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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20555
 - posted

Mena: The story of Actor Charlie Sheen who had sex with 5000 women and got infected with HIV remind me of the story of the Black God Krishna who had sex with her 16,000 wives. I remember symbologist Michael Tsarion saying that Hollywood was dominated by the Venus sex cult and the Dionesus drug cult. Charlie Sheen claims that his doctor cure him from HIV. The virus is not visible in his blood.

£1,400-a-day drugs binges. Thousands of women. All in the knowledge that he was HIV positive: Decadence that destroyed Prince of Hollywood Charlie Sheen
PUBLISHED: 19:01 EST, 17 November 2015 | UPDATED: 02:50 EST, 18 November 2015

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The scandal has been papered over with a certain amount of superficial charm - and the best PR that money can buy.
But no one can be in any doubt that Charlie Sheen’s life is chaotic and dissolute to a lurid degree.
Yesterday, following a week of fevered speculation and an explosive article in the National Enquirer, the star finally admitted that he is the wild-living Hollywood womaniser who is HIV positive.
It was a subject Sheen broached with U.S. presenter Matt Lauer with his customary on-screen bravado and that Tinseltown smile.

Charlie Sheen and his two sex Goddesses

Charlie Sheen and two goddesses

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3323670/How-Charlie-Sheen-spent-1-6million-YEAR-prostitutes-HIV-positive-famous-madam-says-star-paid-extra-sex-without-condoms-favored-pre-o p-transsexuals.html

REVEALED: How Charlie Sheen spent over $1.6million in a YEAR on prostitutes while HIV-positive as famous madam says star paid extra to have sex without condoms - and favored 'pre-op transsexuals'
Charlie Sheen reportedly paid over $1.6million in 2013 alone on prostitutes - two years after learning he was HIV-positive
Former madam Anna Gristina claims that she supplied prostitutes to Sheen and then wife Brooke Mueller for two years at their Los Angeles mansion
Gristina claims that Mueller 'was into everything' and would 'enjoy the girls' while Sheen smoked cigarettes and gambled online
Sheen would pay the women more money if they agreed not to use protection says Gristina and spend '$75,000, $100,000 a night'
She also claims that Sheen began to favor 'pre-op transsexuals' and 'asked some of the women about getting men to join them in the bedroom'
A source claims that Sheen suspects he contracted the virus 'from a transsexual who is HIV positive

Hollywood Madame

Charlie Sheen could face legal action from up to 700 former lovers who claim he kept his HIV secret from them.

He admitted last week he contracted the virus four years ago – and already 75 people he bedded since then have contacted lawyers.

Claims are said to range from emotional distress to negligent transmission of a sex disease.

But sources say the 75 so far are the tip of an iceberg and that Sheen, 50, slept with more than 700 including call girls, strippers and porn stars as well as more than a dozen men and transsexuals.

Then there is the domino effect.

Charlie Sheen: I have HIV
Charlie Sheen, formerly the highest paid television actor in America, has confirmed that he is HIV positive.
The 50-year-old had been subjected to rumours about his health for months. But on Tuesday he went on live television to say that he had been diagnosed four years ago, and was speaking out partly to end blackmail which has cost him more than $10 million (£6.6m).
“I am here to admit that I am actually HIV positive,” he said, speaking on NBC’s Today show. “I think I release myself from this prison today.”

Despite sleeping with over 5,000 women, by his own admission, Sheen said it was “impossible” that he had infected anyone. But he said he was braced for a barrage of law suits, given that in 35 states infecting someone with HIV is a criminal offence.
The father of five, whose breakdown in 2011 and series of bizarre episodes caused headlines around the world, said that he felt he could no longer keep it secret.
His ex wives, including Bond Girl Denise Richards and actress Brooke Mueller, have known about his condition for a while, and they and their children have all tested negative for the virus

Charlie Sheen with women

Charlie Sheen with women

Charlie sheen

Charlie Sheen smirk
Member # 20555
 - posted

Sex Legends: How many women have these celebs slept with, and who has bedded 35,000?


