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T O P I C     R E V I E W
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

Girl with lotus flowers in Menna's tomb at Luxor.’ A young girl carrying lotus flowers and the ducks that her father Menna has caught while hunting in a papyrus swamp. Menna was an 18th dynasty inspector of estates and overseer of harvests and his tomb (TT 69) can be found in the Sheikh Abd el Qurnah Necropolis on the Westbank at Luxor, one of the "Tombs of the Nobles". End of the reign of Thutmosis IV - beginning of the reign of Amenhotep III. (14th c. BCE)
Member # 15779
 - posted
That is an incredible piece of art. She looks like women in Northeast Africa and parts of the Sahel. Pictures like this almost bring me to tears of joy. I want every African child to see this and the thousands of other images of beautiful, graceful, dignified, cultured and regal black men and women and identify with them instead of subversive traitors in the world of entertainment.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Ancient Egyptian Wall Painting: Woman Holding a Sistrum, between circa 1250 and circa 1200 BC (New Kingdom). [... She holds a rattle called a sistrum, which women often played during temple ceremonies....] Currently located at the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, USA

From Nakht’s tomb. ~ The Ancient Egyptian official Nakht was an 'astronomer' (Astronomer of Amun), scribe, and priest during the reign of Thutmose IV, during the Eighteenth Dynasty.[1] He is buried in the Theban Necropolis, in tomb TT52.

Mourning woman in Roys tomb at Luxor, 18th dynasty,
Member # 15779
 - posted
All the women in those pictures [except the one on top] look like us in Northeast Africa. I get the feeling that the reason that the woman is depicted as ghost white is because it's symbolic of death or she could be a foreign concubine from the Levant. Amenhotep III had dozens of Levantine women as concubines.

The overwhelming majority of the murals depict people with brown to dark brown skin, and I read somewhere [from a reputable academic] that the ancient Egyptians would have resembled the Nubians od Upper Egypt.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by sudaniya:
That is an incredible piece of art. She looks like women in Northeast Africa and parts of the Sahel. Pictures like this almost bring me to tears of joy. I want every African child to see this and the thousands of other images of beautiful, graceful, dignified, cultured and regal black men and women and identify with them instead of subversive traitors in the world of entertainment.


I didn't see your comment until now. You could print this out or save it as a file then there are a lot of companies now that will make one T shirt on a custom order at a descent price like vistaprint. Then give it to one of your family or friends, great gift
-or maybe a poster
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Wall relief art of Egyptian woman at the Tomb of Menna, Luxor, Egypt
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Tomb of Menna
Member # 15779
 - posted
These pictures are just beautiful. I like your idea of imprinting these pictures on shirts. You should do more threads like this.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Here's my Ship Under Sail thread

Member # 15779
 - posted
I saw that thread as well and it was a pleasant surprise.
Member # 21830
 - posted
'That is an incredible piece of art. She looks like women in Northeast Africa and parts of the Sahel'

I disagree. Ancient Egyptian women looked like Elizabeth Taylor or Rachel Weisz.
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:
'That is an incredible piece of art. She looks like women in Northeast Africa and parts of the Sahel'

I disagree. Ancient Egyptian women looked like Elizabeth Taylor or Rachel Weisz.

Your sarcasm is amazing.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Tomb of Menna, Luxor, Egypt

larger view
Member # 5777
 - posted

Just wrong on what that young girl painting.Her colour is dark brown and the prognathism is very evident. She looks like any generic African girl. Why North East Africa? That's where the invaders and squatters now live. Are you from Africa???.
Member # 15779
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:

Just wrong on what that young girl painting.Her colour is dark brown and the prognathism is very evident. She looks like any generic African girl. Why North East Africa? That's where the invaders and squatters now live. Are you from Africa???.

Swenet is right, you people want to believe in fantasies instead of the facts. I don't know what "prognathism" you are talking about and how you can claim that these women look like any "generic" African girl.

There is no "generic" African look. Why can't you just accept that the ancient Egyptians are more closely related to North Sudanese, Somalis, Afar and Oromo? What "invaders" and "squatters" are you talking about!? The only country in Northeast Africa that has been invaded and experienced population replacement is Egypt. What other country in Northeast Africa do you think has experienced a similar phenomenon?
Member # 5777
 - posted
To Sudaniya:

You did not answer my question. Are you from Africa and do you live there?

