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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4707
 - posted
Jewish theology is based on the 613 mitzvah of the Torah. Mitzvah is the hebrew word for commandments, and the Torah, is basically the first 5 books of the Christian Bible, where the author is Moses.

Unlike islam, Judaism, doesnt have a practice of what is haram or not haram based on the traditions of Moses, Isaac, Jacob or Abraham, King David, King Solomon, etc, etc, we follow the commandments of Gd only.

The commandments are flexible and much room for logic is taken. Some commandments were only for the period and place they were given, and others are to be practiced as long as you practice Judaism. For example, you could command your child to go sit in a corner, because of how he behaved at a particular time, but this does not mean the child has to sit in the corner forever. Logic is heavilly subscribed.

With this knowledge, many of the 613 commandments were perscribed during the time of Moses, ancient land of Jeruselum, and ancient temple was built, and judgements were handled by priests. So commandments relating to the temple, which is now destroyed, cannot be observed. So many sacrifices were commanded, they cannot be observed because the temple doesnt exist. Many punishments were administered, but those priest judges that ran the temple don't exist either.

Jews went into disapora, this is well known knowledge to all, so many commandments that were required to be administered in our ancient lands, cannot be carried out in New York for instance.

So commandments allow for flexibility, all Rabbis agree on this. So when I hear arguments of practices of ancient times, that are no longer in effect my ears become mute to such arguments, so don't try to debate me using logic like; so what our muhammad had 11 wives, King Soloman had 700, and things like this. King Soloman was not Gd, and our commandments dont come from him, neither do we use the logic of following ancient men, and determining what's Haram or not Haram based on their ANCIENT traditions.

Islam cold use a little more flexibility. For example, never in Judaism would you hear an argument that a woman can't drive based on religion. One, there was never a commandment for Gd that forbade women from driving, 2, Cars didnt exist in ANCIENT times.

Many people that call themselves jews have become Secular, an athiest. From a rabbinic point, these are no longer considered Jews by our clergy. Once you deny the existence of Gd, you are no longer a jew, as far as it is concerned, no matter what your mother or father was. So many people hear things by these secularist jews, and attribute it to Judaism, which is a mistake. Judaism is a religion, and jews are the people that practice that religion. We DO NOT acknowledge athiest that call themselves jews.

Many of these secularist are in Israel, not for religious purposes, but for, that's right, secularist purposes. Many of them influence the policy, government, and economics. Many jews are just humble people practicing their beliefs, and are also at the mercy of these politics. Israel is not a Theocratic state, and those in power would never allow it to be, because then, secularism would not be tolerated.

I hate the things happening to innocent palenstinians, and so do many others, but this is often overshadowed by the severe hatred we get from them of all jews, unable to distinguish between religious jews, and secularist who call themsleves jews. The hate is the reciprocated, a never ending cycle that has cost both people hundred of thousands of lives.

I live in New Jersey, and have family members in Israel. I'm happily married to a beautiful Ethiopian (like King Solomon was) that currently lives in Israel with our 3 boys. I go back and forth several times a year, but not ready to make the permanent move yet. My family lived in the USA since they left Poland after the war. I can't even describe to you how they told of how they were treated by their own "fellow" jews, who are mostly secularist, once Sephardic wealthy jews, who themselves even supported the Nazis with blood money. Although the US has provided us a livelihood from poverty, we have never sacrificed our religious beliefs.

In all honsesty, I just want Peace, but not at th sacrifice of all that I believe in. So as bad as this may sound, I dont think it could be attained without being separatists. It's hard for me to imagine living side by side with people that hate my mere existence, and trying to understand a religion I believe is false, sorry to put it so bluntly. I'm guilty of harborng a resentment towards Arabs, though they only make up a third of the muslim population, others have to suffer my rage for their support of these Arabs, who would like nothing more than to distinguish my people from existence.

Now if you want to debate me, fine, but I will become mute to ancient texts that we no longer subscribe to.

