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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 21830
 - posted
TOM JONES - singer

"I am having a DNA test to see if my ancestors are black, says Sir Tom after being told he is 'just passing as white'




As we discussed some time ago, the Welsh are descendants of the original inhabitants of the British isles the Celts - were originally Black. Their location protected by mountains help prevent them from being slaughtered and completely wiped out by interbreeding.

To this day, the Welsh still preserve a distinct culture, language, and their 'swarthy' looks.....Katherine Zeta Jones, Anthony Hopkins etc.

(Or Jones' loom may derive from a more recent Black ancestor).
Member # 9361
 - posted
^As an obvious Mulatto - be it ancient or recent - he is Black ONLY if he chooses to "self-identify" as Black.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

the hairy black
Member # 19701
 - posted
Mike & Kdolo,

Haven't you two boys learned by now that these days its not cool to be White? That these days alot of brainwashed self hating, no pride having Whites want to be anything but White? Some even find their pure European roots to be boring LOL. That's why you have the Aunt Jemimas like RD, uncle toms like our own Truthcentric, Pretendians, etc etc.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Lets have a vote on how much African ancestry Tom Jones has


http://www.khazaria.com :

Helen McArdle. "DNA links Welsh men to Scotland." Herald Scotland (November 24, 2014). The team of Alistair Moffat of CymruDNAWales and Scotland's DNA discovered that 1 percent of Welsh males carry a Y chromosome variety that descends from ancient Picts from Scotland and is related to the modern Scottish variety of this lineage. Excerpts from the article:

"Some 10 per cent of all Scottish men belong to this 'Pictish' lineage compared to just 0.8 per cent of Englishmen. It is particularly concentrated in Perthshire, Fife, Angus and Grampian, regions of Scotland with known Pictish heritage. The discovery of shared ancestral ties between men in Scotland and Wales is at the centre of a new theory that this one per cent of Welsh men are direct descendents of a small band of ancient Scottish aristocrats, who fled the Old Welsh-speaking kingdom of Strathclyde in the ninth century to escape a Viking invasion. They are thought to have headed south, by sea, to find refuge in north Wales after the Viking kings Ivar and Olaf led their dragonships up the Clyde in 870, laying siege to the fortress on Dumbarton Rock and eventually capturing Artgul, the king of Strathclyde."


"'Extraordinary' genetic make-up of north east Wales men."

BBC News (July 19, 2011). Dr. Andy Grierson of the University of Sheffield comments on the finding of E1b1b1 in a large percentage (the article states approximately 30 percent) of men from northeast Wales (the town of Abergele). (Most of the men specifically carry E1b1b1a2, also known as E-V13). This is found in a much higher frequency than populations in the rest of the United Kingdom, which average 1 percent. The sample size was 500 people. Grierson said, "This type of genetic makeup is usually found in the eastern Mediterranean which made us think that there might have been strong connections between north east Wales and this part of Europe somewhere in the past. But this appears not to be the case, so we're still looking to find out why it's happened and what it reveals about the history of the region."


The highest genetic diversity of haplogroup E1b1b is observed in Northeast Africa, especially in Ethiopia and Somalia, which also have the monopoly of older and rarer branches like M281, V6 or V92. Ethiopians and Somalians belong mostly to the V22 and V32 (downstream of V12) subclades, but possess also a minority of M81, M123 and V42 subclades. Among the main subclades of E1b1b only V13 and V65 are absent from the Horn of Africa, and probably originated in northern Africa (V65) or the southern Levant (V13).

Other subclades of E-M78 also present in North Africa and Europe today, like V12, V22 and V65, could also have crossed alongside V13. It is perhaps only due to a founder effect that V13 became considerably more common than other subclades in Europe, especially in the Balkans and eastern Europe. The greatest diversity of E-M78 subclades in Europe is actually found in Iberia, Italy and France, and not in the Balkans (where nearly all E1b1b are V13).

Five major subclades of E1b1b (V12, V13, V22, M81, M123) originated in Northeast Africa before the Neolithic. Consequently most of them are present virtually in all regions where E1b1b is found. One exception is Norway, Sweden and Finland, where only E-V13 seems to be present.



In human genetics, E-V68, also known as E1b1b1a, is a major Y chromosome haplogroup found in Africa, Western Asia and Europe, and is in turn part of the larger haplogroup known as E-M35.

