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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17444
 - posted
By Askia Muhammad -Senior Correspondent- | Last updated: Sep 10, 2011 - 9:10:13 AM

WASHINGTON (FinalCall.com) - Even as Western European leaders boast of their roles in the overthrow of the Libyan government of Col. Muammar Gadhafi , African leaders who were at first silent about the plot have begun voicing their opposition to the campaign. The African Union (AU) has withheld its recognition of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC), and a group of 200 concerned African leaders have issued a statement warning about Africa being re-colonized by NATO's European powers.

The leaders, including former South African President Thabo Mbeki, released a letter in Johannesburg Aug. 24, lamenting the “misuse of the United Nations Security Council to engage in militarized diplomacy to effect regime change in Libya,” and the “marginalization of the African Union” in the process.

The group accused NATO of violating international law, according to a report published by Business Day. “NATO has empowered itself openly to pursue the objective of regime change and therefore the use of force and all other means to overthrow the government of Libya, which objectives are completely at variance with the decisions of the UN Security Council,” said Prof. Chris Landsberg, chair of the department of political science at the University of Johannesburg said, in behalf of the group.

The letter was signed by more than 200 mostly South African prominent intellectuals, including Mr. Mbeki, Prof. Shadrack Gutto of the University of South Africa, former intelligence minister Ronnie Kasrils, Prof. Mahmood Mamdani from the University of Columbia, former deputy minister of Foreign Affairs Aziz Pahad, and author and poet Dr. Wally Serote and others.

“The AU stands for peace, democracy and freedom of all people. This is the role that the AU still wants to play whether you talk about the Ivory Coast, whether you talk about Sudan, whether you want to talk about Libya or whichever of the African country on the continent, the AU stands for that. It has a plan to put in place,” said Dr. Serote. The AU's so-called “Road Map” remains the only way to peace for the people of Libya, he insisted.

The UN Security Council voted to approve Resolution 1973 authorizing NATO's armed intervention in Libya, “has caused grave concern throughout the African continent, throughout the world, particularly in South Africa itself,” Dr. Gerald Horne, professor of history at the University of Houston told The Final Call. “I think it has, quite frankly, weakened the government of Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, and this statement is just more evidence of the grave concern in Africa.

“As you probably know, Jean Ping, who is the president of the African Union made a statement, really calling into question the bona fi des of the so-called transitional council, headquartered in Benghazi,” Dr. Horne continued.

“Because according to Mr. Ping, an eminent statesman, the rebels, so-called, apparently cannot draw distinctions between those who are darkskinned, and those who are, quote mercenaries, un-quote. In other words, there has been a reign of terror unleashed against dark-skinned persons in the regions which the rebels control. This is even more astonishing when one considers that by any measure, a substantial percentage of the Libyan body-politic is dark-skinned. This is a monumental blunder on the rebels' part, and I think they should be castigated for (it),” Dr. Horne continued.

Concerns about the safety of darkskinned Africans drew the attention even of Amnesty International, which warned on September 1 that Black Libyans and sub-Saharan Africans are at high risk of abuse from rebel forces who were seeking to ostensibly target Gadhafi supporters.

At a camp for migrants near Tripoli, African nationals said they fear for their lives. “Some people are saying that it's the Blacks who worked with the Libyan soldiers to shoot them or whatever but we were not among them,” a Ghanaian man said, according to Free Speech Radio News. “We are from Ghana, Nigeria—not among (them). We know nothing about that. That is why we are running for our life.”

“If you go out in the streets, people will hold you and say you are fi ghting for Gadhafi ,” said a Nigerian man. “I am not a fi ghter. That is why I keep myself here with my wife. No money to feed. Please, I need your help.” There are even more troubling implications concerning Africa's political future, according to Dr. Horne. “What is unfolding in North Africa is the creation of a new Afghanistan, this time on North African soil.

“What I mean is, that in order to topple, or at least to weaken the Gadhafi regime, the United States had to make alliances with those we were fighting in Afghanistan—this socalled Islamic fundamentalists who played a vanguard role in terms of the military operations of the rebels. Not only that, but the NATO forces also introduced further instability into North Africa by singling out the Berber minority in Libya to be trained militarily to fi ght the Gadhafi regime.

“The Berber minority plays a pivotal role throughout North Africa, not least in Algeria and in Morocco. And by empowering them thusly in Libya, it seems to me that the NATO forces may be introducing further instability” in the entire region, Dr. Horne said. This may be the fi rst move by NATO to re-establish its colonial control over Africa. This intervention, like the U.S.-Afghanistan intervention against the Soviet Union in the 1980s, may unleash “totally unpredictable forces.”
Member # 5777
 - posted
Wrong in analysis. Gaddafi himself is Berber.