My side of the story,

* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
hmm isn't that great. you just mess up with the torah, distort it as much as you want, and when someone asks about it, you say oh we've already changed that so im refusing to discuss it! honey a holy book is not open for change it comes from god and should stay that way. anyway thats typical jewish i mean you've already distorted the histroy of palestine so i guess you guys excel at distortion.

ps did you know that when jesus (pbuh) ate with women, the jewish community was shocked because women are considered subhumans who are not worthy enough to share a meal with? hmm

Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by 7aya:
hmm isn't that great. you just mess up with the torah, distort it as much as you want, and when someone asks about it, you say oh we've already changed that so im refusing to discuss it! honey a holy book is not open for change it comes from god and should stay that way. anyway thats typical jewish i mean you've already distorted the histroy of palestine so i guess you guys excel at distortion.

ps did you know that when jesus (pbuh) ate with women, the jewish community was shocked because women are considered subhumans who are not worthy enough to share a meal with? hmm

And shave their heads after marrying ... Ortho Jews is NY can be literally SMELLED from the distance. WHY?!?!?!? I know they rare stingy, but on SOAP?!?!??


Member # 4668
 - posted
Malachi, why don't u bring your beauty queen and your sons to the US????? Aren't you afraid for them? I am serious, I would die in your place from worry if my loved ones were in this part of the world right now and I was safe in America...
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by malachi2004:
I hate the things happening to innocent palenstinians, and so do many others, but this is often overshadowed by the severe hatred we get from them of all jews, unable to distinguish between religious jews, and secularist who call themsleves jews. The hate is the reciprocated, a never ending cycle that has cost both people hundred of thousands of lives.

Yes, it's cyclical. So please step up and break the cycle. You sound human, here. This is a much better side of Malachi than the guy filled with vitriol and hatred.

Originally posted by malachi2004:
It's hard for me to imagine living side by side with people that hate my mere existence, and trying to understand a religion I believe is false, sorry to put it so bluntly.

The problem with this belief is that not *all* Arabs hate you. Really. They don't. If you'd talk peacefully like this, like what you are doing now, you might come to see this. Sure, you have posted a lot here that people, including me, are going to disagree with. But you say it so much more pleasantly, it opens a truly constructive dialogue. People can coexist even with different beliefs.

It's not necessary for you to think of Islam as a true religion. I do however think it's necessary that you respect other people's desire to be Muslim. I don't want to be Jewish (although I explored that possibility years ago, as well, as annoyed as I am with Christianity), but I totally respect your desire to practice your faith.

Originally posted by malachi2004:
I'm guilty of harborng a resentment towards Arabs, though they only make up a third of the muslim population, others have to suffer my rage for their support of these Arabs, who would like nothing more than to distinguish my people from existence.

I admire your honesty in admitting your bias. Anger hurts the one who is angry the most, and this anger will, trust me, hurt you the most. You need to find a way to diffuse it. For your own good. For your kids' own good. I know you understand how unhealthy and negative the energy is that's necessary for anger....you wouldn't want your kids to suffer through that, would you? You may not have control over Palestinians who bomb your busses and your cafes, but you *do* have control over how you perceive things, how you handle anger and hatred.

Originally posted by malachi2004:

My side of the story,

I admire your honesty and your polite way of expressing it. I don't agree with everything you said, but I doubt you and I ever will. :-)

I know it's hard to see that there are many Arabs out there who do *not* hate you. An arab may pass you on the street and say nothing, you have no idea what he's thinking. You never know if he has friendly thoughts or not, because he just doesn't say anything. All you *know* is that there are people out there who want to hurt you. And that's true, there are. But not *all* Arabs. Please don't condemn the innocent ones because of the egregious crimes of a few. And I expect the same from Muslims. To not condemn all the many innocent Jews for the egregious crimes of a few. Just like I pray to God every night that Muslims will know that many, many Americans don't hate them, even though our government is invading an innocent country, among other things.

