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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
Peter Popham:
Italian fascism is once again on the rise

The cry is out with the gypsies, in with the police; restore the city to those who possess it

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

A young graphic designer called Nicola Tommasoli died in hospital in Verona yesterday afternoon, victim of a neo-fascist mob. After he refused to give a cigarette to a skinhead who approached him, five of them, captured by a surveillance camera, punched and kicked him unconscious. And when it emerged that they belong to a neo-fascist fringe group, Italians began asking themselves: is this the first flick of the whip of the new regime, the first taste of what is to come?

The respectable right was quick to insist that the attack was nothing to do with them. "I would be the first to condemn neo-fascist violence if it really existed," shrugged Ignazio La Russa, a senior figure in the post-fascist Alleanza Nazionale (AN), likely to be appointed a minister this week. "A certain amount of violence has always existed in society," cooed another AN leader, Maurizio Gasparri. "To warn of a possible return to a climate of political violence is the umpteenth example of foolishness..."

But the fact is that Italy, which has been defined as a laboratory for bad ideas, has embarked on an alarming new experiment. On the cusp of what may prove to be the worst slump in living memory, the far right is closer to the heart of power than at any time since the fall of Mussolini.

The key players in the new Italian right wear beautiful suits and pastel ties and take to the heights of institutional power like ducks to water. Gianfranco Fini, leader of AN, the man who once eulogised Mussolini as the greatest Italian of the 20th century, has become the maestro of the volte-face: in his speech to parliament last week on taking office as speaker of the chamber of deputies, he was careful to pledge his loyalty to Liberation Day, the day of liberation from Nazi-Fascism. It was another statesman-like gesture by the distinguished-looking character who has been straight man to Berlusconi's clown for the past seven years, and is positioning himself to take over when the clowning has to stop.

Gianni Alemanno, his party colleague who won a stunning victory a week ago to become the mayor of Rome, is youthful- looking and fizzing with energy and sincerity, and tends to fly off the handle when linked in too obvious a manner to the "F" word. How is he to blame if his supporters raise stiff right arms on the steps of Rome's town hall to celebrate his victory? Like Fini, Alemanno has put 15 years of clear blue water between himself and his neo-fascist past. Like Fini, he reaches out warmly to the nation at large. In his acceptance speech he said: "I will be mayor of all the Romans, especially of those who didn't vote for me..."

To renounce the Fascist past, as Fini and his colleagues have done, means to renounce anti-Semitism and militarism and to make it clear that one is very sad about the abuses that occurred in the Mussolini years. But they hang on to an irreducible, core idea, and it is the same idea that impels clean-living young thugs to beat up people who refuse them cigarettes, or who have long hair, or have dark skin, or speak with southern Italian accents.

Guido Papalia, the public prosecutor of Verona who is investigating the attack on Tommasoli, explained it like this. "There is a way of thinking which is very widespread these days, which rejects what is different, those who don't dress like us, don't eat like us, don't speak with our accent, in defence of a system that they simply maintain is better than that of others and that therefore must be defended with violence."

Rejecting what is different: that primitive reflex was at the source of the anti-Semitism of the Nazis, and also explains the electoral success of the Northern League in northern Italy over the past year. The League's first fight was against the corruption of central government in Rome: it demanded secession. But when that demand began to look like a fantasy, it cast around for new causes, alighting finally and profitably on local chauvinism.

The Northern League mayors of the Veneto, smooth, professional men in comfortable offices, toss out their simple, excluding ideas: foreigners can live here only if they have a legitimate job, a home and an adequate income. Illegal immigrants should be excluded from schools and universities, their children from day-care centres. Veils should be banned by law. No mosques permitted within the city boundaries. Only those with excellent Italian and close familiarity with the constitution should be eligible for citizenship. Immigrants, including those from within the EU, should be repatriated en masse if they commit offences. Gypsy camps to be torn down...

Walter Veltroni, the former mayor of Rome and now head of the Democratic Party which took a whipping from Silvio Berlusconi at the general election, spelled out the link between the men in suits and the men in boots: "There are lots of gangs like this and they are much more dangerous in a cultural and political climate in which principles of intolerance and hatred towards the weakest are affirmed..."

