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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12077
 - posted
Customer service and faith clash at registers

Last update: March 14, 2007 – 12:16 AM

Some Muslim cashiers at Target refuse to handle pork, setting off another debate over the place of religion in society.

By Chris Serres and Matt McKinney, Star Tribune staff writers

Beryl Dsouza was late and in no mood for delays when she stopped at a Target store after work two weeks ago for milk, bread and bacon.
So Dsouza was taken aback when the cashier -- who had on the traditional headscarf, or hijab, worn by many Muslim women -- refused to swipe the bacon through the checkout scanner.

"She made me scan the bacon. Then she opened the bag and made me put it in the bag," said Dsouza, 53, of Minneapolis. "It made me wonder why this person took a job as a cashier."

In the latest example of religious beliefs creating tension in the workplace, some Muslims in the Twin Cities are adhering to a strict interpretation of the Qur'an that prohibits the handling of pork products.

Instead of swiping the items themselves, they are asking non-Muslim employees or shoppers to do it for them.

It has set off a firestorm of comments -- more than 400, as of Tuesday evening -- on the Star Tribune's community blog, www.buzz.mn. People called the newspaper from as far as Tokyo to voice their opinion.

It remains unclear how many Muslim cashiers in the Twin Cities are declining to ring up pork sales.

Immigrants help fuel debate

The Twin Cities area has become a hotbed for such conflicts because of its burgeoning population of Somali immigrants, many of whom are orthodox Muslims. Last year, Somali cabdrivers at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport attracted national attention when some refused to carry passengers toting alcohol.

Dr. Shah Khan, a spokesman for the Islamic Center of Minnesota in Fridley, said the Somali Muslim community is divided between those who believe it is wrong only to eat pork and more orthodox Muslims who believe the prohibition extends to selling, touching or handling the meat.

He urged people to remember the extraordinary adjustments many Somalis have made in coming to the Twin Cities. "Many of these people are refugees. They may have been tortured. And they came here having never held a book in English," he said. "They're already adapting to our society. We need to adapt to them, too."

Target released this statement in response: "Providing guests with consistently fast checkouts is a key, fundamental part of our business and our guest service commitment. As always, we continue to explore reasonable solutions that consider the concerns of team members while ensuring that we maintain our ability to provide the highest level of guest service."

Eden Prairie-based Supervalu, the nation's third-largest supermarket chain and the parent company of Cub Foods, moves new employees into jobs that don't interfere with their moral beliefs, said Haley Meyer, a company spokeswoman.

Retailers have accommodated other religious groups over the years. In the Twin Cities, these include those who don't want to sell lottery tickets or work on Saturdays, said Bernie Hesse, local organizer for United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 789. Supermarkets in particular have been good about recognizing their employees' religious observances, he said.

"If we ever get to the point of selling wine in grocery stores, I imagine some folks will be excused from doing that," Hesse said.

Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for a person's religious practices if it doesn't impose an undue hardship.

A customer's personal preferences is usually not a factor in deciding whether a religious practice is protected in the workplace, noted Khadija Athman, national civil rights manager for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington.

In most cases, a cashier should be able to call over another cashier who can scan a product and the shopper shouldn't be inconvenienced, Athman noted. "If the employee is rude and gasps at the sight of pork, then it's a different situation," she said.

Jonathan Sigelman, a local attorney, said he wasn't bothered when a cashier called for assistance after he showed up at the checkout lane with a package of turkey bacon. He explained to the cashier that turkey bacon did not contain pork, and the cashier agreed to scan it.

"It might have delayed my purchase 15 seconds at the most," Sigelman said.

Cabs are different from stores

Some legal experts said cashiers who avoid pork in a checkout line are different from taxi drivers at the airport who refuse customers carrying alcohol. "I think in general we expect taxi drivers to pick up all fares," said Eric Janus, the vice dean of William Mitchell College of Law. "That's part of what it means to be a taxi driver."

A supermarket cashier, on the other hand, is not under the same legal obligation to serve all customers, though the store may be. As long as another cashier is available to serve the customer, there should be no problem, said Janus.

The cashiers' example holds a similar legal ground to pharmacists who refuse to dispense birth control or morning-after pills, a practice that has led to differing legal opinions in some states as many legislatures decide to take on the issue.

