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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3567
 - posted
I read the last couple of days quite a few articles about it.

Is military action against Iran imminent? Will we see very shortly another battlefield in the ME?

What possible scenarios do you consider?

Om Bubblemouth
Member # 6244
 - posted
By the U.S.?? With what troops???? They are all engaged elsewhere. We don't even have enough National Guard at home to help with national disasters. Of course, that probably wouldn't stop Bush. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 13495
 - posted
Blabbermouth, President Bush could not attack Iran just because he wanted to.The entire american foreign and defence establishment would have to agree though I am sure they do.Secondly, you would not have to invade Iran

1. Destoy their air force and navy quickly with overwhelming shock and awe attacks.
2. Destroy their power plants
3. Destroy all major roads and bridges
4. Knowck out or set back any nuclear facilities they might have. There are around 15 total targets.

After all of that send your planes boack to their bases and the two carrier groups now in the Gulf. It would take Iran 10 years to recover.
That attack will happen IF we believe that Iran is even close to nuclear weapons.

The president has been asked, "are there any circumstances under which Iran will be allowed to have nuclear weapons?" His reply was "there are none."

Millions of Americans will cheer when we bomb these sub human maggots. They have had it coming for years and the clock is ticking.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Despite reports from the media claiming that the armed forces are stretched too thin. America could literally move 500,000 troops to the Middle East(within 6 months) in addition to the 169,000 that are present in Iraq now. America is actually able and prepared to simultaneously fight 3-4 major wars on different continents. I would like to add that President Ahmadinejad is actually a toned down Iranian version of our very own AmericanHammer.

Ahmadinejad wants to build nukes to bomb Israel
AH wants to use nukes now to bomb Iran
Ahmadinjad wants to occupy Iraq
AH supports the occupation of Iraq
Ahmadinejad wants to eliminate Sunnis in Iraq
AH wants supports current systematic elimination of Sunnis in Iraq
Member # 14062
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:

2. Destroy their power plants
3. Destroy all major roads and bridges

Millions of Americans will cheer when we bomb these sub human maggots. They have had it coming for years and the clock is ticking.

You're scum
Om Bubblemouth
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Sobriquet:
I would like to add that President Ahmadinejad is actually a toned down Iranian version of our very own AmericanHammer.

I've been trying to tell him that for years. But I guess fascism is OK as long as it's American fascism.
Om Bubblemouth
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Sobriquet:
America is actually able and prepared to simultaneously fight 3-4 major wars on different continents.

Then why does Gates want to add almost 100,000 troops to the military over the next five years, or something like that?
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by Om Bubblemouth:
Originally posted by Sobriquet:
America is actually able and prepared to simultaneously fight 3-4 major wars on different continents.

Then why does Gates want to add almost 100,000 troops to the military over the next five years, or something like that?
He is secretary of Defense his job is secure more troops and to increase the defense budget. I read a DoD report which stated America’s ability to fight several simultaneous wars. This particular war plan was created during the cold war in the event that America had to fight wars on several fronts (theaters) e.g. Europe, Asia, Middle East.

Now with regard to troop count the American Armed forces stand close to 2 million soldiers. 1,000,000 from the army, 550,000 navy, 220,000 marines and the rest Air force personnel.

Many of these troops are stationed in America itself and many others in Asia(japan/korea). These forces could easily be shifted without even using one single reserve. America is a mammoth military might that has one problem and one problem only. The soldiers have weak hearts. They are incapable of winning at guerilla warfare.
Om Bubblemouth
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Sobriquet:
I read a DoD report which stated America’s ability to fight several simultaneous wars.

Do you have a link? I'd be interested in reading it.

Originally posted by Sobriquet:

Now with regard to troop count the American Armed forces stand close to 2 million soldiers. 1,000,000 from the army, 550,000 navy, 220,000 marines and the rest Air force personnel.

I agree, it's huge. But many are not combat forces. I don't know the numbers, but many are doctors, nurses, mechanics, pencil pushers, lawyers. There is a huge infrastructure to support, outside of *merely* fighting. Yes, they are trained for combat, but do they really count?

