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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20259
 - posted

zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
^^Interesting model but the typology is a bit
over-stereotyped based on what we now know about
African diversity. Keep in mind that "black" individuals have many shades
of skin color as part of their BUILT-IN native diversity,
or adaptation to climate, including brown skin of many shades.
Very dark skin for example lightens up after several centuries
in areas with less UV radiation- an environmental adaptation.

SO you could have very dark Africans from south of the Sahara
moving about in the Sahara where climates fluctuated
and where the Sahara was once a greenbelt, into the
Nile Valley and getting lighter skin in the cooler
Mediterranean zone. OR they could have gotten this
in one of the many micro-climates of tropical Africa,
OR they could have it as part of the original ultra-diverse
built-in native genetic diversity. In short, tropical
African peoples do NOT have to fall into the "Type 5"
to have brown skin, nor do they need any "race mix"
to give them brown skin. Everything needed for variation
is present in tropical Africa.
Arid desert air for
example can select for narrower noses, as can thin
cool mountain air, as can cool coastal zones. But
again, Africans do not rely on mere environmental
adaptation to vary in how they look.


the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova:
[QB] ^^Interesting model but the typology is a bit
over-stereotyped based on what we now know about
African diversity. Keep in mind that "black" individuals have many shades

If you found a dead body what specific things could be tested and prove the person to be African or prove the person to be non-African?
Member # 18853
 - posted
Originally posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova:

dictionary quote

What Dictionary.com actually says under ''Negro'':

''of, pertaining to, or characteristic of one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, generally marked by brown to black skin pigmentation, dark eyes, and woolly or crisp hair and including especially the indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara.''


Zaharan has removed the rest of the quote. He hates his own nappy hair of course and tries to cluster himself with non-Blacks who have straight hair.

A Negro is defined by the definition he has posted as someone with dark skin and wooly hair in Sub-Sahara Africa). Zaharan always removes the latter two out of self-hatred.
Member # 20259
 - posted
Originally posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova:
^^Interesting model but the typology is a bit
over-stereotyped based on what we now know about
African diversity. Keep in mind that "black" individuals have many shades
of skin color as part of their BUILT-IN native diversity,
or adaptation to climate, including brown skin of many shades.
Very dark skin for example lightens up after several centuries
in areas with less UV radiation- an environmental adaptation.

SO you could have very dark Africans from south of the Sahara
moving about in the Sahara where climates fluctuated
and where the Sahara was once a greenbelt, into the
Nile Valley and getting lighter skin in the cooler
Mediterranean zone. OR they could have gotten this
in one of the many micro-climates of tropical Africa,
OR they could have it as part of the original ultra-diverse
built-in native genetic diversity. In short, tropical
African peoples do NOT have to fall into the "Type 5"
to have brown skin, nor do they need any "race mix"
to give them brown skin. Everything needed for variation
is present in tropical Africa.
Arid desert air for
example can select for narrower noses, as can thin
cool mountain air, as can cool coastal zones. But
again, Africans do not rely on mere environmental
adaptation to vary in how they look.


All of the most diverse skin types above, may be found in Africans.
Here is the fallacy with a "white" Egypt or North Africa.
There is no "White". There are only diverse Africans, from Sudanese to Lepers.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:
A Negro is defined by the definition he has posted as someone with dark skin and wooly hair in Sub-Sahara Africa). Zaharan always removes the latter two out of self-hatred.

Cass - Actually what Zaharan did was to parse-out the Albino nonsense part of the definition.

So only Sub-Sahara's are Black eh? As I said to you in another thread - It's a very Black world. Do you think that by simply denying that, it changes the truth of it?

Well, no it does not. As comforting as it may be for you to believe that the rest of the world is like you, it is NOT! You are different, you are Albinos.

Definition of CAUCASIAN
: of or relating to the Caucasus or its inhabitants
: of, constituting, or characteristic of a race of humankind native to Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia and classified according to physical features —used especially in referring to persons of European descent having usually light skin pigmentation.

Of or relating to the Caucasus or its inhabitants.



Colchis is an ancient region at the eastern end of the Black Sea, south of the Caucasus mountains in the western part of modern Georgia. It consisted of the valley of the Phasis (modern Riuni) River. In Greek mythology Colchis was the home of Medea and the destination of the Argonauts, a land of fabulous wealth and the domain of sorcery. Colchis was later colonized by Milesian Greeks to whom the native Colchians supplied gold, slaves, hides, linen cloth, agricultural produce, and such shipbuilding materials as timber, flax, pitch, and wax.

Herodotus on Colchis

[2.104] There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race. My own conjectures were founded, first, on the fact that they are black-skinned and have woolly hair, which certainly amounts to but little, since several other nations are so too.

Native to Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia.

Native to Europe:


Native to North Africa.


Native to and southwest Asia.









As you can plainly see Cass, you are NONE of those people!

Your Albino definitions are LIES!

This is who and what you are - and as a consolidated TRIBE, you originated in Central Asia.

Albinos, aka Whites/Europeans.

Member # 20259
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

Poor little Albino girl.
The Sun has got her looking like shes 22 years old already.
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
Zaharan has removed the rest of the quote. He hates his own nappy hair of course and tries to cluster himself with non-Blacks who have straight hair.

^^Dumb wanker boy, you ain't even good comedy.
Dark skin and wooly hair is only one set of features of tropical Africans. Now Let's recap
your multiple beatdowns.


THE IDIOT EXPOSED PART 17: - He says there is
no sexual diomorphism in Africans or skeletal
differences between men and women, when the very
anthropologists hr quotes say the opposite.

---------]Originally posted by Anglo- Buffoon:
Anglo_Pyramidologist member # 18853
posted 03 June, 2012 05:47 PM

Anglo-Buffoon 17a-
"Frost and other anthropologists have noted
that sexual dimorphism in Negroids is completely
lacking. Check Frost's online blog."

Anglo-Buffoon 17b-
"Black females are not lighter or different to black males in craniofacial terms."

^^Stupid muthafucka. The very Frost quote you paste says this:

Men and women differ in complexion
because of differing amounts of melanin and cutaneous blood flow; in short, women are
fairer, men browner and ruddier (Edwards & Duntley, 1939; Frost, 1988; Frost, 2005; Hulse,
1967; Jablonski & Chaplin, 2000). The size of this sex difference is still debated, largely
because most studies are poorly controlled for age (girls lighten only after puberty and
immediately before are actually darker than boys).."

FROM: Frost Peter, 2006. European hair and eye color, evidence of sexual selection?
Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103u

------- Can't you read imbecile? ALL females differ from males
and are lighter. ALL human humans have sexual dimorphism to
one degree or another. SO how can blacks "completely lack"
said dimorphism according to you, when your own
boy Peter Frost says all human have it?

------- ANd in studies of crania men and women do show differences,
and these differences can be detected with a battery
of modern measurements, as already shown in previous
threads where your idiocy was destroyed- example
(zakrewski2004-Intra-population and temporal variation in ancient Egyptian crania)

your own peter frost debunks you:

"If this common selective force were sexual selection, it could have lightened European skin
color by acting on an existing sexual dimorphism. Men and women differ in complexion
because of differing amounts of melanin and cutaneous blood flow; in short, women are
fairer, men browner and ruddier (Edwards & Duntley, 1939; Frost, 1988; Frost, 2005; Hulse,
1967; Jablonski & Chaplin, 2000). The size of this sex difference is still debated, largely
because most studies are poorly controlled for age (girls lighten only after puberty and
immediately before are actually darker than boys). Investigators also try to exclude tanning by
measuring under the arm, where there is less subcutaneous fat and probably less dimorphism
in skin color, given that the lightness of a woman’s skin correlates with the thickness of her
subcutaneous fat (Mazess, 1967). In any event, sexual selection may have targeted this sex
difference, as suggested by a cross-cultural male preference for lighter complexioned women
and, conversely, by some evidence of a female preference for darker complexioned men
(Aoki, 2002; Feinman Feinman & Gill, 1978; Frost, 1988; Frost, 1994b; Frost, 2005; Van den Berghe
& Frost, 1986)."

FROM: Frost Peter, 2006. European hair and eye color, evidence of sexual selection?
Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103


"A different perspective on sexual dimorphism in skin pigmentation comes from the
recognition that human females require significantly higher amounts of calcium during
pregnancy and lactation and, thus, must have lighter skin than males in the same environment
in order to maximize their cutaneous vitamin D3 production (Jablonski and Chaplin 2000)...
Thus strong clinical evidence continues to support the hypothesis that lighter skin pigmentation
in females evolved primarily as a means to enhance the the potential for cutaneous vitamin
D production and maintain healthy long-term calcium status and skeletal health."

-- Human Evolutionary Biology. 2010. By Michael P. Muehlenbein
Damm you are one of the most pathetic idiots in existence.

Tell us -- were you born such a retarded shithead,
or were you originally a slug who managed to rise
to such prominence?


Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:
E1b1b is not Negroid.

