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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 18532
 - posted
Tens of millions of black Africans were forcibly removed from their homelands from the 16th century to the 19th century to toil on the plantations and farms of the New World. This so-called “Middle Passage” accounted for one of the greatest forced migrations of people in human history, as well as one of the greatest tragedies the world has ever witnessed.

Millions of these helpless Africans washed ashore in Brazil -- indeed, in the present-day, roughly one-half of the Brazilian population trace their lineage directly to Africa. African culture has imbued Brazil permanently and profoundly, in terms of music, dance, food and in many other tangible ways.

But what about Brazil's neighbor, Argentina? Hundreds of thousands of Africans were brought there as well – yet, the black presence in Argentina has virtually vanished from the country’s records and consciousness.

According to historical accounts, Africans first arrived in Argentina in the late 16th century in the region now called the Rio de la Plata, which includes Buenos Aires, primarily to work in agriculture and as domestic servants. By the late 18th century and early 19th century, black Africans were numerous in parts of Argentina, accounting for up to half the population in some provinces, including Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, Salta and Córdoba.

In Buenos Aires, neighborhoods like Monserrat and San Telmo housed many black slaves, some of whom were engaged in craft-making for their masters. Indeed, blacks accounted for an estimated one-third of the city’s population, according to surveys taken in the early 1800s.

Slavery was officially abolished in 1813, but the practice remained in place until about 1853. Ironically, at about this time, the black population of Argentina began to plunge.

Historians generally attribute two major factors to this sudden “mass disappearance” of black Africans from the country – the deadly war against Paraguay from 1865-1870 (in which thousands of blacks fought on the frontlines for the Argentine military) as well as various other wars; and the onset of yellow fever in Buenos Aires in 1871.

The heavy casualties suffered by black Argentines in military combat created a huge gender gap among the African population – a circumstance that appears to have led black women to mate with whites, further diluting the black population. Many other black Argentines fled to neighboring Brazil and Uruguay, which were viewed as somewhat more hospitable to them.

Others claim something more nefarious at work.

It has been alleged that the president of Argentina from 1868 to 1874, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, sought to wipe out blacks from the country in a policy of covert genocide through extremely repressive policies (including possibly the forced recruitment of Africans into the army and by forcing blacks to remain in neighborhoods where disease would decimate them in the absence of adequate health care).

Tellingly, Sarmiento wrote in his diary in 1848: “In the United States… 4 million are black, and within 20 years will be 8 [million]…. What is [to be] done with such blacks, hated by the white race? Slavery is a parasite that the vegetation of English colonization has left attached to leafy tree of freedom.”

By 1895, there were reportedly so few blacks left in Argentina that the government did not even bother registering African-descended people in the national census.

The CIA World Factbook currently notes that Argentina is 97 percent white (primarily comprising people descended from Spanish and Italian immigrants), thereby making it the “whitest” nation in Latin America.

But blacks did not really vanish from Argentina – despite attempts by the government to eliminate them (partially by encouraging large-scale immigration in the late 19th and 20th century from Europe and the Near East). Rather, they remain a hidden and forgotten part of Argentine society.

Hisham Aidi, a lecturer at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, wrote on Planete Afrique that in the 1950s, when the black American entertainer Josephine Baker arrived in Argentina, she asked the mixed-race minister of public health, Ramon Carilio: “Where are the Negroes?” In response, Carilio joked: “There are only two -- you and I.”

As in virtually all Latin American societies where blacks mixed with whites and with local Indians, the question of race is extremely complex and contentious.

“People of mixed ancestry are often not considered ‘black’ in Argentina, historically, because having black ancestry was not considered proper,” said Alejandro Frigerio, an anthropologist at the Universidad Catolica de Buenos Aires, according to Planete Afrique.

“Today the term ‘negro’ is used loosely on anyone with slightly darker skin, but they can be descendants of indigenous Indians [or] Middle Eastern immigrants.”

AfricaVive, a black empowerment group founded in Buenos Aires in the late 1990s, claimed that there are 1 million Argentines of black African descent in the country (out of a total population of about 41 million). A report in the Washington Post even suggested that 10 percent of Buenos Aires’ population may have African blood (even if they are classified as “whites” by the census).

"People for years have accepted the idea that there are no black people in Argentina," Miriam Gomes, a professor of literature at the University of Buenos Aires, who is part black herself, told the Post.

