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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20555
 - posted
Member # 9361
 - posted
The "Brain dead" nature of your posts is really starting to annoy. Why not find something else to do?
Member # 19944
 - posted
Good stuff
but already covered by
Kersey Graves in his
16 Crucified Saviors before Christ.

John G Jackson went over the
general idea of this type of the
resurrected man/god/vegetation
in his Man God and Civilization.

Albert Churchward was the one
who pulled out all the stops
tying it all together with
evolution to Freemasonry
saying it all started in
Africs with the Pygmy
a d their dances. The
ancient Egyptians
incorporated it
all into their

For pharaoh Pepi nothing
was more important than
securing a Pygmy dancer
of the God and we see the
overall importance of the
Bes netjer pervading all
levels of AE society.

Keep bringing it on Mena!
Member # 20259
 - posted
That is one waste of time and a true BS article.
What about Confucius (450BC)
Member # 20328
 - posted
Christ from Kristos from Ka-Ra-Is-t

The 'Ka' within us was extrapolated to an external personification of the Sun God 'Ra'.

12 Zodiac signs became 12 disciples. 30 days became Age of 30.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
messiah claimants

Simon of Peraea

Simon of Peraea or Simon son of Joseph was a former slave of Herod the Great who rebelled and was killed by the Romans in 4 BC. He has been identified as the messiah of Gabriel's Revelation. He is mentioned by Flavius Josephus.

According to Josephus:

"There was also Simon, who had been a slave of king Herod, but in other respects a comely person, of a tall and robust body; he was one that was much superior to others of his order, and had had great things committed to his care. This man was elevated at the disorderly state of things, and was so bold as to put a diadem on his head, while a certain number of the people stood by him, and by them he was declared to be a king, and he thought himself more worthy of that dignity than any one else."
"He burnt down the royal palace at Jericho, and plundered what was left in it. He also set fire to many other of the king's houses in several places of the country, utterly destroyed them, and permitted those that were with him to take what was left in them for a prey. He would have done greater things, but care was taken to repress him immediately. [The commander of Herod's infantry] Gratus joined himself to some Roman soldiers, took the forces he had with him, and met Simon. And after a great and a long fight, no small part of those that had come from Peraea (a disordered body of men, fighting rather in a bold than in a skillful manner) were destroyed. Although Simon had saved himself by flying away through a certain valley, Gratus overtook him, and cut off his head."

A tablet, known as the Gabriel's Revelation or The Jeselsohn Stone, was likely found near the Dead Sea some time around the year 2000. It has been associated with the same community which created the Dead Sea scrolls and mentions Simon. Israel Knohl read the inscription as a command from the angel Gabriel "to rise from the dead within three days". He took this command to be directed at a 1st-century Jewish rebel called Simon, who was killed by the Romans in 4 BC. Knohl believed that the finding "calls for a complete reassessment of all previous scholarship on the subject of messianism, Jewish and Christian alike".[3] In 2009 the National Geographic Channel aired The First Jesus? which addressed the claims and controversy.

Knohl has eventually abandoned this reading, in favor of Ronald Hendel's reading (followed by Qimron & Yuditsky): "By three days the sign". He still maintains the historical background of the inscription to be as mentioned above. He now views Simon's death, according to the inscription, as "an essential part of the redemptive process. The blood of the slain messiah paves the way for the final salvation".


More than twenty claims of this kind - claims of being invested with divine honor (deified) - have come forward and presented themselves at the bar of the world, with their credentials, to contest the verdict of Christendom, in having proclaimed Jesus Christ, "the only son, and sent of God:" twenty Messiahs, Saviors, and Sons of God, according to history or tradition, have in past times, descended from heaven, and taken upon themselves the form of men, clothing themselves with human flesh, and furnishing incontestable evidence of a divine origin, by various miracles, marvelous works, and superlative virtues

And finally these (more than) twenty Jesus Christs (accepting their character of the name) laid the foundation for the salvation of the world, and ascended back to heaven:
Adad of Assyria
Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece
Alcides of Thebes
Atys of Phrygia
Baal and Taut, "the only Begotten of God," of Phoenicia
Bali of Afghanistan
Beddru of Japan
Buddha Sakia of India
Cadmus of Greece
Crite of Chaldea
Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam
Divine Teacher of Plato
Fohi and Tien of China
Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico
Hesus of Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids
Hil and Feta of the Mandaites
Ischy of the Island of Formosa
Ixion and Quirnus of Rome
Holy One of Xaca
Indra of Tibet
Jao of Nepal
Krishna of Hindostan
Mikado of the Sintoos
Mohammed, or Mahomet, of Arabia
Odin of the Scandinavians
Prometheus of Caucasus
Salivahana of Bermuda
Thammuz of Syria
Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls
Universal Monarch of the Sibyls
Wittoba of the Bilingonese
Xamolxis of Thrace
Zoar of the Bonzes
Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia
Zulis, or Zhule, also Osiris and Orus, of Egypt
Member # 20328
 - posted

The Essenes, lately the object of so much attention, play a central role in our drama. They were an extraordinary group of Jewish communist-celibates who, in their formative stage about 170 B.C.E., absorbed the metaphysics and the eschatology of the Zoroastrians, and then, some sixty-five years later, by becoming Pythagoreans, incorporated into their system much of the discipline and soteriology of Attis, Dionysus and the mystery-cults of Greece and Asia Minor. Upon all this, they engrafted a Christology which combined a Persian with a Messianic Judaic concept, which, in a period of crisis, they personalized in their martyred Teacher of Righteousness, whom they expected to return upon the clouds about 35-30 B. C., accompanied by myriads of angels to conduct the Last Judgment. If you were to invest study into these areas it would be your conclusion, based on the evidence and facts available for your inspection, that Jesus was an Essene who, convinced that he was himself the incarnate Christ destined to redeem and judge mankind, left the Order of the Essenes (strict Pharisees) for the purpose of creating a mass-movement.
The certainty finally emerges that Christianity was a highly composite doctrine which combined many of the age-old religious concepts first developed by Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, India, Buddhists, and Greeks, as well as by Jews, Phrygians, Syrians, and other inhabitants of Asia Minor. It was congenitally related to all of these; and when any of them accepted Christianity, they were simply recovering what was, at least in part, originally their own.

This religious synthesis explains the ease at which Gentile Christianity became a world religion, yet had its roots in a Jewish movement.


Mature Essenism taught the following concepts as synthesized from Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Buddhists, and Greeks, as well as by Jews, Phrygians, Syrians:

That the human race is divided into two groups which are forever separated, the Elect and the unrighteous, the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
That the former may be redeemed for everlasting glory in heaven, but only through divine intervention; that a god-man (Angel-Messiah) must appear as a human being on earth, and, in fact, had appeared, to bring salvation to humanity

That all of the Elect who accept him and become his disciples will be redeemed; that all others are doomed to super eternally in hell fire

That the Children of Light are made manifest through their celibacy, saintly brotherhood, and communal poverty and equalitarianism

That the god-man is the Soter, i.e., the divine sacrifice who gives his life for many and whose flesh and blood are consumed by his communicants so that they too may become divine and immortal
That in his first manifestation the savior proclaims his revelation; that after his death, he returns to the Father for a period while his followers preach his gospel; that before the end of the then existing generation he would certainly return in a grand Parousia to judge all mankind and establish the kingdom of heaven.
This was the Essene-Christian faith, which is also the religion of the occident.

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