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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9361
 - posted
The Khoisan-like Grimaldi man entered Europe circa 45,000 B.C. at Gibraltar, and then spread all across Europe and into Asia, as far as Mal'ta Siberia.


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The Cucuteni-Trypillian culture

The Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, also known as Cucuteni culture (Romanian), Trypillian culture (from Ukrainian) or Tripolie culture (from Russian), is a late Neolithic archaeological culture that flourished between 5,500 B.C. and 2,750 B.C. in the Dniester-Dnieper region of modern-day Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. The Trypilians built the largest towns in Europe, each of them with from 10,000 to 15,000 people.

Positive identification can be made that the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture was Grimaldi, because of the Goddess figures.

 -  -

Steatopygia - is a high degree of fat accumulation in and around the buttocks extending to the outside and front of the thighs, forming a thick layer reaching sometimes to the knee. This constitutes a genetic characteristic of some Khoisan females.

 -  -

In 1884, Archaeologist Vicenty Khvoika uncovered the first, of close to one hundred Trypillian settlements. In 1897, similar objects were excavated in Trypillia, Kiev, and Governorate, Ukraine. As a result, the culture has been known in Soviet, Russian, and Ukrainian publications as Tripolie, Tripolian or Trypillian culture. A compromise currently exists in the English name: Cucuteni-Trypillia.

As of 2003, about 2000 sites of Cucuteni-Trypillian culture have been identified in Romania, Ukraine, and Moldova. Archaeologist J.P. Mallory reports that the culture is attested from well over a thousand sites, in the form of everything from small villages to vast settlements consisting of hundreds of dwellings surrounded by multiple ditches. The culture was centered on the middle to upper Dniester River, (in the present-day Republic of Moldova), with an extension to the northeast as far as the Dnieper.


Member # 10195
 - posted
@ the Forum members

Since these folk completely burned their habitations
every couple of generations how is it known what the
wall and roofing structure looked like when all that
remained were the post holes and possibly the clay

Of course they'd have nothing to do with the Grimaldi
Gravettian culture millenia before they were erected.
Member # 9361
 - posted
alTakruri - Just to be sure I understand the logic.

Grimaldi started out as a Gravettian culture, and he just stayed there. He never learned anything new, i.e. He never "Evolved".

Okay, if you say so. But just one question. After a culture is no more, what happens to the people of that culture, do they all commit suicide, or do they just pack-up and say: well since our culture is no more, and we are not allowed to learn anything new, well lets just go back to Africa!

I do believe that is the dumbest thing that you have ever said.
Member # 10195
 - posted
Which is why I specifically addressed the forum
membership excluding your asinine racist self.
Member # 9361
 - posted
alTakruri - Just to be sure I understand the logic.

You won't address me directly, because then you would have to know what you were talking about.

But you WILL address the forum, because they won't know any better.

I gotta admit, it is genius!
Member # 9361
 - posted
^I must say though, I am gravely wounded by the racism charge - I AM JUST MISUNDERSTOOD!!!!

And to show my truly good nature, I will offer an explanation for the perplexing questions that you raised.

From Wiki:
One of the most notable aspects of this culture was that every 60 to 80 years the inhabitants of a settlement would burn their entire village. The reason for the burning of the settlements is a subject of debate among scholars; many of the settlements were reconstructed several times on top of earlier ones, preserving the shape and the orientation of the older buildings. One example of this, at the Poduri, Romania site, revealed a total of thirteen habitation levels that were constructed on top of each other over a period of many years.

As of 2003, about 3000 sites of Cucuteni-Trypillian culture have been identified. J. P. Mallory reports that the "…culture is attested from well over a thousand sites in the form of everything from small villages to vast settlements consisting of hundreds of dwellings surrounded by multiple ditches."

So then, in answer to your question, many sites were simply abandoned intact. Which is quite logical, if you are moving to a new location, why bother destroying the old buildings?

As to why the buildings were burnt in the first place, there are two very good reasons for that.

1) Structures like that have a very limited lifespan. Over time, they become decrepit and insect infested. Simply burning, and starting afresh, is a good option rather than trying to deinfest and repair.

1) War:
Raiders routinely burned raided villages.

See, I'm a good guy!


