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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 18722
 - posted
If you're a dark-skinned black woman in Egypt, you're likely to be sexually propositioned by men and slighted by women there. At least, that's what African-American journalist Sunni Khalid observed during his three years in the North African country with his Kenyan Somali wife. Although Khalid is light enough to pass for an Egyptian Arab, his wife, Zeinab, cannot and experienced race-based sexism there as a result.

"Whenever my wife would come to the airport to pick me up, she'd often have to fend off several Arab men, who assumed that, as a black woman, she was somehow immediately 'available' to their desires, whether she was married or not," recalled Khalid in a thoughtful piece called "Egypt's Race Problem."

I've never been to Egypt, but as a black woman who's traveled to countries such as Mexico, Italy and Spain, I've experienced similar treatment. Particularly in Italy and Mexico, I endured men leering at me, catcalling me and insisting that I meet them for dates. On many of these occasions I was with non-black American women who were stunned at the attention I attracted. But this attention had little to do with me personally and much to do with lasting negative perceptions about people of African descent.

"For too many Egyptians, sub-Saharan Africa is a stereotypical exotic land of thick jungles and masses of poor, starving and black-skinned savages," Khalid explains. But I'd argue that this is a global perception of "black Africa" and not just an Egyptian one. Along with this perception is, of course, the idea that black women are sexually promiscuous and insatiable, which is why non-black men around the world don't hesitate to proposition black women. In Egypt, though, Khalid's wife didn't just attract sexual attention, but rude behavior from Egyptian women.

In high-end shops, for example, Egyptian women would cut in front of her in line. Once while Khalid and his wife dined at an upscale restaurant, an Egyptian woman scolded him for bringing "a woman like that into a place like this." She assumed Zeinab was a prostitute. When Khalid tried to explain that the woman in question was his wife, the Egyptian woman wouldn't hear it.

But it's not only dark-skinned women who face bigotry in Egypt. Khalid says that before leaving Egypt, he met with sub-Saharan African students who told him they faced racial harassment just strolling down Cairo streets. Moreover, Khalid writes that male and female refugees from sub-Saharan African nations such as Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea routinely face security roundups in Cairo. He notes that in December 2005, Egyptian riot police killed as many as 100 Sudanese refugees who were protesting mistreatment, but that the tragedy hardly garnered any outcry.

What's stunning about Khalid's remembrance of his time in Egypt is that many African Americans—most of whom originate, of course, from sub-Saharan Africa—not only romanticize Egypt but have claimed it as their own. Some name their children after Egyptian Queen Nefertiti or Egyptian gods and goddesses such as Osiris and Isis. To boot, whenever a white actress plays the role of Cleopatra, the black community loudly objects. Perhaps it's time for African Americans to learn more about how many people in the country they've romanticized hold them in such low regard.

Like what you're reading here? Keep it coming with a subscription to award-winning Bitch magazine!

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
It's Bullshyt, the rape stats have been rocket high, especially during the "revolution"/ "Arab spring".

There are often stories like this from Western women. And so also from "Egyptian" women themselves.

Usually those cowards go by rape mobs.

Video: Lara Logan gang raped by mob in Cairo, Egypt



I was gang raped in Cairo's Tahrir Square

Yasmine El-Baramawy, who was sexually assaulted by a violent mob last November.


She saw them running towards her as she approached Cairo’s Tahrir Square and within seconds she was surrounded.
What followed for Yasmine El-Baramawy was the most terrifying 70 minutes of her life – a prolonged, brutal rape and sexual assault by dozens of men, while a crowd looked on. And did nothing.

‘I felt hands all over my body, as they tore at my clothes like savage animals and tried to pull down my trousers,’ recalls the 30-year-old musician and composer.


Dutch Tourist Raped in Tahrir Square, Cairo


Natasha Smith, Journalist In Egypt, Details Horrifying Sexual Assault In Cairo's Tahrir Square



NINETY-ONE women protesters raped and sexually abused in Tahrir Square in just four days


The above has happened to dozens, perhaps hundreds of women. And naaa' they weren't black, or sub Saharan as you tend to call them.
Member # 18722
 - posted

"For too many Egyptians, sub-Saharan Africa is a stereotypical exotic land of thick jungles and masses of poor, starving and black-skinned savages," Khalid explains. But I'd argue that this is a global perception of "black Africa" and not just an Egyptian one. Along with this perception is, of course, the idea that black women are sexually promiscuous and insatiable, which is why non-black men around the world don't hesitate to proposition black women. In Egypt, though, Khalid's wife didn't just attract sexual attention, but rude behavior from Egyptian women.