Yet Mr Veltroni has much to answer for. It was his centre-left regime in Rome which ran the capital for the past 15 years and whose skewed priorities made the right's triumph possible. Mr Veltroni and his predecessor Francesco Rutelli – the centre-left's mayoral candidate beaten last week by Mr Alemanno – ran the city for the benefit of the post-communist intelligentsia, who lapped up the endless film and art and music events and believed it when Mr Veltroni told them that "Rome is the locomotive of Italy", and that culture and tourism were the locomotive's fuel.

But meanwhile the majority of the city's population were shut out of the loop. They lived outside the city's exquisite centre, in benighted and desperately ugly dormitory suburbs with pathetic transport links, scarce policing, negligent local authorities and every indication of official contempt. And those nightmare suburbs continue to multiply. So now the Romans have risen up and thrown the champagne communists out. And the cry is out with the gypsies, in with the police; out with the 20,000 foreigners who have committed crimes; restore the city to those who rightly possess it. The crude and simple appeal of fascism has always been to blood and soil, and so it remains today.

If Italy today has the worst-performing economy in western Europe, it is thanks to the criminal failure of its politicians to tackle the special interest groups which hold the state hostage in every sphere of life, from trade unions to universities, from property development to the justice system. Italy feels itself in decline and reacts electorally with a lurch to the far right, but as so often, everything must change in order that everything stays the same. Those responsible for Italy's problems will continue to make hay just as before. Those who suffer will be those who are least to blame for the country's woes.

Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
Racist ITALY - Black Guy Killed in MILAN

Hi Everybody,

I have a sad story to tell you today.

An ITALIAN black guy was killed (beaten to death with a stick) by two bar tenders (white Italian). They called him "dirty nigger". According to the murders, the guy was guilty of stealing candies... yes, candies! (however, this fact is not proved, yet).

Let's pray for this victim of Racism. His name was Abdul and he was 19 y.o. (never committed a crime in his life).

You can find two articles in the links below. Sorry, those are in Italian only. There is also a Photo of Abdul.

Italian climate is turning into highly racist in the recent time, due to the right wing government's propaganda. The government includes the xenophobic party called the Northern League (Lega Nord).

Soon, we'll be like Russia.. please, suggest me a country where to move!





SOURCE: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/mulatto/vpost?id=2976894
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
Amsterdam psychiatric clinic closes following deaths
23/09/2008 00:00

Two patients in the Amsterdam psychiatric clinic were found dead in September.

23 September 2008

AMSTERDAM -- A psychiatric clinic in Amsterdam has been closed temporary following the deaths of two patients in September.

Last week, a patient committed suicide at the clinic. Just two weeks ago, a 47-year-old schizophrenic patient choked to death in an isolation cell.

Shortly before the death of the man in the isolation cell, a report was released condemning the institute for locking patients in isolation cells immediately after arrival in the clinic.

The Health Inspectorate report also criticised the quality of care at the institute, saying there is not enough staff and that they are not properly trained. The workload is too heavy and hygiene is substandard.

The latest incident is when a patient escaped during a fire alarm on Saturday.

[Radio Netherlands / Expatica]
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
"A lot of people in Holland are frightened to go into hospital because of this situation."


Involuntary Euthanasia is Out of Control in Holland

The Hague -- Euthanasia in The Netherlands is "beyond effective control", according to a report which shows that one in five assisted suicides is without explicit consent.

British opponents of assisted suicide say that the figures are a warning of the dangers of decriminalising euthanasia, as Holland did in 1984. By 1995 cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Holland had risen to almost 3 per cent of all deaths.

The Dutch survey, reviewed in the Journal of Medical Ethics, looked at the figures for 1995 and found that as well as 3,600 authorized cases there were 900 others in which doctors had acted without explicit consent. A follow-up survey found that the main reason for not consulting patients was that they had dementia or were otherwise not competent.

But in 15 percent of cases the doctors avoided any discussion because they thought they were acting in the patient's best interests.

Michael Howitt Wilson, of the Alert campaign against euthanasia, said: "A lot of people in Holland are frightened to go into hospital because of this situation."

Dr Henk Jochensen, of the Lindeboom Institute, and Dr John Keown, of Queens' College, Cambridge carried out the study. They conclude: "The reality is that a clear majority of cases of euthanasia, both with and without request, go unreported and unchecked. Dutch claims of effective regulation ring hollow."

Another study appearing in the journal shows that the legal assessments of cases reported to the public prosecution service in the Netherlands vary considerably. Cases are reported to determine whether a doctor will be prosecuted for murder. The study was carried out by Dr Jacqueline Cuperus-Bosma, of Vrije University in the Netherlands. The paper concluded that there is a need for clear protocols.