Tiger Wood and mistresses

Tiger Wood and mistresses

Tiger Wood and girlfriends

El leader Maximo of Cuba playboy Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro

Playboy Magazine CEO Hugh Hefner

Following on from this story in today's Mirror , we look at some other famous Lotharios and look at the number of women they've slept with...

Nick Clegg - No more than 30
The Liberal Democrats leader and deputy PM said in an interview with GQ Magazine that he’s slept with “no more than 30” women, a statement that has come back to haunt him

Tiger Woods - 120
Tiger Woods is said to have confessed to sleeping with 120 women during his five-year marriage to wife Elin

Tony Curtis - 1000
It’s claimed that actor Curtis slept with 1,000 women during his heyday. “I ran around with a lump in my pants, chased all the girls,” he said. “This is what I reflected on the screen. There wasn't anything deeper or less deep than that.”

Rod Stewart - 1,000
Rocker Rod had a penchant for blondes and bedded more than 1,000 girls before finally settling down. “The most memorable is always the current one,” he said. “The rest just merge into a sea of blondes.”

Bill Wyman - 1,000
Another rock star famed for the number of girls he got between the sheets is former Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman. It’s claimed he once slept with 265 women in a year, a claim he upholds. “Yeah, ‘cos you used to have three or four a night sometimes,” he told The Guardian. “In Australia, the girls used to stay outside all night long. Me and Brian used to look out of the windows, ‘cos we shared a suite, and we would ask the night porter to go out and get the one in the striped thing and the one in the shorts next to her, and they'd come up, and you'd spend a couple of hours with them and say bye and give 'em a kiss, and then about half an hour later you'd say, 'That one in the red dress.'”

Jack Nicholson - 2,000
Jack Nicholson once boasted that he has slept with more than 2000 women. “Every age,” he says. “Their mothers... some of them with their mothers.”

Julio Iglesias - 3,000
It’s widely reported that the honey-voiced Spanish singer has bedded over 3,000 women, but he has suggested that number could be an underestimate. “That probably was until 1976, so they didn't count the other women,” he joked.

Hugh Hefner - 2,000-5,000
It’s no surprise that the Playboy founder has slept with many, many girls, but exactly how many we’re not too sure. Even Hefner hasn’t kept count. “I stopped counting a long time ago,” he said. “I've never thought in terms of quantity, but more in terms of quality.” Estimates vary wildly from 2000 to 5000 women

Gene Simmons - 5,000
When the Kiss singer was asked if it was true he’d slept with 4, 897 women, he confidently replied: “A lot of them didn't get a lot of sleep, but that's a good guess.”

Warren Beatty - 12,000+
“Using simple arithmetic…12,775 women, give or take, a figure that does not include daytime quickies, drive-bys, casual gropings, stolen kisses and so on,” once boasted the Hollywood actor. ‘Nuff said.

Winston Bennett - 90 a month
Ex NBA star Bennett detailed his sex addiction in an interview with ESPN explaining that he slept with 90 women a month before he got married. “In terms of the amount of women I had at my disposal, one was never enough,” he said. "Three and four in a day was very typical for me."

Wilt Chamberlain - 20,000
Another NBA star who was prolific between the sheets was Wilt Chamberlain. He infamously claimed in his autobiography that he’d slept with 20,000 women. “I was just doing what was natural - chasing good-looking ladies, whoever they were and wherever they were available,” he said.

