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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17311
 - posted
Of course they did! (white skin is older than dark skin). This is the reason why they fled Africa, in search of more hospitable climes in the higher latitudes. This is the original story of man's quest for "heaven." Our ancestors were fleeing "Hell"; that is, the harsh environment of greater Africa.

The pre-human ancestors, that is, the great apes, were furred creatures. As they evolved, the brain increased in size. The energy requirements called for finer thermoregulation to avoid overheating. Thus proto-humans began to shed their fur. The skin beneath the fur was obviously a resplendent white, having never been exposed to the sun. The white skin's exposure to the sun forced the ancestors to flee. They no longer had that beast vesture conducive for such an environment. They lost the fur that protected their skin from the radiating sun light. They forgone the animal trait in favor of intelligence.

Those ancestors who were too weak & feeble could not to make the trek into higher plains, so they remained behind and evolved an anatomical structure (eg., crispy hair and burnt or black skin) fit for greater Africa, living along side their equals and partners, the wild animals. It is from this faction of humans that the Negro descends.
Member # 15400
 - posted
Originally posted by Gigantic:

Nope, because the actual ancestors of anatomically modern humans, acquired their darker skin over a million years ago, when they lost their fur and the ability to sweat evolved...

The earliest anatomically modern human appears in Eastern Africa, around 200,000 kya which is well after our predecessors in Africa Homo Erectus lost their fur, so in fact anatomically modern humans arose as an already dark species.

Thread closed.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Let's see if I understand you correctly;

modern White man WILLINGLY left THIS;

Southern Africa

For THIS???

Central Asia

That must have been before you all grew brains.

Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Let's see if I understand you correctly;

modern White man WILLINGLY left THIS;

Southern Africa

For THIS???

Central Asia

That must have been before you all grew brains.

That gigantic-fool of a boy needs a shrink! [Big Grin]
Member # 14524
 - posted
And you want us to believe white people worshiped the sun?
Member # 13597
 - posted
@ AstenB.

yeah. Leucoderms building pyramids in the hot deserts of Africa with only loincloth 6kya. ROTFLMAO.

The worst is the Nordicist.. .really. Only in hollywood.


delusional :

a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of a psychiatric condition
Member # 9361
 - posted
^That is what happens when you find out the all that you were taught, and all that you believed, was merely lies and propaganda fed to you by pathetic racists, motivated by their own realization that when compared to Blacks, they were inferior creatures of little merit.
Member # 5777
 - posted
But somewhere along the line they have put a spell on the black man in the sense of captivating him by their religions, by their gadgets, by their names, by their customs, by their ideas, all the while leaving the black man mesmerised, paralysed and confused.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
But somewhere along the line they have put a spell on the black man in the sense of captivating him by their religions, by their gadgets, by their names, by their customs, by their ideas, all the while leaving the black man mesmerised, paralysed and confused.

lamin - I don't use language like that, because it absolves Blacks of responsibility for what happened to them. The facts are, that quite the contrary to the lies that Whites teach, Blacks (by their own stupidly) brought about their own downfall.

First, look at the picture above; can you really blame Whites for trying to get the hell out of their homelands?

Here are some examples of Black stupidity:

In Italy: There were twelve main advanced Etruscan cities.

When the Whites (Latins) showed up, and over time, made clear their intentions. Do you think that those ass-hole niggers would have joined forces to fight them off? NO they did not!

Later, after ALL of the Whites joined forces against them (The Latins and Hellenes), did they join forces then? Yes, but by then it was too late.

But the people ultimately responsible for the downfall of Blacks, were the Persians.

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to subjugate Egypt so completely, and thus expose Africa to invasion? NO!

(Alexander first marched his Army down through Canaan into Egypt (the Persian garrison ran because they had no backup) - Where the Egyptians welcomed him (the Egyptians REALLY HATED the Persians) - THEN he went to face the Persian Army - probably supported by Egyptian troops).

On the first Persian dynasty, the Achaemenian: Did those Dumb Niggers really need to so involve themselves in coups and palace intrigues that they could not govern? NO they did not!

(They fell to Alexander and the Greeks).

On the second Persian dynasty, the Sassanian: Did those Dumb Niggers really need to so involve themselves in coups and palace intrigues that they could not govern? NO they did not!

(They fell to the Arabs).

The Arabs and Berbers;

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so much in acquiring and fuching White Women, and expansion; that they did not notice that they were importing Whites in such numbers that they were going to be out-numbered? No they did not.

(They fell to the Mamluks and then to the Ottomans).

