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» EgyptSearch Forums » Deshret » THE ENEMY OF THE NEGRO IS THE NEGRO HIMSELF (Page 2)

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Was Capitein a Traitor?

I guess he was just monumentally ignorant as many Africans who have been neutered or gelded by Western cultural conditioning.

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Your photo is graphic but it should be placed in context. First, there are those who argue that female excision is noted to have been practiced millenia ago in Ancient Egypt as a religious analogue to male circumcision.

Some claim the practice spread to other parts of Africa and its extra-Africa environs. The practice has been condemned in Egypt--more so recently when a young girl in Upper Egypt died from the operation. In Egypt many Imams and some doctors claim that the act is sanctioned in Islam

The photo is a bit suspect since such activities are done in secret with only women in attendance with the operation carried out on pre-pubescent girls.

The photo is that of a mature female and the photographing of such would not have been permitted.

Most likely, it's a fake photo made for shock value in the West so as to discourage the act.

The reasons for the operation cited above are merely cultural justifications which have nothing to do with the purpose of the original ritual--which by the way is practiced only in some parts of the Islamic and African world.

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Was Capitein a Traitor?

I guess he was just monumentally ignorant as many Africans who have been neutered or gelded by Western cultural conditioning.

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Was Capitein a Traitor?

I guess he was just monumentally ignorant as many Africans who have been neutered or gelded by Western cultural conditioning.

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Egmond Codfried
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Originally posted by lamin:
Your photo is graphic but it should be placed in context. First, there are those who argue that female excision is noted to have been practiced millenia ago in Ancient Egypt as a religious analogue to male circumcision.

Some claim the practice spread to other parts of Africa and its extra-Africa environs. The practice has been condemned in Egypt--more so recently when a young girl in Upper Egypt died from the operation. In Egypt many Imams and some doctors claim that the act is sanctioned in Islam

The photo is a bit suspect since such activities are done in secret with only women in attendance with the operation carried out on pre-pubescent girls.

The photo is that of a mature female and the photographing of such would not have been permitted.

Most likely, it's a fake photo made for shock value in the West so as to discourage the act.

The reasons for the operation cited above are merely cultural justifications which have nothing to do with the purpose of the original ritual--which by the way is practiced only in some parts of the Islamic and African world.

Dear, it’s not 'my' photo, I just felt it dramatised the problem brilliantly. Male genital mutilation might be wrong too. Now I agree that some foreskins are an eyesore, but definitely not all are, and should not be chopped off. I do honour the Prophet of Islam as a immensely practical man and in order to get as much ‘believers’ on board he said that they could make a incision, but not remove any part of women genitalia. As the ages grow, old traditions are up for scrutiny and some need to be modified or abandoned. I think of face scarification. People don't file their teeth anymore to make them pointy and fierce. This was also practiced way into the 19th century in Suriname by the Loango people, if I recall. But the twist is that the west permits these practices, for the sake of money, but they call them 'labia trimming' to give women a 'designer vagina.' And medical insurance will pay for it too. So I agree with you that while the west demonises Blacks, they perpetrate the same kind of horrors on women. Still I see no reason why an excess of understanding should prevent us from condemning this practice; right now. What good are these traumatised women for the struggle? But the solution should come from the people themselves, with some spurring from the likes of you and me.
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Egmond Codfried
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Originally posted by lamin:
Was Capitein a Traitor?

I guess he was just monumentally ignorant as many Africans who have been neutered or gelded by Western cultural conditioning.

In Holland they are pitting the Black Surinamese against the Turks and Moroccans because, god forbids, all these groups would come together to find out they have the same goals and problems in Holland. That they will work together for a better society. I had a discussion with a young Surinam Dutch and he was told by the Dutch that these Muslims were dirty in their habits. I explained to him that Muslims wash their backsides after using the toilet, while the Dutch and others will come and sit anywhere with their shitty bottom. Now who is dirty? I forgot to tell him that these were the same things the Dutch said about his enslaved ancestors.
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Thanks re the above the "female excision photo". Don't get me wrong. I believe in proven and tested empirical knowledge--which is what science ideally seeks after.

I also believe that acts or behaviour that causes pain to humans without good cause--as in being attacked by a thief in one's home and responding by causing him/her severe pain--are not to be justified. That's how I read the act of "female excision". It is founded on silly ides that have no objective foundation and should therefore not be encouraged.

