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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 23087
 - posted
Mocking phrases such as “We Wuz Kangs,” “We Wuz Kings,” and “Kings N Shiet,” have been listed by the ADL as ‘hate slogans.’

Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Lanoforge:
Mocking phrases such as “We Wuz Kangs,” “We Wuz Kings,” and “Kings N Shiet,” have been listed by the ADL as ‘hate slogans.’


It's symbolic to reconcile, but more needs to be done.
Member # 23079
 - posted
....the phrase is a racist shorthand reference to discredited but popular Afrocentric theories that claimed sub-Saharan Africans were descended from ancient Egyptians.
So, apparently the argument that Afrocentrists are making about the Ancient Egyptians is that Africans south of the Sahara are their descendants. What a laughable straw man.
Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Baalberith:
....the phrase is a racist shorthand reference to discredited but popular Afrocentric theories that claimed sub-Saharan Africans were descended from ancient Egyptians.
So, apparently the argument that Afrocentrists are making about the Ancient Egyptians is that Africans south of the Sahara are their descendants. What a laughable straw man.
But if they aren’t who is?
Member # 23079
 - posted
A tiny cliche of extremists and pseudo historians. The main argument that nearly every Afrocentrist is making is that the Ancient Egyptians were a majority Black African population, which this article fails to established as the actual main focus for people linking the Egyptians with Africans.
Member # 23119
 - posted
Ancient Egypt seems to be the Origin of Civilisation so whereever civilised people are found, it can be argued that they are descendants of Ancient Egyptians.
Member # 23119
 - posted
Originally posted by Baalberith:
...the Ancient Egyptians were a majority Black African population,

Of course they were Black Africans. This is a perpetually stupid argurment. Their artwork shows black people and the people in the region are dark skinned and Egypt is in Africa. It's as stupid as arguing that water isn't wet or blood isn't red.
Member # 23079
 - posted
I guess you didn’t quite understand what I meant by “The main argument that nearly every Afrocentrist is making is that the Ancient Egyptians were a majority Black African population”. This article is projecting a straw man upon Afrocentrists and establishing “the discredited but popular Afrocentric theory that claimed Sub-Saharan Africans were descended from ancient Egyptians”, as their main stance, instead of the other way around! As if this argument was what every person with a Afrocentric perspective was making! It clearly undermines the effort put into the conversation about the Egyptians cultural and biological roots, as well as ignores the majority Afrocentric position about the Ancient Egyptians, that they resembled and descend from Sub-Saharan Africans.
Member # 22452
 - posted
You do realize sub Sahara Africa is a bs term created by whites to mean negro African? The word is suppose to be a regional description.
Member # 23079
 - posted
Well regardless about the legitimacy of the term, it’s safe to say that the Ancient Egyptians origins lies South of the Sahara, which is Sub-Sahara Africa.
Member # 3735
 - posted
Originally posted by Baalberith:
....the phrase is a racist shorthand reference to discredited but popular Afrocentric theories that claimed sub-Saharan Africans were descended from ancient Egyptians.
So, apparently the argument that Afrocentrists are making about the Ancient Egyptians is that Africans south of the Sahara are their descendants. What a laughable straw man.
I agree that they're misunderstanding the "Afrocentric" argument about AE. I am however happy to see them call out that stupid "We Wuz Kangz" meme for what it is. Man, am I sick of it!
Member # 23087
 - posted
Sub-Sahara is a racist term and backhanded insult to say "sub-human." You don't see the prefix "sub" applied to any other people who live south on a continent, except Blacks. Sub-Sahara is a slick way of saying sub-human.
Member # 23167
 - posted
Actually the term "Sub-Roman Britain" is used for Britain between the departure of the Romans and the establishment of Anglosaxon kingdoms. In this case it is indeed pejorative, carrying the implicit assumption that rule by Britons (Celts) was somehow "uncivilized" compared to rule by Romans or Germanics (Anglosaxons).

