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Posted by teacherinegypt (Member # 8362) on :
I have known fundamentalist Christians (they usually call themselves "born again" Christians) who quote the following extract from the New Testament as to why, unequivocally, only "born again Christians" go to Heaven:

"I am the way, the truth and the light, no one cometh to the Father but by me"

Spoken by Jesus.

Obviously, Muslims would not believe this. My question is:

Do any Muslims believe, and is there any interpretation of anything in the Koran to the effect of; that only Muslims go to Heaven?

Posted by kafir4ever (Member # 8581) on :
One day a tableegh jamaat fellow came over to my place to give a call for daawah'...that's what these guys call for preaching. This particular man was very angry ...angry for no particular reason but for the fact that the world is bearing the weight of 5 billion non-Muslim kafirs. (little did he realize that I was one among them). His only deep wish was that by some miracle that they all convert or at least die for rejecting such a `true' religion like Islam.

Then he made my mouth water by speaking about the pleasures of heaven that Allah has in store for the true Muslims. All about the full bosomed virgins and fruits and wine.... Then he tried to terrify me with visions of hell and informed that this was in store for the kafirs.

So? I asked him `mother Theresa is going to hell?`. This man was visibly embarrassed and stumped. He expected that like his flock I’ll listen and not ask questions. Still he said `Yes...she'll go to hell for rejecting One God and believing in Trinity...for rejecting Prophet Mohammad ...for believing that the koran was false, by believing in the crucifixion of Jesus.'...`and mahatma Gandhi?..dalai lama?, St.francis?. Robert Koch?...Louis Pasteur?.. Florence Nightingale?., Henry Dunant (Founder of Red Cross) and hundreds of other people who dedicated their entire lives for the well being of humanity(some even questioned the existence of god) all will burn in hell?” I asked. `Yes` was the reply `They'll all burn in hell for rejecting the true message of Islam.

`But Osama Bin Laden?` I asked ....`Allah willing he will grant eternal paradise for the great Mujahid of Islam` was the reply. `Ayman al Juwahiri? the Abu Sayyaf fighters?` I Asked `Yes, all Mujahids who give their lives for Allah will go to heaven` was the answer.

Now we can draw our own conclusions from just have to believe in Islam and you can indulge in barbarous deeds. But those who are not Muslims even if they are noble characters, they are counted among the first class criminals. According to Islam, for indulging in shirk and kufr (disbelief). The very fact that one is a non-Muslim makes him a criminal. So Osama was justified in killing American infidels for they are not innocent in the true sense of the word.

Posted by daria1975 (Member # 6244) on :
Originally posted by teacherinegypt:
I have known fundamentalist Christians (they usually call themselves "born again" Christians) who quote the following extract from the New Testament as to why, unequivocally, only "born again Christians" go to Heaven:

"I am the way, the truth and the light, no one cometh to the Father but by me"

Spoken by Jesus.

Obviously, Muslims would not believe this. My question is:

Do any Muslims believe, and is there any interpretation of anything in the Koran to the effect of; that only Muslims go to Heaven?


I just posed this question a few days ago on a thread called *Questions* (I'm so original). There was some helpful information given in return.


Posted by kafir4ever (Member # 8581) on :
The Koran dwells constantly upon the doom of unbelievers and positively gloats on their demise. I find this not divine, but if anything, an attribute of the Devil that likes to dwell on the fires of hell. Its verses are repetitive and derivative, as if some great deceiver has tried to fashion a teaching that mimics the work of the bible. The fact that EVERYTHING is different in the Koran from the bible (God’s name, what the prophets said and did, accounts of Jesus) shows that they can’t both be true. The Bible has history, archaeology, testimony and the dead sea scrolls on it’s side amongst a wealth of evidence. The Koran is a perversion of every truth the Bible has. Ask who could possibly want everyone to believe the opposite of truth. Ask who would gloat, as Osama did on the video tape at those who didn’t know the whole picture. Ask why muhamhead would tell his soldiers a wrong thing (so as not to discourage them), and why modern negotiators like Arafat flat out lie for deceptive advantage? Note how muhamhead boasts of preparing and presenting hell (18:101, 103). Ask why it says nothing of God’s love in the Koran yet it does mention allah as a beguiler (4:142) and the best of all plotters (8:30). Just ask who would want to deceive even the very elect. The Koran claims that nothing so beautiful can be created. In 10:38, you find the usual braggadocio saying the Koran couldn’t be invented.The whole tone of the book is one of braggarty triumph calling itself glorious and saying that nobody could write something comparable. This is nonsense. It is the philosophical equivalent to saying “My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. Noone can show me a woman as beautiful as this”.

A real test, as in science is when you can also show what is needed to disprove something. Simply by saying you can’t paint a painting as good as this, is entirely subjective. This lack of scientific rationality or testing as we understand it, is endemic in the muslim world and where progress and advanced technology have come entirely from the West.

If it wasn’t for Western development, cars, satellites and oil drilling, the Muslims would still be beating their heavily laden beasts and finding it impossible to even develop a better camel saddle.

Furthermore this test about the beauty of the Koran is capped by believers claiming that noone has yet been able to do so. Both nonMuslims and Muslims don’t even try because it would be a blasphemy, but putting together a string of lines about people being warned, then shackled and then slaughtered and adding how merciful allah can be doesn’t seem difficult in the slightest.

[This message has been edited by kafir4ever (edited 09 August 2005).]

