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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17426
 - posted
Allah says in Chapter 18 of the Quran – the chapter entitled The Cave:

وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنْ ذِي الْقَرْنَيْنِ قُلْ سَأَتْلُو عَلَيْكُمْ مِنْهُ ذِكْرًا (٨٣)إِنَّا مَكَّنَّا لَهُ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَآَتَيْنَاهُ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ سَبَبًا (٨٤) فَأَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا (٨٥) حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَغْرُبُ فِي عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ وَوَجَدَ عِنْدَهَا قَوْمًا قُلْنَا يَا ذَا الْقَرْنَيْنِ إِمَّا أَنْ تُعَذِّبَ وَإِمَّا أَنْ تَتَّخِذَ فِيهِمْ حُسْنًا (٨٦) قَالَ أَمَّا مَنْ ظَلَمَ فَسَوْفَ نُعَذِّبُهُ ثُمَّ يُرَدُّ إِلَى رَبِّهِ فَيُعَذِّبُهُ عَذَابًا نُكْرًا (٨٧) وَأَمَّا مَنْ آَمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَهُ جَزَاءً الْحُسْنَى وَسَنَقُولُ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِنَا يُسْرًا (٨٨) ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا (٨٩) حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَطْلِعَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَطْلُعُ عَلَى قَوْمٍ لَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَهُمْ مِنْ دُونِهَا سِتْرًا (٩٠)

83. And they ask you about Zulqarnain. Say: I will recite to you an account of him.
84. Surely We established him in the land and granted him means of access to everything.
85. So he followed a course.
86. Until when he reached the place where the sun set, he found it going down into a black sea, and found by it a people. We said: O Zulqarnain! Either give them a chastisement or do them a benefit.
87. He said: As to him who is unjust, we will chastise him, then shall he be returned to his Lord, and He will chastise him with an exemplary chastisement.
88. And as for him who believes and does good, he shall have goodly reward, and We will speak to him an easy word of Our command.
89. Then he followed (another) course.
90. Until when he reached the land of the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people to whom We gave no shelter from It.

The verse says that in that area, he (Zulqarnain) found people that Allah did not give shelter from the sun. What does it mean to not be given, by Allah, shelter from the sun? What is it in us that gives us shelter from the sun? The answer is melanin. What is melanin?

Definition of Melanin

Melanin: A skin pigment (substance that gives the skin its color). Dark-skinned people have more melanin than light- skinned people. Melanin also acts as a sunscreen and protects the skin from ultraviolet light.


Melanin is a pigment ranging from brown to black in hue found in animals and plants. In humans and other mammals, melanin concentration mediates skin, eye, hair color and, possibly, other factors, as well. It is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the bottom layer of the skin's epidermis. Some individual animals and humans have no or very little melanin in their bodies, which is a condition known as albinism.
Albinism is a genetic condition resulting in a lack of pigmentation in the eyes, skin and hair. It is an inherited condition arising from the combination of recessive genes passed from both parents of an individual. A variety of problems with photosensitivity in eyesight and skin usually result from the condition. This article is intended to cover mainly human albinism, although many of the features mentioned would probably also apply to albinism in other animals.
Lack of pigmentation
The gene which results in albinism prevents the body from making the usual amounts of a pigment called melanin.
There are many genes which are now scientifically proven to be associated with albinism (or better: alterations of the genes). All alterations, however, lead to an alteration of the melanin (pigment/coloring) production in the body. Melanin helps protect the skin from ultraviolet light coming from the sun. People with albinism lack this protective pigment in their skin, and can burn easily from exposure to the sun as a result. Lack of melanin in the eye often results in problems with vision, as the eye will not develop properly without the pigment.
Individuals with full albinism (called albinos) generally have flax-white hair, blue eyes and pale pink skin which makes them stand out. Sometimes hair pigmentation is not completely absent (white) but shows a pale or medium blonde. Often the affected persons are paler in complexion as the rest of the family. The myth that all persons with albinism have "white hair and red eyes" is not true. Colorless iris in humans is pale blue, not pink like in some animals, and the human eye is too deep for the pupil to appear red rather than black.
So what color would a person who doesn’t have this protection from the sun be? White (red) of course. Therefore, when one hears the verse of the Quran stating that Zulqarnain found people that Allah had not given protection from the sun, what immediately comes to mind concerning the complexion of these people? Isn’t “not given by Allah protection from the sun” synonymous with “white-skinned (red-skinned)”?
Concerning the people that Allah says He didn’t give protection from the sun, Said ibn Jubair, the well-known Islamic scholar who lived 665-714 said:

قال سعيد بن جبير : كانوا حمرا قصارا ، مساكنهم الغيران ، أكثر معيشتهم من السمك .

