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Author Topic: We're Winning!!!
Member # 9361

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After years of research and compilation, the fruits of our labors are finally taking effect. Because of our exposing the lies of White history, Albino scientists and scholars are being forced to "Walk-Back" the bogus claims of that False White history. But rather than just admitting that their history is a lie, they have chosen to do studies which demonstrate the truth, and then treat those already "Well-Known-Truths" as revelations! But regardless of how they chose to finally disseminate the truth, the fact is they are being forced to do it, and - We're Winning!!!

Here is the latest:


The Study:

Neolithic mitochondrial haplogroup H genomes and the genetic origins of Europeans.

Paul Brotherton, Wolfgang Haak, Jennifer Templeton, and 56 more of the worlds foremost genetic scientists.

Published 23 April 2013

Link to the Study:


Interpreted Results:


Ancient Europeans mysteriously vanished 4,500 years ago
Published April 23, 2013 - LiveScience

The genetic lineage of Europe mysteriously transformed about 4,500 years ago, new research suggests.

The findings, detailed today (April 23) in the journal Nature Communications, were drawn from several skeletons unearthed in central Europe that were up to 7,500 years old. "What is intriguing is that the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, which was clearly very successful, were then suddenly replaced around 4,500 years ago, and we don't know why," said study co-author Alan Cooper, of the University of Adelaide Australian Center for Ancient DNA, in a statement. "Something major happened, and the hunt is now on to find out what that was."

The new study also confirms that people sweeping out from Turkey colonized Europe, likely as a part of the agricultural revolution, reaching Germany about 7,500 years ago. For decades, researchers have wondered whether people, or just ideas, spread from the Middle East during the agricultural revolution that occurred after the Mesolithic period. To find out, Cooper and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which resides in the cells' energy-making structures and is passed on through the maternal line, from 37 skeletal remains from Germany and two from Italy; the skeletons belonged to humans who lived in several different cultures that flourished between 7,500 and 2,500 years ago. The team looked a DNA specifically from a certain genetic group, called haplogroup h, which is found widely throughout Europe but is less common in East and Central Asia.

The researchers found that the earliest farmers in Germany were closely related to Near Eastern and Anatolian people, suggesting that the agricultural revolution did indeed bring migrations of people into Europe who replaced early hunter-gatherers. But that initial influx isn't a major part of Europe's genetic heritage today.

Instead, about 5,000 to 4,000 years ago, the genetic profile changes radically, suggesting that some mysterious event led to a huge turnover in the population that made up Europe. The Bell Beaker culture, which emerged from the Iberian Peninsula around 2800 B.C., may have played a role in this genetic turnover. The culture, which may have been responsible for erecting some of the megaliths at Stonehenge, is named for its distinctive bell-shaped ceramics and its rich grave goods. The culture also played a role in the expansion of Celtic languages along the coast.

"We have established that the genetic foundations for modern Europe were only established in the Mid-Neolithic, after this major genetic transition around 4,000 years ago."

This confirms true Afrocentric history that Central Asian Albinos started their migrations/invasions into Eastern Europe circa 2,000 B.C. And reaching Southern Europe circa 1,200 B.C. Their presence in Southern Europe causing the great exodus of "The Sea People" circa 1,100 B.C.

The result of this invasion was that Europe was no longer Pure-Black Racially, but rather became Black, Albino, and Mulatto.




The Study:

The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe.

by Peter Ralph and Graham Coop.

Published: May 7, 2013

Link to the Study:


Interpreted Results:


Europeans had common ancestors 1,000 years ago
Associated Press By FRANK JORDANS

BERLIN (AP) — Europeans appear to be more closely related than previously thought.

Scientists who compared DNA samples from people in different parts of the continent found that most had common ancestors living just 1,000 years ago.

The results confirm decade-old mathematical models, but will nevertheless come as a surprise to Europeans accustomed to thinking of ancient nations composed of distinct ethnic groups like "Germans," ''Irish" or "Serbs."

"What's remarkable about this is how closely everyone is related to each other," said Graham Coop of the University of California, Davis, who co-wrote the study published Tuesday in the journal PLoS Biology.

Coop and his fellow author Peter Ralph of the University of Southern California used a database containing more than 2,250 genetic samples to look for shared DNA segments that would point to distant shared relatives.

While the number of common genetic ancestors is greater the closer people are to each other, even individuals living 2,000 miles (3,220 kilometers) apart had identical sections of DNA that can be traced back roughly to the Middle Ages.

The findings indicate that there was a steady flow of genetic material between countries as far apart as Turkey and Britain, or Poland and Portugal, even after the great population movements of the first millennium A.D. such as the Saxon and Viking invasions of Britain, and the westward drive of the Huns and Slavic peoples.

This confirms true Afrocentric history that says the Huns and other Mongols forced the total emptying of Albinos from Central Asia circa 200 A.D. to 800-1000 A.D. These included the Germanics, Slavs, and Turk confederations of peoples. Various sources have different names for these forced migrations. Some call it the Migration Period, but also called the Barbarian Invasions or Völkerwanderung (German for "wandering of the peoples").

The result of this invasion was that Europe's Blacks eventually became overwhelmed by the sheer number of Albinos coming from Asia. Though they maintained Rulership of Europe's lands until the late medieval period, eventually the were overwhelmed by the Albinos during the many Race Wars of that period: which have been falsely characterized as political wars. The result of those wars was Black genocide and enslavement in the U.S. and Caribbean.