But you are right about the West's attitude towards customs it considers bad. It's all noise and fanatical racism from their media and followers.

The West is hardly any paragon of virtue in these matters. Think of any instrument of human torture or think of any kind of human rights abuse and the West has alrready perfected it--from burning at the stake, gouging out of eyes, public beheadings, flogging with iron balls or hooks, lynching of Africans, killing by electrocution, drawering and quartering by 4 horses, etc.

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Egmond Codfried
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We can agree that Blacks should not see themselves as victims, but to deny the existence of racism brands this man as an enemy of Blacks.


Peterson criticizes black leadership in America
Matthew Varley

Issue date: 3/21/07 Section: Campus News

Media Credit: Chris Bennett
The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson delivered a lecture on "white fear" and race relations Tuesday evening at an event sponsored by the College Republicans.

Problems facing the black community in America are primarily due to the breakdown of the nuclear family, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson told a half-filled MacMillan 117 Tuesday. His speech was followed by a heated question-and-answer session.

Though he cited personal experiences with segregation during his childhood, Peterson said the major perpetrators of racism in America today are organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and black leaders like the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Peterson said such leaders proclaim racism where it does not exist in order to promote themselves - and in the process, he said, they anger black Americans and contradict the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of a society in which individuals would be judged "not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

"Once (King) was assassinated, Jackson and others took his dream and perverted it - they took good and turned it into evil," Peterson said. "The battle we are fighting has nothing to do with color and everything to do with character."

Peterson - a conservative, nondenominational minister - was born and raised on what he described as a plantation in Alabama. He is the founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny - a group dedicated to, its motto proclaims, "rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man" - and author of "Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America."

"We're trying to wake black folks up so they can overcome their anger and move forward," Peterson said of BOND, a nonprofit he said receives no government funding. Peterson was sharply critical of the federal government, which he called "godless" and pointed out that "prior to the civil rights movement, families were together" and helped one another without depending on the government.

Peterson, who advocates a boycott of the NAACP and hosts an annual National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson in Los Angeles, attributed the rise in single motherhood, incarceration and educational discrepancy among blacks to the absence of stable, two-parent households and the tendency to blame white people for problems.

"That state of anger is destroying the black family, the black community itself," Peterson said. In an infrequent invocation of religion in his speech, Peterson said "there's so much anger between the black man and the black woman that I think it's going to take Jesus Christ to come and restore" peace in relationships.

Peterson went on to criticize the use of the term "African American," which he called "ridiculous in itself - because if you're born in America, you're an American."

Peterson also spoke of the presence of "white fear" in American society - white people, he said, have become intimidated by the notion of being labeled racist or threatened with lawsuits for speaking out about issues related to black America.

"White Americans have allowed themselves to be intimidated" into not speaking their minds about race, Peterson said. "White folks who are living today are not responsible for the past. … They need to get rid of the false guilt that they have," he added.

The theme of dwelling on the past became a major issue in the heated question-and-answer session that followed Peterson's lecture. In response to a question about his tendency to speak about black America in the third person, Peterson said, "I don't identify as a black man. I identify as an American, a Christian, a conservative and a Republican. My color doesn't matter to me - it gets me nowhere. It's my character that counts."

"What good is it doing you to identify with your color?" he added, followed by several seconds of silence from the crowd.

A question responding to Peterson's criticism of black welfare families noted the Wagner Act, past policies of the Federal Housing Authority and other forms of government handouts that the questioner said favor white Americans.

"Intelligence is overrated," Peterson responded. "What we need more of is wisdom, because if you were a wise man, you would let the past be gone and live today."

When the same student noted that accumulated privilege would still be inherited by future white generations, Peterson dismissed the student, saying, "I've already wasted too much time on you."

The lecture was organized by the College Republicans and co-sponsored by the Young America Foundation and the Department of Africana Studies.

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Member # 12654

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^ A black republican will say anything for money. You can always tell when a black republican is lying because his lips will move.
Luckily, they are a myopic minority within black America.

Originally posted by lamin:
Was Capitein a Traitor?

I guess he was just monumentally ignorant as many Africans who have been neutered or gelded by Western cultural conditioning.

Religion was a key STRATEGIC TOOL used by Europeans to divide and conquer Africa.