"It gets a little more difficult in the pharmacy world if you're dealing with a 24-hour pharmacy and the only pharmacist on duty is refusing to fill prescriptions," said Stephen Befort, a professor at the University of Minnesota College of Law.

Some people see the Muslims' actions as evidence of an unwillingness to adapt to the American workplace, and to the society as a whole.

"It's about one ethnic group imposing its own beliefs on the rest of us," said Manny Laureano, 51, of Plymouth, who plays trumpet for the Minnesota Orchestra. "It goes against the whole idea of this country as different groups of people who came together to create a single culture."

cserres@startribune.com • 612-673-4308 mmckinney@startribune.com • 612-673-7329

©2007 Star Tribune staff writers. All rights reserved.

Member # 12077
 - posted
So when a CVS pharmacist won't fill a prescription for emergency contraception should he be fired?

I side with the cashiers on this one. I know several of them and always wondered if they got flack.

But there is pork in many of target's food items and petfood items besides bacon; I am sure the cashiers know which items these are.

Target is slowly becoming a notorious vilian of an employer for not being sensitive to their Muslim employees. there is a not so private "prayer room" which is in full view of a 6' x 10' window looking out on 9th street which is often filled with carts and no place to pray in private.
Member # 11552
 - posted
Hmmm...the bacon is wrapped and they wouldn't be touching it directly or eating it. Lots of vegetarians work in supermarkets and don't make exceptions handling wrapped meat products. Neither do the many small muslim owned grocery store owners in the UK. They sell bacon and pork products with no such problems.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by SayWhatYouSee:
Hmmm...the bacon is wrapped and they wouldn't be touching it directly or eating it. Lots of vegetarians work in supermarkets and don't make exceptions handling wrapped meat products. Neither do the many small muslim owned grocery store owners in the UK. They sell bacon and pork products with no such problems.

But vegetarianism ins't a religion.

The small grocies owned by Muslims here don't sell pork, which is why I frequent them often.

SWYS, would you have an issue with an Orth Jew refusing to handle pork products?

Notice how many other retailers have made adjustments for their Muslim employees while Target has not. Target corporate culture is notorious for all sorts of prejudices and stupidity.
Member # 12053
 - posted
Originally posted by al-Kahina:
Originally posted by SayWhatYouSee:
Hmmm...the bacon is wrapped and they wouldn't be touching it directly or eating it. Lots of vegetarians work in supermarkets and don't make exceptions handling wrapped meat products. Neither do the many small muslim owned grocery store owners in the UK. They sell bacon and pork products with no such problems.

But vegetarianism ins't a religion.

The small grocies owned by Muslims here don't sell pork, which is why I frequent them often.

SWYS, would you have an issue with an Orth Jew refusing to handle pork products?

Notice how many other retailers have made adjustments for their Muslim employees while Target has not. Target corporate culture is notorious for all sorts of prejudices and stupidity.

Sono, I have to side with swys on this. Even though we should make reasonable allowances for religious beliefs in the work place, I do not see how a person can refuse to do a job and not get fired. Reasonable allowances for religious beliefs are: time off from work without prejudice for religious holidays, allowing a person to follow faith practices during their break time,things along these lines. Work is work, they know these things prior to accepting a job, so they need to do their job. Why should they be allowed to do this? They are paid for their services, if they don't want to handle pork then find a job that doesnt conflict with religious beliefs or open a business where they are free to make the rules. If businesses in this country gave everyone free reign to do as they please, follow different faith practices, when would work be done? I don't say this just about muslims, I say this applies to any religion. If you were in a hospital unable to feed yourself,pork was main meal, and every person who was on shift that night happened to be muslim, how would you eat?? Same if an orthodox jew was working- She/He couldn't touch your food because it is not kosher?? No, this isn't right-work is work, seperation of religion from the job, seperation of church and state. This is the only way businesses and society can function here in America, there are just way too many religions and personal beliefs to accomodate.
The Conditioned
Member # 12020
 - posted
She should be fired immediately..

I've never understood the hang ups Muslims and Jews have about pigs.

They claim pigs are unclean, but that is just B.S..