"Even the schoolbooks here accepted this as a fact. But where did that leave me?"

She also explained that almost no one in Argentina with black blood in their veins will admit to it.

"Without a doubt, racial prejudice is great in this society, and people want to believe that they are white," she said. "Here, if someone has one drop of white blood, they call themselves white."

Gomes also told the San Francisco Chronicle that after many decades of white immigration into Argentina, people with African blood have been able to blend in and conceal their origins.

"Argentina's history books have been partly responsible for misinformation regarding Africans in Argentine society," she said. "Argentines say there are no blacks here. If you're looking for traditional African people with very black skin, you won't find it. African people in Argentina are of mixed heritage."

Ironically, Argentina’s most famous cultural gift to the world – the tango – came from the African influence.

"The first paintings of people dancing the tango are of people of African descent," Gomes added.

On a broader scale, the “elimination” of blacks from the country’s history and consciousness reflected the long-cherished desire of successive Argentine governments to imagine the country as an “all-white” extension of Western Europe in Latin America.

“There is a silence about the participation of Afro-Argentines in the history and building of Argentina, a silence about the enslavement and poverty,” said Paula Brufman, an Argentine law student and researcher, according to Planete Afrique.

“The denial and disdain for the Afro community shows the racism of an elite that sees Africans as undeveloped and uncivilized.”

Member # 9361
 - posted
asante-Korton - What is your purpose in posting this?
Member # 18532
 - posted
it was a recent article that I came across, I thought people on here would find it interesting
Member # 9361
 - posted
^Ya, I kinda thought so. The forum is becoming a place to share news, as opposed to a place to share researched or acquired information. The truth in Argentinian is likely quite different from the news story.
Member # 18532
 - posted
Maybe I Should Of started a topic on Black Europeans & Albinos?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Maybe I Should Of started a topic on Black Europeans & Albinos?

No, you might have tried to introduce Black South Americans like these:

Findings of Human remains in Mesoamerica and South America: The oldest of these are of the Australoid racial type, the next oldest are of South-Asian Polynesian racial type, these are much older than anything in North America. This indicates that the migration pattern of the first settlers of the Americas was NOT from North America going south – but rather, from South America TO North America.

For more than 100 years, researchers have claimed that there were very early human sites in the tropical forests of eastern South America. By the end of 1998, ten excavated sites had produced remains with beginning dates of 11,000 years ago or slightly earlier. A few produced dates as early as 50,000 years ago, and one was claimed to be hundreds of thousands of years old. The earliest reliable site of these is Pedra Furada, this large sandstone rock-shelter located in the thorn forest of northeastern Brazil has been at the center of a controversy for many years.


Site investigators found stone tools and charcoal hearths at the earliest levels, and radiocarbon dates suggested the site might have been occupied as early as 40,000 – 50,000 years B.C. Unlike Clovis sites, those in Brazil include painted caves and rock shelters. Food remains include nuts, legumes, fish, shellfish, and small game animals. Among the artifacts are triangular, sometimes stemmed points but no fluted points, (points referrers to spear and arrow tips). The newly dated sites include Caverna da Pedra Pintada, Santana de Riacho, and Boquete in Brazil.


At Taima Taima, an oil field site in northern Venezuela, fragmentary tools were found with cut mastodon bones in a spring where cultural and natural materials had become mixed. One tool is a bi-pointed style point. The ancient habitat was swampy, wooded, and subtropical. The radiocarbon dates range too widely for comfort - from about 41,000 to 12,000 B.P. Late Pleistocene people may have killed mastodon there, but exactly when is not certain.

In nearby Colombia, early pre-pottery sites have also been found, notably at El Jobo in Falcón, that date to about 14,920 B.C. There carved stone was used for such objects as small pendants: shell and bone are also known to have been used. Some of these sites contain triangular points, while others have ground-stone tools. Food remains are tropical forest fruits and nuts.

In the Andes highlands of Peru, early work had uncovered possible big-game kill sites dating to as early as 20,000 years ago, but these had no clear association with humans. Sites with triangular and sometimes stemmed points and diverse modern fauna and flora, date to between 11,500 and 8,500 years ago.