All of North Africa was invaded by Arabs from Egypt all the way down to Mauritania. Those girls on the murals are dark brown and are wearing wigs. I see girls with that physiognomy all the time. Hence my term "generic".
Member # 15779
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
To Sudaniya:

You did not answer my question. Are you from Africa and do you live there?

All of North Africa was invaded by Arabs from Egypt all the way down to Mauritania. Those girls on the murals are dark brown and are wearing wigs. I see girls with that physiognomy all the time. Hence my term "generic".

I really thought that it was obvious who I was from my pseudonym. I'm from Sudan and you should just look at the bottom to see where I currently live -- Australia.

I specifically asked you to name one country in Northeast Africa [other than Egypt] that has experienced population replacement but you could not. So I ask again, which country in *Northeast Africa* has experienced population replacement?

Calling people in Northeast Africa "squatters" and "invaders" is incredibly insulting and you should be ashamed of yourself for this dishonourable lie.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
This coffin lid shows a child dressed
like a grown up woman. She wears a wig, collar,
earrings, bracelets, pleated gown and shawl,
and sandals. It dates from c.1292-1190 BC
National Museum of Scotland

Statuette of Ahmose-Nefertari of Ancient Egypt was the first Queen of the 18th Dynasty. She was a daughter of Seqenenre Tao II and Ahhotep I, and royal sister and the great royal wife of pharaoh, Ahmose I, 18th-20th dynasty
Queen Ahmose Nefertari, 18th dynasty

Mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer, an Egyptian noblewoman. Dyn 19, 1295-1186 BC, The mask is made of painted & gilded plaster-coated linen over wood. St. Louis Art Mus.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by sudaniya:
Originally posted by lamin:

Just wrong on what that young girl painting.Her colour is dark brown and the prognathism is very evident. She looks like any generic African girl. Why North East Africa? That's where the invaders and squatters now live. Are you from Africa???.

Swenet is right, you people want to believe in fantasies instead of the facts. I don't know what "prognathism" you are talking about and how you can claim that these women look like any "generic" African girl.

There is no "generic" African look. Why can't you just accept that the ancient Egyptians are more closely related to North Sudanese, Somalis, Afar and Oromo? What "invaders" and "squatters" are you talking about!? The only country in Northeast Africa that has been invaded and experienced population replacement is Egypt. What other country in Northeast Africa do you think has experienced a similar phenomenon?


You have caught the Black African impersonator lamin (he's Black like lioness is Black), in one of the Albino's more curious lies.

Years ago, when I first come on the forum, I was amazed that Albinos sought to define Africans/Blacks by "prognathism". (At Realhistoryww.com, there is a page dedicated to this craziness).

What makes it totally strange is not that so few Blacks are "prognathic", rather it's that proportionally MORE ALBINOS are prognathic. It's obviously a case of the maggot calling the grub White.

It's purpose may have been to suggest that all ancient skeletons not prognathic were White people skeletons, thereby giving the Albinos a false ancient history.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by sudaniya:
That is an incredible piece of art. She looks like women in Northeast Africa and parts of the Sahel. Pictures like this almost bring me to tears of joy. I want every African child to see this and the thousands of other images of beautiful, graceful, dignified, cultured and regal black men and women and identify with them instead of subversive traitors in the world of entertainment.


Those pictures are NOT real, and do not reflect the actual appearance of ANYONE!
They are "STYLIZED" art from probably the Armana period.

"STYLIZED" statue of Akhenaten:


Member # 9361
 - posted
^Not to worry, the Egyptians created zillions of "Life-like" images of themselves:

One of my favorites is this Statuette of Tuy, Superior of the Harem of the god Min. New Kingdom (circa 1550 to circa 1069 B.C.) - Louvre.




Here are more at Realhistoryww.com



Member # 5777
 - posted
The Mike AH crops pops up again to drop his ignorant bird dropping on a clean table cloth.

Mike you are a mentally defective AH which you broadcast like a crazy man roaming the streets.

Mike, there is nothing wrong or nothing to be implied by the incidence or prognathism in any population. But it is an empirical fact that prognathism(colloquially it means "facial angle") is found to a greater degree in African and East Asian populations than among European populations. The trait is found among some Jews including those whose recent ancestry hails from Europe or Russia.

My observation of that Ancient Egyptian girl fresco is that her facial angle and colour points to a strictly African physiognomic background. It is not just "North East African" but generic African. There are young girls with exactly that profile all over Africa.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
You will find Mike on many occasions commenting on unpainted sculpture and calling the features "black" others "white" . He is one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Similarly curly hair = black in the twisted world of Mikey-ology
Member # 5777
 - posted
I specifically asked you to name one country in Northeast Africa [other than Egypt] that has experienced population replacement but you could not. So I ask again, which country in *Northeast Africa* has experienced population replacement?

