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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 1797
 - posted
Anybody that posts on Egyptsearch familiar with Pre-Cal? If so tell me how different or similiar it is to College Algebra. Also, how difficult is Calculus?
Member # 14451
 - posted
Originally posted by ausar:
Anybody that posts on Egyptsearch familiar with Pre-Cal? If so tell me how different or similiar it is to College Algebra. Also, how difficult is Calculus?

whats your major ausaur??? I have to take Pre-cal too...Ill ask some of my class mates with me in my studio.
Member # 10195
 - posted
Calculus is difficult. That's why there's a pre-calc.
There's no engineering or advanced CompSci
without a formulaic kind of mathematics.

My advice, scant attention for the net, devotion to
attaining your real world goals and actualize your

DJ is a good case in point and shining example.
Member # 13597
 - posted
Those who are adept in calculus usually show an aptitude in abstract thought.

It will be difficult for those who are NOT, hate to say it, left brain.

DJ is probably an art major. Not saying right brains aren't intelligent. oops!! Not saying he is intelligent either(LOL).

But some of us are just wired differently.

If you don't have the aptitude as Altk said only hard work can compensate.
Bro Dawud
Member # 11484
 - posted
^ Go and suck your master's dick whoever he may be, and get back to work!! [Cool]
Member # 13597
 - posted
Bro Dawud. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! you always keep tripping me up YH. Stop this Chameleon thing.

Stop playing "Whom am I today?"

BTW my master(s) don't have a dick.. . .at least not a man one.

Yep! I bow to my little boy(2) and girl(4). the wife??? ah!
Member # 1797
 - posted
I am trying to go for a degree in pharmacy. Right know I am taking College Algebra which I love and to get accepted into a pharmacy program I have to have Pre-Cal,Calcus I. Possily I could skate by with just Business Cal.
Member # 13597
 - posted
Pre-Cal is relatively simple but cal is not a simple if you are not into Pure Math.

Entry level Alegebra is also realatively simple. Been outta school a while but Cal can be really enjoyable once you get the hang of it.

The application "may" be a little simpler which I assume Pharmacist use to determine reaction.
Member # 9361
 - posted
ausar - For once I have to agree with Mo - Your Professor is key. Many, and I had one, view the teaching of Calculus as an opportunity to show-off, (mathematicians don't get a lot of dates), so to some of them, this is the chance to show their style. If you get one of those, you will need to settle him down, so that he can actually teach you, instead of talking over your head.
Member # 14451
 - posted
Originally posted by BigMo:
Originally posted by ausar:
Anybody that posts on Egyptsearch familiar with Pre-Cal? If so tell me how different or similiar it is to College Algebra. Also, how difficult is Calculus?

I have taken Calculus I, II, & III, but since you're only thinking of Pre-Cal, you should have no problem. Egyptians are supposed to be the Smartest People in many fields. You can always get a Math Tutor, but most likely you'll not need one if you have a good instructor in school.

Good luck and hope you do well!

Allah Ma3ak!

Middle Eastern people are good at Math...one of the Tutors at my school was from Morrocco and was of Arab Moroccan decent rather than African Moroccan..but he was smart...too bad I could'nt understand what he was saying when he would tutor me....He was just as smart as my African American Professor... [Razz] [Razz]
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Calculus is difficult. That's why there's a pre-calc. There's no engineering or advanced CompSci
without a formulaic kind of mathematics. My advice, scant attention for the net, devotion to
attaining your real world goals and actualize your ambitions.

DJ is a good case in point and shining example.

Pre-Cal is basically an intermediate level of math above college algebra and below calculus. It's slightly harder than college algebra but it uses much of the same math. So as long as you remember what you learned in college algebra but study the new stuff, you shouldn't have a problem. Calculus on the other hand is a whole nother game! I don't know if it's different in the state you live but here in GA, Cal is divided into 3 parts-- Cal 1, Cal 2, and Cal 3. Cal 1 is okay, as long as you're willing to memorize all the formulas involved in derivation and integration. But then Cal 2 is BEAST that wants to mutilate you before it devours you! Seriously, if you plan on taking Cal 2 make sure all your other courses are easy and require little to no homework or study cuz Cal 2 is NO JOKE!! If you survive Cal 2, Cal 3 is overall no more difficult than Cal 1.

I hope this helps.  -
Member # 16818
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Calculus is difficult. That's why there's a pre-calc. There's no engineering or advanced CompSci
without a formulaic kind of mathematics. My advice, scant attention for the net, devotion to
attaining your real world goals and actualize your ambitions.

DJ is a good case in point and shining example.

Pre-Cal is basically an intermediate level of math above college algebra and below calculus. It's slightly harder than college algebra but it uses much of the same math. So as long as you remember what you learned in college algebra but study the new stuff, you shouldn't have a problem. Calculus on the other hand is a whole nother game! I don't know if it's different in the state you live but here in GA, Cal is divided into 3 parts-- Cal 1, Cal 2, and Cal 3. Cal 1 is okay, as long as you're willing to memorize all the formulas involved in derivation and integration. But then Cal 2 is BEAST that wants to mutilate you before it devours you! Seriously, if you plan on taking Cal 2 make sure all your other courses are easy and require little to no homework or study cuz Cal 2 is NO JOKE!! If you survive Cal 2, Cal 3 is overall no more difficult than Cal 1.

I hope this helps.  -

pre-cal at community college is a walk in the park, so they combined it with trig. Best idea ever.

There is cal 1 &2 and those do not transfer to university which a cal 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Electrical engineeering and physics require all calculus courses at the U of M. which is why most of their students are from China. [Roll Eyes]

Pre-cal I know is a math elective that will transfer easier than other math electives.

I didn't take pre-cal, I took statistics, and took statistics twice because I transfered; if I took pre-cal I wouldn't have to take it again after transfering.
Member # 10819
 - posted
It's pretty much exactly as Deej and Sono described it.

I don't remember too much of Pre-Calc because in my high it was conjoined with Trig in prep for our Calc course.

Calculus 1 in my opinion was easy but i think this was so because i tried to stay ahead of the game.

Two is definitely **hard** in comparison, it only goes uphill from one. Here's a good site i found after the fact, last time i checked it had only beginning calc stuff (Calc 1) -- when you thru pre-Calc and get to Calc 1 it should become useful.


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