Read it an weep -

''Sub-Saharan Africans belong to subclades of E other than E1b1b, while most non-Africans who belong to haplogroup E belong to its E1b1b subclade.”
- Fulvio Cruciani et al, Phylogeographic Analysis of Haplogroup E1b1b (E-M215) Y Chromosomes Reveals Multiple Migratory Events Within and Out Of Africa, Am. J. Hum. Genet, p. 74)

^^The only thing is that the "quote above is a complete fake
and was never utter by Cruciani, as can be verified by looking at
his article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1181964/?tool=pubmed

The foul faker doctored the quote not knowing the article has been much
discussed at ES. Testifying even more to his incompetence, Cruciani actually
does show E3b or E1b1b occuring in numerous places within "sub-Saharan" Africa.
The three main subclades of haplogroup E3b (E-M78, E-M81, and E-M34) and
the paragroup E-M35* are not homogeneously distributed on the African continent:
E-M78 has been observed in both northern and eastern Africa, E-M81 is restricted t
o northern Africa, E-M34 is common only in eastern Africa, and E-M35* is shared by
eastern and southern Africans (Cruciani et al. 2002)"


And there is no "page 74" in the Cruciani article.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 14 January, 2012 11:41 AM
If you are a white heterosexual male in Britain you have virtually zero chance of getting a job.
All the jobs go to blacks or other immigrants.

^^LOL - Idiotic nonsense.
As of 2001, 92.1% of the UK population identified
themselves as White, leaving 7.9%[270] of the UK
population identifying themselves as mixed race
or of an ethnic minority. The population of the
United Kingdom in the 2001 census was 58,789,194,
UK Office for National Statistics- 2001.

That leaves approx 54 million white people.
About 33% of that population were adult men.
Let's take away 8% or so for minorities. So you are saying then
that 25% of the approx 54 million white people
in the UK are all unemployed? Damn you are dumb,
but you only expose the bankruptcy of your racism.

The Fake C-Ass -Hole exposed PART 14 - BOGUS

[QUOTE]Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 29 December, 2011 06:05 AM

Hetepheres II was a blonde

^^Hapless dullard, you are exposed in another lie.
Your own reference was checked. It yielded detailed
citations which revealed a quite different story.
Scholars say in the mainstream Cambridge Ancient History:

"We must give up the idea that she was of Libyan
origin, an attractive theory which was based on
blond hair of Hetepheres II, who was then thought
to be her daughter. It is now evident that the
yellow wig is part of a costume worn b other
great ladies."

--I. Edwards, C. Gadd, N. Hammond. 1971. The
Cambridge Ancient History. 3ed Volume 1, Part 2,
Early History of the Middle East

Yet another history says:
"The walls of this interior room are decorated
with hunting and fishing scenes, including a
charming image of Meresankh and her mother,
Hetepheres II picking lotus flowers from the
river.. The pillars have images of Meresankh
wearing a blond wig."

--P. Lacovara. 2004. The pyramids and the SPhinx: tombs and temples of GIza


Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 28 December, 2011 05:40 PM
Early dynastic & old kingdom royalty was Nordic (blonde and fair skinned)

^^^Ha hahahahah you stupid mass of camel vomit!
Up above you reference scholar Frank Yurco, but here is
what Yurco said about the 12th Dynasty, debunking
your claim of "Nordic" Egyptian royalty. You
dumbass.... You are again debunked, with your own
"supporting" references... lmao...

"the XIIth Dynasty (1991-1786 B.C.E.)
originated from the Aswan region.4 As
expected, strong Nubian features and
dark coloring are seen in their sculpture
and relief work. This dynasty ranks as
among the greatest, whose fame far
outlived its actual tenure on the throne...
Because the Egyptian rulers of Nubian ancestry
had become Egyptians culturally; as pharaohs,
they exhibited typical Egyptian attitudes and
adopted typical Egyptian policies."

- (F. J. Yurco, 'Were the ancient
Egyptians black or white?', Biblical
Archaeology Review (Vol 15, no. 5,


HE says Egyptologists like Frank Yurco says the Egyptians were "Caucasoid"
--- "Virtually every egyptologist believes the egyptians were Caucasoid" --

BUt Yurco says nothing of the sort.. Here for example, is what he says
about the 12the Dynasty rulers aho were Nubian descent: They seem really
"Caucasoid"... yeah, right.. - quote-

"the XIIth Dynasty (1991-1786 B.C.E.)
originated from the Aswan region.4 As
expected, strong Nubian features and
dark coloring are seen in their sculpture
and relief work. This dynasty ranks as
among the greatest, whose fame far
outlived its actual tenure on the throne...
Because the Egyptian rulers of Nubian ancestry
had become Egyptians culturally; as pharaohs,
they exhibited typical Egyptian attitudes and
adopted typical Egyptian policies."

- (F. J. Yurco, 'Were the ancient
Egyptians black or white?', Biblical
Archaeology Review (Vol 15, no. 5,

Another dodge is to twist an old chat/forum discussion
statement by conservative Egyptologist Frank Yurco
out of context. Yurco rejected those who "a
claimed the Egyptians were "black",
that is, a dogmatic claim without presenting
empirical evidence. He never rejected reasonable
argument with data showing the Egyptians were
an indigenous African population -QUOTE:
.. basically a homogeneous African population
had lived in the Nile Valley from ancient to
modern times..
(Yurco 1996- An Egyptological
Review, in Black Athena Revisited)

The Faker exposed- part 11

Originally posted by cassiterides:
^You claim Vanessa Williams is a black woman when her heritage is white welsh and native american


But when Marc Washingrton smoked him out, and the
actual facts were checked, Anglo-Pyr/Cassifaker is lying
According to the Faker, anyone with any white ancestry is not "really" black.
SO since a majority of African Americans have white ancestry ranging from 5 to 30%
then most Black Americans are not "truly" black you see...


Originally posted by cassiterides:
^ Eurafrican is Caucasoid.

^^You are once again exposed. You said EurAfrican
is Caucasoid, and cited Serti in support. But using
your own citation any reader can see that Sergi
considers EurAfricans to be an amalgamation or mixture
of many types, directly contradicting your claim.

SErgi says: QUOTE:

"This human species, with cranial and facial characters thus well determined,
I call Eurafrican; and this because, having had its origin in Africa, where it
is still represented by many peoples, it has been diffused from prehistoric times
in Europe... The Eurafrican species thus falls into three races: the African,
with red-brown and black pigmentation.. Thus the Mediterranean stock is a race
or variety of the Eurafrican species."

--G. Sergi

You have again failed and are once again exposed.


In fact, Godfrey Higgins ALSO says this about "negroes"

"I believe all the Blavk bambinos of Italy are negroes- not merely blacks;
this admitted, it would prove they very early date of their entrance into Italy." pg 286
pg 434
"the ancient Eturians had the countenances of Negroes, the same as the images of Buddah in INdia." pg 166
pg 474- "They aere in fact, all one nation, with one religion, that of Buddah, and they were originally NEgroes"
pg 59: "nor can it be reasonably doubted, that a race of Negroes formerly had power and pre-eminence in India"
pg 59- AS TO ETHIOPIA: And it is probable that an Ethiopian, a negro, correctly speaking, may have been meant, not merely a black person; and it seems probable that the following may have ben the real fact, viz, that a race of NEgroes or Blacks, but probably of the former, came to India to the west."

cASSIRETEDES own source debunks him. Note the footnote by
his own author- QUOTE: "may not have been
Negroes, though Blacks, though it is probably
they were so."

His own source says they may not have been Negroes

^The Faker once again, debunks himself.
And he seems not to realize that Ethiopia is in
"sub-Saharan" Africa.. lol.. pathetic incompetent..

And he never shows these massive number of websites
"all over the internet". Like what? How many? If they
are "all over" then he should at least be able to give
direct links to 6 showing pages where the "Afrocentrics:
are "distorting" Higgins work. LEt's say what the faker
has besides hot air. Post DIRECT LINKS to 6 of
the huge number of alleged "Afrocentric" websites
where the Afrocentrics are "distorting" Higgins. SHow
how they are distorting Higgins with specific quotes
and specific context.

Watch the Faker duck and run when he is again called
on a claim, or make up yet another lie to cover his exposure...



Originally posted by Anglo-Pyr/Cassiredes:
"Fair hair and light eyes colours are only found among Caucasoids, esp of

But then, in your own thread, by your own hand,
you present a picture of an African albino that
has pale skin, light brown or hazel eyes and fair
hair. You said it was impossible, but then debunk
yourself with your own posted picture.. This is
like the 8-9th time you keep tripping over yourself
with lies, contradictions, and bogus claims.



The Faker exposed- part 7
Originally posted by Anglo-Pyr/Cassiredes:
"Fair hair and light eyes colours are only found among Caucasoids, esp of

^^Your claim is is completely bogus. Native
diversity or albinism causes some tropical Africans
to have light eyes and light hair. You fail againn..





1-- ^^Faker! In your initial posts you claimed that it
was Cavalli-Sforza talking 'bout negroes "mutating"
from Pygmies. Now in your "corrected" post,
You now remove Cavalli-
Sforza's name on the "mutant" claim, admitting that
you were lying all along!
Bwa ha aha
a hah a ha ahahaha aha ahah..

2-- Second point- Peter Frost is debunked by Cavalli-Sforza
who says as to his so-called "mutation" theory:


"It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194

Frost mentions Cavalli-Sforza in connection with
sexual selection, and movement of some groups
from Nigeria-Cameroon to other parts of Africa.
He never says Cavalli Sforza talks bout any
"negro mutation" and in fact any mutation claim
is directly contradicted by Sforza. Sucka, you
not only lied bout Cavalli-Sforza, you lied about
your own white writer- Peter Frost, and misrepresented him.

Anglo-Pyr/CassiREDES says:
''There are then no Australoids with blonde hair past the age of about twenty''

^^LMAO! Totally fake! Credible up to date sources
note that blondism is prevalent in early life
BUT, contrary to your claim that:
"There are then no Australoids with blonde hair past the age of about twenty",
the shade of color varies. In maturity the hair
usually turns a darker brown color, but sometimes
remains blond. See:
"Gene Expression: Blonde Australian Aboriginals". Gnxp.com.


