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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3567
 - posted
right in this minute!!!!

Thanks god!

Iranian leader says he'll free Britons

Member # 12165
 - posted
Tiger........You are the QUEEN of news. I know someone else who was in the process of doing that same thing. You win. lol [Wink] [Big Grin]
Member # 6698
 - posted
[b]Topic: Iran is releasing the detained British sailors.....[/qb][/quote]

[Embarrassed] And at the same time humiliating Britain and making the nation out to be the pathetically weak B*TCH that it is!!
Member # 13161
 - posted
The UK has enough military power to make Iran a radioactive rock for the next half a million years. It might be that "weak" is the wrong word to use.
Member # 11270
 - posted
Originally posted by BushFan:
The UK has enough military power to make Iran a radioactive rock for the next half a million years. It might be that "weak" is the wrong word to use.

Oh im just seen your picture looks like condaleeza rice [Eek!] [Eek!]
Member # 13161
 - posted
You cannot argue with the point I made honey. Saying the UK is "weak" is incorrect.

It would be an honor to be compared to Condi Rice.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by BushFan:

The UK has enough military power to make Iran a radioactive rock for the next half a million years. It might be that "weak" is the wrong word to use.

Having military power and not using it is just as bad as not having any at all.

Besides, with the humiliation the UK suffered, Iran (and likely Islamic terrorists) now has a psychological advantage.
Member # 13161
 - posted
I agree with you on that. It should be used.
Actually, the Islamic terrorist could win over the long haul if nobody confronts them.
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
Originally posted by BushFan:
The UK has enough military power to make Iran a radioactive rock for the next half a million years. It might be that "weak" is the wrong word to use.

That's false. The US has enough military power placed in the UK, that could make Iran a radioactive rock for the next half a million years. The UK is weak and can not launch an attack but have to war for their master to give the OK.
Member # 13161
 - posted
You need to check janes Fighting ships automatic. Janes is the authority on global military power. It is true that the United staes has more military power than the next 20 nations combined but the UK is a SOLID fourth or fifth on its own. Further it is one of the few nations that can actually move military power around the globe, even the Chinese cannot do that.
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
Originally posted by BushFan:
You need to check janes Fighting ships automatic. Janes is the authority on global military power. It is true that the United staes has more military power than the next 20 nations combined but the UK is a SOLID fourth or fifth on its own. Further it is one of the few nations that can actually move military power around the globe, even the Chinese cannot do that.

The can not start a war with Iran knowing it would last decades. Iran is not the Falklands!
Even the US with all its might can not engage in a war with Iran. The most it can do is to cowardly launch missiles from see or drop bombs from the air.
Member # 13161
 - posted
Launching missles and droping bombs may be all they need to to destroy Iran's nuclear and military capability. Nobody is advocating a ground invasion.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Either way, as long as the UK carries on with its extreme (senseless) left-wing liberalism it will be doomed anyway.

We are talking about the same nation which freely gives passports to those with terrorist sentiments if not terrorist themselves!

As such, I do not feel bad at all for the UK's global embarassment with this hostage affair.

[Embarrassed] As much as I despice him, I must say that Ahmadinejad is a brilliant man for orchestrating this whole debaucle, him and the Shi'ite clerics! They had Tonly blair on his knees kissing their feet!
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by BushFan:

Launching missles and droping bombs may be all they need to to destroy Iran's nuclear and military capability. Nobody is advocating a ground invasion.

[Embarrassed] Israel and its allies have well established defenses against nuclear missile attack. If they know better, Iran better use their nuclear power for defensive purposes only, if not domestic use.
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
Originally posted by BushFan:
Launching missles and droping bombs may be all they need to to destroy Iran's nuclear and military capability. Nobody is advocating a ground invasion.

I would also be very surprised to know that the UK is permitted to use nuclear weapons with the US' approval. I recall reading somewhere that their nuclear cooperation agreement specified that the UK can only use nuclear weapons in self defence. I know the UK has their trident missiles but the nuclear weapons are supplied courtesy of the US.
Member # 6698
 - posted

ROYAL MARINE BASE CHIVENOR, England - British sailors and marines held for nearly two weeks in Iran were blindfolded, bound and threatened with prison if they did not say they had strayed into Iranian waters, a Royal Navy lieutenant who was among the capitives said Friday.

