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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10122
 - posted
Cartoon Jihad

The Jyllands Posten, Denmark's biggest newspaper, has been bombarded by street protests, international diplomatic incidents and death threats against cartoonists who have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives. The newspaper ran the Muhammad drawings as part of an article about self-censorship in the press, noting that even with a free press defined by law, there are other constraints regarding what can or can't be published.

To test the limits of self-censorship, we asked all Danish cartoonists to draw Muhammad. Twelve cartoonists dared. There has been a great uproar. 5000 Danish Muslims protested in the streets of Copenhagen, 12 Muslim ambassadors demanded that our Prime Minister should take immediate and harsh action against (us) which he firmly declined (to do). The ambassadors then complained to the "Organization of the Islamic Conference"; there has been a general strike in Kashmir, and a political party in Pakistan, with Danish affiliations, has put a bounty on the heads of the 12 Danish cartoonists: 50,000 Danish Kroners for each execution.

Member # 10122
 - posted


Masked gunmen in Gaza have briefly stormed the local office of the EU.

They demanded an apology from Denmark and Norway over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that have offended Muslims.

One of the gunmen said citizens of both countries should not enter Gaza until the apology is made.
Member # 9378
 - posted
Is there a sura that says no one can try to draw Mohammed?
I know there is something from the Sunnah about not having pictures of something with a soul, but then most of the planet would be in trouble.
So what is the problem?
Some of these drawings are nice, better than the illustrations from some of the children's books sold as "islamic literature." Particularly the first one.
I mean, gunmen, flag burning, death threats, what else is new? These people have a serious image problem, as in, "image of someone who doesn't have a JOB."

Main Entry: car·toon
Pronunciation: kär-'tün
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Italian cartone pasteboard, cartoon, augmentative of carta leaf of paper -- more at CARD
1 : a preparatory design, drawing, or painting (as for a fresco)
2 a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor
Member # 10122
 - posted
Belgian imam joins cartoon rage

The imam (prayer leader) at the Islamic Center in Brussels, in his Friday sermon, strongly condemned the Danish and Norwegian publications which carried cartoons insulting Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

"We denounce these offensive cartoons. Where are the human rights organizations? Why are they silent?" asked the Arab preacher.

...thus demonstrating a startling lack of understanding both of what constitutes a free society and of what constitutes a human rights violation.
Member # 10122
 - posted
Cartoon rage grows worldwide; two Arla Foods employees beaten in Saudi Arabia

The Danish Red Cross said it was evacuating two employees from Gaza and one from Yemen.

"There have been concrete threats against our employees. The fact that they are Danish nationals has made the difference," Danish Red Cross spokesman Anders Ladekarl said.

The Norwegian People's Aid group also said it was withdrawing its two Norwegian representatives in Gaza but that operations would be maintained by local staff....

In Iraq, a roadside bomb targeted a joint Danish-Iraqi patrol near the southern city of Basra on Monday, wounding one Iraqi policeman, military officials said. The attack was the first involving Danish troops since the protests flared.

Danish forces said the roadside bomb was targeting the Iraqi police rather than the Danes, though British Maj. Peter Cripps said coalition forces were investigating if there was any link between the attack and the drawings....

Libya on Sunday said it was closing its embassy in Denmark.

Emirates' Minister of Justice and Islamic Affairs Mohammed Al Dhaheri said publishing the "blasphemous" cartoons was "disgusting and irresponsible," according to comments released Monday by the official WAM news agency.

"This is cultural terrorism, not freedom of expression. The repercussions of such irresponsible acts will have adverse impact on international relations."

The Egyptian parliament's Economic Committee refused to discuss a $72.5 million loan from Denmark to Egypt, with newspapers quoting lawmakers as saying they do not want to cooperate with a country that has insulted the prophet.

In Pakistan, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said the government is "engaged with the Danish government" over the cartoon publication.

She said Pakistan hopes the Danish government would "try to resolve this issue because you cannot hurt the sentiments of billions of Muslims in the name of freedom of press."