^^Here is one of your Australians over 20 years old
who does have blonde hair. YOu are caught out
spinning bogus claims AGAIN!. Bwa ha aha
a hah a ha ahahaha aha ahah..


[b]So where are these tropical african peoples
with pale white or fair skin? blonde red hair?

^^You fail again. African populations can readily produce blond
or reddish blond hair as noted by hair study author Hrdy
1978 himself, and he references Nubia as an example.
Albinism is another source of red or blond hair
in Africa, and albinism is much more prevalent in
African populations than among Europeans. Even
African Americans produce more albinos than white
Americans. (The pigmentary system: physiology and
pathophysiology- By James J. Nordlund 2006: 603)
(E. Roach and V. Miller 2004. Neurocutaneous disorders.)
QUOTE: "In general, the prevalence of albinism in
Africa is much higher, in the range of 1 in 1
100 to 1 in 3900."

So Africa can and does routinely produce red and blond hair.
All non-Africans are MORE LIMITED subsets of
ORIGINAL African diversity. THe originals
have more built-in diversity than the limited
sub-set populations. This is straight science as
noted by the quote from TIshkoff 2000.

Nor are Africans the only tropical peoples who
can produce reddish hair or blond hair. Among
Australian Aborigines, some tropical groups produce 100%
of individuals with blond hair. Melanesians can
also produce blond or reddish hair, and do so routinely.

White people have no monopoly at all on that hair
color. They merely show more of it, but even among
whites, red hair for example is minor- occurring in less than
5% of the overall European populations, mostly in
northern Europe.

So the claim that there are no tropical Africans with such
variation is once again, proved fake. You made the claim.


ime and time again, you stand debunked and exposed
for falsifying claims and references. Let's recap:

Originally posted by CASSIFAKedes::

The source is Cavalli-Sforza's book on the Pygmies entitled 'African pygmies' (Academic Press, 1986).

This work shows that Negroids mutated from an ancestral pygmy population around 9,000 BC in West Africa. So the 'true' Black African today is a recent mutation. Caucasoids and Mongoloids predate them. [Wink] Negroids only migrated into other parts of Africa during the Bantu expansion or slightly earlier. Prior to them, Caucasoids inhabited North Africa and Bushmen (Capoids) to the south who were displaced by the Caucasoids from the Mediterranean around 12,000 BC.

^^A bogus reference.
Why should anyone take your word for it given
past bogus references? Quote where Cavalli-Sforza
says these so-called "negroids" "mutated" from
Pygmies. The burden of proof is on you, since you made
the claim.

While you scurry to cover your tracks with yet
more bogus claims, Cavali Sforza, in his well
known The History and Geography of Human Genes,
1994 Cavalli-Sforza summarizes his 1986 work on
Pygmies and specifically debunks the "Pygmy as ancestor"
theory held by other older writings. QUOTE:

"It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194

SO much for your lying claims of "mutations" from "Pygymy" ancestors.
In short, you lied about Cavalli-Sforza, creating a falsified
claim and a bogus "supporting" reference to a claim that is
nowhere supported in his work. You are once again
exposed as yet another racist faker
You are not fooling anyone.


YOu then tried to cover up your lie with even
more bogus nformation and STILL fail

You "modified" your Cavalli Sforza claim by including
page numbers, and then changing some wording to
"adaptive radiation" hoping to divert attention
from your exposure.. lmao..

However pages 361-362 of Cavalli Sforza's 1986 book
says absolutely nothing about any Negroes "mutating" from
pygmies, nor any "adaptive radiation." It merely
discusses Pygmy history and geography. You
picked out a page at random, not knowing it can be
verified via Google Books. You were asked to provide
a direct quote but are still running. Now why is that?

""It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194


And Your pathetic "modification" STILL turned
out to be bogus. You then said:

"True" Black Africans appear as a recent
adaptive radiation apparently branching off from
an ancestral Pygmy population — a line of
ancestry also indicated by osteological data
(Coon 1962:651-656; Watson et al. 1996).

^^But in fact, Watson 1996 has nothing to do with
osteological data and does not even mention it. It
has to do with mtDNA.


He says:

"Note that in the Old Testament the Danites are the only Hebrew people described as being maritime and associated with ships.."

^^Complete Nonsense. In the Old Testament, the tribe of
Zebulun is mentioned as specifically associated
with ships and maritime elements. QUOTE:

Genesis 49:13

"Zebulun will dwell at the shore of the seas;
Yea, he will be at the shore of the ships, And
his side toucheth upon Sidon. "


--fake claim that no Australian Abo over 20 is blonde

-- fake claim that NO tropical Africans have any diversity in hair, skin or eye color

-- fake Cavalli-Sforza citation

-- 2nd fake Cavalli-Sforza reference

-- Faked Watson reference

-- Faked Biblical reference

-- FAke representation of Peter Frost's work

-- Fake claim that "studies" say "egyptians were dark are not like 'light-skinned Europeans". COnveniently, the alleged study is missing..

--Fake Higgins claims

--Fake claim that Guiseppe Sergi's EurAfrican race concept is negro-free

--Fake claim that Vanessa Williams has no black ancestry but is "white and Indian"

--Fake claim that Egyptologists like Yurco consider the Egyptians "Caucasoid"

--Fake claim of white Nordic Egyptian royalty

--Fake claim of "blond" Hetepheres

--Fake claim of white males in BRitain "unable to get jobs"

--fAKE Crucuiani "quote" with "citation"

fake claim that blacks have no sexual diomorphism and no male-female cranial differences
Member # 18853
 - posted
So only Sub-Sahara's are Black eh? As I said to you in another thread - It's a very Black world. Do you think that by simply denying that, it changes the truth of it?

Well, no it does not. As comforting as it may be for you to believe that the rest of the world is like you, it is NOT! You are different, you are Albinos.

No Mike.

Negroids (true 'Blacks') are mostly just confined to a very small section of Western Sub-Sahara Africa, of course though there are Negroid immigrant populations elsewhere, but they are a very small population.

World Stats by race (Coon, 1967) -

Caucasoid: 1,757,000,000 (55.7%)
Mongoloid: 1,171,000,000 (37.1%)
Negroid: 216,000,000 (6.8%)
Australoid: 13,000,000 (0. 4)
Capoid: 126,000 (0.004)

Ok this source is 40 or so years old. But the Negroid population today is still around 7%, while the Caucasoid around 50%.

You are a tiny world minority.
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
Wanker boy, you can run, but you can't hide..

THE IDIOT EXPOSED PART 17: - He says there is
no sexual diomorphism in Africans or skeletal
differences between men and women, when the very
anthropologists hr quotes say the opposite.

---------]Originally posted by Anglo- Buffoon:
Anglo_Pyramidologist member # 18853
posted 03 June, 2012 05:47 PM

Anglo-Buffoon 17a-
"Frost and other anthropologists have noted
that sexual dimorphism in Negroids is completely
lacking. Check Frost's online blog."

Anglo-Buffoon 17b-
"Black females are not lighter or different to black males in craniofacial terms."

^^Stupid muthafucka. The very Frost quote you paste says this:

Men and women differ in complexion
because of differing amounts of melanin and cutaneous blood flow; in short, women are
fairer, men browner and ruddier (Edwards & Duntley, 1939; Frost, 1988; Frost, 2005; Hulse,
1967; Jablonski & Chaplin, 2000). The size of this sex difference is still debated, largely
because most studies are poorly controlled for age (girls lighten only after puberty and
immediately before are actually darker than boys).."

FROM: Frost Peter, 2006. European hair and eye color, evidence of sexual selection?
Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103u

------- Can't you read imbecile? ALL females differ from males
and are lighter. ALL human humans have sexual dimorphism to
one degree or another. SO how can blacks "completely lack"
said dimorphism according to you, when your own
boy Peter Frost says all human have it?

------- ANd in studies of crania men and women do show differences,
and these differences can be detected with a battery
of modern measurements, as already shown in previous
threads where your idiocy was destroyed- example
(zakrewski2004-Intra-population and temporal variation in ancient Egyptian crania)

your own peter frost debunks you:

"If this common selective force were sexual selection, it could have lightened European skin
color by acting on an existing sexual dimorphism. Men and women differ in complexion
because of differing amounts of melanin and cutaneous blood flow; in short, women are
fairer, men browner and ruddier (Edwards & Duntley, 1939; Frost, 1988; Frost, 2005; Hulse,
1967; Jablonski & Chaplin, 2000). The size of this sex difference is still debated, largely
because most studies are poorly controlled for age (girls lighten only after puberty and
immediately before are actually darker than boys). Investigators also try to exclude tanning by
measuring under the arm, where there is less subcutaneous fat and probably less dimorphism
in skin color, given that the lightness of a woman’s skin correlates with the thickness of her
subcutaneous fat (Mazess, 1967). In any event, sexual selection may have targeted this sex
difference, as suggested by a cross-cultural male preference for lighter complexioned women
and, conversely, by some evidence of a female preference for darker complexioned men
(Aoki, 2002; Feinman Feinman & Gill, 1978; Frost, 1988; Frost, 1994b; Frost, 2005; Van den Berghe
& Frost, 1986)."

