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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3361
 - posted
Segment on CNN last night noted the close relationship between the United States, Egypt and jordan. Egypt and Jordan are supportive behind the scenes of US/Israeli efforts to solve the palestine border issue. They are also interested in seeing Iran controled and the new Iraqi government get on its feet.
Egypt and Jordan both seek a closer economic relationship with the United States and are quietly helping the Americans track down Muslim radicals who are involved with terror.
In other words, Egypt, like Israel is becoming a close American ally.
TheWesternDebt2Islam aka Ki$$ aka K
Member # 7854
 - posted
In other words....

"closer economic relationship with the United States "
Egypt and Jordon will lick Bush's ass

"Egypt, like Israel is becoming a close American ally."
in return for some Horemheb and other american hard-earned tax money [Roll Eyes]
Member # 3361
 - posted
hey , call it what you like western. Fact is the world is changing and the Egyptian government is involved is a close working relationship with the united states. In 25 years the middle east will be just like California...thats the trend of social history and economics.
TheWesternDebt2Islam aka Ki$$ aka K
Member # 7854
 - posted
isreal will steal all your money

the jews will use all ur resroucem rinse you out

after all the tax payers money from america, makes isreal secure..

the jews and rich and powerful, will f#%$% your economy up [Wink]

and leave for isreal...

american will be another Iraq, most probably the black people will take over then, like condi rice and so on...and they'll get their revenage on white people....

im sure deep in the hearts, the scar is still there....what kinda songs to theses black rappers and jazz people do!
Member # 3361
 - posted
Blacks make up the lowest 13% of our population Western . i know you envy and hate America but you are starting to talk a little crazy. At least try to keep the converstaion within some reasonable bounds of sanity.
Member # 7684
 - posted
Horemheb, soon 12 million Mexicans will become legal immigrants, that would make them a strong political force. Everyone running for office will have to listen to the Mexican community, and Mexican needs will be to open the borders for more of their brethrens and relatives. And you know Mexicans dont breed as lame as Americans. And more Mexicans will for sure enter the country in the future. haha I see the president of United States with the name Fernando Fortes 15 years from now, so i wouldnt talk about international politics if I was you, you need to check your own garden. Horemheb, do you realize you belong among the endangerd species? [Big Grin]
Member # 3361
 - posted
what a silly uninformed post.
Yonis, Don't you think living in Houston texas i might know a thing or two about Mexicans.
Member # 7708
 - posted

That is an untruth. The 13% of which you speak encompass the representatives of blacks, white, native americans and hispanics. It is erroneous to say blacks alone represent the lowest 13% of the population. Native Americans are one group on their reservations, the poor whites of Applachia, and so on.

Mexicans have elected Villagrosa as mayor of Los Angeles. WHy do you think Bush want to legalize right now? To be the great Saviour and be thought of as a Liberator to the Mexicans when their great Zorro (Fox) has messed on them!
TheWesternDebt2Islam aka Ki$$ aka K
Member # 7854
 - posted
Originally posted by Yonis:
Horemheb, do you realize you belong among the endangerd species? [Big Grin]


that's funny

politic is a funny thing!
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Money is the root of ALL evils. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 9900
 - posted
Egypt is a dictatorship that oppresses its own people but obeys the west. Consequently, it's a "friendly" regime and an "ally" on the "war on terror". Jordan and KSA, though monarchies, are of the same genre as Egypt. Of course, all these titles (friendly, ally, etc..) are all rubbish. For anyone with elemantary understanding of politics will know that these are great countries (due to either human or natural resource potential) ruled by despots. If any of these rulers ever change their mind about the US, their fate is quite clear: Saddam Hussein Al-Tikriti.

Originally posted by Horemheb:
Blacks make up the lowest 13% of our population

Do you have any sources or links to studies, research, a book or any other evidence to support your "lowest 13%" assertion? Anything? And lowest in terms of what? Economics? Height? Weight?

Originally posted by Horemheb:
Yonis, Don't you think living in Houston texas i might know a thing or two about Mexicans.

I bet you "know a thing or two" about Mexicans the same way you do about blacks. [Roll Eyes]

Originally posted by Horemheb:
what a silly uninformed post.

What irony!
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Horemheb, exactly what DO you know about Mexicans? [Smile]
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
ooooh a quiz!!!

they were big hats.... er, eat chilie.. em... AH! they invented waving!!!!

what do i win?!!!

