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Posted by Strangeways. (Member # 14842) on :
Understanding the three categories of foods
and how they impact your health

There is a lot of misinformation out there about the health status of foods. Did you know that most
health foods aren't healthy? In fact, I divide all foods into three basic categories: toxic foods, dead foods and live foods. Personally, I only consider live foods to be healthy. Most of the products in health food stores are actually dead foods. They're just processed versions of food that don't contain toxic chemicals. In other words, they're not toxic foods, but they certainly aren't live foods either.

About 80 to 90 percent of what you see in health food stores is dead food. It's all processed food. In
fact, there are some huge dangers in health food stores.
The health food industry hates it when I talk about this. It loves the fact that I talk about vitamins,
nutrition and eating healthy, but it hates when I point out which products contain toxic ingredients,
like chemical excitotoxins; taste enhancers that disrupt endocrine system function. This is why you'll
only get this information from a guy like me, who has no financial interest in any of the products or
companies that I talk about. I give it to you straight. I don't care who I offend, as long as I can get
you the truth.
Toxic Foods
Let's start with toxic foods. What are toxic foods? Well, they shouldn't even be called foods. They
are toxic substances, but, for convenience sake, we will call them foods. I'm talking about foods that
have toxic ingredients added to them or contain toxic chemicals as a result of their high temperature
cooking, processing or preservation. These are the foods in the grocery store that contain metabolic
disrupting ingredients like monosodium glutamate, yeast extract, hydrogenated and partially
hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, sodium nitrate, refined sugars, white flour and lots of sodium.
These are toxic ingredients.
Something like white flour might sound kind of natural, like it's made from wheat, but what you're
not told is that white flour contains a toxic chemical called alloxan, which promotes type 2 diabetes.
It's a contaminant that results from the bleaching process of white flour, but, of course, it's not listed
on the label.
Anything that's been cooked at very high temperatures—especially carbohydrates in potato chips,
nacho chips or any other fried snack chips—contain acrylomides and other chemicals that aren't
listed on the label. These chemicals cause cancer. Now, these aren't added as ingredients. They're just
byproducts of the cooking process.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
We also have all those processed meats out there, which are
actually made and formulated with cancer-causing ingredients
like sodium nitrite or nitrate. These companies actually add
cancer-causing ingredients to these foods on purpose, and they
know these ingredients cause cancer, yet they add them anyway
because they make the meat look red. They are color-fixing
chemicals; that's their whole purpose. Yes, they kill botulism
and are antibacterial, but only because they kill living tissue. So
why would you want to eat it?
It's a chemical poison in these processed meats. Every meat
product that has a shelf life contains theses chemicals. Practically
all beef jerky contains them. Check it out yourself. Look at all
the beef jerky, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, salami, bologna and
packaged ham and turkey on the market. It's even in the ham
in soup cans. When you're eating that soup, you're eating cancer.
Plus, there's so much salt in those soups, you're risking heart
disease and high blood pressure. There's also MSG in most of
those soups, so you're risking endocrine disorders and damage to
your nervous system. All that in a can of soup!
This is not to mention dairy products like homogenized milk.
Homogenization refers to blending the fat molecules in milk in
a way that makes them microscopic. Why do this, you ask? No
consumer wants to walk into a grocery store and buy a gallon
of milk when the top third has separated from the bottom two
thirds, but that's the way real, raw, whole milk looks. It's kind
of like peanut butter. When you buy peanut butter, you want
the peanut butter where the oil has separated from the rest of
the peanuts. That means it's healthy, natural peanut butter. That
means it doesn't have any hydrogenated oils. The brand name
peanut butters are all creamed together, and there's no separation
of oil because they use hydrogenated oils. They use these plastic
fats to blend it together and make a stable shelf life. The same
thing is true with milk.
Homogenized milk fats are blended in to make sure the milk
never separates. The problem is that these fats are foreign to
Dairy products (including milk) is one of the
top food allergies out there. People can’t
digest the milk proteins, and as a result, they
get lots of stagnation. They get constipation,
asthma and acne from dairy products.
For more articles on cow’s milk, visit’s_Milk.html