“They were white-skinned (red) and short and they lived in caves. They lived mostly off fish.”
Said ibn Jubair, who by the way was described as black-skinned, was well-known for his knowledge and piety. Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalaani says the following about him:

“....He narrated hadiths from Ibn Abbas, Ibn Al-Zubair, Ibn Umar, Ibn Maqal, Uday Ibn Hatem, Abi Masood Al-Ansary, Abi Saeed Al-Khudari, Abu Hurayra, Abu Musa Al-Asha'ari, Al-Dahak Ibn Qais Al-Fehri, Anas, Amro Ibn Maymoon, Abi Abdulrahman Al-Sulami and lady A'isha..... Ibn Abi Mughera said that when people of Kufa visit Ibn Abbas they used to ask him for Fatwa, he used to say them: "Isn't Sa'id Ibn Jubayr among you?".... Amro Ibn Maymoon said that his father said that Sa'id Ibn Jubayr passed away and everyone on the earth attained his knowledge... Abu Al-Qasem Al-Tabari said: "He is a reliable Imam and hujjah on Muslims".....Ibn Hibbaan said: "He was jurist, worshiper, righteous and pious".”

So as you can see, by describing those white-skinned (red-skinned) people as “people We didn’t give protection from the sun”, Allah apparently gave a brief explanation of the workings of melanin. When did scientists learn how melanin works? This is just a small example of the abundance of knowledge found in the Quran.
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:

What's that Lioness?
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
a woman of African ancestry who has very little melanin
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:
a woman of African ancestry who has very little melanin

And how do you tie her picture in to what I just wrote? Did you read it?
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
Originally posted by the lioness:
a woman of African ancestry who has very little melanin

And how do you tie her picture in to what I just wrote? Did you read it?
how can you ask this question. Your post was talking about albinos and lack of melanin. I posted a picture of an albino woman with a lack of melanin.
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
Originally posted by the lioness:
a woman of African ancestry who has very little melanin

And how do you tie her picture in to what I just wrote? Did you read it?
how can you ask this question. Your post was talking about albinos and lack of melanin. I posted a picture of an albino woman with a lack of melanin.
No. My post is about the Quran - more than 1400 years ago - mentioning how melanin works.
Member # 16412
 - posted

Snaky's an albino (suffering some form of melanin deficiency syndrome) so she gets nervous whenever one mentions melanin...

Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by IronLion:

Snaky's an albino (suffering some form of melanin deficiency syndrome) so she gets nervous whenever one mentions melanin...


Really? I hope she takes nothing I say personal.
Member # 17562
 - posted
Great Post, but the original arabic text of the Surah goes more in depth, Allahu Akbar

Allah knows all
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by CircleOfLife:
Great Post, but the original arabic text of the Surah goes more in depth, Allahu Akbar

Allah knows all

Thanks CircleOfLife! I just mentioned the part of the Surah dealing with the people he (DhulQarnain) found at that place.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
Originally posted by CircleOfLife:
Great Post, but the original arabic text of the Surah goes more in depth, Allahu Akbar

Allah knows all

Thanks CircleOfLife! I just mentioned the part of the Surah dealing with the people he (DhulQarnain) found at that place.

Member # 17562
 - posted
The Yajuj and The Majuj where these people also devoid of protection of the sun? Was this the first mention of whites in religious text?

In Surah 18:93 it claims that Dhul al Qarnayn reaches a tract where two mountains meet. Were these the Caucaus Mountains?

These people were the Yajuj and the Majuj and the people were unlike all the people he had encountered, they understood no known language.
Where these early caucasians?

The Quran states that these people did great mischeif on the earth, so much that a Wall was built up to keep them out. Could this be the Great Wall of China?

These are questions that I ask myself!
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
Originally posted by CircleOfLife:
Great Post, but the original arabic text of the Surah goes more in depth, Allahu Akbar

Allah knows all

Thanks CircleOfLife! I just mentioned the part of the Surah dealing with the people he (DhulQarnain) found at that place.


Thanks Clyde! There are several theories concerning who DhulQarnain was. Some say Cyrus the Great, some say a Yemeni Tubba' king. Allah knows best. Is that Cyrus the Great in the picture?
Member # 8621
 - posted
Dhu alqarnayn is Alexander the Great. So says a medieval Arabic autor:

The place where the sun set is the Canary islands according that author. The Oceanus was known as the see of darkness.
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by CircleOfLife:
The Yajuj and The Majuj where these people also devoid of protection of the sun? Was this the first mention of whites in religious text?