Calling people in Northeast Africa "squatters" and "invaders" is incredibly insulting and you should be ashamed of yourself for this dishonourable lie.

What is dishonourable and a lie about what I wrote? First of all, I don't know whether you are from Sudan or not. A moniker means nothing.

But you have displayed a thoroughly brainwashed or racist Arab-settler mentality with your reply. North Africa was invaded by vile and disgusting Arabs from Arabia after the death of that vile and murderous pedophile rapist, your so-called Prophet. Africa's day of deep mourning the first dirty Arab dog crossed into Africa. Are you one of them? Maybe with your pathetic defence of the invaders. They killed, raped and impose their arthitic, chicken-scratch language on Africans.

Fool, invasions do not necessarily entail population replacement. But the invasions by the Arab dogs are evidenced by the incidence of the J-haplogroup--all over North Africa--from Egypt to Morocco and down into Sudan. You are a brainwashed Arabised pathetic victim of Arab colonial imperialism--else you would not talk so stupidly and peevishly about
what I wrote.

Now you have fled to another land ravaged by European invaders from far-off Europe. Just another fake Arab--name, religion and all in a conquered land.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
The Mike AH crops pops up again to drop his ignorant bird dropping on a clean table cloth.

Mike you are a mentally defective AH which you broadcast like a crazy man roaming the streets.

Mike, there is nothing wrong or nothing to be implied by the incidence or prognathism in any population. But it is an empirical fact that prognathism(colloquially it means "facial angle") is found to a greater degree in African and East Asian populations than among European populations. The trait is found among some Jews including those whose recent ancestry hails from Europe or Russia.

My observation of that Ancient Egyptian girl fresco is that her facial angle and colour points to a strictly African physiognomic background. It is not just "North East African" but generic African. There are young girls with exactly that profile all over Africa.

Ah yes, more supposed facts and words of wisdom from the "Supposed" African - lamin.

With full agreement from the female version of lamin - lioness.

1) You claim that Blacks are more prognathic than Whites.

What data or information do you have to back that up?

2) You claim that many African females have the same facial features as the Egyptian painting.

Please post photographs of same, as proof that you are not lying.

I/we-all, eagerly await your reply.
Member # 9361
 - posted
^lamin - I know that you know, about as much about Africans as David Duke. So here is a link to pictures of lots and lots of Africans from ALL OVER THE CONTINENT!

All you have to do is pick out the ones who are prognathic.

Member # 5777
 - posted
Mike, if you are black just go down to the corner barbershop or beauty parlor and do a visual survey. Then go into Chinatown near where you live and do the same.

Fool, you will see the truth I am telling you. Or maybe you are so dumb that you are not capable of visual measurements.

Mike, are you really black? Really, are you really black? Otherwise, you would not ask such ignorant questions.
Member # 5777
 - posted
And your crappy so-called Real History whatever.

Mike, I will never embrace your stupidity and embarrassing tom-foolery--not even to look at all the stupid and demented crap you tap out.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
And your crappy so-called Real History whatever.

Mike, I will never embrace your stupidity and embarrassing tom-foolery--not even to look at all the stupid and demented crap you tap out.


Didn't really think you would.

I was just curious as to how you were going to worm out of it - Black Man.

Member # 5777
 - posted

It is am empirically observed physiognomic fat that East Asians and blacks demonstrate a greater tendency to alveolar prognathism than whites. Whites on the other hand have heavy epe-like brow ridges. But alveolar prognathism is more noticeable.

Of course the vast majority of blacks and East Asians do not have that trait but a certain percentage do--more so than with whites.

The Ancient Egyptians being bonafide Africans do show that trait. Examples: The massive Sphinx, King Tut, Akhenaten, the Armana Princesses, the girl with lotus flower, Queen Tiye, etc. It does not yiled nay implications whatsoever.

Given the responses in the link above, prognathism among blacks is one of the traits that are linked to blacks being more primate-visaged.

The big-brow ridge, a trait that is found with apes and other primates, and whites, does not seem to elicit as much primate-linking.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Have no idea why the above link is blocked. I first read it and tried to paste it. No luck, I see. It is about an experiment done with persons both black and white who were tested to associate an simian/animal with white and black males. The result was that it took much shorter time to associate the black with simians than with the white male. A Malcolm Gladwell type report--as in his book "Blink".
Member # 5777
 - posted

Hopefully, it can be gotten at the above.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
Mike, if you are black just go down to the corner barbershop or beauty parlor and do a visual survey. Then go into Chinatown near where you live and do the same.