Please believe me

I truly am.

Really, really, really.

I even help old ladies across the street.

Well, I would if they asked.

For free even!!!
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Either choice will serve you better than the
sloppy scholarship of cracker Eurocentricism.

the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

 -  -

Steatopygia - is a high degree of fat accumulation in and around the buttocks extending to the outside and front of the thighs, forming a thick layer reaching sometimes to the knee. This constitutes a genetic characteristic of some Khoisan females.

Positive identification can be made that the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture was Grimaldi, because of the Goddess figures.

 -  -

Mike who was it that determined Positive identification can be made that the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture was Grimaldi? You're just lying

Is there any anthropologist that said this or is it
just you and your expertise in buttocks analysis?

(answer: it was just him)
determining anything about morphology from these very crude simple figures is ridiculous. You would fail by the first day of anthropology class, stop be ignorant, learn proper methodology.

Originally posted by Mike111:

The Cucuteni-Trypillian culture

The Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, also known as Cucuteni culture (Romanian), Trypillian culture (from Ukrainian) or Tripolie culture (from Russian), is a late Neolithic archaeological culture that flourished between 5,500 B.C. and 2,750 B.C. in the Dniester-Dnieper region of modern-day Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. The Trypilians built the largest towns in Europe, each of them with from 10,000 to 15,000 people.

Use your brain for a moment here. Grimaldi man is comprised of a total of two skeletons found and there is a 17,000 year gap between he Cucuteni-Trypillian culture
and Grimaldi man (25,000 years ago).
So you don't even have the most rudimentary logic here.

The first European early modern humans EEMH (early Homo sapiens sapiens) were of the European Upper Paleolithic of 35,000 years ago (formerly known as Cro-Magnon).
The two Grimaldi skeletons are shorter and more gracile, distinct from the EEMH.

A 2003 sequencing on two EEMH (Cro-Magnons), 23,000 and 24,000 years old Paglicci 52 and Paglicci 12, mitochondrial DNA, published by an Italo-Spanish research team led by David Caramelli, identified the mtDNA as Haplogroup N. Haplogroup N is found among modern populations of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, and represent the northern branch of the out of Africa migration of modern humans. Its descendant haplogroups are found among modern North African, Eurasian, Polynesian and Native American populations.

Originally posted by Mike111:
After a culture is no more, what happens to the people of that culture, do they all commit suicide, or do they just pack-up and say: well since our culture is no more, and we are not allowed to learn anything new, well lets just go back to Africa!

I do believe that is the dumbest thing that you have ever said. All throughout history people have settled into various areas and then left those areas. This is typical of hunter gatherers. Small communities can also die of starvation. Use your damn head.
Grimaldi man is comprised of two people so far and they were different in morphology from Cro-Magnon

Physical characteristics

The Grimaldi skeletons was very different from the finds that had been unearthed in Europe until then. Unlike the robust Neanderthals, the Grimaldi skeletons was slender and gracile, even more so than the Cro-Magnon finds from the same cave system.[7] The Grimaldi people were small. While an adult Cro-Magnon generally stood over 170 cm tall (large males could reach 190 cm), neither of the two skeletons stood over 160 cm. The boy was smallest at a mere 155 cm.[6]

Obviously skin color cannot be determined from bare bone skeletal remains.

The skulls of the two had rather tall braincases, unlike the long, low skulls found in Neanderthals and to a lesser extent in Cro-Magnons. The faces had wide nasal openings and lacked the rectangular orbitae and pronounced brow ridges so characteristic of Cro-Magnons. These traits, combined with what de Villeneuve interpreted as prognathism led the discoverers to the conclusion that the Grimaldi man had been of a "negroid" type.[7] Some traits did not fit the picture though. The nasal bones gave a high nasal bridge, like that of Cro-Magnons and modern Europeans and very unlike more tropical groups. The two rises of the frontal bone in the forehead was separate rather than forming a single median rise, another "European" trait. The cranial capacity was also quite large for such small built people, indicating well muscled bodies.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Lioness said: Mike who was it that determined Positive identification can be made that the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture was Grimaldi? You're just lying

Is there any anthropologist that said this or is it
just you and your expertise in buttocks analysis?