Why not? What is freedom of the press if nothing can be said that hurts anyone's sentiments?
Member # 3864
 - posted
Libya to close Copenhagen embassy
30 Jan 2006
Tripoli announced on 29 January it was to close its embassy in Denmark. The move comes as a protest at a series of cartoons in the daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten, depicting Mohammed as a terrorist. The Danish government has refused to become involved in the row. “The Danish media continued to show disrespect to the Prophet Mohammed and because the Danish authorities failed to take any action on that, Libya decided to close its embassy in Copenhagen,” a Libyan Foreign Ministry statement said. The statement also said Libya would take unspecified “economic measures” against Denmark.

“The government can in no way influence the media and the Danish government and the Danish nation cannot be held responsible for what is published in the independent media,” Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on 29 January. Libya’s move follows the removal of Saudi Arabia’s ambassador over the same issue on 27 January (MEED 27:1:06).

Member # 8781
 - posted
Originally posted by QueenBee:
Is there a sura that says no one can try to draw Mohammed?
I know there is something from the Sunnah about not having pictures of something with a soul, but then most of the planet would be in trouble.
So what is the problem?
Some of these drawings are nice, better than the illustrations from some of the children's books sold as "islamic literature." Particularly the first one.
I mean, gunmen, flag burning, death threats, what else is new? These people have a serious image problem, as in, "image of someone who doesn't have a JOB."

Main Entry: car·toon
Pronunciation: kär-'tün
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Italian cartone pasteboard, cartoon, augmentative of carta leaf of paper -- more at CARD
1 : a preparatory design, drawing, or painting (as for a fresco)
2 a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor

still, i don't think those cartoons show a lot of respect. i wouldn't have published them. what are they for actually?
on the other hand, the reaction shown by the people right now (burning flags and everything)...i find it totally exaggerated. it's okay that they refuse to sell and buy danish products, but burning flags...?! that's a very arabic reaction, isn't it? i think so.
Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by germanjulia:
i find it totally exaggerated. it's okay that they refuse to sell and buy danish products, but burning flags...?! that's a very arabic reaction, isn't it? i think so.

Unless its the American flag, then its a global attribute! [Big Grin]
Member # 1230
 - posted
Why insult ...
Member # 10122
 - posted
My favourite comment from BBC's Have Your Say
"As a Christian I welcome robust debate (and disagreement) about my religion. If Christianity can't tolerate criticism it isn't worth following. If it is from God then opposition and even derision won't succeed."
And a close second "Lets face it - this bill is for supporters of the Islam religion and none other. It cannot be for any other religion because as far as I can see, other religions take most critism as it comes and either laugh it off or put forward their point of view without the need for extremist actions."

Updates from Viking Observer:
Member # 8227
 - posted
The point is: no-one should even attempt to draw the greatest, most influential man to have ever lived.

Flipping danes. The pigs should be nuked.
Member # 10122
 - posted
We are all Danes now.
Member # 6662
 - posted
Chopped Danish logic

We boycotted Danish products and demanded an official apology. So we acted in a very democratic way by building a pressure group......

if you have a problem with AlQaeda & co. then have that problem with them and not with Islam.
_(FUNNY POST FROM A MUSLIM___________________________________

This is completely illogical. Why is it OK to boycott all Danish products because of what one newspaper did, but it's not OK for us to condemn Islam because of what some Muslims did?

Member # 10122
 - posted
Member # 10122
 - posted
Originally posted by MaliG182:
The point is: no-one should even attempt to draw the greatest, most influential man to have ever lived.

Flipping danes. The pigs should be nuked.

The general mood amongst Europeans is how dare you tell us what we can and cannot publish in OUR media. Totalitarian Islamists are telling us how to conduct ourselves in our free European society. The point is that the Moslems don't think they have to come to terms with mockery. THEY think they've gotten big enough to DEMAND that we change the way WE do things. And that's why it is so important to continue to insult them, even though it isn't nice. The insults via the Danish cartoons brought to the surface the B.S. of Islam being a religion of peace. If they are so peaceful why aren't they just laughing it off?

The cartoons contained accurate social commentary. They highlighted the subjugation of women, the violence of Islam, the use of terror (Islamists put that bomb on Mohammad; the cartoonist was just reflecting that reality), and the threats toward any person who has anything to say about Islam. Of course, Muslims didn't use this as an opportunity for self-reflection about these problems with Islam. Instead, out of their enormous egotism and superficiality they chose to threaten and pressure and even physically attack Danes. They've threatened to destroy the newspaper's building. They took it all as an insult instead of a wake-up call to improve and modernize their religion.