Pigs in their natural state are clean animals.

It's only when they are domesticated and living in horrible conditions that they become unclean..

If you don't eat pork because you think pigs are unclean, you may aswell not eat chickens either, or any other domesticated animals which we humans use for food sources because all of these animals are kept in deplorable conditions where they are walking and laying in their own excrement on a daily basis.

Member # 12053
 - posted
Originally posted by The Conditioned:
She should be fired immediately..

I've never understood the hang ups Muslims and Jews have about pigs.

They claim pigs are unclean, but that is just B.S..

Pigs in their natural state are clean animals.

It's only when they are domesticated and living in horrible conditions that they become unclean..

If you don't eat pork because you think pigs are unclean, you may aswell not eat chickens either, or any other domesticated animals which we humans use for food sources because all of these animals are kept in deplorable conditions where they are walking and laying in their own excrement on a daily basis.


This shouldn't be the point, alistar. If they don't eat pig, they don't eat pig. I dont eat pigs or cow's either. The point is that as much as it is their right to not eat pork, they still have to do a job. No one should recieve special privledges when they are hired to do a job. It is work, dont you agree???
Member # 11552
 - posted
Originally posted by al-Kahina:
Originally posted by SayWhatYouSee:
Hmmm...the bacon is wrapped and they wouldn't be touching it directly or eating it. Lots of vegetarians work in supermarkets and don't make exceptions handling wrapped meat products. Neither do the many small muslim owned grocery store owners in the UK. They sell bacon and pork products with no such problems.

But vegetarianism ins't a religion.

The small grocies owned by Muslims here don't sell pork, which is why I frequent them often.

SWYS, would you have an issue with an Orth Jew refusing to handle pork products?

Notice how many other retailers have made adjustments for their Muslim employees while Target has not. Target corporate culture is notorious for all sorts of prejudices and stupidity.

Rumicrazieluv has pretty much summed up the points I would have made. Religion is a private matter. You shouldn't do work that conflicts with your religious beliefs. Regarding orthodox jews, what a peculiar question. There is no difference in my views between both religions in such a situation.
Member # 12979
 - posted
Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and member of the Fiqh Council of North America, states:

"For a Muslim, it is forbidden or haram to sell things that are forbidden.

You should try to find a halal job as soon as possible. Be active in seeking another job even if it pays a little less than what you earn now.

If you cannot afford to live and maintain yourself and your family without a job, then work at this job until you find another one. Quit this job as soon as you find a halal position. May Allah help you.' [Roll Eyes]

Islamic Religious Council of Singapore has stated the following:

Pork and pork by-products are considered to be major impurities (najis). As such, if one's clothing or body becomes contaminated with pork, one cannot perform prayer until the contaminated area has been properly purified. One must use one part earth and water and six parts water for the purification process.

Using gloves or any other material as a barrier to avoid direct contact with pork is allowed. But if the material contaminates one's body or one's clothes, then it should be purified.

Handling vacuum-wrapped pork is allowed because the impurity is contained inside the wrapping. But as a precaution, one should wear gloves in the event that the wrapper gets punctured or has been previously contaminated.
Gloves that have been used to handle pork should be purified accordingly, or else they should be thrown away if they are disposable."

Member # 12979
 - posted
CAIR loudly proclaims that non-Muslim employers must make every effort to accommodate the various religious/cultural beliefs of Muslim employees, so why Muslim employers are exempt from reciprocating to their non-Muslim employees?

Woman Fired For Eating 'Unclean' Meat

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A Central Florida woman was fired from her job after eating "unclean" meat and violating a reported company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises, according to Local 6 News.

Lina Morales was hired as an administrative assistant at Rising Star -- a Central Florida telecommunications company with strong Muslim ties, Local 6 News reported.

However, 10 months after being hired by Rising Star, religious differences led to her termination.

Morales, who is Catholic, was warned about eating pizza with meat the Muslim faith considered "unclean," Local 6 News reported. She was then fired for eating a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, according to the report.


CAIR's view of religious freedom in the United States can be summed up:

Muslim employee. Non-Muslim employer: The employer must accomodate the employee.

Muslim employer. Non-Muslim employee: The employee must accomodate the employer.

