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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9361
 - posted
Historical Figures You Didn’t Know Were Black.

This is the same material that Tukuler started with J.E. Hoover. There is actually fourteen people to the story. But be warned, errors abound, I don't know if this news story was preemptive to take attention away from what Afrocentrics are doing, or just badly research work.


Jacqueline Onassis

Was Michelle Obama our first African-American First Lady? Or was it Jackie O? Jacqueline Onassis is a member of the van Salee’s family, famous for their “mulatto” heritage.

Jackie O’s ancestor John van Salee De Grasse was the first black American formally educated as a doctor; her socialite father was nicknamed “Black Jack” Bouvier because of his dark complexion.

More fun van Salee facts?: Both actor Humphrey Bogart and journalist Anderson Cooper are descendants of that famous family.


Anatole Broyard

American writer Anatole Broyard passed as white his entire life. It wasn’t until his daughter, Bliss, published One Drop: My Father’s Hidden Life — A Story of Race and Family Secrets was the truth revealed: The famous New York Times book reviewer was born to light-skinned black parents in New Orleans and started passing once he grew up and moved out of his predominantly black Brooklyn neighborhood.


Queen Charlotte

This 18th century painter got into hot water when he painted Queen Charlotte’s features a little too realistically. The painting stirred up long-standing rumors about King George III’s wife’s African heritage.

And those rumors turned out to be true. Queen Charlotte was the member of a Portuguese royal family begun by Alfonso III and his lover Madragana “a moor“.

Because this makes Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Prince William technically mixed race, many historians have tried to cast doubt on the nature of Queen Charlotte’s heritage.

But her personal physician has noted her “true mulatto face” and the public report released before Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953 acknowledges the monarchy’s African heritage.


(The picture is of course incorrect).

Alexander Pushkin

The man considered the father of Russian literature was he great-grandson of an Ethiopian prince named Ibrahim Gannibal. Among Pushkin’s more famous unpublished works (left after his death in a duel) is an unfinished novel about his Ethiopian great-grandfather.



The famous classical composer’s mother was a moor. It’s a fact that became popular again after this cast of his African facial features contradicted the “idealized” paintings of the man history likes to re-imagine.

See more at: http://madamenoire.com/481003/historical-figures-you-didnt-know-were-black/8/#sthash.NmReXb1P.dpuf
Member # 9361
 - posted
^Somebody please keep the "Smelling Salts" handy for when Doxie logs on.

Member # 9361
 - posted
Me Quoting: I don't know if this news story was preemptive to take attention away from what Afrocentrics are doing, or just badly research work.

#9 is king Tut.

That makes me very suspicious, this may be some silly Albino gambit.


Santa Claus

Or at least Saint Nicholas (270 – 343 AD), the saint that the legend is based on. Old Saint Nick was born in what’s now considered Turkey (at the time a metropolis for people of African descent).



Hannibal of Carthage — one of the greatest military strategists in history is often depicted with much… narrower features. But these coins depicting Hannibal and his famous army of elephants leave little doubt in the minds of many historians of his African ancestry.


Saint Augustine

No course covering Philosophy 101 is complete without referencing Christian theologian Saint Augustine. What’s less commonly covered is his African origins and birth place of (modern-day) Souk Ahras, Algeria;


The Author Of The Three Musketeers And The Count of Monte Cristo

Alexandre Dumas was the son of the General Dumas born in 1762 to a white father and an enslaved mother. General Dumas was such a good general that he made his rival — Napoleon Bonaparte — nervous. Thanks to Napoleon’s machinations, the General ended up imprisoned in a dungeon for years — the story that inspired Alexandre to write The Count of Monte Cristo about his father.


The Man On The $10 Bill

For black history buffs, it’s really all about the Hamiltons. Alexander Hamilton isn’t just the man on the $10 bill, he was the United States’ first Secretary of the Treasury.

His mother, Rachel Fawcett Lavain, was said to be of “mixed blood” and his father was the son of a Scottish Duke. Alexander’s older brother was dark-skinned and treated as black. But Alexander was light enough to pass and went on to establish the first national bank in the American colonies, founded the U.S. mint and wrote most of the Federalist Papers.


Clark Gable

The original “tall, dark and handsome” actor didn’t hide his Black and Native American heritage. And when he saw “colored” and “white” bathrooms on the set of Gone With The Wind, he refused to continue working until all of the cast members were treated equally.
Member # 9361
 - posted

Don't know who that picture is.

This is Betty Boop.