(its been a long weekend)
Member # 10529
 - posted
hey gringo
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
I'm still waiting for Horemheb's response.
BTW, I love the part about big hats (sombreros), I sure could use one here in Egypt, the sun , ouch!
Member # 3361
 - posted
What do you want to know about Mexicans Smuckers? We have around a million of them here in the Houston area plus my grand daughter Chloe is half Mexican. The food is good, the women are pretty, the music is OK and the beer is adequate.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Dos Equis?
[Big Grin]
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
GRAND DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the things i thought!!!!
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
the hats are big, the chilie is hot and the mice are quick!
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
GRAND DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the things i thought!!!!

lol hey no kidding Horemheb, how old are you?
I also envisioned you to be a strapping young lad....well, republican so I guess the strapping part is out~
Member # 9900
 - posted
^ A vivid example that old age does not beget wisdom.
Member # 3361
 - posted
binladen, Some sort of coherent philosophy from you woulld be refreshing.
Member # 9900
 - posted
I'm not the one making outrageous (and false) claims all over the place. Furthermore, the burden of proof lies upon he who makes the positive assertions. You made them, now prove them. You can start out explaining what "Islamo-fascism" is and how (if) it represents a danger to the world. Then you can go on to your instant classic that blacks are the "lowest 13%". Finally, you can wrap this up with how you came to the conclusion that the US is the model of democracy all the peoples in the world should adopt? But before you even do that, is the US even a democracy? Can you argue this last point coherently, grandpa?

You see, opinions are meaningless unless you're able to logically argue your view. Your argument should include a true premise in order to reach a true conclusion. Indulging in fallacies is a sign of a weak mind. You may be a misunderstood genius so break it down for us. Remember, however, even starting with true premises can lead one to come to false conclusions. Beware the "talk-radio" syndrome.

I await.

P.S. The name is binhaden, not binladen.
Member # 3361
 - posted
Binladen, You are all over the road but I will attempt to sort through some of what you said for the sake of academic accuracy.
Lets start with the easy part. Blacks , as a group, have always been at the bottom of the American economic chart. This does not mean that every black is in the bottom 13%. It does mean that ...as a group my statement would be correct. We have poured trillions into the black community since the middle 60's with very little return. Seventy percent of black children are born out of wedlock, Fifty percent of our prison inmates are black and black poverty has remaind an unsolvable problem.
Member # 9900
 - posted
Where did you get these numbers? Did you do a study or are you referencing one? If it's the latter, where is this study so we can look at the raw numbers? Though social and economic stratification in the United States is real, I suspect the numbers you're carelessly throwing around (13%, trillions, 70%, 50%, etc..) are inaccurate. You disagree? Well, I'm all ears. Forgive me if I'm unable to take your word for it. Drop some credible sources on me "for the sake of academic accuracy."

While you look for sources, here's one (of many) studies done by the University of Maryland. And since you're in love with charts, I borrowed one from their site. Does this chart agree with your lucky number 13? Can you find one that agrees with it?

Member # 3361
 - posted
binladen, I am not going to write a thesis for you in covering these issues. All of this stuff is general information and readily avilable on many web sites. The numbers may be off within 3% or so either way but they are very close. I have not looked to see where you live but if you are in the United states you will be aware that they are accurate. These issues are covered extensively in the American media and those of us in the education business have confronted them for years.

As for your chart...that data is misleading. The second graph is simply population sensitive and since there are six times more whites than blacks there would be more poor whites.
There problem is that I am assuming that those charts deal with people who are below the federal poverty level and do not include those who fit on the scale ABOVE poverty...ie, lower middle class and up.
Member # 9900
 - posted
binladen, I am not going to write a thesis for you in covering these issues. All of this stuff is general information and readily avilable on many web sites. The numbers may be off within 3% or so either way but they are very close. I have not looked to see where you live but if you are in the United states you will be aware that they are accurate. These issues are covered extensively in the American media and those of us in the education business have confronted them for years.
I live right in your back yard grandpa. Houston, Texas. But really, that's irrelevant. You see engaging in "academic" discussions is always beneficial. If not for the participants then at least for the gallery. I will take this last response of yours as a rejection of my invitations and I'll let you be. However, I encourage you (and this is a friendly encouragement) to refrain from sweeping generalizations and faulty assertions. They make one look foolish and degrade the quality of the discourse. Having said that, no one is immune from ignorance and we all are ignorant of one thing or the other. However, that we choose to project knowledge we do not possess is the ultimate subterfuge.

Member # 3361
 - posted
binladen, I do not deal in sweeping generalizations but at the same time I am not going to do hours of research for a message board conversation. The chart you posted missed the point. If you live in Houston you might want to observe where the poor people in town live and who they are. This may be unscientific but you and I both know it makes the point very vividly.
Member # 9900
 - posted
^ I see. You'd rather engage in anecdotal and circumstantial examples to prove your points on this message board. Well, that's all good until you start throwing numbers around. And doing "hours of research" is how one gets to know fact from fiction. As an educator, you would encourage your students to do their homework, wouldn't you? Why then, on God's green earth, would you not practice what you preach?

