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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 7644
 - posted
"That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained and until the ignoble but unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique, and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and goodwill; until all Africans stand and speak as free human beings, equal in the eyes of the Almighty; until that day, the African continent shall not know peace. We Africans will fight if necessary and we know that we shall win as we are confident in the victory of good over evil" - Haile Selassie

Let there be no doubt that the Ethiopians are part of African/Black history people.

So the next time you watch Robin Hood or King Arthur - remember there is an African story of Camelot just as rich and intriguing as the stories told by Europeans.


Don't let them fool ya.
Member # 9422
 - posted

Good post. It's good to see you post on other things then Jews around the World. You need more posts like this.

Member # 14122
 - posted
Is there anyone out there who DOES doubt the Ethiopians are an African/black people? [Confused]
Member # 13597
 - posted
Not keeping up with recent "new" posters/posting.

Debunker et al
Originally posted by sportbilly:
Is there anyone out there who DOES doubt the Ethiopians are an African/black people? [Confused]

Member # 13862
 - posted
I am Ethiopian. Never had a doubt. Nice pic, castle in the Gondar region. Gondar is also home of the Ethiopian Jews (This is for you Osirion), before they were relocated to Israel
Member # 14524
 - posted
As far as quoting - Actions speak louder than words. Speak with Ethiopians and you will surely get mixed reviews regarding Selassie. Look at what he did to Oromos. Also regarding race and Ethiopians, some still are taught crazy ideas about them coming FROM Yemen and things like that. Most educated people know the truth but i have had discussions with MANY Ethiopians that have false ideas of "why they look different." Also albeit unconsciously i have heard Ethiopians refer to other Africans as simply "Africans" sometimes excluding themselves from "African" I would say that many Ethiopians have a false sense of superiority. I rarely notice this with Men but mostly with women. They do understand that they are African but i cant count on one hand how many times i ask my now wife (Ethiopian) "How many people were there" and she says "2 white people, 1 spanish, 2 Ethiopians and 3 Africans." - Could be her adjustment to the English language be we ALL see how it is more fitting to say 2 Ethiopians and 3 OTHER/MORE Africans (If you don't know what country they are from.) Then you got the crown that spouts "We aint African we are Habesha" - LOL. I think Ethiopians, particularly the women are spoiled.
Member # 11484
 - posted
^ Yes, I have noticed this about Ethiopian women too. I have a very good Ethiopian woman friend [Big Grin] who always says that "we were the first Africans", but I don't think she means it in a derogatory way to other Africans.

In fact, I think that Ethiopians (in the Diaspora) are very open to other Africans, unlike Somalians who are still very cagey.
Member # 13862
 - posted
Originally posted by astenb:
As far as quoting - Actions speak louder than words. Speak with Ethiopians and you will surely get mixed reviews regarding Selassie. Look at what he did to Oromos. Also regarding race and Ethiopians, some still are taught crazy ideas about them coming FROM Yemen and things like that. Most educated people know the truth but i have had discussions with MANY Ethiopians that have false ideas of "why they look different." Also albeit unconsciously i have heard Ethiopians refer to other Africans as simply "Africans" sometimes excluding themselves from "African" I would say that many Ethiopians have a false sense of superiority. I rarely notice this with Men but mostly with women. They do understand that they are African but i cant count on one hand how many times i ask my now wife (Ethiopian) "How many people were there" and she says "2 white people, 1 spanish, 2 Ethiopians and 3 Africans." - Could be her adjustment to the English language be we ALL see how it is more fitting to say 2 Ethiopians and 3 OTHER/MORE Africans (If you don't know what country they are from.) Then you got the crown that spouts "We aint African we are Habesha" - LOL. I think Ethiopians, particularly the women are spoiled.