Betty Boop

They might have drawn Betty Boop white, but her history is black. The character was actually stolen from Cotton Club singer Esther Jones — known by her stage name “Baby Esther” and the baby talk she used when she sang songs like “I Wanna Be Loved By You (Boop- Boop-BeDoo). Her act later “inspired” cartoonist Max Fleischer to create the character Betty Boop and Esther tried to win the rights back to her character until the day she died.


J. Edgar Hoover

Hitler’s Jewish ancestry isn’t the strangest twist in racial history. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover — the man who plagued the black liberation movement from Marcus Garvey to the Black Panther Party — was known by his peers as a passing black man.

His childhood neighbor writer Gore Vidal famously quoted, “It was always said in my family and around the city that Hoover was mulatto. And that he came from a family that passed.”

And apparently that was a closely-guarded secret. Millie McGhee, author of Secrets Uncovered: J. Edgar Hoover Passing For White, said,

“In the late 1950’s, I was a young girl growing up in rural McComb, Mississippi. A story had been passed down through several generations that the land we lived on was owned by the Hoover family. My grandfather told me that this powerful man, Edgar, was his second cousin, and was passing for white. If we talked about this, he was so powerful he could have us all killed. I grew up terrified about all this.”

#3 is The Medici Family.

Nonsense not worth posting.
Member # 9361
 - posted

MADAMENOIRE is a passionate, cutting-edge web publication geared towards African-American women. The publication's mission is to unite black women at various stages of their lives, around a common aspiration for better, more fulfilling lifestyles. MADAMENOIRE provides breaking news, an open forum for discussion and cosmopolitan advice born from the lived experiences and needs of these women of color (which includes mothers, young professionals, fashionistas and intellectuals).
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

Mike taking into account the physical location these works come from, they have features and hair that are more common in caucasians, why?
Member # 19701
 - posted
Mikey Mikey Mikey, I swear you Whitey hating, Black racist, Black supremacist Afrocentrics will claim anything to make yourselves feel better about yourselves. Ok here goes.

Jackie O- Seriously doubt it Kennedy had alot of people who hated him, what a perfect way to discredit his wife than to accuse her of having mixed blood.

Anatole Broyard- If his own daughter says its so then it must be so

Queen Charlotte- I no longer think so not with her daughter Mary & her grandchildren being White.

Alexander Pushkin - DUH of course he's fricking Black I thought everyone knew that.

Beethoven- Not on your life, sorry Whitey haters he's one of ours.

King Tut- Very good possibility he was Black, definitely NOT White.

Saint Nick (Santa Claus- hmmm Satan Claws hehehe)- NOPE ours again Whitey haters sorry he was Greek.

Hannibal- I'll give you him as its possible he was Black

Saint Augustine- NOPE Wrong again Whitey haters, he's a cracka, look at those blue eyes. BTW just because a person was born in Africa don't mean they are Black LOL. I have an ancestor who was born in Jamaica, but he wasn't Black he was English.

Alexandre Dumas-No fooling, of course the man has Black blood,couldn't hide it if he wanted to. Look at that Afro hair, that nose, that prognathic jaw, those beady eyes, that sloped bulbous forehead (common in Mulattos but not pure Blacks or Whites).

Alexander Hamilton- Sorry Whitey haters he's a snow n-word. He's ours not yours sorry about that.

Clark Gable- I'll give you him, after all he knows his own heritage.

Betty Boop- LOL ROTFLMWBO OMG Seriously I'm speechless boy you Black racists are desperate aren't you come on now a cartoon ROTFLMWBO.

J.E Hoover- Proof please not just some person's word.

Medici family- Looking at their skulls NOPE not Black.
Member # 19944
 - posted
Originally posted by CelticWarrioress:

Queen Charlotte- I no longer think so not with her daughter Mary & her grandchildren being White.


Tukuler sez: Partial ancestry is not full membership


The 3rd edition of “Nature Knows No Color-Line,” published in 1952 by historian and photo-journalist J.A. Rogers, contains a photograph on its cover of a portrait of Queen Charlotte Sophia (1744 – 1818), consort of King George III, grandmother of Queen Victoria, and great-great-great-great grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II.