I'm out.
Member # 3361
 - posted
I'm not going to do that , you know full well that my assertions are correct in respect to affluency in America. A quick drive through our affluent neighborhoods in Katy, Cy Fair, Fort bend etc wuill show few blacks.
If you want to have a civil discussion of the issues I will be glad to do so. On the other hand if you want to play the role of an aggressive little progressive twit who wants to throw turds find someone else to talk to.
Member # 9900
 - posted
^ No aggression grandpa. If you feel intimidated then it's due to your own insecurities. And I expected you to say no to doing hours of research for it carries too great a risk of changing your warped views and obliterating the "reality" you live under. In other words, you reject the truth for the comfort of your familar world (bubble?).

Good day and good luck.

P.S. I weep for the young and impressionable children you "taught" with your knowledge. Specially the black ones.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
pass the man a tissue.
Member # 10529
 - posted
nice chart what child done that
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
hey smuckers.... guess theres some vital stats hors just not willing to divulge...

still, ive always had a thing for the older man... i wonder if he could still bounce me around on his knee?!

sorry chaps... have yer argument back....
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
Originally posted by mac0623:
nice chart what child done that

hors granchild?! my poor brain doesnt know what to imagine now... rocking chairs on texan porches and straw keep getting in the way...

do you wear dungarees?

on second thoughts... dont answer that!
Member # 3361
 - posted
Piglet, He posted a chart showing poverty in America. The chart had little to do with the subject we were discussing, which was the relative position of blacks in American society.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
i know hor... i was talking about your age [Roll Eyes]
Member # 3361
 - posted
I'm just a pup
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
house trained?
Member # 3361
 - posted
no just a pig and a pup....
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
wheres bin gone? that graph was pretty..... fuckin useless less you print it off for bog roll... but pretty none the less!
Member # 3361
 - posted
He probably wandered over to some other board trolling around.
Member # 9900
 - posted
^ I'm the troll? Your 4974 posts indicate otherwise, grandpa. And I'm certain each and every one of them holds a priceless nugget of wisdom. I challenged you to argue your position and you surrendered. For you to call me a troll says more about you than it does about me. You see, grandpa, in the battle of wits, you're an unarmed civilian. I let you walk so don't beg to become collateral damage. [Big Grin]
Member # 3361
 - posted
The first thing you did was post a graph that had nothing to do with the subject we were discussing.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
he he... what an image... a little troll doll with a turban and an AK 47 hiding in a bunker.... LOL!!!
Member # 3361
 - posted
no, my guess is that hes one of the little arrogant america haters who has all of the answers but no philosophical foundation. At least in a class setting they have to keep their mouth shut for all of the obvious reasons.
Member # 7684
 - posted
STFU, you have been owned, just retire as a man and save dignity, which btw you should have done ages ago grandpa [Big Grin]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Actually you know I would rather stand on my head than agree with Horemheb, but I think his stats are more accurrate. Binhaden might have acquired stats from a single city without realizing it, but the country as a whole is much different than what he posted. I have to agree more with Horemheb, it's sad, but the truth.

By the way Horemheb, what do you do for a living? [Big Grin]
Member # 9900
 - posted
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:
Actually you know I would rather stand on my head than agree with Horemheb, but I think his stats are more accurrate.

What stats? The numbers he carelessly threw about and only god knows where he got? I cringe at the thought of calling those "stats".

Binhaden might have acquired stats from a single city without realizing it, but the country as a whole is much different than what he posted. I have to agree more with Horemheb, it's sad, but the truth.
Which city is that? Even if it is a single-city study, it still has raw data behind it that can be scrutinized and either accepted or rejected. At the very mention of evidence, grandpa ran off to hide. No matter, we can always argue on the validity and applicability of a study. What we cannot do is engage in statistical mud slinging of groups or races without proof. The best grandpa offered as evidence was to ask me to drive through Houston. Either he's suffering from plain old prejudice (which I hate to accuse people of but grandpa gives me little choice) or he's clueless about empirical evidence. Or both.

The good thing about this whole exercise is how grandpa will (should) think twice before dropping a number like that. If went unchallenged too long, the likes of him start to believe the utter rubbish they spew everywhere and even worse, they might find a lost soul or two to convince.
Member # 3361
 - posted
binladen knows that blacks in America, as a group, make up the poorest section of our economy. The problem is that he is a little progressive 'turd thrower' who is not interested in civil discourse. He posted a graph that did not deal with the topic we were discussing.

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