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
the human body. They diffuse into places they aren't supposed to go, and they cause all kinds of
havoc. This is why dairy products give people so many health problems. It's one of the top food
allergies out there.
People can't digest the milk proteins, and as a result, they get lots of stagnation. They get constipation,
asthma and acne from dairy products. All kinds of skin problems result from the body trying to rid
itself of these milk fats in milk proteins. If you have an acne problem, stop drinking milk. If you have
a constipation problem, stop drinking milk. Actually, I recommend everyone stop drinking milk, but
that's for a number of other reasons.
Toxic foods are the foods that are most heavily advertised and marketed. These are the foods that have
coupons available for them. These are the foods that most people are familiar with. These are the party
foods and the picnic foods—the “fun” foods. These are the foods you see famous people eating on
television, but at the same time, these are the foods that will give you chronic disease. These foods will
give you cancer, diabetes, heart disease and depression. They can literally imbalance your entire brain
function. They can destroy your moods and make you become negative and depressed.
Then, of course, you go to the doctor, and he or she will put you on antidepressant drugs as if that
would solve the problem. Depression is not caused by a lack of antidepressants. It's caused by bad diet.
All these toxic foods stress out your entire system. It's like injecting poison into your blood.
Think about it: Your digestive process is designed to extract nutrients from food and put that nutrition
into your blood supply. It does this so your cardiovascular system can circulate blood and deliver
nutrients to the cells, tissues and organs in your body. That's what digestion is all about. If you eat
poison, the whole system works against you. That distribution center distributes the poison that you
put in your mouth to your entire body.
It's amazing that people keep poisoning themselves each and every day. Toxic foods deplete your body
of the nutrition it needs to heal itself. These foods actually strip out minerals, vitamins and healthy oils
that you need for a healthy, functioning nervous system, immune system and digestive system.
Toxic foods deplete your body's ability to operate normally. For example, if you eat something with
hydrogenated oils in it—like margarine, crackers, cookies, or even tortillas—those oils compete
chemically with the absorption of essential fatty acids. They cause nutritional deficiencies, and you end
up not absorbing healthy oils, even if you have eaten them. For example, if you eat some flax seeds,
which have omega-3 oils in them, or you eat some salmon with healthy fish oil in it but then chug
down some bread with margarine, the margarine competes for absorption and essentially blocks some
of those healthy oils that you've been consuming. They work against you in so many ways.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
It's a wonder that more Americans aren't dead right now, considering their consumption of hydrogenated
oils. Many are dead, unfortunately. Ninety-four percent of all chronic disease is related to food intake.
Think how many lives we could save in this country and around the world if we were able to effectively
teach people how to make healthy food choices and give them ways to stick to it. Part of that process
is education.
Let's go on to the next category. We've already covered toxic foods, and you should never consume
foods made with any of the ingredients I've mentioned. If you want the details, I cover this thoroughly
in the book “Grocery Warning,” available at
Who eats toxic foods? Often, it's people of lower economic status. People suffering from poverty are
eating these toxic foods because they don't know any better and because they buy food on impulse.
They buy what they see on TV. They make the worst choices possible in terms of their nutrition, and
they spend money very unwisely, because not only are these the most toxic foods, they're also the most
overpriced. They have the highest markups and the highest profit margins of all foods available. Yet it's
the poorest people in our nation who go to grocery stores and buy this stuff, thinking they are saving
money by purchasing cheap food. It's amazing how successful these marketers are at duping people.
Dead Foods
Let's go on to the second category. These are what I call dead foods. A dead food is anything that's been
cooked. It could be a tortilla, a natural potato chip, or even a veggie burger. They are all precooked.
Now, if a food is cooked and it contains MSG, yeast extract, hydrogenated oils, sodium nitrite or any
of these other ingredients, then it's a toxic food. A dead food is specifically a cooked food that does not
have toxic ingredients. In other words, a dead food is better for you than a toxic food. Now, it may not
give you outstanding nutrition, but at least it's not going to kill you. It's not going to poison your blood,