To soften up the population, EUros first send in the missionaries with their bibles to convert "heathens" who then believe they are more aligned with white Christians then their own kind. Later the missionaries use them "In The Name Of Jesus" to fight, kill, capture those who aren't "saved".

The invasion of the Knights Templars was preceded by the conversion of 1 million Nubians who were used to march on Jerusalem on the front lines with the Templars far back behind the advance.
All million nubians were slaughtered by the Islamic forces.
Christianity was such a powerful TOOL for the Europeans you can still observe it's deep affect today. The post above being a prime example.

This explains how a handful of Europeans could divide and conquer an entire continent.

Year 1705 in America
Virginia Slavery act decreed that all imported servants were to remain in Life-long servitude. The exception were those who had been Christians in their native country or had been free in a Christian country. This law limited slavery to Negroes and confined all imported Negroes to slavery.
Interestingly, an exception was inserted for "Turks and Moors" in amity with her majesty due to collaboration (?).

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Egmond Codfried
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Originally posted by meninarmer:
Interestingly, an exception was inserted for "Turks and Moors" in amity with her majesty due to collaboration (?).


[Turkish star Tarkan]


[The Moor (?)]

Do you kindly like to speculate on these 'Turks and Moors' mentioned in an American law?

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Egmond Codfried
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Can we believe that some clever and sensitive young boys and girls observe this horrible disharmony between men and women and decide to choose a different, more loving and equal lifestyle. The boy does not want to enslave and oppress women, and the girl does not want to be chained to her jailor and tormenter? As I understand the practice of Female Genital Mutilation is totally controlled by the womenfolk, which shows how the enslavement of the mind works.

Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
Originally posted by lamin:
Your photo is graphic but it should be placed in context. First, there are those who argue that female excision is noted to have been practiced millenia ago in Ancient Egypt as a religious analogue to male circumcision.

Some claim the practice spread to other parts of Africa and its extra-Africa environs. The practice has been condemned in Egypt--more so recently when a young girl in Upper Egypt died from the operation. In Egypt many Imams and some doctors claim that the act is sanctioned in Islam

The photo is a bit suspect since such activities are done in secret with only women in attendance with the operation carried out on pre-pubescent girls.

The photo is that of a mature female and the photographing of such would not have been permitted.

Most likely, it's a fake photo made for shock value in the West so as to discourage the act.

The reasons for the operation cited above are merely cultural justifications which have nothing to do with the purpose of the original ritual--which by the way is practiced only in some parts of the Islamic and African world.

Dear, it’s not 'my' photo, I just felt it dramatised the problem brilliantly. Male genital mutilation might be wrong too. Now I agree that some foreskins are an eyesore, but definitely not all are, and should not be chopped off. I do honour the Prophet of Islam as a immensely practical man and in order to get as much ‘believers’ on board he said that they could make a incision, but not remove any part of women genitalia. As the ages grow, old traditions are up for scrutiny and some need to be modified or abandoned. I think of face scarification. People don't file their teeth anymore to make them pointy and fierce. This was also practiced way into the 19th century in Suriname by the Loango people, if I recall. But the twist is that the west permits these practices, for the sake of money, but they call them 'labia trimming' to give women a 'designer vagina.' And medical insurance will pay for it too. So I agree with you that while the west demonises Blacks, they perpetrate the same kind of horrors on women. Still I see no reason why an excess of understanding should prevent us from condemning this practice; right now. What good are these traumatised women for the struggle? But the solution should come from the people themselves, with some spurring from the likes of you and me.

Posts: 5454 | From: Holland | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Egmond Codfried
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White supremacy indoctrination, which we are all victims of, wants us to believe that these people are good, churchgoing folks who would not dream to hurt a fly. But some nappy headed, low down, unkempt, shiftless, plain nasty or uppity Negro’s stirs up trouble. So it’s pure aggravation when these kind folks have to rustle up white bed sheets, rifles, rope and wood to fashion a burning cross, and bring these no-good Blacks to heel. It’s all the fault of the Negro themselves and all the good ones have to suffer too, because of the bad ones.