Sub-Sahara Africa;

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so little in new technologies? (Gun technology was readily available to them). No they did not.

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so much in showing off to the people in the North? No they did not.

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so much in cruel wars with their neighbors to acquire Slaves and sacrificial victims? No they did not.

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to make themselves such enemies to their neighbors, that when the White man came for them, they could find no allies? Rather, their neighbors allied themselves with the White man. No they did not.

BTW - this same thing happened to the ass-holes in Mexico (the Aztec) and South America (the Inca).
Member # 13597
 - posted
Speaking about Mexico. History is really enlightening. I saw a doc on Disc Chan(?). Did not know that native indians were the major contributors to the Aztecs downfall. What was it, a few hundred spaniards and thousand of native indians lay siege to the Aztecs City. These native indians allied with the few hundred Spanairds. Look at them(Mexicans) now. Life is a bitch!!!
Member # 9361
 - posted
^I guess that when I have said that over the years, it didn't ring quite true.

Wonder what was missing?
Oh, I know; I'm not a White man.

Member # 7644
 - posted
Apparently the Neanderthals were White Red headed people with Blue Eyes. Is it possible that the gene for leucordemia came from them?

Its certainly not necessary considering that NE Asians also are White (such as the Koreans).
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by osirion:
Apparently the Neanderthals were White Red headed people with Blue Eyes. Is it possible that the gene for leucordemia came from them?

Its certainly not necessary considering that NE Asians also are White (such as the Koreans).

osirion - I know where that came from; won't you post it so that everyone can have a good laugh?
Member # 7644
 - posted
^ well it is kinda funny but Neaderthals were extinct by the time White people came into existence.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
Speaking about Mexico. History is really enlightening. I saw a doc on Disc Chan(?). Did not know that native indians were the major contributors to the Aztecs downfall. What was it, a few hundred spaniards and thousand of native indians lay siege to the Aztecs City. These native indians allied with the few hundred Spanairds. Look at them(Mexicans) now. Life is a bitch!!!

xyyman - like many today, your preferred method for acquiring information is through video, so I don't really expect you to read this. But I hope that you will copy and save it as a document. Perhaps sometime in the future you might like to muse over it. This history of the post-invasion Inka, contains lessons that all Blacks should read and know.

To us, it seems silly to sue the invaders that you just helped to conquer your lands; for rights that they promised you in return for your support in overthrowing your former tormentors (the Inka) who were also your own kind - in THEIR courts. But that is just what the South Americans did - with the expected results.

Undoubtedly: the American Indians attitude towards each other, was in truth the “ONLY” cause of their destruction. Spain and Portugal combined, would have lacked the military ability to even think about defeating a combined American Indian force. Thus the Indians inability to “reason” through their current situation was fatal.

It is particularly mystifying that after a few decades with the Europeans, when it had become clear that these Europeans posed a greater danger than any Indian tribe ever did; why there was no attempt at a general uprising anywhere in the hemisphere. Rather, the general response seems to have been, complacent acceptance.

Of course their "complacent acceptance" and their inability to do the labor now required by their new masters, is how we got into the picture. Seems the Indians weren't strong enough to do the work, they just died in the trying. In this case, the Black mans great strength was a curse. But to the Black mans credit, unlike the Indians who have forever lost their lands, the Black man recovered his lands after less than sixty years of occupation - except North Africa and the Middle-East, which are still in foreign hands.

Certainly the saying, “My enemy’s enemy, is my friend” is true to a point. But, only to a point. Their failure to make that distinction was very costly. A example of their rather “simple” reasoning and the resulting consequences can be gleaned from the following.

Litigation over the Rights of “Natural Lords” in Early Colonial Courts in the Andes



when Inka resistance, potentially so threatening, turned out to be virtually absent (Lockhart 1972),
the Pizarros acquired a steadfast ally, the Wanka/Cañaris lords. It was in their terri-tory, Xauxa, that the Europeans established their first capital. Along with thou-sands of soldiers and bearers,the Canaris provided the newcomers with strategic information, plus the food and weapons stored in hundreds of warehouses built by the Inka and filled locally (Polo de Ondegardo 1940 [1561]).

In one region where the Inka had managed to cobble together some resistance, as at Huánuco, the Europeans had to call on Canaris troops to help them put down “the rebellion.” All this assistance provided the Europeans was recorded with care on a khipu Kept by the Canaris lords.