and it won't accelerate your chronic disease in the same way that toxic foods do, so dead foods are a
step up. Dead foods are things like natural oatmeal or granola. In fact, most of the packaged products
Ninety-four percent of all chronic disease is related
to food intake. Think how many lives we could save
in this country and around the world if we were able
to effectively teach people how to make healthy
food choices and give them ways to stick to it.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
you find in health food stores are dead foods. They may say they
are all natural, and they may say they are health foods, but in my
book, they're not health foods at all. They're dead foods. What's
healthy about eating dead food?
When you cook the food, you destroy so much of its nutrition.
You destroy its mineral content and especially its vitamin content.
A lot of the minerals actually stay in there, unless they are boiled
away, but the vitamin content is certainly destroyed at high
temperatures. The phytonutrients, which are the pigments and
other specialty chemicals provided by nature to fight disease, are
destroyed at high temperatures. Protein is destroyed as well.
Cooked foods just don't have the nutrition of live foods, and yet
most of the so-called health foods in the health food stores are
cooked foods. You may think you've found yourself a healthy
food bar, but if it doesn't say "raw" on it, it's dead. People think
they're doing themselves a favor when they go and drink a bunch
of V-8 because it's a vegetable juice. It is better for you than a can
of Pepsi or a bottle of Gatorade, but it's still dead. It's nothing
compared to the nutritional content and bioenergy of live food.
Another thing you'll see in a lot of the food products that claim
to be health foods is yeast extract. There is a blunt truth about
yeast extract that food companies hate me to reveal. I get hate
mail from these health food companies. Yeast extract is a slick
con. It's a way for these companies to slip MSG into foods
without having to put it on the label. Basically, food companies
have found a clever way to get free glutamate—which is like an
amino acid—into their foods, and this is what stimulates the
taste buds and makes food taste better than it should. It gives
foods a deeper, richer, more exciting taste.
Because these foods are dead, these chemical taste enhancers are
necessary just to make them tolerable. So companies slip this
free glutamate into foods and call it yeast extract. They grow
yeast in a giant vat and then pull out amino acids. The amino
acids are highly concentrated, kind of like in cocaine.
Most of the packaged products you find in
health food stores are dead foods. They may
say they are all-natural, and they may say they
are health foods, but, in my book, they’re not
health foods at all. They’re dead foods.
Raw Foods*
Top Three Appetite
More articles on water,
cardioivascular exercise and raw
foods can be found online at
*Raw foods that are not very high glycemic
Cardiovascular exercise
A big glass of water
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
If you take a bunch of coca leaves and refine and concentrate them, you get cocaine. The coca leaf itself
is a natural plant, and there's nothing wrong with it. You go down to Peru, and everybody's chewing
coca leaves. Everybody is drinking cocoa leaf tea, because they're at a high altitude in the Andes
Mountains. When I was down there, practically everybody on my entire tour drank cocoa leaf tea, as
did the natives. No one is addicted to coke. It's just a natural, low potency herb. It can be very healing
under the right circumstances. Yet, when you extract it and concentrate it a thousand times or more,
you get something that is an addictive drug. That's cocaine, crack cocaine.
Food companies do the same thing with yeast extract. They pull this free glutamate out of the yeast
and then concentrate it in a very unnatural way. They inject this into the foods, and on the front of
these boxes—I kid you not—some of these foods claim they are “100 percent all natural.” I've seen it
right on the boxes, and I've debated with these companies about this. These include companies that
are amongst the top names for making veggie burgers. I don't want to name names, because I'm tired
of fending off legal threats from their lawyers, but they know who they are, and you can know who
they are. Take a look; read the ingredients. You will find an ingredient called yeast extract. It's crack
cocaine for your tongue.
All these so-called health foods out there are actually putting yeast extract into their products. In the
health food store, almost all the products that are called vegetarian contain yeast extract. Some of these
so-called health foods are really a joke. There's nothing healthy about them. They're just non-toxic
foods; that's all. Healthy and non-toxic is not the same thing. Of course, the ones that use yeast extract
are toxic foods, but even the ones that don't are merely dead foods. Why would you want dead foods?
I've been doing a lot of experimenting with cooked foods versus raw foods, and cooked foods have
