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unfinished thought
Member # 15848
 - posted
'Palin didn't know Africa was a continent': Republican mud-slinging begins in wake of defeat

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 1:21 PM on 06th November 2008

Sarah Palin did not know Africa was a continent, McCain aides have allegedly claimed.

New slurs against John McCain's former running mate emerged this week as the tattered Republican party nosedived into civil war and the divide between McCain and Palin was further exposed.

A Fox News anchor claimed McCain aides told him of Mrs Palin's ignorance on Africa - and that she did not know what countries were in North America.

Aides also allegedly claimed Mrs Palin spent "thousands more" than the $150,000 reported on clothes during the campaign - to the shock of the donor who paid her bill - and that she answered the door to McCain aides in her hotel room in just a towel.

Other reports claim that Mrs Palin spent thousands more on a shopping spree at high-end department stores than the campaign had expected.

Newsweek claimed that though the McCain camp publicly supported the Alaska governor, in private aides were fuming over the amount of money she spent on clothes.

Mrs Palin was reportedly told to buy herself three new suits and hire a stylist in the run-up to the Republican National Convention.

Instead, one angry aide claimed, she embarked on a "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast" shopping spree - to the shock of the wealthy donor footing the bill.

Newsweek also claimed Palin used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement.

One aide estimated that she spent "tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost.

An aide said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.

It is also alleged that Mrs Palin and Mr McCain barely spoke in the final weeks of the campaign, with Mr McCain preferring to consult with older, more experienced political friends.

Aides claimed the details of her clothes spending were kept from Mr McCain for fear he would be offended by it.

Newsweek also reported Mrs Palin asked to speak along with Mr McCain at his Arizona concession speech Tuesday night, but campaign strategist Steve Schmidt vetoed the request.

Meanwhile Mrs Palin has refused to dampen speculation that she will run for president in 2012.

Mrs Palin, who has strong support on the conservative Right, dropped a strong hint that she intends to remain prominent in national politics by saying she would campaign for energy security and "reach out to the Barack Obama and the new administration".

The Alaska governor tried to counter backlash against her shopping spree by appearing in jeans on more than one occasion - including on the day she voted

The Alaska governor, 44, symbolises one side of the searing divide in the Republican ranks. She proved a huge hit with small-town America and the religious Right - and would easily attract big money to stand against Barack Obama in four years.

But she cost support among floating and urban voters by appearing dogmatic and ignorant about foreign affairs.

Exit polls showed a significant number of voters saw her as a turn-off. "If I cost John McCain even one vote, I am sorry about that," she told CNN.

Republicans modernisers want a candidate with appeal to voters beyond its core supporters.

"She clearly has a future in national politics," said Republican strategist Scott Reed. "She has to work to rebuild the parts of her image that became a caricature. But she's extremely popular with the grassroots."

"I don't know what the heck's going to happen in 2012," she said yesterday. "I just want to get back to work for the people of Alaska."

Speaking as she flew to her home state where she is governor, Mrs Palin kept the door firmly open. "Right now I just cannot imagine running for office in 2012," she said, "I say that, of course, on the heels of an outcome I did not anticipate and did not ask for."

On returning home she was greeted by cheering supporters at the airport chanting: "2012! 2012! 2012!"

Rivals for the 2012 campaign will include former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal.

Republican strategist Tony Fabrizio said Mrs Palin had been damaged by allegations that she abused her position: "She needs to go back home and face all of the stuff that's been raked up."

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Member # 15824
 - posted
You guys know better than that. Many in the Mcain campaign are bitter and are squabbling and blaming each other.
Member # 12654
 - posted
The whole GOP is in disarray.
They are blaming each other and especially the most prominent Republicans who jumped the GOP ship and supported Obama, like Collin Powell.

Obama and the Dems have not only defeated the Dixies in their own states, but also EXPOSED them for their divisive campaign tricks. Their dirty tricks have been and negative campaigning have been exposed.

The dems are also dealing with the Republican double agents within their group like, Joe Lieberman, who has been neutralized and rendered impotent.
It will take at least 3-4 terms before the Republicans can regroup and even then, they will not be the same GOP that Hammer knows and loves so well.
If they are smart, they'll go beg Collin Powell or Rice to lead in reshaping their party..but Republicans are not that smart.
Obama has changed the game under their very noses.
For now, the Republican party is a dead duck, as dead as Elizabeth Dole.