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
We all know from where this stereotypical "black Africa" ideology comes and who bolstered it in the first place.

These late immigrants who call themselves Egyptians, are pure comedy.

You are pure comedy too btw.

Great news: Archaeologists in southern Egypt unearthed a mummy that predates the unification of Egypt, the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry has announced.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2623299/Archaeologists-5-600-year-old-tomb-mummy-PREDATING-First-Dynasty-pharaohs.html#ixzz3Ybs70sxH


The Origin of the Predynastic: Western Desert and Central Sudan

With the intensification of archaeological research in the Egyptian Western Desert evidence of prehistoric humanoccupation has been consistently found in both the oasesregion and the playas region to the south.
Major breaks in the chrono-cultural sequence are related to climaticvariations. After a major arid event during the latePleistocene, which completely dried up the Sahara,forcing the people to cluster along the Nile (and in theCentral Sahara massifs), the Holocene period wascharacterised by better climatic conditions due to anorthward shifting of the monsoon summer rain regime(Kuper and Kropelin 2006; Wendorf and Schild 2001).The desert was again settled, although cyclical minor aridspells required the population to move back and forthfrom the desert to the Nile or to remain in the oases. Fromthe 4th millennium BC another major arid event forcedthe people to concentrate in the oases area and to settlemore permanently to the Nile Valley"

-- Karen Exell

Egypt in its African Context

Proceedings of the conferenceheld at The Manchester Museum,University of Manchester, 2-4 October 2009

Member # 18722
 - posted
Call it whatever you wish, but don't sweep facts under the rug, so that you can be proud of a nonexistent Black Utopia.

Even amongst Black African, racism exists and Rwanda is no exception. There is no need to delude yourself into thinking that others see what you see or share your politically correct vision.
Member # 18722
 - posted
Rwanda: How the genocide happened

Genocide memorial site guardian, Danielle Nyirabazungu (pictured in 2004)

Some 800,000 people were killed in Rwanda's genocide in just 100 days

Between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.

Most of the dead were Tutsis - and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus.

Even for a country with such a turbulent history as Rwanda, the scale and speed of the slaughter left its people reeling.

The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.

A French judge has blamed current Rwandan President, Paul Kagame - at the time the leader of a Tutsi rebel group - and some of his close associates for carrying out the rocket attack.

Mr Kagame vehemently denies this and says it was the work of Hutu extremists, in order to provide a pretext to carry out their well-laid plans to exterminate the Tutsi community.

Whoever was responsible, within hours a campaign of violence spread from the capital throughout the country, and did not subside until three months later.

But the death of the president was by no means the only cause of Africa's largest genocide in modern times.
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Stop bitching (magazine),

Here is the history of the region,

Migration hypothesis vs. Hamitic hypothesis

The colonial scholars who found complex societies in sub-Saharan Africa developed the Hamitic hypothesis, namely that "black Europeans" had migrated into the African interior, conquering the primitive peoples they found there and introducing civilization. The Hamitic hypothesis continues to echo into the current day, both inside and outside of academic circles. As scholars developed a migration hypothesis for the origin of the Tutsi that rejected the Hamitic thesis, the notion that the Tutsi were civilizing alien conquerors was also put in question.

One school of thought noted that the influx of pastoralists around the fifteenth century may have taken place over an extended period of time and been peaceful, rather than sudden and violent. The key distinction made was that migration was not the same as conquest. Other scholars delinked the arrival of Tutsi from the development of pastoralism and the beginning of the period of statebuilding. It appears clear that pastoralism was practiced in Rwanda prior to the fifteenth century immigration, while the dates of state formation and pastoralist influx do not entirely match. This argument thus attempts to play down the importance of the pastoralist migrations.

Still other studies point out that cultural transmission can occur without actual human migration. This raises the question of how much of the changes around the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was the result of an influx of people as opposed to the existing population being exposed to new ideas. Studies that approach the subject of racial purity are among the most controversial. These studies point out that the pastoralist migrants and pre-migration Rwandans lived side by side for centuries and practiced extensive intermarriage. The notion that current Rwandans can claim exclusively Tutsi or Hutu bloodlines is thus questioned.