a couple of very interesting and powerful side effects on the human body. For starters, cooked foods
will make you feel hungry. That's right; if you eat cooked foods, especially cooked carbohydrates in
any form—even whole grains—they will make you feel hungry. If you ate those exact same grains
raw, you'd feel so full you couldn't take another bite. The same is true with vegetables. If you cook
some cabbage and eat it, you won't fill up. If you eat raw cabbage, you feel full before you've hardly
eaten anything.
I've come to the conclusion that cooked foods and dead foods are actually appetite stimulants. They are
just like popping pills that make you hungry. So any time you eat cooked foods, you're popping a pill
that makes you hungry, and this is especially true with cooked or processed carbohydrates. That means
all those crackers, chips, cookies, pastries and breads are appetite stimulants.
I remember when I was younger I could eat a dozen doughnuts in one sitting. I could eat an entire
medium sized pizza. When I was a kid, I could eat an entire box of Fruity Pebbles or Lucky Charms.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
I'd get out a salad bowl and pour almost the entire box of cereal in that bowl. I would get out a gallon
of milk, start pouring that in there, and chug away. I could eat the whole darn thing! You can't do that
with raw foods. You start eating raw foods and you get full because raw foods are appetite suppressants.
They turn off your appetite better than drugs or nutritional supplements.
In all the research I've done and the thousands of dollars I have spent on nutritional supplements and
toying around with appetite suppressants, do you know what are the top three appetite suppressants
I've ever found? From the top down, they are a big glass of water, cardiovascular exercise and raw
foods—that is, any raw food that's not very high glycemic. Raw vegetables are the best. They just shut
off your appetite. It's amazing. They don't even have to be whole vegetables. They can be blended. I
can hardly eat half a bowl of raw soup. It just turns off your appetite.
Think about that. Dead foods stimulate your appetite, and raw foods turn it off. If you see someone
who's overweight, you can assume that person is eating lots of dead foods and probably a fair amount
of carbohydrates.
When I think about when I used to be heavy, it scares me. I'm significantly lighter today. I lost 50
pounds of body fat when I underwent my own health transformation a few years ago. But how did I
get fat? I got fat by eating tons of dead food. In fact, I used to eat at McDonald's all the time. I was a
Taco Bell fiend. I was eating all these fried Taco shells. I was eating that stuff they called beef. I was
packing on a lot of weight, flirting with borderline obesity.
Now I think about how I eat raw foods and don't feel hungry anymore. I cannot get fat on this diet.
In fact, I'm slimming on this raw foods lifestyle, and I don't have much left to slim away. That's how
powerful these raw foods are.
Living Foods
Now we'll move onto living foods, which make up the third category. These are the true health foods.
When people talk about health foods, they had better be talking about fresh produce, because everything
else is just a joke. The real health foods out there are the foods provided by nature. Nuts, seeds, whole
grains, fresh fruits and vegetables are where the nutrition really is. That's where the vibrancy of life is
really found, and where nature has provided all the medicine you'll ever need.
I can walk into a grocery store, and I can go item by item and name the diseases those items prevent,
as long as I'm in the produce section. You just go down the row, and all of these foods—fresh produce,
vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and healthy oils—are the foods of health and rejuvenation.
These are the foods that allow your body to heal itself.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
I'm fond of saying, “Your body is its own micro-surgeon.” Actually,
it has an army of billions of little micro-surgeons running around
inside all your cells, and these will repair themselves. All you
have to do is give your body the proper fuels and building blocks
to repair itself, and those fuels and building blocks are raw living
foods. It's really that simple.
Think about your ancestors, all those people who survived for
the last 350,000 years on this planet as Homo sapiens. They
perfected a genetic code that was in balance and harmony with
the natural environment. Do you know what they ate? Do you
think they ran around and ordered a Big Mac from McDonald's
and some french fries and a large Diet Coke? No; they foraged
for their food.
Our ancestors ate live, raw food found in nature. They found
berries and roots. They found grasses, seeds and vegetables. They
ate leaves. Occasionally, they caught and killed some kind of
animal. You know what they ate in the animal, by the way?
Do you know what was really healthy when they ate animals?
They ate the raw bone marrow. I'm not kidding. If it weren't