(answer: it was just him)
determining anything about morphology from these very crude simple figures is ridiculous. You would fail by the first day of anthropology class, stop be ignorant, learn proper methodology.

Yes Lioness, I did it.
BTW - examining the artifacts, and then making culture determination is how EVERYBODY does it.
If you are trying to make the point that I must wait for a White person to say it's so, before I can say it's so: Well that's just typical of the Albinos delusion.

Lioness said:
Use your brain for a moment here. Grimaldi man is comprised of a total of two skeletons found and there is a 17,000 year gap between he Cucuteni-Trypillian culture
and Grimaldi man (25,000 years ago). So you don't even have the most rudimentary logic here.

The first European early modern humans EEMH (early Homo sapiens sapiens) were of the European Upper Paleolithic of 35,000 years ago (formerly known as Cro-Magnon).
The two Grimaldi skeletons are shorter and more gracile, distinct from the EEMH.

Grimaldi man was a name given in the early 20th century to an Italian find of two paleolithic skeletons, supposedly showing negroid traits. When found, the skeletons were the subject of dubious scientific theories on human evolution, partly fueled by biased reconstruction of the skulls by the scientists involved. In the 1960s, the Grimaldi find, together with various other European finds of early modern humans, was classified as Cro-Magnon (in the wider sense), though the term "European Early Modern Humans" is today preferred for this assemblage. The true nature of Grimaldi man is still a subject of controversy.

Lioness said:
A 2003 sequencing on two EEMH (Cro-Magnons), 23,000 and 24,000 years old Paglicci 52 and Paglicci 12, mitochondrial DNA, published by an Italo-Spanish research team led by David Caramelli, identified the mtDNA as Haplogroup N. Haplogroup N is found among modern populations of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, and represent the northern branch of the out of Africa migration of modern humans. Its descendant haplogroups are found among modern North African, Eurasian, Polynesian and Native American populations.

quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
After a culture is no more, what happens to the people of that culture, do they all commit suicide, or do they just pack-up and say: well since our culture is no more, and we are not allowed to learn anything new, well lets just go back to Africa! All throughout history people have settled into various areas and then left those areas. This is typical of hunter gatherers. Small communities can also die of starvation. Use your damn head. Grimaldi man is comprised of two people so far and they were different in morphology from Cro-Magnon.

Lioness on the first part, give it up. You have no clue how hunter gathers lived or died, much less what happened to their cultures. On the second part: Lioness, Please take my word for it, just because only two skeletons were found, that doesn't mean that only two Grimaldi existed.

Physical characteristics

The Grimaldi skeletons was very different from the finds that had been unearthed in Europe until then. Unlike the robust Neanderthals, the Grimaldi skeletons was slender and gracile, even more so than the Cro-Magnon finds from the same cave system. The Grimaldi people were small. While an adult Cro-Magnon generally stood over 170 cm tall (large males could reach 190 cm), neither of the two skeletons stood over 160 cm. The boy was smallest at a mere 155 cm.

Obviously skin color cannot be determined from bare bone skeletal remains.

The skulls of the two had rather tall braincases, unlike the long, low skulls found in Neanderthals and to a lesser extent in Cro-Magnons. The faces had wide nasal openings and lacked the rectangular orbitae and pronounced brow ridges so characteristic of Cro-Magnons. These traits, combined with what de Villeneuve interpreted as prognathism led the discoverers to the conclusion that the Grimaldi man had been of a "negroid" type. Some traits did not fit the picture though. The nasal bones gave a high nasal bridge, like that of Cro-Magnons and modern Europeans and very unlike more tropical groups. The two rises of the frontal bone in the forehead was separate rather than forming a single median rise, another "European" trait. The cranial capacity was also quite large for such small built people, indicating well muscled bodies.

That's what I love about the Albino boys at Wiki, and Albinos like you lioness. They will let nothing of consequence that Black people ever did, go without some attempt to claim that they were White people. Obviously the Wiki boy who wrote the last part, didn't read what the first part said - they ARE Nonsequitur!

Let me run it down for you lioness.