The first secure evidence of early Paleo-indians on the Pacific coast was from two south Peruvian sites with beginning dates between 11,100 and 10,700 years ago. At the sites Quebrada and Jaguay, the ancient hearths contained carbonized fragments of stone tools and remains of shellfish, small fish, and birds, but no large game.

Several studies concerning the extra-continental morphological affinities of Paleo-Indian skeletons, carried out independently in South and North America, have indicated that the Americas were first occupied by non-Mongoloids that made their way to the New World through the Bering Strait in ancient times. The first South Americans show a clear resemblance to modern South Pacific and African populations.

In none of these analyses the first Americans show any resemblance to either northeast Asians or modern native Americans. So far, these studies have included affirmed and putative early skeletons thought to date between 8,000 and 10,000 years B.P. In this work the extra-continental morphological affinities of a Paleo-Indian skeleton well dated between 11,000 and 11,500 years B.P. (Lapa Vermelha IV Hominid 1, or "Luzia") is investigated, using as comparative samples Howells' (1989) world-wide modern series and Habgood's (1985) Old World Late. The results obtained clearly confirm the idea that the Americas were first colonized by a generalized Homo sapiens population which inhabited East Asia in the Late Pleistocene, before the definition of the classic Mongoloid morphology.


Above: A skull belonging to a roughly 20 year old Australoid woman that was unearthed in Brazil by the French archaeologist Annette Amperaire in 1971, nicknamed “Luzia”. Since Luzia's discovery, at least 50 similarly un-mongoloid Palaeoamerican remains have been found in the Lagoa Santa area near where "Luzia" herself was found. They all seem to have been buried within a small area that may have been a cemetery. This raises the intriguing question of whether the Lagoa Santa population at this early time, was perhaps already settled in a specific area and perhaps were even no longer just hunter-gatherers.

Monte Verde, Chile: is a boggy stream-bed in which mastodon bones and wet preserved plant remains were found with a few stone tools, including three bi-pointed points and a crude bi-face. Earlier regarded as a questionable site, some researchers have changed their minds. Judged by the standards applied to other sites however, Monte Verde remains questionable. Dates were run on possibly worked wood and bone, but these are equivocal, since fossil bone and wood occur naturally in the region's waterways.

The only obvious cultural remains were the four tools, most of which were from the surface, and a few non-local plant food remains, which were not dated. The dates at the site range from 14,000 to 12,000--too wide a span for a single occupation. Since postglacial people lived nearby, the points and food remains could be intrusions. Only further work will clarify the situation.


Two roughly contemporary early Paleo-indian cultures have been identified in far southern South America. The Fell culture of Patagonian, (southern end of south America), whose caves and rock shelters have long been known, along with their distinctive Fishtail points. Fell artifacts were once quated with Clovis points but now are known to have been made and shaped differently.

Although extinct horse and sloth remains were found at a few sites, most animals hunted were smaller game, such as guanaco and local birds. The existing 12-radiocarbon dates range between about 11,000 and 10,000 years ago. Farther north and west was the Los Toldos culture, whose sites contain rock paintings, stemmed points, triangular points and evidence of foraging for many kinds of food.
Member # 9361
 - posted
In the current era, the Albinos have tried mightily to fool us into believing that Americas Blacks came from Africa. But as with Europe, the artifacts prove them liars:

 -  -

 -  -

 -  -


Member # 9361
 - posted
In the Americas, the two most important "Modern" peoples were the Aztec and the Inca....

Both of which the Albinos have tried to convince us were Indians....

They were NOT Indians:

They were Paleo-Americans = Black People.


Inca Gold



Member # 9361
 - posted
Black Mexicans:









Member # 9361
 - posted
Black Peruvians:







the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Mike exposed Asante's white sourced made up slavery story.

the blacks of Argentina are indigenous
Member # 9361
 - posted
^So then asante-Korton, wouldn't you agree that doing a little background work enriches the learning experience and indemnifies Blacks against the Albinos lies and falsifications?

After all, armed with the preceding few postings, can't we extrapolate that the Albino mans lies are much greater than we thought, and his murders and atrocities against Blacks, much greater than he admits to.

Of course, the only reason the Albinos have gotten away with it this long is because Negroes tend to not wish to learn things about their gods which might be unsettling.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Mike exposed Asante's white sourced made up slavery story.

the blacks of Argentina are indigenous

Lioness - Is asante-Korton Black like you're Black?