Germany established a colonial rule at the end of the nineteenth century bringing with them the theory of white supremacy and the Aryan master race.

After the First World War Rwandans saw Belgium assume control. Rwanda’s disintegration can be traced back to the colonial policies of Belgium in its Central / East African Empire. Indirect rule and “divide and rule” strategies were common in colonized Africa. In Rwanda, ethnicity became a defining feature of existence, given both a religious and racial component. The introduction of nineteenth century racial theory into Africa brought grave consequences for the indigenous population Belgium still continued to utilize the time-honoured criterion for Tutsi/Hutu categorization – the ownership of cows. The Catholic Church reciprocally embraced the state though continuing to evangelize the Hutu but preparing them for a lesser status in life.

Member # 18722
 - posted
What it boils down to is:

Uneducated, weak and easily persuaded Black Africans that were taken advantage of by others with better knowledge and means.

African Americans are in the same boat, being taken advantage of by their very own so called Black Leaders, who are selling them a load of fake history and bullshit.
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Keyword: Uneducated!
Member # 21824
 - posted
Caveman it is time to stop your idiocy and produce stuff which is useful.

The idiocy of the article you presented here is that African Americans romanticize Ancient Egypt not present day Egypt so it is hard to understand the relevance of the article here.

Now I can understand why someone made a comment about your showing up now that Tukuler is deleting Mike's posts.
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Habsburg:
Caveman it is time to stop your idiocy and produce stuff which is useful.

The idiocy of the article you presented here is that African Americans romanticize Ancient Egypt not present day Egypt so it is hard to understand the relevance of the article here.

Now I can understand why someone made a comment about your showing up now that Tukuler is deleting Mike's posts.

This is the so called rebuttal by Caveman. Some unknown webpage, called "bitchmagazine"? [Big Grin]

Nadra Kareem Nittl,


"so called Black Leaders, who are selling them a load of fake history and bullshit."

Typical euronut hit and run behavior. This is what the after writes:

"Although Khalid is light enough to pass for an Egyptian Arab"

"she'd often have to fend off several Arab men"

"Do you know how problematic this is given how Arabs men are reviled, persecuted, considered uncivilized etc. in the US and Europe"

[Big Grin] SMH


Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:
What it boils down to is:


What it boils down to is, that ancient MKT was destroyed by invaders from Eurasia, Arab men etc.... Which forced the original population to retrieved back to the South.

And the ethnography of Africa is too complex for you to comprehend.








Member # 21830
 - posted
Caveman getting desperate
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:
Caveman getting desperate

Yes, ranting all day about some "Arab Republic" called Egypt. The name already indicates more then enough. [Big Grin]
Member # 18722
 - posted
Egyptians are Not Arabs!

They speak Egyptian Arabic, which is laced with many Ancient Egyptian words and expressions.

The name of the country is Political and has nothing to do with the actual people who live in Egypt.

There are Arabs in Egypt for sure, but they're a very small portion of the population.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Some 800,000 people were killed in Rwanda's genocide in just 100 days
Total propaganda, totally erroneous.

This Eurocentric myth embraced by the West and the Tutsis and their dictator chief Paul Kagame can be easily debunked.

The simple arithmetic "rule of 72" proves it. The rule says that you can estimate the amount of time it takes for a population or an amount to double given a certain growth percentage rate.

Rwanda's population is now 13 million approximately. So at some point it was 1/2 of 13 million--that is 6.5 million. So when was Rwanda's population 6.5 million? It was 20 years ago-- 1994, the very year of the so-called genocide.

The Tutsi population at the time was 650,000. So if this so-called Tutsi genocide killed 800,000 in 100 days then how come the Tutsis are now 15% of Rwanda's population?

So what was Rwanda's population growth rate since 1994? Answer:3.5%. Same as its neighbour, Burundi.

Note by comparison that the Syrian civil war has been running now for more than 4 years yet only 220,000 have been killed. All kinds of weapons have been used all coupled with the violent and horrific killings of terror group ISIS. So that 800,000 kill toll in juts 100 days is utterly bogus. All "lies, damned lies and statistics".
Member # 21830
 - posted

How many do yo estimate were actually killed ?