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the lioness,
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Mike is a fvcking retard. The articles say nothing about Central Asia


Instead, about 5,000 to 4,000 years ago, the genetic profile changes radically, suggesting that some mysterious event led to a huge turnover in the population that made up Europe. The Bell Beaker culture, which emerged from the Iberian Peninsula around 2800 B.C.

Mike> still losing

Originally posted by Mike111:
This confirms true Afrocentric history that says the Huns and other Mongols forced the total emptying of Albinos from Central Asia circa 200 A.D. to 800-1000 A.D.

Mike quote a published Afrocentric book which confims this low life lie you made up.
You are not an Afrocentric, what a joke. You are a wannabe European who constantly disses Africans

retard the Huns came from the East and pushed one branch out of the Germanics who had previously come from Northern and Central Europe into Black Sea region (IN EASTERN EUROPE) taking over ROMAN TERRITORY
you lying swine

Mike you are a boldface pathological LIAR

From Mike's own website:
^^^doesn't even show Central Asia

idiot look at your own map. look at the starting point of the dark red Goth arrow, comes down south from North Europe and goes East into ROMAN territory around the Black Sea region IN EUROPE and is later pushed back from the the Huns who came from the East you witless buffoon. The only group on the map coming FROM the East is the green arrow Huns, jackass

This is for the people who understand that an arrow points of directions, age 2 and above

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Originally posted by the lioness,:
Mike is a fvcking retard. The articles say nothing about Central Asia

Instead, about 5,000 to 4,000 years ago, the genetic profile changes radically, suggesting that some mysterious event led to a huge turnover in the population that made up Europe. The Bell Beaker culture, which emerged from the Iberian Peninsula around 2800 B.C.

The Roman historian Jordanes, in his book on the history of the Goths, called "Getica" (circa 551 A.D), gives this account as to why the White tribes (Germanics and Slavs - Turks came later) started westward into Europe.

Quote: But after a short space of time, as Orosius relates, the race of the Huns, fiercer than ferocity itself, flamed forth against the Goths. We learn from old traditions that their origin was as follows: Filimer, king of the Goths, son of Gadaric the Great, who was the fifth in succession to hold the rule of the Getae after their departure from the island of Scandza,--and who, as we have said, entered the land of Scythia with his tribe,--found among his people certain witches, whom he called in his native tongue Haliurunnae. Suspecting these women, he expelled them from the midst of his race and compelled them to wander in solitary exile afar from his army. (122) There the unclean spirits, who beheld them as they wandered through the wilderness, bestowed their embraces upon them and begat this savage race, which dwelt at first in the swamps,--a stunted, foul and puny tribe, scarcely human, and having no language save one which bore but slight resemblance to human speech. Such was the descent of the Huns who came to the country of the Goths.

(123) This cruel tribe, as Priscus the historian relates, settled on the farther bank of the Maeotic swamp. They were fond of hunting and had no skill in any other art. After they had grown to a nation, they disturbed the peace of neighboring races by theft and rapine. At one time, while hunters of their tribe were as usual seeking for game on the farthest edge of Maeotis, they saw a doe unexpectedly appear to their sight and enter the swamp, acting as guide of the way; now advancing and again standing still. (124) The hunters followed and crossed on foot the Maeotic swamp, which they had supposed was impassable as the sea. Presently the unknown land of Scythia disclosed itself and the doe disappeared. Now in my opinion the evil spirits, from whom the Huns are descended, did this from envy of the Scythians. (125) And the Huns, who had been wholly ignorant that there was another world beyond Maeotis, were now filled with admiration for the Scythian land. As they were quick of mind, they believed that this path, utterly unknown to any age of the past, had been divinely revealed to them. They returned to their tribe, told them what had happened, praised Scythia and persuaded the people to hasten thither along the way they had found by the guidance of the doe. As many as they captured, when they thus entered Scythia for the first time, they sacrificed to Victory. The remainder they conquered and made subject to themselves. (126) Like a whirlwind of nations they swept across the great swamp and at once fell upon the Alpidzuri, Alcildzuri, Itimari, Tuncarsi and Boisci, who bordered on that part of Scythia. The Alani also, who were their equals in battle, but unlike them in civilization, manners and appearance, they exhausted by their incessant attacks and subdued. (127) For by the terror of their features they inspired great fear in those whom perhaps they did not really surpass in war. They made their foes flee in horror because their swarthy aspect was fearful, and they had, if I may call it so, a sort of shapeless lump, not a head, with pin-holes rather than eyes. Their hardihood is evident in their wild appearance, and they are beings who are cruel to their children on the very day they are born. For they cut the cheeks of the males with a sword, so that before they receive the nourishment of milk they must learn to endure wounds. (128) Hence they grow old beardless and their young men are without comeliness, because a face furrowed by the sword spoils by its scars the natural beauty of a beard. They are short in stature, quick in bodily movement, alert horsemen, broad shouldered, ready in the use of bow and arrow, and have firm-set necks which are ever erect in pride. Though they live in the form of men, they have the cruelty of wild beasts.