Dr Peggy Norris, chairwoman of the anti-euthanasia group Alert, said: "We need to learn from the Dutch system that euthanasia cannot be controlled."

"I know of patients in a nursing home who are carrying around what they call sanctuary certificates all the time, stating that they do not want to be helped to die. People are afraid of being sick or of being knocked down in case a doctor takes the decision, without their permission, to stop treatment."

Source: The Times(UK) 2/16/99
Provided By: The Pro-Life Infonet, a daily compilation of pro-life news and educational information. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe" to: infonet-list-request@lists.prolife.org. Infonet is sponsored by Women and Children First (http://www.prolife.org/wcf). For more pro-life info visit the Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List at http://www.prolife.org/ultimate and for questions or additional information email ertelt@prolife.org
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted

Berlusconi allies with Italian fascists.
February 21, 2006 6:15 AM

Berlusconi allies with Italian fascists. Declaring the opposition party as a threat to democracy, Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi did the obvious thing... he allied with the fascists. After all, what did they ever do to harm anyone? They look like a friendly, patriotic group. Cleancut... and they sound kinda cheery too. Their websites feature familiar faces. I'm sure the knifings and the bombings -- yes, plural -- were just a matter of youthful overexuberance. So, where's Bush on this issue?
posted by insomnia_lj
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
The Netherlands: Should the elderly over 70 be reanimated?


"The Christian Democrats and other political parties have been demanding that the cabinet intervene at the care home, which recently adopted a policy of not reanimating elderly people after a heart attack unless they had specifically asked to be resuscitated.
The home sent its residents a letter pointing out that people over 70 run serious risks of a significantly reduced quality of life if they are reanimated after cardiac arrest. It asked them to indicate in writing whether they wished to be reanimated or not in such a case. Following the announcement of an investigation by the Health Care Inspectorate, the home has suspended its new protocol: for the time being it will resuscitate all cardiac arrest victims, regardless of age. "


Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
"A lot of people in Holland are frightened to go into hospital because of this situation."


Involuntary Euthanasia is Out of Control in Holland

The Hague -- Euthanasia in The Netherlands is "beyond effective control", according to a report which shows that one in five assisted suicides is without explicit consent.

British opponents of assisted suicide say that the figures are a warning of the dangers of decriminalising euthanasia, as Holland did in 1984. By 1995 cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Holland had risen to almost 3 per cent of all deaths.

The Dutch survey, reviewed in the Journal of Medical Ethics, looked at the figures for 1995 and found that as well as 3,600 authorized cases there were 900 others in which doctors had acted without explicit consent. A follow-up survey found that the main reason for not consulting patients was that they had dementia or were otherwise not competent.

But in 15 percent of cases the doctors avoided any discussion because they thought they were acting in the patient's best interests.

Michael Howitt Wilson, of the Alert campaign against euthanasia, said: "A lot of people in Holland are frightened to go into hospital because of this situation."

Dr Henk Jochensen, of the Lindeboom Institute, and Dr John Keown, of Queens' College, Cambridge carried out the study. They conclude: "The reality is that a clear majority of cases of euthanasia, both with and without request, go unreported and unchecked. Dutch claims of effective regulation ring hollow."

Another study appearing in the journal shows that the legal assessments of cases reported to the public prosecution service in the Netherlands vary considerably. Cases are reported to determine whether a doctor will be prosecuted for murder. The study was carried out by Dr Jacqueline Cuperus-Bosma, of Vrije University in the Netherlands. The paper concluded that there is a need for clear protocols.

Dr Peggy Norris, chairwoman of the anti-euthanasia group Alert, said: "We need to learn from the Dutch system that euthanasia cannot be controlled."

"I know of patients in a nursing home who are carrying around what they call sanctuary certificates all the time, stating that they do not want to be helped to die. People are afraid of being sick or of being knocked down in case a doctor takes the decision, without their permission, to stop treatment."

Source: The Times(UK) 2/16/99
Provided By: The Pro-Life Infonet, a daily compilation of pro-life news and educational information. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe" to: infonet-list-request@lists.prolife.org. Infonet is sponsored by Women and Children First (http://www.prolife.org/wcf). For more pro-life info visit the Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List at http://www.prolife.org/ultimate and for questions or additional information email ertelt@prolife.org

Tabula Rasa
Member # 15909
 - posted
Racist ITALY - Black Guy Killed in MILAN
"Get out of OUR area WHITE SCUM": White British street cleaner attacked by "Asians".