BTW: George Bush refers to Africa as a COUNTRY also. Must be a republican thing.
Obatala's Revenge
Member # 11484
 - posted
I've met many dumb chickenheads like Palin in my lifetime.
Member # 15824
 - posted
Look in the mirror Obatala. She is the Governor of Alaska and you are here on Egyptsearch insulting people. Who does that make the chickenhead?
Alive-(What Box)
Member # 10819
 - posted
Palin dudn't know much according to some. (Didn't know what countries were part of North America, much less the countries that participated in the North American Fair Trade Agreement (Nafta)).

lol @ Obama's frustrated global warming quote (made when asked to provide us with a personal action he has doe to help the environment).


Central World Bank (?)
Member # 14778
 - posted
When it comes to not knowing that Africa is a continent, Palin would be far from being the only American citizen suffering from that. Just recently, I've heard someone right here, on this politics section, proclaiming to be an American citizen, call Africa a country.
Member # 12654
 - posted
Internet posters are excused.

George Bush is the President of the United States, and Palin is the Governor of Alaska. Both made these mis-statement on national TV.
I may be wrong, but I believe there is some slight difference.
Member # 14778
 - posted
Originally posted by meninarmer:

Internet posters are excused.

George Bush is the President of the United States, and Palin is the Governor of Alaska. Both made these mis-statement on national TV.
I may be wrong, but I believe there is some slight difference.

Anyone who is educated, or proclaims themselves to be adequately educated, should not be excused for ignorance. Just my 2 cents.
Member # 14776
 - posted
and people still voted for mccain/palin LOL. good thing they did not win because seriously, its COMMON SENSE!
Member # 12654
 - posted
Originally posted by Explorateur:
Originally posted by meninarmer:

Internet posters are excused.

George Bush is the President of the United States, and Palin is the Governor of Alaska. Both made these mis-statement on national TV.
I may be wrong, but I believe there is some slight difference.

Anyone who is educated, or proclaims themselves to be adequately educated, should not be excused for ignorance. Just my 2 cents.
IMHO, The internet is just that. A random collection of thoughts filled with mistyped wording see Hammer), bad spelling (Hammer), and illogical factoids (Hammer) and biased conclusions (see Hammer).

A President (or senator, or candidate) has access to the very best script writers, the very best historians and advisors, as well as full access to the most complete libraries in the world.
With this level of resource, they are far above the average internet poster, PhD or not.
That a President or a Governor does not possess knowledge of basic geography and doesn't bother to access available resources is simply a testament to the true state of the level of privilege inherent in American society.
Obatala's Revenge
Member # 11484
 - posted
Originally posted by Explorateur:
When it comes to not knowing that Africa is a continent, Palin would be far from being the only American citizen suffering from that. Just recently, I've heard someone right here, on this politics section, proclaiming to be an American citizen, call Africa a country.

That's because TheAmericanPatriot is the male version of the archetype that Palin represents.

You can see from the way he reacted to my post.
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by unfinished thought:

An aide said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.

That would be interesting, are they available to the public?
Member # 15824
 - posted
This gossip on Darah Palin has been refuted. She will on Fox to tsalk about the campaign in an extended interview this week. What you are seeing is what happens when a poorly run campaign fainnally falls apart and is soundly defeated. Many of us have known for awhile that the McCain campaign was a disaster.
The republicans are going through now what democrats faced in 1990. Everyone wants to blame everyone else to protect their own position.
Sarah Palin will be a powerful force in American politics. 94% of the Republican party supports her against these charhes.
Those people in the party who put us in this position will pay the price in the next year.
It is probably a blessing that they were defeated at the polls. It is time for the next generation of republicans to step up and clear this mess up.
Member # 15883
 - posted
She is not going to date you TAP.
Member # 15824
 - posted
We can always count on Egor for a mindless response.
Member # 15883
 - posted
I won't date you either.
Member # 15824
 - posted
I doubt you will be dating anyonbe Egor. Lets get one thing straight. i'm not interested in your negative turd throwing remarks. If you cannot think of a single meaningful thing to say then keep your mouth shut.
We have people on the board who have a wide range of views. Most of them are interested in a polite exchange of views without all of this c childish banter.
Member # 11484
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot:

Sarah Palin will be a powerful force in American politics.

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

I hope so. For the sake of keeping those rednecks out of office forever.

More Obamas please! [Cool]
Member # 15824
 - posted
That is an ignorant comment Herukhuti. The Republican party is a lot of things, a party of rednecks it is not.
Member # 14776
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot:
That is an ignorant comment Herukhuti. The Republican party is a lot of things, a party of rednecks it is not.

THE republican party is full of old farts that need to retire.
Member # 15883
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot:
I doubt you will be dating anyonbe Egor. Lets get one thing straight. i'm not interested in your negative turd throwing remarks. If you cannot think of a single meaningful thing to say then keep your mouth shut.
We have people on the board who have a wide range of views. Most of them are interested in a polite exchange of views without all of this c childish banter.

