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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20259
 - posted
Contrary to what the European dictionary informs us about one of the basic properties of "black" being "dark", "without light", and , radiate no light, the black Eumelanin molecule contradicts this white lie.

Within all Eumelanin rich black people are trillions of miniture suns absorbing and radiating captured solar radiation and radiating a portion of these energies as pure visible (and higher wavelengths) light.

Black people are full of light!


Above, we observe a free standing Eumelanin molecule being irradiated with a tuned laser. The light being observed is the secondary emission of the energies captured from the laser.

The laser mimics the molecule being bombarded with nature light tuned to a specific visible light bandwidth at approx. the same energy as would be felt from nature solar radiation exposure.

In this case, interestingly, although Eumelanin captures radiates in all spectrum, the wavelength being used corresponds to the band limited acquisition properties of Pheomelanin. Hee!
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
This is the power of melanin. Researchers know that it is this ability to convert light into energy is what gives us superior athletic and mental ability. This energy needs to be focused that is why Europeans keep Afro-Americans under pressure to survive day-to-day so that we lack the leisure time to meditate and realize our natural abilities.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted

The ancestors recognized the ability of melanin to effect energy production.They knew that inside each person, depending on the amount of melenin in their skin was a mini-Sun. This Sun represented our ability to manipulate the environment, ourselves and each other.

I believe that is why African and Eurasian Blacks had referred to themselves ethnically; Black, because of their recognition that it is Karma (Black is Great or Great Blackness)that regulates man's interactions with each other and the Great Beyond. Don't forget outside of the Sun, the Universe is Black, what Power Blackness must possess.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted

People forget that the Super Nig... is really the substantia nigra. The substantia nigra is a layer of heavily melanin rich nerve cells in the midbrain that produce the most powerful behaviors in man.

Just think about it. Black people already have abundant melanin in the skin, this plus melanin in the substantia nigra offers immense potential energy production and may explain why Egyptians were able to build the pyramids, without the technology for Europeans to create similar feats.
Member # 20259
 - posted
The key compound for superconducting Eumelanin is, Selenium.


The key compound for Pheomelanin is, Sulpur.

Selenium is mostly noted for its important chemical properties, especially those dealing with electricity. Unlike sulfur, selenium is a semiconductor, meaning that it conducts some electricity, but not as well as conductors. Selenium is a photoconductor, which means it has the ability to change light energy into electrical energy. Not only is selenium able to convert light energy into electrical energy, but it also displays the property of photoconductivity.

Photoconductivity is the idea that the electrical conductivity of selenium increases due to the presence of light or in other words, it becomes a better photoconductor as light intensity increases. (Thismeans, as the sun intentity increases, the melinoid becomes darker.)


Provides an overview of the health benefits of Selenium

Many health benefits have been attributed to selenium that include preventing various forms of cancer (e.g., colon cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer), heart disease and other cardiovascular and muscle disorders, inhibiting viral expression, delaying the progression of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients, slowing the aging process, and having roles in mammalian development, including male reproduction and immune function.

The Eumelanin molecule



A - Eumelanin B - Pheomelanin


Dr. Winter, you are right and note that the substantia nigra lies in the Dopamine pathway, which means that it's functionality depends on ample supply of Eumelanin and DOPA.

Member # 21830
 - posted
Yes, but what does this melanin do ?

Other than UV protection, what else does it do for the body.
Member # 20259
 - posted
^ Can you not read, and beyond that perform an ES search for melanin?

Question: The human body requires fuel to power internal biological processes such as absorbing and breaking down nutrients and building proteins, etc.
The human brain operates on stored electricity.
Where do you think these energies come from if not the energies absorbed and stored by Eumelanin?

The human brain operates using neurons and synaptic activity. It should be quite obvious that these brain Neurons and synaptic elements are laced with superconducting eumelanin which transmit these electrical impulse throughout the brain.


As can be seen from the drawing, the human brain neuron is comprised of Neuromelanin. Neuromelanin is comprised of 4 parts Eumelanin to 1 part Pheomelanin.


This is a photo taken by a researcher who connected a L.E.D. to the electrical output of a Eumelanin battery, the round black colored object on the left.


The Eumelanin battery is absorbing ambient light from the environment, converting it to electricity which is wired to and powering (lighting) a L.E.D.