It's so easy to stereotype. It's human nature really, the way our brains classify similar information in groups for easier retrieval of that memory. I fight my own tendency to stereotype every day. And you know what? I've met a hell of a lot of interesting people that way. :-)


* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin:
I admire your honesty and your polite way of expressing it. I don't agree with everything you said, but I doubt you and I ever will. :-)

I know it's hard to see that there are many Arabs out there who do *not* hate you. An arab may pass you on the street and say nothing, you have no idea what he's thinking. You never know if he has friendly thoughts or not, because he just doesn't say anything. All you *know* is that there are people out there who want to hurt you. And that's true, there are. But not *all* Arabs. Please don't condemn the innocent ones because of the egregious crimes of a few. And I expect the same from Muslims. To not condemn all the many innocent Jews for the egregious crimes of a few. Just like I pray to God every night that Muslims will know that many, many Americans don't hate them, even though our government is invading an innocent country, among other things.

It's so easy to stereotype. It's human nature really, the way our brains classify similar information in groups for easier retrieval of that memory. I fight my own tendency to stereotype every day. And you know what? I've met a hell of a lot of interesting people that way. :-)

we have to distinguish between jews and zionists. jeudism is a spiritual belief, whereas zionism is a movement that wants a purely jewish palestine. there are many jews who are against this zionist belief like the www.jewsagainistzionism.com. of which group are you?
further, how can you say you are scared to live side by side with people who want to kill you? do you really think that had you people not invaded so many arab countries we would have given a nickel about your existence or lack of? let me ask you this question, if i come over tonight kick you, your wife, and children out of your house, and move in with my family, should i be surprised if you are angry. how about if i ask you for years to hand me over my house and you don't agree. would you be surprised if some day i loose it and kill you? are you expecting us to smile while you steal our land, and if we resist then we are terrorists??
by the way the reason you have a problem with arab muslims and not others, is because it was arab land you invaded and not other. i mean why would bosnian muslims have a problem with you i mean you haven't tried invading sarajevo. (yet)

Member # 6971
 - posted
Originally posted by 7aya:
we have to distinguish between jews and zionists. jeudism is a spiritual belief, whereas zionism is a movement that wants a purely jewish palestine. there are many jews who are against this zionist belief like the www.jewsagainistzionism.com. of which group are you?
further, how can you say you are scared to live side by side with people who want to kill you? do you really think that had you people not invaded so many arab countries we would have given a nickel about your existence or lack of? let me ask you this question, if i come over tonight kick you, your wife, and children out of your house, and move in with my family, should i be surprised if you are angry. how about if i ask you for years to hand me over my house and you don't agree. would you be surprised if some day i loose it and kill you? are you expecting us to smile while you steal our land, and if we resist then we are terrorists??
by the way the reason you have a problem with arab muslims and not others, is because it was arab land you invaded and not other. i mean why would bosnian muslims have a problem with you i mean you haven't tried invading sarajevo. (yet)

Ok 7aya, i would liketo add something also to what u just said.
The old hebrews were not the first ppl who went into Palastin, cz if we are going to discuss their history which they are talking about, all of it was writtin by their pontiffs and the athiests in this time in Babile and then in Palastin. Plus all the jewish now without any exception their roots be due to the (Torkomans Kazar groups) and these groups are not Sam groups, those groups converted to Jaudiac in the middle of the eigth century (u can read the book of Aurther Kistler (the thirteen group and the nawadays jewish)).
And also there was a book for Gamal Hemdan is called (Jewish Anthropology).

Even if there are ppl have the right in the Solomon inheritance( However they don't beleive in or consider Solomon as one of their prophets), it would be the followers of Musa and Solomon not the jewish of nowadays.
Palastin as a land, the Canaanites lived in it in the third century BC, and Canaanites were immgrant groups from the Arabian Island to which is called now ( Sam countries )which is Lebanon, Syria, Palastine.
And the first ppl who built this land(Palastin) were called (Yaboseens) and the city was called Yabos and sometimes they were calling it also Or Salim, due to their king Salim (And then it's called in troah and bible Orshaleem).
The fables or the legends on the Zions which they repeat each moment now, it's just some fakes relates to the insices and the patterns in Babile which had been writtin by ppl not even jewish, they were some athiests.
Ah, by the way the jewish name is a name has been told by Farsi ppl for the first time in the sixth century BC.