Why are the Tutsis sill in control if they are only 15% of the population ?
Member # 5777
 - posted
Egyptians are Not Arabs!
Strange and evasive comment. On that logic then, Arabs live only in Arabia.

But the comment does not negate the fact that modern Egypt especially in its Delta area is populated by a mongrel group of people made up of the descendants of invaders from places like Persia, Greece, Rome, Arabia, Turkey, Britain, France--all layered over some indigenous elements.
Member # 5777
 - posted
How many do yo estimate were actually killed ?
8,000 --10,000.

The Tutsis are in control because Kagame is a ruthless Western-backed dictator and the Hutus have been cowed into submission by the "genocide propaganda" they have to live with.
Member # 18722
 - posted
There Are No Human Races!!

Get This Simple Concept Through Your Head!

What you call "Mongrel" is Strength through absorption of related people, who came to back to Egypt.

All Eurasians are Children of Pre Ancient Egypt, therefore Egyptians with some local variation and adaptation to their new world.

Originally posted by lamin:
Egyptians are Not Arabs!
Strange and evasive comment. On that logic then, Arabs live only in Arabia.

But the comment does not negate the fact that modern Egypt especially in its Delta area is populated by a mongrel group of people made up of the descendants of invaders from places like Persia, Greece, Rome, Arabia, Turkey, Britain, France--all layered over some indigenous elements.

Member # 5777
 - posted
A confused, asinine, but still amusing comment. Human being are part of the animal kingdom and display phenotypical and genotypical variations just as other fauna.

"Race" is not a crucial term for descriptive biology terms for descriptive biology. It can easily be discounted with. To reject the term "race" would not erase the obvious distinctions between a Northern European and an indigenous native of Hong Kong, say. So how does one explain such differences? Does the animal biologist need to classify under such circumstances?
Member # 18722
 - posted
You have been trained by your Slave Masters to accept Blacks as inferior people, who are alien and not related to civilized populations.

I'm telling your Bone Headed Self that: There Are No Human Races!

What your little beady eyes are seeing is normal variation that can only be traced genetically.

Black People are not all related.

Brown People are not all related.

Pale People are not all related.

Either you learn the truth, or you'll always be a slave regurgitating your Slave Master's Racist Theories!! LOL

Originally posted by lamin
A confused, asinine, but still amusing comment. Human being are part of the animal kingdom and display phenotypical and genotypical variations just as other fauna.

"Race" is not a crucial term for descriptive biology terms for descriptive biology. It can easily be discounted with. To reject the term "race" would not erase the obvious distinctions between a Northern European and an indigenous native of Hong Kong, say. So how does one explain such differences? Does the animal biologist need to classify under such circumstances?

Member # 21830
 - posted

what a pitiful creature you are.....
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:
Egyptians are Not Arabs!

They speak Egyptian Arabic, which is laced with many Ancient Egyptian words and expressions.

The name of the country is Political and has nothing to do with the actual people who live in Egypt.

There are Arabs in Egypt for sure, but they're a very small portion of the population.

In another thread you claimed different. Wierdo.

Explain why modern North Egyptians are intermediate to cold adapted in limb ratio and body portions? While ancient Egyptians were tropical adapted in body potions and limb ratio. Ironically like Southern Egyptians and Sahara-Sahel populations.
Member # 21830
 - posted
You start a thread called "Race Card......"

and now you scream

"There Are No Human Races!"

Are you sure you are not ill ???

I think the butt kicking you have recied today has given you a concussion.....possible ????
Member # 18722
 - posted
Bone Headed Troll: Learn to read and stop following the commands of your Slave Masters.

You have been trained by your Slave Masters to accept Blacks as inferior people, who are alien and not related to civilized populations.

I'm telling your Bone Headed Self that: There Are No Human Races!

What your little beady eyes are seeing is normal variation that can only be traced genetically.

Black People are not all related.

Brown People are not all related.

Pale People are not all related.

Either you learn the truth, or you'll always be a slave regurgitating your Slave Master's Racist Theories!! LOL

Originally posted by Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor:
Originally posted by Caveman:
Egyptians are Not Arabs!

They speak Egyptian Arabic, which is laced with many Ancient Egyptian words and expressions.

The name of the country is Political and has nothing to do with the actual people who live in Egypt.

There are Arabs in Egypt for sure, but they're a very small portion of the population.