In both cases, religious freedom is exercised.
Member # 12798
 - posted
Originally posted by Rumicrazieluv:
QUOTE]Sono, I have to side with swys on this. Even though we should make reasonable allowances for religious beliefs in the work place, I do not see how a person can refuse to do a job and not get fired. Reasonable allowances for religious beliefs are: time off from work without prejudice for religious holidays, allowing a person to follow faith practices during their break time,things along these lines. Work is work, they know these things prior to accepting a job, so they need to do their job. Why should they be allowed to do this? They are paid for their services, if they don't want to handle pork then find a job that doesnt conflict with religious beliefs or open a business where they are free to make the rules. If businesses in this country gave everyone free reign to do as they please, follow different faith practices, when would work be done? I don't say this just about muslims, I say this applies to any religion. If you were in a hospital unable to feed yourself,pork was main meal, and every person who was on shift that night happened to be muslim, how would you eat?? Same if an orthodox jew was working- She/He couldn't touch your food because it is not kosher?? No, this isn't right-work is work, seperation of religion from the job, seperation of church and state. This is the only way businesses and society can function here in America, there are just way too many religions and personal beliefs to accomodate. [/QB]

I agree with SWYS and the Rums here...this is the kind of the too that just reflects poorly on the Muslim community as well as far as an unwillingness to adapt...no one is asking them to eat the bacon...it's wrapped for God's sake...America is about assimilation..that doesn't mean giving up one's religous beliefs but again, where's the Quranic verse that says don't "touch" bacon...wrapped bacon at that.
Member # 12979
 - posted
I am against discrimination, but why is it always a one way street when it comes to muslims.

Here's a story about a butcher who didn't hire a muslim because he sells pork and then was sued and lost the case. Incredible as that seems. It seems to be on purpose that some apply for jobs that don't suit them just so they can sue.

web page
As Sihr
Member # 12656
 - posted
Outcry over bacon-on-body desecration

Apr 19 2003

The Western Mail - The National Newspaper Of Wales

ISLAMIC organisations last night expressed disgust over the discovery of the body of a Muslim woman in a hospital mortuary, covered with rashers of bacon.

The Metropolitan Police's racial-crime task force is investigating the desecration of the body of the 65-year-old grandmother who had died from cancer, at Hillingdon Hospital in west London.

The crime was discovered as staff arranged for the body to be viewed by family members.

Chairman of the Islamic Education and Cultural Society in Hayes, Amir Ahmed said, "It's absolutely horrific. The family are obviously devastated. What has been said in interviews so far does not touch on the horror.

"It does not really matter that this was a Muslim, for a corpse to be violated in this way is extremely offensive to anyone. Though, obviously, this is particularly sensitive for Muslims.

"We have worked very hard within the community and with the police to establish very good public relations and this has set us back years."
Spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, Sarah Joseph, said , "It has not come to light yet if this was the act of an Islamaphobe but there has been a rise in such attacks, such as desecration of graveyards. It is quite scary and a bit like 1930s Germany."

A £5,000 reward was being offered for information that leads to the culprit.

Detective Chief Inspector Tony Hester, of Hillingdon police, said, "This is a particularly grotesque act which has outraged the family as well as the whole community.

"Because of the nature of the incident a criminal investigation was immediately initiated and is still ongoing. DCC4 - Racial and Violent Crime Task Force - was involved in the initial investigation and officers from the Community Safety Unit are in constant liaison with them.

"We are also, of course, keeping the family and local community informed of developments."

[Eek!] [Frown]
Jewel of the Nile
Member # 13132
 - posted
^^ Some people are quite sick.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Hmm, but it doesn't give rhythm or reason to why customers at a local Beyerly's (an upscale grocer) are willing to scan and bag pork, but a customer at Target is not willing to.

Nor does it explain why retailers such as Supervalue, Lunds, Beyerly's have accomodated both Orth Jews and Muslims alike and none of their customers have complained.