Possible time of origiin: approx 18,600 years BP
Possible place of origin: Northeastern Africa: the region of Egypt and Libya or northern Sudan

while there were apparently direct migrations from North Africa to Iberia and Southern Italy (of people carrying E-V68*, E-V12, E-V22, and E-V65), the majority of E-M78 lineages found in Europe belong to the E-V13 sub-clade which appears to have entered Europe at some time undeterminded from the Near East, where it apparently originated, via the Balkans.


The E-V13 clade is equivalent to the "alpha cluster" of E-M78 reported in Cruciani et al. (2004), and was first defined by the SNP V13 in Cruciani et al. (2006). Another SNP is known for this clade, V36, reported in Cruciani et al. (2007). All known positive tests for V13 are also positive for V36. So E-V13 is currently considered "phylogenetically equivalent" to E-V36.
Haplogroup E-V13 is the only lineage that reaches the highest frequencies out of Africa. In fact, it represents about 85% of the European E-M78 chromosomes with a clinal pattern of frequency distribution from the southern Balkan peninsula (19.6%) to western Europe (2.5%). The same haplogroup is also present at lower frequencies in Anatolia (3.8%), the Near East (2.0%), and the Caucasus (1.8%).

In Africa, haplogroup E-V13 is rare, being observed only in northern Africa at a low frequency (0.9%).
— Cruciani et al. (2007)

Within Europe, E-V13 is especially common in the Balkans and some parts of Italy. In different studies, particularly high frequencies have been observed in Kosovar Albanians (45.6%) (Peričic et al. (2005)), Macedonian Albanians (34.4% reported in Battaglia et al. (2008)), and in some parts of Greece (about 35% in some of the areas studied by King et al. (2008).[15] More generally, high frequencies have also been found in other areas of Greece, and amongst Bulgarians, Romanians, Macedonians and Serbs.
Within Italy, frequencies tend to be higher in Southern Italy,[1] with particularly high results sometimes seen in particular areas; for example, in Santa Ninfa and Piazza Armerina in Sicily.[18] High frequencies appear to exist also in some northern areas[Note 4] for example around Venice,[Note 5] Genoa[19] and Rimini,[20] as well as on the island of Corsica, which is to the west of mainland northern Italy.[21]
E-V13 is also found in scattered and small amounts in Libya (in the Jewish community) and Egypt, but this is considered most likely to be a result of migration from Europe or the Near East.[1]
E-V13 and ancient migrations
The apparent movement of E-M78 lineages from the Near East to Europe, and their subsequent rapid expansion, make its E-V13 sub-clade a particularly interesting subject for speculation about ancient human migrations.

The distribution of E-V13 in Europe

Phylogenetic analysis have suggested to some researchers that these lineages have spread through Europe, from the Balkans in a "rapid demographic expansion".[1] Before then, the SNP mutation, V13 apparently first arose in West Asia around 10 thousand years ago, and although not widespread there, it is for example found in high levels (>10% of the male population) in Turkish Cypriot and Druze Arab lineages.[1] The Druze are considered a genetically isolated community, and are therefore of particular interest.[22] The STR DNA signature of some of the E-V13 men amongst them was actually originally classified in the delta cluster in Cruciani et al. (2004). This means that Druze E-V13 clustered together with most E-V12 and E-V22, and not with European E-V13, which was mostly in the alpha cluster.

