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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 5941
 - posted


A US Marine who shot a wounded man in a Fallujah mosque will not face court martial, it has been announced.

The corporal who carried out the shooting on November 13 last year, has not been named.

But Major General Richard F Natonski, commanding general of the Marine Expeditionary Force, said a review of the evidence has been carried out.

After consideration, army chiefs agreed that a videotape of the shooting showed the Marine's actions were "consistent with the established rules of engagement and the law of armed conflict".

Freelance journalist Kevin Sites, on assignment for NBC television, filmed a Marine unit entering the mosque and finding five men who had been wounded in fighting at the site the previous day.

As the cameraman moved into the building, a Marine began shouting obscenities and yelling that one of the Iraqi men was pretending to be dead.

The Marine then raised his rifle toward a man lying on the floor of the mosque and shot him.

Before the opening of the assault on rebel-held Fallujah, commanders told Marines that the rules of engagement allowed for use of deadly force against men of military age deemed holding hostile intent, even if the enemy didn't fire on the Marines first.


Member # 3361
 - posted
If that man had been home taking care of his family he would not have been shot, think about it. If he goes out to fight the third infantry division there is a real good chance he'll end up dead, wouldn't you say.
Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Horemheb:
[B]If that man had been home taking care of his family he would not have been shot, think about it. If he goes out to fight the third infantry division there is a real good chance he'll end up dead, wouldn't you say

And if he was in a mosque half dead, still shoot him, finish him off, he is an Arab..!


Member # 3361
 - posted
He wan't shot because he was an arab, he was shot because he was fighting American troops. In that situation he would have been shot if he had been from Mars.
Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Horemheb:
[B]He wan't shot because he was an arab, he was shot because he was fighting American troops. In that situation he would have been shot if he had been from Mars.

Zionist Hor, forging facts is a nasty habit.
I have seen the news clips many times. The unarmed Iraqi man was inside the mosque, on the ground, half of his body covered with blood, raising his arms, and mormering he can not move his legs and needs a help.

Even an armed fighter should be granted help. It is the convention.!the decent convention..is not it?


Member # 3361
 - posted
salama, That is a common trick used by these scum bags. The unit has a man killed just the day before like that. They pretend to be asking for help and then fire a grenade or rifle. The point remains, if he had not been fighting American troops he would be alive today. There terrorists are pigs and should be treated as such.
Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Horemheb:
[B]salama, That is a common trick used by

How can anybody who defend his country and his family from the American PIGS be called terrorist !

You are one sided, bias and ill informed German American.


Member # 4794
 - posted
Originally posted by salama:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Horemheb:
[B]He wan't shot because he was an arab, he was shot because he was fighting American troops. In that situation he would have been shot if he had been from Mars.

Zionist Hor, forging facts is a nasty habit.
I have seen the news clips many times. The unarmed Iraqi man was inside the mosque, on the ground, half of his body covered with blood, raising his arms, and mormering he can not move his legs and needs a help.

Even an armed fighter should be granted help. It is the convention.!the decent convention..is not it?

The problem with that logic, Salama, is that was and is a common trick there. The injured fighter asks for help then pulls the pin and BOOM, all gone. You may think that's what a "freedom fighter" should do but don't blame the allied troops when they react to it. It is also in the "decent" convention that injured troops don't try to kill the people helping them. What about that downed U.S. helicopter where the pilot survived and the rebels told him to run and then shot him in the back. The rebels released that on video for the world to see. What about that innocent woman Aid worker who was killed for no reason. If you're going to be so indignant, at least do it fairly.


Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PRchick:
What about that innocent woman Aid worker who was killed for no reason. If you're going to be so indignant, at least do it fairly.

Logic ? what logic in invading other's countries for any reason-oil or otherwise?
By the way, who told you that Mrs Hassan is dead?


Member # 6058
 - posted
Originally posted by salama:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PRchick:
What about that innocent woman Aid worker who was killed for no reason. If you're going to be so indignant, at least do it fairly.

Logic ? what logic in invading other's countries for any reason-oil or otherwise?
By the way, who told you that Mrs Hassan is dead?

You mean besides the fact the insurgents showed a video of a woman being shot and said it was her? No body has been found. If you have evidence she hasn't been killed, then bring it forward. Her poor husband and family want to know.

The same logic that sends terrorists to crash a plane into a building. The same logic that terrorists are now killing Iraqis. As someone said, hate brings more hate.


Member # 7434
 - posted
what would u do if somebody invaded ur country? does anyone here have kids? what'll u do if they were threatened?
Member # 6058
 - posted
Originally posted by penelope:
what would u do if somebody invaded ur country? does anyone here have kids? what'll u do if they were threatened?

What would you do if an insane murderous dictator ruled your country and was killing your children and putting people in mass graves? Ask the Kurds that, Penelope. Ask the Shiites what it's like to be the majority in their country but beaten down and killed by a bigoted minority. Ask the mothers of the 60 young Iraqi men who were applying for jobs as policemen to support their families and were blown up today by a Sunni suicide bomber who doesn't want a Shiite government. They died because they wanted to make a better life for their families.