You think they have weak hearts? I say people at war have no hearts. How do you explain Abu Ghraib? It takes a monster to do that, not a wuss.
Member # 13418
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
Blabbermouth, President Bush could not attack Iran just because he wanted to.The entire american foreign and defence establishment would have to agree though I am sure they do.Secondly, you would not have to invade Iran

1. Destoy their air force and navy quickly with overwhelming shock and awe attacks.
2. Destroy their power plants
3. Destroy all major roads and bridges
4. Knowck out or set back any nuclear facilities they might have. There are around 15 total targets.

After all of that send your planes boack to their bases and the two carrier groups now in the Gulf. It would take Iran 10 years to recover.
That attack will happen IF we believe that Iran is even close to nuclear weapons.

The president has been asked, "are there any circumstances under which Iran will be allowed to have nuclear weapons?" His reply was "there are none."

Millions of Americans will cheer when we bomb these sub human maggots. They have had it coming for years and the clock is ticking.

Does anyone else get the urge to vomit? [Frown]
Member # 13495
 - posted
Any real american gets that urge gold when he reads your unpatriotic jibberish. Its good to know that you know more than our entire state department. Maybe they'll call and ask for your point of view.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by Om Bubblemouth:
Originally posted by Sobriquet:
I read a DoD report which stated America’s ability to fight several simultaneous wars.

Do you have a link? I'd be interested in reading it.

Originally posted by Sobriquet:

Now with regard to troop count the American Armed forces stand close to 2 million soldiers. 1,000,000 from the army, 550,000 navy, 220,000 marines and the rest Air force personnel.

I agree, it's huge. But many are not combat forces. I don't know the numbers, but many are doctors, nurses, mechanics, pencil pushers, lawyers. There is a huge infrastructure to support, outside of *merely* fighting. Yes, they are trained for combat, but do they really count?

You think they have weak hearts? I say people at war have no hearts. How do you explain Abu Ghraib? It takes a monster to do that, not a wuss.

I don’t have a link OBM as I read excerpts of the text years ago. You can however do as search and I’m sure you’ll find relevant information for America's ability to fight several simultaneous wars.

I agree that many are not combat troops but let’s do the the math real quickly now. Operation Desert Storm a.k.a The First Gulf War saw 600,000 American troops participating in the conflict.

The current level in Iraq is approximately 170,000 and 30,000 in Afghanistan both of which total 200,000. That is still markedly less than the 600,000 deployed for Desert Storm. The 400,000 to spare would is more than enough to sustain a war with Iran, which if it were to happen would basically mean an influx of Troops to Iraq because that is where the war will be waged. Iran is mountainous and American troops have no chance in hell in such terrain as is proven in Afghanistan where they can’t even locate Taliban fighters.

I agree many have monstrous hearts and this is true for most soldiers throughout the world that violate innocent civilians. However what I alluded to was their inability to do what insurgents are doing and that is 1-3 man missions. I have seen insurgent tactics and it is simply amazing. These guys literally crawl underneath American tanks and detonate IEDs. These guys snipe coalition soldiers from buildings similarly to the Vietnamese without any backup whatsoever. They are not afraid to die and that is why they are inflicting ‘1000’ attacks a week on American forces. Killing between 35-100 U.S Soldiers a month. Two weeks ago some Bureau released a graph (it’s on Antiwar.org somewhere) that stated that more than 70% of Insurgent attacks are directed towards American forces. This contradicts the few here who said the insurgency primarily kills it’s own people. American soldiers travel by the dozens(sometimes thousands) and under a little fire attack they call for reinforcements and by that time the small insurgent groups are long gone. We can label insurgents whatever we want but having brass balls is one of them. Such homage is actually giving to them by coalition soldiers who think these guys are 'brave', 'courageous' and downright 'crazy'. Enemies many times respect each other's voracity.