In another thread you claimed different. Wierdo.

Explain why modern North Egyptians are intermediate to cold adapted in limb ratio and body portions? While ancient Egyptians were tropical adapted in body potions and limb ratio. Ironically like Southern Egyptians and Sahara-Sahel populations.

Member # 18722
 - posted
Yfnkg Idiot: Thread title do not reflect my views. They reflect the contents of the article. Learn how to read and stop sucking up to your Slave Masters.

You have been trained by your Slave Masters to accept Blacks as inferior people, who are alien and not related to civilized populations.

I'm telling your Bone Headed Self that: There Are No Human Races!

What your little beady eyes are seeing is normal variation that can only be traced genetically.

Black People are not all related.

Brown People are not all related.

Pale People are not all related.

Either you learn the truth, or you'll always be a slave regurgitating your Slave Master's Racist Theories!! LOL

Originally posted by kdolo:
You start a thread called "Race Card......"

and now you scream

"There Are No Human Races!"

Are you sure you are not ill ???

I think the butt kicking you have recied today has given you a concussion.....possible ????

Member # 21830
 - posted
Poor Caveman,

But as I told u before,

You provide an nice workout.....

....go and get something for that butt kicking you took today.....

Euroloons.........and they have the nerve to try and give so called Afrocentrics a bad name.........
Member # 18722
 - posted
Yfkng Idiot:

I've destroyed the status quo of a dying forum by bringing new and recent research that shows the truth.

You're just a little Slave Boy, who is regurgitation your Master's words.

Races Do Not Exist.....Period!!

Egyptians Were and Are More Related to Eurasian than Any Other Africans.....Period!

Now, please go chase your tail, before your Slave Master tells you to. LOL

Originally posted by kdolo

Poor Caveman,

But as I told u before,

You provide an nice workout.....

....go and get something for that butt kicking you took today.....

Euroloons.........and they have the nerve to try and give so called Afrocentrics a bad name.........

Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:
Bone Headed Troll: Learn to read and stop following the commands of your Slave Masters.

You have been trained by your Slave Masters to accept Blacks as inferior people, who are alien and not related to civilized populations.

I'm telling your Bone Headed Self that: There Are No Human Races!

What your little beady eyes are seeing is normal variation that can only be traced genetically.

Black People are not all related.

Brown People are not all related.

Pale People are not all related.

Either you learn the truth, or you'll always be a slave regurgitating your Slave Master's Racist Theories!! LOL

Originally posted by Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor:
Originally posted by Caveman:
Egyptians are Not Arabs!

They speak Egyptian Arabic, which is laced with many Ancient Egyptian words and expressions.

The name of the country is Political and has nothing to do with the actual people who live in Egypt.

There are Arabs in Egypt for sure, but they're a very small portion of the population.

In another thread you claimed different. Wierdo.

Explain why modern North Egyptians are intermediate to cold adapted in limb ratio and body portions? While ancient Egyptians were tropical adapted in body potions and limb ratio. Ironically like Southern Egyptians and Sahara-Sahel populations.

My slave master? That's the most dumbest rebuttal I have heard ever. LOL


Explain why modern North Egyptians are intermediate to cold adapted in limb ratio and body portions? While ancient Egyptians were tropical adapted in body potions and limb ratio. Ironically like Southern Egyptians and Sahara-Sahel populations.

You can run, but you can't hide.
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:
Yfkng Idiot:

I've destroyed the status quo of a dying forum by bringing new and recent research that shows the truth.

You're just a little Slave Boy, who is regurgitation your Master's words.

Races Do Not Exist.....Period!!

Egyptians Were and Are More Related to Eurasian than Any Other Africans.....Period!

Now, please go chase your tail, before your Slave Master tells you to. LOL

Originally posted by kdolo

Poor Caveman,

But as I told u before,

You provide an nice workout.....

....go and get something for that butt kicking you took today.....

Euroloons.........and they have the nerve to try and give so called Afrocentrics a bad name.........