Member # 4794
 - posted
Originally posted by salama:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PRchick:
What about that innocent woman Aid worker who was killed for no reason. If you're going to be so indignant, at least do it fairly.

Logic ? what logic in invading other's countries for any reason-oil or otherwise?
By the way, who told you that Mrs Hassan is dead?

That was your logic, Salama, not mine. What's the logic in the World Trade Center attacks? It's the same thing. I hope Mrs. Hassan is not dead. Your terrorist friends have said she is. They wouldn't lie, would they? For her sake, I hope they have. The problem with you, Salama, is that you are a broken record spouting the party line over and over and over again until no one listens. I was watching a program with local muslims tonight talking about the Palestian situation and they presented down to earth steps they thought could be taken to work on the problem. They didn't point fingers, they didn't throw stones. They made sense.


Member # 3361
 - posted
If Mrs hassan were alive we would have known something by now. Point is that Salama and the others rant and rave but you don't see them out there with a rifle taking on the Third Infantry Division. Its easy to talk behind the security of a computer.
PRChick is right. The US/UK won't leave until the new Iraqi government is secure. These terrorists are cowards. All they have left is suicide bombers, kidnapping and car bombs. When you get to that point you are pretty much cooked.
Member # 6403
 - posted
who is mrs hassan?
Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 1mangang:
[B]who is mrs hassan?

The British aid worker Margaret Hassan who is married to an Iraqi and lived in Iraq for over 30 yrs.

I suspect she is alife and well somewhere. In fact, this is very likely.


Member # 3361
 - posted
salama, why is she a captive in the first place. When are you going to get that rifle and join your nutty friends?
Member # 6403
 - posted
hey hey dude just
because she doesnt
agree with you doesnt
make her nutty.
i will encourage you
to have more respect
for the ladies.
Member # 3361
 - posted
first of all 1mangang, I am not a dude. Using that king of language puts you in a slot you don't need to be in. Secondly, she defends those who practice terror vs their own people. They don't have the guts to go out and face our army head up, they would rather sneak around and blow up innocent civilians to make a political point.
Member # 6403
 - posted
Originally posted by Horemheb:
first of all 1mangang, I am not a dude. Using that king of language puts you in a slot you don't need to be in. Secondly, she defends those who practice terror vs their own people. They don't have the guts to go out and face our army head up, they would rather sneak around and blow up innocent civilians to make a political point.

well that is her right isnt it to have her own opinion?

secondly, you have something against dude?
have you ever known its meaning? it isn't a put-down or anything usually means a man from the city, or someone who dresses well, it is a good term. if you dont want to be in that slot i can come up with a name that might suit you better.

Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 1mangang:
[B]hey hey dude just
because she doesnt
agree with you doesnt
make her nutty.
i will encourage you
to have more respect
for the ladies.

Thanks 1man, serves him right.


Member # 3361
 - posted
That is his view salama and he is welcome to it. I'll stand by what I said.
Member # 7434
 - posted
excuse me americans, but who asked for ur help in iraq, have anyone went to u & said "oh save us from sadam", why don't u help the palestenians who r asking for ur help instead, or is it because they don't have any oil for u to steal?
Member # 6403
 - posted
That penelope is pretty smart
Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 1mangang:
That penelope is pretty smart .

Yes,1man. in brain and in looks. Typical Egyptian I would add.


Member # 7434
 - posted
darkeyes said: "What would you do if an insane murderous dictator ruled your country and was killing your children and putting people in mass graves? Ask the Kurds that"
I don't need to ask anyone about sadam, any muslim'll tell u that he is a scumbag, he spent years fighting & killing muslims in iran by the weapons the states used to send to him, any kid in any islamic country'll tell u that sadam is -was- an american agent, everyone knows that ( excluding the idiots), he was an agent for the states who (when realising that sadam has done his mission & became of no value) decided to get rid of him & steal all the fortunes of his country.
the issue is not whether sadam is bad or not ( cauzwe all agree that he is) the point is that u don't have the right to invade other ppl's land using the excuse of liberating them of the injust ruler, it's none of ur business, the ppl'll liberate itself whenit sees appropriate, just like the egyptians did with the rotten king in 1952.
oh by the way darkeyes do u have an idea about the place the newclear weapons of sadam r hidden in, I'm not following the news lately. have a FAIR day.
Member # 7434
 - posted
thanks 1mangang, & salama, hope our words were capable of stopping the slaughter of the muslims everyday, everday.
Member # 6058
 - posted
Originally posted by penelope:
I don't need to ask anyone about sadam, any muslim'll tell u that he is a scumbag, he spent years fighting & killing muslims in iran by the weapons the states used to send to him, any kid in any islamic country'll tell u that sadam is -was- an american agent, everyone knows that ( excluding the idiots), he was an agent for the states who (when realising that sadam has done his mission & became of no value) decided to get rid of him & steal all the fortunes of his country.
the issue is not whether sadam is bad or not ( cauzwe all agree that he is) the point is that u don't have the right to invade other ppl's land using the excuse of liberating them of the injust ruler, it's none of ur business, the ppl'll liberate itself whenit sees appropriate, just like the egyptians did with the rotten king in 1952.