America could wage wars but this does not necessarily translate to victories.
Grumman f6f
Member # 14051
 - posted
I like your aggressive comments AmericanHammer but the time has come to leave these people alone in that part of the world. They ain't ready for showtime; never have been, never will be. Pay them for their oil; don't let anyone from that part of the world into this country unless he/she has a Ph.D.; then spy on their asses when they get here.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by Grumman f6f:
I like your aggressive comments AmericanHammer but the time has come to leave these people alone in that part of the world. They ain't ready for showtime; never have been, never will be. Pay them for their oil; don't let anyone from that part of the world into this country unless he/she has a Ph.D.; then spy on their asses when they get here.

It would be for the best because Allah (swt) did not bless the Ummah with 1000 gigabarrels of oil for it to be plundered and its revenues to be abused. Islamic tax is 20% for natural resources. This money should provide every Muslim with a home and it should pave every road in every muslim city and town.

The Islamic world should have universal currecny with a Dinar equaling 1 barrel of oil, you do the math and see how strong the Islamic currency should be.

Free the people [Big Grin]
Om Bubblemouth
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Sobriquet:
I have seen insurgent tactics and it is simply amazing. These guys literally crawl underneath American tanks and detonate IEDs.

Ok, you are getting into something I know almost nothing about, and that's military tactics. But isn't that completely depressing? You are talking about someone's son, or someone's husband, or father, just *dying.* [Frown] It's one thing to think about someone fighting for a cause. They at least have a shot of surviving the conflict.

Originally posted by Sobriquet:

Two weeks ago some Bureau released a graph (it’s on Antiwar.org somewhere) that stated that more than 70% of Insurgent attacks are directed towards American forces. This contradicts the few here who said the insurgency primarily kills it’s own people.

I guess that depends on the definition of insurgent. Of course people who hate America's occupation are fighting against us, and that's understandable to me. But how do you define the Iraqis and other foreign nationals who *are* killing each other? Up to 15,000 Iraqis are dying each month, and it's not U.S. forces doing all of that. You can argue, and it's probably true, that the U.S. is feeding that hatred between Sunni and Shia, but it's heartbreaking to me to see Iraqi fighting Iraqi. [Frown]

OK, I'm depressed now. I hope Bush rots in hell. I cannot imagine what it's like to be him and to have so cavalierly started this war.

(And no Hammer, I do *not* support terror. That's Smucks' job. [Razz] (Kidding!)). [Wink]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Thankfully I don't have to condone American fascism to be patriotic. If US goes to war against Iran, everyone loses.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Ok, you are getting into something I know almost nothing about, and that's military tactics. But isn't that completely depressing? You are talking about someone's son, or someone's husband, or father, just *dying.* [Frown] It's one thing to think about someone fighting for a cause. They at least have a shot of surviving the conflict.
We are talking about a war that is going on five years now. My level of tolerance has increased and about the only thing that continues to deeply sadden me and affect me is imagery of young children dying and women screaming in terror. A father running through carnage with his child wounded/killed in his arms greatly affects me. I am apathetic to soldiers dying because there is such an option as dereliction of duty there is the option to decline participation in such an unjust and illegal war. These aren’t men they are cowards. Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) was a man with values and morals. He rightfully declined to fight in Vietnam. He was not only imprisoned but he also sacrificed several years of his boxing prime. These monsters have the same option. A devil could be someone's son, father, uncle or brother.

I guess that depends on the definition of insurgent. Of course people who hate America's occupation are fighting against us, and that's understandable to me. But how do you define the Iraqis and other foreign nationals who *are* killing each other? Up to 15,000 Iraqis are dying each month, and it's not U.S. forces doing all of that
The death average is 1500(according to Iraqi body count) a month but irregardless I totally despise the Mahdi army, Al-Qaida in Iraq, Jam3at al tawheed & jihad, foreign fighters and any other organizations that murder innocent civilians. I also have great contempt for the Shia dominated government which has an allegiance to Iran. An illegally instilled government that terrorizes civilians that don’t share their sect's belief. This government is so loathed by Sunnis that they actually beg Coalition forces to protect them from the Iraqi Army and Iraqi security apparatuses. This is an Army that America supplied, trained and created. Read for yourself this interesting article that supports what I am saying: GIs Protecting Sunnis Against US-Funded Army

America does not know what it is doing. This Shia Iraqi army that America created will turn in a split second against American forces when and if there is a war with Iran. It has already been documented that high ranking Shia officers partook in planning attacks against American forces.