Posted by daria1975 (Member # 6244) on :
Originally posted by kafir4ever:
The Koran is a perversion of every truth the Bible has. Ask who could possibly want everyone to believe the opposite of truth. Ask who would gloat, as Osama did on the video tape at those who didn’t know the whole picture. Ask why muhamhead would tell his soldiers a wrong thing (so as not to discourage them), and why modern negotiators like Arafat flat out lie for deceptive advantage? Note how muhamhead boasts of preparing and presenting hell (18:101, 103).

Hatred is a defensive displacement of one's feelings of weakness.


Posted by loborules (Member # 5457) on :
ya know I don't think God would discriminate against a non-believer a truly loving God. God or Allah or whatever entity you believe in, they are good all the time. As long as your a good person ...kind, generous, and help others you will be ok.

Actually I think God is a big dog, always happy to see you, loves YOU unconditionally and everyone else, never nags, never gossips, you can fed them the same thing every day, doesn't care who has the latest gadgets, never complains, and always gleefully happy. Taking them for a walk is the best thing for them in their world. They get so excited and enjoy it so much... ahhh only if humans could do that ... and by the way my current weakness is ... a root beer float.

Posted by kafir4ever (Member # 8581) on :
Originally posted by teacherinegypt:
[B]I have known fundamentalist Christians (they usually call themselves "born again" Christians) who quote the following extract from the New Testament as to why, unequivocally, only "born again Christians" go to Heaven:

"I am the way, the truth and the light, no one cometh to the Father but by me"

Spoken by Jesus.

This brings us to a sober realization—God does not give this kind of grace to everyone. Not everyone is given faith. This is unequal but not unfair. We are sinners and all of us deserve God’s justice—punishment for our sins. No one deserves mercy. If mercy were deserved, it would not be mercy, it would be justice! God is not unjust to anyone—no one gets less than he deserves. Some of us have received mercy; others will receive justice. God is not an equal opportunity Savior. Indeed, from Abraham on, God has always shown more mercy to one people than to another. God chose Abraham in a way he did not choose Abraham’s next-door neighbor. God revealed himself to Paul in a way he didn’t show himself to Nicodemus. God is sovereign in his exercise of mercy.

[This message has been edited by kafir4ever (edited 16 August 2005).]

Posted by kafir4ever (Member # 8581) on :
Now Islam tell us that about 1400 years ago Allah decided to send his messenger to us and tell us that if we don’t recognize him as the creator of this universe, he will be offended and mad and sad and he will punish us and will send us to hell and burn us and roast us toast us and pour boiling water on us and will make us suffer for ETERNITY. Mind you, our solar system will die about five billion years from now and our universe will also come to a cold and dark end one day but Allah will still keep burning, toasting and rousting those who did not believe in him in this Earth. How could the maker of such magnificent world be so unforgiving that would punish people for eternity? And imagine the kind of punishment that Muhammad describes.

22:19-22; But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water. With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins. In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them. Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), “Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!”


69:30-37 (The stern command will say): “Seize ye him, and bind ye him, And burn ye him in the Blazing Fire. Further, make him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits! This was he that would not believe in Allah Most High. And would not encourage the feeding of the indigent! So no friend hath he here this Day. Nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds, Which none do eat but those in sin.”

Could any intelligent person believe in this hallucination of a mentally sick man? How can the creator of this universe be so petite? Even Saddam Hussein, Khomeini, Stalin and Hitler did not commit this much brutality. Do you really think the maker of this universe is such a psychopath? Then you wonder why Muslims are the poorest people of the world! Isn’t it obvious? Ignorant people do not have horns. They look like normal people, but they believe in nonsense such as these.

5:33, “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;”

Why should people be executed, crucified, their hands and feet chopped from opposite sides because they decide to leave Islam after finding it a false doctrine?

Nonbelief for Muhammad constituted “waging war against Allah and his Messenger” For example people like me who have never hurt a single Muslim nor intend to do so are considered as “waging war against Allah and his Messenger”. So that is the kind of punishment that I would face if I ever fall in the hands of Muhammad.

[This message has been edited by kafir4ever (edited 22 August 2005).]

Posted by MohdAnwar (Member # 5528) on :
Originally posted by teacherinegypt:
I have known fundamentalist Christians (they usually call themselves "born again" Christians) who quote the following extract from the New Testament as to why, unequivocally, only "born again Christians" go to Heaven:

"I am the way, the truth and the light, no one cometh to the Father but by me"

Spoken by Jesus.

Obviously, Muslims would not believe this. My question is:

Do any Muslims believe, and is there any interpretation of anything in the Koran to the effect of; that only Muslims go to Heaven?

Hello Teacher
if we talk about heaven so we are talking about ppl since Adam and Eve so. it is very clear in islam that all ppl before mohamed (PBUH) that follows their prophets i.e Noah, Ibrhaim , Jacop , Mosa, Jesus,..etc all of them would go to heaven after god willing cause each of those prophet was send to a certain area but after our prophet mohamed (PBUH) came we beleive he sent to all the ppl in the earth not for specific area and Quran and its rules is valid for all the earth not a specific area even after mohamed (PBUH) his followers suppose to make islam reach every where in earth cause they will be wittness.

So with god willing all ppl who follows their prophet before mohamed (PBUH) will go to heaven according to their deeds and after mohamed it must be no other religion else islam cause islam include what before it.

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