As the above graph shows Eumelanin molecules are vital in conveying messaging across the human body, As shown, the fluid within the spinal column is Eumelanin rich, as required for the brain to rely commands and messaging to all parts of the body as well as receive adaptive feedback or internal and external body conditions.
Member # 20259
 - posted
I AM, The Body Electric....




The higher the Eumelanin content and density, the higher possible quantum energy state. I.E., Solar Energy acquired and thermal/Electrical/secondary radiation energy stored.



Member # 21830
 - posted
Ok. So due to the presence of melanin , you suggest that all thing being equal,

(Diet, living comditions etc),

That Black would be physically healthier and mentally/psychologically healthier than Whites ...or those lacking melanin ???
Member # 20259
 - posted
<< keep refering to white Euros as
an albino race or ethnic group and
you're outta here. no joke no lie >>

[ 21. May 2015, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: ausar ]
Member # 21830
 - posted
Crest Welsing is brilliant.

THe others i am not familiar with.
Member # 20259
 - posted
<< replies to banned members will be deleted in toto >>

[ 21. May 2015, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: ausar ]
Member # 1797
 - posted
I want you posting NT because
I believe all sides must be
represented else we all lose
out on the full spectrum but
I'm asking you please not to
reply to banned members or to
refer to white Euros as the
albino race or ethnic when
albinism occurs in other
geographic breeding populations.

If you don't want to conform
don't say it was your ideas
that are being censored
instead of your own conduct
being responsible.

No back & forth no negotiation.

Your science and other opinions
are highly informative so please
govern yourself accordingly so
we can all bask in your light
learning that which we knew not
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
The best question to ask is how do we get melanin to work for us. The fact that many functions of our brain are controlled by the melanin rich parts of the brain have important implications for learning.

Today around the world people are taught that African people are backward and ignorant. They believe this to be true because of the response of many Black children in Western countries to the educational system. In such countries Black children are often placed in segregated classrooms with little supplies and old books. These factors play a very limited role in learning since you just need a book and blackboard (smartboard today) to teach and for children to learn. In addition to these factors, the major influence on their learning is more likely violence in the home and community, poor diet and few of the right foods that nurture brain development. Many educators ignore these variables which affect learning, and promote the idea that Black children--black people generally are dumb.

Given what we know about melanin makes it impossible for Black children to be genetically dumb, because melanin due to its energy producing qualities would make black people more efficient learners since thay have an abundance of melanin in the blood and skin which would promote synaptic development and retention of what the individual Afro-American child might learn.

Europeans know this. As a result, they create an evironment where test devised to favor the rich and well-to-do determine how far you will succeeed. This is necessary because Europeans can not compete with you on a level playing field.

Below is a short study on the implications of melanin and learning for African people.







Member # 21830
 - posted
'You're thinking about Africans - aren't you?

Ya, I'm having trouble making the intellectual connection too.'

I dont doubt melanin and its potential powers...

Its obvious that Blacks are more physically robust than whites and do suffer from less genetic defects/diseases,
greater spontaneous creativity,and , better fertility.

It is also obvious that Whites suffer from sociopathy to a greater degree with overall poorer moral functioning.

The only question is whether this is due to melanin differences.

And then what about overall brain functioning...some Blacks do seem a little slow/naive/......

how come melanin doesnt prevent this ?

What is the interplay between melanin, diet, culture, environment.
Member # 20259
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:
Crest Welsing is brilliant.

THe others i am not familiar with.

Welsing's known of melanin is shown through her many references to King, Barnes,

Melanin: The Chemical Key To Black Greatness (Black Greatness Series) Paperback – August 1, 2001 by Carol Barnes (Author)


Melanin: A Key To Freedom Paperback – August 22, 2001 by Richard King (Author)



Dr. Jewel Pookrum - Melanin
Member # 20156
 - posted

[ 03. June 2015, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: ausar ]
Member # 20259
 - posted
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The best question to ask is how do we get melanin to work for us. The fact that many functions of our brain are controlled by the melanin rich parts of the brain have important implications for learning.

Today around the world people are taught that African people are backward and ignorant. They believe this to be true because of the response of many Black children in Western countries to the educational system. In such countries Black children are often placed in segregated classrooms with little supplies and old books. These factors play a very limited role in learning since you just need a book and blackboard (smartboard today) to teach and for children to learn. In addition to these factors, the major influence on their learning is more likely violence in the home and community, poor diet and few of the right foods that nurture brain development. Many educators ignore these variables which affect learning, and promote the idea that Black children--black people generally are dumb.