Yet imagine the fall-out if a bunch of white British teenagers attacked an "Asian" (aka Pakistani) street cleaner, saying "get out of OUR area, BROWN SCUM" or words to that effect?


An ITALIAN black guy was killed (beaten to death with a stick) by two bar tenders (white Italian). They called him "dirty nigger". According to the murders, the guy was guilty of stealing candies... yes, candies! (however, this fact is not proved, yet).

The report pointed out that there was a strong link between Italians' growing sense of insecurity and the [/B]increase in the number of immigrants living in Italy[/B] - a phenomenon highlighted in a government survey in April that revealed some 49% of Italians believe that immigrants are ''dishonest''.
Notice the correlation between increased immigration and insecurity in the native inhabitants? Why does "racism" and "xenophobia" increase directly proportional to increases in "diversity" and (non-white) "immigration"? Surely , if non-whites were so desirable "racism/xenophobia" would decline as Europe become "more ethnically diverse", wouldn't it?


Recent polls have also shown that the majority of Italians support a government crackdown on crimes committed by foreigners announced by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni earlier this month.


The Istat report confirmed a growing trend in immigrant crime, with some 100,000 immigrants booked in 2007.[/B]

While bag snatching was the most popular immigrant crime with 70% of offences committed by foreigners, immigrants were also responsible for around 33% of violent crimes committed in 2007, the report said.

Italian anxiety over crime rises.

So don't pull the bullshit "immigrants done no trouble to nobody in Italy - them Italians just raciss!".


Let's pray for this victim of Racism. His name was Abdul and he was 19 y.o. (never committed a crime in his life).

Uh, you just mentioned he was stealing candles in the preceding paragraph:
And is this going to be like the "Jena Six" where - despite all the claims that "dey bee'ze good chill'unz" - nearly all of them were later arrested for other crimes?
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
It feels like I'm the only one who has protested SINCE 2005 against Nazi like science against Surinam and Antillean Blacks and Berbers (1996), the misuse of psychiatry as a form of Extra Judicial Justice against young Black Antilleans. The police diagnosing, and having them immediately put in isolation, where god knows what medical experiments are performed on them. Then they are released within a weak, all messed up. Since then Antilleans are now registered on the base of their ethnicity (2006). We live with daily reports of people dying in isolation cells. Their dying in medical custody not being properly reported. The television feeds us every night with highly racist items against mulsims amd people of colour. A total breakdown in regard of Human Rights among citizens, and in the judiciary. Citizens are turned against each other. A spy-riddled society. Peoples are scared shitless of their own government. You have even Blacks on other coloureds participating in these studies, confirming Nazi thinking and earning themselves money for their own projects.

Some Blacks are today still accepting plaques saying ‘Friend of the White’s’ which marks them as Houseniggers of State. The enemy of the nigger is truly the nigger himself, in this case. They did it sixty years ago to the Jews, Blacks, and Roma; now they will do it to the Blacks, Muslims and Coloureds.

So, I’m glad to take the ridicule by the racists and their houseniggers, which my protest seem to inspire, but let the record show that Egmond Codfried was the sole voice of protest.


You say that deficiency of melanin can cause mental illness. But today in Holland they make health policy, institutionalise melanin rich, Black and Moroccan people, based on a 'scientific research' in 1996 which ‘shows’ that Surinam Blacks, Dutch Antillean Blacks and Moroccan Berbers, from the second generation in Europe, show a heightened susceptibility to mental illness, mainly Paranoid Schizophrenia. So this does not include other (West) Africans in Holland, nor Moroccan Arabs, nor other Arabs or even Turks. Then they went to Surinam and found that all Surinam Blacks, from any generation, show a marked tendency to Schizophrenia. I think that for a diagnosis you now only have to look at the persons ethnicity, to stigmatize them as ‘biological inferior.’ If he complains about racism, well then he must be paranoid as there is 'of course' No racism in Holland!

I have to add that strongly motivated, and clean living Surinam Blacks and Moroccans in Holland, of the second generation, are eclipsing drugs and alcohol riddled Dutch youth. This is the only reason why they came up with this so-called 'scientific research' straight out of Mein Kampf!


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