FROM: Frost Peter, 2006. European hair and eye color, evidence of sexual selection?
Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103


"A different perspective on sexual dimorphism in skin pigmentation comes from the
recognition that human females require significantly higher amounts of calcium during
pregnancy and lactation and, thus, must have lighter skin than males in the same environment
in order to maximize their cutaneous vitamin D3 production (Jablonski and Chaplin 2000)...
Thus strong clinical evidence continues to support the hypothesis that lighter skin pigmentation
in females evolved primarily as a means to enhance the the potential for cutaneous vitamin
D production and maintain healthy long-term calcium status and skeletal health."

-- Human Evolutionary Biology. 2010. By Michael P. Muehlenbein
Damm you are one of the most pathetic idiots in existence.

Tell us -- were you born such a retarded shithead,
or were you originally a slug who managed to rise
to such prominence?


Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:
E1b1b is not Negroid.

Read it an weep -

''Sub-Saharan Africans belong to subclades of E other than E1b1b, while most non-Africans who belong to haplogroup E belong to its E1b1b subclade.”
- Fulvio Cruciani et al, Phylogeographic Analysis of Haplogroup E1b1b (E-M215) Y Chromosomes Reveals Multiple Migratory Events Within and Out Of Africa, Am. J. Hum. Genet, p. 74)

^^The only thing is that the "quote above is a complete fake
and was never utter by Cruciani, as can be verified by looking at
his article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1181964/?tool=pubmed

The foul faker doctored the quote not knowing the article has been much
discussed at ES. Testifying even more to his incompetence, Cruciani actually
does show E3b or E1b1b occuring in numerous places within "sub-Saharan" Africa.
The three main subclades of haplogroup E3b (E-M78, E-M81, and E-M34) and
the paragroup E-M35* are not homogeneously distributed on the African continent:
E-M78 has been observed in both northern and eastern Africa, E-M81 is restricted t
o northern Africa, E-M34 is common only in eastern Africa, and E-M35* is shared by
eastern and southern Africans (Cruciani et al. 2002)"


And there is no "page 74" in the Cruciani article.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 14 January, 2012 11:41 AM
If you are a white heterosexual male in Britain you have virtually zero chance of getting a job.
All the jobs go to blacks or other immigrants.

^^LOL - Idiotic nonsense.
As of 2001, 92.1% of the UK population identified
themselves as White, leaving 7.9%[270] of the UK
population identifying themselves as mixed race
or of an ethnic minority. The population of the
United Kingdom in the 2001 census was 58,789,194,
UK Office for National Statistics- 2001.

That leaves approx 54 million white people.
About 33% of that population were adult men.
Let's take away 8% or so for minorities. So you are saying then
that 25% of the approx 54 million white people
in the UK are all unemployed? Damn you are dumb,
but you only expose the bankruptcy of your racism.

The Fake C-Ass -Hole exposed PART 14 - BOGUS

[QUOTE]Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 29 December, 2011 06:05 AM

Hetepheres II was a blonde

^^Hapless dullard, you are exposed in another lie.
Your own reference was checked. It yielded detailed
citations which revealed a quite different story.
Scholars say in the mainstream Cambridge Ancient History:

"We must give up the idea that she was of Libyan
origin, an attractive theory which was based on
blond hair of Hetepheres II, who was then thought
to be her daughter. It is now evident that the
yellow wig is part of a costume worn b other
great ladies."

--I. Edwards, C. Gadd, N. Hammond. 1971. The
Cambridge Ancient History. 3ed Volume 1, Part 2,
Early History of the Middle East

Yet another history says:
"The walls of this interior room are decorated
with hunting and fishing scenes, including a
charming image of Meresankh and her mother,
Hetepheres II picking lotus flowers from the
river.. The pillars have images of Meresankh
wearing a blond wig."

--P. Lacovara. 2004. The pyramids and the SPhinx: tombs and temples of GIza


Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 28 December, 2011 05:40 PM
Early dynastic & old kingdom royalty was Nordic (blonde and fair skinned)

^^^Ha hahahahah you stupid mass of camel vomit!
Up above you reference scholar Frank Yurco, but here is
what Yurco said about the 12th Dynasty, debunking
your claim of "Nordic" Egyptian royalty. You
dumbass.... You are again debunked, with your own
"supporting" references... lmao...

"the XIIth Dynasty (1991-1786 B.C.E.)
originated from the Aswan region.4 As
expected, strong Nubian features and
dark coloring are seen in their sculpture
and relief work. This dynasty ranks as
among the greatest, whose fame far
outlived its actual tenure on the throne...
Because the Egyptian rulers of Nubian ancestry
had become Egyptians culturally; as pharaohs,
they exhibited typical Egyptian attitudes and
adopted typical Egyptian policies."

- (F. J. Yurco, 'Were the ancient
Egyptians black or white?', Biblical
Archaeology Review (Vol 15, no. 5,


HE says Egyptologists like Frank Yurco says the Egyptians were "Caucasoid"
--- "Virtually every egyptologist believes the egyptians were Caucasoid" --

BUt Yurco says nothing of the sort.. Here for example, is what he says
about the 12the Dynasty rulers aho were Nubian descent: They seem really
"Caucasoid"... yeah, right.. - quote-

"the XIIth Dynasty (1991-1786 B.C.E.)
originated from the Aswan region.4 As
expected, strong Nubian features and
dark coloring are seen in their sculpture
and relief work. This dynasty ranks as
among the greatest, whose fame far
outlived its actual tenure on the throne...
Because the Egyptian rulers of Nubian ancestry
had become Egyptians culturally; as pharaohs,
they exhibited typical Egyptian attitudes and
adopted typical Egyptian policies."

- (F. J. Yurco, 'Were the ancient
Egyptians black or white?', Biblical
Archaeology Review (Vol 15, no. 5,

Another dodge is to twist an old chat/forum discussion
statement by conservative Egyptologist Frank Yurco
out of context. Yurco rejected those who "a
claimed the Egyptians were "black",
that is, a dogmatic claim without presenting
empirical evidence. He never rejected reasonable
argument with data showing the Egyptians were
an indigenous African population -QUOTE:
.. basically a homogeneous African population
had lived in the Nile Valley from ancient to
modern times..
(Yurco 1996- An Egyptological
Review, in Black Athena Revisited)

The Faker exposed- part 11

Originally posted by cassiterides:
^You claim Vanessa Williams is a black woman when her heritage is white welsh and native american


But when Marc Washingrton smoked him out, and the
actual facts were checked, Anglo-Pyr/Cassifaker is lying
According to the Faker, anyone with any white ancestry is not "really" black.
SO since a majority of African Americans have white ancestry ranging from 5 to 30%
then most Black Americans are not "truly" black you see...


Originally posted by cassiterides:
^ Eurafrican is Caucasoid.

^^You are once again exposed. You said EurAfrican
is Caucasoid, and cited Serti in support. But using
your own citation any reader can see that Sergi
considers EurAfricans to be an amalgamation or mixture
of many types, directly contradicting your claim.

SErgi says: QUOTE:

"This human species, with cranial and facial characters thus well determined,
I call Eurafrican; and this because, having had its origin in Africa, where it
is still represented by many peoples, it has been diffused from prehistoric times
in Europe... The Eurafrican species thus falls into three races: the African,
with red-brown and black pigmentation.. Thus the Mediterranean stock is a race
or variety of the Eurafrican species."

--G. Sergi

You have again failed and are once again exposed.


In fact, Godfrey Higgins ALSO says this about "negroes"

"I believe all the Blavk bambinos of Italy are negroes- not merely blacks;
this admitted, it would prove they very early date of their entrance into Italy." pg 286
pg 434
"the ancient Eturians had the countenances of Negroes, the same as the images of Buddah in INdia." pg 166
pg 474- "They aere in fact, all one nation, with one religion, that of Buddah, and they were originally NEgroes"
pg 59: "nor can it be reasonably doubted, that a race of Negroes formerly had power and pre-eminence in India"
pg 59- AS TO ETHIOPIA: And it is probable that an Ethiopian, a negro, correctly speaking, may have been meant, not merely a black person; and it seems probable that the following may have ben the real fact, viz, that a race of NEgroes or Blacks, but probably of the former, came to India to the west."

cASSIRETEDES own source debunks him. Note the footnote by
his own author- QUOTE: "may not have been
Negroes, though Blacks, though it is probably
they were so."

His own source says they may not have been Negroes

^The Faker once again, debunks himself.
And he seems not to realize that Ethiopia is in
"sub-Saharan" Africa.. lol.. pathetic incompetent..

And he never shows these massive number of websites
"all over the internet". Like what? How many? If they
are "all over" then he should at least be able to give
direct links to 6 showing pages where the "Afrocentrics:
are "distorting" Higgins work. LEt's say what the faker
has besides hot air. Post DIRECT LINKS to 6 of
the huge number of alleged "Afrocentric" websites
where the Afrocentrics are "distorting" Higgins. SHow
how they are distorting Higgins with specific quotes
and specific context.

Watch the Faker duck and run when he is again called
on a claim, or make up yet another lie to cover his exposure...



Originally posted by Anglo-Pyr/Cassiredes:
"Fair hair and light eyes colours are only found among Caucasoids, esp of

But then, in your own thread, by your own hand,
you present a picture of an African albino that
has pale skin, light brown or hazel eyes and fair
hair. You said it was impossible, but then debunk
yourself with your own posted picture.. This is
like the 8-9th time you keep tripping over yourself
with lies, contradictions, and bogus claims.



The Faker exposed- part 7
Originally posted by Anglo-Pyr/Cassiredes:
"Fair hair and light eyes colours are only found among Caucasoids, esp of

^^Your claim is is completely bogus. Native
diversity or albinism causes some tropical Africans
to have light eyes and light hair. You fail againn..





