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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 18859
 - posted
Dr. Winters,

You have found a new believer in your work. I must admit I lurked on this forum for a LONG time before registering and posting. I thought your work might be along the lines of those afrocentrist who base their work on emotion as opposed to scholarship, well I was wrong! I have been reading up on Egyptian History but was side tracked recently over blacks in Southern Iran (on the mainland and on the Islands). Most people probably don't know but to this day much of southern iran is BLACK and I dont mean black as in Australian black that don't look like modern day Africans (which I think is because of AFrican's mixing with Neanderthals when they reached that area). When you look at Blacks in Southern Iran you would think you are looking at Beja, Tigri, Amharic or even one of the peoples from Somaliland. So I started to wonder who were these people. Then I read Dr. Diop's book and he said the original people of Elam, Ur, Jiroft etc were black. Still I took this with grains of salt because I like proofs. Then I cam across your work where you mentioned Sir Rawlinson, so I grabbed his book to see for myself and lo and behold you were right. Anyone interested can read what was said here http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=sK8IAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&pg=GBS.PA114

If that doesn't work it is page 114 in the book Memoir on cuneiform. He also makes mention of another anthropologist who went as far as to say the Beja are the ones that inhabited elam and other such areas. What is funny is you see how they attempt to white wash Beja into being "Caucasian" and one understand why when you see what these people have done!

I saw a OLD thread from 2007 where people tried to argue with you (Dr. Winters) and the guy whose name starts with Al T something or other about this subject and someone made the silly argument that the blacks of these land are "indigenous". what a silly/odd thing to say. If man originated in AFRICA and if he ventured out, landed in some area, kept his color and original features (I don't believe in evolution, think its silly) then how the hell are they indigenous to any place outside of AFrica? These are still AFRICAN people, regardless if they left 1 million years ago, 2,000 years ago or 10 yrs ago.

Anyway, cheers and keep up the good work.

If anyone wants to see what blacks in that region look like get a film called "the ballot box" its a Irani film, you MIGHT be able to get it in the states. Anyway they go through out southern iran and the islands off the cost and you will be hard pressed to find any non blacks in these areas. Also youtube has a few of them


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KMC6kr_vUQ&feature=related <--- he looks like he is from upper egypt. He is singing some old 80s pop song in broken english. Does a good job lol


To all who say Dr. Winters is taking away credit from the people who live there, youre foolish. This is what white academia have done to blacks the world over. You ask them how the blacks get to soem area and they say "oh slavery" as if Blacks could have never travelled out and had kingdoms outside of Africa, as if they (whites) are the only ones who could have conquered, had kingdoms, expanded their territories and dominated resources etc. Be serious, folks. Hell you still have the descendants of the Aksumite kingdom in Southern Arabia and whites try to say they were slaves and that the idea of the Aksumite kingdom ruling there is a myth (if you google the British Museum AND aksumite kingdom you will find a 5 or 6 page PDF on the subject, very good read). Don't be afraid to reclaim your history. And for the whites who get angry, I don't blame you. If Elam was black and so was egypt then what does that say about european contribution to civilization? I think though, instead of getting upset or feeling demoralized and as a result lashing out, lets all embrace the fact that the human family has done some great things. Its just africans did a little more early on and naturally so. We were first on the planet, it would only stand to reason we did things first. Its like saying a son has driven a car, known a woman or had ice cream before his father did. Its an absurd notion.
Member # 18764
 - posted
A lot of blacks (from Sudane, or Swahili or Bantu speaking regions) were introduced into Iraq and Iran under the Islamic rulers, originally as slaves, but they revolted and established their own independence in the region of Basra. They were known as Zanj. If you see blacks in this part of the world it doesn't mean their ancestry is ancient there, it probably goes back to no earlier than the ninth century AD.


The Zanj (victims of the Indian-ocena slave trade, who fought for and established their own freedom) are the descendants of modern Afro-Iraqis and Afro-Iranians. However Arabs continued to take black slaves until modern times. The Islamic slave teade taking Africans to the Middle East was only abolished in 1848, under British pressure.


Claiming that ancient peoples in this region were black Africans is pseudohistorical.
Member # 16951
 - posted
Originally posted by rahotep101:
A lot of blacks (from Sudane, or Swahili or Bantu speaking regions) were introduced into Iraq and Iran under the Islamic rulers, originally as slaves, but they revolted and established their own independence in the region of Basra. They were known as Zanj. If you see blacks in this part of the world it doesn't mean their ancestry is ancient there, it probably goes back to no earlier than the ninth century AD.


