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T O P I C     R E V I E W
mocking bird
Member # 10937
 - posted
Angus Reid Global Scan : Polls & Research
Opposition to Iraq War at 62% in U.S.
May 19, 2006

(Angus Reid Global Scan) – More adults in the United States are disappointed with their government’s decision to go to war in Iraq, according to a poll by TNS released by the Washington Post and ABC News. 62 per cent of respondents think the conflict was not worth fighting, up five points since March.

For the first time since the conflict began, fewer than four-in-ten Americans believe the war with Iraq was worth fighting.

The coalition effort against Saddam Hussein’s regime was launched in March 2003. At least 2,454 American soldiers have died during the military operation, and more than 17,900 troops have been wounded in action. 76 per cent of respondents think there have been an unacceptable number of U.S. military casualties in Iraq.

In December 2005, Iraqi voters renewed their National Assembly. On Apr. 21, the Shiite United Iraqi Alliance nominated Jawad al-Maliki for the position of prime minister.

On May 17, U.S. president George W. Bush discussed the situation in Iraq, saying, "It’s tough work. It’s tough work to help a young country go from tyranny to democracy. But it’s worth it. Free countries are peaceful countries. Free countries will lay the foundation of peace for our children and grandchildren."

Polling Data

All in all, considering the costs to the United States versus the benefits to the United States, do you think the war with Iraq was worth fighting, or not?
Member # 3361
 - posted
that does not mean that 62% think we should pull out. Most people understand that if we were to pull out it would create a void that Iran would fill and it would be a disaster for the world economy. We are in Iraq for the long haul no matter which American government is in office.
Member # 10093
 - posted

says leave your gun at the reception desk ..lol lol lol
Member # 10998
 - posted
The thing that really annoys me about this war(well one of many [Razz] ) is that bush says something along the lines of "you may not support the war, but you should support our troops"

That's like saying "yeah, we know it was illegal, but now we're there, be a good little american and be patriotic, or we'll all look down on you"
Member # 3361
 - posted
First of all Khalid the war is not illegal. I challenge you to make that case. Secondly, leaders in both parties understand that we must stay in Iraq over the long haul.
Member # 10998
 - posted
Without backing from the united nations at the outset the conflict is illegal. Unilateral action should not be tolerated by the international community.

Neither should America's hypocritcal treatment of Iran.

Why bother staying for the long-haul? Every single death(regardless of terrorist action or american 'friendly' fire) any death in iraq since the invasion is the fault of america and...ashamedly my dumb prime minister.
Why? Because you created a climate which changed what happend. Thus america and those stupid enough to be bullied into following her to war are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths(if not hundreds of thousands) in Iraq today.
The same of course goes for Afghanistan.
And those who died as a result of your sanctions for a decade.
In short America has almost certainly killed more people in the years since the invasion than the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein did in 25 years!

In both conflicts, the internal affairs of the countries in questions were ignored. America only cares for 'soverignity' when they want to.
And tell me...mr anti-islam, why was it worth going in in the first place?
America and england had no problem in supporting a dictator for decades whilst he routinely killed his own people. Why the sudden rush? WMDs? Never found. Saddam's military machine was never capable of hurting your beloved america anyway and you know it.
And if your current stated-reason really is to remove a cruel dictator, then that truly is pathetic. America has probably supported more dictatorships than any other country ever has.
She has also probably over-thrown more democratically elected governments than any other nation.

And to finish she has no right whatsoever to demand democracy in the middle east! Other countries' internal affairs are none of your business!
Member # 10998
 - posted
Racism gets you nowhere. And, as it happens, I am british.
Member # 3361
 - posted
you may be a British citizen, but you are not British.
Member # 10998
 - posted
Speaking morally, pretty much anything you say on these forums is without merit

"We are not going to allow.." You have no god-given right to do as you choose.

You are simply a racist and are certainly intolerant of any culture other than yours, which you probably deem superior to any other country's.

Prey tell, why do bother coming here? To stoke racial/religious hatred?

You're an example of why the extreme right-wing should not be allowed into power.
It truly is ashame you don't have someone more like Hugo Chavez in power in your country.
Oh and your failure to assasinate or in any other way get rid of him, shows your country's lack of ability to do anything right.
Frankly Iraq does too. I mean if you seriously have this 'right' to do as you please because you have this almighty power, why not do it right? Your country can't even invade a country properly!
Member # 10998
 - posted
Actually I think you'd find(if you had access to my personal information) that I was born in this country and am genetically british.

Why I bother replying to a racist, I do not know...let's hope I learn from this and don't bother with you anymore....you truly have my pity.
Member # 3361
 - posted
of course we have the right to do whatever we think is in our best interests, All nations act in that way. There is no room for morality in foreign policy. This display of emotionalism on your part has no place in the discussion of foreign policy. We have made the foreign policy moves that are in OUR best interests. Any freshman level course in International relations will teach you as much.

Obvuiously American/British culture is superior. They have literally created the modern world we live in and at present are the engine of the global economy. Keep in mind that in Iraq our enemies are fighting out of worm holes and we are killing them at close to 100-1. They have to resort to attacking innocent civilians because they cannot attack us without huge loses. We'll just continue to kill them until the stop, President Bush has already told you that.
Member # 9900
 - posted
^ Same old broken record of an old white (trash?) man piggybacking off the success of better white men than he but all he's left with is telling Egyptians on an internet forum how superior his trailer trash behind is.

Your ilk are a dime a dozen, old man. Literally, a dime a dozen and they're an embarassment to any race.
Member # 3361
 - posted
welcome back binhaden, how is everything in that socialist utopia you live in?

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