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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20555
 - posted


eft. Mao Zedong, one of mankindīs greatest murderers.

The "Tuidang movement" is a Chinese dissident phenomenon that translates literally as "withdraw from the [Communist] party". It was catalyzed by the publication in 2004 of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" in the Epoch Times (Dajiyuan) which has inspired 220 million people to renounce CCP rule.
Based on this report, this article outlines the history of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its horrifying mass persecution of Chinese people during its 66 years in power since 1949. In China, it is estimated that at least 60-80 million were murdered. The report includes the party's history of political repression, its propaganda apparatus, and its assaults on traditional culture and value systems. This is the same satanic Jewish (Cabalist, Masonic) ideology that secretly governs the West.

by "Falun Gong Truth"

The CCPīs rise to power was set up by foreign nations, especially the Soviet Union and the US. We can find many Western (or rather Jewish) top level advisors in the early history of the CCP regime, such as Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein, Sidney Rittenberg, Rewi Alley, Chen Bidi, George Hatem etc.

After his visit to China in 1973 during the "Cultural Revolution," David Rockefeller said: "One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony....The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history."

We read in the Communist Manifesto: "The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

In China they had found an evil man without any scruples called Mao Zedong. He truly wanted to destroy China and Chinese people and was prepared to do anything evil: "There should be celebration rallies when people die... We believe in dialectics, and so we can't not be in favor of death." "China has a population of 600 million; even if half of them are killed, there are still 300 million people left." "Deaths have benefits. They can fertilise the ground."

The CCP strategy after taking power in 1949, was to use all kinds of Machiavellian strategies and deceit to incite hatred and fighting between different groups of Chinese people and to destroy all faith in human kindness and religion. Their rhetoric always changed according to the new situation.

For example, after taking power Mao wanted to eliminate the Landlord class first and therefore started an uprising among the peasants, promising them land if they eliminated the landlords. After eliminating about 100 000 landlords with families, the communists swiftly started persecuting the farmers that had helped them eliminate the landlords.

The capitalist class was also persecuted of course: "Chen Yi, then mayor of Shanghai, asked every day, "How many paratroopers are there today?" referring to the number of capitalists that had committed suicide by jumping from the tops of buildings that day. In only a few years, the CCP completely eliminated private ownership in China."


Starting in 1950, the CCP started to persecute all unofficial religious faiths. About three million kindhearted and law-abiding people were persecuted for their belief in God. It became clear that the CCP had taken precedence over all religions. To this day there are many God-like worshipping images of Mao Zedong in public places, factories and restaurants.

By eliminating the landlord class, the capitalist class and replacing all good and upright religions with their own evil religion, the CCP could implement Communism as the true religion of China.

Mao Zedong said: "From the age of eight I hated Confucius. In our village there was a Confucianist temple. With all my heart, I wished only one thing: to destroy it to its very foundations.". Stalin said: " The Devil's on my side; he's a good Communist."

The CCP infiltrated the religions and destroyed all traditions, replacing them with the CCP religion, twisting all moral values. Monks and nuns were paraded in the streets and were forced to marry and renounce their faiths.

"Gong Pinmei, a Catholic priest in Shanghai, was imprisoned for more than 30 years by the CCP. He came to the US in the 1980s. Before he died at an age over 90, he made a will that said, "Move my grave back to Shanghai when the CCP no longer rules China."

The Red Guards even forced the second highest Tibetan living Buddha, the Panchen Lama, to eat human excrement. They ordered three monks from the Temple of Bliss located in Harbin city, Heilongjiang Province, which is the biggest Buddhist temple built in modern times (1921), to hold a poster board that said, "The hell with sutras-- they are full of ****."


In 1958 the Great Leap Forward was initiated and "The Great Famine" followed swiftly from 1959-1961. In reality farmers were forbidden from harvesting in the fields because they were supposed to produce steel in order to bypass Great Britainīs and Americaīs steel production in 5 years. As a consequence 45 million people starved to death in three years - a gigantic mass murder. "The Great Famine" was falsely named "Three Years of Natural Disasters" by the CCP.