You are right actions mean more than quoting, being a ethiopian trumps in this case
Couple of things I will address. It usually Somali who said thier ancestors are from Yemen. I am a Amhara/ Agaw, for example for many years , my ancestors were always erroreously believe that Amhara came from south arabian peninsula orignally. Which was politically advantageous because the Amhara( minority) could rule over the oromo majority. To be completely honest, some old time amhara were very black and " typical sterotypical features( you know flat nose, big lips) mixed with the oromos. There is even bs, that oromos came from madasgascar. I disagree with this false sense of superiority statement, Ethiopian are proud of thier history and nationality. Like many Africans, and Europeans. If you been around Africans, many identified themselves by the nationality/ethnic group, And every other African as africans, which explains your wife answer. I am married to a Eritrean woman( which are Habesha also) if I asked her same question at a party or get together, she would tell me (@ 4 eritreans, ( She will make a distinction between native eritreans and eritreans raised in addis), 3 habesha, 2 tigre and 1 oromo, and and 4 other africans. If asked my Ghanaian friend Samuel the same question, he would probably said 2 nigerians and 2 guys from cameroon, and some ethiopians. There is a pattern, it depends on the ethnic of the speaker.It is not meant to be mistrued as a racial division.
I was raised in the states, pretty much. My older siblings and family members raised in Addis, were raised as ethnic groups and culture first,( they always knew they were black by being ethiopian) . Only when you come to the US, black and white racial bs become a issue. On Selassie, it depends on the ethnic group that ethiopian belongs to.
You are right when there are some individual who believe that they are just Ethiopians, not black and white. Why, because they were not raised with black and white definitions, they identified as ethiopian only.I know it hard to understand. You have been around educated ones, listen to them. Selam
Member # 4592
 - posted
Also regarding race and Ethiopians, some still are taught crazy ideas about them coming FROM Yemen and things like that.
^ Wonder how many Africans who claim to come from Yemen have ever actually been there?
Member # 13862
 - posted

Member # 14754
 - posted
Stupid thread this Iz [Big Grin] . Cuz NatiW is stupid.

I can't believe any of the more intelligent dudes actually posted in this thread. Where's your focus at dudes? [Roll Eyes]
Member # 13862
 - posted
Originally posted by gunit:
Stupid thread this Iz [Big Grin] . Cuz NatiW is stupid.

I can't believe any of the more intelligent dudes actually posted in this thread. Where's your focus at dudes? [Roll Eyes]

Try not to write in ebonics. I can speak and read 3 languages. Ebonics is not one of them and I have not brought a ebonic rosetta stone with me to the office. It hard to be insult by someone with the member name , GUNIT. Your avatar fits you
Member # 14754
 - posted
Mah Head fits into your mother's punnany with no Lubrikation [Razz] .
Member # 14754
 - posted
Originally posted by NatiW:

silly boyz (like akoben [Wink] ) delete posts after GUNIT ggggggggggggggguns 'em down!!! Raaaaaa!Raaaaaa!!!Raaaaaa!!!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Member # 13862
 - posted
You are proof that crackhead Queenifa's son can use the internet. You make that guy called Radio look like a rhodes scholar
Member # 14754
 - posted
This is you ---***---***--****->


Ewwwwwwwwww...Creepy Stuff.
Member # 7644
 - posted
Don't make me sorry I started this thread. Its suppose to be about the brotherhood - the family.
Member # 13862
 - posted
Originally posted by osirion:
Don't make me sorry I started this thread. Its suppose to be about the brotherhood - the family.

You are right.Sorry
Member # 7644
 - posted
That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes;
One aspect to African culture I have never liked; Africans tend to make gods out of their leaders. The words above are eloquent, profound and succint but still the sentiments of many men and women throughout the ages. Class issues have been struggled against since the dawn of civilization.

I don't know if anyone has the same disdain as I do to the African concept of King-Gods.

A parlimentary system with the separation of church and state is obviously far superior to the primitive African government construct of a God-King and no separation of church and state.

Religion is useful but it can become self-serving. Pyramids leave a legacy but what kind of legacy? Why Africans were so willing to give up ultimate power to a single obviously human being?
Member # 4846
 - posted
primitive african government?
Member # 4846
 - posted
Member # 5777
 - posted

Your post is just wrong. Maybe you just know little about Africa--having never lived there.