Fidel Castro - 35,000
The New York Post reported in 2008 that Cuban leader Castro has slept with more than 35,000 women. “He slept with at least two women a day for more than four decades - one for lunch and one for supper,” said former Castro official ‘Ramon’ in an interview with filmmaker Ian Halperin.
Member # 20555
 - posted

 - Krishna and 16,000 wives

Black God Krishna and 16,000 wives

Krishna and wives

hy Lord krishna had more than 16000 wives
Posted By Sarin on Mar 30, 2012     RSS Feeds     Latest Hinduism news

According to srimad bhagavatam, Krishna had 16,108 wives, including the chief ones- Rukmini, Jambavati and Satyabhama. Now in some forums, you may find derogatory comments where Krishna is cited as a sex addict or a playboy by giving false explanation of his 16,108 wives. Instead of finding out the real truth, some stupid guys enjoys making false assumptions about gods of other religions. So, in this article, i will be telling you why and how Lord krishna had 16, 108 wives.

Krishna Eight Principal Wives
Krishna had 8 principles wives combiningly called as (Ashta-Bharyas). They are:
1)Rukmani Devi: Compared to other wives, Krishna loved Rukmini the most since she was his main consort and first wife(called a Patrani).
Father of rukmini Bhishmaka, also King of Vidarbha, did not wanted to Krishna marry his daughter because of the alliance with arch rival of lord krishna,Prince Shishupala of Chedi. Bhishmaka forcefully was in the process of marrying rukmani with Shishupal. Since Rukmini was in deep love with Krishna, she requested Krishna to rescue her or she will commit suicide. On her wedding day, Krishna kidnapped rukmini with her consent and got married to her in Dwaraka.

Krishna kidnapping rukmini with her consent.

2)Satyabhama: Through severe meditation and penance, satyabhama sought shelter in Vaikuntha(Lord vishnu abode)." Impressed by satayabhma extreme devotion, affection, love and care, lord vishnu granted her the boon of becoming his wife in his next human incarnation.
Krishna (Incarnation of lord vishnu fullfilled all her demands, wishes and always kept her happy. In one such incident, krishna is said to ahve gone beyond his limit of fulfilling her wife selfish desire. Story go like this; Once, Indra(god of heaven) came on Earth to visit dwaraka. While his stay in dwaraka, he appreciated Rukmini's beauty and gave her precious Parijata flower. Out of jealousy, Satyabhama forced krishna to get the whole Parijata tree for her.
Although lord krishna did not like her selfish desires, he was in love with her strong fighting spirit. Satyabhama was skilled in war fare and was good in arguing and these qualities entertained him.
3)Jambavati: sinc jamabavati was a devoted disciple of lord ram, She was gifted to krishna by her father jambavan (companion of lord rama) post which lord krishna married her.
4)Kalindi: Daughter of the Diety Sun(Surya). She was the well-keeper of River Yamuna. She was very much obsessed in the thought of marrying lord vishnu. to fulfill her desire, she went into a deep trance. Seeing her perseverance, true devotion, and restlessness, Krishna married her.
5)Mitravrinda: Sister of Kings of Avantipura kingdom.
6)Nagnajiti: Princess of Kosala kingdom.
7)Bhadra: Relationship wise, she was a cousin but married lord krishna by choosing him as his husband in a Swayamvar Ceremony.
8) Lakshana: To marry her, Krishna competed with many various including his good friend arjuna and rival duryodhana in an archery competition.

In this way, Krishna married his eight principal wives( Rukmini,Satyabhama,Mitrabinda, and others) through great deeds and war fare.

Krishna and his 16000 wives
Demon Narakasura Captured 16000 women on defeating their kings. To rescue them, Krishna came to the palace of narakasura. On seeing the handsome face of supreme personality of godhead, all princess became captivated by his divine beauty and made a promise to themselves of marrying him or committing suicide (on denial by krishna) if he rescue them by defeating narakasura. With true devotion and Sincere devotional attitude, they choose to offer their entire life on the lotus feet of Krishna.