1-- ^^Faker! In your initial posts you claimed that it
was Cavalli-Sforza talking 'bout negroes "mutating"
from Pygmies. Now in your "corrected" post,
You now remove Cavalli-
Sforza's name on the "mutant" claim, admitting that
you were lying all along!
Bwa ha aha
a hah a ha ahahaha aha ahah..

2-- Second point- Peter Frost is debunked by Cavalli-Sforza
who says as to his so-called "mutation" theory:


"It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194

Frost mentions Cavalli-Sforza in connection with
sexual selection, and movement of some groups
from Nigeria-Cameroon to other parts of Africa.
He never says Cavalli Sforza talks bout any
"negro mutation" and in fact any mutation claim
is directly contradicted by Sforza. Sucka, you
not only lied bout Cavalli-Sforza, you lied about
your own white writer- Peter Frost, and misrepresented him.

Anglo-Pyr/CassiREDES says:
''There are then no Australoids with blonde hair past the age of about twenty''

^^LMAO! Totally fake! Credible up to date sources
note that blondism is prevalent in early life
BUT, contrary to your claim that:
"There are then no Australoids with blonde hair past the age of about twenty",
the shade of color varies. In maturity the hair
usually turns a darker brown color, but sometimes
remains blond. See:
"Gene Expression: Blonde Australian Aboriginals". Gnxp.com.


^^Here is one of your Australians over 20 years old
who does have blonde hair. YOu are caught out
spinning bogus claims AGAIN!. Bwa ha aha
a hah a ha ahahaha aha ahah..


[b]So where are these tropical african peoples
with pale white or fair skin? blonde red hair?

^^You fail again. African populations can readily produce blond
or reddish blond hair as noted by hair study author Hrdy
1978 himself, and he references Nubia as an example.
Albinism is another source of red or blond hair
in Africa, and albinism is much more prevalent in
African populations than among Europeans. Even
African Americans produce more albinos than white
Americans. (The pigmentary system: physiology and
pathophysiology- By James J. Nordlund 2006: 603)
(E. Roach and V. Miller 2004. Neurocutaneous disorders.)
QUOTE: "In general, the prevalence of albinism in
Africa is much higher, in the range of 1 in 1
100 to 1 in 3900."

So Africa can and does routinely produce red and blond hair.
All non-Africans are MORE LIMITED subsets of
ORIGINAL African diversity. THe originals
have more built-in diversity than the limited
sub-set populations. This is straight science as
noted by the quote from TIshkoff 2000.

Nor are Africans the only tropical peoples who
can produce reddish hair or blond hair. Among
Australian Aborigines, some tropical groups produce 100%
of individuals with blond hair. Melanesians can
also produce blond or reddish hair, and do so routinely.

White people have no monopoly at all on that hair
color. They merely show more of it, but even among
whites, red hair for example is minor- occurring in less than
5% of the overall European populations, mostly in
northern Europe.

So the claim that there are no tropical Africans with such
variation is once again, proved fake. You made the claim.


ime and time again, you stand debunked and exposed
for falsifying claims and references. Let's recap:

Originally posted by CASSIFAKedes::

The source is Cavalli-Sforza's book on the Pygmies entitled 'African pygmies' (Academic Press, 1986).

This work shows that Negroids mutated from an ancestral pygmy population around 9,000 BC in West Africa. So the 'true' Black African today is a recent mutation. Caucasoids and Mongoloids predate them. [Wink] Negroids only migrated into other parts of Africa during the Bantu expansion or slightly earlier. Prior to them, Caucasoids inhabited North Africa and Bushmen (Capoids) to the south who were displaced by the Caucasoids from the Mediterranean around 12,000 BC.

^^A bogus reference.
Why should anyone take your word for it given
past bogus references? Quote where Cavalli-Sforza
says these so-called "negroids" "mutated" from
Pygmies. The burden of proof is on you, since you made
the claim.

While you scurry to cover your tracks with yet
more bogus claims, Cavali Sforza, in his well
known The History and Geography of Human Genes,
1994 Cavalli-Sforza summarizes his 1986 work on
Pygmies and specifically debunks the "Pygmy as ancestor"
theory held by other older writings. QUOTE:

"It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194

SO much for your lying claims of "mutations" from "Pygymy" ancestors.
In short, you lied about Cavalli-Sforza, creating a falsified
claim and a bogus "supporting" reference to a claim that is
nowhere supported in his work. You are once again
exposed as yet another racist faker
You are not fooling anyone.


YOu then tried to cover up your lie with even
more bogus nformation and STILL fail

You "modified" your Cavalli Sforza claim by including
page numbers, and then changing some wording to
"adaptive radiation" hoping to divert attention
from your exposure.. lmao..

However pages 361-362 of Cavalli Sforza's 1986 book
says absolutely nothing about any Negroes "mutating" from
pygmies, nor any "adaptive radiation." It merely
discusses Pygmy history and geography. You
picked out a page at random, not knowing it can be
verified via Google Books. You were asked to provide
a direct quote but are still running. Now why is that?

""It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194


And Your pathetic "modification" STILL turned
out to be bogus. You then said:

"True" Black Africans appear as a recent
adaptive radiation apparently branching off from
an ancestral Pygmy population — a line of
ancestry also indicated by osteological data
(Coon 1962:651-656; Watson et al. 1996).

^^But in fact, Watson 1996 has nothing to do with
osteological data and does not even mention it. It
has to do with mtDNA.


He says:

"Note that in the Old Testament the Danites are the only Hebrew people described as being maritime and associated with ships.."

^^Complete Nonsense. In the Old Testament, the tribe of
Zebulun is mentioned as specifically associated
with ships and maritime elements. QUOTE:

Genesis 49:13

"Zebulun will dwell at the shore of the seas;
Yea, he will be at the shore of the ships, And
his side toucheth upon Sidon. "


--fake claim that no Australian Abo over 20 is blonde

-- fake claim that NO tropical Africans have any diversity in hair, skin or eye color

-- fake Cavalli-Sforza citation

-- 2nd fake Cavalli-Sforza reference

-- Faked Watson reference

-- Faked Biblical reference

-- FAke representation of Peter Frost's work

-- Fake claim that "studies" say "egyptians were dark are not like 'light-skinned Europeans". COnveniently, the alleged study is missing..

--Fake Higgins claims

--Fake claim that Guiseppe Sergi's EurAfrican race concept is negro-free

--Fake claim that Vanessa Williams has no black ancestry but is "white and Indian"

--Fake claim that Egyptologists like Yurco consider the Egyptians "Caucasoid"

--Fake claim of white Nordic Egyptian royalty

--Fake claim of "blond" Hetepheres

--Fake claim of white males in BRitain "unable to get jobs"

--fAKE Crucuiani "quote" with "citation"

fake claim that blacks have no sexual diomorphism and no male-female cranial differences
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:
So only Sub-Sahara's are Black eh? As I said to you in another thread - It's a very Black world. Do you think that by simply denying that, it changes the truth of it?

Well, no it does not. As comforting as it may be for you to believe that the rest of the world is like you, it is NOT! You are different, you are Albinos.

No Mike.

Negroids (true 'Blacks') are mostly just confined to a very small section of Western Sub-Sahara Africa, of course though there are Negroid immigrant populations elsewhere, but they are a very small population.

World Stats by race (Coon, 1967) -

Caucasoid: 1,757,000,000 (55.7%)
Mongoloid: 1,171,000,000 (37.1%)
Negroid: 216,000,000 (6.8%)
Australoid: 13,000,000 (0. 4)
Capoid: 126,000 (0.004)

Ok this source is 40 or so years old. But the Negroid population today is still around 7%, while the Caucasoid around 50%.

You are a tiny world minority.


That reminds me of another delusional game you Albinos like to play:

Originally posted by DHDoxies:
You never posted the unbiased proof I asked you to post in the thread I started sometime ago so it looks like I won that one LOL.

What Doxie is really saying is:

Post an Albino definition that says what you say.
(Knowing full well that the Albino definition will be a delusional lie).

But I have yet to figure out it's purpose - other than it makes you Albinos feel normal, i.e. part of the natural world.

But think, who are you actually fooling?
Only other Albinos and Ignorant Negroes.
Is having even more delusional Albinos really a GOOD thing?
Ya, I could see how ignorant Negroes could help you, but Black people already know what they give, so their effectiveness is limited.
Member # 18853
 - posted
Zaharan, no one reads your spams.
Member # 18853
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

That reminds me of another delusional game you Albinos like to play:[/b]

Mike, the CIA World Fact Book and other sources give up to date by year stats on the world population percentage of race.

Caucasoids are far higher in number than Negroids. While the former are around 50% of the world population, Negroids are around 7%.

Of course, you only have to look at population density by country to see this. Most Sub-Saharan african countries have very small populations.

Negroids ('Blacks') are a world minority.

Despite all the trolling from people like Narmarthoth et al claiming ''whites are soon going extinct'' the reality is we are the world majority. Furthermore if you look at marriage statistics by most Caucasoid majority countries you will see that interracial unions are incredibly low, no more than 1% of the population. There is never going to be a ''white extinction'' as afronuts like to have a fantasy of. Blacks though? You are only 7% of the population and unlike whites push for interracialism. So i think you guys will be the ones going extinct.
Member # 20259
 - posted
^ Melanin consolidates and civilizes.
Whatever it enhances, gains a "melanin" enhanced perception of the world, and enlightened, act accordingly.

Melanin=Civilized & Future
No Melanin=Barbarism & Entropy

Contrary to Albino propaganda, people of color (melaniated) are by far, the world's majority.