Had a conversation with a local news anchor who lives down the block from me and I asked him why the news media wasn't addressing the issue from all three sides and he was extremely defensive trying to verbally manipulate me into a confrontation and I wouldn't give him the pleasure.
Member # 12156
 - posted
This reminds me of this story in the New York Times a few years back, about how a woman was outraged that the realtor who sold her a house, refused to shake her hands, because he was an orthodox jew. And she claimed he was demeaning her because of her sex, while he simply stated that as an observant jew, he couldnt make physical contact with a woman he wasnt related to.

You know, when I was younger I needed a job and I was going to waitress over the summer at an On The Borders- but they serve alcohol. So I didnt take the job. And I think it should be the same for muslims- if you dont want to sell haram( be it pork, be it lottery tickets, be it alcohol) dont work there. In the end, I believe its a personal decision on the part of the Muslim - b/c only they can judge their situation and how neccesary it is for them to work in such an environment.

Member # 12979

Icon 1 posted 15 March, 2007 07:11 AM Profile for Undercover Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and member of the Fiqh Council of North America, states:

"For a Muslim, it is forbidden or haram to sell things that are forbidden.

You should try to find a halal job as soon as possible. Be active in seeking another job even if it pays a little less than what you earn now.

If you cannot afford to live and maintain yourself and your family without a job, then work at this job until you find another one. Quit this job as soon as you find a halal position. May Allah help you.' [Roll Eyes]

Im not sure why you made the rolling eyes smiley at the end of the sentence. This sounds like the most practical statement to a believing Muslim as possible for me. Its sound advice. Why? B/c as Muslims, we are to avoid that which is forbidden. But in times of "neccesity", what is haram can be allowed at a minimum. I dont appreciate yours, or other people on this forums blatant disrespect for Islam. I dont see the same dribble spewing from your mouth about other faiths, while theres plenty of room to.

The Conditioned
Member # 12020

Icon 1 posted 15 March, 2007 02:27 AM Profile for The Conditioned Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote She should be fired immediately..

I've never understood the hang ups Muslims and Jews have about pigs.

They claim pigs are unclean, but that is just B.S..

Pigs in their natural state are clean animals.

It's only when they are domesticated and living in horrible conditions that they become unclean..

If you don't eat pork because you think pigs are unclean, you may aswell not eat chickens either, or any other domesticated animals which we humans use for food sources because all of these animals are kept in deplorable conditions where they are walking and laying in their own excrement on a daily basis.


Muslims and Jews dont eat Pork because it is forbidden. Whatever reasoning they may have behind it is second to the fact that is a command. You need to learn how to think out of the box buddy- not everyone shares the same ideas of whats wrong and right, or whats normal or abnormal. [Big Grin]

Oh and Sono,
I dont believe that this would be a problem for an orthodox jew anyways. They are allowed to touch pork, they just cant consume it. My friends rabbi wears a leather jacket made out of pig skin. [Eek!]
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by hibbah:
This reminds me of this story in the New York Times a few years back, about how a woman was outraged that the realtor who sold her a house, refused to shake her hands, because he was an orthodox jew. And she claimed he was demeaning her because of her sex, while he simply stated that as an observant jew, he couldnt make physical contact with a woman he wasnt related to.

You know, when I was younger I needed a job and I was going to waitress over the summer at an On The Borders- but they serve alcohol. So I didnt take the job. And I think it should be the same for muslims- if you dont want to sell haram( be it pork, be it lottery tickets, be it alcohol) dont work there. In the end, I believe its a personal decision on the part of the Muslim - b/c only they can judge their situation and how neccesary it is for them to work in such an environment.

This is the problem I have with that perspective.

Loads of these veiled Muslimahs, and their male co-workers aren't seeking summer jobs.

They came here when they were in their early teens. They came here with only their mothers because their father's couldn't get a refugee visa to enter the country.

THeir mothers have a number of younger children and so they are needed at home. So these young Muslims work fulltime and then some while going to college.

Many of them live in Public housing.

Hibbah, do you have both parents? Do your parents make enough of an income to where you and your siblings don't have to support the family while obtaining a college degree?

Do you need tuition reimbursement in order to meet the financial obligations of college?

Do you provide your own health insurance?
Member # 12156
 - posted
No i understand your point. Alhumdulilah, my parents provide a stable financial environment for me- so I wasnt pressed to work.