It is really a shame because with humane rationale thinking things could have been a lot different. When the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Russia negotiated with Saddam his abdication and exile to avert war he eventually agreed. His problem was he did not want to go to a Gulf nation because of the animosity created from the first Gulf War, he agreed to go to Russia along with his entire family. The director of the CIA after hearing this tells his contacts to tell Saddam: “We Will See You in Baghdad” (and this was 2 weeks prior to the invasion). When you have irrational filth running the most power nation on Earth this is one of the consequences.
Member # 14189
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
Blabbermouth, President Bush could not attack Iran just because he wanted to.The entire american foreign and defence establishment would have to agree though I am sure they do.Secondly, you would not have to invade Iran

1. Destoy their air force and navy quickly with overwhelming shock and awe attacks.
2. Destroy their power plants
3. Destroy all major roads and bridges
4. Knowck out or set back any nuclear facilities they might have. There are around 15 total targets.

After all of that send your planes boack to their bases and the two carrier groups now in the Gulf. It would take Iran 10 years to recover.
That attack will happen IF we believe that Iran is even close to nuclear weapons.

The president has been asked, "are there any circumstances under which Iran will be allowed to have nuclear weapons?" His reply was "there are none."

Millions of Americans will cheer when we bomb these sub human maggots. They have had it coming for years and the clock is ticking.

Lol, someone has serious problems. I wonder why America is allowed to have nukes and bomb the rest of the world if they want them too ?
Member # 13495
 - posted
Now that was a brilliant statement Leito. The United States has more military power than the next twenty strongest nations in the world combined. Just who exactly is going to tell them what they can have and what they can do? Besides, most of the nations in the world are american allies and like the security.
Member # 14189
 - posted
Nah, none of the 'nations' are US allies, countries yes. But, nations ?

So you admit the US are being bullies ?
Grumman f6f
Member # 14051
 - posted
Sobriquet says:
''This money should provide every Muslim with a home and it should pave every road in every muslim city and town.''

This is assuming the leaders in some of those countries will even listen to the citizens to even think about a paved road.
Member # 13495
 - posted
Bullies is a word kids use on the playground. That shows us your maturity level. Almost all of the nations in the region are US allies. Just because the semi literate masses in some of these hell holes do not like us does not change the situation. Their governments understand what is in their own best interest.

You are not going to have democratic government without a strong middle class and you will not have a strong middle class unless Islam is drastically changed.
Member # 14189
 - posted
So much for democracy, when the government always knows best :]. Nice personal attack, made you look very mature.

You just called your ally countries hellholes, lol. Cover my back you weirdo from hellhole.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
[Frown] When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it? [Frown]
Member # 13495
 - posted
That is what we are trying to do smuckers, prevent human misery. We also look out for the prosperity an interests of OUR OWN people first and foremost.
Member # 12012
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
That is what we are trying to do smuckers, prevent human misery. We also look out for the prosperity an interests of OUR OWN people first and foremost.

Prevent human misery:-

for example as Abu Ghareeb pictures?
Member # 12654
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
That is what we are trying to do smuckers, prevent human misery. We also look out for the prosperity an interests of OUR OWN people first and foremost.

Yes, achieved by killing the multitude that don't look or think like a welding class instructor.
Member # 13047
 - posted
American Hammer, you silly person, look at the value of the american dollar, it is sinking faster than a submarine. What will you say when Bush pushes your economy to the brinks of economic diaster. Have you ever fought in a war or are you just one of these cowards that sits behind a computer screen spouting garbage. Why are you here and not fighting!!!
Member # 13495
 - posted
President Bush does not have the power in our political system to ruin the economy. We are a capitalist nation and the business cycle operates here. At the president time all of the economic indicators are good. You can take a class in American Government on line sparkle from any community college web site.
Member # 12654
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
President Bush does not have the power in our political system to ruin the economy. We are a capitalist nation and the business cycle operates here. At the president time all of the economic indicators are good. You can take a class in American Government on line sparkle from any community college web site.