Also, a simple review of trend data from various world-wide sources indeed confirm the highest reproductive birth rate world-wide lies always, with people of color, while the lowest world-wide birth rate consistently falls with increasingly widening margin, to the world's albino (no/low melanin) population.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:
Originally posted by Mike111:

That reminds me of another delusional game you Albinos like to play:[/b]

Mike, the CIA World Fact Book and other sources give up to date by year stats on the world population percentage of race.

Caucasoids are far higher in number than Negroids. While the former are around 50% of the world population, Negroids are around 7%.

Of course, you only have to look at population density by country to see this. Most Sub-Saharan african countries have very small populations.

Negroids ('Blacks') are a world minority.

Despite all the trolling from people like Narmarthoth et al claiming ''whites are soon going extinct'' the reality is we are the world majority. Furthermore if you look at marriage statistics by most Caucasoid majority countries you will see that interracial unions are incredibly low, no more than 1% of the population. There is never going to be a ''white extinction'' as afronuts like to have a fantasy of. Blacks though? You are only 7% of the population and unlike whites push for interracialism. So i think you guys will be the ones going extinct.

^Oh you mean CIA as in "Central Intelligence Agency of the United States"?

Oh ya, That's a source that I and others place great trust in.

Damn boy, don't you have ANY brains?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

So only Sub-Sahara's are Black eh? As I said to you in another thread - It's a very Black world. Do you think that by simply denying that, it changes the truth of it?

Well, no it does not. As comforting as it may be for you to believe that the rest of the world is like you, it is NOT! You are different, you are Albinos.

Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:

No Mike.

Negroids (true 'Blacks') are mostly just confined to a very small section of Western Sub-Sahara Africa, of course though there are Negroid immigrant populations elsewhere, but they are a very small population.

World Stats by race (Coon, 1967) -

Caucasoid: 1,757,000,000 (55.7%)
Mongoloid: 1,171,000,000 (37.1%)
Negroid: 216,000,000 (6.8%)
Australoid: 13,000,000 (0. 4)
Capoid: 126,000 (0.004)

Ok this source is 40 or so years old. But the Negroid population today is still around 7%, while the Caucasoid around 50%.

You are a tiny world minority.

Damn Cass - I didn't dispute your numbers because I know just how much Albinos lie.

But your lying is beyond normal Albino lying.

Cass, like Lioness, You have a sickness.

Demographics of the world

As of 2012, the global sex ratio is approximately 1.01 males to 1 female – the greater number of men is possibly due to the significant gender imbalances evident in the Indian and Chinese populations. Approximately 26.3% of the global population is aged under 15, while 65.9% is aged 15–64 and 7.9% is aged 65 or over. The global average life expectancy is 67.07 years, with women living an average of 69 years and men approximately 65 years. 83% of the world's over-15s are considered literate.

The nominal 2011 gross world product was estimated at US$$70.16 trillion, giving an annual global per capita figure of around US$10,000. Around 1.29 billion people (18.4% of the world population) live in extreme poverty, subsisting on less than US$1.25 per day;[65] approximately 925 million people (13.2%) are malnourished. In December 2011, there were around 2.26 billion global Internet users, constituting 32.7% of the world population.

The Han Chinese are the world's largest single ethnic group, constituting over 19% of the global population, while the second-largest single ethnicity, the Bengali people, account for around 4.8%. By comparison, people of white European descent constitute between 12% and 13% of the world population. The world's most-spoken first languages are Mandarin Chinese (spoken by 12.44% of the world's population), Spanish (4.85%), English (4.83%), Arabic (3.25%) and Hindi-Urdu (2.68%). The world's largest religion is Christianity, whose adherents account for 33.35% of the global population; Islam is the second-largest religion, accounting for 22.43%, and Hinduism the third, accounting for 13.78%. In 2005, around 16% of the global population were reported to be non-religious.
Member # 20259
 - posted
^ Mike
I think reader's are underestimating the extent of the impact of the melanin data presented.
Melanin is responsible for the very way humans perceive reality.
Albinos were born with inadequate melanin levels and therefore have;
Decreased sight resolution, a narrower hearing band, decreased neuromelanin production with some pathways (tyrosine, Dopamine, Melatonin) completely or almost completely dysfunctional.

From a world perception point of view, Albinos literally see the world differently and process that information differently than a "normal" human being does.

You cannot argue effectively with an Albino person.
Their erratic dopamine/Serotonin offsets make them naturally paranoid, hostile, delusional, and ultimately, homocidal.
Imagine someone on LSD (High Serotonin) all the time, and you will get a partial understanding of the albino daily frame of mind.

However, the bright side is, it only takes the introduction of =>2-3% of eumelanin in the next generation to finally begin to civilize the barbarian savage.
Member # 9361
 - posted
^Ya, that's what I was trying to tell Doxie a while back.
While it's true that nothing can be done for her; but if she gives it up to malibudusul, then at least her kids would come out with some type of normalcy.
Member # 18853
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Mike111:

So only Sub-Sahara's are Black eh? As I said to you in another thread - It's a very Black world. Do you think that by simply denying that, it changes the truth of it?

Well, no it does not. As comforting as it may be for you to believe that the rest of the world is like you, it is NOT! You are different, you are Albinos.

Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:

No Mike.

Negroids (true 'Blacks') are mostly just confined to a very small section of Western Sub-Sahara Africa, of course though there are Negroid immigrant populations elsewhere, but they are a very small population.

World Stats by race (Coon, 1967) -

Caucasoid: 1,757,000,000 (55.7%)
Mongoloid: 1,171,000,000 (37.1%)
Negroid: 216,000,000 (6.8%)
Australoid: 13,000,000 (0. 4)
Capoid: 126,000 (0.004)

Ok this source is 40 or so years old. But the Negroid population today is still around 7%, while the Caucasoid around 50%.

You are a tiny world minority.

Damn Cass - I didn't dispute your numbers because I know just how much Albinos lie.

But your lying is beyond normal Albino lying.

Cass, like Lioness, You have a sickness.

Demographics of the world

As of 2012, the global sex ratio is approximately 1.01 males to 1 female – the greater number of men is possibly due to the significant gender imbalances evident in the Indian and Chinese populations. Approximately 26.3% of the global population is aged under 15, while 65.9% is aged 15–64 and 7.9% is aged 65 or over. The global average life expectancy is 67.07 years, with women living an average of 69 years and men approximately 65 years. 83% of the world's over-15s are considered literate.

The nominal 2011 gross world product was estimated at US$$70.16 trillion, giving an annual global per capita figure of around US$10,000. Around 1.29 billion people (18.4% of the world population) live in extreme poverty, subsisting on less than US$1.25 per day;[65] approximately 925 million people (13.2%) are malnourished. In December 2011, there were around 2.26 billion global Internet users, constituting 32.7% of the world population.

The Han Chinese are the world's largest single ethnic group, constituting over 19% of the global population, while the second-largest single ethnicity, the Bengali people, account for around 4.8%. By comparison, people of white European descent constitute between 12% and 13% of the world population. The world's most-spoken first languages are Mandarin Chinese (spoken by 12.44% of the world's population), Spanish (4.85%), English (4.83%), Arabic (3.25%) and Hindi-Urdu (2.68%). The world's largest religion is Christianity, whose adherents account for 33.35% of the global population; Islam is the second-largest religion, accounting for 22.43%, and Hinduism the third, accounting for 13.78%. In 2005, around 16% of the global population were reported to be non-religious.

Caucasoids are not only European. But yes the Caucasoid European population is around 13 - 15%. Caucasoids are also from North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia and to the peripheries of the Indian subcontinent. Added together, they compromise the largest race by size, around 50% of the world population.

Negroids in contrast are only 7%.
Member # 17346
 - posted
Originally posted by Anglo_Battywashologist:

Zaharan has removed the rest of the quote. He hates his own nappy hair of course and tries to cluster himself with non-Blacks who have straight hair.

A Negro is defined by the definition he has posted as someone with dark skin and wooly hair in Sub-Sahara Africa). Zaharan always removes the latter two out of self-hatred.


But the Negroid population today is still around 7%, while the Caucasoid around 50%.

You are a tiny world minority.


Caucasoids are also from North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia and to the peripheries of the Indian subcontinent. Added together, they compromise the largest race by size, around 50% of the world population.

Despite all the trolling from people like Narmarthoth et al claiming ''whites are soon going extinct'' the reality is we are the world majority. Furthermore if you look at marriage statistics by most Caucasoid majority countries you will see that interracial unions are incredibly low, no more than 1% of the population. There is never going to be a ''white extinction'' as afronuts like to have a fantasy of. Blacks though? You are only 7% of the population and unlike whites push for interracialism. So i think you guys will be the ones going extinct.


zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
THE ANGLO-IDIOT EXPOSED PART 17: - He says there is
no sexual diomorphism in Africans or skeletal
differences between men and women, when the very
anthropologists hr quotes say the opposite.

---------]Originally posted by Anglo- Buffoon:
Anglo_Pyramidologist member # 18853
posted 03 June, 2012 05:47 PM

Anglo-Buffoon 17a-
"Frost and other anthropologists have noted
that sexual dimorphism in Negroids is completely
lacking. Check Frost's online blog."

Anglo-Buffoon 17b-
"Black females are not lighter or different to black males in craniofacial terms."