I notice that you both use the same avatar.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Mike exposed Asante's white sourced made up slavery story.

the blacks of Argentina are indigenous

Lioness - Is asante-Korton Black like you're Black?


I notice that you both use the same avatar.

you can smell these albino imitators a mile away
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Mike I just notcied something. This is an Argentina thread and you have Mexicans and Peruvians up
I told you cut back on the spamming. This is Assante's time to shine
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Mike I just notcied something. This is an Argentina thread and you have Mexicans and Peruvians up
I told you cut back on the spamming. This is Assante's time to shine

Quite true, I was just making the point that if the surrounding areas were teeming with native Black original people, then it's likely that those same type people were also inhabitants of the area that we now call Argentina.

Clearly the Albinos are trying to hide the true extent of their crimes, by admitting to lessor crimes.
Member # 20555
 - posted
Racism in Latin America is an ugly diseases imported from Europe.In the European colonial world order white Euro are on top mulato/mestiso in the middle and black and Indian are at the bottom.The Papal bull legalised the African slave trade and are probably behind the racism in Latin America.

The Argentinian genocided the black people by puting them in the frontline of war.The Argentinian governement propably had white European stud impregnating thousand of black women like in other Latin American countries to create a light skin race. A black Latin American told me there is a large black population in Argentina today but the media dont show them.The media do the same thing in North Africa.In Argentina famous football team there is no black player but in German, French and British football team you find black players.

According to David Imhotep The black people of Argentina southern tip of Tierra del Fuego were Khoisan people who spoke the click language.Twa fossils find in Brazil and North Carolina show that the Twa in Africa migrated to America 50,000 years ago.

The racism against black people can be traced to the Indian religion and the Roman religion call Catholic.It look like a new world order to empower white people.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by mena7:
The racism against black people can be traced to the Indian religion and the Roman religion call Catholic.It look like a new world order to empower white people.

^As a demonstration of just how powerful environment and training is:

I have gone through the role of Protestantism and Catholicism in European racial history many times. But because Protestantism is so deeply ingrained in U.S. and African Blacks, they naturally assume that the "Other" religion, Catholicism that is, was the WHITE mans religion.


The religion closest to the original Hebrew religion, the "Black" religion, was Catholicism!

Protestantism is the religion that was created almost "ENTIRELY" by the Albinos to counter the power of Black Catholicism.








mena7 - All of those Black people above were CATHOLICS!
Troll Patrol
Member # 18264
 - posted

Member # 18532
 - posted
Blacks in the americas are either indigenous or black europeans, none of them come from africa, that is all a big lie that the albinos have told us according to lioness & Mike
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Blacks in the americas are either indigenous or black europeans, none of them come from africa, that is all a big lie that the albinos have told us according to lioness & Mike

Really asante-Korton, such petulance is very unattractive.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Blacks in the americas are either indigenous or black europeans, none of them come from africa, that is all a big lie that the albinos have told us

yes the albino tells small lies to cover up bigger ones

You need to read more

Member # 18532
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Blacks in the americas are either indigenous or black europeans, none of them come from africa, that is all a big lie that the albinos have told us

yes the albino tells small lies to cover up bigger ones

You need to read more


You shut the f*ck up you black european
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Great discussion on Blacks in South America

Order: African Empires in Ancient America, Kindle Edition

African Empires in ancient America, the video


Check out these videos on ancient Blacks in America

30,000 BC the First African Americans


Akan in Ancient America Part 1


Akan in Ancient America Part 2


Ethiopians in Ancient America


Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
You shut the f*ck up you black European

My,my; what a strange state of affairs, the newbies are not interested, if the truth does not agree with their agenda, and me and the degenerate Lioness are in agreement. What is the world coming to?

Do not be disheartened Clyde, your work remains important. I think asante-Korton may be an African: as we know from lamin, they sometimes have rather strange, "Self-serving" thoughts and motivations. But they too must be educated.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:

I love how they edited the picture so that the Black Pope wouldn't show.


Member # 18532
 - posted
These Black Europeans are much to smart for me, from now on I am not going to say anything because us Africans are not educated [Frown]
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Yes, the albinos tells small lies to cover up bigger ones


They try, but we know better: and soon, even those like asante-Korton and lamin will also know better.