Early migration from the Middle East to Europe
The distribution and diversity of V13 are often thought to represent the introduction of early farming technologies, during the Neolithic expansion, into Europe by way of the Balkans.[12] The haplogroup J2b (J-M12) has also frequently been discussed in connection with V13, as a haplogroup with a seemingly very similar distribution and pre-history.[2][4][12] (There is no consensus regarding the circumstances or timing of its evolution.)
Cruciani et al. (2007) says there were at least four major demographic events which have been envisioned for this geographic area:
The "post-Last Glacial Maximum expansion (about 20 kya)"
The "Younger Dryas-Holocene reexpansion (about 12 kya)"
The "population growth associated with the introduction of agricultural practices (about 8 kya)"
The "development of Bronze technology (about 5kya)"
The last two seem within the timespan possible for V13 given its STR age of arise putatively in the Middle East. In favor of the agricultural connection, human remains excavated in a Spanish funeral cave dating from approximately 7000 years ago were shown to be in this haplogroup.[23]
However, earlier entry into Europe is also possible. Battaglia et al. (2008), for example, propose that the E-M78* lineage ancestral to all modern E-V13 men moved rapidly out of a Southern Egyptian homeland, in the wetter conditions of the early Holocene; arrived in the Balkans with only Mesolithic technologies and then only subsequently integrated with Neolithic cultures which arrived later in the Balkans.
E-V13 is in any case often described in population genetics as one of the components of the European genetic composition which shows a relatively recent link of populations from the Middle East, entering Europe and presumably associated with bringing new technologies.[24][25][26] As such, it is also sometimes remarked that it is a relatively recent genetic movement out of Africa into Eurasia, and has been described as "a signal for a separate late-Pleistocene migration from Africa to Europe over the Sinai ... which is not manifested in mtDNA haplogroup distributions".[27]
After its initial entry in Europe, there was then a dispersal from the Balkans into the rest of Europe. Also for this movement, a wide range of possibilities exists. Battaglia et al. (2008) suggest that the E-V13 sub-clade of E-M78 originated in situ in Europe, and propose that the first major dispersal of E-V13 from the Balkans may have been in the direction of the Adriatic Sea with the Neolithic Impressed Ware culture often referred to as Impressa or Cardial. The above-mentioned find of archaic E-V13 in Spain supports this suggestion.
In contrast, Cruciani et al. (2007) suggest that the movement out of the Balkans may have been more recent than 5300 years ago. The authors suggest that for the most part, modern E-V13 descends from a population which remained in the Balkans until the Balkan Bronze age. They consider that "the dispersion of the E-V13 and J-M12 haplogroups seems to have mainly followed the river waterways connecting the southern Balkans to north-central Europe". Peričic et al. (2005) propose the Vardar-Morava-Danube rivers as a possible route of Neolithic dispersal into central Europe. Bird (2007) proposes a still more recent dispersal out of the Balkans, around the time of the Roman empire.
In contrast, another major discovery relevant to the study of E-V13 origins was the announcement in Lacan et al. (2011) that a 7000-year-old skeleton in a Neolithic context in a Spanish funeral cave, was an E-V13 man. (The other specimens tested from the same site were in haplogroup G2a, which has been found in Neolithic contexts throughout Europe.) Using 7 STR markers, this specimen was identified as being similar to modern individuals tested in Albania, Bosnia, Greece, Corsica, and Provence. The authors therefore proposed that, whether or not the modern distribution of E-V13 of today is a result of more recent events, E-V13 was already in Europe within the Neolithic, carried by early farmers from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Western Mediterranean, much earlier than the Bronze age.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Haplogroup E is to Eurasia as R is to Africa.
E is an African haplogroup and subclades of E are more frequent outside of Africa such as E-V13
Similalry R is Eurasian but the sub clade R-V88 is at higher frequencies in Africa
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

which one ??
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Do Tom Jones' dancing abilities hold some key to this mystery?

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

"while looking into my roots my son Mark brought to my attention an interesting website called Egyptsearch and read about the hidden legacy of black kings and nobles of Europe. I was astonished, maybe after all these years, what they were saying about my dance moves was right.
--Tom Jones, 2015





"You define who you are, no one else"
--NAAP president, Spokane

Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Haplogroup E is to Eurasia as R is to Africa.
E is an African haplogroup and subclades of E are more frequent outside of Africa such as E-V13
Similalry R is Eurasian but the sub clade R-V88 is at higher frequencies in Africa

You hardly know what you are talking about, clown.

And why you worry about Tom Jones is beyond me, anyway.


The Y chromosome Alu polymorphism (YAP, also called M1) defines the deep-rooted haplogroup D/E of the global Y-chromosome phylogeny [1]. This D/E haplogroup is further branched into three sub-haplogroups DE*, D and E (Figure 1). The distribution of the D/E haplogroup is highly regional, and the three subgroups are geographically restricted to certain areas, therefore informative in tracing human prehistory (Table 1). The sub-haplogroup DE*, presumably the most ancient lineage of the D/E haplogroup was only found in Africans from Nigeria [2], supporting the "Out of Africa" hypothesis about modern human origin. The sub-haplogroup E (E-M40), defined by M40/SRY4064 and M96, was also suggested originated in Africa [3-6], and later dispersed to Middle East and Europe about 20,000 years ago [3,4]. Interestingly, the sub-haplogroup D defined by M174 (D-M174) is East Asian specific with abundant appearance in Tibetan and Japanese (30–40%), but rare in most of other East Asian populations and populations from regions bordering East Asia (Central Asia, North Asia and Middle East) (usually less than 5%) [5-7]. Under D-M174, Japanese belongs to a separate sub-lineage defined by several mutations (e.g. M55, M57 and M64 etc.), which is different from those in Tibetans implicating relatively deep divergence between them [1]. The fragmented distribution of D-M174 in East Asia seems not consistent with the pattern of other East Asian specific lineages, i.e. O3-M122, O1-M119 and O2-M95 under haplogroup O [8,9].