Member # 4707
 - posted
we have to distinguish between jews and zionists. jeudism is a spiritual belief, whereas zionism is a movement that wants a purely jewish palestine. there are many jews who are against this zionist belief like the www.jewsagainistzionism.com. of which group are you?

First let me correct your definitions, Jews are people that practice the religion of Judaism. Zionist are Jews that support the return of Jews to their Biblical homeland. Zionisms contradicts the teachings of the Torah, it's a reaction to anti-semtism, or anti-jew for those semitic countries that didnt want Jews practicing thier religion in their countries. I support both a home for settlers to practice their religion regardless of what background they are from, but I do no support only wanting to supply a home for wealthy jews. Even if it's a poor jew from Ethiopia, I support them, some secularist only want rich Jews to have a state, and that goes against the teachings of the Torah, which does not discriminate against any jew convertd or not. A descendant of jews that were persecuted, but came to America instead, yet I support a home for people to practice what they beleive free from persecution.

further, how can you say you are scared to live side by side with people who want to kill you? do you really think that had you people not invaded so many arab countries we would have given a nickel about your existence or lack of? let me ask you this question, if i come over tonight kick you, your wife, and children out of your house, and move in with my family, should i be surprised if you are angry. how about if i ask you for years to hand me over my house and you don't agree. would you be surprised if some day i loose it and kill you? are you expecting us to smile while you steal our land, and if we resist then we are terrorists??

I'm sure I've already responded to this line of questioning in another thread, so I have to keep reminding myself I'm dealing with an ignorant individual, so I won't keep repeating myself. But please tell me all the Arab countries that have been INVADED by jews. Judaism is the first religion to teach the concept of one Gd. It existed long before Islam and christianity. Throughout years of successive invasions of the land of Jeruselum and Arabia, some descendants of Jews, never left the country, and practiced their religion in secret. Long before a person named Muhammad was born, there have been descendants of Isaac living in the land of Arabia, after being persecuted by the Romans. Jews were dispersed all over Europe and Arabia. There WAS NO single religion practiced in Arabia, as there were many Pagan tribes, worshipping different idols or whatever. Why do you think your religious texts mention Jewish settlers througout the land of Arabia, because they were always there before he converted SOME of them to Islam.

You need to learn your own history before trying to debate with me. Saudi Arabia as it exists today was not always a country, Lebanon, Syria, none of them were. The British drew these present day borders. Go back and learn about how Saud, who only ruled one tribe, eventually took over the land now called Saudi Arabia thru a series of tribal wars. Why are there still Christians in Israel, that have never left, they didnt suddenly began migrating there, what about the Christians and Jews in Egypt, some Jews have been around since pharonic times. These are the descendants of people who NEVER left, and NEVER converted to Islam. Jews spread out all over the earth as it was prophesized. They have even found jewish tribes in parts of South Africa, that existed before islam. To say they INVADED those countries is like saying Mexicans are INVADING the U.S. You need to first be able to distinguish between invasion and settlements, then come back and debate me, I think my 5 year old, has better logic skills.

Again,for the umpteenth time, Israel did not force them off their land, they left VOLUNTARILY to join the coalition forces that promised them they would defeat Israel and give them their land back, they were WRONG! They were defeated, then these same forces, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, didnt want them in THEIR countries, so after convincing them to fight a lost war on their behalf, they sent them begging back for land they lost legitimately. Then they began building illegal settlements on this land, by now they had become the enemy!! Part of a force that tried to eliminate Israel. They kicked jews out of countries they had been in before islam was even founded, and they had no choice but to come to Israel.Not to mention it's been discovered they are genetically related to Arabs, given the relationship between Ishmael and Israel. Get your facts straight then come back and debate me after you've learned enough about your own history. Stop repeating slogans you hear in the media, and debate with facts instead.