Sure he does. All he need do is get NSA/NSC to provide him with some false information, convince the silly majority there is a need for war, and by the time they realize they've been lied to and taken advantage of, **POOF** Trillions of dollars of additional debt.
But wait, he can even add insult to injury by succeeding in alienating all of our previos allies and investor countries to the point of extreme dislike.
He's doing this as he undoes any consumer protection mechanisms in place to protect consumers from corporate predatory business practices and create a real estate bubble that bursts and leaves 100s of thousands of Americans (perhaps millions over time) homeless, as well as the loss of millions of jobs.

The President can indeed negatively impact the economy. To believe otherwise is... [Big Grin]
Politically Incorrect
Member # 14181
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
1. Destoy their air force and navy quickly with overwhelming shock and awe attacks.
2. Destroy their power plants
3. Destroy all major roads and bridges
4. Knowck out or set back any nuclear facilities they might have. There are around 15 total targets.

After all of that send your planes boack to their bases and the two carrier groups now in the Gulf. It would take Iran 10 years to recover.
That attack will happen IF we believe that Iran is even close to nuclear weapons.

The president has been asked, "are there any circumstances under which Iran will be allowed to have nuclear weapons?" His reply was "there are none."

Millions of Americans will cheer when we bomb these sub human maggots. They have had it coming for years and the clock is ticking.

Reminds me of the "analysis" you hear from a taxi driver in Cairo [Smile] .

There will always be people who prefer feel-good talk to dealing with reality. Too bad one of them is in the White House.
Member # 13495
 - posted
We are glad Politically Correct that you know more than the entire American foreign policy establishment.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
And you as well Hammer... [Roll Eyes]
Member # 13495
 - posted
They agree with me Smuckers.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by Grumman f6f:
Sobriquet says:
''This money should provide every Muslim with a home and it should pave every road in every muslim city and town.''

This is assuming the leaders in some of those countries will even listen to the citizens to even think about a paved road.

Hypothetically speaking i believe that if the American forces(including covert interferences) in the Middle East left, the matter would resolve itself to the benefit of the people.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Please ignore Hammer, he invented the phrase 'better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven'. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 13495
 - posted
Sobriquet, the people in the middle east are not going to have greaty improved lives until Islam is radically changed. Islam, as it is currently constructed throws big road blaocks in the way of capitalism. Capitalism is the vechicle that has produced the greatest prosperity for the greatest number of people. It also REQUIRES a democratic envoirment to flourish. Religion is an INDIVIDUAL matter. You cannot have a civil society in which one particular religion wants to make the rules for everyone.

As for the United States we will continue to do what we think is in OUR best interest at a given time. That may or may not conform to your personal views as to the way things should be but that is beside the point. Whether you like it or whether you don't the United States is not going to do it your way.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
Sobriquet, the people in the middle east are not going to have greaty improved lives until Islam is radically changed. Islam, as it is currently constructed throws big road blaocks in the way of capitalism. Capitalism is the vechicle that has produced the greatest prosperity for the greatest number of people. It also REQUIRES a democratic envoirment to flourish. Religion is an INDIVIDUAL matter. You cannot have a civil society in which one particular religion wants to make the rules for everyone.

As for the United States we will continue to do what we think is in OUR best interest at a given time. That may or may not conform to your personal views as to the way things should be but that is beside the point. Whether you like it or whether you don't the United States is not going to do it your way.

Hammer we are both hypothesizing and my comments were directly in response to Grumman f6f's following statement (one he addressed to you):

“I like your aggressive comments AmericanHammer but the time has come to leave these people alone in that part of the world. They ain't ready for showtime; never have been, never will be. Pay them for their oil; don't let anyone from that part of the world into this country unless he/she has a Ph.D.; then spy on their asses when they get here.”

I agreed with him and truly believe that the redeployment of all US forces from the entire Middle East will result in the betterment of human life for people in the region.

