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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
As Protests Sweep Country, New Video Shows Off-Duty NY Cop Fatally Shooting Black Man Delrawn Small

Protests against police brutality erupted across the United States over the weekend, with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets and blocking roads, bridges and highways in more than a dozen U.S. cities. Hundreds of people were arrested nationwide. The protests were sparked by the police killing of two African American men last week — Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. But another recent police shooting has gone largely unnoticed by national media. On July 4, off-duty New York police officer Wayne Isaacs shot and killed Delrawn Small, an unarmed African American man. Police officers initially claimed Small punched officer Isaacs in the face following a driving confrontation. But surveillance video that has just been released counters that claim, and instead shows the off-duty officer shooting Small within one second of Small approaching the vehicle. For more we speak with Roger Wareham, the attorney representing Delrawn Small’s family.
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
New Video Shows Off-Duty NY Cop Fatally Shooting Black Man Delrawn Small

CCTV shows Delrawn Small, 37, being hit almost instantly after walking over to the car window of off-duty cop Wayne Isaacs, who shot him in the chest and head

Small can be seen reeling back before staggering across the road and falling down between two cars#

Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Road-rage incident leads off-duty cop to fatally shoot man


An off-duty cop shot and killed a 37-year-old man early Monday after a road-rage incident in Brooklyn, law enforcement sources told The Post.

The cop, a three-year veteran assigned to the 79th Precinct in Bedford-Stuyvesant, was driving at about 12:15 a.m. when he got into a beef with the other motorist, Delron “Smalls” Dempsey, in Cypress Hills, the sources said.

Both men pulled over in front of 2736 Atlantic Ave. and Dempsey got out of his silver Kia, approached the cop’s car and starting punching him through an open window as the officer remained seated, the sources said.

After he was struck in the face and head numerous times, the cop, fearing for his life, pulled out his weapon and fired three times, striking Dempsey at least once in the chest, sources added.

Dempsey died at the scene.

The unidentified cop, who was not in uniform, was taken to Jamaica Hospital, where he was treated for multiple facial injuries, the sources said.

Dempsey, a Jersey City resident, was on his way to a fireworks display with his wife and two kids when the deadly incident occurred, his brother told reporters shortly after the shooting.

“His wife was in the car with him, his two kids was with him,” Victor Dempsey told CBS 2. “They were going to see fireworks up by whatever park is in the neighborhood.”

“It has to stop. It’s not right that [cops] get a gun and a badge and they can do what they want to do.”

Dempsey’s relatives, who were at the scene, claimed he had been shot in the head.

“He’s dead. Lying here, no ambulance, no nothing,” said a cousin, refusing to be named.

“They shot him in the head.”

A Long Island woman who identified herself as the dead man’s mother-in-law said he was a cab driver but declined to comment further.

Police had the area marked off with crime-scene tape and were still investigating the incident.

At least three dozen officers remained on the scene as of 2 a.m.

Police officials had no immediate comment on the incident.

Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Video surfaces of NYPD cop's road-rage shooting

An off-duty NYPD cop waited just one second before ­fatally gunning down another driver in a Brooklyn road-rage incident early Monday.

Exclusive video obtained by The Post shows the moment that Officer Wayne Isaacs fired two shots through his car window at Delrawn Small, who collapsed and died in the street.

The NYPD and the state Attorney General’s Office are investigating the shooting, which the victim’s family said was a clear case of excessive force.

The footage, from Atlantic Avenue and Bradford Street in East New York just after midnight, shows Small, 37, cross two lanes of traffic to reach Isaacs’ car.

He barely has time to look the cop in the eye or even utter a word before Isaacs opens fire, causing him to stagger back.

He stumbles to the ground, gets up for a moment and then collapses again for good.

Isaacs, meanwhile, lurches his car forward a few feet before slamming on the brakes and getting out. He appears to tuck the gun into his waistband as he walks over toward Small.

Isaacs looks in the direction of the dying man, pausing for a few moments near his body, before returning to his vehicle.

He is then seen pacing around and talking on the phone. Sources have said he called 911.

Small’s girlfriend, Zaquanna Albert, 35, then pulls the man’s car across the street before running toward the scene. Then the footage cuts off.

Police sources said Small’s temper flared when he thought Isaacs cut him off on Atlantic Avenue. Small, an ex-con with 19 prior arrests, followed the cop, who was in an unmarked vehicle, for several blocks ­before getting out at a traffic light to confront him.

Albert told investigators that she begged Small, who’d had three drinks at a barbecue they had just left, not to get out.

Isaacs, who has since been put on administrative duty, was on his way home after a shift in the 79th Precinct in Bedford-Stuyvesant. He used his service weapon to shoot Small in the head and chest, sources said.

Small’s brother, Victor Dempsey, said the video shows he was “point-blank murdered.”


Small's brother Victor Dempsey holds his cousin during the vigil.
Photo: Robert Mecea

“Now that I saw that video, I’m outraged,” he said at a press conference Friday night at the shooting scene. “It’s time for us to get justice on it. Everything they told us from the very ­beginning is a lie.”

Victoria Davis, Small’s sister, said watching the video was difficult. “Him stumbling, and even when the officer got out of the car, he didn’t seem to have any care,” she said.

“He just put his gun away.”

Brooklyn Assemblyman Charles Barron insisted “things can get out of control” if the attorney general doesn’t bring charges against the cop.

“We won’t have any next steps to tell our people to even bother with this system,” he said. “People will take matters into their own hands because they won’t have any other alternative.”

The family’s lawyer, Roger Wareham, said the video ­reveals “there was no threat to the cop. Deadly force was not justified.”

The video contradicts claims of the owner of a nearby building who said Small was seen on the video “punching the s–t” out of Isaacs after breaking free from Albert’s grasp.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman promised to “follow the facts and evidence — including this video evidence — wherever they lead.”

The NYPD declined to comment.

Additional reporting by Joe Marino


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