First, the Wiki article is NEW, White people NEVER wanted to talk about Grimaldi before, because THERE WAS NEVER ANY DOUBT THAT THEY WERE BLACK PEOPLE! And wouldn't the Black Grimaldi in Europe, just ruin the beautiful made-up lies and bullsh1t that was created to pass as Albino history?

And as is usual with Wiki articles and race, it lies!

Prognathism never had anything to do with it, because as we all know, the Albinos assertion that Blacks are prognathic is a NEW lie, fit only for feeble brained Albinos like you, Osirion, and a few other idiots.

BTW - On the "Why Afrocentrism is baseless" thread, osirion made the claim that Egyptians were Prognathic. So I challenged him to post pictures of Prognathic Egyptians from the millions of Egyptian statues and Busts that exist. He responded with the "The Sphinx". You Albinos are some truly stupid people!

Grimaldi has been identified as Black by the following

Les Grottes de Grimaldi, Vol. II., Dr. Rene Verneau (1906)

Ancient Types of Man, by Arthur Keith (1911)

Fossil Men, by Marcellin Boule and Henri Vallois (1957)

Civilization or Barbarism, by Cheikh Anta Diop (1981)

Ancient Types of Man, Keith, Arthur (1911), Chapter VI, The Grimaldi or Negroid Type in Europe, page 59-63:

In the cliffs which flank the beach near Mentone [northern Italian border] there are a number of caves which for a long period of time afforded a habitation for ancient man. At the close of the last and at the beginning of the present century, largely owing to the interest taken in the history of primitive man by the Prince of Monaco, systematic excavations were carried out in deep strata of their floors. In one of these, the "Grotte des Enfants," usually named the Grimaldi Cave, the various strata of the floor made up a thickness of 8 1/2 metres (28 feet). In the lowest layer of all were found two skeletons—one of a woman past middle life, with a stature estimated at 1570 mm. (5 ft. 2 in.), and the other of a boy about sixteen to seventeen years of age, and about 1550 mm. (5 ft. 1 in.) in height.

With them were found traces of a civilization and of a fauna which has led anthropologists to assign them to the end of the Mousterien or beginning of the Aurignacien Period [40,000 to 28,000 years ago]—about the same or perhaps before the period assigned to the Combe-Capelle man. They have the narrow and long heads of the Galley Hill race. In the woman the maximum length of the head is 191 mm.; in the boy, probably her son, it is 192 ; the width of the skull in the mother is 131 and in the son 133. The proportion of breadth to length is about 68 per cent—the same as in the Galley Hill race. Yet French anthopologist Dr. Verneau,(1) who has published the results of a minute examination of these two ancient individuals, from various features seen in the skeletons, had no hesitation in assigning them to a negroid race.

Combe-Capelle is a Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic site situated in the Couze valley in the Périgord region of Southern France. Henri-Marc Ami carried out excavations from the late 1920s until his death in 1931. The famous Homo sapiens from Combe Capelle was for a long time considered to be a Paleolithic Cro-Magnon man and one of the oldest findings of modern humans in Europe. However, in 2011 collagen from a tooth of the skull in Berlin was dated with accelerator mass spectrometry to an age of only 7575 BC. Consequently, it was clearly a man of the Epipaleolithic (Holocene)

Galley Hill race - Skeletons found at Galley Hill outside of London England - dated 1,300 B.C.

It is an easy matter to distinguish the skeleton of the true negro from that of the pure white, but there are many intermediate races—not hybrids —which show a puzzling mixture of characters. The ancient Grimaldi woman and boy are of the mixed or negroid type. We associate large white teeth, full prominent jaws, and receding chin with the races showing pigmented skins. In the old woman, a great number of the teeth have been lost during life and the dental characters are uncertain. The shallow, projecting incisor part of the upper jaw and the characters of the chin are certainly features of a negroid race. So are the wide opening of the nose, the prominent cheek bones, the flat and short face. Yet the bridge of the nose is not flat as in negroes, but rather prominent as in Europeans, and the capacity of the skull (1375 cc.) is of ample dimensions for a woman of her size.

