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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 19346
 - posted
[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]

"The Decrypters: African Knight?
Africans in Medieval Britain

Xanthi visits the National Archives to learn about the presence of Africans in medieval Britain."

Member # 19346
 - posted

"He was an African who had a strong jaw and a bad back... So what was he doing in Ipswich in the year 1190?"

Member # 18859
 - posted
Question: so what was he doing in Ipswich in the year 1190
Answer: ruling, with the rest of the Moors.

*I jest*
Egmond Codfried
Member # 15683
 - posted
do not get bog downed in eurocentric lies.
They are using all kind of strange definitions to define Blacks in order to hide the fact they were ruled by Blacks.
Member # 19346
 - posted
I know.
Member # 6698
 - posted
LOL No wonder Anglo-Idiot is so obsessed with Africans and trying to white-wash them. It is because he is too ashamed of his own (black-Afro tainted) European heritage, that he has to psychologically compensate and react by white-washing Africans. LMAO [Big Grin]

Originally posted by malibudusul:

[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]

"The Decrypters: African Knight?
Africans in Medieval Britain

Xanthi visits the National Archives to learn about the presence of Africans in medieval Britain."


Now, really? Is such a finding all that surprising?? We know that Africans were present in the British Isles from at least the time of the Romans.

And on top of that, we even have it from the Euros own history and folk tales of the presence of black knights. For example, from King Arthur's Knights of the Roundtable there is Sir Morien.

I am just finding it ironic that Nat Geo would would feature Euros getting in touch with the historicity of the black presence in Europe yet deny that the ancient Egyptians, who themselves African, were black. [Embarrassed]
Member # 9361
 - posted
^The Black knight is NOT the story, there were thousands of them. The story is the Albino comments to the story in the Daily Mail. Like Doxie in America, and Cass in Britain, most Albinos have a delusional image of their past.


Very interesting but one Swallow doesn't make a Summer. Of course there were people of other races in England just as there were Scots, Irish, English and Scands throughout the remnants of the Roman Empire. To latch on to this as proof of 'black' immigration to Britain is sheer nonsense. The liberal lefty loonies would be better of noting that in Nelson's Navy there were many Negroes who enjoyed equal status with their white counterparts.

- oceaneagle, berkshire, 11/5/2010 16:44

Why is everyone pretending about this issue, in my opinion he was an over worked slave. I hope we let him rest in peace at least.

- Vesto, Felixstowe, 10/5/2010 12:51

The main groups to have settled North Africa were , the Berbers , the Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Visigoths and Arabs. Very diverse groups but one thing in common none of them were black. The fact that a north African was in Britain is hardly surprising, people did travel in the past, Vikings raided as far south as North Africa, Harold's adversary at Stamford Bridge had just come from Byzantium (modern Istanbul) after 1066 many Saxons went there and joined the Varangian guard of the eastern emperor. I accept the need to talk up finds to secure future funding for funding but reader also need an intelligent article to read.

- alex, UK, 09/5/2010 13:14
Member # 19346
 - posted
I thought surprising national geographic talking about it.
I do not know what they said in the video because I do not speak English
Member # 18859
 - posted
Originally posted by malibudusul:
I thought surprising national geographic talking about it.
I do not know what they said in the video because I do not speak English

you don't speak English? Your typing in English is perfect. What is your native language?
Member # 19346
 - posted
I speak Portuguese
I am Brazilian.
Use the google translator.
Member # 19346
 - posted
I understand some words
in English.
If I stop to study I learn to write.
Talking and listening should take more time
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
Unlike you fools (Afro-centrists) who distort and skew historical records, National Geographic did a wonderful and honest piece on the African Negro presence (not dominant presence, fools) in early Europe. I especially liked the gentleman's explanation of the word "Blackamoor," one expressly used to denote the African Negro. It is this very word that debunks the Afrolunatic's "Moor" premise.
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
Also notice the historical record the gentleman reads tells of how the European is concerned about African Negroes being imported in large numbers to Europe, circa 16th century! This fits neatly with the era of Black slavery in the West.
Member # 19346
 - posted
Cry, Eurocentric, Cry.

"A curious aspect of this early history concerns various stories around Kenneth.
King Kenneth was also known as 'Kenneth the Niger' or Kenneth Dubh, a surname which means 'the black man'. It is a matter of history that many seafaring warriors were North African, travelled via Iberia into Europe, and joined in many cultures and held power and position. Niger Val Dubh lived and reigned over certain black divisions in Scotland, and some histories state that a race known as 'the sons of the blacks' succeeded him. (e.g. see JA Rogers, Sex and Race).
Kenneth III was king of Scotland from 997 to 1005."