Given what we know about melanin makes it impossible for Black children to be genetically dumb, because melanin due to its energy producing qualities would make black people more effcient learners since thay have an abundance of melanin in the blood and skin which would promote synaptic development and retention of what the individual Afro-American child might learn.

Europeans know this. As a result, they create an evironment where test devised to favor the rich and well-to-do determine how far you will succeeed. This is necessary because Europeans cann not compete with you on a level playing field.

Below is a short study on the implications of melanin and learning for African people.








Both Doctors Pookrum and DeGruy in their lectures speak of the difference between brain and mind. That the brain has the untapped unlimited capacity but only at the direction of the mind.
Dr. Pookrum and others speak extensively about the various higher level circuits of the brain and how we should train ourselves to elevate to them.
The brain can have the higher capacity on the planet, but if the mind is tainted and UN-enlightened, then that brain potential cannot be released.

Dr. Pookrum speaks of this in her lecture, Seven Circuits Of the Brain.

Dr. Winters. Thanks for posting your study. I'm adding it to my collection. [Big Grin]
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
<< keep refering to white Euros as
an albino race or ethnic group
you're outta here. no joke no lie >>

What's going on? At first you said the term albino with a small /a/ could be used. Have you changed the constitution/rules again?


<< Yes, in reference to the
albino condition which afflicts
human beings irregardless of
continental geographic population.

You guys think you can get
around naming white Euros
with albino race/ethnicity by
a instead of A.

What? You think I'm as stupid as you want me to be? >>

[ 21. May 2015, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: ausar ]
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
<< keep refering to white Euros as
an albino race or ethnic group
you're outta here. no joke no lie >>

What's going on? At first you said the term albino with a small /a/ could be used. Have you changed the constitution/rules again?


<< Yes, in reference to the
albino condition which afflicts
human beings irregardless of
continental geographic population.

You guys think you can get
around naming white Euros
with albino race/ethnicity by
a instead of A.

What? You think I'm as stupid as you want me to be? >>

Hahahahaha.. Don't say you guys I don't use the term..hahahahaha......You make the rules and break your own rules hahahahahaha........Pathetic

Child Of The KING
Member # 9422
 - posted
Seems this Dog(ausar) is trying to destablize threads that he does not agree with, sniff somewhere else, You may not like what they are talking about some readers may.

Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by Child Of The KING:
Seems this Dog(ausar) is trying to destablize threads that he does not agree with, sniff somewhere else, You may not like what they are talking about some readers may.


It's okay keep the faith. Evil can last for so long before it falls. God is Great. This too will pass.

It is only a matter of time before he will get sick trying to comment and delete post that are being posted night and day. After all he's only human.

If you have a topic you wish to promote just post it here in. I like your post and they keep me informed about subjects I can rarely find on my on. Remember just because others don't participate in your discussions does not mean that you are not teaching us new knowledge. Remember you are teachings us. Teach on....

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Why call ethnic groups labels they don't call themselves?
That's disrespectful and leads to unecessary conflict
Member # 21830
 - posted

Is there any info on melanin and moral functioning ???

It appears that on the issue of race...

Bkack-White, that Whites are in a state of near perpetual Delusion.

Why is that ? ....it appears to be more than just self -serving conscious ignorance/denial....
Member # 20259
 - posted
^ They call themselves, "WHITES", which literally means, without color.
Instead of albino perhaps they are the "blanks".

Too bad the real Ausar isn't around. Now that he's a full time pharmacist, I'd like to ask him if he spends 75% of his time filling anti-depressant prescriptions for Seratonin heavy headed blanks.

Member # 21830
 - posted
Please explain the Seretonin dopamine connection and implications in detail...
Member # 21830
 - posted
Is there any proven medical connection between

Sociopathy and the Sertonin/Dopamine interaction ?
Member # 21830
 - posted
White Sociopathy ???


The estimated cost to the US Navy's second Ford-class aircraft carrier is already $370 million above a Congressionally mandated cap set for its construction after the USS Ford ran $2 billion over budget.

The cost of the USS John F. Kennedy was capped at $11.498 billion, but a new estimate from the Pentagon’s Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation office (CAPE) on Wednesday revised the numbers up to $11.868. That figure is a working estimate and the office is still waiting for more information from the Navy about particular costs to be confirmed.
The USS Kennedy — also known as CVN-79, using the Navy's designation for a nuclear powered aircraft carrier — is the second of three Ford-class carriers included in a program whose budget is supposed to be $42.8 billion.

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