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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 18722
 - posted
Call it humanity’s unexpected U-turn. One of the biggest events in the history of our species is the exodus out of Africa some 65,000 years ago, the start of Homo sapiens‘ long march across the world. Now a study of southern African genes shows that, unexpectedly, another migration took western Eurasian DNA back to the very southern tip of the continent 3000 years ago.

According to conventional thinking, the Khoisan tribes of southern Africa, have lived in near-isolation from the rest of humanity for thousands of years. In fact, the study shows that some of their DNA matches most closely people from modern-day southern Europe, including Spain and Italy.

Because Eurasian people also carry traces of Neanderthal DNA, the finding also shows – for the first time – that genetic material from our extinct cousin may be widespread in African populations.

The Khoisan tribes of southern Africa are hunter-gatherers and pastoralists who speak unique click languages. Their extraordinarily diverse gene pool split from everyone else’s before the African exodus.

Ancient lineages

“These are very special, isolated populations, carrying what are probably the most ancient lineages in human populations today,” says David Reich of Harvard University. “For a lot of our genetic studies we had treated them as groups that had split from all other present-day humans before they had split from each other.”

So he and his colleagues were not expecting to find signs of western Eurasian genes in 32 individuals belonging to a variety of Khoisan tribes. “I think we were shocked,” says Reich.

The unexpected snippets of DNA most resembled sequences from southern Europeans, including Sardinians, Italians and people from the Basque region (see “Back to Africa – but from where?“). Dating methods suggested they made their way into the Khoisan DNA sometime between 900 and 1800 years ago – well before known European contact with southern Africa (see map).

Archaeological and linguistic studies of the region can make sense of the discovery. They suggest that a subset of the Khoisan, known as the Khoe-Kwadi speakers, arrived in southern Africa from east Africa around 2200 years ago. Khoe-Kwadi speakers were – and remain – pastoralists who make their living from herding cows and sheep. The suggestion is that they introduced herding to a region that was otherwise dominated by hunter-gatherers.

Khoe-Kwadi tribes

Reich and his team found that the proportion of Eurasian DNA was highest in Khoe-Kwadi tribes, who have up to 14 per cent of western Eurasian ancestry. What is more, when they looked at the east African tribes from which the Khoe-Kwadi descended, they found a much stronger proportion of Eurasian DNA – up to 50 per cent.

That result confirms a 2012 study by Luca Pagani of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK, which found non-African genes in people living in Ethiopia. Both the 2012 study and this week’s new results show that the Eurasian genes made their way into east African genomes around 3000 years ago. About a millennium later, the ancestors of the Khoe-Kwadi headed south, carrying a weaker signal of the Eurasian DNA into southern Africa.

The cultural implications are complex and potentially uncomfortably close to European colonial themes. “I actually am not sure there’s any population that doesn’t have west Eurasian [DNA],” says Reich.

“These populations were always thought to be pristine hunter-gatherers who had not interacted with anyone for millennia,” says Reich’s collaborator, linguist Brigitte Pakendorf of the University of Lyon in France. “Well, no. Just like the rest of the world, Africa had population movements too. There was simply no writing, no Romans or Greeks to document it.”

Twist in tale

There’s one more twist to the tale. In 2010 a research team – including Reich – published the first draft genome of a Neanderthal. Comparisons with living humans revealed traces of Neanderthal DNA in all humans with one notable exception: sub-Saharan peoples like the Yoruba and Khoisan.

That made sense. After early humans migrated out of Africa around 60,000 years ago, they bumped into Neanderthals somewhere in what is now the Middle East. Some got rather cosy with each other. As their descendants spread across the world to Europe, Asia and eventually the Americas, they spread bits of Neanderthal DNA along with their own genes. But because those descendants did not move back into Africa until historical times, most of this continent remained a Neanderthal DNA-free zone.

Or so it seemed at the time. Now it appears that the Back to Africa migration 3000 years ago carried a weak Neanderthal genetic signal deep into the homeland. Indeed one of Reich’s analyses, published last month, found Neanderthal traces in Yoruba DNA (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature12886).

In other words, not only is western Eurasian DNA ancestry a global phenomenon, so is having a bit of Neanderthal living on inside you.

Journal reference: PNAS, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1313787111

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Dating methods suggested they made their way into the Khoisan DNA sometime between 900 and 1800 years ago – well before known European contact
First off, the history of Southern Europe is not the history of entire Europe. The same aruments is being made on Africa and Africans, remember?

