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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 16906
 - posted
It appears that the single central claim of all "Aryan" haters, be they "feel good" white nationalists, or militant hopefuls for the day of the rope, that they are the purest form of humanity, died this week.

Hamburg - New findings by a team of German researchers appear to have settled a long-standing academic debate about whether there was interbreeding between separate branches of the human family tree tens of thousands of years ago.

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, say they have proof that some of our ancestors did indeed mate with Neanderthals - at least those Homo sapiens who left Africa.

Those who stayed in Africa do not appear to have come into contact with Neanderthals.
What this means is, the humans who left Africa 50,000 years ago and entered central Asia and Europe, were given to slumming it with their evolutionary cousins, separated by 300,000 years of evolution. Neanderthals were never human. Period. Whites, Asians and Native Americans mongrel-ized themselves by evidence of between 1 and 4 percent Neanderthal DNA present in all populations... but African blood lines.

Put plainly, the presence of this NON HUMAN DNA is ONE DROP RULE evidence that NON-AFRICANS are SUBhuman.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that... just that the claim that Blacks are less human... will become the biggest joke of century amongst the enlightened masses... as the evidence clearly shows otherwise, and anyone that remains clinging to it, will be known to be ignorant and irrelevant... kind of like... a Neandethal.....
Member # 16906
 - posted
A couple of days ago on stormfront I posted a thread about the 4% neaderthal genetics of whites and asians. A whole mess of you racist idiots got your shorts in a knot over it.

After about seven pages, one of you haters came up with the brilliant proof that neaderthals were human (though not homosapien) enough to breed with homosapiens... so they must have been human...

Then... a couple of threads down is the usual circle jerk claiming that Blacks aren't human... and yet, they are 100% homosapiens AND breed with whites all the time.

Just thought I'd throw that out there in case you all managed to untwist your shorts.

Face it... your one drop rule is the harbinger of your own demise as a "pure" white race.... LMAO....
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Given that we African Americans are on average somewhere between 13-20% mixed that means we have several drops of the dreaded Neanderthal sub human poison
Member # 16371
 - posted
The Lion

Given that we African Americans are on average somewhere between 13-20% mixed that means we have several drops of the dreaded Neanderthal sub human poison
Yeah maybe!!but we really don't care for in "general" we are not purist.. that's mainly a north Euro Anglo Saxon thing
Jari of Judah
Member # 14451
 - posted
How can Northern Euros be "Purist" when the purest humans on Earth are in Africa.
Member # 4846
 - posted
most african african american are about is about 12.5 european dna.there is no Neanderthal dna among most african americans.anyway i don't think so.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by kenndo:
most african african american are about is about 12.5 european dna.anyway there is no Neanderthal dna among most african americans.

the Neanderthal part is in that 12.5

also why you hate on Neanderthals? some of them was friendly
Member # 4846
 - posted
it's says 4% neaderthal in europeans,not 12.5%.most of the european make up is not neaderthal.african dna just wipes that out,that why most or all african americans do not have. by the why it says european and asians,so don't put most african americans in there if it does not say so.
Member # 16371
 - posted
How can Northern Euros be "Purist" when the purest humans on Earth are in Africa
Not that they are pure but obsessing over being "pure" and making claims of such.if anything what they are really obsessing over is being inbred.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by kenndo:
it's says 4% neaderthal in europeans,not 12.5%.most of the european make up is not neaderthal.african dna just wipes that out,that why most or all african americans do not have. by the why it says european and asians,so don't put most african americans in there if it does not say so.

one drop is all that is needed, there is no "wiping out"
Jari of Judah
Member # 14451
 - posted
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
How can Northern Euros be "Purist" when the purest humans on Earth are in Africa
Not that they are pure but obsessing over being "pure" and making claims of such.if anything what they are really obsessing over is being inbred.
Oh I agree with you my point is that Euro's are stupid saying they are Pure Irish or Pure English..lol. The only Pure Humans are a small remnant of Bushmen in Africa is im not mistaken and their skin is not pale. No matter what you skin color is be it milky white or charcoal black somewhere down the line you have some "impurity" esp. in the West, Race mixing is the norm.