for bone marrow nutrition, we might not even be here today,
because at one point in the history of humanity, the entire
population dwindled to well below about 10,000 individuals,
and they were able to survive because they could go to the carcass
of an animal that had already been eaten, and they could break
the bones that were left and actually eat the marrow out of the
bones. They ate it raw. They would literally find the carcass of
a large animal, crack the ribs open and eat marrow out of the
bones. Maybe it sounds gross, but it's no more gross than what
people are eating today.
Our ancestors were surviving. They were eating what was in their
natural environment, and they ate it raw. They didn't cook those
bones, thank goodness. Bone marrow is loaded with outstanding
nutrition for nervous system function. There are healthy oils in
the marrow of bones. I'm not a carnivore, and I don't promote
For more articles on bone marrow, visit
The real health foods out there are the foods
provided by nature. Your ancestors survived
for the last 350,000 years on the foods they
found in the natural environment like berries,
roots, seeds and vegetables. Not french fries
and Diet Coke.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
eating meat. I don't eat any myself, but if you are going to eat parts of an animal, bone marrow is about
the most nutritious part you can get.
Nobody eats that today. They eat all the other parts, but think about it: Our ancestors ate everything
raw, and that's what gave them the nutrition to survive, thrive and reproduce. That's what brought
you here. You are the product of tens of thousands of generations of survivors, who lived in perfect
harmony with their natural environment by eating raw foods.
In the history of Homo sapiens, organized farming is very recent. Agriculture is recent. Most
archeologists believe that humans began cultivating crops within the last 10,000 years, and until
recently people were eating the whole grains they grew, and most food wasn’t cooked for a long time.
Factory foods are a very recent development. It’s probably been fewer than 75 years that we’ve had
factory foods, which contain added chemicals to boost their shelf life. So, in the history of all humanity,
for 99.999 percent of the time, we ate primarily raw foods. That’s how we survived.
Now, we are eating dead, processed foods that came from a factory, not nature. All of a sudden, we
have the highest cancer and diabetes rates in history. We’re losing our minds. We’re depressed at
unprecedented numbers. We have kids 9 and 10 years old who are obese and diabetic. They are not
even adults and they’re getting diseases. There are kids 6 years old who have signs of heart disease and
arteriosclerosis. How does that happen?
It happens because we’ve gotten away from eating raw live foods. Instead, we are eating dead and toxic
foods. It’s very simple to correlate the health outcome you want with these kinds of foods. If you want
to be toxic, eat toxic foods. If you want to be dead, eat dead foods. Of course, if you want to be alive,
eat living foods.
When people try to tell you they have healthy foods that have been cooked, fried or augmented with
chemical taste enhancers like yeast extract, then you know they're full of bunk. Those aren't healthy
foods, and if they contain yeast extract, they are toxic foods.
You are the product of tens of thousands of generations
of survivors, who lived in perfect harmony with their
natural environment by eating raw foods.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
A lot of health food companies don't even offer health food.
They just have processed food without toxic ingredients. That's
it. That's not health food. Real health food comes from nature.
Real health food is alive. It's raw, it's living, and it's never been
cooked. You can do a lot with real health food.
Buckwheat Cereal - Natural, Cheap and Easy
Let me give you a really simple recipe right now that you can
use. Do you want to make your own breakfast cereal that is
whole grain, low glycemic, great for diabetics and dirt cheap?
It's dirt cheap, and it's the best thing for you. I make this all
the time for breakfast, and I save a fortune. People are always
telling me it costs more money to eat healthy, but I can eat very
healthy, very cheaply.
You want to find raw, hulled buckwheat. It's shaped like a tiny
diamond, but it's a whole grain. It cannot be toasted, and it cannot
be buckwheat flour or flakes. It has to be whole grain buckwheat,
and it has to be raw. You might find it in the sprouting section of
a health food store.
Buy a couple pounds of this buckwheat so that you can make
this easily, in large batches. Soak the buckwheat in water for
four to six hours, then pour the water out. Rinse it off and pour
that water out. Then spread this buckwheat out on sheets for a
dehydrator, or if you have some good sunshine where you live,
you could put these sheets outside. Then just let them dry. That's
all you do.
If you dry them in a food dehydrator or dry them under the sun,
make sure when you're drying them, they never get hotter than