My argument wasn’t what the US is going to do or not do because I also believe the US presence in the region is permanent (at least in our lifetime). Again my hypothesis is that people will ultimately fare well without US mingling in the affairs of Arab/Muslim. Fanatical/Extremist Islamists are the creation of the United States injustices in the Muslim world. If you take out the main catalyst (US) the extremism will subside and ultimately will be dealt with by the people in the region. This is of course incumbent upon the creation of a Palestinian State because without this issue being resolved, the situation will only further deteriorate.
Member # 13495
 - posted
That will never happen because it is unworkable. What that would acomplish would be to turn the entire middle east over to Iran and UBL. Thats lollipop stuff that all of us know is unworkable. Egypt, Jordan and the rest would have a cow if we even thought about pulling out. The problem here is that you have zero understanding of the way global politics and you refuse to learn.

Secondly, there will not be a Palestinian State. The time for that has long since passed.
The United States has not created the problems in the middle east, Islam has done that.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
That will never happen because it is unworkable. What that would acomplish would be to turn the entire middle east over to Iran and UBL. Thats lollipop stuff that all of us know is unworkable. Egypt, Jordan and the rest would have a cow if we even thought about pulling out. The problem here is that you have zero understanding of the way global politics and you refuse to learn.

Secondly, there will not be a Palestinian State. The time for that has long since passed.
The United States has not created the problems in the middle east, Islam has done that.

Professor Hammer,

I offered a counter hypothesis to Grumman's hypothesis one which advocated total disengagement between US and Middle Eastern/Muslim nations.

I feel sorry for your students.
Member # 13495
 - posted
Sure you feel sorry for my students. You want the United States to construct its foreign policy based on YOUR particular world view, why should they do that? The only people that would gain from your views are Iran and UBL.
Are you niave enough to think that peace would break out in the middle east if we withdrew? Iran has been killing Americans since 1979, do you think they are going to stop because we pull out.
Oil markets would be even more unstable if we pulled out and the global economy at the mercy of Iran. Pulling out is not going to happen because it would be a really stupid idea from the view point of the United States.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by TheAmericanHammer:
Sure you feel sorry for my students. You want the United States to construct its foreign policy based on YOUR particular world view, why should they do that? The only people that would gain from your views are Iran and UBL.
Are you niave enough to think that peace would break out in the middle east if we withdrew? Iran has been killing Americans since 1979, do you think they are going to stop because we pull out.
Oil markets would be even more unstable if we pulled out and the global economy at the mercy of Iran. Pulling out is not going to happen because it would be a really stupid idea from the view point of the United States.

I simply expect more from the United States. A policy that is balanced and one that also infuses mercy into the new world order doctrine. You previously mentioned that the Palestinians will never have a homeland because the time for establishing such a state passed. I am not arguing with that point because the Palestinians are indeed in dire straits and are not in position to dictate any conditions whatsoever. My argument is the United States should force the issue and display mercy that is expected from a so-called world’s policeman. However time and time again we have seen double standards hence my contempt for American foreign policy in this regard.

Now with regards to Iran I think negotiations should be fully exerted and when all else fails I have no problem whatsoever with strategic bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities. My support for such bombing is the condition that cities and civilians are not to be harmed in anyway. Simply put major cities in Iran like Tehran, Ishafan, Qom, Ahvaz, Mashad, Tabriz, Shiraz (where the term Shirazi cat came from) should be off-limits to any and all devastating bombs that might even inflict harm on such congested populace. Aside from this issue Iran is a paper pussy cat one that could be easily neutralized by Arab nations in the Middle East. Saddam was able to do this during the Iran-Iraq war with outdated weaponry.

UBL is a big as you make him to be. People and organizations like him will dwindle away once the unbalanced American foreign policy ceases to exist. Again he is the creation of America’s foreign policy and people will always protect and side with such a person because of the injustices committed by the United States. You reap what you sow and UBL is exactly that for the United States government

I think you underestimate the resolve of the Arabs in the Middle East. You seem to generalize and place them all in one bracket. I think they are fully capable of governing themselves freely and justly. The rise in extremism is directly attributed to America’s unjust policy. The more the US terrorizes and kills Arabs and Muslims the more hate there will be for America. That is the bottom line and it will take great leadership to make America a just nation once again. As is the government is a pro-zionist evil empire that reeks of filth and filthy aspirations.

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