Member # 19346
 - posted

These texts are all Eurocentric. ^^^^

Blacks are natives of Europe.
Blacks in Europe did not come from africa.
Except Muslims (700 - 1500)
and other times such as:
Thousands of years ago when humans migrated from Africa to all parts of the world.
the ancient Egyptians who founded a kingdom in Europe
and other Africans who went to the ancient greece
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
No one denies that certain Blackamoors held positions of prominence and authority in Medieval Europe. However, this was very limited, a rare occasion and, as such, noted. The fact remains, Blacks are not the progenitors of Christendom of Europe; Black face was an oddity or novelty in Europe until the era of Western slavery; and Blacks were NOT the Moors until the word became synonymous with Blacks during the early period of Western slavery.

Originally posted by malibudusul:
Cry, Eurocentric, Cry.

"A curious aspect of this early history concerns various stories around Kenneth.
King Kenneth was also known as 'Kenneth the Niger' or Kenneth Dubh, a surname which means 'the black man'. It is a matter of history that many seafaring warriors were North African, travelled via Iberia into Europe, and joined in many cultures and held power and position. Niger Val Dubh lived and reigned over certain black divisions in Scotland, and some histories state that a race known as 'the sons of the blacks' succeeded him. (e.g. see JA Rogers, Sex and Race).
Kenneth III was king of Scotland from 997 to 1005."




Member # 19346
 - posted

Coins from the Island of Lesbos, circa 500 - 550 B.C.

Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
^The Black knight is NOT the story, there were thousands of them. The story is the Albino comments to the story in the Daily Mail. Like Doxie in America, and Cass in Britain, most Albinos have a delusional image of their past.


Very interesting but one Swallow doesn't make a Summer. Of course there were people of other races in England just as there were Scots, Irish, English and Scands throughout the remnants of the Roman Empire. To latch on to this as proof of 'black' immigration to Britain is sheer nonsense. The liberal lefty loonies would be better of noting that in Nelson's Navy there were many Negroes who enjoyed equal status with their white counterparts.

- oceaneagle, berkshire, 11/5/2010 16:44

Why is everyone pretending about this issue, in my opinion he was an over worked slave. I hope we let him rest in peace at least.

- Vesto, Felixstowe, 10/5/2010 12:51

The main groups to have settled North Africa were , the Berbers , the Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Visigoths and Arabs. Very diverse groups but one thing in common none of them were black. The fact that a north African was in Britain is hardly surprising, people did travel in the past, Vikings raided as far south as North Africa, Harold's adversary at Stamford Bridge had just come from Byzantium (modern Istanbul) after 1066 many Saxons went there and joined the Varangian guard of the eastern emperor. I accept the need to talk up finds to secure future funding for funding but reader also need an intelligent article to read.

- alex, UK, 09/5/2010 13:14

Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
No one denies that certain Blackamoors held positions of prominence and authority in Medieval Europe. However, this was very limited, a rare occasion and, as such, noted. The fact remains, Blacks are not the progenitors of Christendom of Europe; Black face was an oddity or novelty in Europe until the era of Western slavery; and Blacks were NOT the Moors until the word became synonymous with Blacks during the early period of Western slavery.


Icon of All Saints of the British Isles and Ireland (Eastern Orthodox Church) - Saint Seraphim Church, Little Walsingham, Norfolk England.



First comes denial, then delusion.

Like I said, Albinos are delusional!

Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
^how the fvck are those black people, Mike? SMDH!
Member # 9361
 - posted
Crush Black Lies: The more you deny, the crazier you're going to get.

Even the Albino mind cannot exist in a fantasy state forever. That because the human mind - even an Albino one - seeks the peace of truth. Thus there is always going to be an internal struggle between that which you want to believe, and that which is true. Either you surrender to the truth, or the mind, as a protective measure, will eventually loose the ability to distinguish between the two.

Therefore you will wind-up happy - mad and happy!


Edit - I just saw your last post.

See, it begins already;

What, you know Albinos who look like those Black Christians?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Note to Crush Black Lies:

When Albinos make fake, lying, depictions of the ancient Christians of Britain, they make them look like THIS:

You know - Blonde hair, blue eyes etc.

Member # 19346
 - posted


This topic was very cool
good times^^^^
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
^And it just so happens every swarthy character in an iconography that you come up with, Mike, seems to be depicted with loose or free flowing hair, and pointy and refined facial features. Riddle me this, Mike, why are there NO robust, full facial feature Negro in these icons?
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
Does this look like a fucking Black person, Mike?