Lt. Felix Carman, safely home with his 14 colleagues, said the crew faced harsh interrogation by their Iranian captors and slept in stone cells on piles of blankets. Unable to see and kept isolated, they heard weapons cocking.

"We were blindfolded, our hands were bound and we were forced up against a wall. Throughout our ordeal we faced constant psychological pressure,"
Carman said. "All of us were kept in isolation. We were interrogated most nights and presented with two options. If we admitted that we'd strayed, we'd be on a plane to (Britain) pretty soon. If we didn't, we faced up to seven years in prison."

Within hours of the news conference, Iranian state television said the British military had "dictated" to its sailors what to say.

Royal Marine Capt. Chris Air said the crew of 15, which was out on a routine operation on March 23, was confronted by members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

"They rammed our boats, and trained their heavy machine guns, RPGs, and weapons on us. Another six boats were closing in on us," Air said. "We realized that had we resisted there would have been a major fight, one we could not have won, with consequences that would have major strategic impacts. We made a conscious decision not to engage the Iranians."

Iran insists the British strayed into its territory; the sailors and the British government deny the accusation and maintain they were in Iraqi waters.

Britain's top naval officer said boarding operations would be suspended while a review is conducted.

"Coalition operations continue under U.K. command," said Adm. Jonathon Band, head of the Royal Navy. "Currently, our (operations) have been suspended while we do that review."

The most visible of the seized sailors and marines was Leading Seaman Faye Turney, a 26-year-old mother of one. Her letters home received widespread publicity in Britain, particularly one in which she requested the British government withdraw from Iraq.

Air said she was singled out for propaganda purposes, held in solitary confinement and told the others had gone home.

"Being an Islamic country, Faye was subjected to different rules than we were. She was separated as soon as she arrived, and was told that her colleagues had been flown home," Air said. "She coped admirably and has maintained a lot of dignity."

While much of the country rallied behind the crew's return, others criticized them for offering apologies where none was required — namely for appearing in videos in which they admitted and offered regrets for entering Iranian waters.

The servicemen said they had tried to be vague about whether they had strayed into Iranian waters in statements they made during captivity.

"We were very careful about what we said and what we didn't say," Air told The Associated Press. He said the Iranian captors were humane, but said there were a "few incidents when our safety was at risk."

It's not possible to know everything the sailors and marines said to their captors but at least some statements avoided saying definitely they were in Iran's waters.

For example, in one of the letters made public from Turney, she said she had "apparently gone into Iranian waters." In a video clip from Iranian TV, Air said "we were seized apparently at this point here on their maps and on the GPS they've shown us, which is inside Iranian territorial waters."

Carman had been pictured on Iranian television saying he "understood" why Iran was angry the crew had strayed into their waters. At Friday's news conference, he said the crew was nearly two nautical miles from Iran's territory — and that they had never apologized.

"Let me make this clear — irrespective of what was said in the past — when we were detained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard we were inside internationally recognized Iraqi territorial waters," he said. "At no time did we actually say were sorry for straying into Iranian waters."

In its news report on the sailors, Iranian state TV accusing Britain of dictating statements to the crew, saying "the British sailors only read from pages dictated to them."

Air and Carmen were among six of the crew members who chose to speak publicly Friday.

Band told British Broadcasting Corp. radio that the crew had "acted with considerable dignity and a lot of courage."

"They appear to have played it by the rules, they don't appear to have put themselves into danger, others into danger, they don't appear to have given anything away," he said. "I think, in the end, they were a credit to us."

Britain insisted the crew was on a routine operation when seized — but Sky News reported Thursday that Air said in an interview days before his capture that his crew was gathering intelligence on Iran during their patrols. Sky said it held the interview because it thought it could hamper the crew's release.

Defense ministry officials denied the sailors and marines had an intelligence role, but said they routinely spoke to commanders of vessels using the Persian Gulf and Shatt Al-Arab waterway to determine who was using shipping routes.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Wednesday that the Britons would be released — a breakthrough in a crisis that had raised oil prices and escalated fears of military conflict in the volatile region. The move suggested Iran's hard-line leadership had decided it had shown its strength but did not want to push the standoff too far.