115 degrees. Then, when they're dry, just put them in a giant bag
and you have cereal. That's it. You have no refined sweeteners,
white flour, chemical additives or preservatives, fancy packaging,
coupons, marketing hype or TV ads. This is just the simplest,
most natural breakfast cereal in the world. FIND MORE INFORMATION ONLINE
For more articles on buckwheat, visit
A simple recipe using raw-hulled buckwheat
for a breakfast cereal can help prevent
diabetes and give you better nutrition than
any other breakfast cereal. It’s also 100-
percent natural.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
You can make this yourself for pennies a bowl, and it's going to help prevent diabetes and give you
better nutrition than any other breakfast cereal. If you care to, you can throw in some flax seeds, or
you can even put in sweeteners and make your own granola out of it. You could put some agave nectar
in there, which is a nice and healthy sweetener. You could put some chia seeds in there as part of that
process too, and chia seeds even help it stick together. You could just go to town on all these recipes,
making your own cereal. It's dirt cheap, and it's super easy. It's also 100 percent natural.
Do you know what they would charge you for this in a health food store? I don't have anything against
health food stores. I'm very happy that they are around, and I visit them frequently. I recommend that
people go there and buy the right things, but products are expensive there. Let's face it. There's a lot
of markup, distribution and inventory overhead in the entire chain. If you make it yourself, you can
make it for pennies. You can buy raw, hulled buckwheat very inexpensively, and you can make your
own cereal for just pennies on the dollar.
So there's one easy tip on how to use this third category of raw living foods to enhance your health.
You'll save a lot of money at the same time. If you are feeding a family, feed them this, or feed them
bulk quinoa. Boil some quinoa. It's not live or raw, but it's the only grain that doesn't get acidic when
you boil it. It's the only grain that I recommend cooking. Raw quinoa doesn't work very well because
it doesn't blend well for some odd reason.
Make a Choice
It's up to you to decide which kind of human being you want to be. Do you want to be a toxic person?
Do you want to be a dead person? Or do you want to be someone who is truly alive? That's what you
can be if you choose living foods and raw foods. I'm a huge proponent of the raw foods movement,
and I am now a raw foodist myself, but I came to it through a journey of realization. It was inevitable,
considering my study of nutrition. Eventually, you're going to come to the conclusion that there's
nothing better for you than raw foods. If you really do the math and look at the research, you can't help
but reach that conclusion, eventually. This might be completely new information to you.
Just read the ingredients. Look at what you're buying. A lot of that stuff is garbage. A lot of it is
toxic. You really have to educate yourself. Don't trust food companies. They will never give it to
you straight. They're in business to make money, and they do that by selling boxes. They've just got
to move boxes off the shelf. They don't care what's in them, as long as they can sneak it onto the
label and comply with food and drug regulations. That's fine with them. It's not the food company's
problem. They're going to put anything they can get away with into those boxes. You can't trust
them. You've got to trust your knowledge. You've got to educate yourself. You've got to learn about
the stuff and experiment with it yourself.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
Find out what works for you. Do what I did. Take a 30-day raw foods challenge. Find out what it
feels like. Do 30 days of raw foods and see what it's like, or try 30 days without dairy. See how you
feel. Don't let me tell you what's good. Don't let your doctor tell you what's good. Don't listen to any
website or any other person. Try it yourself. Do 30 days without any dairy, and you tell me whether you
feel better or not. I almost guarantee you will feel better after 30 days with no milk, cheese or dairy
products. It's only 30 days out of your life. You have nothing to lose. It's just a simple experiment.
Try 30 days without red meat, or try 30 days without any meat at all. How about trying 30 days without
artificial chemical sweeteners? See if your migraine headaches completely vanish, as they do in most
people. Try 30 days without excitotoxins. That means no MSG, no yeast extract and no aspartame or
chemical sweeteners. Maybe you want to try 30 days without artificial colors. Just experiment with
this stuff. See how you feel.
No textbook can tell you what your reality is. No doctor can tell you what your level of health is going
to be. You have to experience it yourself, firsthand. That's the only way that you can prove to yourself
that this is true. Don't stay stuck in a rut of the same foods you've always consumed. Those exact same