Your failure to be informed, does not make me childish.
Member # 12654
 - posted
Originally posted by Herukhuti:
Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot:

Sarah Palin will be a powerful force in American politics.

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

I hope so. For the sake of keeping those rednecks out of office forever.

More Obamas please! [Cool]

Member # 11484
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot:
That is an ignorant comment Herukhuti. The Republican party is a lot of things, a party of rednecks it is not.

You should be banned from blowing your own trumpet (i.e. using the word "ignorant"). After all, you're more than just ignorant, you define that word by your very existence.

Mods, can we BAN TAP from blowing his own trumpet? Is that functionality even possible with the current software running this show?
Member # 15824
 - posted
Egor, Anytime i see a poster come on here talking politics via insult I know it is a kid. It is time for you to calm down and grow up. Do you honestly think by coming on here and constantly throwing turds at everyone you disagree with that you look smart?
I hate to be the one to tell you this.....you are not the only person in America with a point of view.
Nobody gets upset about your cute insults. It says more about you than them.
Member # 12654
 - posted
^ That's exactly what the voters told the GOP!
Can you say, landslide, BOY???
Member # 15824
 - posted
The election was not a landslide. 52-46 is a moderate victory in presidential terms.
The democrats did a good job and ran a better , more focused campaign.
Member # 12654
 - posted
Got the GOP on their knees, their hate turned inward on itself.

Seems it's come to light that Joe The Plumber has been on welfare, twice.
Why is he worried about paying taxes?
Do they tax welfare checks, BOY???
Member # 15824
 - posted
Is that all you can contribute?
Member # 12654
 - posted
Just seems odd that Joe Da Plumber, who ain't a plumber, wants to buy a business with welfare checks.
Even odder that McCain didn't know and wanted to take Joe to Washington with him.
Member # 3567
 - posted
MSNBC retracts false Palin story; others duped

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer David Bauder, Ap Television Writer – Wed Nov 12, 11:33 pm ET

NEW YORK – MSNBC was the victim of a hoax when it reported that an adviser to John McCain had identified himself as the source of an embarrassing story about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the network said Wednesday.

David Shuster, an anchor for the cable news network, said on air Monday that Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser, had come forth and identified himself as the source of a Fox News Channel story saying Palin had mistakenly believed Africa was a country instead of a continent.

Eisenstadt identifies himself on a blog as a senior fellow at the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy. Yet neither he nor the institute exist; each is part of a hoax dreamed up by a filmmaker named Eitan Gorlin and his partner, Dan Mirvish, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

The Eisenstadt claim had mistakenly been delivered to Shuster by a producer and was used in a political discussion Monday afternoon, MSNBC said.

"The story was not properly vetted and should not have made air," said Jeremy Gaines, network spokesman. "We recognized the error almost immediately and ran a correction on air within minutes."

Gaines told the Times that someone in the network's newsroom had presumed the information solid because it was passed along in an e-mail from a colleague.

The hoax was limited to the identity of the source in the story about Palin — not the Fox News story itself. While Palin has denied that she mistook Africa for a country, the veracity of that report was not put in question by the revelation that Eisenstadt is a phony.

Eisenstadt's "work" had been quoted and debunked before. The Huffington Post said it had cited Eisenstadt in July on a story regarding the Hilton family and McCain.

Among the other victims were political blogs for the Los Angeles Times and The New Republic, each of which referenced false material from Eisenstadt's blog.

And in July, Jonathan Stein of Mother Jones magazine blogged an item about Eisenstadt speaking on Iraqi television about a casino in Baghdad's "Green Zone."

Stein later realized he'd been had.

"Kudos to the inventor of this whole thing," Stein wrote. "My only consolation is that if I had as much time on my hands as he clearly does, I probably would have figured this out and saved myself a fair amount of embarrassment."

Alive-(What Box)
Member # 10819
 - posted
I'm so glad that lunatic runnin for President didn't get it.
Member # 12594
 - posted
Originally posted by Shooky:
Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot:
That is an ignorant comment Herukhuti. The Republican party is a lot of things, a party of rednecks it is not.

THE republican party is full of old farts that need to retire.
I didn't know Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Barney Frank, and Harry Reed were Republicans. [Eek!]

Oh, and it turns out the "alleged" claims were just that. Not true and Sarah Palin does know her geography.
Member # 5777
 - posted
She should, after passing through 4 schools in 6 years. Talk is that she got some kind of diploma in journalism or something like that. After all, journalists ought to know a bit of geography. Or maybe not!

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