As to the boy, his teeth are large and of the negro type; he bears a striking resemblance to the woman, and his cranial capacity (1580 cc.) indicates a brain distinctly above the modern in size. The leg bones of mother and son are relatively long as in negroes. In that race the two eminences or bosses of the forehead usually meet and join together in a high median prominence, whereas in white races they remain separated, and this is the case in the Grimaldi skulls. Indeed, in the features of the forehead the Grimaldi remains agree with the Galley Hill type. It is a remarkable fact that the natives of the uplands of the Sandwich Islands—a true negroid race—reproduce today the cranial features of the ancient inhabitants of the Grimaldi caves.

To appreciate the true significance of a negroid race in the south of Europe towards the close of the Glacial Period, we must look at the distribution of moden races. A line from Gibraltar in the West to the Phillipine Islands in the Far East passes through a zone where the fairer skins of the North pass into the darker skins of the South. To some extent it may be a zone in which intermixtures of fairer and darker races occur, but in the main it is better to regard it as a zone in which human races have inherited from the ancestral stock of modern humanity some of the characters which now distinguish the European, and some that distinguish the Negro; but both Negro and European are highly specialized examples of the modern type of man. The discovery of the Grimaldi race does not indicate that we have reached the common stock from which black and white races have evolved; that point must lie much farther in the past. It merely indicates that towards the end of the Glacial Period the negroid race which we see in the north of Africa today was already evolved, and that it extended into Europe.

The land connections between Europe and Africa we know to have been much closer in the time of the Grimaldi people than they are today. There are other evidences of a negroid race in Europe. The negroid traits of the Combe-Capelle man have been mentioned; but there is also the remarkable fact that statuettes and engravings which are assigned to this period represent certain bodily characters of the negro. The Grimaldi people are the earliest negroid type so far discovered, yet they are so modern and highly evolved in character that we cannot suppose them to represent a common ancestor of European and African races. If, however, we suppose that all races of modern man have been evolved from a common stock, we naturally expect, especially in the earlier stages of the evolution of modern races, to find intermediate types between the extreme racial forms now found in North Europe and Central Africa. The Grimaldi people seem to represent an intermediate type in the evolution of the typical white and black races.

Now I know that some will notice that on the one hand, Dr. Rene Verneau was suggesting that Grimaldi was Mulatto! And on the other, that Blacks all have BIG jaws and Receding Chins.

Dr. Rene Verneau was WHITE, they CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES!

Even those that TRY to tell the truth, can't help but try to insert their own Albino kind, and tell a lie about Blacks, even when they are TRYING to tell the truth.

Lying is just one of the Albinos many weaknesses, they just can't help themselves!


Now I know that some of the Albino Boys and Girls out there, may not even know what that thing is that Albinos say Black people all have - Receding Chins and Prognathism.

So here is what Receding Chins looks like.





So here is what Prognathism looks like.




Member # 9361
 - posted
BTW lioness - As a demonstration of how the defective Albino mind, like yours, responds to the truth about Black people, with wild thoughts and logic.

These mock-ups of ancient Black Europeans were all done by WHITE men!

I fail to see how you can on the one hand, claim me a racist, when the base material was generated by honest - at least they are trying - White people.

There is no logic to that. It is merely your defect Albino mind, grasping at straws!

 -  -  -
Member # 9361
 - posted
Lioness, I hope that made it clear that your mind is not the only one afflicted with the pathological NEED to lie, when it concerns Black people.

Note the Wiki article: among it's many lies, some of which I already spoke about, note the attempt at "Subtle Racism".

Quote: The Grimaldi find, together with various other European finds of early modern humans

For a long time now, I have notice the games that Albinos play, with the age of modern man, and who WAS modern humans.

Ten years ago, Neanderthal and Cro-magnon were NOT classed as Sapien, that's new. The reason - Grimaldi! Once Blacks started talking about Grimaldi, who was indisputably Black. Whites had no choice but to move their claims of origination in Europe to Cro-magnon. And of course, they then made all of those fake busts of White Cro-magnons to support their claims.


Ten years ago, Black modern humans were known to be at least 400,000 years old. But then, all of a sudden, on Wiki, and probably other places as well, Black humans became only 160,000 - 200,000 years old.

I never did figure out what they were trying to do with that. It was probably some Albino conspiracy to cook up some new lies about their origins, that simply didn't work out.