That's partially true, Penelope, but not the whole story. Saddam was a buddy of the Soviet Union until he needed money to fight Iran and came courting the U.S. The Reagan Administration gave him $40 million on credit and almost immediately knew that was a mistake. When that money ran out, he turned to other Arab countries, most notably Kuwait, who gave him millions. Now, I'm not a George Bush supporter so won't defend what he did. It's easy to point the finger at the U.S. but the facts show that the issues and relationships involve many more countries. And there are many, many Iraqis in this country who fled Saddam's rule and who have been lobbying the government here for years to step in and get rid of Saddam to save their families. It's all a big mess. The best thing to do now is let the new Iraqi government take charge and let us get out. Hope you have a nice weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies.

[This message has been edited by Darkeyes (edited 07 May 2005).]

Member # 7434
 - posted
thanks a lot for the respect, that will be the first time.
now as we've reached an agreement about sadam & bush, when do u think the americans will get out of iraq? if they will ever do!
thanks a lot for the wish, but in egypt we celebrate the mother's day on march 21, not now, & we r done with the week-end already, but thanks anyway.
Member # 3361
 - posted
penelope, I see us in Iraq at some level for at least 25 years, give or take. We have been in germany for 60 and are just now pereparing to leave. It depends on what happens in the middle east. If the region becomes stable with developing democratic government, freedom for women and religious freedom we would be out sooner. As soon as the climate there becomes stable for business. That would be my guess.
If there would be another 9/11 I think you would see half a million US troops in the area in several countries.
Member # 6058
 - posted
Originally posted by penelope:
thanks a lot for the respect, that will be the first time.
now as we've reached an agreement about sadam & bush, when do u think the americans will get out of iraq? if they will ever do!
thanks a lot for the wish, but in egypt we celebrate the mother's day on march 21, not now, & we r done with the week-end already, but thanks anyway.

Thanks. I could say the same for you. I meant the Mother's Day for all the ladies. You, too. I agree partly with what Horemheb said. I think the allies will withdraw when the new government is stable, for many reasons. I don't think it will take 25 years or even close to that. Also for many reasons. I predict the allies will be out within five years or sooner. Hopefully sooner.


Member # 7434
 - posted
horemheb said: "If there would be another 9/11 I think you would see half a million US troops in the area in several countries."
I don't think that the USA needs another 9/11, cauz there wasn't any in the first place ( if u know what I mean), no one can stop the states now, it can do whatever she likes.
Member # 5823
 - posted
pretty much, she is right Horemheb.

Member # 5941
 - posted
Originally posted by penelope:
no one can stop the states now, it can do whatever she likes.[/B]

No, Pen. perhaps not.The reds are grouping back to life. Believe me.
Follow the last two days news of central Asia .

The reds are coming..

Member # 3361
 - posted
penelope, if you are saying the buildings fell down on their own then you are living in the twilight zone, if you are trying to say the jews did it then we have some excellent mental institutions, you might need to check into one of those.
Member # 3361
 - posted
salama, The Reds cannot come back. Their economic system was the reason they crumbled the first time, it can't work in the modern world. They don't care about you anyway.
Member # 7434
 - posted
"we have some excellent mental institutions"

the advice of an experinced man horemhb, which one did u like better?

Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Horemheb:
[B]salama, The Reds cannot come back. Their economic system was the reason they crumbled the first time,

With a nation that lost 27 millions to defeat the Nazi, anything possible.

Beware Americanos, the REDS are coming..!

Member # 3361
 - posted
The Reds coming back is not possible, besides , as I said, they don't care about muslims. Putin and Bush are fast buddies, they need our investment capital.
Member # 5823
 - posted
Happy Monday Horemheb and Salama!
Hey, Horemheb, was Horemheb the king after Tut or after Akenheaten? (by the way I know I spelled that wrong, but it doesn't have an abbreviation like Tut).
Hope everyone's weekend was good.
Ready for a new debate round this week?

[This message has been edited by nooralhaq (edited 16 May 2005).]

Member # 3361
 - posted
Tut, ay, Horemheb, Ramses I, Seti I, Ramses II
Member # 5823
 - posted
Good to know, I'm noting this thanks.


Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Horemheb:
[B]Tut, ay, Horemheb, Ramses I, Seti I, Ramses II

Hor was one of three suspects according the FBI's holywood investigation.

By the way German Hr.M.Hp,

Whay is The Ramsis dynasty got to do with Tut.Ankh.amon?

They are 400 yrs apart..!

[This message has been edited by salama (edited 16 May 2005).]

Member # 3361
 - posted
Where did you get that Salama? tut died in 1326 BC and ramses I became king in 1307 BC, Ramses II in 1279 BC

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