from a portrait by Thomas Frye

Rogers, who spent decades combing through archives around the world documenting what he referred to as “Negro Ancestry in the White Race,” asserted the German princess Charlotte Sophia’s “Negro strain” could be explained by the significant number of “blacks” in German nobility, as indicated in the Coats-of-Arms of noble families and such family names as Mohr, Moringer (derivative of “Moor”) and others. Rogers was by no means the first writer to raise this issue about the Queen’s ancestry. And the topic has continued to be explored in news stories, fiction and on the web. In 1999 an article appeared in the Sunday Times of London that offered confirmation of Charlotte Sophia’s purported African ancestry from Duarte Nuno Souso Chichorro Marcao, a distant cousin who lives in Lisbon, Portugal. A decade later this article by Stuart Jeffries appeared in The Guardian in March 2009, treating the topic with a healthy degree of skepticism. The issue of her ancestry also received attention in connection with a PBS Frontline documentary that examined the so-called “Blurred Racial Lines of Famous Families.“

above text from http://ourstorian.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/charlotte-of-mecklenburg-strelitz/

below text from http://mulattodiaries.com/2010/07/08/conspicuously-negroid-features/


Was This Britain’s First Black Queen?

by Mario de Valdes y Cocom
  • “The suggestion that Queen Charlotte was black implies that her granddaughter (Queen Victoria) and her great-great-great-great-granddaughter (Queen Elizabeth II) had African forebears. Perhaps, instead of just being a boring bunch of semi-inbred white stiffs, our royal family becomes much more interesting.”
(The Guardian, March 12, 2009)

With features as conspicuously Negroid as they were reputed to be by her contemporaries, it is no wonder that the black community, both in the U.S. and throughout the British Commonwealth, have rallied around pictures of Queen Charlotte for generations. They have pointed out the physiological traits that so obviously identify the ethnic strain of the young woman who, at first glance, looks almost anomalous, portrayed as she usually is, in the sumptuous splendour of her coronation robes.

Queen Charlotte, wife of the English King George III (1738-1820), was directly descended from Margarita de Castro y Sousa, a black branch of the Portuguese Royal House… Six different lines can be traced from English Queen Charlotte back to Margarita de Castro y Sousa, in a gene pool which because of royal inbreeding was already minuscule, thus explaining the Queen’s unmistakable African appearance.
Member # 19701
 - posted
Tukuler, do you really think I give a flying rat's ass or believe what a Whitey hating, Black racist, Black supremacist Afronut like J.A Rodgers or Mario de Valdes y Cocom has to say or said or wrote NOPE I sure don't.
Member # 19944
 - posted
You know about Helga his wife? [Wink]

Rogers (no d) is hardly anybody's
black supremist. Reactionary are
you? Why?

Why be prejudiced (pre-judgemental)?

What do you have to lose reading
his Nature Knows No Color-line?

It's not quite what you think it is.
Would you want to be judged negatively
because of what someone of your colour
writes or does? Something you yourself
may abhor?
Member # 19701
 - posted

LOL ROTFLMBO, you think just because J.A. Rogers had a White wife that he wasn't a Whitey hater or a Black supremacist LOL. Sorry to tell ya there are alot of Black men who have White SO's who hate Whites. They get with White women for many reason & say " ohh I hate White people but I love my White wife". They do this for many reasons.

1. They think they are "sticking it to the White man" by getting a White woman.

2. They believe that every White woman with a Black/other non-White man having non-White babies is one less White woman with a White man having White babies and thus less White people.
Member # 9361
 - posted
^I have never read any of the works of Black writers like Rogers, so when Tukuler mentioned that he had a White Wife, I decided to check into him. I found no evidence that his wife Helga was White, but I did find this quote on Wiki:

Most importantly, the book reveals Rogers' disillusion with Christianity. When asked by the white politician if Christianity has brought solace to Blacks, the Pullman porter replies:

To enslave a man, then dope him to make him content! Do you call THAT a solace?...The honest fact is that the greatest hindrance to the progress of the Negro is that dope that was shot into him during slavery...The slogan of the Negro devotee is: Take the world but give me Jesus, and the white man strikes an eager bargain with him...Another fact' there are far too many Negro preachers. Religion is the single most fruitful medium for exploiting this already exploited group. As I said, the majority of sharpers, who among whites would go into other fields, go, in this case, to the ministry.

Though he criticized Black people's unquestioning embracement of Christianity, he had many good things to say about Islam and how it uplifted people regardless of their race or social background.

Here, I am wondering why so many Black authors give Islam a bye. At least in Christianity they try to hide the racism.
Member # 19346
 - posted
"Photo: This is NOT Esther Jones and Betty Boop Was Not Black"

Member # 9361
 - posted
^What does that article have to do with my post which is accurate?
Member # 22112
 - posted
Um... because its 'boop-oop-a-doop" and not "boop-boop-bedoo"?

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