In Surah 18:93 it claims that Dhul al Qarnayn reaches a tract where two mountains meet. Were these the Caucaus Mountains?

These people were the Yajuj and the Majuj and the people were unlike all the people he had encountered, they understood no known language.
Where these early caucasians?

The Quran states that these people did great mischeif on the earth, so much that a Wall was built up to keep them out. Could this be the Great Wall of China?

These are questions that I ask myself!

Yes, Yaajouj and Maajouj are Caucasians and the Turks are a branch of Yaajouj and Maajouj.
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by Mazigh:
Dhu alqarnayn is Alexander the Great. So says a medieval Arabic autor:

The place where the sun set is the Canary islands according that author. The Oceanus was known as the see of darkness.

That's not true because DhulQarnain was a believer, but Alexander the Great wasn't.
Member # 17562
 - posted
Is King and Jari the same person?

I have noticed everytime Jari types King comes right after
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by Mazigh:
Dhu alqarnayn is Alexander the Great. So says a medieval Arabic autor:

The place where the sun set is the Canary islands according that author. The Oceanus was known as the see of darkness.

That "black sea" in verse 86 is a bad translation of the Arabic. In Arabic, it doesn't mean that. Can you read Arabic?
Member # 8621
 - posted
Yes i can read arabic.
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by Mazigh:
Yes i can read arabic.

هذا البحر المظلم ولكن الآية تقول عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ
Member # 8621
 - posted
Yes i see:

" قوله تعالى: «حتى إذا بلغ مغرب الشمس وجدها تغرب في عين حمئة و وجد عندها قوما» تدل «حتى» على فعل مقدر و تقديره «فسار حتى إذا بلغ» و المراد بمغرب الشمس آخر المعمورة يومئذ من جانب الغرب بدليل قوله: «و وجد عندها قوما».

و ذكروا أن المراد بالعين الحمئة العين ذات الحمأة و هي الطين الأسود و أن المراد بالعين البحر فربما تطلق عليه، و أن المراد بوجدان الشمس تغرب في عين حمئة موقف على ساحل بحر لا مطمع في وجود بر وراءه فرأى الشمس كأنها تغرب في البحر لمكان انطباق الأفق عليه قيل: و ينطبق هذه العين الحمئة على المحيط الغربي و فيه الجزائر الخالدات التي كانت مبدأ الطول سابقا ثم غرقت.

و قرىء «في عين حامية» أي حارة، و ينطبق على النقاط القريبة من خط الاستواء من المحيط الغربي المجاورة لإفريقية و لعل ذا القرنين في رحلته الغربية بلغ سواحل إفريقية."

ومن هناك الجزائر الخالدات على البحار المرسومة في الجغرافيا. وهي ست يستغرق جميعها سمت العرض من الإقليم الأول وقليل من سمت الثاني. ومن هذه الجزائر أخذ بطليموس الأطوال كما أخذ من خط الاستواء العروض. وهي ليست مسكونة ولكنها وصل إليها الإسكندر ذو القرنين ورام السلوك في عرضها فلم يتمكن له ما أراد، أما لأقاصير وضباب متراكم أو خوفاً من الضلال والهلاك في غير شيء. ثم أنه وضع على كل جزيرة منها منارة يهتدي بها من ضل وكتب على كل واحدة منها: لا مسلك خلفي. وفيها كلام يطول. قال ابن فاطمة: وجزائر السعادة فيما بين الجزائر الخالدات والبر مبددة في الإقليم الأول والثاني والثالث. وهي أربع وعشرون جزيرة. والحديث عنها كالخرافات. والبحر المحيط يتدرج قليلاً قليلاً لارتفاع في هذا الجزء إلى أن يكون مصب النيل الذي يمر على غانا ويكون حيث الطول عشر درجات وعشرون دقيقة والعرض أربع عشرة درجة. وأمام مصب النيل في البحر المحيط جزيرة الملح وطولها من الشمال إلى الجنوب درجتان وقليل، ووسعها نصف درجة.

الكتاب [الجغرافيا] :::
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by Mazigh:
Yes i see:

" قوله تعالى: «حتى إذا بلغ مغرب الشمس وجدها تغرب في عين حمئة و وجد عندها قوما» تدل «حتى» على فعل مقدر و تقديره «فسار حتى إذا بلغ» و المراد بمغرب الشمس آخر المعمورة يومئذ من جانب الغرب بدليل قوله: «و وجد عندها قوما».