--Hong Shi et al. 2008:


Further refinement awaits the finding of new markers especially within paragroup E3a*-M2. The microsatellite profile of the DE* individual is one mutational step away from the allelic state described for Nigerians (DYS390*21, DYS388 not tested; [37], therefore suggesting a common ancestry but not elucidating the phylogenetics.
Haplogroup DE* in Guinea-Bissau:

Y-chromosomal diversity in the population of Guinea-Bissau: a multiethnic perspective



There has been considerable debate on the geographic origin of the human Y chromosome Alu polymor- phism (YAP). Here we report a new, very rare deep-rooting haplogroup within the YAP clade, together with data on other deep-rooting YAP clades. The new haplogroup, found so far in only five Nigerians, is the least-derived YAP haplogroup according to currently known binary markers. However, because the interior branching order of the Y chromosome genealogical tree remains unknown, it is impossible to impute the origin of the YAP clade with certainty. We discuss the problems presented by rare deep-rooting lineages for Y chromosome phylogeography.

Haplogroup DE* in Nigerians:

Rare Deep-Rooting Y Chromosome Lineages in Humans: Lessons for Phylogeography


Y-DNA haplogroup R-M207 is believed to have arisen approximately 27,000 years ago in Asia. The two currently defined subclades are R1 and R2.

‘‘Out of Africa’’ haplogroups.

All Y-clades that are not exclusively African belong to the macro-haplogroup CT, which is defined by mutations M168, M294 and P9.1 [14,31] and is subdivided into two major clades, DE and CF [1,14].

In a recent study [16], sequencing of two chromosomes belonging to haplogroups C and R, led to the identification of 25 new mutations, eleven of which were in the C-chromosome and seven in the R-chromosome.

Here, the seven mutations which were found to be shared by chromosomes of haplogroups C and R [16], were also found to be present in one DE sample (sample 33 in Table S1), and positioned at the root of macro-haplogroup CT (Figure 1 and Figure S1)


Figure S1

Structure of the macro-haplogroup CT. For details on mutations see legend to Figure 1. Dashed lines indicate putative branchings (no positive control available). The position of V248 (haplogroup C2) and V87 (haplogroup C3) compared to mutations that define internal branches was not determined. Note that mutations V45, V69 and V88 have been previously mapped (Cruciani et al. 2010; Eur J Hum Genet 18∶800–807).



--Fulvio Cruciani et al.

Molecular Dissection of the Basal Clades in the Human Y Chromosome Phylogenetic Tree (2011)

"haplogroup CF and DE molecular ancestors first evolved inside Africa and subsequently contributed as Y chromosome founders to pioneering migrations that successfully colonized Asia. While not proof, the DE and CF bifurcation (Figure 8d ) is consistent with independent colonization impulses possibly occurring in a short time interval."
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations

--Peter A. Underhill , Toomas Kivisild - 2007

The Mal'ta boy didn't fell from the sky, onto Siberia near Lake Baikal?

The population of AMH spreading in the eastern direction included “softened” Mongoloid elements. The “dialectal continuum” consisting of Proto-Uralic, Proto-Altaic and Palaeo-Siberian- related languages formed the principal communication media of Early Modern Humans in northern Eurasia.

Japan Review, 2003, 15:175-186
Archaeology and Languages in Prehistoric Northern Eurasia

School of Historical Studies, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Just so you know, saying I don't know what I'm talking about but not expalining why is simply blowing wind out of your ass
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:

"while looking into my roots my son Mark brought to my attention an interesting website called Egyptsearch and read about the hidden legacy of black kings and nobles of Europe. I was astonished, maybe after all these years, what they were saying about my dance moves was right.
--Tom Jones, 2015





"You define who you are, no one else"
--NAAP president, Spokane

LOL at your latest defense megansim.

You also have a great imagination.

"Sir Tom was born Thomas Jones Woodward in Pontypridd, South Wales, to a traditional coal-mining family – his mother Freda was of Welsh and English ancestry and his father was of English descent.
Recalling an incident shortly after he was born Sir Tom, who is known to tan easily, told The Times magazine: ‘My mother came out in big dark patches all over her body. They asked if she had any black blood and she said she didn’t know.’"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3299505/I-having-DNA-test-ancestors-black-says-Sir-Tom-told-just-passing-white.html#ixzz3qb3WrTnz
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Just so you know, saying I don't know what I'm talking about but not expalining why is simply blowing wind out of your ass

The wind I am blowing out off my ass, in your face, are the seven mutations.