This record was first described by Cieza de León, some fifteen years after the invasion. Such bookkeeping later became the sub-ject of litigation initiated at the viceregal court, at Lima, by one of the lords who in 1532 had opened the country to the troops of Charles V (Murra 1975). This man, don Francisco Cusichac, felt betrayed by the ill treatment of his people and the neglect of his own privileges.

The notion that his Canaris, and he along with them, were to be granted in encomienda to some European new-comer was shocking; Cusichac reasoned that if there were to be any encomenderos about, he Cusichac, was the most appropriate candidate (Espinoza Soriano 1972).

[The encomienda is a labor system that was employed by the Spanish crown during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Philippines. In the encomienda, the crown granted a person a specified number of natives for whom they were to take responsibility. The receiver of the grant was to instruct the natives in the Spanish language and in the Catholic faith. In return, they could exact tribute from the natives in the form of labor, gold or other products, such as in corn, wheat or chickens. In the former Inca empire, for example, the system continued the Incaic (and even pre-Incaic) traditions of exacting tribute under the form of labor. ]

By 1560 the Canaris had made many adjustments to European rule. The most notable was the intensive training of their sons in the new language and beliefs. Several of these bilingual young men, accompanied by their own, European-style notaries, traveled to Spain to petition at court for reward of past services from the emperor or his son (Espinoza Soriano 1972). Some of these “natural lords” were received by the monarch; some were granted coats of arms Spanish style. One of the petitioners requested that the crown grant him the right to sell and buy land, a privilege unknown in the Andes.

By 1570, when the new viceroy, Francisco de Toledo, decided to conduct an inspection of the crown’s highland provinces, don Francisco Cusichac and his whole generation was dead. Their sons were now in charge, some of them very young men who some fifteen years earlier had met Charles V or his son, Philip, in Europe. The new viceroy called on all native authorities to display their European credentials testifying to their services to the Spanish crown - many did. Toledo ordered that the assembled parchments be burned.

Further clarification of this transitional period in Andean history came through my recent, 1990–91, “discovery” in the Archive of the Indies in Sevilla of a large (3,000–plus pages) set of files recording in detail the minutes of the trial at Cuzco of the “natural lord” don Carlos Inca. It was a petition, signed by a dozen or so ethnic lords of Charcas (today Bolivia) (Espinoza Soriano 1969); addressed to the king, it seemed to be dated from a moment late in Toledo’s reign.

In it the Andean lords trace their lineages four or five generations back, when the Inka were alleged to have granted their ancestors lavish textiles and wives from court: “we were the dukes and the marquesses of this realm.”They offered to assume additional duties at the Potosí mines but did not care to be assigned only labor-recruiting duties.

The argument that they were “natural lords” was now restated away from Cuzco and under new colonial circumstances. The author of the memorandum remained unidentified for decades. It was clear that he was familiar with both administrative procedures at the mines and with the ethnic map of the southern Andes; he plainly enjoyed the trust of the Aymara lords.The memorandum has recently been the object of detailed study by a Franco-British team preparing a documentary collection to honor don Gunnar Mendoza, director of the National Archive of Bolivia.

The only other group to be treated so harshly by Toledo were the descen-dants of another wing of the Andean elite who also sided from the earliest days with the invaders. These were the “sons” and heirs of Pawllu Thupa, the one Inka “prince” to make peace, early and openly, with the Europeans. Pawllu had helped them through extreme difficulties, particularly Almagro’s invasion of Chile. The efficiency of that thrust south was attributed by many to Pawllu Thupa’s ability to mobilize the lords of Charcas, the region known today as Bolivia. For his services, Pawllu had been allowed to keep “his Indians,” coca-leaf terraces, food-producing fields, and much other Inka wealth.

A test came in 1550 at Pawllu’s death: various Europeans attempted to deprive the “Indian’s” heirs of these lands and people, but the emperor’s representative, Bishop LaGasca, resisted such claims. For the next two decades, Pawllu’s many sons were a distinguished and rich lineage in Cuzco. They spoke Spanish, invested in the long-distance coca-leaf trade to the mines at Potosí, and employed Europeans in their various enterprises. The main heir, don Carlos, was married to a Euro-pean woman. Thirty-five years after the invasion, Pawllu Thupa’s heirs were the
one group of Inkas at Cuzco who had managed to hang on to both status and wealth (Glave 1991).

When Toledo reached Cuzco on his way to the mines at Potosí, he selected Pawllu’s lineage for special attention. As at Xauxa, the lords were ordered to display their European credentials testifying to their services to the Spanish crown - many did. Toledo ordered that the assembled parchments be burned.. Don Carlos and his kin were accused of main-taining illicit contacts with those Inka who had taken refuge at Vilcabamba, in the eastern lowlands (Kubler 1946). This was the beginning of a campaign against those lineages in the Andean elite that had collaborated with the invaders, an effort to destroy the European evidence of what the Spanish crown had once be-stowed.