The Zanj (victims of the Indian-ocena slave trade, who fought for and established their own freedom) are the descendants of modern Afro-Iraqis and Afro-Iranians. However Arabs continued to take black slaves until modern times. The Islamic slave teade taking Africans to the Middle East was only abolished in 1848, under British pressure.


Claiming that ancient peoples in this region were black Africans is pseudohistorical.

Pseudo historical is a charlatan who recycles debunked 19th century theories regarding matters he knows nothing about while posting over 800 times in 4 short months.
Member # 17444
 - posted
Originally posted by typeZeiss:
Dr. Winters,

You have found a new believer in your work. I must admit I lurked on this forum for a LONG time before registering and posting. I thought your work might be along the lines of those afrocentrist who base their work on emotion as opposed to scholarship, well I was wrong! I have been reading up on Egyptian History but was side tracked recently over blacks in Southern Iran (on the mainland and on the Islands). Most people probably don't know but to this day much of southern iran is BLACK and I dont mean black as in Australian black that don't look like modern day Africans (which I think is because of AFrican's mixing with Neanderthals when they reached that area). When you look at Blacks in Southern Iran you would think you are looking at Beja, Tigri, Amharic or even one of the peoples from Somaliland. So I started to wonder who were these people. Then I read Dr. Diop's book and he said the original people of Elam, Ur, Jiroft etc were black. Still I took this with grains of salt because I like proofs. Then I cam across your work where you mentioned Sir Rawlinson, so I grabbed his book to see for myself and lo and behold you were right. Anyone interested can read what was said here http://books.google.com/ebooks/reader?id=sK8IAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&pg=GBS.PA114

If that doesn't work it is page 114 in the book Memoir on cuneiform. He also makes mention of another anthropologist who went as far as to say the Beja are the ones that inhabited elam and other such areas. What is funny is you see how they attempt to white wash Beja into being "Caucasian" and one understand why when you see what these people have done!

I saw a OLD thread from 2007 where people tried to argue with you (Dr. Winters) and the guy whose name starts with Al T something or other about this subject and someone made the silly argument that the blacks of these land are "indigenous". what a silly/odd thing to say. If man originated in AFRICA and if he ventured out, landed in some area, kept his color and original features (I don't believe in evolution, think its silly) then how the hell are they indigenous to any place outside of AFrica? These are still AFRICAN people, regardless if they left 1 million years ago, 2,000 years ago or 10 yrs ago.

Anyway, cheers and keep up the good work.

If anyone wants to see what blacks in that region look like get a film called "the ballot box" its a Irani film, you MIGHT be able to get it in the states. Anyway they go through out southern iran and the islands off the cost and you will be hard pressed to find any non blacks in these areas. Also youtube has a few of them


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KMC6kr_vUQ&feature=related <--- he looks like he is from upper egypt. He is singing some old 80s pop song in broken english. Does a good job lol


To all who say Dr. Winters is taking away credit from the people who live there, youre foolish. This is what white academia have done to blacks the world over. You ask them how the blacks get to soem area and they say "oh slavery" as if Blacks could have never travelled out and had kingdoms outside of Africa, as if they (whites) are the only ones who could have conquered, had kingdoms, expanded their territories and dominated resources etc. Be serious, folks. Hell you still have the descendants of the Aksumite kingdom in Southern Arabia and whites try to say they were slaves and that the idea of the Aksumite kingdom ruling there is a myth (if you google the British Museum AND aksumite kingdom you will find a 5 or 6 page PDF on the subject, very good read). Don't be afraid to reclaim your history. And for the whites who get angry, I don't blame you. If Elam was black and so was egypt then what does that say about european contribution to civilization? I think though, instead of getting upset or feeling demoralized and as a result lashing out, lets all embrace the fact that the human family has done some great things. Its just africans did a little more early on and naturally so. We were first on the planet, it would only stand to reason we did things first. Its like saying a son has driven a car, known a woman or had ice cream before his father did. Its an absurd notion.

No doubt, Dr. Winters is a "G".

Now, the question is, how to apply this information in a practical way to affect today's condition in massive positive ways?

I was watching Chiness movies such as "Red Cliffs" and "Beginning Of The Great Revival" and the way they display their ancient history in Epic style.

Wouldn't it be great if a script was developed and producers like Spike Lee or Singleton created black history in the same manner rather than the typical slave, "Boyz In the Hood" and "The Help" themes we are constantly bombarded with?