"Here, the seven mutations which were found to be shared by chromosomes of haplogroups C and R [16], were also found to be present in one DE sample (sample 33 in Table S1), and positioned at the root of macro-haplogroup CT (Figure 1 and Figure S1)"
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Ish Gebor:
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Just so you know, saying I don't know what I'm talking about but not explaining why is simply blowing wind out of your ass

The wind I am blowing out off my ass, in your face, are the seven mutations.

"Here, the seven mutations which were found to be shared by chromosomes of haplogroups C and R [16], were also found to be present in one DE sample (sample 33 in Table S1), and positioned at the root of macro-haplogroup CT (Figure 1 and Figure S1)"

You keep posting this copy and paste DE item as some sort of argument about other haplogroups you give it no explanation of how it relates to the various threads you post it in and so far no one has replied to it. They simply ignore it as unrelated spam and scroll past it

Try making a separate thread about it and say in your own words what this copy and paste you keep posting over and over again proves

Maybe then someone will reply to it but I fear you can't explain it

Otherwise continue to post it, people will continue to ignore it
and you may win the Spammer of the Year award for the third year in a row. Swenet already nominated you

Also not this the the tread where I (not you but me) point out the African DNA of some Welsh, and Balkan/Italian Europeans

-again proof that yout accusations that I don't mention such African DNA in Europe is a lie

You follow me around and cry a lot, it's becoming embarassing
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Originally posted by Ish Gebor:
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Just so you know, saying I don't know what I'm talking about but not explaining why is simply blowing wind out of your ass

The wind I am blowing out off my ass, in your face, are the seven mutations.

"Here, the seven mutations which were found to be shared by chromosomes of haplogroups C and R [16], were also found to be present in one DE sample (sample 33 in Table S1), and positioned at the root of macro-haplogroup CT (Figure 1 and Figure S1)"

You keep posting this copy and paste DE item as some sort of argument about other haplogroups you give it no explanation of how it relates to the various threads you post it in and so far no one has replied to it. They simply ignore it as unrelated spam and scroll past it

Try making a separate thread about it and say in your own words what this copy and paste you keep posting over and over again proves

Maybe then someone will reply to it but I fear you can't explain it

Otherwise continue to post it, people will continue to ignore it
and you may win the Spammer of the Year award for the third year in a row. Swenet already nominated you

Also not this the the tread where I (not you but me) point out the African DNA of some Welsh, and Balkan/Italian Europeans

-again proof that yout accusations that I don't mention such African DNA in Europe is a lie

You follow me around and cry a lot, it's becoming embarassing

LOL at this non-qualifier response. Now these seven root mutations have become irrelevant. LOL Typical Euronut, white surprimacy behavior. It's back to the drawing table for you'll, to lie some more.

"Here, the seven mutations which were found to be shared by chromosomes of haplogroups C and R [16], were also found to be present in one DE sample (sample 33 in Table S1), and positioned at the root of macro-haplogroup CT (Figure 1 and Figure S1)"

The only thing becoming embarassing here, is your bigotry when it come to black presence in Europe. Always jumping on every thread on this topic. Fighting with tooth and nail, every poster who writes on this topic you fight. Typical racist euronut behavior.

You've been exposed along time ago.

The greatest spammer on this forum is still you.

Swenet, mentioned my post on cranial formation. Which was relevant on the topic, but misunderstood. My post spoke of situ development.

So I have no idea, where this "total domination" was supposed to be.
Other then then we are on the same page, there no beef lol. We agree like most poster here on ES that ancient Egyptians originated from Sahara-Sahel populations, as indigenous Africans. Which again, was why I posted on situ of the Nubian.

But I can recall, a few total dominions over you by several posters. Up to a point they called you a lying ass, stupid and biggest troll on the forum.
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Originally posted by Ish Gebor:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by the lioness,:
[qb] Just so you know, saying I don't know what I'm talking about but not explaining why is simply blowing wind out of your ass

Also not this the the tread where I (not you but me) point out the African DNA of some Welsh, and Balkan/Italian Europeans

-again proof that yout accusations that I don't mention such African DNA in Europe is a lie

LOL So now you claim again there was no "black African" presence in England, Britain and Ireland, a few centuries ago? [Big Grin]

Typical "white purity theory".

Originally posted by the lioness,:
Lets have a vote on how much African ancestry Tom Jones has

That's the dumbest shyt ever,

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