Africans/ blacks made up the Roman army as well. Yes Ethiopians and other Horners too.

Unfortunate they did not mention any of this in your copy-past material.

Unfortunately they don't mention the specific DNA sequence.

“These populations were always thought to be pristine hunter-gatherers who had not interacted with anyone for millennia,” says Reich’s collaborator, linguist Brigitte Pakendorf of the University of Lyon in France. “Well, no. Just like the rest of the world, Africa had population movements too. There was simply no writing, no Romans or Greeks to document it.”

This here confirms that they don't know the history and oral traditions of the Khoe-Kwadi tribe. LOL

Khoe-Kwadi tribes

Reich and his team found that the proportion of Eurasian DNA was highest in Khoe-Kwadi tribes, who have up to 14 per cent of western Eurasian ancestry. What is more, when they looked at the east African tribes from which the Khoe-Kwadi descended, they found a much stronger proportion of Eurasian DNA – up to 50 per cent.

But, what did we learn?

That they call the Eurasian lineage European. And that Khoe-Kwadi they don't know the oral traditions of this tribe, not have any interest in listening to what the Khoe-Kwadi say about their history.LOL

Or so it seemed at the time. Now it appears that the Back to Africa migration 3000 years ago carried a weak Neanderthal genetic signal deep into the homeland. Indeed one of Reich’s analyses, published last month, found Neanderthal traces in Yoruba DNA (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature12886).

This one is a sneaky one. I'll save the best for last LOL

So what is the lineage of the Yoruba's? Howcome for the past decade the Yoruban sequence was found to be particularly "negroid". Even in race-intelligent papers they have claimed a disassociation with Eurasians, which reflected in the "supossed" primitive lifestyle and low I.Q.. This was according to your HapMap.

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted

Your posts are always loaded with irony,
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
The Khoisan first migrated to Europe 44,000 years ago as the Cro-Magnon people. How could Europeans introduce haplogroups to Khoisan, when Khoisan were the first anatomically modern humans to take genes to Europe?


Member # 18722
 - posted
Originally posted by Troll "Gibberish" Patrol # Ish Gebor:

Amazing how Gibberish knows more the established and well respected researchers and academics!!




noun: gibberish

unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.
"he talks gibberish"

synonyms: nonsense, garbage, balderdash, blather, rubbish; informaldrivel, gobbledygook, mumbo jumbo, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock; vulgar slangverbal diarrhea
"am I going deaf, or is she speaking gibberish?"
Member # 18722
 - posted
My friend Clyde "who has never been to Africa" knows very little about Africans, seems convinced that the Khoisans who are isolated and very primitive we able to make it all way from Southern Africa to Southern Europe 44K years before recorded history!!

Amazing Stuff from someone with dubious credentials.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The Khoisan first migrated to Europe 44,000 years ago as the Cro-Magnon people. How could Europeans introduce haplogroups to Khoisan, when Khoisan were the first anatomically modern humans to take genes to Europe?



Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:
My friend Clyde "who has never been to Africa" knows very little about Africans, seems convinced that the Khoisans who are isolated and very primitive we able to make it all way from Southern Africa to Southern Europe 44K years before recorded history!!

Amazing Stuff from someone with dubious credentials.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The Khoisan first migrated to Europe 44,000 years ago as the Cro-Magnon people. How could Europeans introduce haplogroups to Khoisan, when Khoisan were the first anatomically modern humans to take genes to Europe?




Stop being jealous of my credentials. If you tried you too could earn an MA, in Anthropology and Linguistics, and PhD.


Above is a picture of Cro-Magnon man, the first anatomically modern European. The first Europeans were the Bushman or Khoisan people.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

The Aurignacian civilization was founded by the Cro-Magnon people who originated in Africa. They took this culture to Western Europe across the Straits of Gibraltar. The Cro-Magnon people were probably Bushman/Khoi.

There have been numerous "Negroid skeletons" found in Europe. Marcellin Boule and Henri Vallois, in Fossil Man, provide an entire chapter on the Africans/Negroes of Europe Anta Diop also discussed the Negroes of Europe in Civilization or Barbarism, pp.25-68. Also W.E. B. DuBois, discussed these Negroes in the The World and Africa, pp.86-89. DuBois noted that "There was once a an "uninterrupted belt' of Negro culture from Central Europe to South Africa" (p.88).