I wonder if the Danes/non-Muslims know what the Quran says about them:

Disbelievers (non-Muslims): are “worst of created beings” (98:6), are “miscreants” (2:99, 24:55), are the worst beasts in Allah’s sight (8:22, 8:55); (Christians and/or Jews are) turned into “apes and/or pigs” (2:65-66, 5:58-60, 7:166); (idolaters are) unclean (9:28); “evil” is upon them (16:27), evil (2:91, 2:99); “wicked” (80:42, 9:125); the “wrong-doers” (42:45, 2:254, 5:45); evil-doers (42:44); they have no good in them (8:23); are “guilty” for disbelieving (45:31, 83:29); on the side of Satan and are fighting for him (4:76-77); of the party of Satan (58:19); Allah assigns them devils for protecting friends (7:27); they choose devils for protecting friends (7:30); are partisan against Allah (25:55); “enemy” and “perverted” (63:4); disgraced lives (22:9); hypocrites (4:61); have a “diseased heart” (2:10, 9:125); are ill (84:20); deaf, dumb, and blind, and have no sense (2:171); deaf and dumb and in darkness, Allah sends them astray (6:39); have no sense (5:103); a folk who do not understand (9:127); their fathers were unintelligent and had no knowledge or guidance (2:170, 5:104); are “a folk without intelligence”/ “most ignorant” (8:65, 6:111); losers who are deceived by Allah (2:6), and deceived by Satan (4:60); liars/they lie (2:10, 9:42, 16:39, 16:105, 59:11) “losers” (7:179); foolish and liars (7:66), liars and losers (58:18-19), in false pride and schism (38:2), the lowest of the low (95:4-6).

This is what Muslims hide from us while they whine about CARTOONS. There's a big difference between a holy book, which is meant to be accepted as eternal truth, and a set of cartoons, which is for fun and to provoke thought.
Member # 10122
 - posted
Originally posted by QueenBee:
Is there a sura that says no one can try to draw Mohammed?
I know there is something from the Sunnah about not having pictures of something with a soul, but then most of the planet would be in trouble.
So what is the problem?
Some of these drawings are nice, better than the illustrations from some of the children's books sold as "islamic literature." Particularly the first one.
I mean, gunmen, flag burning, death threats, what else is new? These people have a serious image problem, as in, "image of someone who doesn't have a JOB."

Main Entry: car·toon
Pronunciation: kär-'tün
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Italian cartone pasteboard, cartoon, augmentative of carta leaf of paper -- more at CARD
1 : a preparatory design, drawing, or painting (as for a fresco)
2 a : a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor

Or perhaps the question is:

Do they believe that non-Muslims are subject to the same prohibitions that Muslims are? Of course, no matter what their answer may be, we aren't. And, do they view that last drawing (done by a *non-Muslim*) as blasphemous? Or can they live with it? From what we can see from the drawings, not all are of Mohammad. Some aren't even of identifiable animate objects. And of those that are, the last one simply cannot be viewed by Western minds as insulting. In essence, what's the bottom line? Are they aggrived by those drawings that Muslims would likely view as insulting? Are they irritated that non-Muslims do not adhere to Muslim beliefs? Are they really offended by that last drawing?
Member # 8227
 - posted
The publishing of these cartoon calls for JIHAD.

Member # 3361
 - posted
Malig, You people could not Jihad yourself out of a wet paper bag.....all talk, no power.
Member # 10122
 - posted
There is nothing muslims can do. Allah has dealt them a losing hand. Predestination is at work here. Because of Allahs predestination and all that writing done by the pen of destiny, it was actually Allah drawing those cartoons, and he knows best. Why do you think it is that Allah brought those cartoons out at this particular time. Allah is up to something, and no one, not even the most devout and submissive muslim, knows what it is. Allah works in strange and mysterious ways, mostly strange and mysterious. Allah brought muslims into the Valley of Cartoons, and only Allah can lead them out.. Hope he remembers to bring a map...and a flashlight...and a couple of beers...
Member # 3864
 - posted
US media shy away from reproducing Mohammed cartoons

Fri Feb 3, 10:17 AM ET

The US media has so far largely shied away from reproducing controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed carried in several European newspapers, citing the potentially offensive nature of the drawings.