Terrifying scenes played out and the CCP's tyranny forced people to eat dead people, cannibalize those who escaped from other regions, and even kill and eat their own children. I quote from Nine Commentaries: "The writer Sha Qing described in his book Yi Xi Da Di Wan (An Obscure Land of Bayou): "In a peasant's family, a father was left with only his son and daughter during the Great Famine. One day, the daughter was driven out of the house by her father. When she came back, she could not find her younger brother, but saw white oil floating in the cauldron and a pile of bones next to the stove. Several days later, the father added more water to the pot, and called his daughter to come closer. The girl was frightened, and pleaded with her father from outside the door, "Daddy, please don't eat me. I can collect firewood and cook food for you. If you eat me, nobody else will do this for you.""

After The Great Famine ended the CCP endorsed all the officials who had turned a blind eye to the disaster, promoting them to even higher positions since these people without human conscience could be used to perform any kind of evil against their own people.


The Cultural Revolution was launched in 1966 and implicated around 100 million people and aimed at "Casting Away the Four Olds" -- i.e., old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits. Conservative figures estimate the number of unnatural deaths during the Cultural Revolution at 7.73 million.

In an act of evil aggression towards everything divine and traditional Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, Buddha statues, historical and scenic sites, calligraphy, paintings, and antiques became the main targets for destruction by the Red Guards. In Tibet, 90 percent of the temples were attacked. Much of five thousand years of civilization was ruined in a few years. In Tibet 1.2 million spiritual Tibetans have been killed since 1949. Today there are only 6 million ethnic Tibetans left.

To be continued...


ordid History of Illuminati Depravity in China (2) Part One is here

The satanic roots of Chinese Communism go back to Cabalist Judaism
(i.e. the Illuminati, Freemasonry) which controls the West. Their brutal persecution of the Falun Gong, including organ harvesting, for merely believing in God is a bad harbinger for Christians in the West who face increasing persecution from Christ-haters.

The "Tuidang movement" is a Chinese dissident phenomenon that translates literally as "withdraw from the [Communist] party". It was catalyzed by the publication in 2004 of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" in the Epoch Times (Dajiyuan) which has inspired 220 million people to renounce CCP rule.

Based on this report, these 2 articles outline the history of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its horrifying mass persecution of Chinese people during its 66 years in power since 1949. In China, it is estimated that at least 60-80 million were murdered. The report includes the party's history of political repression and its assaults on traditional culture and religion. This is the same satanic Jewish (Cabalist, Masonic) ideology that secretly governs the West. As with the "Red Terror" in Bolshevik Russia, this is the reason we don't hear about these atrocities.

by "Falun Gong Truth"

The CCP wanted to encourage people to murder people from the "black classes"( (landlords, rich peasants, reactionaries, bad elements, and rightists) during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). Nine commentaries: "According to incomplete statistics for Guangxi Province, about 50,000 CCP members engaged in killing. Among them more than 9,000 were admitted into the Party shortly after killing someone, more than 20,000 committed murder after being admitted into the Party, and more than 19,000 other Party members were involved in killing in one way or another."

Women were encouraged to participate in the violence and were told to dress as men and to wear military uniforms during this time. Violence also became women's identity, especially because they wanted to escape from a conventional perception of them as passive and gentle, which were all labeled as "bourgeoisie" by Mao.

Mao famously said: "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". He also said: "What can Emperor Qin Shi Huang brag about? He only killed 460 Confucian scholars, but we killed 46,000 intellectuals."

Traditionally, after an emperor was crowned in China, he offered amnesty to everyone but for the CCP they started killing immediately after they came into power. In 1951, Mao recommended that approximately 1/1000 of the total population should be killed, equating around 600 000 people. In his efforts to eradicate all people capable of thinking for themselves, he classified the intellectuals as the worst people of all. As such professors and scholars were sent to remote areas to be "re-educated" by doing farming and labour work under terrible conditions. Countless families and lives were destroyed.