^^Stupid muthafucka. The very Frost quote you paste says this:

Men and women differ in complexion
because of differing amounts of melanin and cutaneous blood flow; in short, women are
fairer, men browner and ruddier (Edwards & Duntley, 1939; Frost, 1988; Frost, 2005; Hulse,
1967; Jablonski & Chaplin, 2000). The size of this sex difference is still debated, largely
because most studies are poorly controlled for age (girls lighten only after puberty and
immediately before are actually darker than boys).."

FROM: Frost Peter, 2006. European hair and eye color, evidence of sexual selection?
Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103u

------- Can't you read imbecile? ALL females differ from males
and are lighter. ALL human humans have sexual dimorphism to
one degree or another. SO how can blacks "completely lack"
said dimorphism according to you, when your own
boy Peter Frost says all human have it?

------- ANd in studies of crania men and women do show differences,
and these differences can be detected with a battery
of modern measurements, as already shown in previous
threads where your idiocy was destroyed- example
(zakrewski2004-Intra-population and temporal variation in ancient Egyptian crania)

your own peter frost debunks you:

"If this common selective force were sexual selection, it could have lightened European skin
color by acting on an existing sexual dimorphism. Men and women differ in complexion
because of differing amounts of melanin and cutaneous blood flow; in short, women are
fairer, men browner and ruddier (Edwards & Duntley, 1939; Frost, 1988; Frost, 2005; Hulse,
1967; Jablonski & Chaplin, 2000). The size of this sex difference is still debated, largely
because most studies are poorly controlled for age (girls lighten only after puberty and
immediately before are actually darker than boys). Investigators also try to exclude tanning by
measuring under the arm, where there is less subcutaneous fat and probably less dimorphism
in skin color, given that the lightness of a woman’s skin correlates with the thickness of her
subcutaneous fat (Mazess, 1967). In any event, sexual selection may have targeted this sex
difference, as suggested by a cross-cultural male preference for lighter complexioned women
and, conversely, by some evidence of a female preference for darker complexioned men
(Aoki, 2002; Feinman Feinman & Gill, 1978; Frost, 1988; Frost, 1994b; Frost, 2005; Van den Berghe
& Frost, 1986)."

FROM: Frost Peter, 2006. European hair and eye color, evidence of sexual selection?
Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103


"A different perspective on sexual dimorphism in skin pigmentation comes from the
recognition that human females require significantly higher amounts of calcium during
pregnancy and lactation and, thus, must have lighter skin than males in the same environment
in order to maximize their cutaneous vitamin D3 production (Jablonski and Chaplin 2000)...
Thus strong clinical evidence continues to support the hypothesis that lighter skin pigmentation
in females evolved primarily as a means to enhance the the potential for cutaneous vitamin
D production and maintain healthy long-term calcium status and skeletal health."

-- Human Evolutionary Biology. 2010. By Michael P. Muehlenbein
Damm you are one of the most pathetic idiots in existence.

Tell us -- were you born such a retarded shithead,
or were you originally a slug who managed to rise
to such prominence?


Originally posted by Anglo_Pyramidologist:
E1b1b is not Negroid.

Read it an weep -

''Sub-Saharan Africans belong to subclades of E other than E1b1b, while most non-Africans who belong to haplogroup E belong to its E1b1b subclade.”
- Fulvio Cruciani et al, Phylogeographic Analysis of Haplogroup E1b1b (E-M215) Y Chromosomes Reveals Multiple Migratory Events Within and Out Of Africa, Am. J. Hum. Genet, p. 74)

^^The only thing is that the "quote above is a complete fake
and was never utter by Cruciani, as can be verified by looking at
his article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1181964/?tool=pubmed

The foul faker doctored the quote not knowing the article has been much
discussed at ES. Testifying even more to his incompetence, Cruciani actually
does show E3b or E1b1b occuring in numerous places within "sub-Saharan" Africa.
The three main subclades of haplogroup E3b (E-M78, E-M81, and E-M34) and
the paragroup E-M35* are not homogeneously distributed on the African continent:
E-M78 has been observed in both northern and eastern Africa, E-M81 is restricted t
o northern Africa, E-M34 is common only in eastern Africa, and E-M35* is shared by
eastern and southern Africans (Cruciani et al. 2002)"


And there is no "page 74" in the Cruciani article.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 14 January, 2012 11:41 AM
If you are a white heterosexual male in Britain you have virtually zero chance of getting a job.
All the jobs go to blacks or other immigrants.

^^LOL - Idiotic nonsense.
As of 2001, 92.1% of the UK population identified
themselves as White, leaving 7.9%[270] of the UK
population identifying themselves as mixed race
or of an ethnic minority. The population of the
United Kingdom in the 2001 census was 58,789,194,
UK Office for National Statistics- 2001.

That leaves approx 54 million white people.
About 33% of that population were adult men.
Let's take away 8% or so for minorities. So you are saying then
that 25% of the approx 54 million white people
in the UK are all unemployed? Damn you are dumb,
but you only expose the bankruptcy of your racism.

The Fake C-Ass -Hole exposed PART 14 - BOGUS

[QUOTE]Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 29 December, 2011 06:05 AM

Hetepheres II was a blonde

^^Hapless dullard, you are exposed in another lie.
Your own reference was checked. It yielded detailed
citations which revealed a quite different story.
Scholars say in the mainstream Cambridge Ancient History:

"We must give up the idea that she was of Libyan
origin, an attractive theory which was based on
blond hair of Hetepheres II, who was then thought
to be her daughter. It is now evident that the
yellow wig is part of a costume worn b other
great ladies."

--I. Edwards, C. Gadd, N. Hammond. 1971. The
Cambridge Ancient History. 3ed Volume 1, Part 2,
Early History of the Middle East

Yet another history says:
"The walls of this interior room are decorated
with hunting and fishing scenes, including a
charming image of Meresankh and her mother,
Hetepheres II picking lotus flowers from the
river.. The pillars have images of Meresankh
wearing a blond wig."

--P. Lacovara. 2004. The pyramids and the SPhinx: tombs and temples of GIza


Originally posted by cassiterides:
posted 28 December, 2011 05:40 PM
Early dynastic & old kingdom royalty was Nordic (blonde and fair skinned)

^^^Ha hahahahah you stupid mass of camel vomit!
Up above you reference scholar Frank Yurco, but here is
what Yurco said about the 12th Dynasty, debunking
your claim of "Nordic" Egyptian royalty. You
dumbass.... You are again debunked, with your own
"supporting" references... lmao...

"the XIIth Dynasty (1991-1786 B.C.E.)
originated from the Aswan region.4 As
expected, strong Nubian features and
dark coloring are seen in their sculpture
and relief work. This dynasty ranks as
among the greatest, whose fame far
outlived its actual tenure on the throne...
Because the Egyptian rulers of Nubian ancestry
had become Egyptians culturally; as pharaohs,
they exhibited typical Egyptian attitudes and
adopted typical Egyptian policies."

- (F. J. Yurco, 'Were the ancient
Egyptians black or white?', Biblical
Archaeology Review (Vol 15, no. 5,


HE says Egyptologists like Frank Yurco says the Egyptians were "Caucasoid"
--- "Virtually every egyptologist believes the egyptians were Caucasoid" --

BUt Yurco says nothing of the sort.. Here for example, is what he says
about the 12the Dynasty rulers aho were Nubian descent: They seem really
"Caucasoid"... yeah, right.. - quote-

"the XIIth Dynasty (1991-1786 B.C.E.)
originated from the Aswan region.4 As
expected, strong Nubian features and
dark coloring are seen in their sculpture
and relief work. This dynasty ranks as
among the greatest, whose fame far
outlived its actual tenure on the throne...
Because the Egyptian rulers of Nubian ancestry
had become Egyptians culturally; as pharaohs,
they exhibited typical Egyptian attitudes and
adopted typical Egyptian policies."

- (F. J. Yurco, 'Were the ancient
Egyptians black or white?', Biblical
Archaeology Review (Vol 15, no. 5,

Another dodge is to twist an old chat/forum discussion
statement by conservative Egyptologist Frank Yurco
out of context. Yurco rejected those who "a
claimed the Egyptians were "black",
that is, a dogmatic claim without presenting
empirical evidence. He never rejected reasonable
argument with data showing the Egyptians were
an indigenous African population -QUOTE:
.. basically a homogeneous African population
had lived in the Nile Valley from ancient to
modern times..
(Yurco 1996- An Egyptological
Review, in Black Athena Revisited)

The Faker exposed- part 11

Originally posted by cassiterides:
^You claim Vanessa Williams is a black woman when her heritage is white welsh and native american


But when Marc Washingrton smoked him out, and the
actual facts were checked, Anglo-Pyr/Cassifaker is lying
According to the Faker, anyone with any white ancestry is not "really" black.
SO since a majority of African Americans have white ancestry ranging from 5 to 30%
then most Black Americans are not "truly" black you see...


Originally posted by cassiterides:
^ Eurafrican is Caucasoid.

^^You are once again exposed. You said EurAfrican
is Caucasoid, and cited Serti in support. But using
your own citation any reader can see that Sergi
considers EurAfricans to be an amalgamation or mixture
of many types, directly contradicting your claim.

SErgi says: QUOTE:

"This human species, with cranial and facial characters thus well determined,
I call Eurafrican; and this because, having had its origin in Africa, where it
is still represented by many peoples, it has been diffused from prehistoric times
in Europe... The Eurafrican species thus falls into three races: the African,
with red-brown and black pigmentation.. Thus the Mediterranean stock is a race
or variety of the Eurafrican species."

--G. Sergi

You have again failed and are once again exposed.