In pre-colonial parts of Africa kings could be removed of they transgressed social norms and mores.

In post colonial Africa heads of state are hardly respected if they are seen to be incompetent. The press in many African nations is constantly insulting heads of state for their incompetence. And the public is also much involved. I recently saw the picture of a demonstration in Senegal with one banner telling Wade: "WADE--4 + 3=0" referring to his years as head of state.

Not to mention places like Nigeria and Kenya where the press is very critical of the head of state and the government. Etc, etc., for many other African nations. Of coures, whem the government is authoritarian there are curbs on the press but that does not mean that there is any adulation of the head of state.

In fact, it would seem that the press in Britain, France and the U.S. is much more fawning of their governments than in Africa. And their populaces can be accused of being--in general--extremely respectful of their heads of state. All in these lands of so-called democracy.
Member # 7644
 - posted
Originally posted by kenndo:
primitive african government?

Okay, its not primitive. Its just self serving.

I wouldn't call myself a God.
Member # 5777
 - posted

And what about the feudal monarchs of Europe who ruled by "divine right"? They were seen as representatives of the Christian God on earth.

The popes of Europe also enjoyed quasi-divine status dueing the heydays of Holy Roman Empire. These popes and the feudal monarchs were absolute in all senses of that term.
Alive-(What Box)
Member # 10819
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
In fact, it would seem that the press in Britain, France and the U.S. is much more fawning of their governments than in Africa. And their populaces can be accused of being--in general--extremely respectful of their heads of state. All in these lands of so-called democracy.


Criticize the US government ever and you're "anti-American". Telling.
Member # 7644
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:

And what about the feudal monarchs of Europe who ruled by "divine right"? They were seen as representatives of the Christian God on earth.

The popes of Europe also enjoyed quasi-divine status dueing the heydays of Holy Roman Empire. These popes and the feudal monarchs were absolute in all senses of that term.

Pope = corrupt Christianity = pagan influence = Roman/Greco Influence = Egyptian influence.
Alive-(What Box)
Member # 10819
 - posted
^Well .. if he's going to attribute THAT to them Africans ... [Smile] :::evil (the ambitious variety) lurks behind that smiley:::
Member # 7644
 - posted
Christians were originally Hebrew/Jews and did not practice any form of God/King concepts. There was a separation of church and state.

Example of that is Saul. When he tried to act as a priest he was essnetially dethroned by Samuel and replaced with David.

Jewish Kings were mere stewards.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Christians were originally Hebrew/Jews and did not practice any form of God/King concepts. There was a separation of church and state.
This and what follows is confusing. Example: so what is the point of what Christians call "The Old Testament"? Here you have a god(Yaweh) who is involved in everything human and supposedly uses certain individuals called "prophets" who would linked human life(state) with houses of worship("church").
Member # 10195
 - posted

Quit playing.

Saul was never dethroned. He loss the deity's favor
because he didn't follow the order to hack up Agag
and the Amalekite war spoils of sheep and oxen. David,
though annoited just after the Agag fiasco, only ruled
much later after Saul died -- comitted assisted suicde --
on the battlefield. (Apparently, Saul probably was bipolar).

Don't know about the concept of separation of church
and state in the Hebrew kingdoms seeing they were
theocracies. One example of Kohaniym (priests) sitting
the throne is Judah Maccabee and the Hasmoneans.

Originally posted by osirion:
Christians were originally Hebrew/Jews and did not practice any form of God/King concepts. There was a separation of church and state.

Example of that is Saul. When he tried to act as a priest he was essnetially dethroned by Samuel and replaced with David.

Jewish Kings were mere stewards.

Member # 8587
 - posted
I don't know if anyone has the same disdain as I do to the African concept of King-Gods.
A parlimentary system with the separation of church and state is obviously far superior to the primitive African government construct of a God-King and no separation of church and state.

Religion is useful but it can become self-serving. Pyramids leave a legacy but what kind of legacy? Why Africans were so willing to give up ultimate power to a single obviously human being?


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