The site contains some great reference materials for developing such a project. All that's missing is vision and collaborations.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by typeZeiss:

If anyone wants to see what blacks in that region look like get a film called "the ballot box" its a Irani film, you MIGHT be able to get it in the states. Anyway they go through out southern iran and the islands off the cost and you will be hard pressed to find any non blacks in these areas. Also youtube has a few of them

typeZeiss - Perhaps there is another movie on the same subject. But the one that I am familiar with "Secret Ballot" has only one Black Iranian woman (very beautiful by the way), and two Black soldiers.

Member # 16371
 - posted
The circassian (victims of the Black Sea slave trade, who fought for and established their own freedom) are the descendants of modern Eurasians and Euro-Iranians. However Arabs continued to take white slaves until modern times. The Islamic slave teade taking Europeans to the Middle East was only abolished in 1848, under British pressure.

A lot of whites (from Europe or Caucasus or Eurasian speaking regions) were introduced into Morocco and Egypt under the Islamic rulers, originally as slaves, but they revolted and established their own independence in the region of in Egypt They were known as Mameluke . If you see whites in this part of the world it doesn't mean their ancestry is ancient there, it probably goes back to no earlier than the ninth century AD.


Claiming that ancient peoples in this region were White Europeans is pseudohistorical.
Member # 18764
 - posted
There were no Mameluks in Morocco's Atlas mountains! Mameluks were mostly from Georgia and the Turkik homelands east of the Caucasus, and they were elite cavalry warriors, not simple slaves like the Zanj. Mameluks have nothing to do with the fair skinned Berbers, who were present since prehistoric times, and who are attested in Egyptian iconography. Mameluks also had little or nothing to do with the Barbary slave trade. Your parody is made of fail.
Member # 16371
 - posted
The Zanj were soldiers also read that's why the revolt lasted so long and Zanj had nothing to do with dark skinned native who had been there from prehistoric times your lapped sided view of history is made of fail.
Member # 17444
 - posted
LOL, it was inevitable that this thread would deteriorate into the standard daily, "Were they black or not circular exchange.

Why should blacks even care so much about convincing Whites that they lie, when it is apparent they fully understand this and have no shame and much prefer to continue on the path of the established M.O.?
Member # 9361
 - posted
^That is why their comments should be ignored unless the provide some supporting evidence.

Of course, everyone should provide supporting evidence.
Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by rahotep101:
A lot of blacks (from Sudane, or Swahili or Bantu speaking regions) were introduced into Iraq and Iran under the Islamic rulers, originally as slaves, but they revolted and established their own independence in the region of Basra. They were known as Zanj. If you see blacks in this part of the world it doesn't mean their ancestry is ancient there, it probably goes back to no earlier than the ninth century AD.


The Zanj (victims of the Indian-ocena slave trade, who fought for and established their own freedom) are the descendants of modern Afro-Iraqis and Afro-Iranians. However Arabs continued to take black slaves until modern times. The Islamic slave teade taking Africans to the Middle East was only abolished in 1848, under British pressure.


Claiming that ancient peoples in this region were black Africans is pseudohistorical.

No, pseudohistorical would be ignoring eye witness accounts, the linguistic links found by experts and the like. I get it, your good a googling, and thats cute. Do some real research, crack a book open.

Originally posted by MelaninKing:
LOL, it was inevitable that this thread would deteriorate into the standard daily, "Were they black or not circular exchange.

Why should blacks even care so much about convincing Whites that they lie, when it is apparent they fully understand this and have no shame and much prefer to continue on the path of the established M.O.?

I agree and disagree. believe me, I don't care what a white man says, we know their history, we know they have done little to nothing to contribute to the foundations of civilization, I mean how could they have?

Mainly because they were not present at the earliest times where all this was taking place. People need to understand the effects of the last ice age and what was going on in europe at that time and what happened as the ice age ended i.e. these northerners pushing down into middle east and mixing with the people who had set up shop previously.