Prove it! [Embarrassed]

Human genetic variation particularly in Africa is still poorly understood. This is despite a consensus on the large African effective population size compared to populations from other continents. Based on sequencing of the mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit II (MT-CO2), and genome wide microsatellite data we observe evidence suggesting the effective size (Ne) of humans to be larger than the current estimates, with a foci of increased genetic diversity in east Africa, and a population size of east Africans being at least 2-6 fold larger than other populations. Both phylogenetic and network analysis indicate that east Africans possess more ancestral lineages in comparison to various continental populations placing them at the root of the human evolutionary tree. Our results also affirm east Africa as the likely spot from which migration towards Asia has taken place. The study reflects the spectacular level of sequence variation within east Africans in comparison to the global sample, and appeals for further studies that may contribute towards filling the existing gaps in the database. The implication of these data to current genomic research, as well as the need to carry out defined studies of human genetic variation that includes more African populations; particularly east Africans is paramount.


Table 1 shows the population parameters and selective neutrality test (Tajima’s D) based on MT-CO2 variation of all continental groups, mean values and test of significance for the obtained values. Tajima’s D (Table 1) scored negative values consistent with human expansion within and outside of Africa (or exchange of alleles between neighboring demes, see discussion below) with satisfactory statistical scores. The transition to transversion ratio of 2:1 in our reported Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) is consistent with being at the root of the gene tree and with neutral evolution distance based analysis using FST for mtDNA sequences and RST for microsatellite data were carried out for subsequent MDS plotting and a population by population correlation comparison using Mantel Test. The result showed no correlation with a P value of 0.66 similar to comparison between mitochondria and Y chromosome variations reported earlier [16].


The third cluster (C), includes members of almost all world populations particularly non-Africans who share a major haplo- type that seems to have originated within an east African gene pool (Table S1 and Figure 3).


Mutations and Haplotypes Frequencies in the MT-CO2

The sheer number of haplotypes, a basic measurement of genetic diversity, is also taken as an indication of Ne. As mitochondria are non-recombining the number of mutations and haplotypes is quite correlated. In the MT-CO2 sequence 68 haplotypes were estimated using Arlequin ver3.11 and assigned numbers from 1 to 68. Haplotype relative and absolute frequencies in the studied populations were also calculated. Strikingly, of the total 68 haplotypes, 43 occurred solely in east Africa (Table S1) of which 25 were in Sudanese, 9 in Eritreans and 5 in Ugandans and one Kenyan. The rest of the haplotypes were derived from or included east Africans with exception of 13 haplotypes, 4 in Africa 2 in Australia, 3 in Europe 1 in Arabia 1 America/Africa and 1 Europe/Africa. Of the 42 haplotype defining mutations (Table S2) in Sudanese and Eritreans 11 (26.2%) were non-synonymous (replacements) occurring in trans-membrane domain of COII protein while 31 (73.8%) were synonymous with transitions representing the majority of the mutations. Out of the 42 mutations (Table S2), 31 were previously reported in the literature and 11 were novel. All mutations in Ugandan MT-CO2 samples are synonymous and reported at http://dspace.nwu.ac.za/handle/10394/422​1). All published haplogroups associated with the mutations are indicated in Table S2.

--Jibril Hirbo, Sara Tishkoff et al.

The Episode of Genetic Drift Defining the Migration of Humans out of Africa Is Derived from a Large East African Population Size

PLoS One. 2014; 9(5): e97674.
Published online 2014 May 20. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097674


And surprisingly the following was stated by Brenna Henn, in this interview on population genetics and population structure, considering African populations.

“African populations have the most genetic diversity in the world,” Henn said. “If you compared people from the Kalahari Desert to people from Mali, they’d be as different from each other [genetically] as Italians and Chinese people.”

Why are other populations of humans so much less genetically varied than Africans? The answer, Henn explains, lies in our ancestors’ history; the groups of people that migrated out of Africa and spread throughout other continents were smaller subsets of that original, genetically diverse population.


Tracing Family Trees, And Human History, With Genetics

Member # 21830
 - posted
"Races Do Not Exist.....Period"

Yet you create threads titled
"Race Card....."

You have a mental problem I think
Member # 18722
 - posted

Listen and learn!
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Caveman:

Listen and learn!

The comment section is great too.



I like this one even more

Member # 1797
 - posted
Gee y'all

Howzabout toning down the ad hominem a notch, pretty please. [Cool]
Troll Patrol # Ish Gebor
Member # 18264
 - posted
A cave dedication:

Member # 18722
 - posted

[ 04. June 2015, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: ausar ]
Member # 21830
 - posted

"Idiot" is an ad hominem

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