Even Hammer's Lilly white Kids married some Mexicans and put some Flavor in his Redneck bloodline..lol. If Hammer can't keep his bloodline "Pure" no whitey can!!
Member # 4846
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
Originally posted by kenndo:
it's says 4% neaderthal in europeans,not 12.5%.most of the european make up is not neaderthal.african dna just wipes that out,that why most or all african americans do not have. by the why it says european and asians,so don't put most african americans in there if it does not say so.

one drop is all that is needed, there is no "wiping out"
bull crap.

anyway they said they found the 4% dna of the neaderthal IN EUROPEANS NOT AFRICAN AMERICANS.SO DON'T STICK YOUR NOSE WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG.

anyway if a black person married a swedish person in sweden and had kids,and those kids only marry unmixed white swedish folks,believe me overtime that black dna will go away. that goes for any person who intermarried with folks abnd have kids in a country with another race and thier dna unmixed.there would be no trace.but that only works if that country population is mostly unmixed,but this is another story.

it seems that the neaderthal dna was wipe outin african americans.no mention of in in the article.
so keep it out.it seems that some folks love to stick there noses where it does not belong all the time.

one note- i think some swedish still have asian dna,so they maybe not a good example,but you get what i mean.
Member # 4846
 - posted
Originally posted by Jari of Judah:
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
How can Northern Euros be "Purist" when the purest humans on Earth are in Africa
Not that they are pure but obsessing over being "pure" and making claims of such.if anything what they are really obsessing over is being inbred.
Oh I agree with you my point is that Euro's are stupid saying they are Pure Irish or Pure English..lol. The only Pure Humans are a small remnant of Bushmen in Africa is im not mistaken and their skin is not pale. No matter what you skin color is be it milky white or charcoal black somewhere down the line you have some "impurity" esp. in the West, Race mixing is the norm.

Even Hammer's Lilly white Kids married some Mexicans and put some Flavor in his Redneck bloodline..lol. If Hammer can't keep his bloodline "Pure" no whitey can!!

keep in mind whites did not live in west africa for a long time and their numbers were very small compared to the overall population,so in that sense race mixing in west africa was not the norm since we have dna studies of them.even the fula once thought to be mixed blacks(half white and a half black) it turn turns out that most are unmixed blacks like many horn of african types.so it seems that most africans are unmixed blacks.

now race mixing became more of the norm in north africa overtime but that's another story.
Jari of Judah
Member # 14451
 - posted
Originally posted by kenndo:
Originally posted by Jari of Judah:
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
How can Northern Euros be "Purist" when the purest humans on Earth are in Africa
Not that they are pure but obsessing over being "pure" and making claims of such.if anything what they are really obsessing over is being inbred.
Oh I agree with you my point is that Euro's are stupid saying they are Pure Irish or Pure English..lol. The only Pure Humans are a small remnant of Bushmen in Africa is im not mistaken and their skin is not pale. No matter what you skin color is be it milky white or charcoal black somewhere down the line you have some "impurity" esp. in the West, Race mixing is the norm.

Even Hammer's Lilly white Kids married some Mexicans and put some Flavor in his Redneck bloodline..lol. If Hammer can't keep his bloodline "Pure" no whitey can!!

keep in mind whites did not live in west africa for a long time and their numbers were very small compared to the overall population,so in that sense race mixing in west africa was not the norm since we have dna studies of them.even the fula once thought to be mixed blacks(half white and a half black) it turn turns out that most are unmixed blacks like many horn of african types.so it seems that most africans are unmixed blacks.

now race mixing became more of the norm in north africa overtime but that's another story.

LOL, I meant in the "West" as in North and Wouth America and even place like England.

My bad, here in America the term Western or "the West" usually refers to European esp. Anglo-phone civilization..I.E America and Britain.
Member # 4846
 - posted
right,of course it depends on which country in the west,in south america mixing to apoint was the norm,so you right about that and even north america.of course you could find those are are not mixed as well,it will not be the norm but still there are those are in there in the west.

for example in certain caribbean nation like jamaica and more so haiti and others you could say it was not the norm but in puerto rico and dominican republic it was the norm,but even ther you could find unmixed blacks.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
kenndo, I still think you may have a small amount of Neanderthal in you. you're tainted.

but I do think it would be funny to point out this Neanderthal thing on stormfront, are more of Global's posts there?
Member # 17444
 - posted
^ LOL, everyone sees through your masquerade Lion.
Talking that "WE African AMericans crap." What you mean "We" paleface.
Everyone should have surmised that you are Hammer in the 25th incarnation of your devious guises.
Too ashamed of your ignorance to reveal yourself in your true form.
LOL, red necked Albinos are so fukked up in the mind. It's sad. [Roll Eyes]
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
^ LOL, everyone sees through your masquerade Lion.
Talking that "WE African AMericans crap."

Melanin, what is your percentage of Eurasian DNA?

Originally posted by GlobalAfrikanSupremacy:
Persia, Babylonia, Pheonicia, and Egypt, none of whom were "White",

I have to admit Global's point on Neanderthals is clever, another weapon in the race war

Interesting, this point about the Persians. After they came in Egypt was done for. -we did it to ourselves
Member # 17444
 - posted
^ My thinking processes are working excellently.
If I cut my arm, the wound heals in a couple days. So, my immunity systems is working like a fine tuned machine.
My skin absorbs ALL varieties of radiation and converts it into all the vitamin D my body requires and has NEVER sunburned.
My eyes are dark brown and my eyesight is 20/20. My reproductive system cranks out healthy boys like a Sony factory and I can do it at will.
My biological clock gives me a good night sleep EVERY night, without fail.