After defeating Narakasura, when Krishna released 16000 princesses, their husbands/ families refused to accept back as they become polluted in company of a demon. ( In Vedic system, if a girl is touched by a man or is in custody of some other man(demon) then nobody should marry that girl.) All 16000 princess reminded krishna of kshatriya dharma which says that if any warrior rescue or win any woman, then that woman belong to that warrior until death. Addressing this, they pleaded Lord Krishna to accept them because nobody else is going to marry them and if he doesn't accept them, then they will commit suicide. Being trapped in dharma, Shri Krishna accepted all princesses as his wives so that they live a honourable life and nobody date to mock them/.Expanding himself in 16,000 forms, he married all those princess in different palaces simultaneously at the same auspicious time. Suddenly, All the palaces of 16,000 princess were covered with green gardens, blossomed flowers, exotic furniture and other paraphernalia, unmatched with other beauties of this world. All these princess are believed to be the expnsion of lord vishnu consort laskhmi

Krishna marriage with 16000 wives was synonymous to raas leela whre he danced with 108 gopis at the same time while each gopi believed he was dancing with her only. Whole life Krishna manifested in 16108 forms to share same love and care to all his wives. So, all krishna wives was living a modest life of love, dignity and respect with joy and happiness.

Krishna 16108 wives were not ordinary women
All these princess who became krishna wives were certainly not ordinary women, because it requires millions of birth, eons of penance and severe meditation to have someone like a lord as a husband. When the supreme god descends on different lokas(planets), He shows his transcendental super natural powers to attract the pure souls to become his eternal devotees, loving parents, true friends and lovers of this material world, where the lord in turn give back his love and generous service

Krishna treated all princesses equally
All wives of krishna loved him equally and seeing their love always present with them, they believed Krishna as a perfect obedient husband who is extremely fond of them. Although all his wives was in deep love with krishna, krishna was not very fond of them and he loved them only for his dharma and good virtue. Since He is atmaram(self-sufficient), no one can be either dear or inimical to him;

All princesses served krishna with love and much enthusiasm
Each of these princesses had thousands of maidservants, yet when their lord came to their palaces, each one of them would personally come to see and welcome their beloved by offering scented sandalwood pulp, oils, aromatics, betel nuts, aromatics and requisite paraphernalia, massaging legs to relieve fatigue, fanning him, washing off his lotus feet, putting garlands on his neck, dressing his hair etc. Inspite of being a princess, they served krishna more than they would serve themselves and thousand times more than their faithful maid servant.

Krishna didn't marry 16,000 wives for sexual pleasure
All princesses of lord Krishna were extremely beautiful, and were attracted to Krishna beautiful dusky face, plesant attractive eyes,long arms,pleasing smile, broad ears, sweet words and humorous talk. Influenced by such attractive features of lord Krishna, each one of them would dress themselves very attractively, with a desire of attracting Krishna through their feminine beauty. Some of the tricks used for attracting were smiling, moving eyebrows, shying, walking styles etc thus directing sharpened arrows of conjugal love towards their beloved. Still, the lord was not aroused by sexual appeal and thereby fullfilled his virtue perfectly by not indulging in any illegitimate relationship with any of this princesses.
Becoming anyone's husband, son or father doesn't matters to him because everyone is under His control and everything belongs to Him. He is atmarama(self-satisfied) and can derive all pleasure by without needing or requesting anyone's help. When the Lord incarnate on earth as a human being then He becomes either as a husband, friend, son or enemy perfectly.

Lord Krishna with his principal wives

Polygamy was allowed in vedic culture with restrictions
According to Vedic culture, polygamy was allowed with the condition that all wives should be treated equally. In other words, one can marrry many women provided that he fullfill their desires and satisfy all of them in all aspects as an ideal householder. Lord krishna can be considered as a teacher who inspie of having no need of a wife went on toexpand into many forms just to fullfill his wives desires and satisfy them. He lived his life like an ideal householder, observing all the regulative rules,principles,and rituals as laid down in the Vedic scriptures within the laws and customs of the civilised society. Although one, the Lord exhibited Himself as 16,108 ideal householders

Krishna is not one of us
From this , there is no need to say that he is not one of us. According to Bhagavatam, Krishna was able to interact and co-ordinate with each of his wives simultaneously and thus satisfy them completely in every possible way. In this kaliyuga, if anyone is able to satisfy his single spouse, he/she is considered extraordinary. So, devotees of lord krishna accept the divine aspect of lord krishna and regard him as the god of supreme consciousness. To conclude, it should be noted that Lord krishna never married anyone forcefully and obly those who were very fond of them or in situations where there was not any other choice left. Also, he lived with each of his wives as an ideal husband and gave them love, care and respectlike an ideal householder.
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Krishna with 16,000 wives.