(129) When the Getae beheld this active race that had invaded many nations, they took fright and consulted with their king how they might escape from such a foe. Now although Hermanaric, king of the Goths, was the conqueror of many tribes, as we have said above, yet while he was deliberating on this invasion of the Huns, the treacherous tribe of the Rosomoni, who at that time were among those who owed him their homage, took this chance to catch him unawares. For when the king had given orders that a certain woman of the tribe I have mentioned, Sunilda by name, should be bound to wild horses and torn apart by driving them at full speed in opposite directions (for he was roused to fury by her husband's treachery to him), her brothers Sarus and Ammius came to avenge their sister's death and plunged a sword into Hermanaric's side. Enfeebled by this blow, he dragged out a miserable existence in bodily weakness. (130) Balamber, king of the Huns, took advantage of his ill health to move an army into the country of the Ostrogoths, from whom the Visigoths had already separated because of some dispute. Meanwhile Hermanaric, who was unable to endure either the pain of his wound or the inroads of the Huns, died full of days at the great age of one hundred and ten years. The fact of his death enabled the Huns to prevail over those Goths who, as we have said, dwelt in the East and were called Ostrogoths.

(131) The Visigoths, who were their other allies and inhabitants of the western country, were terrified as their kinsmen had been, and knew not how to plan for safety against the race of the Huns. After long deliberation by common consent they finally sent ambassadors into Romania to the Emperor Valens, brother of Valentinian, the elder Emperor, to say that if he would give them part of Thrace or Moesia to keep, they would submit themselves to his laws and commands. That he might have greater confidence in them, they promised to become Christians, if he would give them teachers who spoke their language. (132) When Valens learned this, he gladly and promptly granted what he had himself intended to ask. He received the Getae into the region of Moesia and placed them there as a wall of defense for his kingdom against other tribes. And since at that time the Emperor Valens, who was infected with the Arian perfidy, had closed all the churches of our party, he sent as preachers to them those who favored his sect. They came and straightway filled a rude and ignorant people with the poison of their heresy. Thus the Emperor Valens made the Visigoths Arians rather than Christians. (133) Moreover, from the love they bore them, they preached the gospel both to the Ostrogoths and to their kinsmen the Gepidae, teaching them to reverence this heresy, and they invited all people of their speech everywhere to attach themselves to this sect. They themselves as we have said, crossed the Danube and settled Dacia Ripensis, Moesia and Thrace by permission of the Emperor.

The Byzantine historian Zosimus (491-518), In his book "Historia Nova" gives this account as to why the White tribes (Germanics and Slavs) started westward into Europe.

Quote: While these affairs were so conducted, a barbarous nation, which till then had remained unknown, suddenly made its appearance, attacking the Scythians beyond the Ister. These were the Huns. It is doubtful whether they were Scythians, who lived under regal government, or the people whom Herodotus states to reside near the Ister, and describes as a weak people with flat noses, or whether they came into Europe from Asia. For I have met with, a tradition, which relates that the Cimmerian Bosphorus was rendered firm land by mud brought down the Tanais, by which they were originally afforded a land-passage from Asia into Europe. However this might be, they, with their wives, children, horses, and carriages, invaded the Scythians who resided on the Ister; and though they were not capable of fighting on foot, nor understood in what, manner even to walk, since they could not fix their feet firmly on the ground, but live perpetually, and even sleep, on horseback, yet by the rapidity with which they wheeled about their horses, by the suddenness of their excursions and retreat, shooting as they rode, they occasioned great slaughter among the Scythians. In this they were so incessant, that the surviving Scythians were compelled to leave their habitations to these Huns, and crossing the Ister, to supplicate the emperor to receive them, on their promise to adhere to him as faithful soldiers. The officers of the fortified towns near the Ister deferred complying with this petition, until they should learn the pleasure of the emperor, who permitted them to be received without their arms. The tribunes and other officers therefore went over to bring the Barbarians unarmed into the Roman territory; but occupied themselves solely in the gratification of their brutal appetites, or in procuring slaves, neglecting every thing that related to public affairs. A considerable number therefore crossed over with their arms, through this negligence. These, on arriving into the Roman dominion, forgot both their petition and their oaths. Thus all Thrace, Pannonia, and the whole country as far as Macedon and Thessaly were filled with Barbarians, who pillaged all in their way.

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Lioness - You will please note that Scythia corresponds to modern Kazakhstan which corresponds to the very heart of Central Asia - He,he,he: Original Lands of the European Albino - right Doxie?


Kazakhstan People






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Lioness, why do you bother?

All it gets you is an Ass-kicking, so why do it?

I think it best for you to just accept whatever I say, and try to learn something.

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the lioness,
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Originally posted by Mike111:
[qb] Originally posted by the lioness,:
Mike is a fvcking retard. The articles say nothing about Central Asia

Instead, about 5,000 to 4,000 years ago, the genetic profile changes radically, suggesting that some mysterious event led to a huge turnover in the population that made up Europe. The Bell Beaker culture, which emerged from the Iberian Peninsula around 2800 B.C.

The Roman historian Jordanes, in his book on the history of the Goths, called "Getica" (circa 551 A.D), gives this account as to why the White tribes (Germanics and Slavs - Turks came later) started westward into Europe.

Quote: But after a short space of time, as Orosius relates, the race of the Huns, fiercer than ferocity itself, flamed forth against the Goths. We learn from old traditions that
their origin was as follows: Filimer, king of the Goths, son of Gadaric the Great, who was the fifth in succession to hold the rule of the Getae after their departure from the island of Scandza,

Scandza = Scandinavia,
you dumb fvck.
Is that Central Asia?