[This message has been edited by malachi2004 (edited 21 July 2005).]

Member # 4707
 - posted
Originally posted by 7aya:
hmm isn't that great. you just mess up with the torah, distort it as much as you want, and when someone asks about it, you say oh we've already changed that so im refusing to discuss it! honey a holy book is not open for change it comes from god and should stay that way. anyway thats typical jewish i mean you've already distorted the histroy of palestine so i guess you guys excel at distortion.

NOTHING in the 613 mitzvah has ever been changed or distorted. Some of it does not apply to modern times. All commandments are not necessarily eternal. At one point Gd COMMANDED moses to fight in Egypt, should he keep going back and forth to fight Egyptians for all eternity or until he dies, NO, once that commandment has been fullfilled, and the conditions no longer exist, the commandment can not be applied any longer.

I dont know any more elementary ways to keep explaining this to you, but I suppose it has to do with your inability to use critical reasoning, as you come from an environment, whose teaching method is rote memorization, you only learn how to memorize things without analyzing how they can fit into your present situation. I guess I can't really fault you for your ignorance.

Malachi, why don't u bring your beauty queen and your sons to the US????? Aren't you afraid for them? I am serious, I would die in your place from worry if my loved ones were in this part of the world right now and I was safe in America...
My "beauty queen" is a rare breed. She'd rather die practicing what she loves, than be tempted by all the pretentious JAPs in America. Of course I could provide her with all the luxuries a queen is worthy of, but she'd prefer giving excesses to more needy charities. A devout religious woman, raising my boys the correct way. I stay in America to provide for them and many other relatives on both sides of the family, hers and mine. I'm not staying there to "keep myself safe".

Yes, it's cyclical. So please step up and break the cycle. You sound human, here. This is a much better side of Malachi than the guy filled with vitriol and hatred.
Anger and resentment, yes, hatred, too strong to describe my emotional state.

The problem with this belief is that not *all* Arabs hate you. Really. They don't.
Most do, and they use their religion to justify that hate. I can quote you several hadiths that encourage it, and sense they are the type to imitate their ancient people, it's a never ending cycle of hate for them.


Member # 6971
 - posted
I agree, most do, cz this is a damn from God that no body likes jewish, DUE TO WHAT HAVE THEY DONE BADS IN THEIR LIVES
(Besm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem* The path of whom You have bestowed(Your) blessings(means the jewish), and thos who have not gone estray) Sadaka Allahu al-3azeem

Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by malachi2004:

[b]The problem with this belief is that not *all* Arabs hate you. Really. They don't.

Most do, and they use their religion to justify that hate. I can quote you several hadiths that encourage it, and sense they are the type to imitate their ancient people, it's a never ending cycle of hate for them.


No No No! Malachi! Step away from the Hadith!!! Anyone can find anything in any major text to justify any point of view they have! Please!

I thought you were kind of reaching out with this original post. Was I wrong? Please don't be so mean talking about other people. I'd wash my kid's mouth out with soap if he ever referred to a Jewish woman as a JAP. This anger is really toxic. You will not, by yourself, be able to change the world. For your own peace of mind and for your children, who are heavily influenced by you, please do what you can for yourself to let go of the anger.

It's attitude. That's all it is. You can change it. Hell, if you were Christian, I'd even pull out that awful "What Would Jesus Do?"

All human beings are worthy. All. Flaws and all.

Member # 6058
 - posted
Originally posted by Mon_Savage:
I agree, most do, cz this is a damn from God that no body likes jewish, DUE TO WHAT HAVE THEY DONE BADS IN THEIR LIVES
(Besm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem* The path of whom You have bestowed(Your) blessings(means the jewish), and thos who have not gone estray) Sadaka Allahu al-3azeem

Karah mia. This is what you bring to our country? Where is homeland security when you need them?


Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by Darkeyes:
Karah mia. This is what you bring to our country?

Yep. Not to worry, he is under control.