Some twenty of Pawllu Thupa’s heirs were put on trial for subversion; dur-ing the proceedings, which lasted many months, the princes were kept in ani-mal corrals, exposed to the elements. The testimony was conducted in Quechua even though many of the accused spoke Spanish; a mestizo,one Gonzalo Gómez Ximénez, “interpreted” for the only record kept of the proceedings, despite Continuous protests by the accused. Ximénez’s version of what they had “con-fessed” became the official transcript. The “natural lords” were sentenced by Gabriel de Loarte to the loss of “their” Indians and of their coca-leaf fields, which were granted by Toledo to Loarte. Some twenty Inka, including aged princes, don Carlos, and several children, were deported on foot to Lima. From there they were supposed to be shipped into exile to Mexico. Of the twenty, seven survived. They were able to rally support from some of the judges at the Audiencia who were hostile to the viceroy.

Litigation over the Rights of “Natural Lords” is Underutilized by anthropologists. It greatly expands our understanding of Cuzco social structure a generation after the invasion. There is much detail about the Kangaroo court run by Toledo and his chief aide, Judge Gabriel de Loarte. The Doctor “inherited” the estates and subjects of the defendants. The later career of the interpreter, Gonzalo Ximénez, is also noted: a few years later he was burned at the stake in Charcas, accused of the pecado nefando, the abominable sin of homosexuality. The Inka princes had raised the issue unsuccessfully through- out their “trial.” While awaiting his fate in the Charcas jail, Ximénez is said to have expressed a desire to confess his perjury and to apologize for the harm done to don Carlos.
Member # 13597
 - posted
My apologies but I like to see things from several DIFFERENT sources before I bite. You being one sir.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
My apologies but I like to see things from several DIFFERENT sources before I bite. You being one sir.

Following YOUR logic:

If you are told the same lie by more than two people, does it then become the truth?
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by Gigantic-Asshole:

Of course they did! (white skin is older than dark skin). This is the reason why they fled Africa, in search of more hospitable climes in the higher latitudes. This is the original story of man's quest for "heaven." Our ancestors were fleeing "Hell"; that is, the harsh environment of greater Africa.

The pre-human ancestors, that is, the great apes, were furred creatures. As they evolved, the brain increased in size. The energy requirements called for finer thermoregulation to avoid overheating. Thus proto-humans began to shed their fur. The skin beneath the fur was obviously a resplendent white, having never been exposed to the sun. The white skin's exposure to the sun forced the ancestors to flee. They no longer had that beast vesture conducive for such an environment. They lost the fur that protected their skin from the radiating sun light. They forgone the animal trait in favor of intelligence.

Those ancestors who were too weak & feeble could not to make the trek into higher plains, so they remained behind and evolved an anatomical structure (eg., crispy hair and burnt or black skin) fit for greater Africa, living along side their equals and partners, the wild animals. It is from this faction of humans that the Negro descends.


skin histologist Nina Joblinski: "Black skin was the original human condition"

No need to address all that other nonsense on escaping hell and finding white heaven. [Big Grin]
Member # 14451
 - posted
Originally posted by xyyman:
Speaking about Mexico. History is really enlightening. I saw a doc on Disc Chan(?). Did not know that native indians were the major contributors to the Aztecs downfall. What was it, a few hundred spaniards and thousand of native indians lay siege to the Aztecs City. These native indians allied with the few hundred Spanairds. Look at them(Mexicans) now. Life is a bitch!!!

Wait so you were under the impression that a few hundren Spanish came into Mexico and by the grace of God were able to subdue the Savage natives??? Due to what their "Intellect and Superior weapons?? LOL...How do you think the colonized Africa, India and Australia...North America?? Tut Tut....
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to subjugate Egypt so completely, and thus expose Africa to invasion? NO!

The Arabs and Berbers;

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so much in acquiring and fuching White Women, and expansion; that they did not notice that they were importing Whites in such numbers that they were going to be out-numbered? No they did not.

Sub-Sahara Africa;

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so little in new technologies? (Gun technology was readily available to them). No they did not.

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so much in showing off to the people in the North? No they did not.

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to involve themselves so much in cruel wars with their neighbors to acquire Slaves and sacrificial victims? No they did not.