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No Mike oh evil Black racist one, we are not Kazaks, Kazakhstan is NOT our homeland. Now Mike come on, those people don't look White at all, what are you now saying that Whites used to look like those people in your pics LOL?
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Originally posted by the lioness,:
We learn from old traditions that
their origin was as follows: Filimer, king of the Goths, son of Gadaric the Great, who was the fifth in succession to hold the rule of the Getae after their departure from the island of Scandza.

Scandza = Scandinavia,
you dumb fvck.
Is that Central Asia?

Lioness, you poor desperate degenerate, that's Wiki nonsense fool. What, now you want to claim that Albinos evolved in Scandinavia????


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Originally posted by DHDoxies:
No Mike oh evil Black racist one, we are not Kazaks, Kazakhstan is NOT our homeland. Now Mike come on, those people don't look White at all, what are you now saying that Whites used to look like those people in your pics LOL?

Doxie dear - You really need to learn how to read.

Quote from above: This confirms true Afrocentric history that says the Huns and other Mongols forced the total emptying of Albinos from Central Asia circa 200 A.D. to 800-1000 A.D. These included the Germanics, Slavs, and Turk confederations of peoples. Various sources have different names for these forced migrations. Some call it the Migration Period, but also called the Barbarian Invasions or Völkerwanderung (German for "wandering of the peoples").

BTW - Yes, I DO know that some remain there.

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Kazakhstan, Central Asia same difference you stupid Black racist, moronic, kill Whitey, thieving, lying, sack of crap, charlatan. The point is that waterless, land locked, can't grow anything or raise any animals, barren wasteland is NOT our native homeland. Europe however IS. Sorry if you don't like the land your people were allotted Africa but you can't have our itty bitty little parcel Europe.
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Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Sorry if you don't like the land your people were allotted Africa but you can't have our itty bitty little parcel Europe.


By Whom???

My,my: delusional Albinos seem to have a myth for everything.

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Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by the lioness,:
We learn from old traditions that
their origin was as follows: Filimer, king of the Goths, son of Gadaric the Great, who was the fifth in succession to hold the rule of the Getae after their departure from the island of Scandza.

Scandza = Scandinavia,
you dumb fvck.
Is that Central Asia?

Lioness, you poor desperate degenerate, that's Wiki nonsense fool. What, now you want to claim that Albinos evolved in Scandinavia????


Science Daily
Sep. 25, 2009

New research suggests that modern Scandinavians are not descended from the people who came to Scandinavia at the conclusion of the last ice age but, apparently, from a population that arrived later, concurrently with the introduction of agriculture.



Lioness, you know that they are talking about Black people being the original settlers of Scandinavia - Right?

Albinos, always the last.

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^Lioness, I know what a lying desperate degenerate that you are. So your first thought to derail Blacks being the original settlers of Scandinavia was probably scream SAAMI!!!




Ancient DNA Reveals Lack of Continuity between Neolithic Hunter-Gatherers and Contemporary Scandinavians.

Helena Malmström et al.

November 2009

Given our results, it remains possible that the PWC represent remnants of a larger northern European Mesolithic hunter-gather complex. However, it appears unlikely that population continuity exists between the PWC and contemporary Scandinavians or Saami. Thus, our findings are in agreement with archaeological theories suggesting Neolithic or post-Neolithic population introgression or replacement in Scandinavia. To what extent this holds true for other parts of Europe requires further direct testing, although morphological 24 and 25, ancient [26], and modern 4 and 5 genetic data suggest that this is probably the case.



Before Albinos showed up to pollute it, the World was Pure Black lioness - Pure Black!


How you doing lamin?

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the lioness,
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dummy, YOU are the one that had a quote about Scandza, in fact the earliest mentions of them recorded talks about Scandinavia
Now that I exposed your scam, The Roman propaganda, a savage white people who watched Christians get eaten by lions in statdiums, now you want to talk about Scandinavia

Ancient DNA Reveals Lack of Continuity between Neolithic Hunter-Gatherers and Contemporary Scandinavians.

Helena Malmström et al.

November 2009

^^^^ Mike idiot, the replacement of hunter gatherers they are talking about happened 4000 years ago
-and as we have seen in other papers the new migrants were from Iberia

But the Gothic period is a few thousands years AFTER this replacement occured, these people becoming well established in North/Central Europe

a) Nordic Bronze age is 1700–500 BC (3700 years ago)

b) The earliest record of the Germanic Goths is around 300 BC.

c) Goths, Germanics go South and East from Northern Europe, Germany and then take over Roman territory, Dacia etc in Black Sea region of Europe 3td century AD
AD, retard Mike, AD

d) Huns push them back westward from where they came in 376 AD
AD retard Mike, AD

The way Mike tries to bamboozle what he calls "typical Negroes" is by leaving out earlier time periods and context. That's the key to his hustle, the way he takes advatage of other people like himself who are not college educated

Every theory Mike has falls apart when you look at the timeline

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Originally posted by the lioness,:
The Roman propaganda, a savage white people who watched Christians get eaten by lions in statdiums, now you want to talk about Scandinavia


So what, you now disavow all linkage with the Romans and Greeks???
Fool, don't you know that is the truth???