I don't believe in allowing whites to acquire my DNA for any reason. They would just use it to try to improve themselves or to manufacture a weapon against me.
This is why I had generated a UCC to legally claim any and all biological samples any medical facility acquires. They have to hand them all over to me on when our business is concluded.

That being the case, I have to surmise I have very little if any Europeans mutation in my DNA.
Member # 4846
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
kenndo, I still think you may have a small amount of Neanderthal in you. you're tainted.

no i don't.
besides i never said i was a african american,i am not saying here what i am .i will just leave it at that.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
people should think about what they are saying:


6000-12,000 years ago was when European skin turned pale and as Mike111 teaches, the first Europeans were black.

The Neanderthal died out 25- 30,000 years ago.

White skin come along at least 13,000 years later.
That means, our ancestors, pre-historic black people in Europe or Asia were the ones who raped the Neanderthals.
Doctoris Scientia
Member # 17454
 - posted
1)First off, 1-4% of the GENOMES of thenon-Africans reported in the study is of possible Neanderthal or archaic origin. Non-Africans are not 1-4% Neanderthal or archaic, they're 100% African.

2)Actually no any population with any recent African admixture would have nill to no Neanderthal contamination in regard to their genome seqeuence. Therefore you more probably won't find any Neanderthal genomes in African-Americans, Arabs, Mulattos and some Latinos ( it's not directly inherited), especially since the genomes of archaic genomes in non-Africans are of no use, with no impact in the evolution of humans outside of Africa. Also, the non-African contribution into the African-American population is only 13%, the African contribution is the overwhelming dominant component, at 87%... therefore making AAs a predominant African population.

3)"Stocky, thick-browed and heavy-boned, the Neanderthals last shared a common ancestor with the African precursors to modern humans some 500,000 years ago. The Neanderthals populated the Near East and Europe until they vanished from the fossil record about 30,000 years ago. Thegene maps produced by the DNA analysis of the bones found Neanderthal genes scattered randomly among non-Africans, Paabo says, indicating they don't account for any racial differences between modern-day Africans and anyone else. "

That's the problem with news cast derived stories in regard to science, they always **** up the actual information being presented.
Doctoris Scientia
Member # 17454
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
people should think about what they are saying:


6000-12,000 years ago was when European skin turned pale and as Mike111 teaches, the first Europeans were black.

The Neanderthal died out 25- 30,000 years ago.

White skin come along at least 13,000 years later.
That means, our ancestors, pre-historic black people in Europe or Asia were the ones who raped the Neanderthals.

What are you talking about, Europeans turning pale has nothing to do with Neanderthals. And nobody raped anybody. The human population that left Africa, was likely very small... no less than 200 individuals. Therefore it only takes one or two encounters between a Neanderthal and a modern human or the opposite sex, to leave behind a useless 2%, in regards to genomes, among most non-Africans. Neanderthal derived genomes are likely nill in places like Southwest Asia or Latin America due to extensive African admixture and gene-flow.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
point taken doc, the amount in AAs would be probably an undetectable "drop" whatever "drop" really means.
However at the time of the Neanderthals there were no Caucasians
Member # 17444
 - posted
Russian Heavyweight boxer, Valuev.

 -  -
 -  -

Looks like Russia may have found some DNA and engineered a resurrection.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
Russian Heavyweight boxer, Valuev.

 -  -

Looks like Russia may have found some DNA and engineered a resurrection.

Forensic anthropologist Caroline Wilkenson says that Australoids are usually dolichocephalic,

Australoids have the largest brow ridges "with moderate to large supraorbital arches".

Caucasoids have the second largest brow ridges with "moderate supraorbital ridges".

Negroids have the third largest brow ridges with an "undulating supraorbital ridge".

Mongoloids are "absent browridges", so they have the smallest brow ridges.

Forensic Facial Reconstruction
Caroline Wilkinson
University of Manchester
Member # 4846
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
point taken doc, the amount in AAs would be probably an undetectable "drop" whatever "drop" really means.
However at the time of the Neanderthals there were no Caucasians

sorry no drop either.not even in the average african americans that has 12.5% white dna,and 20% do not have any admixture at all.
Member # 4846
 - posted
i think Australoid is a outdate term and i think they would be negriod or the new term (africoid) too,but they are asian blacks.
Doctoris Scientia
Member # 17454
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
point taken doc, the amount in AAs would be probably an undetectable "drop" whatever "drop" really means.
However at the time of the Neanderthals there were no Caucasians

Genomes don't parallel ancestry, meaning it dosen't equal "blood". Generations lose and gain genomes relatively often, and the fact that the "Neanderthal" genomes are scattered and useless... therefore wouldn't be absorded by any population with any recent African ancestry.

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