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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
and then there came stupidity.. they did burn the quran in ny and in tenn..now will start a new war with religions..ooooo sh it the fan is on.just rember to all some of us have no religion and do not condone this sh it these assholes did....

Member # 15263
 - posted
Did you read Ahmads comment that he posted! (Caps lock must have stuck)

Man, he is more stupid that I originally thought, he is threatening total strangers on Youtube which undoubtably will be monitored for such threats against the West.

I seriously hope that someone takes him seriously at some point and just throws his balady ass in jail.
Member # 17954
 - posted
Oh, Thanks for doing your part of the stupidity Tina.

Also, the media is stupid giving stupid people this attention.

Then all of America gets blamed for the act of the village idiot The circle never ends. [Frown]
Member # 15263
 - posted
It's ok D_Oro... not all of us are sheep and don't follow the guy of the moment be he a redneck racist or an Islamic fundamentalist...

Most intelligent people can manage to remain in the realms of humanity irregardless of what is in the news.

Sheep and band wagon folk are just a drop in the ocean, it just so happens they have fricking big gobs!
Member # 17954
 - posted
That they do ferret, that they do. [Smile]

The following video is well worth the time to watch it:

International Read a Book Day.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
Originally posted by D_Oro:
Oh, Thanks for doing your part of the stupidity Tina.

Also, the media is stupid giving stupid people this attention.

Then all of America gets blamed for the act of the village idiot The circle never ends. [Frown]

over my head and whats that suppose to mean?
Member # 17954
 - posted
If this small group of people get no attention then the issue dies but when the media and others keep their stupidity in the public eye it stirs up more conflicts and makes the issue bigger than it is.

So by you posting it you are giving them the attention they crave. You are aiding them.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
Originally posted by D_Oro:
If this small group of people get no attention then the issue dies but when the media and others keep their stupidity in the public eye it stirs up more conflicts and makes the issue bigger than it is.

So by you posting it you are giving them the attention they crave. You are aiding them.

thats what i thought u ment.. and ur right.. i should have not posted it.. sorry everyone...
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by D_Oro:
If this small group of people get no attention then the issue dies but when the media and others keep their stupidity in the public eye it stirs up more conflicts and makes the issue bigger than it is.

So by you posting it you are giving them the attention they crave. You are aiding them.

Since when do you feel to have the authority to censor other forum members????

On top of it you are being plain rude.

"Oh, Thanks for doing your part of the stupidity Tina."

I don't know but I don't like you.

IMHO if you don't like certain threads simply avoid them. But don't even try to belittle others here what to post and not.
Member # 17954
 - posted
I want to apologize to you for being rude Tina.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
its fine i dont read into it that much.but u were right i should have not posted it cas its like contributing to the stupidity.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
A protester who burned pages of the Koran outside the site of the planned mosque near Ground Zero has been sacked from his job as a train conductor.
Derek Fenton, 39, of Bloomingdale, New Jersey, was photographed ripping up pages from the Muslim holy book and setting them alight on September 11.
He was removed from outside Park51, the site where the controversial mosque could be built, by police but was later released without charge.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1312310/Protester-burned-pages-Koran-Ground-Zero-mosque-site-sacked-job.html#ixzz0zcMoEbCA
Member # 14989
 - posted
Mr. Fenton is well on his way to the high life.
Member # 17003
 - posted
He'll get his job back. they cannot fire someone in america for protesting. the judge will laugh that one out of court.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
but the thing is if he like makes the company look bad. and burning the quran some might try to kill him and he works for the rail ways..i would not wanna be on his train when it gets bombed.. lolol so maybe cas he does work for the public transit they have a legal reason to fire him for inciting hatred and a possible crime.come on i aint stupid u know there are some muslims that wanna tap his ass....hahaha
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
what this man fails to understand is he works for a public transit and he takes many many peoples lives into his hand each day as a conductor. now if he pisses someone off that wants him dead cas he burned their hold book.y should all of the people that ride the train be responsible for his actions if someone tries to bomb or shoot him?so i say he got what he deserved ....and i hope he doesnt get another job that risks other american lives as well..
Member # 17003
 - posted
Tina, Protesting is not a legal reason to fire him. It is already clear he is going to get his job back. Even the far left admits the courts will not allow this to stand. We do not worry about what might happen, that is giving in to terror. If someone blows up a train they will be convicted and given a shot. That is what heppened to Tim Mcvey and that is what is going to happen to KSM.
This guy is becomming an american hero, as he should be.
Member # 14989
 - posted
Originally posted by Hammer:
He'll get his job back. they cannot fire someone in america for protesting. the judge will laugh that one out of court.

Ideally, with a fat check just to point out that the employer was wrong.

His point would have been better made if he torched a lifesize replica of the Bin man wearing a burqua or some other tangible representation of what he's so p!ssed off about.

FFS. Burn a flag or a car or a house, like everybody else is doing. Leave the holy books alone.

Tina, there's a slew of Muslims I would take a bullet for. That's offensive to some people. Should that matter to my employer?
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Hammer:

This guy is becomming an american hero, as he should be.

Things have changed since killing a native made you a hero, progressing to raping other lands making you a hero, now you just burn a book. Is America getting lazy? [Roll Eyes]

just off to burn a copy of the Declaration of Independence and become a hero [Big Grin]

what a tw@ [Razz]

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