In the Nine Commentaries we can read the following horrific stories showing how the CCP wanted to turn Chinese people into wicked monsters without human nature:

"When recommending the book Enemy Within by Father Raymond J. De Jaegher , former U.S. President Hoover commented that the book exposed the naked terror of communist movements....Teachers led the children to the square from school. The purpose for the gathering was to watch the killing of 13 patriotic young men... The soldier went behind the first victim, quickly raised a big sharp knife and struck downwards, and the first head fell to the ground. Blood sprayed out like a fountain as the head rolled on the ground. The children's hysterical singing turned into chaotic screaming and crying. The teacher kept the beat, trying to keep the songs going; her bell was heard ringing over and over in the chaos... After that, many communist soldiers came over, cut the victims' chests open and took out their hearts for a feast. All the brutality was done in front of the children. The children went all pale due to the terror, and some started throwing up.... The children became used to the bloody scenes and numb to the killing; some even started to enjoy the excitement."

"De Jaegher wrote that a CCP member in Shanxi province invented a terrible torture for people considered enemies of the CCP. He bought huge vats where he boiled people to death. Once there was a father being boiled in front of his son and his skin was peeled off after being bathed in acid and vinegar. The CCP wanted the son to see his father die in excruciating pain while listening to his fatherīs agonizing screams."

"The way to kill babies was the most brutal: the killer stepped on one leg of a baby and pulled the other leg, tearing the baby in half." (Investigation of Daxing Massacre by Yu Luowen)


Even cannibalism was abundant during this period. Writer Zheng Yi, author of the book Scarlet Memorial described the cannibalism....

Zheng Yi writes:

"For example when cutting open a living person, the killers only needed to cut a cross on the victim's belly, step on his body (if the victim was tied to a tree, the killers would bump his lower abdomen with the knee) and the heart and other organs would just fall out. The head killer was entitled to the heart, liver and genitals while others would take what was left. These grand yet dreadful scenes were adorned with flying flags and slogans...

The third stage was crazed. Cannibalism became a massive widespread movement. In Wuxuan County, like wild dogs eating corpses during an epidemic, people were madly eating other people... The hurricane of "class struggle" blew away any sense of sin and human nature from people's minds. Cannibalism spread like an epidemic and people enjoyed cannibalistic feasts. Any part of the human body was edible, including the heart, meat, liver, kidneys, elbows, feet, and tendons... During the peak of this movement, even the cafeteria of the highest government organization, Wuxuan County Revolutionary Committee, offered human dishes."


In 1989, after the students were massacred in Tiananmen Square, the CCP mobilized the army and tanks in order to take control over the people. The number of people killed might have been only a few thousands but the fear instilled in people cannot be underestimated.

(left, Maobama)

In 1992, a new form of Qi Gong was spread in China by Master Li Hongzhi. The difference compared with the other Qi Gong was its deep spiritual content and its focus on virtue and divine belief. Its principles are simple yet profound: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" and it does not emphasize forms or rituals and has no membership for its followers. Falun Gong does not charge money from its adherents and all the information can be downloaded for free from the Internet. Since it includes belief in traditional values and the divine, the CCP quickly turned against these people.

Many Chinese were attracted to Falun Gong and an investigation by the CCP in 1998 claimed that about 98 percent of the around 70 million practitioners reported better health. A short time later, in 1999, it all changed as the CCP Chairman Jiang Zemin became jealous of Falun Gongs popularity and orderred to "eradicate Falun Gong in three months". In fact Falun Gong is a completely peaceful and non-violent way of improving oneīs mind and body and it has no relationship to politics whatsoever.

Jiang Zemin made Falun Gong the public enemy No 1 in China and started an all-out persecution across the whole country and established a special secret police called 610 in order to persecute and "reform" Falun Gong practitioners. He also staged a "self-immolation hoax" on Tiananamen in 2001 and later spread massive propaganda in China and abroad about Falun Gong being a suicidal cult.

In addition, the CCP later started to kill people for their organs and Falun Gong practitioners were favourite targets because of their strong health and outlaw status in society. To realize the extent of evil you should know that the victims are operated alive in military hospitals without anesthetics, slowly dying under terrible suffering. Many practitioners went to prisons or forced labour camps where the CCP reportedly keeps around 5-7 million people as slaves. The mortality rate is very high considering the terrible living conditions. To this day the public has no idea about the total number of Falun Gong victims but there have been unofficial reports from hospitals in China putting the number of Falun Gong victims between two to six million only by organ harvesting since 1999 - it is happening as we speak. Third Party investigations from outside China place the number of victims around 65.000 between 2000-2008. For those of you who want to help the organ victims please fill in this online petition to the UN.