The “unlike you” part was easy and obvious, they are Black, you are White. The “unlike what you would do” part was easy too - though untrue. But still, the question - what kind of people would sell their own kind, into such misery and death, out of simple greed, is a legitimate one. But of course, Whites only interest in this line of thought, was in finding cover for their own atrocities, and in so doing, avoid damnation. And so, “voila” you have institutional Racism. BTW – the beautiful Christian hymn “Amazing Grace” was written by an English Slave Ship Captain, for whom that convenient rationale, no longer worked.
And in that regard, I do find a strange and peculiar tendency among American Blacks that I do not understand. As I am sure you know, Americas Jails and Prisons are bursting at the seams with Black males. In popular Black American culture, the convict is looked upon as something of a cult hero; ostensibly as one who resists the “Man”. Many phrases in the popular vernacular are from prison slang. The popular style of wearing the pants drooping off the buttocks is derived from the look of prison inmates, who upon initial intake are issued ill-fitting pants, and since they are not allowed belts, the pants droop.

To my point; how does one who gives himself up, completely and totally to the “Man” be perceived as to somehow be resisting the “Man”. In reality, when you are in prison, you eat when the Man says eat. You sleep when the Man says sleep. The man says that you must live in a cage with bars, like a mindless animal, and so you must. I won’t even mention the other stuff that goes on in prisons. But yet somehow, the Black mind can construe this as preferable, perhaps even desirable to washing dishes, moping floors, and the other menial labor that is available – I don’t get it. Personally, I would consider moping floors and washing dishes much preferable to letting the Man get control of me.

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Egmond Codfried
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Posts: 5454 | From: Holland | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Egmond Codfried
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Who Taught The Black Child Self hatred?


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Egmond Codfried
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There is a ongoing slaughter of albino's in Tanzania. Albino's are blacks. A NRC article from yesterday mentions that unlike before parents don't kill their albino baby at birth but want to keep it alive and safe from witch doctors.



Friday, August 15, 2008
Albinos in Africa catch hell.

Ever wonder about albinos in Africa? Reportedly, one in every 4,000 Africans is born with albinism. Which would add up to nearly a quarter million black albinos on the continent.

Now brace yourself: In Tanzania, people with albinism are being murdered and mutilated... so their body parts can be used for magic.

Embedded below is a 12-minute video report about this phenomenon, broadcast last month on Al Jazeera English.

The second video is about albinos in South Africa. Thankfully, they are not targets for murder... but they do face social ostracism. You’ll meet a young woman from Soweto whose father abandoned her due to her condition.

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Egmond Codfried
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posted 20 February, 2009
Yes Egmond; that is exactly what I was getting at. There is no reason for Whites to actually solve the Black Problem. Every Black person who gets an education and successfully competes for a job will displace a White person. Every Black person who avoids prison and manages to find a way to support themselves, not only commands resources, but also welds the political and economic power to garner and control more power and resources. Since power and resources are finite, when one group gains, another must lose. This is the balancing act that the advanced White societies are trying to perfect. Fortunately for Whites, most Blacks in America are oblivious to this seemly obvious reality, so they are able to buy some time.

As an example: can you imaging the chaos in America, if the almost two million Blacks in prison were instead educated young Black men out in society demanding Jobs? There is no way that they could be absorbed; the stress of such a thing could cause collapse of the entire society. So really, isn’t it cheaper to have them in prison?

Luckily most Blacks (and Whites) in these societies lack the intellectual capacity to comprehend the larger picture, and instead, see things strictly in the immediate, which is a continuation of the contrived superior White, inferior Black propaganda that was so useful during the slave era. But then, as now, the real issue is how to gather and maintain more than your equal share of the worlds resources.

Though I am a Black man, I live in one of the advanced societies created by White people by their exploitation of non-Whites. I enjoy having plenty, I enjoy having access to pretty much anything that I want, so long as I can pay for it, and am allowed to earn money to pay for it. I have no intention of giving any of that up, and I don’t think that too many non-Whites in any of these countries are willing to give anything up either, our concern is more with getting a bigger share. Therefore in time, race will become a non issue, there will be no choice for Blacks in these countries but to form alliances with Whites in order to protect their common interest.

My point is that as things evolve, Blacks will eventually figure it out, and realize what the real end game is (getting more than your share). They will then employ thoughtful strategies to accomplish this, and then the ancient battles of the haves and have not’s, exploited and exploiter, will begin anew. And over time, as it becomes necessary to have a rational for why one group is overexploited by another, somebody will come up with something. Perhaps this time it will be language.

Extremely offensive!
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Egmond Codfried
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Race: 12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs

Every now and then I come across something written years ago that still rings true today, as is the case with Nannie Helen Burroughs’ “12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself.”

