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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 7795
 - posted
but then again, Horemheb has always had this American life is more precious than Arab life thing going on.

Bush troubled by reports of Iraq killings By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer
12 minutes ago

President Bush said Wednesday he was troubled by allegations that U.S. Marines had killed unarmed Iraqi civilians and that, "If in fact laws were broken, there will be punishment."

It was Bush's first public comment on allegations that Marines killed about two dozen unarmed Iraqis in the western city of Haditha last November.

Bush said he had discussed the incident with Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "He's a proud Marine. And nobody is more concerned about these allegations than the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps is full of honorable people who understand the rules of war."

"If in fact these allegations are true," Bush said, "the Marine Corps will work hard to make sure that that culture — that proud culture — will be reinforced. And that those who violated the law, if they did, will be punished."

The president was asked about the Iraq allegations during an Oval Office photo opportunity with the president of Rwanda.

"I am troubled by the initial news stories," Bush said. "I'm mindful that there's a thorough investigation going on. If in fact, laws were broken, there will be punishment."

On Tuesday, White House spokesman Tony Snow said President Bush learned of the killings only after a reporter from Time magazine asked questions. Time published an article in March that said the Pentagon was investigating the incident.

Asked when Bush was first briefed about the events in Haditha, an insurgent stronghold in western Iraq, Snow replied Tuesday: "When a Time reporter first made the call."

Bush was briefed on the incident and investigation by his national security adviser, Stephen Hadley, Snow said. He would not detail Bush's personal involvement since.

Snow said that the details of an investigation into the killings of Iraqi civilians in November 2005 will be released to the public when the probe is completed.

Snow said that he has been assured by the Pentagon that "all the details" will be made available. "We'll have a picture of what happened," Snow said.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that evidence uncovered in February and March reportedly contradict the claims made by Marines that Iraqi civilians died as a result of a roadside bomb.

Citing an unnamed senior U.S. official, the Times reported that a review of the incident by Col. Gregory Watt in Baghdad has uncovered evidence that casts doubt on initial reports by Marines involved.

"There were enough inconsistencies that things didn't add up," the unnamed official said, according to the Times. The report cites death certificates that show all the Iraqi victims had been shot, many in the head and chest.

Separate investigations seek to determine whether the Nov. 19 killings in the western Iraqi city of Haditha were criminal and whether the Marines involved and their commanding officers tried to hide the truth.

The Pentagon has said little publicly. What is known is that a military convoy hit a roadside bomb, killing one Marine. The Marine Corps had initially attributed 15 civilian deaths to the bombing and a firefight with insurgents, eight of whom the Marines reported had been killed.

Reports of the Pentagon investigation said that Marines shot and killed unarmed civilians in a taxi at the scene and went into two homes and shot others.
Member # 3361
 - posted
Again Geneva, what about the people butchered by terrorists? What about the thousands of Iraquis killed by suicide bombers and car bombs? You obviously only want to bash america and care nothing about the Iraquis being killed.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
geneva ignores all other answers to this on other threads yet still bashes hore (very telling)
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by Horemheb:

Again Geneva, what about the people butchered by terrorists? What about the thousands of Iraquis killed by suicide bombers and car bombs? You obviously only want to bash america and care nothing about the Iraquis being killed.

Hore, you are correct that there should be outrage over this, but the Haditha massacre is an even bigger outrage simply because it was committed by people who were suppose to be helpful allies!!
Member # 6698
 - posted
Bush is troubled by Haditha
LOL [Big Grin] More like Bush is squirming because of the trouble in Haditha. The people who should really be squirming are the ones who committed this horrid act!
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:

geneva ignores all other answers to this on other threads yet still bashes hore (very telling)

And bias is also found in both sides. [Wink]
Member # 9900
 - posted
Originally posted by Horemheb:
Again Geneva, what about the people butchered by terrorists? What about the thousands of Iraquis killed by suicide bombers and car bombs? You obviously only want to bash america and care nothing about the Iraquis being killed.

Sure, there's a double standard. First, no one knows who these "terrorists" are. They may well be American funded subversion operations. Second, it's true that "America haters" will hate on America. I mean come on, why carry the title if you're not gonna live up to it? Third, I personally don't give a flying fcuk about Iraquis. It's the Iraqis whom I care about and whenever a bomb goes off killing a civilian, it tears into my heart and soul. Now, the fact that it's a daily occurence may have desensitized me to the horrid violence. Nonetheless, anytime American soldiers are caught showing the immorality they represent, I'll cheer for their punishment and hope the repercussions are grave for their masters.

Hope this clarifies the issue for you old man. Geneva didn't bother to break it down for you but I'm all about helping out seniors. [Big Grin]
Member # 6698
 - posted
Frankly, there are people who already are calling Bush a "sell-out" for not defending these marines against the allegations.

They believe the marines to be innocent of the charges and part of a conspiracy!

What do you guys think of this??..
Member # 9900
 - posted
Conspiracy? By whom? And to what end? End the war? Impeach Bush? Piss off the Iraqis? What possible motive could conpirators have? Ruin the image of US soldiers in the eyes of the world? Do they have any reputation other than for brutality?

I don't believe there was a conspiracy in regards to the incident itself. However, there clearly was a cowardly (and not so smart) conspiracy to cover up what happened.

Bush a sell-out? No. Never.

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