Forthcoming: Germany and the Black Diaspora
Points of Contact, 1250-1914

Edited by Mischa Honeck, Martin Klimke and Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov
(New York: Berghahn Books, Volume 15 of Studies in German History, forthcoming July 2013)


The rich history of encounters prior to World War I between people from German-speaking parts of Europe and people of African descent has gone largely unnoticed in the historical literature—not least because Germany became a nation and engaged in colonization much later than other European nations.

This volume presents intersections of Black and German history over eight centuries while mapping continuities and ruptures in Germans’ perceptions of Blacks. Juxtaposing these intersections demonstrates that negative German perceptions of Blackness proceeded from nineteenth-century racial theories, and that earlier constructions of “race” were far more differentiated.

The contributors present a wide range of Black–German encounters, from representations of Black saints in religious medieval art to Black Hessians fighting in the American Revolutionary War, from Cameroonian children being educated in Germany to African American agriculturalists in Germany’s protectorate, Togoland. Each chapter probes individual and collective responses to these intercultural points of contact.





Member # 18532
 - posted
The lioness is making fun of you and you don't even know it

Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb

-Just Call Me Jari-
Member # 14451
 - posted
Another good thread ruined..

F-k off Mike.
Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by mena7:
The racism against black people can be traced to the Indian religion and the Roman religion call Catholic.It look like a new world order to empower white people.

^As a demonstration of just how powerful environment and training is:

I have gone through the role of Protestantism and Catholicism in European racial history many times. But because Protestantism is so deeply ingrained in U.S. and African Blacks, they naturally assume that the "Other" religion, Catholicism that is, was the WHITE mans religion.


The religion closest to the original Hebrew religion, the "Black" religion, was Catholicism!

Protestantism is the religion that was created almost "ENTIRELY" by the Albinos to counter the power of Black Catholicism.


I believe that the brand of Christian religion closest to Blacks is Orthodox Christianity. The Moorish or Eastern Orthodox Church.

1866 AD: The Holy Office in an instruction signed by Pope Pius IX declares: Slavery itself, considered as such in its essential nature, is not at all contary to the natural and divine law, and there can be several just titles of slavery, and these are referred to by approved theologians and commentators of the sacred canons … It is not contrary to the natural and divine law for a slave to be sold, bought, exchanged or given.

Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
These Black Europeans are much too smart for me, from now on I am not going to say anything because us Africans are not educated [Frown]

Again the petulance:

Whether African by way of Europe or Asia, or Australia, or the Pacific, or Americas; we are all still Africans = Humans.

The problem is that Humans who remained in Africa seem to have suffered some type of "Arrested development".

Some writers have suggested that the reason why Africa never developed is because there were few navigable rivers and other such things.

My own theory is that it is simply that Africans don't like to be bothered to learn anything new. I have known Africans who were wonderful people, it's just that you couldn't tell them anything, they felt that they already knew everything. For some reason, Africans believe that they already have all essential knowledge - check your own response to the concept of Black Europeans. People who think like that are of course hopeless idiots who will never learn anything, and never advance. Unfortunately, Africa seems to be full of that type people. But it's getting time to stop that sort of thing, we are destroying the lies of the Albino mans history, Africans might benefit from knowing the truth too. But only if you will accept the truth.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
The lioness is making fun of you and you don't even know it

Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb

At what point do you start thinking?

As long as lioness is posting truthful information which agrees with my position, why would I or anybody else care if his/her purpose was to mock?
Member # 18532
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
These Black Europeans are much too smart for me, from now on I am not going to say anything because us Africans are not educated [Frown]

Again the petulance:

Whether African by way of Europe or Asia, or Australia, or the Pacific, or Americas; we are all still Africans = Humans.

The problem is that Humans who remained in Africa seem to have suffered some type of "Arrested development".

Some writers have suggested that the reason why Africa never developed is because there were few navigable rivers and other such things.

My own theory is that it is simply that Africans don't like to be bothered to learn anything new. I have known Africans who were wonderful people, it's just that you couldn't tell them anything, they felt that they already knew everything. For some reason, Africans believe that they already have all essential knowledge - check your own response to the concept of Black Europeans. People who think like that are of course hopeless idiots who will never learn anything, and never advance. Unfortunately, Africa seems to be full of that type people. But it's getting time to stop that sort of thing, we are destroying the lies of the Albino mans history, Africans might benefit from knowing the truth too. But only if you will accept the truth.