و ذكروا أن المراد بالعين الحمئة العين ذات الحمأة و هي الطين الأسود و أن المراد بالعين البحر فربما تطلق عليه، و أن المراد بوجدان الشمس تغرب في عين حمئة موقف على ساحل بحر لا مطمع في وجود بر وراءه فرأى الشمس كأنها تغرب في البحر لمكان انطباق الأفق عليه قيل: و ينطبق هذه العين الحمئة على المحيط الغربي و فيه الجزائر الخالدات التي كانت مبدأ الطول سابقا ثم غرقت.

و قرىء «في عين حامية» أي حارة، و ينطبق على النقاط القريبة من خط الاستواء من المحيط الغربي المجاورة لإفريقية و لعل ذا القرنين في رحلته الغربية بلغ سواحل إفريقية."

ومن هناك الجزائر الخالدات على البحار المرسومة في الجغرافيا. وهي ست يستغرق جميعها سمت العرض من الإقليم الأول وقليل من سمت الثاني. ومن هذه الجزائر أخذ بطليموس الأطوال كما أخذ من خط الاستواء العروض. وهي ليست مسكونة ولكنها وصل إليها الإسكندر ذو القرنين ورام السلوك في عرضها فلم يتمكن له ما أراد، أما لأقاصير وضباب متراكم أو خوفاً من الضلال والهلاك في غير شيء. ثم أنه وضع على كل جزيرة منها منارة يهتدي بها من ضل وكتب على كل واحدة منها: لا مسلك خلفي. وفيها كلام يطول. قال ابن فاطمة: وجزائر السعادة فيما بين الجزائر الخالدات والبر مبددة في الإقليم الأول والثاني والثالث. وهي أربع وعشرون جزيرة. والحديث عنها كالخرافات. والبحر المحيط يتدرج قليلاً قليلاً لارتفاع في هذا الجزء إلى أن يكون مصب النيل الذي يمر على غانا ويكون حيث الطول عشر درجات وعشرون دقيقة والعرض أربع عشرة درجة. وأمام مصب النيل في البحر المحيط جزيرة الملح وطولها من الشمال إلى الجنوب درجتان وقليل، ووسعها نصف درجة.

الكتاب [الجغرافيا] :::

هذه نظرية واحدة من نظريات كثيرة
Member # 9361
 - posted
It is impolite to use terms, and not explain what they mean.

Dhul-Qarnayn - literally "He of the Two Horns", is a figure mentioned in the Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam, where he is described as a great and righteous ruler who built a long wall that keeps Gog and Magog from attacking the people who he met on his journey to the east (ie, the rising of the sun). The identification of Dhul-Qarnayn in historical context is not clear, and therefore this subject has generated various theories.

{Gog and Magog appear in the Book of Genesis, the Book of Ezekiel, the Book of Revelation, and the Qur'an. They are variously presented as men, supernatural beings (giants or demons), national groups, or lands.}

Some secular scholars studying Islam have been in concord in their view that there is a strong probability supporting the conclusion that Dhul-Qarnayn is a reference to Alexander the Great, who is ascribed similar adventures in the Alexander romance. According to a classical interpretation, the name is due to his having reached the two 'Horns' of the Sun, east and west, where it rises and where it sets" during his campaign.

Some contemporary Islamic scholars have argued for an identification with other figures such as Cyrus the Great instead

The Gates of Alexander were a legendary barrier supposedly built by Alexander the Great in the Caucasus to keep the uncivilized barbarians of the north (typically associated with Gog and Magog) from invading the land to the south.

In reality both structures were built by the Persian monarchs. Derbent/Darband, meaning "closed gates") and was established at the end of the 5th or the beginning of the 6th century, when the city was refounded by Kavadh I of the Sassanid dynasty of Persia.


The Great Wall of Gorgan was built during the Parthian dynasty simultaneously with the construction of the Great Wall of China and it was restored during the Sassanid era (3-7th century).


Translations of the Qur'an, Surah 18:

YUSUFALI: Until, when he reached (a tract) between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a people who scarcely understood a word.
PICKTHAL: Till, when he came between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying.
SHAKIR: Until when he reached (a place) between the two mountains, he found on that side of them a people who could hardly understand a word.