foods got you to the current state of disease that you might be experiencing. I'm talking to all those out
there struggling with a chronic condition. How did you get there? You got there by following a recipe
full of certain foods that you consumed over and over and over again. You got into a pattern of toxic
foods and dead foods.
I know that's how I did it. I was really good at being diseased. I was in chronic pain for 10 years. All
throughout my 20s, I had chronic lower back pain. It was like a knife was stuck in my vertebrae for
10 years. I couldn't even sit down without experiencing intense pain. Well, how did I manage that? I
followed a recipe. It was a stupid recipe, but at that time, I didn't know any better. I followed a recipe
of eating toxic foods and dead foods, and I didn't exercise either. I watched a lot of television. I got
chronic back pain, borderline obesity and diabetes and I got very depressed.
You may have something totally different. You may end up with breast cancer or prostate cancer or
Alzheimer's disease if you follow that recipe. Different people will express it differently, but it's all the
same toxic condition.
Your body just has different strengths and weaknesses that will be exploited by those toxic foods to give
you different degenerative conditions. If you want a recipe for disease, it's very easy to follow. Just do
what everyone else is doing. Do what the entire country is doing. Eat everything you see on TV. Eat
out a lot too. Eat at restaurants, because food there is loaded with toxic ingredients. You can't even get
salad dressings in most places without getting MSG. If you get gravy at any of these family restaurants,
it’s loaded with MSG.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
Even though there is a recipe for disease, there's also a recipe for joyous, outstanding health. That's
the recipe that I've briefly outlined for you. It's a recipe of eating fresh, raw foods, living foods, and
avoiding toxic foods and dead foods. Feed your body foods that are alive, foods that are from nature.
Feed yourself lots of berries. I'm a big believer in berries and healthy nuts like almonds, macadamia
nuts and cashews. I only drink almond milk now. I make my own almond milk. It's very easy to make.
If you want a recipe for health, it's out there.
Keep educating yourself. Read more of my stuff, and read other people's stuff. Learn about raw food
nutrition. That is the answer to being free of chronic disease, chronic pain and depression, and that is
how you can open up a whole new universe of creativity, clarity and energy in your life. Those living
foods are the answer. That's how you get there.
Thank you very much for reading. I feel honored that you would spend this much time and have this
level of interest in this information. I feel really blessed to be able to bring this information to you. It's
my joy to do this. It's my passion. My name is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and you can find more
information at That's where I publish a number of books and reports.
Most of the reports are free, and most of the books are paid, so you can pay to download them or get
a physical hardcopy. I also write articles at, where I post some news headlines.
So those are some resources you can use online.
You might also want to visit Dr. Gabriel Cousens’ website at Dr. Cousens is an
M.D. who founded the Tree of Life rejuvenation center, an incredible oasis in southern Arizona that
focuses on spiritual awakenings and physical cleansing through live foods. has more than 15,000 articles, opinion pieces and summaries. It has its own search
function so if you want to find out about something, just go to the top of the screen and type in a search
word. It will bring up all the articles that I've written on those items. You can search conditions like
diabetes and find everything I've written about diabetes. The site also teaches you to take responsibility
for your health outcome. You will find it empowering and interesting, I guarantee you. Again, thank
you for reading; it's been my joy sharing this with you.
Toxic Foods, Dead Foods, Living Foods
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About Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Mike Adams is a consumer advocate and holistic nutritionist
with more than 5,000 hours of study on nutrition, wellness, food
toxicology and the true causes of disease and health. Adams began
his exploration into the true causes of health during his own personal
journey from borderline obesity and chronic back pain. He is the chief
editor of and author of more than 10 books
on health and wellness available at
Adams uses no prescription drugs whatsoever and relies exclusively
on natural health, whole foods, superfoods, nutritional supplements
and exercise to achieve optimum health. To prove the value of
nutrition and physical exercise in enhancing health, Adams publishes
detailed statistics on his own blood chemistry (with full lab results)
Posted by Two (Member # 17234) on :
Can you get almond milk min Cairo?
Posted by metinoot (Member # 17031) on :
Originally posted by Two:
Can you get almond milk min Cairo?