This ongoing and hidden massacre of spiritual and kindhearted people will become big news in the near future when the CCP will be toppled from power. "What goes around comes around" is a universal principle that will have its effects also in China.

Around the world today there is only one force opposing CCP - it is the Falun Gong practitioners and after 16 years of evil persecution they are still outside the Chinese embassies peacefully protesting day in and day out. As history proved with the 300 years persecution of Christians in the Roman era, no manmade persecution of people with divine belief can ever succeed.


Nine Commentaries: http://www.epochtimes.com/9pingdownload/English/9ping_en.pdf
Marx and Satan: http://www.hourofthetime.com/1-LF/Hour_Of_The_Time_08122012-Marx_and_Satan.pdf
Mao Quotes: http://www.worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Quotes/maoterror.htm
Stalin quotes: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Joseph_Stalin
Rockefeller quotes: http://www.whale.to/b/rockefeller_q.html
Health Benefits of Falun Gong: http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/3/5/123614.html
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/#sthash.mYyIRxwK.dpuf
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
That's Why The Chinese Christians Must Keep Heat Checking and Building the Kingdom inside China...

See how fast that Christianity grew inside China inside just less then 70+ years??

chairman mao one of the evil devils was trying to Take the Happiness and Chill factor out of China because the Chinese People make Great Food(Think),
Chinese People Love Feeding People(think),
They Get Joy not from the Money, they get Joy from the Food they Give to Peoples,
They get Joy from seeing Peoples bellies Filled and that they had a part satisfying another human Beings hunger

the devil bin trying to take Joy out of Chinese and shackle them with atheism, and turning them into machine cyborg type people, who see no value inside their lives.

Chinese Christians Have been uplifting the Chinese to Speak Up and Defend Your humanity....






Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Chinese ain't playing with them aheist rat goofs who trying to keep them shackled and empty, the Chinese People bin getting Stronger and Stronger

and now the government of china trying to slow down the growth of the Chinese Christian Community...

That's not something they should try and do.. chairman mao was a devil sent to try and break Chinese Joy for Giving and Feeding Peoples(think)

Chinese waking up to the Realization that Jesus Christ the Son of God the only way to salvation..

Like all People, Chinese Recognize Truth when they Hear It...

China's Christians fend off church demolition crew amid latest Communist Party crackdown on faith


Chinese Peoples and African Peoples Build These Places and Don't get the Proper due...Da People Nah Joke, Demanding Rights a Must
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Look what the communist have chinese people doing inside of china...

Build Apart-ments for 67 million People yet none live inside them...

Watch this video.

China's Empty Cities House 64 Million Empty Apartments

Chinese City Called Ordos Inner Mongolia

Chinese People forced to build giant areas of Apartment buildings that they can't afford to Live inside...

Look at Angola Who have faced the same issue with building Cites That The People can't afford to Live inside cause the cities too expensive

China building mega cities but they remain empty And In Africa

look at this empty city inside of Angola

Nova Cidade de Kilamba empty city that Angolan Peoples Can't Afford

So why they building all these cities, and ignoring the Workers who build them and not giving them enough money for them to send there familes to live inside.

People must Start Demanding there rights from all those constructions, and building going on inside China and Angola...Also why build huge cities yet the People not getting the oppourtunity to Live inside them...

Look at Things the right way.

Lots of Water troubles could be eleveated if Countries basically dig Giant underground wells for when God Blesses You With Rain...

Think. The water when you have floods just disappears after flooding the Areas.

Why not build very deep water ducts underground that the water can drain into and you can clean the water etc and use that to support farming, drinking and sanitation???

That could stop plenty of water troubles inside Places like Africa and Asia that struggle with Water etc.

Also plant Trees inside areas with lots of smog or atmosphere pollution..

Trees eat carbon dioxide that can support the Cleaning of the Sky so people don't have to walk around with face masks to protect lungs from pollution etc

Plant Legumes for soil that has lost nutrients so the land can revive It self and then plant many trees etc and fruits and vegetables etc...

fight the poachers!!! who hurt Animals for money.