Member # 4668
 - posted
Malachi, respect to your wife. I truly admire people with willpower and drive. You are very lucky to have her.
* 7ayat *
Member # 7043
 - posted
malachi, ill make it short. who said that the jews did not exist? if you knew anything about islam you would know that we do believe in the torah (before it was changed.) you say jews lived here for years? well who said they shouldnt? jews lived in egypt for years side by side with christians and muslims. now why didn't they just live in peace like that? why did they choose to move to another land to create a pureley jewish state? and by the way the jewish people are the only ones who mix nationality with religion. for example im an egyptian and a muslim, but for you people being jewish and israeli is one, or being jewish immediatly means you belong to israel. whreas me being a muslim does not mean that i necessarily belong in egypt or any other country for that matter.
as for that part about living side by side with arabs, well my dear you can preach all you want about how israeli's love peace and arabs are bloodthirsty. but i'm sorry no one will believe you. the palestinains have stones while you have weapons, is that fair? oh and that wall you are building now, how peacful is that? is that an action that speak of peace?
anyway, about criticial thinking. well don't you think that god who created the entire universe and knows all the secrets we don't know, would have more "logic" than us. holy books are given to us by the allmighty and his work does not need editing. you can not sift through god's books and say oh thats too strict lets change it, oh that is outdated lets stop practicing it. as far as i'm concerned this is no "logic" and if you people decide to use it to manipulate your holy book, then do it. but don't come and preach us about how we should do it too!
Member # 6662
 - posted
Originally posted by Karah_Mia:
Yep. Not to worry, he is under control.

Sure...Sure...u revert not him, goas !!


Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by malachi2004:
In all honsesty, I just want Peace, but not at th sacrifice of all that I believe in. So as bad as this may sound, I dont think it could be attained without being separatists. It's hard for me to imagine living side by side with people that hate my mere existence, and trying to understand a religion I believe is false, sorry to put it so bluntly. I'm guilty of harborng a resentment towards Arabs, though they only make up a third of the muslim population, others have to suffer my rage for their support of these Arabs, who would like nothing more than to distinguish my people from existence.

Interesting tactics: He comes in here attacking Islam, making generalizations about Muslims, and insults Arabs and anyone else who doesn’t happen to swallow the lines he is trying to feed us, as he has done on his previous “visits” to ES. Then he turns round and tells us that we shouldn’t hate all Jews because of what some wicked people have done in the name of Judaism, because they aren’t real Jews like him (although we are not supposed to notice what he said in a previous thread). Then tells us that he only wants peace, but of course on his terms, and tries to play Mr. Nice-guy and make us feel sorry for him! Haven’t I heard this story somewhere before?

Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by Morgan:
Sure...Sure...u revert not him, goas !!

He had nothing to revert to as I dropped out of Catholic Church 20 years ago!


Member # 8414
 - posted
Originally posted by malachi2004:
Jewish theology is based on the 613 mitzvah of the Torah. Mitzvah is the hebrew word for commandments, and the Torah, is basically the first 5 books of the Christian Bible, where the author is Moses.

Unlike islam, Judaism, doesnt have a practice of what is haram or not haram based on the traditions of Moses, Isaac, Jacob or Abraham, King David, King Solomon, etc, etc, we follow the commandments of Gd only.

The commandments are flexible and much room for logic is taken. Some commandments were only for the period and place they were given, and others are to be practiced as long as you practice Judaism. For example, you could command your child to go sit in a corner, because of how he behaved at a particular time, but this does not mean the child has to sit in the corner forever. Logic is heavilly subscribed.

With this knowledge, many of the 613 commandments were perscribed during the time of Moses, ancient land of Jeruselum, and ancient temple was built, and judgements were handled by priests. So commandments relating to the temple, which is now destroyed, cannot be observed. So many sacrifices were commanded, they cannot be observed because the temple doesnt exist. Many punishments were administered, but those priest judges that ran the temple don't exist either.

Jews went into disapora, this is well known knowledge to all, so many commandments that were required to be administered in our ancient lands, cannot be carried out in New York for instance.