Thats why I said that its a personal choice. Some muslims are pushed into a corner- and say the only job they can find is to work at a 7/11. So even islamically, you can work there, but ideally you should be actively trying to find something else. God is merciful, and he knows whats going on- what your intentions are. But I still dont think its the responsibility of the employer. It would be nice, and considerate, but with big corporations like Target, theres no room for that. I can see smaller buisnesses making adjustments for their employees though- but thats up to them.

Like- I wanted a sandwhich from subway today. And the guy made a ham sandwhich for the guy before me, so i asked him if he could change his gloves- he washed his hands and put new gloves on. which was nice- but i dont know if they should implement things like that as a policy.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by hibbah:
No i understand your point. Alhumdulilah, my parents provide a stable financial environment for me- so I wasnt pressed to work.

Thats why I said that its a personal choice. Some muslims are pushed into a corner- and say the only job they can find is to work at a 7/11. So even islamically, you can work there, but ideally you should be actively trying to find something else. God is merciful, and he knows whats going on- what your intentions are. But I still dont think its the responsibility of the employer. It would be nice, and considerate, but with big corporations like Target, theres no room for that. I can see smaller buisnesses making adjustments for their employees though- but thats up to them.

Like- I wanted a sandwhich from subway today. And the guy made a ham sandwhich for the guy before me, so i asked him if he could change his gloves- he washed his hands and put new gloves on. which was nice- but i dont know if they should implement things like that as a policy.

Hence why 1/4 of my college mates were Somalis. They are going to college in order to seek work which won't conflict with their beliefs.

And basically what you asked that subway employee to do is the same attitude "Beryl Dsouza" had in the original article. You just don't get it do you?

My ex and I had a conversation about what was happening down at Target and he felt they should get different jobs.

But when he first got here he had to handle pork occasionally at a small market which was owned by a very rich Egyptian Muslim (who happened to be inhaling $15,000 worth of cocaine every month at the time). My ex complained up a storm the entire time about having to have pork in the store. The store was in an upscale condo tower and almost every single one of the tenants who bought pork at the store ran the package of pork across the scanner and bagged it themselves without being asked.

So my ex has moved onto different work isn't handling pork, but still doesn't have a problem criticizing people who are now facing the same problem he faced just a few years ago.

Possibly because they are darker skinned? Possibily because they are refugees? Possibly because they are poor? But many Muslims who are lighter skinned, more affluent, and don't have to support themselves feel the need to reduce the local Somali's dignity.

[Roll Eyes]
Member # 12156
 - posted
I really dont understand your post.

So how exactly is my asking an employee to change his gloves so i dont have pork on my sandwhich the same thing as the women getting annoyed that she had to scan and bag the meat herself? i dont see the correlation- b/c there isnt one.

But I'll let you explain.

As for the story about your ex-
i dont know him, so i cant really say what his intentions were. But i can say that your ex doesnt represent the majority of "lighter skinned muslims". The fact that he complained about pork being sold is still stupid to me. If its a grocery store aimed at mainstream americans who eat pork, then why wouldnt they store sell it? Why would your ex complain- i'd like to know that. Would you complain about lottery tickets being sold at a convenience store? Did your ex complain about beer being sold? What was he trying to accomplish? To actually get the store to stop selling pork? Why the HELL would the store do that?

I'm looking at this from a religious perspective, as the muslim employee in the article is. Your statements about people looking down on others is irrelevent to my argument. As a muslim in normal situations, you dont sell haram products. As a muslim in a time of neccesity (i.e. somali refugees) you can take a job which sells haram products. This is the Islamic ruling.

Now if a muslim takes it upon themselves to try and get the government or corporations to change things to make them more comfortable, thats up to them. But I personally dont see it happening any time soon, and I dont think it has to. Part of being a Muslim in a non-Muslim country is that you are put under circumstances you wouldnt normally face. Muslims who immigrate here all of a sudden have to worry about the fact that they cant eat at Mcdonalds b/c the meat isnt zabiha. They have to accomadate their lives to a non-muslim community in the best ways that they can.

I feel that your point is that muslims who are in desitute situations are being forced to work at jobs which they find demeaning and against their religion. My point is that the muslims working in these situations should not feel this way, as Islam permits it.
Member # 12979
 - posted
An Update on this story.

