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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 13217
 - posted
According to people in Egypt should expect a visible Ramadan moon on September 12. The moon should also be visible to Saudia Arabia’s scholars on the same evening. Sightings by these two nations are important to the Muslim world because many countries follow the advice of Saudia Arabia and Egypt hence they fast on the days as these two nations. Insha Allah the ummah will jointly fast on the first day of Ramadan.

Member # 10222
 - posted
I still don't understand why a country would start fasting based on the moon sighting in another country.
The moon needs to be seen wherever *you* live, not in some other country, be it KSA or Egypt or anywhere else!
The only exception to this that I know of is for countries like England or such that could be overcast all the time.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
I agree you sight the moon, start fasting, you sight it again, fasting ends...plain and simple.
Member # 10222
 - posted

The Astronomical New Moon is on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 12:44 Universal Time (i.e., 8:44 am EDT, and 5:44 am PDT ). This moon is impossible to be seen any where on September 11. On September 12, the moon will be sightable in Australia, South Africa, South America, and North America (e.g., in San Diego, CA at sunset, the age is over 44 hours, and moon is setting 35 minutes after sunset). Therefore, first day of Ramadan (fasting) in North America, is expected to be September 13, Insha-Allah.
Member # 8452
 - posted
[Big Grin] I was just going to post that website... I feel like a kid before Christmas!
Member # 13217
 - posted
Well it seems that the overwhelming majority will fast simultaneously beginning:

Thursday, September 13, 2007:

1. Algeria
2. Austria
3. Bahrain
4. Belgium
5. Bosnia and Hercegovina
6. Canada
7. China
8. Egypt
9. France
10. Germany
11. Holland
12. Indonesia
13. Iran
14. Jordan
15. Kuwait
16. Lebanon
17. Malaysia
18. Mexico
19. Namibia
20. Palestine
21. Qatar
22. Saudi Arabia
23. South Africa
24. Spain
25. Syria
26. Tunis
27. Turkey
28. UAE
29. UK
30. USA (ISNA)
31. Yemen

Ramadan Kareem
Member # 11209
 - posted
Sobriquet [Smile] رمضان كريم
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by MICKY A:
Sobriquet [Smile] رمضان كريم

Ramadan sa3eed mickey [Smile]
Member # 10222
 - posted
Well, it seems that the moon was not reliably sighted here in North America.
There are some places that are starting fasting on Thursday based on calculations, but I don't agree with that.
Sooo.... no fasting for me until Friday!
I was so excited about starting tomorrow. But, I guess it's a blessing. Only one day of work to fast before the weekend, when it won't be so demanding on my body.

Ramadan karim to all who are fasting.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by LovedOne:
Well, it seems that the moon was not reliably sighted here in North America.
There are some places that are starting fasting on Thursday based on calculations, but I don't agree with that.
Sooo.... no fasting for me until Friday!
I was so excited about starting tomorrow. But, I guess it's a blessing. Only one day of work to fast before the weekend, when it won't be so demanding on my body.

Ramadan karim to all who are fasting.

This is actually disputable because there was an occasion in which the moon wasn’t seen by the prophet (saw) yet he still commanded the faithful to observe the fast on the account of witnesses who saw it.

This of course isn't criticism of you [Smile] but rather the jurisdiction you are in and the Imam or whomever that claimed Ramadan wasn't on the 13th. Calculations did in fact assert that Ramadan was on the 13th and this was further supported by actually moon sightings in many nations East of North America. And it turned out that the new moon was in fact last night.

I think you might very well have to make up this day [Razz] ... i'm serious [Big Grin]

The only nations that didn't fast on the 13th are pakistan, sri-lanka, india and bangdledesh. Go and reprimand the person who aberrated from the rest of the world.
Member # 10222
 - posted
Well, it wasn't just one person who decided, it was many groups of people/imams.
If I don't see the moon myself, the best I can do is take the announcement/decision of the leaders in MY AREA, and that is what was decided by the majority, as far as I know.
There is a group in this area that decided to start the 13th, based solely on calculation, and it was decided way before the 13th!

Neither you nor I can say for sure what Allah will accept or not.

I choose not to fast strictly by calculation, you can obviously choose as you wish.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by LovedOne:
Well, it wasn't just one person who decided, it was many groups of people/imams.
If I don't see the moon myself, the best I can do is take the announcement/decision of the leaders in MY AREA, and that is what was decided by the majority, as far as I know.
There is a group in this area that decided to start the 13th, based solely on calculation, and it was decided way before the 13th!

Neither you nor I can say for sure what Allah will accept or not.

I choose not to fast strictly by calculation, you can obviously choose as you wish.


Your post gave me negative vibes and I think what I wrote might have upset you. Sigh. It wasn’t my intention at all and I actually thought I wittingly and lightheartedly alluded to the possibility that you might have to make up a day’s fast.

If it is indeed the case you will be informed by the very same people/organization who told your community to delay the fast by one day. It won’t be the first time and it won’t be the last time that this has happened. Entire nations have actually had to make up one day of fasting Ramadan for reasons such as delaying Ramadan by a day or shortening Ramadan by a day. Personally I am not about calculations; I am about a complete lunar month of Ramadan. What I write with regard to any matter concerning Islam comes from knowledge via Islamic academia and not from my own notions.

This link pertains to a situation in which several countries erroneously followed ‘calculations’ and were informed that they had to make up a day of fast. Nations making up a day of Ramadan

It is nothing personal at all and my point was not about Allah’s (swt) will because every sane Muslim knows Allah (swt) accepts or rejects any action he so chooses. My point was about human error and misjudgment and possibly rectifying such errant. If it was indeed misjudgment then it certainly wasn’t on your behalf because we simply follow what our community leaders tell us with this regard and we fast as a community. However if the community was advised wrongly then there is no shame in acknowledging it.


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