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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 21830
 - posted
In full view of the entire planet, Albinos attempt to slander the Dr. Ben Carson by calling him a liar about being offered a 'scholarship to West Point'.



"When confronted with the evidence, Carson's campaign manager emailed POLITICO saying, "Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit," campaign manager Barry Bennett wrote POLITICO. "In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can't remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson's performance as ROTC City Executive Officer. He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors," Bennett added. They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission."

Carson in his book states, "

Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn't refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn't where I saw myself going."

1. so an ROTC academic award winner, who goes to an ROTC function and meets military brass and is encouraged to apply and told that he would be accepted with all costs of his education paid is a liar ???

Lets examine the word SCHOLARSHIP

The term '"scholarship"' is sometimes used to describe any financial aid given to a student that does not have to be repaid. However, more precisely, and universally among college financial aid offices, scholarships and grants are quite different.

A scholarship is given to a student because of a reason: the student has qualified for or won it by academic or athletic ability, or by agreeing to follow a particular career, or has some special ethnic or other characteristic. Scholarships are not given for financial need alone. (Wiki)

So, Carson properly described what was offered to him as a scholarship. Based on academic credential and a promise to fulfill a chosen career - military.

The degenerate Albino attempt to slander the man over is shameful.
Member # 9361
 - posted
^I don't know the particulars on this, because I don't pay attention to Doxie's people - even their token Negroes.

But as a matter of record:

ALL seats in ALL of the Military academies and the Merchant Marines, are SCHOLARSHIP seats.


Your payment is service after graduation.

The normal way for admittance is nomination by a Congressperson, or as the child of a "Medal of Honor" recipient.
Member # 21830
 - posted
Member # 21830
 - posted
Member # 21830
 - posted
Degenerates have been forced to retract their slander about the Negro Neurosurgeon and likely next President of the US.

Member # 21830
 - posted
Degenerates have been forced to retract their slander about the Negro Neurosurgeon and likely next President of the US.

Member # 5777
 - posted
All wrong, you are playing the sly American liberal game. Blacks are the ONLY people in the U.S. that vote more than 90% for any single party. In this instance, the Democratic Party. Why all this fear and self-imposed terror?

The bolder moves would be to form your own party or vote for the Republican party 50% to gain LEVERAGE. Has the Republican Party stopped blacks from dominating U.S. athletics outside swimming and winter sports? No, they haven't. Successful athletes and music artists make lots and lots of money, so how come the Republican party or Republican governments have not prevented blacks in sports or the music industry from making so much money?

So why all this fear of the Republicans? In the U.S. and world-wide, MONEY talks. So all blacks have to do is to to pool their resources in terms of millions of dollars, select a candidate, then tell him/her in very strong terms what he/she must do.

Relying only the Democratic Party--the party of the Klan--is just not playing a smart game. The result: like an abused wife, you are just taken for granted and held in contempt.

Carson became a successful surgeon--being a surgeon is a high risk profession subject to high insurance charges and a very high risk of being sued--regardless of whether a Democrat or a Republican was in the WH.

In fact, Carson is showing more independence of spirit by running for the Presidency as a Republican. Now that takes some real brass balls. It's like going into a hungry lion's cage and patting it on the head. After all, the assumption is that the Republican Party is racist, and that blacks should avoid it at all costs. The assumption too is that blacks are just totally terrified of the Republican Party--as if the RP is just the KKK in suits.

The issue is that blacks in the U.S. have fallen naively for the Democrat Party propaganda. Last election Biden told them that the Republicans will put them back on the plantation. And they fell for it.

The result is that the Democratic Party is now fighting for and courting the Hispanic vote with the-- "insulting to blacks" in terms of job concerns --line that "all Hispanics are welcome--including those who just cross the border without showing papers".

So, the question is: what does the Democratic Party promise blacks that make them vote for that Party more than 90%--regardless of who is the candidate?
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
[QB] Kdolo,
All wrong, you are playing the sly American liberal game. Blacks are the ONLY people in the U.S. that vote more than 90% for any single party. In this instance, the Democratic Party. Why all this fear and self-imposed terror?

lamin, kdolo's only claim was that the media has treated Ben Carson unfairly. You have it all wrong, kdolo supports Ben Carson and doesn't care about the Democratic Party.
Member # 5777
 - posted
No, K. doesn't. Maybe you don't read easy-to-read code. K referred to Carson with the pejorative "Negro". Get it.
Member # 21830
 - posted
I support Ben. lamin u are wrong.

Btw. Negro means Black.

Carson leading Trump in South Carolina !
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:

Btw. Negro means Black.

Technically it is the Latin derived languages word - in many forms - for the color Black. But to English speaking people, it has a connotation:

The stupid, believe anything the Albinos say, DIE for the Albinos, believe the Albinos are superior, Black skinned human - THAT IS THE NEGRO!

Have you been following lamins posts?

Albino Mole or Negro?
Member # 9361
 - posted
^How pathetic is the Negro: needing a foreign word to describe himself, because the Albino whom he worships, has taught him that Black is inferior.

And in his supreme stupidity, the dumb bastard Negro doesn't even notice that his master - the Albino - eschews the Latin derived word for Himself - ALBINO - and instead uses the English equivalent - WHITE!!!!!!!

Right Doxie!

Ah, the poor Negro, is there hope for him?
Member # 21966
 - posted
Reality Check.

Negro = monguolu = (inside the) dome hut (or house or cave) = enclosure.
Melo(Grk) same
gelap(Malay) same

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