example of gratuitous racism is ridiculous.

Note also that the "skyrocketing" rate of hate crimes against Muslims is largely trumped-up. And of course while ABC's companion piece to this one relies heavily on "information" from CAIR, there is no mention of CAIR's unindicted co-conspirator status, or its connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, or the convictions of various of its officials on terror-related charges.
Member # 13418
 - posted
Why don't y'all notice the people who came to her defense? [Confused] I was proud of them.

I posed a similar scenario (except worse) to joueur once and he never could give me an answer. I asked him what he would do if he saw Muslims killing a kafer/Christian and raping his wife and he never could tell me that he would defend the woman. Just that he couldn't judge the ones doing it. We all know what sands would do to the Christian. He makes no bones about it. [Frown]
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
i read this story and its just nasty!!
if i was in a store and someone said somethin either to a muslim person or fat or black i would go off so bad on them!!!
no matter noone has the right to disgriminate!!!
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by of_gold:
I asked him what he would do if he saw Muslims killing a kafer/Christian and raping his wife and he never could tell me that he would defend the woman. Just that he couldn't judge the ones doing it.

He's probably one of the many people who just stand by watching and sneering when a European woman gets harassed in Egypt. I mean ... she's probably a disbeliever and something close to a prostitute as well ... after all, that's what Westerners are like, right? So it's likely she deserves the abuse.

I'm amazed at how hate filled, and how misinformed people are about Non-Muslims. Honestly, it NEVER ceases to amaze me.
Member # 14248
 - posted
'I'm amazed at how hate filled, and how misinformed people are about Non-Muslims. Honestly, it NEVER ceases to amaze me.'

Member # 14656
 - posted
this isn't really about muslims, even if someone is lying in the street in pain people will usually not stop to help unless they are asked specifically.

Most people would be afraid to confront someone who is this outspoken, maybe in fear of them being turned on themselves, you see it here on this board, people are often afraid to stand up to a 'bully' they would rather ignore it, than throw themselves in the firing line, most of us do it.

When I first read this topic I thought this actually happened, but I would be sceptical if it happened alot, although maybe I am wrong.

People are not usually brave enough to come out with this stuff, even if they think it. Of couse there are people that think these things about muslims and Its up to us muslims to show them that we are not all as we are portrayed on the media.

I agree with Dalia also, there has to be tolerence both ways, just because someone is not a muslim does not mean they are immoral or a 'kafir' IMO
Member # 10593
 - posted
And btw ... I have indeed spoken up and given someone a piece of my mind when I heard that person making a derogatory comment about a Muslim woman passing by.

But the area where I am in Germany is quite multicultural in general and covered women are a very normal sight, so that was actually quite a rare incident.
Member # 12156
 - posted
Originally posted by Mrs:
this isn't really about muslims, even if someone is lying in the street in pain people will usually not stop to help unless they are asked specifically.

Most people would be afraid to confront someone who is this outspoken, maybe in fear of them being turned on themselves, you see it here on this board, people are often afraid to stand up to a 'bully' they would rather ignore it, than throw themselves in the firing line, most of us do it.

When I first read this topic I thought this actually happened, but I would be sceptical if it happened alot, although maybe I am wrong.

People are not usually brave enough to come out with this stuff, even if they think it. Of couse there are people that think these things about muslims and Its up to us muslims to show them that we are not all as we are portrayed on the media.

I agree with Dalia also, there has to be tolerence both ways, just because someone is not a muslim does not mean they are immoral or a 'kafir' IMO

It did happen, it happened to my friend, the girl whom the experiment is based on. And in Waco, TX.

And this is just an example of what happened to her. She's had students throw yogurt at her and use slurs, she's had girls make nasty remarks if she went to the gym in hijab, and she was attacked and sexually violated by a man who was screaming at her about being a terrorist and such the entire time.

And strangeways, its disgusting that you copy and past that xenophobic, bigoted babble.
Member # 12156
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by of_gold:
I asked him what he would do if he saw Muslims killing a kafer/Christian and raping his wife and he never could tell me that he would defend the woman. Just that he couldn't judge the ones doing it.

He's probably one of the many people who just stand by watching and sneering when a European woman gets harassed in Egypt. I mean ... she's probably a disbeliever and something close to a prostitute as well ... after all, that's what Westerners are like, right? So it's likely she deserves the abuse.

I'm amazed at how hate filled, and how misinformed people are about Non-Muslims. Honestly, it NEVER ceases to amaze me.

I really don't like the fact that you're taking my words so lightly. Like I said, these things did occur, and the fact that a a teenage girl went through the type of abuse thats a throwback to the pre-civil rights era, should disturb you and everyone else.

Personally, I am disturbed at the level of ignorance people in THIS country have about Islam and Muslims.Maybe, since you aren't a women of color, or maybe because you arent a Muslim women who wears hijab, you are unable to imagine facing this type of discrimination BASED on what you look like. Or maybe you just can't feel for this issue because you don't live in this country.

You should look at studies of how ignorant people in this country really are of this religion and of its followers.

I am disturbed simply by the fact that discrimination, and hate, exists based on the fact of how someone looks. I'm disturbed by it, because in THIS country, such things are SUPPOSED to be backward.

I'm not quite sure why some of you seem to have th e need to refer to "Sands" or "jours" in your posts- are they what you've decided a mainstream Muslim is?

I've stood up for people who have been harassed at the threat of my own safety, I've spoken up for people at the threat of my own peace of mind, and they've been white, black, hispanic, non-muslim, and Muslim.
Member # 14656
 - posted
Its good that you have stood up for people Hibbah, but most people wouldn't unfortunatly, probably myself included, especially if I had children with me.

I'm sorry this happened to your friend, obviously this sort of thing does go on, but I dont think it is the 'norm', again, I may be wrong. It IS sad that it happens at all, but then alot of things that happen are sad. People get picked on for all sorts of things, whether they are fat, disabled, female, all sorts and in an ideal world everyone would stick up for everyone else, but it doesnt happen.

IMO, if that scenario was real, the woman should walk out and report the abuse to the police, rather than put herself at risk by trying to confront someone so ignorant, and the best thing the other people should do is leave too.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by hibbah:
I really don't like the fact that you're taking my words so lightly. Like I said, these things did occur, and the fact that a a teenage girl went through the type of abuse thats a throwback to the pre-civil rights era, should disturb you and everyone else.

I am not taking your words lightly at all, I'm against discrimation of any form.

Originally posted by hibbah:
Personally, I am disturbed at the level of ignorance people in THIS country have about Islam and Muslims.Maybe, since you aren't a women of color, or maybe because you arent a Muslim women who wears hijab, you are unable to imagine facing this type of discrimination BASED on what you look like. Or maybe you just can't feel for this issue because you don't live in this country.

Hibbah, I am constantly being discriminated / stereotyped because of what I look like, that's what I was getting at in my post. I don't look Muslim / Arab enough, and many people in Egypt have grave misconceptions about Western women which makes some of them treat me in a manner that is anything but respectful.

They know nothing about me, but they assume things based on the way I look. And I've often been harassed without anyone interfering at all; isn't that similar to what you were describing in your initial post?

Back to your point, yes, of course it's disturbing that people in the US have that sort of misconceptions, but I think it might differ significantly from region to region. But as a European I have often been surprised at how little many mainstream Americans actually know about other cultures or countries. I know people who have actually been asked whether Hitler is still alive or whether we already have fridges in Germany ...

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