Why not make it yourself:

I have never liked the taste of cow or goats milk in Egypt.
Posted by *Dalia* (Member # 13012) on :
Originally posted by metinoot:

Why not make it yourself:

That's what I do. [Smile]
I've never seen almond milk in Cairo. But soy milk is becoming widely available.
Posted by of_gold (Member # 13418) on :
Can you make pudding with almond or soy milk with the same recipe as you would use with cows milk?
Posted by *Dalia* (Member # 13012) on :
Sure, no problem.

No consumer wants to walk into a grocery store and buy a gallon of milk when the top third has separated from the bottom two thirds, but that's the way real, raw, whole milk looks
That's nonsense. Raw, organic, non-homogenized milk has a small plug of fat at the top, that's all. It can easily be dissolved by shaking or stirring.
Posted by of_gold (Member # 13418) on :
Thats great, I'm going to try it. It would probably be good to freeze along with fruit for popsicles for the kids too.

The recipe says to soak almonds in water. Do you pour this water out or use it when you blend the almonds?

I have a good candy recipe. Blend equal parts of dates and cashews. Roll blend into log and roll in cashew pieces. Then cut and wrap individually. Easy and good. [Smile]
Posted by *Dalia* (Member # 13012) on :
Originally posted by of_gold:

The recipe says to soak almonds in water. Do you pour this water out or use it when you blend the almonds?

I'd say you can do it whatever way you like.

Personally, I don't soak the almonds in advance, but I prefer to blanch them in order to remove the skins.
Posted by metinoot (Member # 17031) on :
Originally posted by of_gold:
Thats great, I'm going to try it. It would probably be good to freeze along with fruit for popsicles for the kids too.

The recipe says to soak almonds in water. Do you pour this water out or use it when you blend the almonds?

I have a good candy recipe. Blend equal parts of dates and cashews. Roll blend into log and roll in cashew pieces. Then cut and wrap individually. Easy and good. [Smile]

don't be a tease, share the recipee. Its almost easter here and I normally allow myself one cadbury egg and thats it.

My resolve is so weak this year!
Posted by of_gold (Member # 13418) on :
That is the recipe metinoot... [Big Grin]

1 part dates
1 part cashews

Blend and form into a roll. Roll the roll in chopped cashews and slice.

Thats it!

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