But as the Jews in Israel will tell you from their discoveries, modern man is indeed at least 400,000 years old.

He,he - Remembering that the Khazar Turks who call themselves Jews in Israel ARE Albinos after all. The Albino need to lie does come out. They are claiming that modern man originated in the Middle East.

Remembering that their basic lie, is that they are Hebrews, and originated in that place - well you can see where they are going.

But to the point:
The lying Albino boys at Wiki called Grimaldi this: early modern humans.

Question: at the time of Grimaldi (45,000 B.C.) Modern Black man was already at least 355,000 years old.

So were the lying Albino boys at Wiki trying to denigrate Grimaldi? I mean, was this like some little faggot Cracker boy calling a Black man - Boy?
Member # 9361
 - posted
^I see the Albinos are all quiet, now that the mirror has been held to their faces, and they get to see their true reflection.

Good, but there is more.
Lets talk about the biggest purveyors of lies, bullsh1t, and racism, the Germans: (The English - they're really Germans: and the Germans in Germany).

The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 A.D.) in his book: Germany Book 1: Clearly describes the people of the British Isles (except for the Albinos in Caledonia) as being Black.

Above: In the book Ancient Types of Man by Arthur Keith, he speaks specifically of the sameness of Grimaldi, a known Black, and the Galley Hill race found outside of London England - dated 1,300 B.C.


And as one would expect, there are many ancient skeletons found in Britain. But the British are eerily silent on the race of these skeletons - thus the ignorant Albinos are left to, nay encouraged to, assume that they are WHITE people.


The Guardian Newspaper:

Ivory Bangle Lady

Hella Eckhardt, senior lecturer at the department of archaeology at Reading University, said. "In the case of York, the Roman population may have had more diverse origins than the city has now."

Isotope evidence suggests that up to 20% were probably long distance migrants. Some were African or had African ancestors, including the woman dubbed "the ivory bangle lady", whose bone analysis shows she was brought up in a warmer climate, and whose skull shape suggests mixed ancestry including black features.

The authors point out that Roman North Africa was noted for its mixed populations, with Phoenician, Berber and Mediterranean influences.

Clearly, Hella Eckhardt was trying to say that any Blacks found in Britain must be there as a result of the Romans BRINGING THEM THERE - A LIE!


Member # 18238
 - posted
@ the Forum members

Since these folk completely burned their habitations
every couple of generations how is it known what the
wall and roofing structure looked like when all that
remained were the post holes and possibly the clay

Does this answer your question:

Member # 10195
 - posted
Can you point to the relative paragraph(s) please.

I'm afraid the Trypillian house reconstructions
are simply anachronistic best guesses of some
transplanted modern cottage design of the region
and that's why I first posed the question.

I am reminded how in elementary school when
I asked how we know the modes of operation
of paleolithic man and I was answered, from
the Bushmen and Pygmies (sic).

My sincere thanks for your expenditure of effort.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Khoisan people of South Africa were once the most populous humans on Earth


"This and previous studies show that the Khoisan peoples and the rest of modern humanity shared their most recent common ancestor approximately 150,000 years ago, so it was entirely unexpected to find that this group apparently did not intermarry with non-Khoisan neighbors for many thousand years," said Webb Miller, professor of Bioinformatics at Penn State and a member of the research team, as reported on Phys.org. "The current Khoisan culture and tradition, where marriage occurs either among Khoisan groups or results in female members leaving their tribes after marrying non-Khoisan men, appears to be long-standing."

Read more: http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/khoisan-people-south-africa-were-once-most-populous-humans-earth-002448#ixzz3hrbOpPtU
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history

The Khoisan people from Southern Africa maintained ancient lifestyles as hunter-gatherers or pastoralists up to modern times, though little else is known about their early history. Here we infer early demographic histories of modern humans using whole-genome sequences of five Khoisan individuals and one Bantu speaker. Comparison with a 420 K SNP data set from worldwide individuals demonstrates that two of the Khoisan genomes from the Ju/’hoansi population contain exclusive Khoisan ancestry. Coalescent analysis shows that the Khoisan and their ancestors have been the largest populations since their split with the non-Khoisan population ~100–150 kyr ago. In contrast, the ancestors of the non-Khoisan groups, including Bantu-speakers and non-Africans, experienced population declines after the split and lost more than half of their genetic diversity. Paleoclimate records indicate that the precipitation in southern Africa increased ~80–100 kyr ago while west-central Africa became drier. We hypothesize that these climate differences might be related to the divergent-ancient histories among human populations.