Angolan People and Chinese People must Stand Together demanding proper wages for there bulding those cities...


One Love Never stops. Cultures supposed to spread and shared among the People that's the Cool ting ting about learning about Peoples cross the earth,

You Like Something Represent and Show Love and Always Make Sure to Respect the Originators of That Culture Whether Black, White, Red, Yellow or Brown..





Shaolin's African Disciples

The People Must realize they One, Representing Jesus Christ Til His Kingdom Comes. No man can decide when the earth ends,
stupid scientists must stop trying to predict something Jesus Christ Told You not Even the Angels know when that will Happen, we supposed to Live like The Kingdom dwells withing


Luke 17:20-21

20 One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, "When will the Kingdom of God come?"

Jesus replied, "The Kingdom of God can't be detected by visible signs.

21 Nor will people say, 'Look, here it is,' or 'There it is.'

For you see, the kingdom of God is in your midst."

Christians supposed to be Living as If we Already inside The Kingdom, Evangelizing never stops till all are saved, the Great Commission never stops

muslims must get shipped back to there desert wastelands where they should stay. muslims poison the land and atmosphere

Christians need to evangelize the muslims from a distance, when muslims die they know where they going...
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
See dividers have nothing they can do to Us unless we let them drown out truth with there babbles and disgusting perverted talks...

they speak 5 000 words and say absolutely nothing.

Empty there words just like there bodies..Note the babblers on the forums that keep trying to drown out the truth..

Remember we Free because Christ died on Calvary,

We Don't Play Monday to Sunday,

Representing The Life of Jesus Christ,

Who died and Rose again to take away our Strife,

Always True, Cause We All Hebrews,

Repping Cross inside All Towns,

Cause We Blacks, Whites, Reds, Yellows and Browns
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Remember That We Hebrew Crew,

And Our Love So True.

Dividers can't stop we,

Cause We Represent Unity,

Just Like They Could Not stop Yeshua Christ

They Know Christ Came To Earth To Give People Life.

We All Examples of That Way

That's Why People Chill and Burn Play Monday to Sunday,

We Hebrews Man Representing Christ Who Tells us Take a Stand
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Racist scum burn til Christ Kingdom Comes,

Look at the studies done by racist dummies

Euorpeans goofs, that's why they get tossed off the roofs

We Christians Don't Play, Burning goofs all day.

Spitting Fire pon De enemy

That's How You know We free

None can stop unity,

All Christians Must Walk Free

People Yell killilluminati

Don't Yuh Know We Christians Love ta Party
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
muslims devils people

that's why they more then evil

save them from a distance

we Rep Christ and the Resistance

Note the divders on the website

trying to drown out the Truth and Rights

Peoples hunt goofs all day and all night

Freeing the people Keeps All People Tight.
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
We Going Up

those goofs stuck

We know how to Build and Chill

Cause Christ Gives us Freewill

Energy Inside We

Keeps us Strong and Able to See

Our Lord Died on Calvary

To Save Everybody

Rose again on Day Three

We Repping The Cross

Cause Yeshua Christ Dey True Boss

What Dem say about We?

Dem Can't Stop The Righteous Cry of Christianity
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Spiting Bars of Fire

We Rep The Messiah

Jesus Christ Lifts Us Higher

Christians Walk True

That's Why We Called Hebrews

Praising God The Father

Who Created Every One

Jesus Christ Shows You the Way to The Kingdom

God The Son, Already One

When He Died for Everyone

Rose Again on Day Three

And Made All Captives Able to be Free

Who You Say, Da Only Way?

Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth and The Life
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
We Be About Christ

Cause Yeshua Christ Saved We Life

Praising God Almighty To The After Life

The Brotherhood of Christ Real Tight

Repping Christ Day and Night

We Christians Gifted With The Sight

Praising Most High God Almighty

That's Why We Christians Are Really Free

Showing Love To All People

Putting Fire pon de Evil

Building The Body Of Christ

Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and White

Colors of The People

True Christians Don't Respect Evil
Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Big Ups all Tha Blessed Family of Christ

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