The truth is your enemy fool, without claim to Rome and Greece, you are merely Albinos from Central Asia.

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Originally posted by the lioness,:
Mike idiot, the replacement of hunter gatherers they are talking about happened 4000 years ago
- and as we have seen in other papers the new migrants were from Iberia

He,he,he: Damn I'm having fun!

Lioness - here is the quote from:

Neolithic mitochondrial haplogroup H genomes and the genetic origins of Europeans.

Quote: "Our results reveal that the current diversity and distribution of haplogroup H were largely established by the Mid Neolithic (~4000 BC), but with substantial genetic contributions from subsequent pan-European cultures such as the Bell Beakers expanding out of Iberia in the Late Neolithic (~2800 BC)."


Actually there were "TWO" Iberia's lioness, I will address both.


This is Western Iberia:

Please note the land mass to the South.

Do you know what that is lioness?

That is "AFRICA" and those people expanding out of Iberia were Africans - Fool!


lamin my Boy, how you doing?

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^As I said, there were TWO Iberia's:

This is "Eastern" Iberia in yellow.

It was originally part of the country to the west called "Colchis".


Does the name "Colchis" sound familiar to you as a "Black" Woman Lioness - He,he,he;

Well it should, this is what Herodotus had to say about it:

[2.104] There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. Before I heard any mention of the fact from others, I had remarked it myself. After the thought had struck me, I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt, and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians, than the Egyptians had of them. Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too; but further and more especially, on the circumstance that the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians (Nubians), are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times.

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So you see lioness, whether they came from the East or the West, those people moving around Europe were All BLACK!

Then the Central Asian Albinos came, like a Locust plague, and fuched-up the World.

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the lioness,
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Mike's lies never end, now there's two Iberias
Bell Beaker Culture

Mike is trying to confuse people now. These articles he's referred to refer to the region above.
Now he's trying to play semantic games and talk about some obsolete Colchi "K of Iberia" reference.
It's irrelevant to the standard usage regions discussed in contemporary articles

Constantly trying to confuse what he calls "typical Negroes"

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Originally posted by the lioness,:

Mike's lies never end, now there's two Iberias

I see that your reading comprehension classes didn't help you.

But yes, there were two Iberia's


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the lioness,
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Originally posted by Mike111:
[This is Western Iberia:

Please note the land mass to the South.

Do you know what that is lioness?

That is "AFRICA" and those people expanding out of Iberia were Africans

the lie:
he talks about Africa and second Iberia, This other Iberia is in fact
much further away from Africa, is in the Black Sea region and is not the Iberia refered to in any of the articles in the intial posts.

Mike man up an admit you are a loser. It's the first step to recovery

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Originally posted by the lioness,:
the lie:
he talks about Africa and second Iberia, This other Iberia is in fact
much further away from Africa, is in the Black Sea region and is not the Iberia refered to in any of the articles in the initial posts.

Actually you don't know which Iberia they were talking about, I was just covering the bases, so to speak.


Plus it's a Segue to introduce Blacks to another aspect of their Northern History.

The Kingdom of Iberia

Iberia also known as Iveria was a name given by the ancient Greeks and Romans to the ancient Georgian kingdom of Kartli (4th century BC-5th century AD) corresponding roughly to the eastern and southern parts of the present day Georgia.

The area was inhabited in earliest times by several related tribes, collectively called Iberians (the Eastern Iberians) by ancient authors. Locals called their country Kartli after a mythic chief, Kartlos.




See Lioness?

In "REAL-TRUE" History, Everywhere you turn, there is another Black King.


Hey lamin, how you doing?

How about you Doxie, how you doing?

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If all of those Black people were the "ORIGINAL" inhabitants of the "CAUCASUS REGION" - then how the hell could Central Asian Albinos call themselves CAUCASIANS???

Cass, can you help me out with that?

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The symbologist point of view on the word Iberia is it come from the word Ibaru who was the title of the Egyptian Stellar Priest.In ancient time the Egyptian migrated in large number in Etruria, Iberia-Spain and Iberia-Colchi.

There was three Iberia in ancient time Iberia-Spain, Hibernia-Ireland and Iberia-Colchi.

A writer on Mesoamerica Burrows cave states the Armenian semitic language of Armen was almost identical to the present english language.

Another spelling for the Sumerian King Gudea is Judee. Judee look like Juda.

I hope in the future a Twa chief and Mande chief write a world history book for the masses.The Twa and Mande people lived and created Kingdoms in Africa, Europe, Asia and America from prehistory until European colonisation.


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the lioness,
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Originally posted by Mike111:

Plus it's a Segue to introduce Blacks to another aspect of their Northern History.

The Kingdom of Iberia

Iberia also known as Iveria was a name given by the ancient Greeks and Romans to the ancient Georgian kingdom of Kartli (4th century BC-5th century AD) corresponding roughly to the eastern and southern parts of the present day Georgia.




^^^^ Mike you seem to have this

confused with this>


can you see the difference?

Originally posted by Mike111:


See Lioness?

In "REAL-TRUE" History, Everywhere you turn, there is another Black King.


If all of those Black people were the "ORIGINAL" inhabitants of the "CAUCASUS REGION" - then how the hell could Central Asian Albinos call themselves CAUCASIANS???