After reading this piece in a local Black newspaper, I decided to reprint it on my website as well because it’s such a well crafted and to the point critique of us as Black people.

And while I am not religious nor male, with similar dates pieces, I take what I can use and I discard the rest. You know, if the shoe fits…

12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs

(Circa Early 1900's)

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

The Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls "a good time." The Dr. Kelly Miller said, "The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he Needs." Too true!

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the "Divine Plan" that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--"Take up your bed and walk."

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to "run his community up"--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship.

We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance--satisfied ignorance--is a millstone abut the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden.

Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards. It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His "Color" And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun.

God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were learning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone "RIGHTS" mad and "DUTY" dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for conduct on the job--such as petty quarrelling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered.

There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about

achieving integration.

Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services.

It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation.

The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical "earmarks," business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air.

He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrew 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel.

A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible "common people." A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never "things apart from the people." They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to "Come on!" Dante stated a fact when he said, "Show the people the light and they will find the way!"

There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the "latter-day leaders." In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there.

"Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet."

The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends. "Remember."

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that "I the Lord thy God delivered you"--through human instrumentalities.

The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds.

The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--"God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is" sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurts us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.



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Egmond Codfried
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We have always had a few nutty professors on this forum with twenty or so nicks used all together at once, like Djehuti. I feel that these same persons now present themselves as anti-afrocentrists, to vent their hatred of humanity even more. The enemy of the Negro is the Negro himself and these blacks have obviously lost it completely.


Prime object: what happened to this crazy?


This one was created when that fucked up soldier, that closet gay, petered out!

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Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:


Much evil has been done to the Black man, and it’s still going on. But none of this could have been possible without the collaboration of other Blacks. Masra Quassi would actually spy, and guide the colonial armies into the swamps of Surinam to recapture runaway slaves and to destroy their villages and strongholds. He was greatly honoured and received a golden plaque which read: 'Vriend der Blanken.'

Egmond, Вы говорите на нидерландском языке или papiemento? Я удивлен, что Surinamese используют черномазого дома срока, потому что это - срок, который мы используем в Соединенных Штатах.

Egmond, sprechen Sie Niederländisch oder papiemento? Ich bin überrascht, dass Surinamese den Frist-Hausnigger verwenden, weil das eine Frist ist, die wir in den Vereinigten Staaten verwenden.

Edmond, u spreekt papiemento of Nederlandse? Het verbaast mij dat Surinamese gebruikmaakt van het woord huis nigger. Dat is een woord die we gebruiken in de Verenigde Staten.

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Egmond Codfried
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Posts: 5454 | From: Holland | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Egmond Codfried
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How do we get rid of this fucked up soldier, that closet gay? He is running these horrid anti-black threads. A black turncoat behaving so sickening.

Why can't he just go and hang himself in his shed as every good disturbed Iraqi killer does?

Mike111, yall live in Chicago, can't you call the law on him? He needs help.

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Egmond Codfried
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We are lucky this housenigger described himself to a teeth!

Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
Listen you little whiney fu!k..some times It's just a Fukin Movie..it's art you take away whatever the hell you want..and yes I do dicusssed Afocentrism and African history and conditon with my possitive loving white friends and Yellow ones too..I being not the one to hold back on my opionion on anything...because that's how Anansi roll...you like to think even in a fantasy movie that the Blackman even if he is Potus has to be someones slave...your twisted mind cannot concieve..even in fantasy of the Blackman holding his own...in your mind he is always the immutable slave doing What you call massa's bidding...you are a sad Joke indeed.Fuk-u and good-nite have a pleasent tommrrow.

He considers movies just movies as if blacks did not suffer and protested hollywood racism for ages!
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Egmond Codfried
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These day I really cannot think about anything else. If blacks are still at a disadvantage, it's their own doing. Their leaders are to blame for consistenly selling their brothers into submission. The Black looks at another Black doing something, fighting to be free and he loathes him, seeks to deflate him, to win favour with whites. I have studied whites for thirty long years and find nothing superior in them. They might have more money and stuff and access to information, but even today Blacks can always go to a library and inform themselves. And love themselves.
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Egmond Codfried
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Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

Cannot improve on this image.
Blacks should stop acting like crabs in a barrel, for if we want to get out of this ditch we need to work together. Be critical, but not in a way that stops working together, putting or minds together.

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