Yet Khoisan populations have maintained the greatest nuclear-genetic diversity among all human populations3, 4, 5 and the most ancient Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages6, 7, implying relatively larger effective population sizes for ancestral Khoisan populations.

--Hie Lim Kim Aakrosh Ratan George H. Perry Alvaro Montenegro Webb Miller Stephan C. Schuster

Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history
Member # 21966
 - posted
The KhoiSan are the children of the children of the rainforest, the Pygmy people.

The giraffes of the savannah are the offspring of the rainforest okapi.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor:
Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history

The Khoisan people from Southern Africa maintained ancient lifestyles as hunter-gatherers or pastoralists up to modern times, though little else is known about their early history. Here we infer early demographic histories of modern humans using whole-genome sequences of five Khoisan individuals and one Bantu speaker. Comparison with a 420 K SNP data set from worldwide individuals demonstrates that two of the Khoisan genomes from the Ju/’hoansi population contain exclusive Khoisan ancestry. Coalescent analysis shows that the Khoisan and their ancestors have been the largest populations since their split with the non-Khoisan population ~100–150 kyr ago. In contrast, the ancestors of the non-Khoisan groups, including Bantu-speakers and non-Africans, experienced population declines after the split and lost more than half of their genetic diversity. Paleoclimate records indicate that the precipitation in southern Africa increased ~80–100 kyr ago while west-central Africa became drier. We hypothesize that these climate differences might be related to the divergent-ancient histories among human populations.


Yet Khoisan populations have maintained the greatest nuclear-genetic diversity among all human populations3, 4, 5 and the most ancient Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages6, 7, implying relatively larger effective population sizes for ancestral Khoisan populations.

--Hie Lim Kim Aakrosh Ratan George H. Perry Alvaro Montenegro Webb Miller Stephan C. Schuster

Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history

Europeans know that the first Europeans were Khoisan that is why they play up the myth that the Khoisan is a different black race from other Africoids.

It is interesting that the Khoisan ovicaprids are North African, and their terms for cattle are different from the Bantu. This suggest that many Khoisan may have migrated back to South Africa from North Africa.
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor:
Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history

The Khoisan people from Southern Africa maintained ancient lifestyles as hunter-gatherers or pastoralists up to modern times, though little else is known about their early history. Here we infer early demographic histories of modern humans using whole-genome sequences of five Khoisan individuals and one Bantu speaker. Comparison with a 420 K SNP data set from worldwide individuals demonstrates that two of the Khoisan genomes from the Ju/’hoansi population contain exclusive Khoisan ancestry. Coalescent analysis shows that the Khoisan and their ancestors have been the largest populations since their split with the non-Khoisan population ~100–150 kyr ago. In contrast, the ancestors of the non-Khoisan groups, including Bantu-speakers and non-Africans, experienced population declines after the split and lost more than half of their genetic diversity. Paleoclimate records indicate that the precipitation in southern Africa increased ~80–100 kyr ago while west-central Africa became drier. We hypothesize that these climate differences might be related to the divergent-ancient histories among human populations.


Yet Khoisan populations have maintained the greatest nuclear-genetic diversity among all human populations3, 4, 5 and the most ancient Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages6, 7, implying relatively larger effective population sizes for ancestral Khoisan populations.

--Hie Lim Kim Aakrosh Ratan George H. Perry Alvaro Montenegro Webb Miller Stephan C. Schuster

Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history

Europeans know that the first Europeans were Khoisan that is why they play up the myth that the Khoisan is a different black race from other Africoids.

It is interesting that the Khoisan ovicaprids are North African, and their terms for cattle are different from the Bantu. This suggest that many Khoisan may have migrated back to South Africa from North Africa.

Most of Khoisan's history is not even at Southern Africa, indeed.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor:Most of Khoisan's history is not even at Southern Africa, indeed.
True. But it was the artifacts found in South Africa that allowed archaeologists to link the Khoisan to the Cro-Magnon people who founded the Aurignacian and Solutrean civilizations.