The concept of a Caucasian race or Varietas Caucasia was developed around 1800 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German scientist and classical anthropologist.
Blumenbach wrote:

Caucasian variety - I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian; and because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones (birth place) of mankind.

^^^^ the association with the Caucus mountions was made on a whim because he thought the people looked pretty

also see Doxasoid

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Originally posted by the lioness,:
The concept of a Caucasian race or Varietas Caucasia was developed around 1800 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German scientist and classical anthropologist.
Blumenbach wrote:

Caucasian variety - I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian; and because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones (birth place) of mankind.

the association with the Caucus mountions was made on a whim because he though the people looked pretty

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach


Anybody else notice that it's the ugliest Albinos who are so eager to ballyhoo the beauty of Albinos?

Cass, are you there?

Doxie - See, it's all an Albino delusion, just like I told you.

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Albino beauty, Diandra Forrest

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Mike & Mena 7 cut the crap you stupid Kill Whitey, White people hating, evil, lying, history stealing, White child want to be harming, heartless, feeling less, Black racist POS's. Again we Whites are NOT from Central Asia, we are NOT Albinos, European history is OUR history NOT yours keep your dang hands off of it. Stop trying to rob White children of what is rightfully theirs, their history, their heritage, their identities, their ancestors, their homeland, their pride you heartless, evil, Black racist SOBs.
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the lioness,
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^^^ did you get your DNA results in yet?
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No Lioness not yet. What does it matter? I will still defend what belongs to Whites regardless.
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the lioness,
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what about what whites did to the Indians?
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Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Mike & Mena 7 cut the crap you stupid Kill Whitey, White people hating, evil, lying, history stealing, White child want to be harming, heartless, feeling less, Black racist POS's. Again we Whites are NOT from Central Asia, we are NOT Albinos, European history is OUR history NOT yours keep your dang hands off of it.

Stop trying to rob White children of what is rightfully theirs, their history, their heritage, their identities, their ancestors, their homeland, their pride you heartless, evil, Black racist SOBs.

No,no Doxie, you have it all wrong.
I'm just trying to tell "True" history.

What, Steal from White Children???

I'm not THAT brave.


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Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Mike & Mena 7 cut the crap you stupid Kill Whitey, White people hating, evil, lying, history stealing, White child want to be harming, heartless, feeling less, Black racist POS's. Again we Whites are NOT from Central Asia, we are NOT Albinos, European history is OUR history NOT yours keep your dang hands off of it. Stop trying to rob White children of what is rightfully theirs, their history, their heritage, their identities, their ancestors, their homeland, their pride you heartless, evil, Black racist SOBs.

Lol. Pretty sure the majority of white kids.... Don't Care!
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Lioness, while what was done to the Amerindians was wrong, if I have Amerindian blood in me I still could not hate Whites, as I would be hating a part of myself, plus what happened in the pas is just that in the past it can't be changed, but should never be forgotten least it happen again. Besides that one of my White female ancestors was killed by an Amerindian with a tomahawk to the head, I don't hate Amerindians for that as the Amerindians today are not responsible for what one individual Amerindian did hundreds of years ago.

Mike exactly what do you think you are doing? You are stealing from White children when you try to lay claim their history, their heritage, their identities, their ancestors, their homeland. You are not telling true history, you are telling a made up history doing everything you accuse Whites of doing except vise versa. You are trying to claim our stuff & trying to write us completely out of history while writing your people in in our place.

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Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Mike exactly what do you think you are doing? You are stealing from White children when you try to lay claim their history, their heritage, their identities, their ancestors, their homeland. You are not telling true history, you are telling a made up history doing everything you accuse Whites of doing except vise versa. You are trying to claim our stuff & trying to write us completely out of history while writing your people in in our place.

Doxie dear, poor you.

Lioness won't you please explain to her that is exactly what Albinos did, and are doing, to whomever they get a chance to do it to.

Having no history of value, no culture of value, no heritage of value, Albinos took the easy way and stole those things from my people. Yet you have the nerve to accuse me???


Only an Albino would have the gall!

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the lioness,
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Originally posted by Mike111:
Albinos took the easy way and stole those things from my people. Yet you have the nerve to accuse me???


Only an Albino would have the gall! [/QB]

name a few things stolen from your people
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Doxie dear, since you want to safeguard Albino culture and history, I will give you authentic Albino artifacts to safeguard.




I placed the following separately because they require a certain amount of thought.

i.e. The Scythians were a Nomadic people, since when do Nomadic people mine gold, or become expert Goldsmiths?

He,he,he: they DON'T!

These are modern fakes.




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Well Doxie, there it is: that's your culture and history in a nutshell, hope you enjoy it.
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the lioness,
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now let's see this clown argue the Scynthians were Dravidian
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Mike While the Scythians may have been White, they are only one tribe dumbass. We also have the Germanic tribes (Goths, Vandals, Vikings, Danes, Franks, Normans, Seuvi, Allemanni, Anglo-Saxons,Jutes, among others), the Slavic tribes, the Basques who claim to be the first Whites & claim all other Whites come from them, the Romans, the Hellenes (Greeks), the Celtic tribes, among others, all European culture, history, etc is OURS. Btw, the Central Asian people would differ with you on the Scythians lol, they claim they were their people.
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Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Mike While the Scythians may have been White, they are only one tribe dumbass. We also have the Germanic tribes (Goths, Vandals, Vikings, Danes, Franks, Normans, Seuvi, Allemanni, Anglo-Saxons,Jutes, among others), the Slavic tribes, the Basques who claim to be the first Whites & claim all other Whites come from them, the Romans, the Hellenes (Greeks), the Celtic tribes, among others, all European culture, history, etc is OURS. Btw, the Central Asian people would differ with you on the Scythians lol, they claim they were their people.