My thing is though, you have a lot of young kids and curious older people wanting to learn about their history, its sites like this that come up in google searches. So yeah we should ignore those who have little to no knowledge of the subject, but at the same time provide evidence for those who are interested so they can further research the issues. Also, gotta give credit were credit is due. Dr. Winters is a good source as well as MANY others on this site. Also, its true SOME of the people in these areas were brought as slaves, but to think they were all slaves is beyond silly. Especially given the fact there were people in those times who left eye witness accounts of blacks ruling. WE have linguistic ties to kush in these areas, and we have murals that clearly depict black people. Its like the blacks in Yemen and how some whites tried to lie and say they were the result of slavery when in fact they are the descendants of the Aksumite kingdom. Its so incredible to me that Africans have such a great and varied history that is at the foundations of civilization yet these people attempt to white wash these facts or explain them away in the most absurd ways. I have not been on this site as long as most of you guys so I am not "tired" yet, but just know people are out there reading what you post and learning a lot. Don't post for the euro-centrist, do it for those who are seeking information, even if they are not making themselves known.
Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by rahotep101:
There were no Mameluks in Morocco's Atlas mountains! Mameluks were mostly from Georgia and the Turkik homelands east of the Caucasus, and they were elite cavalry warriors, not simple slaves like the Zanj. Mameluks have nothing to do with the fair skinned Berbers, who were present since prehistoric times, and who are attested in Egyptian iconography. Mameluks also had little or nothing to do with the Barbary slave trade. Your parody is made of fail.

Wow so you google bollocks to try and prove your historical revisionst view of blacks in Iran and M.E. yet you come with make belive off the top of your head to argue about white slaves in M.E. and Africa? How convient, however history doesnt agree with you.

As stated previously read books, they will serve you better. Since you dont seem to have a college educate other wise you would understand how to research let me take t hsi time to educate you. Look at the bibliography of books when you read them. They are full of sources that will lead you to even more information. Anyway here is one http://books.google.com/books?id=aaE2AAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

That books is titled The Mameluke; or, Slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517, A. D

Also the Encyclopedia Britannica http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/360799/Mamluk

Also "saraceans" which are still present in the Middle East acknowledge they are the result of slaves from the Caucasus. Just put your emotions to the side, look at it objectively and do some research. I know that bit about the saraceans because I had a friend from Lebanon who was one.
Member # 19316
 - posted
OP,nobody wins an intellectual debate with Winters. Its never happened.Btw,don't get bogged down in red herrings and false arguments-those type of posters have LOTS OF ENERGY.They're veritable human spambots with their unending ignorant internet intifadas. Once you've been here,you'll learn to tune them out.
I first read about Black Iranians on africaresource.com.
Member # 18764
 - posted
Someone typing on a white inventio in a white language saying whites did nothing to contribute to civilization? That's a laugh! Every civilized trapping you take for geanted is likely to be a white bequest. Whites pioneered measns of transport, from the horse-drawn cart to the steam train and ship to and the motor car. Whites harnessed electricity and nuclear power, and invented telephones, cameras, televisions and the intenet. Whites pioneered powered flight and space travel. You think you can belittle whites by saying they contributed nothing?

Shakespeare, Galileo, Plato, Michelangelo, Newton, Nelson, Herodotus, Ptolemy, Leonardo, Columbus, Mozart, Voltaire, Jefferson, Edison, Brunel, Faraday, Darwin... European-descended people have conributed more to every aspect of civilization, achievement and knowledge than anyone else. Sad bastards on Egyptsearch, meanwhile, are reduced to these vain attempts to claim members of other races and cultures for their own.

Most of the cultures the lunatics on Egyptsearch wish to usurp, they would not even know about but for the white scholars and researchers they so casually condemn. You don't care about real history, all you want are feel-good myths that prop up your unjustified arrogance.

As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.
Member # 9422
 - posted
I first learned about Black persians from taking an interest in reading about Blacks in Asia.

This took me to learn about Blacks in Iraq, Iran etc.

This video from aljazeera, is a good video that showcases the reach of African American culture to Blacks in Iraq, enjoy.


I hope with time, that more people learn about Blacks from Turkey, Pakistan, Iraq etc.

Member # 18764
 - posted
Afrocentrists are always contradict each other. Some what to say the Persians were black, others want to say the Egyptians were black and became lighter because they were all raped by white Persians. It's really silly.
Member # 18764
 - posted
Claiming that ancient peoples in this region were White Europeans is pseudohistorical.
Not quite, for reasons I've given elsewhere. If I must repeat muself:

The photots of modern north Africans and paintings of ancient North Africans have the same flesh tone and facial features (even similar tattoos in many cases). If you don't want to believe they are related but want to bring Vandals, white slaves of Arabs etc. into the equation, then the onus is on you to prove that.




Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Someone typing on a white inventio in a white language saying whites did nothing to contribute to civilization? That's a laugh! Every civilized trapping you take for geanted is likely to be a white bequest. Whites pioneered measns of transport, from the horse-drawn cart to the steam train and ship to and the motor car. Whites harnessed electricity and nuclear power, and invented telephones, cameras, televisions and the intenet. Whites pioneered powered flight and space travel. You think you can belittle whites by saying they contributed nothing?

Shakespeare, Galileo, Plato, Michelangelo, Newton, Nelson, Herodotus, Ptolemy, Leonardo, Columbus, Mozart, Voltaire, Jefferson, Edison, Brunel, Faraday, Darwin... European-descended people have conributed more to every aspect of civilization, achievement and knowledge than anyone else. Sad bastards on Egyptsearch, meanwhile, are reduced to these vain attempts to claim members of other races and cultures for their own.

Most of the cultures the lunatics on Egyptsearch wish to usurp, they would not even know about but for the white scholars and researchers they so casually condemn. You don't care about real history, all you want are feel-good myths that prop up your unjustified arrogance.

As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

The computer a white invention? You are very uneducated my friend. Without African mathematics there would be NO computer. Binary, that's African, the math behind binary, well that's African too. African Fractals (relates to Binary) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_dxv1uhQBk (part 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOBX4YmElxY&NR=1 (part 2)

The math behind binary:

Now lets be clear, I have not said that whites haven't done anything. I said the did nothing to contribute to early civilization.

As for Gobekli Tepe its supposedly dating back to 10,000 B.C. but according to some geologist with hard evidence so does the Sphinx

Now, this is the last time I am going to address your absurd statements and here is why.

1. I gave you books to read and instead you come back with babble and no research in hand.

2. You seem hell bent on speaking about things you are not very familiar with
Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by KING:
I first learned about Black persians from taking an interest in reading about Blacks in Asia.

This took me to learn about Blacks in Iraq, Iran etc.

This video from aljazeera, is a good video that showcases the reach of African American culture to Blacks in Iraq, enjoy.


I hope with time, that more people learn about Blacks from Turkey, Pakistan, Iraq etc.


I actually learned about blacks in Turkiye and Greece not to long ago. In fact a very famous singer there is a black woman. Anyway there is a particular group of black turks they said, they are not sure (supposedly) how they got there. They were in cyprus first and then moved over into Turkiye and they have some ancient festival they observe (forget the name of it). Anyway thx for the link
-Just Call Me Jari-
Member # 14451
 - posted
I take objection from the notion the European decended people contributed more to Civilization and Human Progression than anyone else.

I think not, you could make a case that Europeans pioneered the Modern world but Civilization in general..??

First off you don't even take into acount the contribution of Africans, Asians etc. What about the Paper Mills of China, Gun Poweder that allowed Europeans to conquer the known world, the improvments in Navigation by Arab and African moors that improved European Sea Navigation.

Imhotep, Al-Jahiz, Zara Yacob, Menelik, Ezana, Taraqo, Ahmed Baba, Lalibella, Tuthmosis, Jazz, Blues, Rock and Roll, Soul.

The idea that the cradle of civilization is in Syria is unfounded, further the Nile Valley developed Civilization on its own from Further South in places like Gebel Berkal, Gebel Uwaniat and Nabta Playa etc.

Originally posted by rahotep101:
Someone typing on a white inventio in a white language saying whites did nothing to contribute to civilization? That's a laugh! Every civilized trapping you take for geanted is likely to be a white bequest. Whites pioneered measns of transport, from the horse-drawn cart to the steam train and ship to and the motor car. Whites harnessed electricity and nuclear power, and invented telephones, cameras, televisions and the intenet. Whites pioneered powered flight and space travel. You think you can belittle whites by saying they contributed nothing?

Shakespeare, Galileo, Plato, Michelangelo, Newton, Nelson, Herodotus, Ptolemy, Leonardo, Columbus, Mozart, Voltaire, Jefferson, Edison, Brunel, Faraday, Darwin... European-descended people have conributed more to every aspect of civilization, achievement and knowledge than anyone else. Sad bastards on Egyptsearch, meanwhile, are reduced to these vain attempts to claim members of other races and cultures for their own.

Most of the cultures the lunatics on Egyptsearch wish to usurp, they would not even know about but for the white scholars and researchers they so casually condemn. You don't care about real history, all you want are feel-good myths that prop up your unjustified arrogance.

As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
The Zanj were soldiers also read that's why the revolt lasted so long and Zanj had nothing to do with dark skinned native who had been there from prehistoric times your lapped sided view of history is made of fail.