Boule and Vallois, note that "To sum up, in the most ancient skeletons from the Grotte des Enfants we have a human type which is readily comparable to modern types and especially to the Negritic or Negroid type" (p.289). They continue, "Two Neolithic individuals from Chamblandes in Switzerland are Negroid not only as regards their skulls but also in the proportions of their limbs. Several Ligurian and Lombard tombs of the Metal Ages have also yielded evidences of a Negroid element.

Since the publication of Verneau's memoir, discoveries of other Negroid skeletons in Neolithic levels in Illyria and the Balkans have been announced. The prehistoric statues, dating from the Copper Age, from Sultan Selo in Bulgaria are also thought to protray Negroids.

In 1928 Rene Bailly found in one of the caverns of Moniat, near Dinant in Belgium, a human skeleton of whose age it is difficult to be certain, but seems definitely prehistoric. It is remarkable for its Negroid characters, which give it a reseblance to the skeletons from both Grimaldi and Asselar (p.291).

Boule and Vallois, note that "We know now that the ethnography of South African tribes presents many striking similarities with the ethnography of our populations of the Reindeer Age. Not to speak of their stone implements which, as we shall see later , exhibit great similarities, Peringuey has told us that in certain burials on the South African coast 'associated with the Aurignacian or Solutrean type industry...."(p.318-319). They add, that in relation to Bushman art " This almost uninterrupted series leads us to regard the African continent as a centre of important migrations which at certain times may have played a great part in the stocking of Southern Europe. Finally, we must not forget that the Grimaldi Negroid skeletons sho many points of resemblance with the Bushman skeletons". They bear no less a resemblance to that of the fossil Man discovered at Asslar in mid-Sahara, whose characters led us to class him with the Hottentot-Bushman group.

The Boule and Vallois research makes it clear that the Bushman expanded across Africa on into Europe via Spain as the Grimaldi people. This makes it clear that the Bushman/Khoisan people were not isolated in South Africa. The Khoisan people carry the haplogroup N. The Hadza are Bushman they carry haplogroup N.


Cro-Magnon people carried haplogroup N:

Specific mtDNA sites outside HVRI were also analyzed (by amplification, cloning, and sequencing of the surrounding region) to classify more precisely the ancient sequences within the phylogenetic network of present-time mtDNAs (35, 36). Paglicci-25 has the following motifs: +7,025 AluI, 00073A, 11719G, and 12308A. Therefore, this sequence belongs to either haplogroups HV or pre-HV, two haplogroups rare in general but with a comparatively high frequencies among today's Near-Easterners (35). Paglicci-12 shows the motifs 00073G, 10873C, 10238T, and AACC between nucleotide positions 10397 and 10400, which allows the classification of this sequence into the macrohaplogroupN,containing haplogroups W, X, I, N1a, N1b, N1c, and N*. Following the definition given in ref. 36, the presence of a single mutation in 16,223 within HRVI suggests a classification of Paglicci-12 into the haplogroup N*, which is observed today in several samples from the Near East and, at lower frequencies, in the Caucasus (35). It is difficult to say whether the apparent evolutionary relationship between Paglicci-25 and Paglicci-12 and those populations is more than a coincidence. Indeed, the haplogroups to which the Cro-Magnon type sequences appear to belong are rare among modern samples, and therefore their frequencies are poorly estimated. However, genetic affinities between the first anatomically modern Europeans and current populations of the Near East make sense in the light of the likely routes of Upper Paleolithic human expansions in Europe, as documented in the archaeological record (37).


This suggest that haplogroup N was taken to Western Eurasia by the San people=Cro-Magnon.


This makes it clear, to me, that hg N in Africa is not the result of a back migration.

Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:
Originally posted by Troll "Gibberish" Patrol # Ish Gebor:

Amazing how Gibberish knows more the established and well respected researchers and academics!!




noun: gibberish

unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.
"he talks gibberish"

synonyms: nonsense, garbage, balderdash, blather, rubbish; informaldrivel, gobbledygook, mumbo jumbo, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock; vulgar slangverbal diarrhea
"am I going deaf, or is she speaking gibberish?"

Triple [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] at this "scientific" bullock of a response. By a half brainer who can't think independently. Or better yet no brainer who can't think at all.

Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history

The Khoisan people from Southern Africa maintained ancient lifestyles as hunter-gatherers or pastoralists up to modern times, though little else is known about their early history. Here we infer early demographic histories of modern humans using whole-genome sequences of five Khoisan individuals and one Bantu speaker. Comparison with a 420 K SNP data set from worldwide individuals demonstrates that two of the Khoisan genomes from the Ju/’hoansi population contain exclusive Khoisan ancestry. Coalescent analysis shows that the Khoisan and their ancestors have been the largest populations since their split with the non-Khoisan population ~100–150 kyr ago. In contrast, the ancestors of the non-Khoisan groups, including Bantu-speakers and non-Africans, experienced population declines after the split and lost more than half of their genetic diversity. Paleoclimate records indicate that the precipitation in southern Africa increased ~80–100 kyr ago while west-central Africa became drier. We hypothesize that these climate differences might be related to the divergent-ancient histories among human populations.


Yet Khoisan populations have maintained the greatest nuclear-genetic diversity among all human populations3, 4, 5 and the most ancient Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages6, 7, implying relatively larger effective population sizes for ancestral Khoisan populations.

tropicals redacted
Member # 21621
 - posted
Strange title.

Humanity’s forgotten return to Africa revealed in DNA
How could humanity have returned to Africa when humanity was always there?

Or is it the implication that humanity really only came into existence when it left Africa?
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:
My friend Clyde "who has never been to Africa" knows very little about Africans, seems convinced that the Khoisans who are isolated and very primitive we able to make it all way from Southern Africa to Southern Europe 44K years before recorded history!!

Amazing Stuff from someone with dubious credentials.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The Khoisan first migrated to Europe 44,000 years ago as the Cro-Magnon people. How could Europeans introduce haplogroups to Khoisan, when Khoisan were the first anatomically modern humans to take genes to Europe?



How do you know he hasn't been to Africa? LOL SMH

And from where did you get the Khoisans were and are isolated, when remains have been found at West Africa, east Africa, North Afica? Triple [Embarrassed] [Embarrassed] [Embarrassed]

The Khoisan carry the y-DNA Adam and astablised out of Africa migrations. Triple [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Khoisan people of South Africa were once the most populous humans on Earth


"This and previous studies show that the Khoisan peoples and the rest of modern humanity shared their most recent common ancestor approximately 150,000 years ago, so it was entirely unexpected to find that this group apparently did not intermarry with non-Khoisan neighbors for many thousand years," said Webb Miller, professor of Bioinformatics at Penn State and a member of the research team, as reported on Phys.org. "The current Khoisan culture and tradition, where marriage occurs either among Khoisan groups or results in female members leaving their tribes after marrying non-Khoisan men, appears to be long-standing."

Read more: http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/khoisan-people-south-africa-were-once-most-populous-humans-earth-002448#ixzz3hrbOpPtU


SNP Location Haplogroup Mutations
M5 M C > T
M9 K, KR C > G
M11 L A > G
M45 P, PR G > A
M69 H T > C
M89 F, FR C > T
M96 E G > C
M122 O3 T > C
M168 CR C > T
M170 I A > C
M174 D T > C
M175 O T > A
M20 G G > T
M207 R A > G
M214 NO T > C
M304 J A > C
M343 R1b C > A
P36 Q G > T
SRY10831.1 BR A > G


Y-DNA haplogroup A contains lineages deriving from the earliest branching in the human Y chromosome tree. The oldest branching event, separating A0-P305 and A1-V161, is thought to have occurred about 140,000 years ago. Haplogroups A0-P305, A1a-M31 and A1b1a-M14 are restricted to Africa and A1b1b-M32 is nearly restricted to Africa. The haplogroup that would be named A1b2 is composed of haplogroups B through T. The internal branching of haplogroup A1-V161 into A1a-M31, A1b1, and BT (A1b2) may have occurred about 110,000 years ago. A0-P305 is found at low frequency in Central and West Africa. A1a-M31 is observed in northwestern Africans; A1b1a-M14 is seen among click language-speaking Khoisan populations. A1b1b-M32 has a wide distribution including Khoisan speaking and East African populations, and scattered members on the Arabian Peninsula.