Junior wives of Krishna
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The women kidnapped by Narakasura ask Krishna to marry them.
Besides eight principal queens,[1] Hindu god Krishna, an avatar of the god Vishnu and the king of Dwarka - in the Dwapara Yuga (epoch), is described to have many unnamed junior wives. Their number is mentioned as 16,000 or 16,100 in different scriptures. The chief amongst them is sometimes called Rohini. They were all kidnapped and held captive by the demon-king Narakasura. When Krishna slew Narakasura, he married all the captive women to safeguard their dignity. After marriage, they all lived in Dwarka, in a blissful happiness.

Contents [hide]
1 Number and names
2 Before captivity by Narakasura
3 Captivity and release
4 Marital life
5 Interpretations
6 See also
7 References
Number and names[edit]
Apart from his eight principal wives, Krishna is described to have married several junior women, he rescued from the demon Narakasura. The Bhagavata Purana and the Harivamsa (appendix of Mahabharata) state that 16,000 women were rescued, however the Vishnu Purana and the Mahabharata differ and set the number as 16,100.[2][3][4][5] Generally all of them are unnamed, however many commentators of the Bhagavata Purana regard Rohini to be their leader, though such an explicit mention is not found in the scripture.[6][7][8]Rukmani Devi was also one of them

Before captivity by Narakasura[edit]
The Bhagavata Purana mentions that the captive women are princesses. The Vishnu Purana says that they are daughters of gods, siddhas (saints), demons and kings. According to the Kalika Purana and the Adi Parva book of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, they were apsaras (celestial maidens).[2][3][9] In the Dana Dharma chapter of the Shanti Parva book of the epic, they are blessed by the goddess Parvati (Uma) to be wives of Krishna.[9]

Some legends narrate that events in their past life led to them being wives of Krishna. A king had 16,000 daughters. While the king was sitting in court with the princesses, Vishnu arrived disguised as a sage. The daughters flocked around Vishnu, making their father angry who cursed them. When the daughters cried and begged for forgiveness, the king blessed them that in their next birth, they would be wives of Vishnu. In other versions, the damsels plead to others for liberation from the curse. The creator-god Brahma on the advice of his son and divine sage Narada or the sage himself give the princesses the boon to be wives of Vishnu.[10]

Captivity and release[edit]

Krishna kills Narakasura.
Narakasura was the king of Pragjyotisha. He was the demon (asura) son of Vishnu's boar avatar Varaha and the earth-goddess Bhumi (Prithvi). As the son of Bhumi, he was also called Bhauma or Bhaumasura (asura suffix appended). He conquered the three worlds: heaven, earth and underworld. On earth, he captured 16,000 princesses of defeated nations. In heaven, he stole the earrings of Aditi, mother of Indra - the king of gods and heaven. In the underworld, he seized the imperial umbrella of Varuna, the god of the waters.[10][1]

The captive women were imprisoned at Audaka on the top of the mountain Maniparvata in his kingdom. Various demons including the five-headed Mura and his seven sons guarded the kingdom's gates. Narakasura's ten sons guarded the women.[10][1]

Indra comes to Krishna and pleads with him to save the universe from Narakasura's tyranny. Krishna and his second wife Satyabhama fly on their mount the eagle-man Garuda to Pragjyotisha. Krishna slays Mura, his sons, Narakasura's army and finally the demon-king himself. Bhumi surrenders all stolen items, including the captive women to Krishna. When Krishna arrives in the palace of the captive women, each of them prays to Krishna to accept her as his wife. Krishna complies and sends them to his capital with Narakasura's plunder and four-tusked white elephants gifted by Bhumi. After returning Aditi's earrings to Indra in heaven, Krishna returns to Dwarka and marries the rescued women, making them his junior wives, saving them from "destitution and infamy".[1][11]

