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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted




Housenigger of State Baptiste Belley by Girodet (1797)

Born in Africa, enslaved in on Haiti, educated, became slave owner, joined Napoleons’ army to fight against the Haitian Blacks who had liberated themselves, imprisoned murdered in Europe


Will he pass for black, his hair looks fair and not very nappy because he might have had a conk. Ioness is so critical about who is Black. But his dick...Surely this is not a white man's basket, no?



More by Girodet: he loved to paint nude men.
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted

Masra Quassie of Timotibo: Friend of the whites

Great Housenigger of State: actually let the colonial army to the Marron hiding places.

Them there are negroes here on this forum who attack me, while I only seek to liberate Blacks.
These housenigger do not want a Black to research those that the whites have declared to be white.
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted

Johannes Kaptein: Great Housenigger of State

He stated that slavery was good for the niggers, because they were christianized and learned how to live in a regulated society.

Amzingly, a long article about the Polish and Rumanian slaves in Holland today, sounds just like Kaptein, because the Poles, thus exploited, will bring new ideas to Poland. So Holland is providing them with an education and greatly helps Poland.
Member # 19740
 - posted

oh wai--!
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted

Houseniggers still among us!
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted

[Jan Kooi]

Bought on a slavemarket in Africa, freed, named, sent to Indonesia to fight for the Dutch against the natives. Received the highest military honour: Willems Orde. Died in The Netherlands. Did he have a family?

Intersting research about Africans in Indonesia in the service of Orange, starting families with native women.

'Zwart in dienst van Oranje'

Member # 18532
 - posted

Biggest uncle tom house nigger of all time
Confirming Truth
Member # 17678
 - posted
And unfortunately, his descendants in Indonesia are now being claimed as the indigenous or original population of Indonesia, by self-proclaimed academics, Clyde Winters and Egmond Codfried.

Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

[Jan Kooi]

Bought on a slavemarket in Africa, freed, named, sent to Indonesia to fight for the Dutch against the natives. Received the highest military honour: Willems Orde. Died in The Netherlands. Did he have a family?

Intersting research about Africans in Indonesia in the service of Orange, starting families with native women.

'Zwart in dienst van Oranje'


Member # 9361
 - posted
^Ignorant Idiot.


The Semang tribes live (or used to live) in the mountainous interior of peninsular Malaysia where they have lived in close association with a variety of Veddoid and tribal Malay groups. They are, however, physically and culturally much more closely related to the Andamanese Negrito than to their long-term Veddoid neighbours. Although they do not seem to have mixed much, their contact was still close enough for them to acquire cultural traits that differentiate them somewhat from the Andamanese. In view of the long separation from each other, it is remarkable how well they have kept their common "Negrito heritage". Among Negrito, the Andamanese remain unique for having preserved their original languages. The Semang have adopted the language of the Mon-Khmer wave of migrants surrounding them perhaps since before 7,000 years ago. Some vocabulary suspected of going back to their original language has been recovered. The Mon-Khmer-speakers were themselves pushed aside by Malay newcomers who today dominate the peninsula south of the Thai border. Oddly enough, the Semang and some Veddoid tribal groups have retained their Mon-Khmer languages until recently despite the social and cultural pressures to adopt Malay.



Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
^Ignorant Idiot.


The Semang tribes live (or used to live) in the mountainous interior of peninsular Malaysia where they have lived in close association with a variety of Veddoid and tribal Malay groups. They are, however, physically and culturally much more closely related to the Andamanese Negrito than to their long-term Veddoid neighbours. Although they do not seem to have mixed much, their contact was still close enough for them to acquire cultural traits that differentiate them somewhat from the Andamanese. In view of the long separation from each other, it is remarkable how well they have kept their common "Negrito heritage". Among Negrito, the Andamanese remain unique for having preserved their original languages. The Semang have adopted the language of the Mon-Khmer wave of migrants surrounding them perhaps since before 7,000 years ago. Some vocabulary suspected of going back to their original language has been recovered. The Mon-Khmer-speakers were themselves pushed aside by Malay newcomers who today dominate the peninsula south of the Thai border. Oddly enough, the Semang and some Veddoid tribal groups have retained their Mon-Khmer languages until recently despite the social and cultural pressures to adopt Malay.




They look like Aboriginals.
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
Originally posted by asante:

Biggest uncle tom house nigger of all time

This was recently also said by a Surinam novelist Cynthia MaCleod in a tv series about the Dutch slavery. Surinam Blacks should be gratefull for being descendents of Surinam slaves, or they would have been suffering Africans in poor west Africa.

Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted

There used to be some niggertrash, a camel driver, a type of rustic who was given a break, or gets a weekly $10 to allow whites to **** on his head, and takes pride in being a volontary asswipe for these whites, or something: who insisted that Egmond Codfried wanted to be white, because he researched what this rustic was told to be 'whites men history' and Blacks, unlike whites, are not allowed to study anything they damn well please, but should stick to Black slaves, and slavery: the only allowed identity of Blacks: the eternal slaves of the white man.

There were others too, I remember: Blacks who hold the view that a Black researcher may not research the European Nobilty, because it only could mean that he wants to be white. Whites can research anything, no stigma attached.

Lucky for me there is Mike111, Marc Washington and others who study the European nobility and kings, coming up with images which show them as truly black and brown skinned with classical African looks.

I wonder if these stupid Black assholes still believe I want to be a white person, that I actually want to be grouped with the descendents of white shoe leather trash (1100-1848) who hate Blacks, because they were skinned to make shoes and clothing for the Black elite.
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted

[Angela Merkel as the new Fürherin of the Fourth Reich?]