I totally Agree With what your saying

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

I love how they edited the picture so that the Black Pope wouldn't show.

his hands being white may have been a problem
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Originally posted by Mike111:

I love how they edited the picture so that the Black Pope wouldn't show.

his hands being white may have been a problem
Might be gloves:

Member # 9361
 - posted
^BTW lioness, it is quite heartening to see the way you have turned yourself around from being an obstructionist truth hiding Albino fifth columnist, to being a truth admitting Human, albeit Albino human. asante-Korton does not believe that you have changed, but I am open minded. Plus, what's there to loose? If you are faking it, I'll just go back to beating the sh1t out of you on a daily basis.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
^^^^^ this painting was made 82 years after Pope Gregory died (1378) do you have any images made when he was alive?

I found this one
Anointing of Pope Gregory XI. Battle of Pontvallin (1370). Bibliotheque Nationale MS Fr. 2643



was he blackenized in the later portrait you posted?
I don't know I'm just asking for your wisdom on the matter

Also, what about these other dus, deatil same painting
_______peep the hair is that a brother? ^^^^
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

The Afro-Argentine Legacy of Tango



I haven't watched this yet, not sure if it checks out with Mike's teachings
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
This painting was made 82 years after Pope Gregory died do you have any images made when he was alive?

He,he,he: Couldn't resist, could you?

Answer - No, but it is of no consequence, Blacks are not in a position to create "Fake" artifacts. Therefore ALL fake artifacts are Albino produced. Since Albinos are not about to create fake artifacts to falsely INCREASE the role of Blacks in history, it can be SAFELY assumed that ANY AND ALL artifacts showing Blacks in "honored" positions are AUTHENTIC!

As an example; we now know that until about the end of the 1600s, Blacks were still in power and everyone recognized a Black Mary and Jesus. Yet as with most, or all of the Adoration of the Magi paintings, there is only one Black king, when all three of the kings should be Black. The kings were - From Wiki:

Traditions identify a variety of different names for the Magi. In the Western Christian church they have been commonly known as:

Melchior (also Melichior, a Persian scholar);
Caspar (also Gaspar, Jaspar, Jaspas, Gathaspa, and other variations), an Indian scholar;
Balthazar (also Balthasar, Balthassar, and Bithisarea, an Arabian scholar.

Note this painting supposedly by the Flemish artist Adriaen Isenbrandt Adoration of the Magi Triptych (1510-12).


If Adriaen Isenbrandt had actually done a painting like that, it would have been considered a sacrilege, and Black people would have hung his ass up.

That the painting is a fake is quite easy to prove; not only would the subject matter be ridiculous to past Black people, but the painting is ridiculous to modern Black people like me.

Please note:

The Mona Lisa is the best preserved portrait in the world. It was supposed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506. It was acquired by King Francis I of France and is now the property of the French Republic. In other words it was never in public hands and always received the best of care.


YET, the Adoration of the Magi painting above, which WAS in public hands, and is of the SAME AGE, is in MUCH better condition than the Mona Lisa - He,he,he:

I don't think so!

Albinos tell such stupid lies!


I'm guessing that these fake paintings and statues showing Albinos were done in the early 1800s, maybe even later. Anyone have any evidence to the contrary?
Member # 9361
 - posted

Lioness, remember a while back you were musing as to why I always win:
Have you figured it out yet?
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

Please note:

The Mona Lisa is the best preserved portrait in the world. It was supposed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506. It was acquired by King Francis I of France and is now the property of the French Republic. In other words it was never in public hands and always received the best of care.


YET, the Adoration of the Magi painting above, which WAS in public hands, and is of the SAME AGE, is in MUCH better condition than the Mona Lisa - He,he,he:

I don't think so!

Albinos tell such stupid lies! [/QB]

so the painting that doesn't have a black person it it is the real one?

Originally posted by Mike111:

As an example; we now know that until about the end of the 1600s, Blacks were still in power and everyone recognized a Black Mary and Jesus. Yet as with most, or all of the Adoration of the Magi paintings, there is only one Black king, when all three of the kings should be Black. The kings were - From Wiki:

why didn't they make all the kings white?