Marital life[edit]
The Bhagavata Purana captures the life of Krishna's wives after their marriage. Each of the junior wives was given a home, with hundreds of maid-servants. Krishna divides himself into several forms, one for each wife and spends the night with each wife simultaneously. In the morning, all his forms unite into one body of Krishna when Krishna works as the king of Dwarka. Each wife serves Krishna personally, worshipping him, bathing him, dressing him, fanning him, presenting him with gifts and flower garlands etc.[1]

In another story narrated in the Bhagavata Purana, Narada, Vishnu's devotee and wandering sage, was curious to find out how Krishna was managing to live with his 16,000 wives and came to Dwarka to check. Krishna welcomed Narada with all the honours due to a sage. Narada then visited every one of the houses of Krishna's 16,000 wives and was surprised to see Krishna present in every house with his wife in an atmosphere of total domesticity, laughing and joking with his wife and taking care of his children, and helping his wife in house hold chores. Watching this phenomenon, Narada was convinced that it was divinity in the form of Krishna, a complete and manifold manifestation who had enjoyed the company of his 16,000 consorts at the same time. He also concluded that Krishna was monogamist and divine supreme being. Having satisfied himself of the divine powers of the Lord Himself, Narada embarked on his usual voyages around the world singing the praise of Krishna.[12] A variant tells that the mischief-maker sage Narada requested Krishna to gift him one of his many wives, as he was a bachelor. Krishna told him to win any wife for himself, if he was not with her. Then Narada went round to each of the houses of Krishna’s 16,008 wives but found Krishna in every house that he visited, and thus Narada had to remain a bachelor.[13]

In the Bhagavata Purana, Rohini and Krishna are described to have unspecified number of sons, out of which only Diptiman and Tamratapta are named. The sons are said to represent all the children of the junior wives.[14]

The Bhavishya Purana, the Skanda Purana and the Varaha Purana narrate that some of Krishna's junior wives were infatuated with Samba, the handsome, trouble-maker son of Krishna and one of his senior queens, Jambavati. One wife Nandini disguised herself as Samba's wife and embraced him. For this incest, Krishna cursed Samba to be inflicted with leprosy and his wives to be kidnapped by Abhira robbers after his death.[10][11]

The Bhagavata Purana records the wailing of Krishna's queens and their subsequent leap in Krishna's funeral pyre immolating themselves (see sati).[15] The Mausala Parva book of theMahabharata which describes the death of Krishna and end of his race records only four of Krishna's wives, including Rohini, committing sati. Dwarka submerges in the ocean and the rest of its inhabitants including Krishna's widows accompany Krishna's friend Arjuna to his capital Hastinapur. On the way, Abhira robbers attack the entourage and plunder their wealth and kidnap some of Krishna's widows. Some of the widows burn themselves alive. When the entourage reaches Hastinapur, all other widows retire to the forest for austerities (tapas).[16]

Gopis, milkmaids from the life of young Krishna - who was a herdsman, are sometimes called his 16,000 wives. This mythology of Krishna love play with gopis is also described theologically as devotional worship of Krishna. The gopis risked to have relationship with him. It is also said he assumed 16,000 forms at the same time to be with all of them for love play.[5]

Another theory relates the Krishna, who plays the flute and the lover of music, and his 16,000 wives to the 16,000 ragas or musical modes or passions or affections of the mind in Indian classical music, and their wives - the raginis (female raga). The raginis selected one of these ragas to which to modulate her strains for affecting and securing the heart of Krishna, the amorous and harmonious deity. Krishna who was devoted to music received and enjoyed every variety of modulation, multiplied to the number of 16,000, fancifully personified in the form of the women derived from Bhauma (a name of Narakasura), a five-stringed musical instrument.[13]