But Iran did not get the main thing it sought — a public apology for entering Iranian waters. Britain insists it never offered a deal, instead relying on quiet and sometimes silent diplomacy.

There goes your "decent" society. [Wink]
Member # 12798
 - posted
Why was my earlier post deleted?
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:

ROYAL MARINE BASE CHIVENOR, England - British sailors and marines held for nearly two weeks in Iran were blindfolded, bound and threatened with prison if they did not say they had strayed into Iranian waters, a Royal Navy lieutenant who was among the capitives said Friday.

Lt. Felix Carman, safely home with his 14 colleagues, said the crew faced harsh interrogation by their Iranian captors and slept in stone cells on piles of blankets. Unable to see and kept isolated, they heard weapons cocking.

"We were blindfolded, our hands were bound and we were forced up against a wall. Throughout our ordeal we faced constant psychological pressure,"
Carman said. "All of us were kept in isolation. We were interrogated most nights and presented with two options. If we admitted that we'd strayed, we'd be on a plane to (Britain) pretty soon. If we didn't, we faced up to seven years in prison."

Within hours of the news conference, Iranian state television said the British military had "dictated" to its sailors what to say.

Royal Marine Capt. Chris Air said the crew of 15, which was out on a routine operation on March 23, was confronted by members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

"They rammed our boats, and trained their heavy machine guns, RPGs, and weapons on us. Another six boats were closing in on us," Air said. "We realized that had we resisted there would have been a major fight, one we could not have won, with consequences that would have major strategic impacts. We made a conscious decision not to engage the Iranians."

Iran insists the British strayed into its territory; the sailors and the British government deny the accusation and maintain they were in Iraqi waters.

Britain's top naval officer said boarding operations would be suspended while a review is conducted.

"Coalition operations continue under U.K. command," said Adm. Jonathon Band, head of the Royal Navy. "Currently, our (operations) have been suspended while we do that review."

The most visible of the seized sailors and marines was Leading Seaman Faye Turney, a 26-year-old mother of one. Her letters home received widespread publicity in Britain, particularly one in which she requested the British government withdraw from Iraq.

Air said she was singled out for propaganda purposes, held in solitary confinement and told the others had gone home.

"Being an Islamic country, Faye was subjected to different rules than we were. She was separated as soon as she arrived, and was told that her colleagues had been flown home," Air said. "She coped admirably and has maintained a lot of dignity."

While much of the country rallied behind the crew's return, others criticized them for offering apologies where none was required — namely for appearing in videos in which they admitted and offered regrets for entering Iranian waters.

The servicemen said they had tried to be vague about whether they had strayed into Iranian waters in statements they made during captivity.

"We were very careful about what we said and what we didn't say," Air told The Associated Press. He said the Iranian captors were humane, but said there were a "few incidents when our safety was at risk."

It's not possible to know everything the sailors and marines said to their captors but at least some statements avoided saying definitely they were in Iran's waters.

For example, in one of the letters made public from Turney, she said she had "apparently gone into Iranian waters." In a video clip from Iranian TV, Air said "we were seized apparently at this point here on their maps and on the GPS they've shown us, which is inside Iranian territorial waters."

Carman had been pictured on Iranian television saying he "understood" why Iran was angry the crew had strayed into their waters. At Friday's news conference, he said the crew was nearly two nautical miles from Iran's territory — and that they had never apologized.

"Let me make this clear — irrespective of what was said in the past — when we were detained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard we were inside internationally recognized Iraqi territorial waters," he said. "At no time did we actually say were sorry for straying into Iranian waters."

In its news report on the sailors, Iranian state TV accusing Britain of dictating statements to the crew, saying "the British sailors only read from pages dictated to them."

Air and Carmen were among six of the crew members who chose to speak publicly Friday.

Band told British Broadcasting Corp. radio that the crew had "acted with considerable dignity and a lot of courage."

"They appear to have played it by the rules, they don't appear to have put themselves into danger, others into danger, they don't appear to have given anything away," he said. "I think, in the end, they were a credit to us."

Britain insisted the crew was on a routine operation when seized — but Sky News reported Thursday that Air said in an interview days before his capture that his crew was gathering intelligence on Iran during their patrols. Sky said it held the interview because it thought it could hamper the crew's release.