So commandments allow for flexibility, all Rabbis agree on this. So when I hear arguments of practices of ancient times, that are no longer in effect my ears become mute to such arguments, so don't try to debate me using logic like; so what our muhammad had 11 wives, King Soloman had 700, and things like this. King Soloman was not Gd, and our commandments dont come from him, neither do we use the logic of following ancient men, and determining what's Haram or not Haram based on their ANCIENT traditions.

Islam cold use a little more flexibility. For example, never in Judaism would you hear an argument that a woman can't drive based on religion. One, there was never a commandment for Gd that forbade women from driving, 2, Cars didnt exist in ANCIENT times.

Many people that call themselves jews have become Secular, an athiest. From a rabbinic point, these are no longer considered Jews by our clergy. Once you deny the existence of Gd, you are no longer a jew, as far as it is concerned, no matter what your mother or father was. So many people hear things by these secularist jews, and attribute it to Judaism, which is a mistake. Judaism is a religion, and jews are the people that practice that religion. We DO NOT acknowledge athiest that call themselves jews.

Many of these secularist are in Israel, not for religious purposes, but for, that's right, secularist purposes. Many of them influence the policy, government, and economics. Many jews are just humble people practicing their beliefs, and are also at the mercy of these politics. Israel is not a Theocratic state, and those in power would never allow it to be, because then, secularism would not be tolerated.

I hate the things happening to innocent palenstinians, and so do many others, but this is often overshadowed by the severe hatred we get from them of all jews, unable to distinguish between religious jews, and secularist who call themsleves jews. The hate is the reciprocated, a never ending cycle that has cost both people hundred of thousands of lives.

I live in New Jersey, and have family members in Israel. I'm happily married to a beautiful Ethiopian (like King Solomon was) that currently lives in Israel with our 3 boys. I go back and forth several times a year, but not ready to make the permanent move yet. My family lived in the USA since they left Poland after the war. I can't even describe to you how they told of how they were treated by their own "fellow" jews, who are mostly secularist, once Sephardic wealthy jews, who themselves even supported the Nazis with blood money. Although the US has provided us a livelihood from poverty, we have never sacrificed our religious beliefs.

In all honsesty, I just want Peace, but not at th sacrifice of all that I believe in. So as bad as this may sound, I dont think it could be attained without being separatists. It's hard for me to imagine living side by side with people that hate my mere existence, and trying to understand a religion I believe is false, sorry to put it so bluntly. I'm guilty of harborng a resentment towards Arabs, though they only make up a third of the muslim population, others have to suffer my rage for their support of these Arabs, who would like nothing more than to distinguish my people from existence.

Now if you want to debate me, fine, but I will become mute to ancient texts that we no longer subscribe to.

My side of the story,

nobody wants ur kosher jew talk here

hey i have a joke:
what is the difference between a jew and a canoe?

the canoe will eventually TIP


Member # 4668
 - posted

Member # 6058
 - posted
Originally posted by Karah_Mia:

Are you that bigoted Karah Mia? I never thought you were.


Member # 8141
 - posted
I just wanted to make a comment (as everyone does, of course).

I am friends with a wonderful kind-hearted Jewish family, consisting of two parents and a teenager. I, at first, was shocked to discover the parent's belief that Muslims want to murder everyone. However, I took hope in that their daughter disagreed with her parents on this aspect, looking upon Muslims as simply people. A good sign, indeed.

[This message has been edited by Dulcibella (edited 23 July 2005).]

Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by Darkeyes:
Are you that bigoted Karah Mia? I never thought you were.

Oh, c'mon, have you ever met a truly generous Jew?... Sure it is a generalization, but a funny joke anyway, just that.

Member # 8438
 - posted
Um, Malachi...I dont understand Jewish Theology any more than I did before reading this...
Member # 8414
 - posted
Originally posted by Isis83:
Um, Malachi...I dont understand Jewish Theology any more than I did before reading this...

it's ok, Malachi really doesnt either so in the end it all works out

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