Editors contacted at several news organizations throughout the country said they were covering the escalating row over the cartoons but had generally decided not to reprint them or air them on television out of respect for their readers or viewers.

"If I were faced with something that I know is gonna be offensive to many of our readers, I would think twice about whether the benefit of publication outweighed the offense it might give," Fred Hiatt, editorial page editor at the Washington Post, told AFP.

Keith Richburg, the paper's foreign editor, said he had ruled out running the cartoons, even to better illustrate news articles about the row, as they would likely offend readers.

"This is a clear example where people would find those offensive so we don't see any particular reason to do it just for shock value," he said.

Hiatt and Richburg said the paper had also ruled out running the cartoons -- as several European newspapers have done -- to defend the right to free speech and in solidarity with the Danish newspaper that first published them. The drawings have sparked violent protests and boycotts of Danish products across the Muslim world.

One of the cartoons shows the Muslim prophet wearing a headdress shaped like a bomb, while another shows him saying that paradise is running out of virgins for suicide bombers.

The Islamic religion bans depictions of Mohammed.

Peter Gavrilovich, foreign editor of the daily Detroit Free Press in the state of Michigan, which has one of the largest Arab communities outside the Middle East, said it was out of the question for his paper to reprint the cartoons, either to illustrate the story or to show solidarity with counterparts in Europe.

"I don't think we would run a cartoon in this newspaper that would be deemed offensive to any religious figure," Gavrilovich told AFP. "We're very careful in terms of any photo or any caricature that we run."

Maria Henson, deputy foreign editor at the Sacramento Bee in California, said her publication had not yet decided whether to reprint the cartoons and was planning to run an editorial on the issue this weekend.

The New York Times declined to comment for this article.

CNN television on Thursday showed copies of European newspapers that have printed the cartoons but blocked out the images of Mohammed saying it did not wish to offend viewers.

The television network ABC for its part showed a copy of a French newspaper with one of the cartoons clearly visible. The drawing depicts God speaking with the prophet and telling him: "Stop complaining Mohammed. We've all been caricatured."

The NBC network also gave coverage to the uproar but said it had decided against airing the cartoons, which were nonetheless available on the network's website.

One editorial, written by a syndicated columnist and carried Thursday in several newspapers, defended the cartoons as a form of free expression.

"Until Muslim nations and peoples get the idea that free expression means freedom to offend as well as the necessary correlative -- to be offended -- we have a problem," the editorial, written by Kathleen Parker, said.

Member # 3864
 - posted
So its a varied approach in North America.

I have seen a number of cartoons that borderline on offending Islam. But the emphasis was on a certain individual using religion as the basis for terrorism, not Islam being a terrorism factor.

Which most people cannot see the difference between the two approaches.

Yet I see many cartoons in the Arab world with the captions translated from Arabic to English that are far more offensive than the ones I see in my hometown newspaper. I consider the recent Danish charactures of this nature to be equal in magnitude to the cartoons in the Arab world, that no expat or khawagaa bats an eye towards.

So its truly hypocritical that Muslims are offended by these cartoons while few working in KSA and Gulf States who are westerners say boo about the political cartoons printed in newspapers there.

It just shows the Arab community has more expectations of civility and decency for western news papers than for their own.
Member # 3361
 - posted
sonomond , most of us do not care if they are offended or not. I'm waiting for the Muslim cartoon book to come out, that will be next and it will be a huge seller.
Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by Horemheb:
sonomond , most of us do not care if they are offended or not. I'm waiting for the Muslim cartoon book to come out, that will be next and it will be a huge seller.

Hor you are the lone rider on this board.

Most of us are offended by the Danish cartoons, but most don't understand that cartoons of the same nature bashing the west and kaffirs has been going on for decades.

Its nice to have some balance to the perspective, dont' you think?

Or has your intern serviced you early on this friday and your brain is out to lunch for the rest of the day?
Member # 3361
 - posted
Sorry, XX and others agree with me. As for the intern, I gave her the day off. I was serious about the book, you have to know its coming. Too much money in it at this point.
Member # 10122
 - posted


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