Defense ministry officials denied the sailors and marines had an intelligence role, but said they routinely spoke to commanders of vessels using the Persian Gulf and Shatt Al-Arab waterway to determine who was using shipping routes.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Wednesday that the Britons would be released — a breakthrough in a crisis that had raised oil prices and escalated fears of military conflict in the volatile region. The move suggested Iran's hard-line leadership had decided it had shown its strength but did not want to push the standoff too far.

But Iran did not get the main thing it sought — a public apology for entering Iranian waters. Britain insists it never offered a deal, instead relying on quiet and sometimes silent diplomacy.

There goes your "decent" society. [Wink]

[Roll Eyes]

Member # 7854
 - posted
Iran should have kept half of those soldiers!

I dont think they would try to lie through their teeth then.

Those of who watched the debreif without editting, those soldiers were trying so hard to make it seem it was a horrific experience - and the press only reiterated that.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by TheWesternDebt2Islaam:
Iran should have kept half of those soldiers!

I dont think they would try to lie through their teeth then.

Those of who watched the debreif without editting, those soldiers were trying so hard to make it seem it was a horrific experience - and the press only reiterated that.

I agree, I noticed the same wen I saw that, it was so obvious!
Member # 13161
 - posted
smuckers, Here is where i think you are being unfair and showing a lack of objectivity;

1. As soon as they were captured you and others assumed that they were either in Iranian waters or trying to provoke some sort of confrontation. In other words you accepted the iranian position before anyone had a chance to find out the real facts.

2. You assumed they were treated well when in reality you could have had no idea of how they were being treated. Again, you accepted the Iranian position before it was possible for anyone to have info one way or the other.

3. Now that the british soldiers have contradicted that position you and others attack their character without a shred of evidence to back up your point.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Pardon? Weren't you the first to cry out that the entire country should be blown off of the face of the earth? [Confused] Sorry if I don't share your extremist views [Roll Eyes]
Member # 13161
 - posted
You are not required to share my views, which by the way are not extremist. I do think Iran should be attacked, thats not the point.
What I said was that you were jumping to conclusions BEFORE you could possibly have all the facts to support your anti western views.
Regardless of our points of view we should make an effort to be fair...you were not doing that.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by BushFan:

smuckers, Here is where i think you are being unfair and showing a lack of objectivity;

1. As soon as they were captured you and others assumed that they were either in Iranian waters or trying to provoke some sort of confrontation. In other words you accepted the iranian position before anyone had a chance to find out the real facts.

2. You assumed they were treated well when in reality you could have had no idea of how they were being treated. Again, you accepted the Iranian position before it was possible for anyone to have info one way or the other.

3. Now that the british soldiers have contradicted that position you and others attack their character without a shred of evidence to back up your point.

^Indeed, their bias couldn't be anymore obvious!
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:

[Roll Eyes]


^ [Embarrassed] I would take that any day, than this:

Member # 6698
 - posted
^What's the matter Smuckers, cat got your tongue or rather that corn cob you're munching on?! LOL

Perhaps you hate to admit that what US soldiers do to prisoners-- humiliation, is totally from the actual torture and literal butchering that our enemies do!
Member # 3567
 - posted
BushFan, why you constantly have to critize Smuckers for her opinions? Give her a break, that girl is far too long in Egypt, Shebin-el-Kom is a hole we all know that by now (1 hotel and only a 3*** ?! [Eek!] ), she's highly pregnant and somewhere she has to let all her anger out about where she is. Reality stinks! She has strange views and opinions but it's all because of the decision she made 18 months ago. Now leave her alone, the girl is done!

Oh, btw, Smuckers, if you need to see some Nazis (other topic I know) come here to Germany. And I promise you they ain't paid by some advertising company or else! [Roll Eyes]

BTW, Smuck, how much do you get paid to post your your extremistic views on here? [Big Grin]

Cool down, girl, you have to prepare for something much nicer.
Member # 13161
 - posted
Tigerlily, I think smuckers is fine, she seems like a really sweet person. That said, when you put up a post on a board like this it invites a response. Lord knows , people are critical of me as well.

By the way, what is the political situation now in Germany? A frind of mind was over there last year and said the public seemed very divided.

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