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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 16371
 - posted

This is indeed funny. [Big Grin]
Member # 17444
 - posted
Maybe, he did!!!
Rice has already proven that she whores out to the rich.
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
I cannot be sure about this, without substantiated independent verification of the findings in Gaddafi's residence. But there is always reason to doubt these sort of "sweep up" findings by "western" armed forces and/or their local allies. If I recall, it was later revealed that Saddam Hussein was not actually "found in a hole" as the military photo op in "western" media intended to portray, but that, the already captured Saddam was forced at gunpoint, naturally, to stage an appearance of a "scruffy bum holed up in a rat hole".

Likewise, the public is conditioned to think that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was found in the state that one sees in the photo released in the aftermath of his capture, when in reality, the photo was taken well after the guy was US custody for some time, and was extensively tortured, which is what the photo was actually showing.

Let's just say, short of any independent verification, I wouldn't put it past the 'western' players and their local criminal allies to either plant the Condi images at the scene, or pick on those images out of context, to start tongues wagging about a Gaddafi "obsession" with Condi Rice, which would neatly tie in with that "mad man" image the 'western' governments like to associate Gaddafi with. After all, US media concerns have already sought to "corroborate" this narrative with quotations of Gaddafi, praising Condi Rice as a "Black" and "Strong" woman, "of African origin".

However, it must not be forgotten either, that Gaddafi had made flattering remarks about Barack Obama, whom he also praised for being "Black", being a "leader", "of African origin", and to be treated like a "son". One guest at CNN even went as far as to say that Gaddafi's professed affections for Africa, and self-portrayal as an "African" leader (including the whole "king of African kings" deal), was supposedly a "new-found" one.

I don't know where CNN's "expert guests" get their information, but for as long as I've been around, Gaddafi has been singing that "African unity" tune for quite some time.

There is also that little detail which even CNN, serving as a propaganda arm of the rebel thugs, couldn't totally cover up, as much as they wanted to downplay it: Accordingly, CNN reported that the rebels said that "Black" African immigrant bodies found among the countless bodies scattered on the ground in Tripoli was supposedly the work of forces loyal to Gaddafi. Yet, CNN went onto point out that such accounts are puzzling, because the rebels also accuse Gaddafi of recruiting "Black African" soldiers to fight against them. So, it made no sense for Gaddafi to mass murder his own "Black African" recruits. Well, CNN was at least bright enough, it seems, to figure out the inconsistency between those two accusations.
Confirming Truth
Member # 17678
 - posted
If this is true, Qaddafi has poor taste in women.
Member # 9422
 - posted
The Explorer

So what you are saying is that the rebels are now targeting blacks in Tripoli?

Why doesn't more AA speak out against these attrocites directed at Blacks in Libya? All these racists do is target Blacks and yet the UN and Nato do nothing but yell "freedom fighters" and "oppressed" it makes me sick.

This world truly is an sad place. When racist thugs can be promoted by news agencies as "heros" basically when they are only known for racist acts, you know somethings wrong.

Member # 6729
 - posted
"If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it." [Big Grin]
Confirming Truth
Member # 17678
 - posted
King, you are pathetic. The Libyan freedom fighters have every right to target African Negroes, since the latter, as mercenaries, thought it profitable to spill Libyan blood. Who the flaka flaka told them to bud in the affairs of the Libyans? I say kill the Niggers!
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
Originally posted by KING:
The Explorer

So what you are saying is that the rebels are now targeting blacks in Tripoli?

Nope. I'm saying that CNN was the one in effect saying this, by pointing out that Tripoli's streets was littered with many "Black African" bodies [i.e. among other dead bodies], which they drew connections to African immigrants, and then going onto subtly point out that there seems to be disconcordance between the rebel accusations that Gaddafi's forces killed those Blacks and the rebel allegations that Gaddafi was also supposedly the one recruiting "Black Africans" in large numbers to fight them. Reading between the lines, this is CNN's acknowledgement that the rebel allegation is just hot air.
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
Actually what we need, is the rebels killing you and hacking you into pieces, confirming fruitcake. Nobody will shed tears if that were to happen, because anyone who thinks innocent people have to be targeted for any reason, needs their head examined.
Confirming Truth
Member # 17678
 - posted
^What's the difference with nutcases like you who want to hold the entire white race accountable to what a fraction of the white ancestry did to new world Blacks?
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
Fruitcake, where has this fanciful deed you wimp about been done?
Confirming Truth
Member # 17678
 - posted
^Fvckturd, that is what Afrocentrism is all about, condemning all Whites.
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
Hey, mother-pubic hair eater. Stop the cowardice.

Where's the requested quotation of mine, that says I'm guilty of that crap you pulled right outta your fat ass about me holding "an entire white race accountable to what a fraction of the white ancestry did to new world Blacks"? Produce it right now, jackass.
Confirming Truth
Member # 17678
 - posted
^Guilty by association, Orangutan.

The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
In other words, you are doing to me the very thing your PTSS (Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome) inflicted fruity ass unskillfully tried to accuse me of here:

Holding "an entire white race accountable to what a fraction of the white ancestry did to new world Blacks".

You are fancifully accusing me of a "misdeed" out of thin air, on nothing more than your emotional desire to fit me into some crackpot construct that you pulled out of your yellow ass.

Unless you have a direct quote, I suggest you shove your wide-eyed accusations right back into your ass, and allow the discussion, relevant to the OP, to proceed between human beings, i.e. by staying out of it. You have added no value to this topic...or any other for that matter.

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