Doxie dear, that's quite a list of "Supposed" Albinos that you just reeled off. I say they were NOT White/Albinos, how will you prove that they were?
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Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Mike While the Scythians may have been White, they are only one tribe dumbass. We also have the Germanic tribes (Goths, Vandals, Vikings, Danes, Franks, Normans, Seuvi, Allemanni, Anglo-Saxons,Jutes, among others), the Slavic tribes, the Basques who claim to be the first Whites & claim all other Whites come from them, the Romans, the Hellenes (Greeks), the Celtic tribes, among others, all European culture, history, etc is OURS. Btw, the Central Asian people would differ with you on the Scythians lol, they claim they were their people.

Doxie dear, that's quite a list of "Supposed" Albinos that you just reeled off. I say they were NOT White/Albinos, how will you prove that they were?
Ah, just as I suspected, Doxie is incapable of doing anything other than regurgitating the "We are not Albinos" thing.

Lioness, do you want to try your hand at it?

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Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Mike While the Scythians may have been White, they are only one tribe dumbass. We also have the Germanic tribes (Goths, Vandals, Vikings, Danes, Franks, Normans, Seuvi, Allemanni, Anglo-Saxons,Jutes, among others), the Slavic tribes, the Basques who claim to be the first Whites & claim all other Whites come from them, the Romans, the Hellenes (Greeks), the Celtic tribes, among others, all European culture, history, etc is OURS. Btw, the Central Asian people would differ with you on the Scythians lol, they claim they were their people.

Doxie dear, that's quite a list of "Supposed" Albinos that you just reeled off. I say they were NOT White/Albinos, how will you prove that they were?
Doxie, it is clear that you simply repeat (ad infinitum) whatever other Albinos tell you, therefore you have simply run-off names that you have heard. So having an interest in your education, and with the hope that one day you will be a credit to your race, I will try to educate you on this matter.

Scythians = Albino

Goths = Albino

Vandals = Albino

Vikings = Mixed

Source: Black Vikings referred to in the Irish annals.

Danes = Albino

Franks = Blacks

Note how poor ignorant Albinos are fooled by Albino mis-information: This from Wiki;

The Franks were a confederation of Germanic tribes first attested in the third century AD as occupying land on the Lower and Middle Rhine. In the 3rd century some Franks raided Roman territory, while others joined the Roman troops in Gaul. The Salian Franks formed a kingdom on Roman-held soil that was acknowledged by the Romans after 357. After the collapse of imperial authority in the West, the Frankish tribes were united under the Merovingians. During the 6th century they succeeded in conquering most of Gaul. They were active in spreading Christianity over western Europe and had created one of the strongest and most stable post-roman kingdoms.

The Merovingian dynasty, descended from the Salians, founded one of the Germanic monarchies which replaced the Western Roman Empire. The Frankish state consolidated its hold over large parts of western Europe by the end of the eighth century, developing into the Carolingian Empire. This empire would gradually evolve into the state of France and the Holy Roman Empire.

King of the Franks Charles V

(He does NOT look like an Albino)


Normans = Mixed, see Vikings.

Source: Wiki and Encyclopedia Britannica.
The Normans were the people[a] who gave their name to Normandy, a region in northern France. They were descended from North Germanic, Norse, and Viking conquerors of the territory and the native population of Germanic Frankish and Gallo-Roman stock. Their identity emerged initially in the first half of the 10th century, and gradually evolved over succeeding centuries.
The Normans founded the duchy of Normandy and sent out expeditions of conquest and colonization to southern Italy and Sicily and to England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.

Seuvi = Don't know who they were.

Allemanni/Alemanni = Germanic Albinos

Anglo-Saxons = Albinos

According to the Venerable Bede: Saint Bede or the Venerable Bede - an English monk at the Northumbrian monastery of Saint Peter at Monkwearmouth (673-735).

The Anglo-Saxons were the descendants of three different Germanic peoples—the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. Lacking anything to the contrary, we will accept this.

Jutes = Anglo-Saxons

Slavic tribes = Albinos

Basques = Who cares?

Romans = Mixed - Note artifacts.

Hellenes (Greeks) = Mixed - Note artifacts.

Celtic tribes = Blacks - Note the study: The Study: Neolithic mitochondrial haplogroup H genomes and the genetic origins of Europeans.

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^ Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, ii. i (731 AD):

"Nor is the account of St. Gregory, which has been handed down to us by the tradition of our ancestors, to be passed by in silence, in relation to his motives for taking such interest in the salvation of our nation. It is reported, that some merchants, having just arrived at Rome on a certain day, exposed many things for sale in the marketplace, and abundance of people resorted thither to buy: Gregory himself went with the rest, and, among other things, some boys were set to sale, their bodies white, their countenances beautiful, and their hair very fine. Having viewed them, he asked, as is said, from what country or nation they were brought? And was told, from the island of Britain, whose inhabitants were of such personal appearance. He again inquired whether those islanders were Christians, or still involved in the errors of paganism? And was informed that they were pagans. Then fetching a deep sigh from the bottom of his heart, 'Alas! what pity,' said he, "that the author of darkness is possessed of men of such fair countenances; and that being remarkable for such graceful aspects, their minds should be void of inward grace." He therefore again asked, what was the name of that nation? and was answered, that they were called Angles. "Right," said he, for they have an Angelic face, and it becomes such to be co-heirs with the Angels in heaven."