DNA haplogroup B, like Y-DNA haplogroup A, is seen only in Africa and is scattered widely, but thinly across the continent. B is thought to have arisen approximately 50,000 years ago. These haplogroups have higher frequencies among hunter-gather groups in Ethiopia and Sudan, and are also seen among click language-speaking populations. The patchy, widespread distribution of these haplogroups may mean that they are remnants of ancient lineages that once had a much wider range but have been largely displaced by more recent population events.

Some geographic structuring is seen between the sub-groups B2a (B-M150) and B2b (B-M112). Sub-group B2b is seen among Central African Pygmies and South African Khoisan. Sub-group B2a is seen among Cameroonians, East Africans, and among South African Bantu speakers. B2a1a (B-M109) is the most commonly seen sub-group of B2a. About 2.3% of African-Americans belong to haplogroup B - with 1.5% of them belonging to the sub-group B2a1a.


We conducted a comparative analysis of segments between the PP5–6 samples, HP assemblages and more recent archaeological sites through- out Africa. SADBS segment dimensions (Supplementary Table 4) are within the 95% confidence intervals for segments at the MSA and LSA boundary in East Africa, the Tamar Hat Iberomaurusian in North Africa (,20–10kyr), and Holocene assemblages in South and East Africa (Fig. 1). More easily flaked obsidian (owing to its lack of crystalline structure) dominates the East African assemblages, so despite a tougher raw material (silcrete) (the SADBS knappers produced comparable microliths. SADBS segments are shorter and thinner than HP segments with no overlap in confidence intervals for width; they are more similar to East African LSA assemblages than the HP (Fig. 1).

--Kyle S. Brown et al.
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by tropicals redacted:
Strange title.

Humanity’s forgotten return to Africa revealed in DNA
How could humanity have returned to Africa when humanity was always there?

Or is it the implication that humanity really only came into existence when it left Africa?

It reminds of America and Columbus.

Ask a euronut, who discovered America.

Even "well astablized" institutions swear by it. [Big Grin]

And how was it possible forgotten, when they weren't there in the first place 1000 B.C? Oh, of course. How can you claim South Africa, otherwise? Right?

"The major ancestral components of the South African Coloured population are predominantly Khoisan (32–43%), Bantu-speaking Africans (20–36%), European (21–28%) and a smaller Asian contribution (9–11%), depending on the model used."
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

This is an oldie.

Two other variants (489C and 10873C) also support a single origin of haplogroup M in Africa. These findings, together with the virtual absence of haplogroup M in the Levant and its high frequency in the South-Arabian peninsula, render M the first genetic indicator for the hypothesized exit route from Africa through eastern Africa/western India. This was possibly the only successful early dispersal event of modern humans out of Africa.

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted

Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria (YRI)

So the older HapMap data set was fine with more common variants, but a larger sample set really gave some returns with less common variants. This makes intuitive sense. What is interesting to me is that the CEU sample of Utah Whites is presumably genetically close to a group of British whites born in 1958, and yet adding a Tuscan sample was still useful. To get a sense of how the power of this sort of imputation drops off between populations, as the further the genetic distance the fewer rare variants are shared, they imputed in a pairwise fashion, or, comparing a population to putative admixtures. So African Americans, who have a substantial proportion of European admixture with West African primary ancestry, are best modeled once you combine CEU+YRI with appropriate weights. This is especially true for rare alleles, r2 was 83% and 86.5% for common SNPs for African Americans and Yoruba, and Africans Americans and Yoruba & Utah Whites. For rare SNPs, it was 45.5% vs. 71.7%! Models which added the other HapMap 3 populations were actually less effective at imputation. East Eurasians have different genetic variants which simply confuse the picture.

It is intuitively obvious why rare alleles show up as you increase sample size. But why are rare alleles more distinctive across populations? If they’re common alleles they’re likely to have been around a long time, and so may be ancestral variants, or have had time to spread via gene flow. In contrast, rare alleles may be new, and so more distinctive across populations. Similarly, there are alleles which surely are passed down through families.

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Black Romans

The Multicultural Roman Empire

Our knowledge of Black people present in Britain in early times is scanty. However, studies by scholars, archaeologists and historians have pieced together evidence about the lives of Black Romans.

One historian, Anthony Birley, in his work The African Emperor: Septimius Severus, explains that between AD 193 and 211 the Roman empire embraced a multicultural mix of peoples from Syria, Germany, Britain, Spain and Africa. Eight African men had positions of command in the northern Roman legions, and others held high rank as equestrian officers.




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