It's not the Berber community that has been used to fight Gaddafi. It's the Benghazi crowd that has been upset that Gadaffi overthrew their puppet Sanusi monarch. This king Idris--fresh out of Turkish tutelage was a real serf king decked out with serfs and slaves. He was also a servile puppet and stooge of the U.S.

The Benghazis are also very racist in that though they are just guests in Africa they behave as if they actually belong there with their racist killings.

Not since Sharpeville in South Africa have so many Africans been killed just on grounds of race alone.

Serote's analysis is just very off.

This letter writing is all well and good, but it will achieve nothing. The only thing that the white Western nations understand and respond to is force . It's force that got the whites what they have in the world today. They are no more than 20%(including Russia and the economically dominant groups in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) yet they consume more than 65% of the world's resources and occupy or control some 65% of the world's landmass. Their slogan has always been what's ours is ours, and what's your is ours too or at least negotiable.

Africa has been extremely negligent in all this. Nkrumah spoke of collective security for Africa a long time ago but the really ignorant fools that trick and steal their way into Africa's presidencies have absolutely no conception of geopolitics or how the world is run. Their mission in political life is to enrich themselves and their families. Plus a photo-op with some European or American head of state.

Take the African Union(AU). It is funded to the tune of 15% by Libya and the rest of Africa 8%. The white Western nations fund the rest--i.e. 77%. I mean this is outrageous.

What should be happening now is the putting together of forces to attack the Benghazi NATO mercenaries in Libya. 20,000 Touareg and Toubou fighters could do it. NATO will then have bring in their own men from Europe--and it will be real response of Africa to NATO's--white world--war on Africa.

But the coward governments will do no such thing--given their present Bantustan status. Just don't know what to say. Just pitifully shameful.
Member # 5777
 - posted
One of the reasons Africa is in the shape it is, is because of the fact that the leaders that could have made some difference in post-colonial African political and economic life have been murdered or overthrown by the white West.

That's the real damage that the CIA, MI6, DGSE(French), etc have done in Africa. They just murder any African who wants something better for Africa. Lumumba was murdered by the U.S. and Belgium, Nkrumah was overthrown by the U.S., Mandela was caught by the CIA and jailed. Sankara of Bukina Faso was murdered by the French. Cabral was murdered by the Portugese and French. Olympio of Benin was terminated by the French. Mondlane of Mozambique was also terminated by a combination of Western secret agencies--via a plane crash. The list is long. I even suspect that Franz Fanon was murdered by the CIA. He supposedly contracted leukemia but was then put under the care of Western doctors. All these men could have made a difference because they are a big cut above the ignorant disgraceful riff-raff presidents that now run Africa.

As I noted above, the fools don't even the self-pride to fund the AU apart from Libya.

During the recent drought in Somalia only 4 African governments offered some token assistance. Just shameful!

Right now, AFRICOM is poised to cement itself in Africa courtesy that vile racist man in the U.S. White House. Judge a man by what he does not by what he says and what he looks like.

Right now Africa is nailed to the white man's Western cross. Africa now has hard nails pounded into its 4 extremities. The 4 points of the Western cross are Egypt--look how quickly the Egyptian army quelled the attack on the Israeli Embassy once Obama barked orders after a desperate SOS from Israel--, Nigeria--a U.S. puppet and houseboy through and through. Look how quickly the jackass with a jackass name--Goodluck Jonathan--bowed to U.S. demands to recognise the racist NATO Benghazi mercenaries, Ethiopia--just a joke. The puppet boy Zenawi's function is to slaughter Somalis on U.S orders, and South Africa--led by a first clown and illiterate. All I have seen Zuma do is a high kick Zulu war dance--with all due respect to Chaka and his inventive assegai, the British just lay back and mowed down the Zulu warriors with canon and Gatling gun as they charged. So why the silly war dance? He should be thinking instead of how to get back that nuclear infrastructure that Mandela naively handed over to the white powers. The man is a U.S. puppet through and through. On the U.N. vote for the attack on Libya, all Obama did was call him up and bark the order, no questions asked, "vote yes".

So there you have it, Africa on the cross, waiting for AFRICOM.
Member # 5777
 - posted
And here's something to ponder: white racist genocidal murders in Africa. Led by the historically racist white West and the vile Benghazi settler Arabs who are just defiling Africa with their gruesome murders.

Nothing like this in Africa since the Sharpeville massacres in South Africa.

zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
Mandela was caught by the CIA and jailed.

Nelson Mandela in his biography, Long Walk to Freedom
debunks the claim, as did Winnie Mandela herself at
the time of her husband's arrest, as propaganda
planted by the apartheid regime.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Mandela was on the run at the time so tipped of whom as to his whereabouts. Many sources have said that it was the CIA. He just didn't walk into a police station and handed himself up.