- Here he describes Anglo slaves in Rome. Note the etymology: Angle from Angel, because the Angles St. Gregory saw were pale white. Modern scholars though don't accept this etymology.

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Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Lioness, while what was done to the Amerindians was wrong, if I have Amerindian blood in me I still could not hate Whites, as I would be hating a part of myself, plus what happened in the pas is just that in the past it can't be changed, but should never be forgotten least it happen again. Besides that one of my White female ancestors was killed by an Amerindian with a tomahawk to the head, I don't hate Amerindians for that as the Amerindians today are not responsible for what one individual Amerindian did hundreds of years ago.

Mike exactly what do you think you are doing? You are stealing from White children when you try to lay claim their history, their heritage, their identities, their ancestors, their homeland. You are not telling true history, you are telling a made up history doing everything you accuse Whites of doing except vise versa. You are trying to claim our stuff & trying to write us completely out of history while writing your people in in our place.

There's actually nothing wrong with the claim "whites" as per Mike's definition (not anthropological) are albinoid. However they would be Caucasoid albinos, not Negroids. The whole point is - "whites" skeletally are not Negroid. So if they did historically aquire pale skin etc through albinism, they would have been Caucasoid morphologically in the first place.

The theory though that "whites" are Black albinos is retarded. "whites" don't have Negroid bone structure, facial features or hair texture.

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Originally posted by Faheemdunkers:
^ Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, ii. i (731 AD):

"Nor is the account of St. Gregory, which has been handed down to us by the tradition of our ancestors, to be passed by in silence, in relation to his motives for taking such interest in the salvation of our nation. It is reported, that some merchants, having just arrived at Rome on a certain day, exposed many things for sale in the marketplace, and abundance of people resorted thither to buy: Gregory himself went with the rest, and, among other things, some boys were set to sale, their bodies white, their countenances beautiful, and their hair very fine. Having viewed them, he asked, as is said, from what country or nation they were brought? And was told, from the island of Britain, whose inhabitants were of such personal appearance. He again inquired whether those islanders were Christians, or still involved in the errors of paganism? And was informed that they were pagans. Then fetching a deep sigh from the bottom of his heart, 'Alas! what pity,' said he, "that the author of darkness is possessed of men of such fair countenances; and that being remarkable for such graceful aspects, their minds should be void of inward grace." He therefore again asked, what was the name of that nation? and was answered, that they were called Angles. "Right," said he, for they have an Angelic face, and it becomes such to be co-heirs with the Angels in heaven."

- Here he describes Anglo slaves in Rome. Note the etymology: Angle from Angel, because the Angles St. Gregory saw were pale white. Modern scholars though don't accept this etymology.

Cass - I'm at a loss to see your point.

If your point is that Britain had Albinos, we already knew that.

The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 A.D.)

The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia (Scotland) point clearly to a German origin.

The tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.

Definition of PECULIARITY
: the quality or state of being peculiar
: a distinguishing characteristic
: oddity, quirk

That means that White people were NOT "Normal" to the Romans!

On the other hand, if your point is that Romans liked to fuch White Boys, and White Boys liked to be fuched by Romans - Well, we already knew that too.


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^^^^ posthumous illustration, stirs Mike's desire to be European rather than African

Tomb of Charles V (1338 - 1380) King of France 1366 to 1380. The Gothic Cathedral Basilica of Saint Denis

French King Charles V.(1338-1380) H:1,95 cm and his wife Jeanne de Bourbon, H:1,80 cm Ile de France,1365-1380. Stone R.F. 1377,1378

reality check,

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Originally posted by the lioness,:
[QB] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mike111:

Plus it's a Segue to introduce Blacks to another aspect of their Northern History.




^^^^ Mike you seem to have confused this

with this>


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The Mongol stole Kazakhstan from white. White people in return stole Europe from black and mixe black people. White people stole North America from the black native American Twa, Mande, Algonquin and Pueblo people.(The first American were Africans by David Imhotep).

The painting of the black King of France Charles V is more authentic then the fake white sculpture make by later generation. European Monarch used the African symbol of Lion and Leopard in their heraldic symbol.Many European carry African last name without knowledge.This is the proof they are bleach black.

The first inhabitant of the British Isle were called the Pict aka Twa short people.The Twa living in North Europe were called the Lapp, the Finn (Finland is named after them).The Eskimos and Samoyed are mixed Twa.In America the Twa were called Skraelings, Mound builders and Fuegians.In Egypt the Twa were called Anu.The Twa were great Architect, builder and Engineer.In India the Twa were called Andaman, in the Phillipine they were the Negritos and Hawaii they were called Menehune.


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^Lioness, we already knew that Albinos are expert at creating fake artifacts. It was assumed by all that there would be fake artifacts of Charles. Ever wonder why most look different from each other?
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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