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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20259
 - posted
DAKAR, Senegal — A fierce cholera epidemic is spreading through the coastal slums of West Africa, killing hundreds and sickening many more in one of the worst regional outbreaks in years, health experts said.

Cholera, transmitted through contact with contaminated feces, was made worse this year by an exceptionally heavy rainy season that flooded the sprawling shantytowns in Freetown and Conakry, the capitals of Sierra Leone and neighboring Guinea.

The shore of a quarter in Freetown, Sierra Leone, was littered with trash.

In both countries, about two-thirds of the population lack toilets, a potentially lethal threat in the rainy season because of the contamination of the water supply. Doctors Without Borders said there had been nearly twice as many cholera cases so far this year as there were in the same period in 2007 in Sierra Leone and Guinea, when it said the area experienced its last major outbreak.

Member # 5777
 - posted
Be careful of what you read. Your caption says "West Africa". Some cases have been reported in Guinea. But that's about it. West Africa is home to 260 million people and a few cases of cholera is just another example of white scare reporting--just to excite.

In the U.S. you are reading about West Nile virus this week. Should one assume it's affecting everybody everywhere?
Member # 20259
 - posted
There is no need to be defensive.
I find it interesting that Cholera has also reached epidemic levels in Haiti also.

In the US, a little West Nile virus is not a big issue. The US's NIH/CDC will deal with it.
My only real concern, knowing the tactics and history of European Albinos is, is this a natural occurrence, or man-made, as Albinos love to create these events as a form of population control and hide behind nature.

Dr. W. John Martin, Professor of Pathology at the University of Southern California and Director of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, writes:

"All at once, new viruses and virus-related diseases have threatened the health of humans and many animal species. How did this situation arise?
Could it be that scientific studies and the emergence of new pathogens are not totally unrelated events?
Open debate on this issue has been soundly discouraged (by the government and the many pharmaceutical companies involved in this research).
Opponents to open dialogue ... argue that little good, and considerable harm would come from a full disclosure of the facts. Exposing the truth, many believe, would likely:

1) tarnish the reputations of certain scientists,
2) make it more difficult to maintain science funding,
3) promote antigovernment sentiment, and
4) likely leave many issues unresolved.

Member # 5777
 - posted
Cholera in Haiti was caused by U.N. troops from Nepal which the U.N. denied but was eventually made to admit to.
Member # 20555
 - posted
Some suspicious case of cholera appeared this summer in Uganda, DRCongo and now Guinea, Sierra Leone.Ebola infection appear in the Congo.Those poor African have been living in those conditation for generation their immune system has adapted to the cholera.They cant get seriously sick by the local cholera. Maybe some imperialist country and institution are spraying the area with biological weapon .
Poor Haitian are immune to their local cholera their body has adapted to the disease. The Imperialist front UN imported Asian cholera to Haiti by using sick Nepalese soldier to contaminate the Haitian people.
There was a suspicious cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe when the West was trying to deposed Robert Mugabe after his land reform.

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