MINNEAPOLIS - Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.

“We are confident that this is a reasonable solution for our guests and team members,” Target spokeswoman Paula Thornton-Greear said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press on Saturday.

Greear said it was a localized problem and that it would be handled on a case-by-case basis.

“It is not an issue in most of our stores in the Twin Cities,” she said in separate comments via e-mail. “There is also no indication that this is an issue in the Minnesota market overall or nationwide.”

Islam teaches that pigs are unclean and eating pork is a sin, and some Muslims feel selling or handling pork is also forbidden because it would make them complicit in the sins of others.

Collision of work and faith
As the local Muslim population grows, fueled by immigration from East African countries such as Somalia, efforts by Muslims to live by the rules of their faith often come into conflict with the realities of the American workplace.

Disputes over how employers should accommodate prayer times surface from time to time, and there’s an ongoing dispute involving cab drivers who serve Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport—many of whom are Muslim—who refuse to take passengers who are carrying alcohol.

The Metropolitan Airports Commission is expected to vote in April on a proposal that would hand out 30-day license suspensions to cabbies who refuse service for any reason, with a second refusal leading to a two-year revocation.

Suhara Robla, who works at the SuperTarget in St. Louis Park, told the Star Tribune that more than a dozen Muslim cashiers were asked Thursday to do other jobs.

“They told all of us who don’t touch pork to go to the sales floor,” she told the newspaper. “They really didn’t say why. They just said it was a new policy.”

Worker walks over issue
Muse Dahir told the AP this past week he quit his job at the Sam’s Club in Bloomington after he was transferred from another position to cashiering and was ordered to ring up pork purchases.

Several times on his first day as a cashier, Dahir said, said customers brought pork products to his register. He asked them to take their goods to another register, and a customer complained to management.

“They told me, you have to check this,” Dahir said. “I told them, I can’t do this. You want me to do something that’s against my religion.”

Dahir said a manager told him that was part of the job, so “I just put down my uniform and I left.”

He said it doesn’t matter if the pork product is packaged. “Even if you just sell it to someone, you break a promise to Allah,” he said.

Jama Omar, a clerk at Otanga Grocery in Minneapolis, told the AP his store caters mostly to East African immigrants and doesn’t carry pork products, so it’s not an issue for him personally. But Omar also said Muslims shouldn’t expect special treatment.

“If it causes a big problem for your employer, they have to make the decision that’s best for them,” Omar said. “It’s not something to go on strike or file a civil suit. Go somewhere else that will accept your beliefs. There’s millions of jobs.”
Member # 8748
 - posted
Heh, if I had to work at a grocery store I'd find ALL KINDS of things that were against my religion. Sorry can't go catch carts in the lot, against my religion.. bag those groceries?.. let me ask the deity.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by al-Kahina:

Originally posted by SayWhatYouSee:

Hmmm...the bacon is wrapped and they wouldn't be touching it directly or eating it. Lots of vegetarians work in supermarkets and don't make exceptions handling wrapped meat products. Neither do the many small muslim owned grocery store owners in the UK. They sell bacon and pork products with no such problems.

But vegetarianism ins't a religion.
But it's often an ethical decision. So I don't see why a vegetarian's concerns regarding meat should be taken less seriously than those of someone whose concerns are of a religious nature.

And, btw, there are many people who don't consume meat for religious reasons.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by al-Kahina:
So when a CVS pharmacist won't fill a prescription for emergency contraception should he be fired?

A long time ago I took a friend to a hospital on a weekend because she wanted to get an emergency contraception / morning-after pill; they sent her away because it was a Catholic hospital.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by al-Kahina:
So when a CVS pharmacist won't fill a prescription for emergency contraception should he be fired?

A long time ago I took a friend to a hospital on a weekend because she wanted to get an emergency contraception / morning-after pill; they sent her away because it was a Catholic hospital.
My mother works at a "non-profit" health care organization which happens to have a majority of board members who are Catholic clergy and laypeople.

My mothers works in a department that has nothing to do with women's reproductive health or children but she still had to sign an agreement to not discuss any pro-choice options with patients, only pro-life options.

She was floored.

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