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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 8621
 - posted
Please free yourself of the so-called afrocentrism!
Only the followers of your discipline may sympathisize with that ideology. Were you once impressed by the noridicits, nazists, stormfronters...? You surely found that the more they become more white nationalist the more they become desgusting for you.
It is also like this with the black nationalist. The more they try to blackize the civilizations of the world, to proove a black supermacy the more they became unwise (i would say pathetic).

I wouldn't give lessons on ethics, but i feel i have to share my opinions with you.

Speaking of black civilzation has almost no sense. What does that mean? It can only mean that black are superior to whites and others. Therefore, you will have to understand the contraproductions of those oppressed colors (non blacks).

I personally, can see a bit of black nationalism as rational view of the world's civilization in only one case: as answer againt those who ignore, purposly, the black contributions.

This last case, was really a tendence untill the last century. Now, it is possibly situated in national discussions (autochtones and foreigners or better said "minority and majority"). This means it is not color-based any more. But can be seen like this when it is heavily contrasted between black minority and white majority (case of America).

As long as the contradiction "white and black power/nationalism" is rather a racial/biological contradiction, it has then to be solved biologically. That can be done, since the science is far devellopped.

But, personally, i don't think it is a real contradiction between black and white, but a contradiction between the blacks and whites in some countries (principally in america).

To conclusion, the black nationalism or so called afrocentrism (wich is not afrocentric, since africa is geogrphay, and not biology) can only contribute a contraproductive reaction from others who would feel be oppressed by this ideology, i suggest to situate the black african contribution in a more global human view without ignoring the panafrican contributions.

and sorry, if misformulated any opinion, or might be misunderstood.
Member # 10195
 - posted
Hush up, you're scared to death of black people. You
don't interact with any black people on a personal
level in the real world.

You need to comment on the sorry state of your own
people's white nationalist NorthAfrocentrism. You
don't know what black nationalism or Afrocentrism is.

All you know is what the non-black and non-African
media have invented for idiotic mass consumption.
Member # 17444
 - posted
LOL, another white boy (or perhaps Europeanized African) trying to advise blacks on how to research their own history.

I stopped taking the post seriously with the weak attempt to connect Afrocentrism to Nazism and the Klan. If you can't distinguish between these then you are not worth entertaining.
Member # 9422
 - posted

Mazigh is a berber. He thinks that Black Berbers are not "True" Berbers but are slaves.

From the time he has been on this forum he tries to berberize Ancient Egyptians and lighten Tuareg.

We know that most Berbers in North Africa are less inclined to side with Black Africans less so then the Arabized North Africans.

Sadly self hate seems to be what we have from someone like Mazigh. When his people realize they have more in common with Black Africans then lets say Europeans then will North Africa really heal old wounds and the continent can Unite.

Sadly as we see in the soccer stars of North Africa, they rarely allow Blacks on their teams. Look at soccer teams from Latin America like honduras and ecuador Most of their best players are black, Yet in North Africa you rarely see any Black players even though there is a sizeable Black presence in North Africa. Sad really. [Frown]

Member # 16736
 - posted
Its a cry for help. Somebody save Mazigh.
Member # 8621
 - posted
Don't take it personal! But understand me first!
I have not a lot contacts in general, but i had no problems with blacks at all. i'm more inclined to have contacts with blacks rather than europeans, maybe because we feel beiing africans, but also because we're mostly from the same social range.
Of course there is a sort of difference between blacknationalism and whitenationalim, but then in the eyes of viewer. A blacknationalist would devilize the whitenationalism and vice versa. Both of them cannot understand this.

Well, both of them are bad, but however, whitenationalism is more dangerous, since they're more organized, rich and in majority.
@king, you know that they are many moroccans playing in european clubs. Are they black? No.

Nevertheless, your analyze is false, at least one of them is black (i'm not interested in football):
Member # 9361
 - posted
Mazigh - True the goal keeper is Black; But he is the ONLY "Natural" Human in the bunch. There are NO Black people who look like that bunch. And there are NO White people who look like that bunch - they are Mulattoes, Halfbreeds, Mutts, whatever you want to call them! Which also of course, precludes them from being Berbers, as Berbers are an old and Pure-black race.
Member # 5777
 - posted
There is a preceptible racial angst that most North Africans feel since the majority are not regarded as "black" or "white".

Since they are not outstanding in anything: intellect, sports and music--their only solution is to promote some phony version of whiteness. Amusingly transparent!
Member # 15718
 - posted
Originally posted by KING:

Mazigh is a berber. He thinks that Black Berbers are not "True" Berbers but are slaves.

From the time he has been on this forum he tries to berberize Ancient Egyptians and lighten Tuareg.

We know that most Berbers in North Africa are less inclined to side with Black Africans less so then the Arabized North Africans.

Sadly self hate seems to be what we have from someone like Mazigh. When his people realize they have more in common with Black Africans then lets say Europeans then will North Africa really heal old wounds and the continent can Unite.

Sadly as we see in the soccer stars of North Africa, they rarely allow Blacks on their teams. Look at soccer teams from Latin America like honduras and ecuador Most of their best players are black, Yet in North Africa you rarely see any Black players even though there is a sizeable Black presence in North Africa. Sad really. [Frown]


What is sad for assorted North African whiteners,
is that North Africa started out inhabited by
"blacks", and may also have experienced a return
of "blacks" as part of the OOA migrations, so no
matter how they slice it- the "blacks" have been
on the scene a long time. Perhaps this is what
rankles- that the "blacks" will not conveniently



Ironically, some DNA studies seem to show that
a majority of mtDNA in North Africa groups with
African derived haplogroups, than with others.



Some pin their hopes on Berbers who are "supposed"
to be all white, as a way of drumming "blacks"
out of North Africa. But this won't work either.
As we know, Berber is a language not a "race" and
there are plenty of "black" Berbers.


"Admixture values based on Alu/STR combinations indicate that sub-Saharan flow in North Africa ranged from 16% (North East Moroccan Berbers) to 35% (remaining samples) with the exception of Siwa berbers who showed the highest admixture value (51%)"
-- --Gonzalez et al on the Siwa (Egyptian Oasis) Berbers. "Population Relationships in the Mediterranean Revealed by Autosomal Genetic Data" 2009, Amer Jrn Phy. Anth.


And Berbers in Egypt as shown by the quotes above
and below, are more associated with tropical



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