Given his behaviour post-release from jail after so many years who knows--given his love affair with the U.S. and the West--what he thought prudent to say.

And I forgot to add to my list of white Western murders of African leaders: Steve Biko, much more progressive than Mandela.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Mandela was on the run at the time so tipped of whom as to his whereabouts. Many sources have said that it was the CIA. He just didn't walk into a police station and handed himself up.

Given his behaviour post-release from jail after so many years who knows--given his love affair with the U.S. and the West--what he thought prudent to say.

And I forgot to add to my list of white Western murders of African leaders: Steve Biko, much more pro-Africa than Mandela. That's why he was murdered and not saved for a rainy day--as Mandela was.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Regret the double post. "Flood control" can be an irritant sometimes.

Edit above: "Mandela was on the run at the time so WHO tipped off whom as to his whereabouts..."
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
Mandela's account is more credible than apartheid
disinformation. He was there after all, and knew the deal.
In his bio he says the apartheid regime planted the story that he
was betrayed by other left wing groups, and threw
in the CIA sub-story as part of its disinformation

It would certainly be a shrewd move by Botha. Betrayal
by other left-wing/progressive groups would be enough to
sow suspicion throughout anti-apartheid ranks, as to
who could be trusted, and the level of penetration
by informers in various groups, and the CIA portion of
the story would also divert some suspicion away from the
apartheid secret police initially. Allegations of
CIA involvement would also help demoralize anti-apartheid
forces, as they would conclude that the Americans
were backing Botha.

Quote by Mandela:
"Although the CIA has been responsible for
many contemptible activities in its support of
American imperialism, I cannot lay my capture at
their door. In truth, I had been imprudent about
maintaining the secrecy of my movements."

Member # 5777
 - posted
In truth, I had been imprudent about
maintaining the secrecy of my movements."

Well, since the U.S. saw Mandela as a "terrorist" and a "communist" to boot the CIA--with operatives in South Africa at the time--must have known where to find him given his "imprudent" movements. After all, they have always relied on paid informants to carry out their wicked and criminal deeds.

So does Mandela explain how he was captured?
Member # 5777
 - posted
as they would conclude that the Americans
were backing Botha.

Well course, what else? Correct conclusion.
Troll Patrol
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
Wrong in analysis. Gaddafi himself is Berber.

It's not the Berber community that has been used to fight Gaddafi. It's the Benghazi crowd that has been upset that Gadaffi overthrew their puppet Sanusi monarch. This king Idris--fresh out of Turkish tutelage was a real serf king decked out with serfs and slaves. He was also a servile puppet and stooge of the U.S.

The Benghazis are also very racist in that though they are just guests in Africa they behave as if they actually belong there with their racist killings.

Not since Sharpeville in South Africa have so many Africans been killed just on grounds of race alone.

Serote's analysis is just very off.

This letter writing is all well and good, but it will achieve nothing. The only thing that the white Western nations understand and respond to is force . It's force that got the whites what they have in the world today. They are no more than 20%(including Russia and the economically dominant groups in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) yet they consume more than 65% of the world's resources and occupy or control some 65% of the world's landmass. Their slogan has always been what's ours is ours, and what's your is ours too or at least negotiable.

Africa has been extremely negligent in all this. Nkrumah spoke of collective security for Africa a long time ago but the really ignorant fools that trick and steal their way into Africa's presidencies have absolutely no conception of geopolitics or how the world is run. Their mission in political life is to enrich themselves and their families. Plus a photo-op with some European or American head of state.

Take the African Union(AU). It is funded to the tune of 15% by Libya and the rest of Africa 8%. The white Western nations fund the rest--i.e. 77%. I mean this is outrageous.

What should be happening now is the putting together of forces to attack the Benghazi NATO mercenaries in Libya. 20,000 Touareg and Toubou fighters could do it. NATO will then have bring in their own men from Europe--and it will be real response of Africa to NATO's--white world--war on Africa.

But the coward governments will do no such thing--given their present Bantustan status. Just don't know what to say. Just pitifully shameful.

Hmmm, interesting.
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
In truth, I had been imprudent about
maintaining the secrecy of my movements."

Well, since the U.S. saw Mandela as a "terrorist" and a "communist" to boot the CIA--with operatives in South Africa at the time--must have known where to find him given his "imprudent" movements. After all, they have always relied on paid informants to carry out their wicked and criminal deeds.

So does Mandela explain how he was captured?

^^Mandela gives the reason in his biography. He
was careless in his movements. The CIA story is
as he says, most likely bogus- a disinformation
gambit by Botha.

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