YUSUFALI: They said: "O Zul-qarnain! the Gog and Magog (People) do great mischief on earth: shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them?
PICKTHAL: They said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog and Magog are spoiling the land. So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a barrier between us and them?
SHAKIR: They said: O Zulqarnain! surely Gog and Magog make mischief in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute on condition that you should raise a barrier between us and them

YUSUFALI: He said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them:
PICKTHAL: He said: That wherein my Lord hath established me is better (than your tribute). Do but help me with strength (of men), I will set between you and them a bank.
SHAKIR: He said: That in which my Lord has established me is better, therefore you only help me with workers, I will make a fortified barrier between you and them;

YUSUFALI: "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)" Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead."
PICKTHAL: Give me pieces of iron - till, when he had levelled up (the gap) between the cliffs, he said: Blow! - till, when he had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon.
SHAKIR: Bring me blocks of iron; until when he had filled up the space between the two mountain sides, he said: Blow, until when he had made it (as) fire, he said: Bring me molten brass which I may pour over it.

YUSUFALI: Thus were they made powerless to scale it or to dig through it.
PICKTHAL: And (Gog and Magog) were not able to surmount, nor could they pierce (it).
SHAKIR: So they were not able to scale it nor could they make a hole in it.

The reference to the tract between two mountains, suggests the Persian Wall. But Persian kings did not wear "Horned helmets". Thus the reference to Dhul-Qarnayn - literally "He of the Two Horns" is contradictory.

Of course the Alexander story - Quote: "the name is due to his having reached the two 'Horns' of the Sun, east and west, where it rises and where it sets" during his campaign." is pure White mans Bullsh1t.


So the choice is to be made, which to take literally, the two mountains or Dhul-Qarnayn - literally "He of the Two Horns" since the two seem mutually exclusive.

The only historical combination of a great Wall, and a "He of the Two Horns", is the Sumerian King Shu-Sin (2038 B.C.) son of the Great King Shulgi.

Example using stele of Naram Sin - note two horned helmet.


Shu-Sin lost Assyria and erected a huge wall between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, just north of Babilla (Babylon), to help keep out the Amorites. The wall was 170 miles long, and breached the banks of both rivers.

The Arabs would have gotten this history from the Babylonian King "Nabonidus" (about 600 B.C.) who was an Aramaean from Harran (Anatolia/Turkey). He was a scholar of Sumerian history, and devoted himself to renovating old temples, taking a special interest in old inscriptions, perhaps in reverence for the ancient Amorite dynasty of Hammurabi.

For reasons unknown, Nabonidus left Babylon to reside in northern Arabia, leaving his son Belshazzar as viceroy in Babylon, he did not return for ten years. You can tell a lot of history to Arabs in ten years.
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ Actually Haran was located in northern Syria not Anatolia, although some like Dana postulate it to be in Arabia.

Also Gog and specifically Magog are described in Biblical texts to be descendants of Gomer to the northern lands likely north of the Caucasus.
Member # 17426
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ Actually Haran was located in northern Syria not Anatolia, although some like Dana postulate it to be in Arabia.

Also Gog and specifically Magog are described in Biblical texts to be descendants of Gomer to the northern lands likely north of the Caucasus.

They are descendants of Yapheth.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ Actually Haran was located in northern Syria not Anatolia, although some like Dana postulate it to be in Arabia.

Also Gog and specifically Magog are described in Biblical texts to be descendants of Gomer to the northern lands likely north of the Caucasus.

Harran (Akkadian: Harrânu; Ancient Greek: Κάῤῥαι; Latin: Carrhae) is a district of Şanlıurfa Province in the southeast of Turkey.

Member # 17426
 - posted

dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by awlaadberry:
Originally posted by the lioness:
a woman of African ancestry who has very little melanin

And how do you tie her picture in to what I just wrote? Did you read it?
how can you ask this question. Your post was talking about albinos and lack of melanin. I posted a picture of an albino woman with a lack of melanin.
He is asking for what purpose - Snaky. But he should have just ignored your picture - which says nothing as usual.
dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
Originally posted by Mazigh:
Dhu alqarnayn is Alexander the Great. So says a medieval Arabic autor:

The place where the sun set is the Canary islands according that author. The Oceanus was known as the see of darkness.

The original Dhu'l Qarnayn is semi-legendary personnage and according to one source I think, Kesius, lived before Jacob. So his depiction is found in many parts of the Middle East. He obviously had nothing to do with Alexander the Great. Whether the one in the Quran is speaking of Alexander I wouldn't know.

The name Dthu, Dzthu, Dhu or Dhawi is a prefix to many ancient names of the south Arabian rulers or Tubbas, and means Lord.

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