Cut the shyt out, dude.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Crush Black Lies: The more you deny, the crazier you're going to get.

Even the Albino mind cannot exist in a fantasy state forever. That because the human mind - even an Albino one - seeks the peace of truth. Thus there is always going to be an internal struggle between that which you want to believe, and that which is true. Either you surrender to the truth, or the mind, as a protective measure, will eventually loose the ability to distinguish between the two.

Therefore you will wind-up happy - mad and happy!

Crush Black Lies:

I know that you are probably thinking:
That nigger is just trying to play with my mind.
Not so, I am telling you the truth.

As you know, Albinos in the southern U.S. are some of the sickest, most delusional Albinos on planet Earth.

And they are always looking for ways to be even stupider and more delusional - Always with the backing of God, and assertions that they are on the side of Good!

Keep in mind that they LOVE Guns, and want everyone to carry them - even students in SCHOOL!


Woman Gets 20 Years for Firing Warning Shot (INTO THE CEILING) NOT at Abusive Husband.


Now of course, the logic here, is that since it's a Black woman - it's okay.

But think Albino boy:

Don't you think Blacks are going to be on the lookout for when an Albino fires a gun? They will, and then the same thing MUST happen to them - OR ELSE!

See what I mean about going crazy?
Wouldn't "SANE" Albinos be able to look ahead and realize this?

Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
^She was convicted because the numskull sought to intimidate the husband by recklessly discharging a firearm into the house with children near by!!!!! That has NOTHING whatsoever to do with SYG! The dumb broad should have shot the dude or attempt to. What she did was purely out of anger and not defense. The bitch got 20 years because she endangered the lives of those minors. The courts do not play with shyt like that.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
^She was convicted because the numskull sought to intimidate the husband by recklessly discharging a firearm into the house (actually ceiling) with children near by!!!!! That has NOTHING whatsoever to do with SYG! The dumb broad should have shot the dude or attempt to. What she did was purely out of anger and not defense. The bitch got 20 years because she endangered the lives of those minors. The courts do not play with shyt like that.



To the Albino mind - it is preferable to shoot a PERSON - a human being: rather than a CEILING!

Member # 20259
 - posted
Albinos have a very warped and sadistic sense of reality.
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
Context is the key, Mike! She was no longer in danger. The danger was diffused; SYG provides for use of deadly force against imminent danger (mortal or not) while standing your ground. In her case, SYG no longer applied at the time she took the shot. She put that bullet into the ceiling out of pure anger, with disregard to human life (children).

What she did is akin to a person walking the streets and sees one with whom he/she has had beef , and decides, based on the previous beef/altercation, is a danger, so shoots that person. Do you think that that scenario fits the profile for SYG? Think, Mike, THINK!

Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
^She was convicted because the numskull sought to intimidate the husband by recklessly discharging a firearm into the house (actually ceiling) with children near by!!!!! That has NOTHING whatsoever to do with SYG! The dumb broad should have shot the dude or attempt to. What she did was purely out of anger and not defense. The bitch got 20 years because she endangered the lives of those minors. The courts do not play with shyt like that.



To the Albino mind - it is preferable to shoot a PERSON - a human being: rather than a CEILING!

Member # 5777
 - posted

The other kind of Moor was "tawny Moor"--which amounts to a Moor with the skin colour of a South African San or yellowish African--as is often observed all over Africa. But even though "tawny" they were deemed Moors nevertheless.

In Spain the Moors were both black and tawny.

This fact is symbolised by the fact that in Cuba the meal known as Moros Y Cristos is white rice and black beans.
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
Three kinds of Moors - Tawny-moor (Arab), Moor (Berber; N.African) and Blackamoor (African Negro).

Originally posted by lamin:

The other kind of Moor was "tawny Moor"--which amounts to a Moor with the skin colour of a South African San or yellowish African--as is often observed all over Africa. But even though "tawny" they were deemed Moors nevertheless.

In Spain the Moors were both black and tawny.

This fact is symbolised by the fact that in Cuba the meal known as Moros Y Cristos is white rice and black beans.

Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
Three kinds of Moors - Tawny-moor (Arab), Moor (Berber; N.African) and Blackamoor (African Negro).


Duke Moritz of Saxony, a true Moor! [Big Grin]

Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
^Dude, how do I know that you are labeling (or whoever did the label) the head-bust correctly?
Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by IronLion:
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
Three kinds of Moors - Tawny-moor (Arab), Moor (Berber; N.African) and Blackamoor (African Negro).