And what about Leonardo's other paintings?
Member # 9361
 - posted
^I can answer no questions as to what Albinos do with artifacts or why they do it. What I do is analyze individual artifacts for common sense things. Leonardo supposedly lived in Milan. He later worked in Rome, Bologna and Venice, and he spent his last years in France at the home awarded him by Francis I. All of this in the late 1400s, yet I see no Blacks in Leonardo da Vinci's works. that tells me that there is an Albino lie there, just exactly what it is I'm not quite sure yet.

It could be that Leonardo is a fictitious person, if for no other reason than how the Albinos build him up: Example...

From Wiki: Leonardo was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. His genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.

Frankly the Mona Lisa is so-so, yet he is one of histories greatest men??? Last time I heard anything like that, the Americans were talking about the Presidency of Ronald Reagen, who happened to have been senile during most of his presidency.

Albinos lie, I don't think even they totally understand why.
Member # 9361
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Originally posted by Mike111:
Leonardo supposedly lived in Milan. He later worked in Rome, Bologna and Venice, and he spent his last years in France at the home awarded him by Francis I. All of this in the late 1400s, yet I see no Blacks in Leonardo da Vinci's works. that tells me that there is an Albino lie there, just exactly what it is I'm not quite sure yet.

Many of you may think of American - whether English or Spanish - television shows which didn't often show Blacks until recent times. And say that's why so many paintings don't show Blacks. What you are forgetting is what led up to that situation. In the medieval Blacks were in power and the Albinos were ascending. The reverse was true in the 20th century.

So pictures of White Jesus' and Mary's would not have been tolerated in the medieval. Just like paintings of purely Albinos would not have gone over well. So logically then, paintings like that must be modern fakes.

I view the painting below as an "Authentic" transitional painting which indicates the Albinos rise to power.

Note that the lone Black is done in "Grotesque", clearly showing the Albinos disdain and lack of fear of Blacks at that time.

Member # 14448
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George Reid Andrew's Afro-Argentines of Buenos Aires was a reasonable read and quite useful for explaining the 'disappearance' of Afro-Argentines despite their large population in Buenos Aires and other parts of Argentina. He and other scholars have undercovered Afro-Argentine mutual aid societies and cabildos, candombe, the role of Afro-Argentine men as soldiers in Argentina's war of liberation, the first president of Argentina may have been of partial African descent, and how common interracial marriage was in the late 19th century as Afro-Argentine women and mixed-race people married and gradually 'whitened' themselves after massive Italian, Spanish, and other Europeans immigrated. If I remember correctly, Afro-Argentines also played a large role in Argentina's politics and culture in the 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly as payadores, milonga musicians, gauchos (a black gaucho appears in Martin Fierro), and they played a large role in the caudillo, Juan Manuel de Rosas, who responded to the needs of the Afro-Argentine community, appeared at their societies' festivals and, if I remember correctly, his white daughter even participated in their dances! So, the "most European" country in Latin America for the first century of its existence was profoundly influenced by it's African and Afro-descended population, even as that population over time was largely multiracial and perhaps passed into whiteness.

A recent census, the first to include indigenous and African-descendants in over a century, found The Afro-Argentine population according to those self-identifying as such in the 2010 census is about 149,493 or 0.4% of the population living in private homes. 92% of those identifying as Afro-Argentine were also born in the country, not abroad or migrants. I forgot where I found the census data, but it was probably from a Spanish-language Argentine government site. But basically, the majority of those who self-identified as Afro-Argentine were from the country, not immigrants (despite the Cape Verdean and other African-descended peoples living in Argentina). I am sure that the 2010 census probably undercounts Afro-Argentines, since people may self-identify as something that they may not be recognized as by a census enumerator or interviewer. As for indigenous identities in Argentina, they number 955,032.
Member # 14448
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By the way, Afro-Uruguayans in the neighboring Uruguay comprise almost 10% of the nation's population, mostly living in Montevideo and it's environs. So, in another country in the 'southern cone' of South America, people of African descent are numerous. I have also read something about Afro-Brazilians sometimes movign across borders and living in Argentina. Oh, and Pedro Figari, a Uruguayan painter, often depicted Afro-Uruguayans in his work, if you want to check that out. They have a similar 'candombe' music that is likely closely related to the Afro-Argentine variant. I think the majority of enslaved Africans came from Bantu-speaking Central Africa, so there is probably a degree of cultural uniformity to the slave cultures that evolved in Argentina and Uruguay.
Member # 20642
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