Well, Egypt was "black", but that doesn't mean all "black" people are Egyptians, I suppose that is an obvious and accepted truth here.

I don't like reducing history to cliches, so the "Kangz" line is nonsense to me. The reality is, however, that many ethnic groups in "sub-Saharan" Africa did indeed have kings, not to mention emperors. Sundiata and Askia Muhammad come to mind.

The obsession with being "kings", however, is not healthy, as it implies that peoples with a less complex social structure than a kingdom were somehow inferior or inadequate. This is projecting European values onto the world, since Europeans see society as arising from kingdoms.

Well, there are people who had no kings (e.g., the Lakota) who nonetheless have produced much of value to the world. In Africa there were numerous peoples with kings (Dahomey, Baganda) and others without (Turkana, Masai).

I am unclear on the nature of the ADL objection to these cliches. I suppose in the USA, where we're overloaded with white nationalists trumpeting the greatness of their imaginary "race", one automatically reacts negatively to this sort of jingoism and chauvinism. If someone claims they were "kangz", then I suppose someone will think that this claim demeans other people.

Of course in the minds of most lay Yanks, white or black, history is a confused jumble of half-truths, myths and jingoism, so I would suggest that the ADL might want to condemn racist school education and a good part of the pop "knowledge" of history as also racist and wrong.
Member # 23079
 - posted
I am unclear on the nature of the ADL objection to these cliches. I suppose in the USA, where we're overloaded with white nationalists trumpeting the greatness of their imaginary "race", one automatically reacts negatively to this sort of jingoism and chauvinism. If someone claims they were "kangz", then I suppose someone will think that this claim demeans other people.
Actually, the whole point of the “We Wuz Kangz” meme is to disparage African history and to establish the propagandist model that Black people are inherently mentally inferior to Whites, as well as Asians. Thus, it will never bring back any positivity and will always carry a negative connotation with it. The ADL is simply enacting upon a covertly racist joke, which is popular among White Supremacists and their sympathizers, but still problem with the ADL’s take on this bastardized meme, is that it undermines the original Afrocentric stance about the Ancient Egyptians race and their biological origins. That is they were at one time a predominantly Black population and they descended from Sub Saharan Africans and not the other way around.
Member # 23167
 - posted
Originally posted by Baalberith:
I am unclear on the nature of the ADL objection to these cliches. I suppose in the USA, where we're overloaded with white nationalists trumpeting the greatness of their imaginary "race", one automatically reacts negatively to this sort of jingoism and chauvinism. If someone claims they were "kangz", then I suppose someone will think that this claim demeans other people.
Actually, the whole point of the “We Wuz Kangz” meme is to disparage African history and to establish the propagandist model that Black people are inherently mentally inferior to Whites, as well as Asians. Thus, it will never bring back any positivity and will always carry a negative connotation with it. The ADL is simply enacting upon a covertly racist joke, which is popular among White Supremacists and their sympathizers, but still problem with the ADL’s take on this bastardized meme, is that it undermines the original Afrocentric stance about the Ancient Egyptians race and their biological origins. That is they were at one time a predominantly Black population and they descended from Sub Saharan Africans and not the other way around.
Oh I see, the ADL is addressing white-right use of this.

Yes it is certainly true, based on archaeological and genetic evidence I've seen, that Egyptians were Africans, and certainly people were already in place over most of Africa when Egyptian civilization began.

The Nile Valley Neolithics had been there for millennia before the civilization began, if we date that to the time of Narmer. There was also some migration into the Nile Valley from the drying Sahara, and those people obviously were also "black" Africans.

My confusion stems from having seen black people post using that spelling "kangz", trying to write in dialect, I suppose.

But now that I think about it, I have seen white-right misfits posting that online as "We was kangz 'n' sheit".

The increased mainstreaming of the white right is of serious concern to all conscious people. Some in this country are trying to take us all back back back but not to anything good.

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