Black History:

De harde geluiden en de dreigende maatregelen in Nederland en heel Europa tegen de minderheden doen sterk denken aan 1933-1945 toen de Duitse nazi’s een vernietigingsprogramma tegen etnische groepen in Europa uitvoerden. Toen zag men de volkomen geïntegreerde Joden als de vijand; tegenwoordig de moslims. De vele studies over de WWII vormen een theoretische reconstructie op basis van de duiding van feiten. Maar net als met de opbrengsten en gevolgen van de Surinaamse slavernij ontstaan er grote verschillen tussen de conclusies van de Surinaamse en de Nederlandse onderzoeker. Haast alle eurocentrische werken besteden uitsluitend aandacht aan de Joodse nazi slachtoffers. Maar niet aan de vermoorde Roma, of de homo’s, de gehandicapten, de Oost-Europeanen, de Polen, de Jehova’s Getuigen en de bejaarden. Opvallend is echter dat er ook totaal geen woord staat over de 55.000 zwarte nazi slachtoffers, wat een waarschuwing inhoud voor zelfs de meest perfect geïntegreerde Surinamer in Nederland. De Nazi’s koesterden namelijk een speciale haat tegen zwarten en namen specifieke maatregelen als sterilisatie van jongeren, het doen van medische experimenten; waarna deze zwarten werden vermoord. Ze waren vooral tegen de ‘Rhineland Bastards,’ de mulatten kinderen van Frans Senegalese soldaten die na de WWI in het Rhineland waren gestationeerd. Volgens Hitler: ‘om het witte ras te ruineren.’ Afrikaanse Amerikaanse POW’s werden aan slavenarbeid onderworpen, gemarteld en vermoord. Vanuit een antikoloniale optiek herkent men dus andere wetmatigheden. Dat Nederland, 91%. Terwijl er slechts 33% van de Duitse Joden werden vermoord. Wie zijn dan de grotere nazies? Problematisch is de ontkenning van de verraderlijke hulp van de Nederlandse Staat, en vele burgers, bij het opsporen en aangeven van de Joodse Nederlanders aan de Duitse bezetter. De Staat hielp bij het identificeren van haar burgers als Jood, naar nazi voorschriften. Burgers ontvingen een ‘kopgeld’ van NF 7,50 per Jood, en tot Nf 40 als een Jood in ‘onderduik’ werd aangetroffen. De definitie van ‘Allochtonen’ (1980) klinkt daarom opvallend als de Neurenbergse Wetten. Toch leerde men aan Nederlanders om te zeggen: ‘Wij hebben het niet geweten, we deden gewoon ons werk.’ Ook ten onrechte onderbelicht is dat de Holocaust in de eerste plaats de roof van Joods bezit was, want hun vernietiging ‘mocht de Staat niets kosten.’ De Joden werden in 1941-1942 verplicht al hun geld, waardevolle goederen en kunstcollecties, te deponeren bij de Liro Bank, met de listige belofte dat zij deze na de oorlog terug zouden krijgen. Ontduiken van deze verordeningen maakten burgers meteen strafbaar. De NSB’ers trokken toen zelf in het fraai gemeubileerde huizenbezit van de Joden die zij hadden verraden. De enkele Joodse overlevenden van de vernietigingskampen liet men merken dat zij niet welkom waren en zij kregen met veel moeite hun goed, sterk gereduceerd, terug. Zelfs wat de Nederlandse Staat in beslag had genomen. Het meest verontrustende is echter de grote Joodse collaboratie met de Holocaust. De studie ‘Hitler’s Jewish Army,’ of hoe zelfs Anne Frank’s vader handel dreef met de bezetter, zijn ten onrechte verboden onderwerpen in Nederland. De bezetter installeerde een voorname Joodse Raad (1941-1943) die alle anti-Joodse maatregelen feilloos uitvoerde. De Joden moesten van hun eigen leiders hun wapens inleveren en niet onderduiken. De Raad voorzag de nazi’s van namen van werkbare Joodse mannen. Rond de Raad waren de groep van ‘Gespaarde’ die in 1943 alsnog werden vergast. Surinamers en moslims mogen daarom hun eigen collaborerende politici niet vertrouwen. De gedachte dringt zich dus op dat de Holocaust geen ongelukkig incident was; want elke twee generaties is er sprake van pogroms en genocide. Tussen 1881-1917 waren er namelijk ook pogroms in Oost Europa welke leidden tot een grote vlucht van Joden. Nu alweer 65 jaar later en opnieuw dezelfde dreigende toon. Ook trendwatcher Gerald Celente voorspelt voor 2012-2016 grootscheepse etnische zuiveringen en Suriname mag daarom, met de influx van minstens 100.000 vluchtelingen; een grote maatschappelijke ontwrichting tegemoet zien.

Komt Er Weer; Will There Be Another; HOLOCAUST, Egmond Codfried, 2011. 90 p. geïllustreerd, bijlagen. egmondcodfried@hotmail.com

After I sent this review of my essay 'Will There Be Another Holocaust?' to all my contacts, my Hotmailaccount of many years was interfered with and I lost access.

I guess they really do not want me to broadcast their evil plans. The whole thing is going on in full view, the hate mongering, the reducing of rights, god knows they are already building concentration camps, but like the WWII Holocaust, people cannot believe that such a thing is possible in Europe today. That's why six miljon or more perished, among them 40.000 Blacks who they never talk about.

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