Brada, your comment is lacking:

The Zanj Rebellion was the culmination of series of small revolts. It took place near the city of Basra, located in southern Iraq over a period of fifteen years (869-883 AD). It grew to involve over 500,000 slaves who were imported from across the Muslim empire and claimed over “tens of thousands of lives in lower Iraq”

The common view of Islamic slavery as primarily domestic and military may therefore reflect the bias of our documentation rather than the reality. There are occasional references, however, to large gangs of slaves, mostly black, employed in agriculture, in the mines, and in such special tasks as the drainage of marshes. Some, less fortunate, were hired out by their owners for piecework. These working slaves had a much harder life. The most unfortunate of all were those engaged in agricultural and other manual work and large-scale enterprises, such as for example the Zanj slaves used to drain the salt flats of southern Iraq, and the blacks employed in the salt mines of the Sahara and the gold mines of Nubia. These were herded in large settlements and worked in gangs. Large landowners, or crown lands, often employed thousands of such slaves. While domestic and commercial slaves were relatively well-off, these lived and died in wretchedness. Of the Saharan salt mines it is said that no slave lived there for more than five years. The cultivation of cotton and sugar, which the Arabs brought from the East across North Africa and into Spain, most probably entailed some kind of plantation system. Certainly, the earliest relevant Ottoman records show the extensive use of slave labor in the state-maintained rice plantations. Some such system, for cultivation of cotton and sugar, was taken across North Africa into Spain and perhaps beyond. While economic slave labor was mainly male, slave women were sometimes also exploited economically. The pre-lslamic practice of hiring out female slaves as prostitutes is expressly forbidden by Islamic law but appears to have survived nonetheless.

The military slaves were in a sense the aristocrats of the slave population. By far the most important among these were the Turks imported from the Eurasian steppe, from Central Asia, and from what is now Chinese Turkistan. A similar position was occupied by Slavs in medieval Muslim Spain and North Africa and, later, by slaves of Balkan and Caucasian origin in the Ottoman Empire. Black slaves were occasionally employed as soldiers, but this was not common and was usually of brief duration.

Bernard Lewis. Race and Slavery in the Middle East

Oxford Univ Press 1994


Their jobs were to clear away the nitrous top soil that made the land arable. The working conditions were considered to be extremely miserable.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by rahotep101:
As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

Ignorant lying Albino, What proof of that have you?
BTW - your want and imagination doesn't count as proof!
Member # 16371
 - posted
The Zanj revolts included Military men they were not just a bunch of rag tag over worked field hands as a matter of fact it may just be that East African businessmen helped financed it. will post more later.
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
The Zanj revolts included Military men they were not just a bunch of rag tag over worked field hands as a matter of fact it may just be that East African businessmen helped financed it. will post more later.

This is such bullshit "rag tag over worked field hands" .
They were rag tag bunch of wacky guys and the boss was mean, he made them work a half hour after five o'clock.

Meanwhile it was black slaves being worked to death in salt mines.

-now go find an Arab apologist to white wash the history
Member # 18764
 - posted
Originally posted by typeZeiss:
Originally posted by rahotep101:
[qb] Someone typing on a white invention in a white language saying whites did nothing to contribute to civilization? That's a laugh! Every civilized trapping you take for geanted is likely to be a white bequest. Whites pioneered means of transport, from the horse-drawn cart to the steam train and ship to the motor car. Whites harnessed electricity and nuclear power, and invented telephones, cameras, televisions and the intenet. Whites pioneered powered flight and space travel. You think you can belittle whites by saying they contributed nothing?

Shakespeare, Galileo, Plato, Michelangelo, Newton, Nelson, Herodotus, Ptolemy, Leonardo, Columbus, Mozart, Voltaire, Jefferson, Edison, Brunel, Faraday, Darwin... European-descended people have conributed more to every aspect of civilization, achievement and knowledge than anyone else. Sad bastards on Egyptsearch, meanwhile, are reduced to these vain attempts to claim members of other races and cultures for their own.

Most of the cultures the lunatics on Egyptsearch wish to usurp, they would not even know about but for the white scholars and researchers they so casually condemn. You don't care about real history, all you want are feel-good myths that prop up your unjustified arrogance.