In fact, Godfrey Higgins ALSO says this about "negroes"

"I believe all the Blavk bambinos of Italy are negroes- not merely blacks;
this admitted, it would prove they very early date of their entrance into Italy." pg 286
pg 434
"the ancient Eturians had the countenances of Negroes, the same as the images of Buddah in INdia." pg 166
pg 474- "They aere in fact, all one nation, with one religion, that of Buddah, and they were originally NEgroes"
pg 59: "nor can it be reasonably doubted, that a race of Negroes formerly had power and pre-eminence in India"
pg 59- AS TO ETHIOPIA: And it is probable that an Ethiopian, a negro, correctly speaking, may have been meant, not merely a black person; and it seems probable that the following may have ben the real fact, viz, that a race of NEgroes or Blacks, but probably of the former, came to India to the west."

cASSIRETEDES own source debunks him. Note the footnote by
his own author- QUOTE: "may not have been
Negroes, though Blacks, though it is probably
they were so."

His own source says they may not have been Negroes

^The Faker once again, debunks himself.
And he seems not to realize that Ethiopia is in
"sub-Saharan" Africa.. lol.. pathetic incompetent..

And he never shows these massive number of websites
"all over the internet". Like what? How many? If they
are "all over" then he should at least be able to give
direct links to 6 showing pages where the "Afrocentrics:
are "distorting" Higgins work. LEt's say what the faker
has besides hot air. Post DIRECT LINKS to 6 of
the huge number of alleged "Afrocentric" websites
where the Afrocentrics are "distorting" Higgins. SHow
how they are distorting Higgins with specific quotes
and specific context.

Watch the Faker duck and run when he is again called
on a claim, or make up yet another lie to cover his exposure...



Originally posted by Anglo-Pyr/Cassiredes:
"Fair hair and light eyes colours are only found among Caucasoids, esp of

But then, in your own thread, by your own hand,
you present a picture of an African albino that
has pale skin, light brown or hazel eyes and fair
hair. You said it was impossible, but then debunk
yourself with your own posted picture.. This is
like the 8-9th time you keep tripping over yourself
with lies, contradictions, and bogus claims.



The Faker exposed- part 7
Originally posted by Anglo-Pyr/Cassiredes:
"Fair hair and light eyes colours are only found among Caucasoids, esp of

^^Your claim is is completely bogus. Native
diversity or albinism causes some tropical Africans
to have light eyes and light hair. You fail againn..





1-- ^^Faker! In your initial posts you claimed that it
was Cavalli-Sforza talking 'bout negroes "mutating"
from Pygmies. Now in your "corrected" post,
You now remove Cavalli-
Sforza's name on the "mutant" claim, admitting that
you were lying all along!
Bwa ha aha
a hah a ha ahahaha aha ahah..

2-- Second point- Peter Frost is debunked by Cavalli-Sforza
who says as to his so-called "mutation" theory:


"It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194

Frost mentions Cavalli-Sforza in connection with
sexual selection, and movement of some groups
from Nigeria-Cameroon to other parts of Africa.
He never says Cavalli Sforza talks bout any
"negro mutation" and in fact any mutation claim
is directly contradicted by Sforza. Sucka, you
not only lied bout Cavalli-Sforza, you lied about
your own white writer- Peter Frost, and misrepresented him.

Anglo-Pyr/CassiREDES says:
''There are then no Australoids with blonde hair past the age of about twenty''

^^LMAO! Totally fake! Credible up to date sources
note that blondism is prevalent in early life
BUT, contrary to your claim that:
"There are then no Australoids with blonde hair past the age of about twenty",
the shade of color varies. In maturity the hair
usually turns a darker brown color, but sometimes
remains blond. See:
"Gene Expression: Blonde Australian Aboriginals". Gnxp.com.


^^Here is one of your Australians over 20 years old
who does have blonde hair. YOu are caught out
spinning bogus claims AGAIN!. Bwa ha aha
a hah a ha ahahaha aha ahah..


[b]So where are these tropical african peoples
with pale white or fair skin? blonde red hair?

^^You fail again. African populations can readily produce blond
or reddish blond hair as noted by hair study author Hrdy
1978 himself, and he references Nubia as an example.
Albinism is another source of red or blond hair
in Africa, and albinism is much more prevalent in
African populations than among Europeans. Even
African Americans produce more albinos than white
Americans. (The pigmentary system: physiology and
pathophysiology- By James J. Nordlund 2006: 603)
(E. Roach and V. Miller 2004. Neurocutaneous disorders.)
QUOTE: "In general, the prevalence of albinism in
Africa is much higher, in the range of 1 in 1
100 to 1 in 3900."

So Africa can and does routinely produce red and blond hair.
All non-Africans are MORE LIMITED subsets of
ORIGINAL African diversity. THe originals
have more built-in diversity than the limited
sub-set populations. This is straight science as
noted by the quote from TIshkoff 2000.

Nor are Africans the only tropical peoples who
can produce reddish hair or blond hair. Among
Australian Aborigines, some tropical groups produce 100%
of individuals with blond hair. Melanesians can
also produce blond or reddish hair, and do so routinely.

White people have no monopoly at all on that hair
color. They merely show more of it, but even among
whites, red hair for example is minor- occurring in less than
5% of the overall European populations, mostly in
northern Europe.

So the claim that there are no tropical Africans with such
variation is once again, proved fake. You made the claim.


ime and time again, you stand debunked and exposed
for falsifying claims and references. Let's recap:

Originally posted by CASSIFAKedes::

The source is Cavalli-Sforza's book on the Pygmies entitled 'African pygmies' (Academic Press, 1986).

This work shows that Negroids mutated from an ancestral pygmy population around 9,000 BC in West Africa. So the 'true' Black African today is a recent mutation. Caucasoids and Mongoloids predate them. [Wink] Negroids only migrated into other parts of Africa during the Bantu expansion or slightly earlier. Prior to them, Caucasoids inhabited North Africa and Bushmen (Capoids) to the south who were displaced by the Caucasoids from the Mediterranean around 12,000 BC.

^^A bogus reference.
Why should anyone take your word for it given
past bogus references? Quote where Cavalli-Sforza
says these so-called "negroids" "mutated" from
Pygmies. The burden of proof is on you, since you made
the claim.

While you scurry to cover your tracks with yet
more bogus claims, Cavali Sforza, in his well
known The History and Geography of Human Genes,
1994 Cavalli-Sforza summarizes his 1986 work on
Pygmies and specifically debunks the "Pygmy as ancestor"
theory held by other older writings. QUOTE:

"It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194

SO much for your lying claims of "mutations" from "Pygymy" ancestors.
In short, you lied about Cavalli-Sforza, creating a falsified
claim and a bogus "supporting" reference to a claim that is
nowhere supported in his work. You are once again
exposed as yet another racist faker
You are not fooling anyone.


YOu then tried to cover up your lie with even
more bogus nformation and STILL fail

You "modified" your Cavalli Sforza claim by including
page numbers, and then changing some wording to
"adaptive radiation" hoping to divert attention
from your exposure.. lmao..

However pages 361-362 of Cavalli Sforza's 1986 book
says absolutely nothing about any Negroes "mutating" from
pygmies, nor any "adaptive radiation." It merely
discusses Pygmy history and geography. You
picked out a page at random, not knowing it can be
verified via Google Books. You were asked to provide
a direct quote but are still running. Now why is that?

""It remains difficult to pinpoint an ancient place
of origin for the Negroid type which includes all
West, Central and South Africans. Contrary to many
earlier opinions, modern Pygmies and Khosians are
not good candidates for a proto-African population."

--Cavalli Sforza et al, 1994. The history and geography of human genes. 194


And Your pathetic "modification" STILL turned
out to be bogus. You then said:

"True" Black Africans appear as a recent
adaptive radiation apparently branching off from
an ancestral Pygmy population — a line of
ancestry also indicated by osteological data
(Coon 1962:651-656; Watson et al. 1996).

^^But in fact, Watson 1996 has nothing to do with
osteological data and does not even mention it. It
has to do with mtDNA.


He says:

"Note that in the Old Testament the Danites are the only Hebrew people described as being maritime and associated with ships.."

^^Complete Nonsense. In the Old Testament, the tribe of
Zebulun is mentioned as specifically associated
with ships and maritime elements. QUOTE:

Genesis 49:13

"Zebulun will dwell at the shore of the seas;
Yea, he will be at the shore of the ships, And
his side toucheth upon Sidon. "


--fake claim that no Australian Abo over 20 is blonde

-- fake claim that NO tropical Africans have any diversity in hair, skin or eye color

-- fake Cavalli-Sforza citation

-- 2nd fake Cavalli-Sforza reference

-- Faked Watson reference

-- Faked Biblical reference

-- FAke representation of Peter Frost's work

-- Fake claim that "studies" say "egyptians were dark are not like 'light-skinned Europeans". COnveniently, the alleged study is missing..

--Fake Higgins claims

--Fake claim that Guiseppe Sergi's EurAfrican race concept is negro-free

--Fake claim that Vanessa Williams has no black ancestry but is "white and Indian"

--Fake claim that Egyptologists like Yurco consider the Egyptians "Caucasoid"

--Fake claim of white Nordic Egyptian royalty

--Fake claim of "blond" Hetepheres

--Fake claim of white males in BRitain "unable to get jobs"

--fAKE Crucuiani "quote" with "citation"

--fake claim that blacks have no sexual diomorphism and no male-female cranial differences
Member # 20259
 - posted

Whites claim these people are not black.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:

Whites claim these people are not black.

They do this because the art and skeletons of the most ancient Europeans relate to South Africa and the San.



Member # 20259
 - posted

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