In Greek mythology, Priapus (/praɪˈeɪpəs/;[1] Greek: Πρίαπος, Priapos) was a minor rustic fertility god, protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens and male genitalia. Priapus is marked by his oversized, permanent erection, which gave rise to the medical term priapism. He became a popular figure in Roman erotic art and Latin literature, and is the subject of the often humorously obscene collection of verse called the Priapeia

Relationship with other deities[edit]
Priapus was described as the son of Aphrodite by Dionysus, or the son of Dionysus and Chione,[2] perhaps as the father or son of Hermes,[3] and the son of Zeus or Pan, depending on the source.[4] According to legend, Hera cursed him with impotence, ugliness and foul-mindedness while he was still in Aphrodite's womb, in revenge for the hero Paris having the temerity to judge Aphrodite more beautiful than Hera.[5] The other gods refused to allow him to live on Mount Olympus and threw him down to Earth, leaving him on a hillside. He was eventually found by shepherds and was brought up by them.

Priapus joined Pan and the satyrs as a spirit of fertility and growth, though he was perennially frustrated by his impotence. In a ribald anecdote told by Ovid,[6] he attempted to rape the goddess Hestia but was thwarted by an ass, whose braying caused him to lose his erection at the critical moment and woke Hestia. The episode gave him a lasting hatred of asses and a willingness to see them destroyed in his honour.[7] The emblem of his lustful nature was his permanent erection and his large penis. Another myth states that he pursued the nymph Lotis until the gods took pity on her and turned her into a lotus plant.[8]

Worship and attributes[edit]

Priapus depicted with the attributes of Mercury in a fresco found at Pompeii
The first extant mention of Priapus is in the eponymous comedy Priapus, written in the 4th century BC by Xenarchus. Originally worshipped by Greek colonists in Lampsacus in Asia Minor, the cult of Priapus spread to mainland Greece and eventually to Italy during the 3rd century BC.[9] Lucian (De saltatione) tells that in Bithynia Priapus was accounted as a warlike god, a rustic tutor to the infant Ares, "who taught him dancing first and war only afterwards," Karl Kerenyi observed.[10] Arnobius is aware of the importance accorded Priapus in this region near the Hellespont.[11] Also, Pausanias notes:

This god is worshipped where goats and sheep pasture or there are swarms of bees; but by the people of Lampsacus he is more revered than any other god, being called by them a son of Dionysus and Aphrodite.[12]

In later antiquity, his worship meant little more than a cult of sophisticated pornography.[13]

Outside his "home" region in Asia Minor, Priapus was regarded as something of a joke by urban dwellers. However, he played a more important role in the countryside, where he was seen as a guardian deity. He was regarded as the patron god of sailors and fishermen and others in need of good luck, and his presence was believed to avert the evil eye.[14]

Priapus does not appear to have had an organized cult and was mostly worshiped in gardens or homes, though there are attestations of temples dedicated to the god. His sacrificial animal was the ass, but agricultural offerings (such as fruit, flowers, vegetables and fish) were also very common.[9]

Long after the fall of Rome and the rise of Christianity, Priapus continued to be invoked as a symbol of health and fertility. The 13th century Lanercost Chronicle, a history of northern England and Scotland, records a "lay Cistercian brother" erecting a statue of Priapus (simulacrum Priapi statuere) in an attempt to end an outbreak of cattle disease.[15]

In the 1980s, D. F. Cassidy founded the St. Priapus Church as a modern church centred on worship of the phallus

God Priapus

God Priapus

God Priapus



God Priapus


Black Priapus

Member # 20555
 - posted
Min (Egyptian mnw[1]) is an ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in predynastic times (4th millennium BCE).[2] He was represented in many different forms, but was often represented in male human form, shown with an erect penis which he holds in his left hand and an upheld right arm holding a flail. As Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of gods and men"

God Min

God Min

God Min

God Min

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