As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

The computer a white invention? You are very uneducated my friend. Without African mathematics there would be NO computer. Binary, that's African, the math behind binary, well that's African too. African Fractals (relates to Binary) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_dxv1uhQBk (part 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOBX4YmElxY&NR=1 (part 2)

The math behind binary:

Speculative. Patterns. No application. You may as well attibute advanced mathematics to honey bees! Sub-saharan Africans never invented the computer, did they? Or the word processor, or the typewriter, or the printing press... or an alphabet.... It was the mathematics of Britain's Charles Babbage and Augusta Ada Lovelace that pioneered the concept of programable computers.





Now lets be clear, I have not said that whites haven't done anything. I said the did nothing to contribute to early civilization.

Compared to?

Some of the first writing is found in Europe, namely Vinca symbols, dating to the neolithic period. Eurasians first domesticated the horse, and the oldest image of a wheeled vehicle comes from the Bronocice pot, found in Poland, as old as 3,500BC. The Gauls invented soap. The Greeks invented democracy, philosophy and could calculate the circumferance of the world... They produced some of the first maps, coins, mechanism locks... They invented the Archimedes screw, the pulley, and various machines including mechanical and steam powered ones...
Member # 16371
 - posted
I said Not "JUST".. but Military men defected to their side hell even disaffected tribesmen joined them and I could give a Fuk about an Arab apologist.

This is such bullshit "rag tag over worked field hands" . They were rag tag bunch of wacky guys and the boss was mean, he made them work a half hour after five o'clock. Meanwhile it was black slaves being worked to death in salt mines. -now go find an Arab apologist to white wash the history

Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Originally posted by typeZeiss:
Originally posted by rahotep101:
[qb] Someone typing on a white invention in a white language saying whites did nothing to contribute to civilization? That's a laugh! Every civilized trapping you take for geanted is likely to be a white bequest. Whites pioneered means of transport, from the horse-drawn cart to the steam train and ship to the motor car. Whites harnessed electricity and nuclear power, and invented telephones, cameras, televisions and the intenet. Whites pioneered powered flight and space travel. You think you can belittle whites by saying they contributed nothing?

Shakespeare, Galileo, Plato, Michelangelo, Newton, Nelson, Herodotus, Ptolemy, Leonardo, Columbus, Mozart, Voltaire, Jefferson, Edison, Brunel, Faraday, Darwin... European-descended people have conributed more to every aspect of civilization, achievement and knowledge than anyone else. Sad bastards on Egyptsearch, meanwhile, are reduced to these vain attempts to claim members of other races and cultures for their own.

Most of the cultures the lunatics on Egyptsearch wish to usurp, they would not even know about but for the white scholars and researchers they so casually condemn. You don't care about real history, all you want are feel-good myths that prop up your unjustified arrogance.

As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

The computer a white invention? You are very uneducated my friend. Without African mathematics there would be NO computer. Binary, that's African, the math behind binary, well that's African too. African Fractals (relates to Binary) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_dxv1uhQBk (part 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOBX4YmElxY&NR=1 (part 2)

The math behind binary:

Speculative. Patterns. No application. You may as well attibute advanced mathematics to honey bees! Sub-saharan Africans never invented computers, did they? Or the word processor, or the typewriter, or the printing press... or an alphabet.... It was the mathematics of Britain's Charles Babbage and Augusta Ada Lovelace that pioneered the concept of programable computers.





Now lets be clear, I have not said that whites haven't done anything. I said the did nothing to contribute to early civilization.

Compared to?

Some of the first writing is found in Europe, namely Vinca symbols, dating to the neolithic period.

Eurasians first domesticated the horse, and the oldest image of a wheeled vehicle comes from the Bronocice pot, found in Poland, as old as 3,500BC. The Gauls invented soap. The Greeks invented democracy, philosophy and could calculate the circumferance of the world. They produced some of the first maps, coins, mechanism locks. They invented the archemedes screw, the pulley, and various machines including clockwork and steam powered ones...

I can cut and paste pictures and claim dogs can talk, doesn't make it any less fanciful does it? Same as your pictures with no evidence (which I have provided) that proves Africans provided the math necessary to create computers. As for writing, well lets see, Africans had the first writing system, it would also seem (as provided by the evidence in my first post) Africans also provided the first alphabet via Elam. Anyway, until you actual crack a book open I will excuse myself from this foolish conversation, information has been provided with clear proofs, while you have posted pictures :S, whats next, your going to provide us with a finger painting to show that whites started civilization too? smh
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
I said Not "JUST".. but Military men defected to their side hell even disaffected tribesmen joined them and I could give a Fuk about an Arab apologist.

no slaves, just disgruntled tribesman

there were no mines, they got their salt from the supermarket

my name is Elmer Fudd, I own a mansion and a yacht
Member # 18764
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by rahotep101:
As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

Ignorant lying Albino, What proof of that have you?
BTW - your want and imagination doesn't count as proof!