Did those Dumb Niggers really need to make themselves such enemies to their neighbors, that when the White man came for them, they could find no allies? Rather, their neighbors allied themselves with the White man. No they did not.

BTW - this same thing happened to the ass-holes in Mexico (the Aztec) and South America (the Inca). [/QB]

Mike it seems you have a lot of self hate
you need to get rid of that
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
European conquest was due to several things rather than Mike's "dumb nigger" theory.


- development of guns
- horses are domesticable,
zebras ,for example, are not
- large ships
-Resistance to disease. Europeans underwent various epidemics and plagues. Many died but they later developed immunity. As soon as they set foot in South America and Africa millions of indigenous died because they had not been exposed yet to certain diseases.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lion:
European conquest was due to several things rather than Mike's "dumb nigger" theory.


- development of guns
- horses are domesticable,
zebras ,for example, are not
- large ships
-Resistance to disease. Europeans underwent various epidemics and plagues. Many died but they later developed immunity. As soon as they set foot in South America and Africa millions of indigenous died because they had not been exposed yet to certain diseases.

the lion: There is a REASON why EVERYBODY, be they Black, White, or Mongol, all agree on at least ONE thing; that is that Dumb-assed Negros should just LISTEN and be Quiet.

You said - development of guns

The first actual “Gun” was first used by Egyptians against the Mongols at the battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 A.D.

(Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese and Indians (Blacks); with the Indians being the first to use it with projectiles).

You said - large ships


You said - horses


You didn't say machines - but just in case your dumb-ass was so inclined.

The first documented steam-powered device, the “Aeolipile”, and also the Windwheel (or Windmill), was invented by an Egyptian, Heron of Alexandria in 60 A.D.

The stuff that you said about Resistance to disease was so stupid and so ignorant that I can't be bothered - Africans not Resistant - Damn you're stupid.
the lion
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by the lion:
European conquest was due to several things rather than Mike's "dumb nigger" theory.


arm- development of guns
- horses are domesticable,
zebras ,for example, are not
- large ships
-Resistance to disease. Europeans underwent various epidemics and plagues. Many died but they later developed immunity. As soon as they set foot in South America and Africa millions of indigenous died because they had not been exposed yet to certain diseases.

the lion: There is a REASON why EVERYBODY, be they Black, White, or Mongol, all agree on at least ONE thing; that is that Dumb-assed Negros should just LISTEN and be Quiet.

The stuff that you said about Resistance to disease was so stupid and so ignorant that I can't be bothered - Africans not Resistant - Damn you're stupid.[/b]

Mike you really are quite stupid.
I wasn't talking about who had what first. When the conquistadors went into Central America they had soldiers on domesticated horses. The indigenous people did not. The conquistadors had soldiers with guns and the indigenous people did not. When the Europeans colonized Africa they had armies with guns the indigenous Africans did not have armies with guns. The depths of your dumbassness is hard to fathom. The ships that the Europeans were much larger and capable of carrying much larger cargo, armies and supplies for transport across oceans. It doesn't matter what the Egyptians had, they had long since been conquered by the Persians in The Battle of Pelusium in 525 B.C. How did Egypt lose her empire? One of the most popular goddesses in ancient Egypt was Bastet, often depicted with the body of a woman and the head of a cat. Cats were so sacred in ancient Egypt that the punishment for killing one was death. Cambyses II, the king of Persia, knowing the veneration the Egyptians held for cats, had the image of Bastet painted on his soldiers' shields and, put into the front line of his army live cats,dogs, sheep ibeses and other animals the Egyptians hold dear. The Egyptians under the inexperienced Psammenitus, seeing their own beloved goddess on the shields of enemies, and fearing to fight lest they injure the animals being driven before their foe, surrendered their position and took flight. LOL Many were massacred on the field. This is where the term "pussies" originated.
That's what you get for praying a cat god.
But who cares, the Egyptians have nothing to do with the European colonization of Africa.
By far the largest numbers of deaths of indigenous people in Central America was due to the fact that Europeans had long since been exposed to epidemic diseases and become immune. Millions of indigenous in the Americas died due to the fact that that they had never been exposed to certain germs. This happened in Africa also. You seem to have no knowledge about epidemic diseases and how populations are first decimated by these epidemics but later build up immunity. Look up the history of cholera and smallpox you might learn something. You need to study this because your "dumb nigger" theory is idiotic self hate.
You have a loser mentality. You think wars are won by having the right attitude and not lettin them damn foreigners in, but take little into account technological advantage, military tactics (see Shaka's Zulu empire) or the devastating effect foreign diseases had on pre- modern populations.

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