Euronuts and liberal Establishment authors always tell Black people to avoid old text because many earlier white scholars did not mind writing about the true history of Blacks. They didn't mind writing a true history of African people because they were writing books read by whites, not Africans and Afro-Americans. First Afro-American scholars like WEB DuBois found these text and later Anta Diop. It was DuBois and Diop that read these books and led to the revision of the ancient history of Black people.

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor:Most of Khoisan's history is not even at Southern Africa, indeed.
True. But it was the artifacts found in South Africa that allowed archaeologists to link the Khoisan to the Cro-Magnon people who founded the Aurignacian and Solutrean civilizations.

Euronuts and liberal Establishment authors always tell Black people to avoid old text because many earlier white scholars did not mind writing about the true history of Blacks. They didn't mind writing a true history of African people because they were writing books read by whites, not Africans and Afro-Americans. First Afro-American scholars like WEB DuBois found these text and later Anta Diop. It was DuBois and Diop that read these books and led to the revision of the ancient history of Black people.


We conducted a comparative analysis of segments between the PP5–6 samples, HP assemblages and more recent archaeological sites through- out Africa. SADBS segment dimensions (Supplementary Table 4) are within the 95% confidence intervals for segments at the MSA and LSA boundary in East Africa, the Tamar Hat Iberomaurusian in North Africa (,20–10kyr), and Holocene assemblages in South and East Africa (Fig. 1). More easily flaked obsidian (owing to its lack of crystalline structure) dominates the East African assemblages, so despite a tougher raw material (silcrete) (the SADBS knappers produced comparable microliths. SADBS segments are shorter and thinner than HP segments with no overlap in confidence intervals for width; they are more similar to East African LSA assemblages than the HP (Fig. 1).
--Kyle S. Brown et al.
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:


Dwindling African tribe may have been most populous group on planet


The famous Kalahari Bushmen of southern Africa have long been in decline. For more than a century, the people, who speak Khoisan languages, have been pushed off their land by farmers and brutalized by colonialists.

Yet for tens of thousands of years, the Khoisan’s ancestors were members of “the largest population” on the planet, according to a new study.


The Khoisan have long stood apart from other groups within Africa. They look distinct, speak in “click” languages, and have also maintained the greatest genetic diversity known among human populations. Usually, big populations harbor the most diversity. But census counts show that the 100,000 Khoisan speakers in Africa today are far outnumbered by other groups, such as the 45 million Bantu speakers and their 180 million descendants who now speak Swahili and other languages.

Researchers have thought that the Khoisan inherited their genetic diversity from a large ancestral population, an idea supported by a single Khoisan genome published in 2012. But scientists couldn’t rule out that the variation in Khoisan DNA arose from more recent interbreeding with other diverse Africans.


Brenna Henn, in this interview on population genetics and population structure, considering African populations.

“African populations have the most genetic diversity in the world,” Henn said. “If you compared people from the Kalahari Desert to people from Mali, they’d be as different from each other [genetically] as Italians and Chinese people.”

Why are other populations of humans so much less genetically varied than Africans? The answer, Henn explains, lies in our ancestors’ history; the groups of people that migrated out of Africa and spread throughout other continents were smaller subsets of that original, genetically diverse population.


Tracing Family Trees, And Human History, With Genetics:

zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Either choice will serve you better than the
sloppy scholarship of cracker Eurocentricism.

I thought Mike had been banned. Is he back now?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Member # 1797
 - posted
Hi Zarahan

There is no banning
There is no moderation (by me)

My new wife made an ultimatum right after we married.

Our loonnngggg honeymoon is over
so I peeped ES and saw retarded
Doxie's vacuous rant against me
and temporarily re-entered the
ES ring.

I have no interest in even being
a regular full-time poster again.

Keep up w/yr good works  -
Member # 21966
 - posted
Mike111: "He,he - Remembering that the Khazar Turks who call themselves Jews in Israel ARE Albinos after all. The Albino need to lie does come out. They are claiming that modern man originated in the Middle East."

Middle East = East (paleo-)Africa

PIE = Central Eur-Asia, not Central Asia

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