Read a book, racist twit. A proper one, not the paranoid nonsense that Manu Ampim pulls out of his backside.
Member # 16371
 - posted
Who said they were no slaves?? stop the bull already and your name is Elmer Fudd cause you make as much sense as him.
Member # 18764
 - posted
Originally posted by -Just Call Me Jari-:
[QB] I take objection from the notion the European decended people contributed more to Civilization and Human Progression than anyone else.

I think not, you could make a case that Europeans pioneered the Modern world but Civilization in general..??

First off you don't even take into acount the contribution of Africans, Asians etc. What about the Paper Mills of China, Gun Poweder that allowed Europeans to conquer the known world, the improvments in Navigation by Arab and African moors that improved European Sea Navigation.

Imhotep, Al-Jahiz, Zara Yacob, Menelik, Ezana, Taraqo, Ahmed Baba, Lalibella, Tuthmosis, Jazz, Blues, Rock and Roll, Soul.

The idea that the cradle of civilization is in Syria is unfounded, further the Nile Valley developed Civilization on its own from Further South in places like Gebel Berkal, Gebel Uwaniat and Nabta Playa etc.

Of course the rest of the world has made major contributions to human progress, but the claim that Europeans contributed more to civilization is credible. Europeans certainly produced Western Civilization, aided by a few important thing derived from or via the Arabs, or from ancient Egypt. The Arabs themselves built on Greek knowledge, but also brought technologies and ideas from India and China.

I'm not interested in disparaging Cush and Axum or Rock and Roll, but really. (Jazz would be a bit lost without the European-invented trombone, but we won't go there either). I'm sick of the attempts to belittle European civilization or to claim that it was not Europeans who created it.
Member # 16371
 - posted
If anyone out there have the book Blacks in science Ancient And Modern there is a painting of an ancient Kemite using the so-called Archimedes screw waay before a person called Archimedes was even a wet dream in his daddy's pants please scan and post it along with text my book is in N.Y

For African Fractals and how it relates to computers go here read.
Also here
Doubling practices were also used by African descendants in the Americas. Benjamin Banneker, for example, made unusual use of doubling in his calculations, which may have derived from the teachings of his African father and grandfather (Eglash 1997c). Gates (1988) examined the cultural significance of doubling in west African religions such as vodun, and its transfer to “voodoo” in the Americas

Read more: http://egyptsearchreloaded.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=polysci&action=display&thread=656#ixzz1WAKUVj5j
Take nothing away from Euros but much of their knowledge is built upon older foundations some coming from Africa.
Member # 18764
 - posted
Originally posted by typeZeiss:
I can cut and paste pictures and claim dogs can talk, doesn't make it any less fanciful does it? Same as your pictures with no evidence (which I have provided) that proves Africans provided the math necessary to create computers. As for writing, well lets see, Africans had the first writing system, it would also seem (as provided by the evidence in my first post) Africans also provided the first alphabet via Elam. Anyway, until you actual crack a book open I will excuse myself from this foolish conversation, information has been provided with clear proofs, while you have posted pictures :S, whats next, your going to provide us with a finger painting to show that whites started civilization too? smh [/QB]

I'm not going to put footnotes on everything I say just to appease your racially prejudiced default position of disbelief, suspicion and hostility. If you think anything I've said is false or fanciful you can go and look it up and prove me wrong.

There was nothing 'African' about Elam, either.




Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by rahotep101:
As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

Ignorant lying Albino, What proof of that have you?
BTW - your want and imagination doesn't count as proof!

Read a book, racist twit. A proper one, not the paranoid nonsense that Manu Ampim pulls out of his backside.
Which one?
What does it say?
I'm going to expose you, so go ahead and start running.
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by rahotep101:
As for the foundations of civilization, these are found in Syria and Mesopotamia,where the paternal ancestors of modern Europeans apparently derive from, and where agriculture was pioneered. The world's oldest archaeological site showing signs of sophisticated culture is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey, which is more than 11,500 years old.

Ignorant lying Albino, What proof of that have you?
BTW - your want and imagination doesn't count as proof!

Read a book, racist twit. A proper one, not the paranoid nonsense that Manu Ampim pulls out of his backside.
Which one?
What does it say?
I'm going to expose you, so go ahead and start running.


^^^^ Mike says big ass women are black, He has a degree in buttology

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