Fool, you will see the truth I am telling you. Or maybe you are so dumb that you are not capable of visual measurements.

Mike, are you really black? Really, are you really black? Otherwise, you would not ask such ignorant questions.


Originally posted by Mike111:

Doxie, I remember when all the excitement was that Egyptian Royalty was Y-dna haplogroup "R1" the "White Mans" haplogroup. Now you're claiming haplogroup "I" as the "White Mans" haplogroup. I sense that this is a "Seed Change" in Albino denial tactics, so please tell me where the haplogroup I stuff came from.

Btw - most of my alleles are I.


Mike is mulatto technically
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:

It is am empirically observed physiognomic fat that East Asians and blacks demonstrate a greater tendency to alveolar prognathism than whites.

Of course the vast majority of blacks and East Asians do not have that trait but a certain percentage do--more so than with whites.


Watch the ignorant Albino mole walk it back - fool!

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Hey lamin, you Albino Ass, here are more pictures of Albino Prognathism, just in case you need them.

Member # 5777
 - posted
LOL. That's why I believe that you are not black at all. Fool, we are talking about aveolar prognathism--like what Queen Tiye has.

Maybe you are one of those 1/32 black guys. LOL.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
LOL. That's why I believe that you are not black at all. Fool, we are talking about aveolar prognathism--like what Queen Tiye has.

Maybe you are one of those 1/32 black guys. LOL.


lioness tried that yesterday.

Listen you incredibly stupid Albino ass-hole, the issue is PROGNATHISM!!!

Your ignorant ass has been bested - quite easily.
So now you are trying to find cover by saying that you meant one kind of PROGNATHISM and not another.

All I can say is:

Surely you Jest - Ass-hole!
Member # 5777
 - posted
Pink-ass white fool, the kind of prognathism that blacks and Asians have is alveolar prognathism. Like King Tut and Queen Tiye. If you live with black people you will see it a lot.

Afraid that you will get your white ass whipped if you go into a black place?
Member # 15779
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
I specifically asked you to name one country in Northeast Africa [other than Egypt] that has experienced population replacement but you could not. So I ask again, which country in *Northeast Africa* has experienced population replacement?

Calling people in Northeast Africa "squatters" and "invaders" is incredibly insulting and you should be ashamed of yourself for this dishonourable lie.

What is dishonourable and a lie about what I wrote? First of all, I don't know whether you are from Sudan or not. A moniker means nothing.

But you have displayed a thoroughly brainwashed or racist Arab-settler mentality with your reply. North Africa was invaded by vile and disgusting Arabs from Arabia after the death of that vile and murderous pedophile rapist, your so-called Prophet. Africa's day of deep mourning the first dirty Arab dog crossed into Africa. Are you one of them? Maybe with your pathetic defence of the invaders. They killed, raped and impose their arthitic, chicken-scratch language on Africans.

Fool, invasions do not necessarily entail population replacement. But the invasions by the Arab dogs are evidenced by the incidence of the J-haplogroup--all over North Africa--from Egypt to Morocco and down into Sudan. You are a brainwashed Arabised pathetic victim of Arab colonial imperialism--else you would not talk so stupidly and peevishly about
what I wrote.

Now you have fled to another land ravaged by European invaders from far-off Europe. Just another fake Arab--name, religion and all in a conquered land.

You stared this by claiming that I was "wrong" for saying that a Northeast African girl looks like Northeast Africans and then topped it off with more stupidity by characterizing Northeast Africans as "invaders" and "squatters".

How do you know for a fact that Haplo J1 entered Sudan after the Arab conquest? It could have entered Sudan 2000 years ago just like it did in "Ethiopia".

I agree that it would have been better for Africa if Arabs never conquered Africa but your ignorant rants against the Prophet(PBUH) are inexcusable.

Just calm down and stop going off on tangents.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by lamin:

It is am empirically observed physiognomic fat that East Asians and blacks demonstrate a greater tendency to alveolar prognathism than whites.

Of course the vast majority of blacks and East Asians do not have that trait but a certain percentage do--more so than with whites.


Watch the ignorant Albino mole walk it back - fool!




Hey lamin, you Albino Ass, here are more pictures of Albino Prognathism, just in case you need them.


aka the Habsburg Jaw

Charles V

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