Duke Moritz of Saxony, a true Moor! [Big Grin]


Mohr Fountain, Schaffhausen, Germany


Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
^Dude, how do I know that you are labeling (or whoever did the label) the head-bust correctly?

Gigolo, you r busying whoring and pimping, you refuse to study.

Go study Muur facts about Moritzburg Castle and treasures. You will see it there. Google..go ahead, and be sure to read and think, haaaard!

[Big Grin]
Crush Black Lies
Member # 20324
 - posted
Why not provide the link?

Originally posted by IronLion:
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
^Dude, how do I know that you are labeling (or whoever did the label) the head-bust correctly?

Gigolo, you r busying whoring and pimping, you refuse to study.

Go study Muur facts about Moritzburg Castle and treasures. You will see it there. Google..go ahead, and be sure to read and think, haaaard!

[Big Grin]

Member # 16412
 - posted
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
Why not provide the link?

Originally posted by IronLion:
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
^Dude, how do I know that you are labeling (or whoever did the label) the head-bust correctly?

Gigolo, you r busying whoring and pimping, you refuse to study.

Go study Muur facts about Moritzburg Castle and treasures. You will see it there. Google..go ahead, and be sure to read and think, haaaard!

[Big Grin]

Get off the couch, potato! And for once help yourself!

[Big Grin]
Member # 16412
 - posted
Muurish Europe in the dark ages

dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:


Very interesting but one Swallow doesn't make a Summer. Of course there were people of other races in England just as there were Scots, Irish, English and Scands throughout the remnants of the Roman Empire. To latch on to this as proof of 'black' immigration to Britain is sheer nonsense. The liberal lefty loonies would be better of noting that in Nelson's Navy there were many Negroes who enjoyed equal status with their white counterparts.

- oceaneagle, berkshire, 11/5/2010 16:44

Why is everyone pretending about this issue, in my opinion he was an over worked slave. I hope we let him rest in peace at least.

- Vesto, Felixstowe, 10/5/2010 12:51

The main groups to have settled North Africa were , the Berbers , the Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Visigoths and Arabs. Very diverse groups but one thing in common none of them were black. The fact that a north African was in Britain is hardly surprising, people did travel in the past, Vikings raided as far south as North Africa, Harold's adversary at Stamford Bridge had just come from Byzantium (modern Istanbul) after 1066 many Saxons went there and joined the Varangian guard of the eastern emperor. I accept the need to talk up finds to secure future funding for funding but reader also need an intelligent article to read.

- alex, UK, 09/5/2010 13:14

Something is truly wrong here and they need some psychology courses in Oxford and Cambridge on the roots of Euronut fantasizing.

If its not one excuse its another. Negrophobia and the fear of blackness never ceases to amaze me. Pitiful, disgusting, and unnacceptable. I sure hope that underemployment job problem in England is resolved soon so they can snap out of it. [Frown]
dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
Originally posted by Crush Black Lies:
No one denies that certain Blackamoors held positions of prominence and authority in Medieval Europe. However, this was very limited, a rare occasion and, as such, noted. The fact remains, Blacks are not the progenitors of Christendom of Europe; Black face was an oddity or novelty in Europe until the era of Western slavery; and Blacks were NOT the Moors until the word became synonymous with Blacks during the early period of Western slavery.


The lie u just told are part of the reason a lot of African descendants can't barely believe a thing Europeans state anymore.

"Blacks were NOT the Moors until the word became synonymous with Blacks during the early period of Western slavery."

In fact black became a generic term for every Muslim only when the period of Western slavery started. Under the Muslims in Spain the Christian Mozarabs in Spain used it as "a synonym" for Negro - "black" as already shown by Simonet's study.

Before that like the Vikings stated "for Mauri is the same as black (Nigri) man and Mauritania is the same as Negroland." 9th c. [Wink]

And Spaniard Isidore wrote The Moors are black as night and the Gauls were white. "But they are called Moors by the Greeks because of their color. ."

if ur going to try and convince somebody u can't mix in fact with lies.

BTW - Judging from the earliest descriptions and iconography of Christians and Jews in the Middle East and Turkey, blacks were the progenitors of Christendom period.

The people occupying and who named BethLehem were the Lakhmids, a branch of the black Christians from the Hamdan branch of Kahlan who came up from the Yemen. The Azd of Kahlan and other Arabs described as black like the Ghassan were also among the first Christians in Syria.


Lakhmid Arab

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